`AWM 000525
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`1 367
`Alpha (Iii-Tools
`f 3054 Wic‘nfianur‘:
`-! Fon‘fir’m'hi TX
`”€61.43 USA
`3 I $293.36? f:
`'orld Wide Web:
`alpha. alpha?! .mm
`Field Suppun-z
`Buainess ..!anag--r:
`The infonna'ricn gunning-:1 herein, is 1m: pmpcm- nthlphajfit T0915, and is confidential. [I may mil in: :cpmauecd En am,- fmm without the
`written transmit or an affix: uL’MphaIOil Toms..
`'Ihis.inrurrnmion is subject to ciinngc without notice and does no: rapmén‘l a amimilmnnt {fin-1h: par! of klpha I'Ji! "tins and its
`Mpha phag; Wili. not he guanmtpgd against faji'ur'c finm 'damagc'mwiting finm pcr'fijralfing'aijuv: i: pi'ilgW'ti‘fii‘h ha mi hEfi-f'w'T'f'itifiuYfiiié-d on.
`it. This .inc‘méus any mim mans of shock mm W} 1‘. dirzcfly tram-‘3: :5 the plug-
`AH .rununnuc11dat1m15_mc made: by Alphnotl Tools furThi: bmcfit of ali pauses klwwledgc and undershwdingnl‘lhc prfipc: way L6 use [his
`pJ'chmm ach'um: the has; pc'tfimnuw.
`Copyright 1?} '1 90') A'i'phn Oil Touts. M1 righlsttscrvcd.
`GO [in mlixrznce to wirclim sailing Louis] is meIImfitmafne property of Hafiburttin Energy S'mices.
`Bakerfinsefcmnne m nimfinc setting with?) is I": LIN-Man" pmucny Ufliakcr C111 Tnuls . Baku; Hughes.
`Teflon is me .Imtlanarnmwpmf of'DupUnT.
`AWM 000526
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Table. of Can-tents
`Product L-atalog
`Recommended Guidelines
`Wéxéiinn Se! Bilge Plngs
`Wn'iiliian' Sci Ca 1am War:
`Wimlifie Se; Erna Ping;
`l’ipe Data
`Am.“ “50””.
`Casing Lqmpoma Last
`Cagffig M” PM: pm?
`A” 1m“
`_ _
`_ _.
`Riddluflflfll Jilin? 1113th I1
`Bil! 50! Bfidfi“ P1“!
`Midget _1 at 1 Bridge'I-‘lug-
`Extra Range Bridge Plug
`3—1 BridgePlug r-ws
`13—1 Blidga plug - .WS
`Simdar'd Fm: Plus
`.fiig Bore frat: Pins
`é Bali Cheqk- Comm: Mina
`"5'; Sleeve Va'h'e-Camcnt Ruining-y W5;
`B SHEEN L'alw Cement Rflt'm'nei- .- W3
`.6 wwsm-flflflse Hug ~- Lb.-
`'5 Midge1 Bange Plug «TE
`'P&E.H—M Bri' emu .
`M Bridge-PIugI-ifTs? ' a
`34 Edd-35 Piiig _. T5
`A Sleeve Valve Cemwt' kgtainer - T3:
`a Shave Valfve Cement Retainer . T3-
`Lombr- Seal Niijplc far BCLZR
`AISa‘al'Nipplfi far A SVCR.
`.B Seal Nipples for B EVER.
`A Mec‘hmiical Setting Teal
`B Modharfical Setting Tan!
`Perfiaming Supplies
`D Relriqvnbla Bridge-Plug
`I (95 L Productionl-‘mker
`Technical Units.
`Wheiihc'Smtii-Ig Equipment
`Big Bay Bridge 9193
`Within 35 $311439 Plug
`Kim Range-'Bfidfi Pins
`Aa‘l Emige Plug
`13-} Bridge mag
`F a: ‘E H—M Bridge Plug
`F'rac Eng
`A Ball Chad: Cement Retainer.
`A 51%|}? Valve (amen! Rgtmgnfl
`A ConveriiuniKils
`B SIM'VC'NTUJV‘E 'C'E'lxz'i‘lf R'efili'nlzr
`B Convmsim Kits
`A Midget Bridge Ping — TS
`a Midge Bridge P1113 . 75
`insular Scat Nipple fw-BCCR
`’; Lmfimf'fir-él Ni'pzéifls far A SYGR'
`A Snag: Mull, Smifiipplq fill: A SVCF.
