`Advertising: Sharper Image looks to
`infomercials to tout its gadgets
`Who's News: Robert Haft and
`Phar-.ltor to attempt a comeback
`Page Bl9.
`High-Court Business: From Car Paint to Cable
`The Dollars-and-Cents Docket
`• Unlon a Do u111011 operatrves apply:ng
`• Gay RIC)rts Does Colorado s ban on
`aws prorectmg homosexU31S vtolate the
`tor or noldmo )Obs wttn a compaoy 111
`US COIIS~IUI·or? tRomt r VS Evans}
`crcrer to orgamze work!rs gel the Pf1)o
`1et110n ot frderatlabor Jaws? {NJtJon.al
`1 Punitive Dam-.u Is .1 S2 mtlhon
`Labor Rtl.ai•OfiS ~rd vs TO I'll &
`p .orttvL awarr: for $4.000 10 auto·palnt
`Country flectoc Inc.)
`damage un.:onstttlr! O~lli" t'"'!SSIV87
`(BMW I'S Gorr}
`• HNith a eneflts M.Jy rrJrees sue
`lhe.r former employer lor ustng a cor·
`I First Amendment 6 Cable TV
`110rate restrucwnng tJ detr; lhfm
`Can local phone to
`· · batred
`from offenng Video ·o
`health bent!itS? {VarL.'Y Ccrp, I'S. Howt}
`(US vs C&P Tdtphone Cc }
`• Government Contnoctors Cin
`1 Firat A..,.........nt a Ad~ertlarnc
`ma~rs cf AQtDI Orange lorte t.~e u S
`to re•m!lurse 111em fOf se:t!emelll cf
`(;an $LlleS ba~ liQUOr pnte ads Ill CUI
`a:tot.ot consump!l ? 4 4 IJQIJOfflllff
`In ury dal!r.$ II 'ed Ill !he Vietnam Wal'
`InC rs RIIDGt ls/Jnd)
`C:elolla~t? (Httalltslnc .-s US
`Qe'W, 8)1\\ Cl..ln>tiiCb tilolta ~l '"'""'"'JW)I
`shOuld only bt ablf' Ill Jl')nlsh a dl"frndanl
`basi'<! on the case bt!uno It or. at m<>St, on
`the deffnd.anl's bth3'1'ior wlthln the stau .
`BMW b also a~ng thai II >1ol:lle> a
`defendanr s constllutJonal riJ:ht to .. due
`process" ro penaUze tr 111 one 51111 for
`rha t thf<>~ttcally
`could be punt>htd rn subseqU<'III sruu. Th!s
`is a defense that rom panics havt.' tnl'd (cid:173)
`unsuccessfully -In mustve llllgatton 01'1'1'
`SU(h wtdtly tL'>l'd a nd potenually danger
`~ prodUClS as asbe$105 (ill!'d IDStllaUon.
`B)• PAlL ~I. 8.\Ju.... •
`S1a!J Rrpol1t'r oJ Tn '-' ..u.a. 5~ J ot'a."'AL
`Clln a .at~ ban local b...,; protecting
`h0mosuuals1 TIUt is one cl rbe qtlt'Stlotl.>
`t~·· u.s. SUI'~mt Court laces v. hen u
`begins II$ 1995-96 tmn ne't month
`The justices will scruunlte an anllgay
`amt'ndmrnt ro Ill" Colorado> 5t~te ronstitu·
`uoo. mart.l.njc the rust lime m a decud•
`rh.lllh~ btgh rourt 1\ Ill ron"der gay right$.
`The rase h~ been typically portrayed 11
`an abstrtrt c\.ISh of prlndpl es: the major
`n)"s pl't"!''Pti\e !Odtltn~sodalotandards
`, s. a dt, 'l''Ntd muwnty's dalm to equal
`trtatmt~l It u Ulat. But II alsn touc~.s on
`rrlat10ns In the workpl~. the housinl:'
`market l.lld otller parr.s ollhe eron•Jmy and
`rho. bel mgs on the suvrrme Olurt's dol·
`Jan-and«nlS doc:l;et - the busln~> cast>
`tb3t In rhe romlng tern• will illdude ells(cid:173)
`puleS owr wherher lhert ~ ronstitutlonal
`lun!LS C!l puc live damJil'S in dvll 5Uib
`and whether states can ban rrtail price
`advMtslng for liquor.
`roncwtnr b a toot at some of lht
`bus~MSS·relattd ISsUes bdng the court.
`Punltl\1' Damages
`Tile debate &boot pun! II~ Jury uranls
`des rntd to puntsb corpor;11e or prcles
`s:oo.tl misbd arlor also ani..-es at the
`Supmne Olurt next IDOIIIJL The JustiCeS
`will bfnr an ~31 by Bayertscbe Motortn
`\lt rtf AG ola S2 mfllloll ~nltlve a want
`won b} 1 B nn!nglUm. All , doc: tor ,.-bo
`sued 1 he Grrman auto male !'I' w ht~~ he
`t."CCIXX tllat the palnr on hls new ~•o.ooo
`puniUv~e awards are nffilec to
`Sf1!1n had been damaged and rrtouclltd en
`deter h.lrmful praclkts Last }tar. the
`tbt war from factory to 11lo'tmx:m ~
`hlgb coort for the flnr time J'e"HSed a
`doe!OC. Ira G«e, 1\WI $t.OOO In compensa
`puniUve award but did so 011 IWTO'lr
`lillY damage,; lor the aclual diminution of
`p~ural grounds
`BMW thinks II lw a MW pildl tllat
`Ills car's value.
`will a!Ch lhe j ustices' arrmuon Tilt Ala
`Tilt Bl!\\ ~ bas ' t!rrtd lmrnt
`rWJt: ns among business ruh'OcateS. who
`bam& jury appanonUy ~ Its puni(cid:173)
`u~magt>s ralculaUOD on the notlOII o!
`lllft been pleading W\th the justices lor
`ynrs to r?tn 1n multinulhon·dollar ver·
`puni:shlng Bl!W IOf Ill of t~ CUR nation(cid:173)
`dk5 COnsumer acu•1st:S counter that big
`wide th:lr II ~palnttd and then iOid llS
`Lowly Beeper May Finally Get Respect
`As Two- Way Paging Services Emerge
`downrlghr scary Tilt
`ll11ng was d~tgntd IQ
`romplele rln.tnd ng and
`tss~. nor because rile
`our of m h. Ms. Le" '"
`'ti'OI'Id didn't V;tllt IO
`Pbones & Cable T\'
`The JUSUC'tS may play a role tn sh!plcr
`rhe tele«>mmun~rauons and enreruln·
`ment I'1WI!UIS In an apreal by the Just1re
`~enL The dtpanment ~b l'l'in
`srarem~t of a law banning local phone
`compan:es from offering •1dtc program·
`min;' Ill customers in ibt':lr sen'lre ~as \
`frdtral ~ murt In RtcbmOnd. Va.
`Jast ynr struct dowll the b:m on Flm
`Ammdmenll~ rrocmcls In I out'
`tii\'OlVI!Ig Bell \ti&Dtlc Corp. Other tower
`fedtral couru 1131 ~ iiSU4.'d stmlb r ruJ.
`The Justice Oepartmmt asks tht so(cid:173)
`pntnt Court to no wive lhP 1954 law • ..-bldl
`WI>~ topmen! tbesevrn ~na.l
`Ball)• BellS from domlnalillf rablt' mar·
`ktts. The dtparunent contends lhllt lower
`courts bue e:ucrerarec the dezree of
`~Turn to F'll4r' W, Oi/am111 I
`More D iversit y
`In Agriculture:
`A Hard Row
`In an tndu.U) shakt<>·,·.
`Pag1r,g lias struggt<.'d .n low· tech obscu·
`riry for almosl hall a ttntury whl!e rrs
`pottntial v•as 1gnol'fd by ln..-estors and
`ledlnolt1g)' concerns. But n v.';lve of ronsol·
`ldallons in rhe pas I ) ear has m •atl'd a
`handful or gianl pla~ m eager Ill exploit
`what they emi st(ln as an nln!O>I llmllless
`nw;s OOtl.>ll!!ler martel ror the devices
`Last week. m lhe largest pag~ng deal
`e<'er MOblleMedla Corp &g1"l'ed Ill btl)
`for o 1
`.IIPIISoutll Corp ~ ~Ill!' l>us'i
`11 loltYt>n.;;e CW\Stderirur
`venuo for 1bt:l mm" ln44DUY .-.n·•
`~2 bllliOn In 1994 l:mb<>l~• nt'd t > th<-lr
`cOI)!ld naUornto'\de rucll and 11 ....... ~
`ne11' r.oiOiO companln .uct1 as Mtrl and
`tedl I ~:tefia hOpe to WOO wh! te<OIIar
`M~' t . and resldenrlat users.