`IE infirm-Sea} Nipples for E SVCR
`.B-Snap Lamb. Saaj Nippibs'fflr E EVER
`A Mechanical Setting- Tool
`EB Mechanism! Setting Tool
`D'REtfiEVahle'Bx‘iflgc Plfig
`Mafia! 4‘ {a L Frafimiiur.‘ P‘aukeia
`-_l\«iudul 1.3; L. Packer Accessories
`3R2? Backer Memories ~-Tnbiug-3tring
`"‘ v
`I 13
`AWM 000527
`MEGCO Ex. 1007


`flag: Ray fiwfifiigfl Ping
`. -_ I. “v“?
`w "-an 9 Se!
`The Big 130v Bridge- Plug has proven to be 1': pmduci that can be depart-clad 1311111135
`excelleiut mmfing characteristics and 5mm: sets- The plug can. be set on diflianem types of
`wirelini: pressuresen'ing tennis.
`The Big Boy is designed far rapid driiLmli while maintaining sufficient shangfll during 111:}
`set. This pkg-sustains high pressures-and 'Lmnperaturcs.
`DE .11 ”Fl-TDD
`”1.1.: um...“ 12?:
`Electric wirelina set
`Cast-1mm genslnlclion
`One piece siipfi- hanltmcci IO flepth 0f wickm‘ only
`'9 Sets111 any made casing including P 110
`11111111131th .i'1mtz1l back—ups prevent rubber extrusiuu
`Fortemporary or puma-113111 service
`Rawllcling luck ring holds setting 1133101:
`" “‘3"“‘-"-“'
`11: mamnwmnl um. 1:11: 51-51311: .1
`1351 wanna:
`- 1 ..:..
`.11.":hn‘fi'vl:-e.h. I1“:0‘ «mama-.11, 1:11.11.1141":lamina WJK’I
`numb; \‘yy 1:3:me .1 333331.11 'AlltJLM ITE‘P]. I956 ”J
`1.91191311118) M96, 1‘9‘.’ 112:1):11 011170911. Auriga; [awn-ad
`UH‘i-m'k‘. .1 3044 We
`This-illusu‘ai'i'uu- 111m-
`1101-1'eficc1 11!! sizes
`AWM 000528
`MEGCO Ex- 1007
`Fiugld Shmmi-
`pun]- “ma-11.111,“ 1mm
`Wbrld “'13! We!-
`INN! 3391131115391"
`.t_h1s1_nm Mariam:
`Avrcuum n3:


` ‘d’gat firmge Mug;
`.-\-a ‘1 u v.
`‘fl:I_l'_l.lll n 9 Col-
`1 370
`The- Midget Bridge Plug Series‘prmidcs an Ecommicat means ofzqrie iaolaxiohjfor fimtmng or' other.
`treatmgw. The plugs are campaetand require less milling time when hfiing rammed. 11w plug can be
`set an daffcrent types ofwirelinc pressure sergingtuola This plu'g'Sustaihs moderate-presmrcs and
`mi up“ a Luuzs.
`F19-Ctfic-W'Lreliue sat
`Cast iron cunmuinn
`One piece flips 'inardcnsd tn depth ofmisuer only
`Eats 11: any grade-casing including .P-l I {1
`For-tempormy ar-pennauenf servicc
`Kalil-lasting lock ring. halt-la setting force
`Small 0.1). ’s for sp'ecdan'd safetywhen'rmming
`. 321530;:chAITKONS for MIDGET 1
`_ mm mm . f m.
`ammém m
`arm-5mm. _—
`w»:i$l'uaui. ..
`'m-nslw mung-mum“.
`...MPhfii-fl - e1» Walmludmflamgfln -z:mhuu-j:nafiwmmmum ml mmnlvgwfimm 9mg.
`m Thurman.- urum“ w.biu. hem: 1 msat\Im'afi Imam-nu.MMR a :nr ”5: .- H.519 ac‘ 1:: anennm unit-z! lb mm -'..-.'~ :I film-11? Te-Juv
`Cugwm-n-‘am. 1991' Alpha (3:1ng Efl!:gkt!1csawd.
`Fad-WWW. TX -' 16141: {JIM
`Warm We'd»- wal‘.