`"'~~ ...-:u the ultli'IU!e SC'tiiOck ID
`• says P. Wtlltam Banr. a wire
`d.nt'a~t of Mercer MaD3gemenr O>nsult·
`prcs:nc ·'Tile senice was poor. and I~
`r.; of useR were bool>m and di'UJ:
`=~,._ Thai'$ abOIIt to challl:'~ radt
`call~~~ too fast. tbough Tile new devlcts
`'5tUI SOfl\twhat cumbersome. and som~
`ue ~ 1!\3) hod th .. lr mcssae1ns: 11bltlty IOQ
`trlrtlvr. Onl' ttial tmll)Jner of the new
`~;~el s rvtce contpliUn• ttut the dtvlcr 1S
`·w- r .. ncr t lt3n the bc!f'PC'r he harl brt'n
`outlll• Ill Kin!: It unromfor1.1blt to C1trTY
`an .un<l MQI't'6v.,r. commiUIIcntlon Is llm(cid:173)
`ll<'d TM"' bn I ll 1;eybo:lnl tO I)'Pf llt a
`unlqt~<' ~e lmtt311. customers an'
`...... --
`j:···cn a mrnu ol c.tn
`· r )[ '~~><' ston!d
`rn the pager. such ~ st;..cl; In tra!!lc,"
`wbich Mr. G11rnson tran~mltltd to 116
`ByRiotAED Tlt~
`Sl4!f R • .,..,,.. llfTttT. W•u.lntt:t Jco.-..-•
`1\ile • pager.
`The new (\eyiQ.} system Is ~tin be\ni:
`Bit agrlculhr:ral ~n\es art try\1\l
`to sow the seeds of dl'l'emt}
`perltcttd and coUld run lnlll transmlss!Dn
`DuPont CD and carpu me. &n amaac
`gtnches Pagtng rompanres must also
`the CIJtll(lntions l.1lcnu\1lc tM\r ~
`erect entirety separate multrmUI!oa-dollar
`In& ~ aa ~ ~ IUI6
`transm:sston 5)'Sttms Ill run the new 5('I'V
`ltlll$ wort. !be ~ IU'IWftl\\la \0 n\nltllla
`1«~ And t' f'tl I thP s
`t;.:;t'.;~llt~~bV!ri-·~~~.;~;;t,i;ijt;~'~'~fH'~t~~0~t;:--" pagtng ~1111'0rb~w~rU:,I~be;.;;,,dlalk
`~m ~ o
`lba.*tr o" n br.udf et -sh:Jrt mo.sarJnc
`.-nrr • and Olofrr{h
`nut U w
`tunf ~ 17
`Mur. Ukrly. c~ ,...,,.,."4Y IC"t".hnol
`t,.\ • t.ldf-r •
`Ot':')" wtU Jmd D n~hC' And ('OQSURH'r.\ f"" .. ln
`u.rtJan h"a' I
`tb Ilk of nm. In as;nc It rr &5 lt.tn~ruu:
`np«l 11 blltz from DUIJ1t.'111US hlgl> '""""
`&:!an ts u~.r~u P:.ocbrd Co. and \rpJ~ <"'''S and mlltu>lr c:tJ1n They Ull k
`( omputt·r I nc: h~w strud: lllll:ll'lct'S ..-un
`lh~) 'rt- I:OilU:' t bt' •<>rtl~ In lht' fields.
`~ng rornp:mlt'S to 11111<t.- lhetr computtrs
`says J!"SS<' 1ll0mflsoo, an ass ~dan at
`,."Ort; ,. llh lite new ,,._,.,.ay p:agtng net
`the College of 'rrlrulllll't'olllle Unhtr£~
`of Jllmols al Urban.l-cbampaign lin ran
`Mtrlplnns to orr~r soft'nre tllatlell>
`largeitll:'l'kUfture lidlool, tr,.er tll:ln rcr.