`:1] T-"-._29_)-907":j
`imp J.-'mm.aip;h;
`[mid XW‘I.
`i Lulx-‘um
`Hangings: thugs-'1;
`mmfifirflmu corn
`Midget 2
`AWM 000529
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


` gv-a Range §fiafige Wang:
`mniim: .564
`The. Ema Range Bridge Plug 1'53 spugciahy plug for. running tlu'uugh rcmifiions and. than 'sarling,
`s-cctufely‘ mlargeffliamaters below. Tl-lwse- man-idiom such as 393mg nipp‘lsjg zifien forte tubmg to be
`pulled hezftir'e Well sen-”ice mm take plane. The Ext-a Range Bridge: Plug éelimih'ates-(his in many: Guam
`Should- ll“: plug need to bra rammed, it is rccnmmpudqd t9 us; a mill, A plug of suéh a humid setting
`rang-requires ii in be made ofmild steels and a milling manages-would be mutt: un-Ccptabla
`Iiinwit'ic: wirel'ime.‘ '59;
`o Miflable
`an..." i... r"... “1—... a ‘
`mm 111 an, 5. “J”. cram" :ncll
`'Fnr tampon-w ur pae'manmzt .Sltn’ice
`Ratcheting, lashing holds suiting fin-c»:
`”Run; through msl’ricticms :l'fi' set in larger alili'lllfil'm-‘H-
` «am. am c-I mm
`.mwafiadwm:fin«mm mm..-.»mrwm.
`inani: ‘ Wad 'PJT \lplm Oil Pad ;.
`ELI] (Maul-cs;
`fun Fur”).
`Fur. haijagg:
`daisy no; reflect
`AWM 000530
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Mafia: “Aug” gyms-m
`Wireline Sat
`The A«] Bridge Plug-i5 a prcrm'um pl'ug providing 'azmeans of temporaly zone isu'latio'n far
`trmhnmm. Crime‘ifi'mn to luhifig Set iSposs'ible'. amd requires a: minimal part9. Change This plug
`snmins high prassurcs and tempcmmrns.
`Electric mating- set
`Custirun construction.
`.. One piece Slips-ahaxdenudm dcpth gofwickgr tm'ly
`Sets in any grade casing including 'PF-I'
`1 D
`I-‘onmfitti'ng metal back-ups- pmvent rubbm‘ extrusion
`Fur temporary-or Pmfifl'fifl“ smji’fc'e
`-' Ratcheting Jack ring hold-s setting force:
`Small 0.1)."3 Far speed and saféty when running
`503.1 106-003w.
`This filmy-mien (has
`not mflnct all mm
`M‘A-IkVpME}11?‘-Wg h:- uq-M gnu-n fil'lp'hfl: l. -';\1'-+4,»1x:.--y wI-w In: mu! 2mm lhal me-wmu‘lrlum “1:19 Min
`Cup/2:51;; @199
`m1: Allnghummad.
`[in (H'l'uulu .' 111“ Wichita Eugn'l
`hm “hm; T).
`" -
` [111203-3911
`Picl'il' fiuppurl'
`'Wmlc “Iéuc'wch:
`.»‘ *muu‘h'iuj.
`AWM 000531
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`M51151 “Bax” Efifige Mug
`W'ireline- Sc!
`1 373
`The BI1 Btid'ge Plug15-a pr-emimn plug providing an economibal'mans of'a'teimpurm’y zone
`1301311011 fur trea
`‘ plug may be set on 1911311112,,“ream-1: 5121111111 1111115. Conversirm 10
`111111115 set is 9115511111: with minimal parts chemg:- It W111 5115111111 high {1111551511115 211111 temperatures.
`FE‘A‘TU RE 5':
`Electric :wi'reiifie set
`- Drillable
`Cafi'irrfin‘ construction
`1: Um: piece slips- h‘arden'edm- depth fifwicker 1111131
`81:13In 131131 grade casing including P-l 1U
`:Fcrmefitting mat-rs! hawk-111111 13161112111 rubber extrusion
`For tang-01111? or 11511113113111 sen-ice
`"Rartcheflng lock ring'hn‘lds setting. Force
`Small- O,D‘.’s far 51112311 andaufety whenrurmiug
`11115.3; ' _
`Thin "11151175231111 .deca
`1101‘ 11:11ch a“ sinus
`AWM 000532
`MEGCO Ex- 1007
`mem. MNw-Atmu.,1.g:
`.03th mlwmwr:.e.n.11m
`"1‘” . ..