`US<"rS fJ! almost all) desl.1op or lle-wletl·
`Pnctard palmtop computer send pal:lnx
`of the agnC'Uitllral p-adtuto bt'<'orn!' !&rm-
`mcssares. Another llt"W product. ~IOIJ11'11la
`ers. most 1:0 Into agribus!MU 1
`Fill' siL.Idtflts bring rt'ttllllt>d tot o:JwT
`Inc s Mrsuge Duet, leU an Mtel IJS(•r
`send shOM ~ OV<'I' the arrwav.-s Oekb, !>.'<Iarin In agrlcullurr ~n 1 "l'rY
`!rom a .. kitchen top"' or ~esktt•J d!"'''~.
`t~~!lnn,: .Agri engu~etrs mskt a.bollt S41,
`bypa$51111: more I''P!'nslve local and kl!!l:
`coo a •~.u on ••~ratr. compan-d ,.1tlt
`dtstanc~ phon~ Rrvkn In r~rh a~. lht Sl6,too tor dYII en:tn~ and s::.G.OO fill'
`n'MPitnt can rrply tnsU nll>
`cbtmkD.l m!:lnetl"', acconlt~ to t~ 19:
`l'aa:t'R l3.ke ijdvantat .. llf a rernartabl)' Cen=
`Simp!~ And rtlt:lt~t radiO lN'bnolofl. ·
`~utlor man> rmnorrry stud1·nlli rht tt '
`In tbec.rlriruls)'\ttm. When a nllt r p:Jg~ '111l addJUonal hurdle; &I;TICUI~ s UnL Ul
`SOI!It'Otl~. n ctnlral rompurer bt'oldrutth"'
`the lt.trd labor endtltt'd by thrir ances~Dn
`/'1."0 Tltnt t /bQo' H..Jl n,.,,." I
`:.orne A!nran-Amoncans 113\'t' an avn
`s1on to arriadt~ ro1nr ~ '" lln<'r)'.
`uys l.lD Btounr. a r.-ye&ro(!l4 Mrknn
`Amt'liC20 gradualt ~tudent at Ohio "atr
`1br nptrttDC<' of 20-)'f'lll'dd Lba ll.:tl'
`nos. • Mnltan AltM'ritan 'lrbo rrno .. 111
`Chlca!:o.ls l>l'lral
`I US1m:<'d M?r)t
`r >
`,.._s Jasl !1111lll1g • s.~Je u)'
`tuft •
`owly per
`ay Finally Get Respect
`Paging Services Emerge
`in an'-'i'.I1d"5irv shakeout.
`, Pg M3 ‘struggled in low-tech obscu-
`.Y lnve t
`technology concerm But 3 Wavesoglggnigp
`idations in the past year has created a
`handful Of giant players eager to exploit
`wl1at._t_hBY envision as an almost limitless
`‘. nsumer market for the devices.
`__ week.
`in the largest
`a 'ng deal
`Mobileltiedla Corp. agfeegl to buy
`'*~'-.» Wth C9"?-,3 Paging bufiimg-5 f0? 3''
`io'st$lbillion_— aloity price considering
`._'§. VE'l"ilE'S for
`the entire industry were
`- .2 billion in 1994. Emboldened by their
`_~ewfound nationwide reach and two—way
`echnology. companies such as Mtel and
`obilelvledia hope to woo white-collar
`orkers and residential users.
`“Paging was the ultimate schlock in-
`ustry.“ says P. William Bane, a vice
`resident of Mercer Management Consult-
`in g Inc. "The service was poor, and large
`umbers of users VEST? htookefis and drhlg
`That s
`:1 cu
`o c ans
`‘ Not too fast, though. The new devices
`: e still somewhat cumbersome. and some
`may find their messaging ability too
`strictive. One trial customer of the new
`tel service complains that the device is
`50% fatter" than the beeper he had been
`More Di
`In Agric
`A Hard
`By Ri(‘ll.!\R
`Staff Reporter of Tin-"_
`Big agricultural
`to sow the seeds of
`DuPont Co. and
`the corporations ‘r
`ing presence on
`more mmori\~_.' st
`ness, genetics at
`But it's a hard
`urban areas. incl
`think of jobs in a
`crops and milkil
`they're going to D:
`says Jesse Thomp:
`the College of Agri
`of Illinois at Urba
`at Ohio State Univ
`largest agriculturn
`of the agricultural
`ers; most go into
`For students t
`fields, salaries in
`enticing: Agrren:
`000 a year on a
`$45,000 for civil e
`chemical enginee
`given a menu of canned responses stored
`in the pager. such as "stuck in traffic,"
`which Mr. Garrison transmitted to his
`wife’s pager.