`'tuwngm $199fini99’1‘wlp'lmtji! _I'mps
`1' F'mvkum “_1'_\
`761140 115.1
`1.1111111111111111 _1- mMMdfia
`Eielc Support-.-
`p11mu11se1111,:aj1 mum
`31:5:1111511 Mama“.-
`uhl-h'l'lf! __


`SS-mnfimfi Ema Wag
`Wireli'gm Set
`The Standardch Plug provides. an ccmwmical mm. ofa temparary zone isolation for
`nan-“n +nnln
`Fracturing in“ ether treatments. The plug: can be set: on different types 0f wireline pressure-
`:vuuufi IUUIJ.
`The. Smndwd. Frat; Plug is. suppliedwi'th ashgar'n'ng t9 .givwn. accuratrzand same set;
`Alsusupplied is a ball tMtwilI seat on tha-tupuffiaoplugdwing a fracturing Qperzm'an-
`This plug s‘ustafils. modfiratc Names and lempemtums.
`Electric wire'l'ine M
`.-.- Cast iron'consuumifiu-
`* One pique slips. « hardmed .to £13136: of'uriqker only
`Sets in any. grade cashig inchuling P-] 10
`Betta-1: set with shuru“ flag
`For mpomq orpermanem service
` ..‘.\c’.| pawn-cu lulu mun-«J ”any“
`Ratcheting lack ring hdlds. setting form.
`$3311.93. ’.. a... “a" “A “‘3‘“ “.1..." running
`ALE .
`:33! P311130
`m ”-‘Mifi" ..
`This iiluslmt'inn flours
`nqtj'rscfiérct all fiizcs
`T'seid swam:
`hr»..F.\_w-h1-III§-mikusasméi’-WN C'I ‘Ilalt.
`mum [fin-1H»
`'3 «5mm;
`fl--.-i..;m.-. n,- In... “(Ir 1.- mfi .I_It"“CE-dig.Huh"-.. but;
`\ m- .m. "gun. .. a, ..m.:::~::.u..‘ .n-Ia n'u.a!) mom: 3.4 mus: 4mm afi-'-
`(“-Inyligifl «.“ ‘WTG. $97 ;\ly&nfl§1":"ml3:. All rlgi-.!s Irsm'cd.
`My}. Du qu[x_.r 3044 w-
`Farm-11., .Tx .:
`:m-m 1:53
`\‘f'ulu w-illi “‘IJ‘I.
`r: r:
`'ww w .1 [M .:.j::.turn
`[“1 \
`F-dlwbw mm
`fiuadmam Mflflfififl'.
`:5: mp-
`mom 4.1110333:\.Lam
`Vii: _
`AWM 000533
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Bag Biwe- Fme Mung;
`‘fi’irfiliu‘ie Se?
`1 375
`The: Big Ben: Frac' Plugjs :iBSigucd .f'CItj firm: jhbs in which a lmga hole through the p
`"Ebe- plugi‘: u‘upptied'wilh a shear ring to give an accurate and secure Sci.
`"that i‘a‘ril] Rat m1 :Lbe tap: :‘Jf frat: phig- (hiring a fiactutjng Qperalmfl.
`supp'liml is a ball
`plug sustaiusquerate pressures and temperahuaa‘
`lug is
`Eiactric wireime set'
`Unepicnes-lips -- hardfinfid to depth rif wickm’ only
`Sets!“ ally-grade casin" in"hiding-P- LIU
`Top set. with 5 leaf ring
`Far Elujpflt‘ary 01; pea-Tnimem s en’s:
`Ratchetim; lack. ring holds 5;:an farce
`2‘: an, m.- «air .a' 9-5.: M fl-I'Id- m; ru. pm . :1 Fur,
`;;,_ [gut-Jeni? “1
`32:44 \
`man. im Twin 5
`'l‘hisJUustnjli'mp dues
`nu; :[cflgpi a“ sine!