`The new two-way system is still being
`perfected and could run into transmission
`glitches. Paging companies must also
`erect entirely separate mult'1m'1llion—dollar
`transmission systems to run the new serv-
`ices. And even if the systems work. the
`paging networks will be challenged by
`wireless phore (jl.Ill':jJ._.lliL‘5 that villi.-i';ll'l-:1‘
`their own brand of “short messaging.“
`More likely, though, two-way technol-
`ogy will find a niche. And consumers can
`expect a blitz from numerous high-tech
`giants. Hewlett—Packard Co. and Apple
`Computer Inc. have struck alliances with
`paging companies to make their computers
`work with the new two~way paging net-
`Mtel plans to offer software that lets
`users of almost any desktop or Hewlett-
`Packard palmtop computer send paging
`messages. Another new product. Motorola
`lnc.'s Message Duet.
`lets an Mtel user
`send short messages over the airwaves
`from a "kitchen top“ or desktop device.
`bypassing more expensive local and long-
`distance phone services. In each case, the
`recipient can reply instantly.
`Pagers take advantage of a remarkably
`e ra l-
`J '
`By GM”
`._ ;_
`[116 Houston office r \ .
`went off. A message;
`screen: “Are V01! "3
`Darcel." Mr. Garljlsofl
`buttons on the paging
`similar device in his
`Mr. Garrison and his
`tome“ of 3 lonmwaite
`03, that could t,.3_nsm,_._
`and somewhat seamed Hf
`sophisticated data me -..'
`will users receive phone: _
`simple text messages, but
`they will be able to reply.
`The service is cal-lejd _
`il1E- Cfimpanles plan toe
`5e_"V5‘-‘°5- Wm
`offiigsllggfgflhellglmmflefi-3w _
`T°°h“°l°3"°5 C°’9-!r9f
`$3515" which
`sum'smm to
`Competition will air
`other ca-triers exp@ 19-.
`ms homosexuality unt'l
`amendment" that is within a state‘s"au-
`February 1992,
`when his lover was diag-
`thority to enact.
`New Paging Network Emerges
`- s: needs -to: send him eonn-=
`business, the third largest, is collaborating
`with Casio Computer Co. and Sharp Corp.
`to develop a pocket organizer that lets a
`user wirelessly retrieve or send updated
`information to a distant computer. The
`product. which could be available late next
`year, will
`initially retail for more than
`\ Such services work. when Robert Kri-
`Contimzed From Page 81
`signal using hundreds of antennas in the
`service's region. The proper pager then
`picked up the signal.
`Two-way pagers work similarly, but
`use twice the radio spectrum. And the
`transmission method has been perfected.
`Mtel-‘s new system
`ecitic an-
`targets Sp
`3 -.a _n_.
`- o
` th nearly six million subscribers. to offer
`. the largest paging company. -
`5 every unbeeper-like service. Its VoiceNow
`‘product essentially transforms a pager
`"into a wireless “pocket answering ma-
`chine." Users can actually listen to voice
`messages left for them by holding a pager
`close: to the ear. The service will be avail-
`able early next year in San Francisco,
`'l’IIaflas, Fort Worth and New York for $19.95
`. éamonths.
`,. H-P offers a service called StarLink.
`fflpviding news, weather and sports up-
`that can be downloaded to H-P
`pfilrntop and laptop computers via Page-
`ts network. On-the-road users of Ap-
`_ .-:ple’s PowerBook and Newton MessagePad
`7 products can similarly pull up email and
`__ nsllfilendar updates from anywhere.
`'inrorr'na'_tidn.‘ she‘ ‘pages him 'd1—' 1 f
`rlectly through the ‘digital servic'es'of Mo-
`bileMedia instead of using an operator to
`type in the message and relay it. The
`message is typed on the company’s e—mail
`system and routed directly through the
`Mobilelvledia paging network to Mr. Kri-
`cheff’s pager.
`“As people become more mobile and
`increasingly use laptops and organizers,
`there will be an increase in demand to send
`data wirelessly. There will be more white-
`collar users," says Mr. Kricheff, an ana-
`lyst at CS First Boston Corp.
`In fact,
`the number of paging sub-
`scribers is growing 20% annually. and the
`average paging stock has soared 80% in the
`past 15 months. says John Bauer. analyst
`at Lehman Brothers. In 1992, there were
`only three publicly traded paging compa-
`nies. Since then. 11 new carriers have