`AWM 000534
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Mmfiei “M mm mam mamm- mmmer
`Wimlinc Sat
`The Model “A” Ball Check Cemam' Retainers cvmbiue outstanding Faatum‘swith design simpli'ci'gr... It
`has; a compact dcsigfi and Small 0.1). .for fast running. The-Modal “A” Ball Check Cement Rntainer is
`ccramnnical; depend'ahle ahdjmfigrp'assgtj [1}! may gimflfi' refainer (an the. ugaflgfll
`There an: no springs, Wehas m; gliding valves to cuznplicatc thq QPGIati_el_1-. A sin-1131: bal-bcheg-k new 833
`one~way valve to prevent bank flow qf flgfidsfifqm fig: _fqnnation up w well,
`The internal surface fifths retainer-is finiahed to receive a; seal-niggple for cemantigg. :I'laaball-check
`valve .is located at the batten The retail-13:: sustainshigh pressure-and temperamres.
`Electric menus set
`Cm?! iron mfistrmfian
`One piece slips - hflJ'dmtl to ngpth ofwic-ker only
`Sets; in any grade tubing
`Fennmfilfing metal. Isaak-ups preys-alt mb'hcr extrusion
`For-fempmm'y uz‘ pennancnti 5mm:
`Ratcheting lock mag holds setting force
` Ii Iin'llr‘ ‘111.
`59‘1” l. 1* U-
`'"qu'lfmu' '
`- haggling; my» arm a.- M m. h-F'...u...=¢. “"1":
`«an r; flaw uni-«mm: an on: ml hymn > damn: ma «1 3- :-
`’1 "Mm-“l'fl-“u-W WIN mums: main-2 Mlllfxflbfllirg gum :
`w: finflh' rum 5 In}; .3
`' ”rm-nun mun-m m'lmv nu Wm: Inrwl crnmm m 'ranu
`' «I'm L’Jth-Ih INF-is I =u-mnl1:.‘ a4-
`‘ziiflnr rim-Hunts mum. Perl-“r! iudm'b by fivmw't‘fli-mr:
`a]: my.“ 10mm.
`Quwim 9 1M. 1291/4»: Oil 11m:
`AlmuCIfl-ka r JIHaW-mmCouu- r' Foililfinctigflfx
`15 !7-f:v__:3-;:~_J_2
`my! sumnp-
`1513:» um
`'Wprm wad: ch;
`This itl‘usrration
`dam n‘ut-ruflafl
`ull fixes
`AWM 000535
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Meflali “A” Silaave Waive Segments. Retainer
`‘rfi’ifi‘flma 39!
`The Mode} A Slam-c Valve CcmcntRetair-iéris a high quafity 1001 formuecze cemenfills;
`valve-is centrolled from the Sui-Face by é‘imply picking up to 'ctnse and setting down to apujn'.
`Th: tubing string can he twitcd hfifom the. gqmzo takes place. The valve is amumat'iuaJy closed
`when the-sea] nipple is removed from theretainar.
`|_-.. m {Jrjlljg suslains [1111i] (.Iomearsion to. tubing saris. way mid. i5.
`pressures and t'miperatwes..
`Electric wireline flat
`Cast 'ijruu cmi’mmcfion
`a- One mace siip's ahnr'denm'd to- depth ei‘W-ickcr unly
`Stats 1'1; any grade casing including P-l 10
`Fonn~fitting 1115131 hack—ups prevent rubber extrusion
`For temporal}- or permanent genius
`Ritmhetifig luck-ring h‘nIdS Setting Force
`Small OLDJ‘sfc-r spsed and-sal'ay when nnm'm'g.
`nuns-v r1v‘fl’fill
`affix)” l
`«an-m1 W4 u'rnmu Sarah
`a-F‘wah :mM-dax:;.=.-n mlaw'flr‘ufih'fl'
`C\hp}'{lfl.lfl.'§3= L936. 1995 A1311;
`‘czun I
` u mm wmwa b-
`H‘. Haj-90m
`SL'.‘--293v8£ 5.1
`.«Ip .2. .1.
`mu Suppwl:
`”mugglulmfitm .
`flL'LIIWH’fi-fl 551.101:qu
`This iléust'raficn _
`1109;: um mflefl all
`AWM 000536
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Modefi “B” Slegve Valve Cement Retainer
`Ireiine 5&1
`The Mmlcl “B” Sleev ‘-\-*'£I|Tv'i: Cement Re'iafi'nbrés a. high qpulity too] {briqueeze cemefiting. 'I he
`sleievc van-=6 is confirmed fmm flu: surface by simply- .pidking up to c1935 and-swing down :0 open-.-
`Thi's Retainer 1'5 wt unwirefi'fie- Drew-m! 'Sé‘fiihg (hols Tfiis 5'5 fiailowed with a fabijlg seal nipple
`and-the tubing- stung 9511. bfl'tfiswd will“: 111:: Squeeze iakcs place: The. vaim ;is_ auLgmnflflally
`alerted-when nipplr: j___v_,_ rummfied.
`Cam'ersinn 1U tubing- set is easy- m1d-rcquires minimai 'pam;_ The retainer sustains Highpl'csfillre
`Elmcfi‘ric wirelinc. .set
`Casi ii'on ctmstmct’ion
`9 Onepiece slips —l1.ardcncd.1_c_. [jgpgh qun; kg]: .9111!
`Setsju any wade casing including M 11.}.
`Form—fitting matal- back-ups prevent rubber cxuusiml
`For tcmlran: or pammnmlt ass-mice
`Ratcheting lock ringhnzaldfi- seltiug fan-:1:
`Thifi illustnm'im dam
`110.1 fluid 25". $112!
`AWM 000537
`MEGCO Ex- 1007
`r Whit.
` - '- i996. E‘J'fl? AIM-m (-Iii-‘I'mla
`Ai‘l :iymmi’mgm
`noun-whim I‘om'i
`.' For: “Hum. 13'
`‘T 1.39%
`Wmlc‘i wag-wgb:
`all-Altman;H 1 352') 1-5313
`a w.'4r\-J|Ihh::i.uuru
`“shanty-1m“- mim-
`-:~:..a-nm Manna-2r;
`3.. “m-
`Ja.‘ nun-efmg:


`Mmm m” mag“ ifififige W-
`The Mtfiel "fix” Mjfl'ga Bridge Plug prm‘idcs .em ocunamiml means of a Immipomry zone
`iselafinn Tm: {banning hf other 1mmmmts. This plug 1:311 lire-set an menilmt'xica-l S'citing
`t;_1|_!l$ using file fuming String.
`:l'hi-s plug sustains mu'de'rate measures and temperatures.-
`(335: iron swarmed-Em
`at GM piece-slips ~ hardcjtiéd to (1:515:11 af wickcr-anly-
`Saks. in any-gnaw casing lncludimg l’r-l 'I 0
`'Fm'ztempurary Ur pd'juaiiem-sar'v'ica
`Rfltc'heiing lock'ring holds sctfin'g {'30
`Small Oil’s t’nr wand and gallery when winning
`This ‘nlluslfufinn- q'fizfi
`not. react; all sin-:3
`lSué'um-so magm'.
`3.:qu J13.-
`mumu ,llhlllu'n‘s'mu
`mm; ghmr.
`-, qlfijlzlmksn‘x-LE‘J‘I‘. 9:15 flail-11". “"3:be [4,:
`106': alpnflxbim
`AWM 000538
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


` afi'get Bridge Mug
`mh .-.- vn
`"IE-bin" Rn}
`1 380
`The Alpha-Oil'1bm‘3 ""8” Midget Briiige- I’ll-1g is an excellent plug providing an
`Ecanmn'iGaI-means Of-li‘.'iTl1‘!B‘F-filj""01 pennanen't zone isomian .tbrwelii servicing, “This Hug
`is 52-; Gr. ‘ihfi iu‘
`g m g 'u rag-.L‘dphaa’s a‘x-iucinmioai SciLiug T00] as- waii as some
`competito 3. [fig 'iintchd'ed ft: sustain magma temperatw'es and pressmcs.

`'1"tibi11g '8 at
`Cast iron :mnstrucli'on
`One piece bnflflmsfiii - har'dem'ed to depth omjckcr
`Sets in any grade aiming imiflding 13—1 {0
`Far temporary nr puma-1&1 service
`Ratchnling lack. ring 110,135 setting three-
`-\'rd:xkrv\1fiilf:571‘]§'mn w}: :11:
`Gunfight-=3 "ME-1997 aflpluaé
`MphnOflTmls F
`mid NHL-We'll:-
`x 1.297! W“
` w “plum: mm
`film :1 [mm mm
`This} Niuutrntiun dues
`'.;:.'i --.‘n.-.;.
`mu tau-MAJ gnu Min
`AWM 000539
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Mmiefi “W as “E”
`Tubing 5ft
`firifigae Mug
`m..~.\'_lp'ha H4!“ Bridge Plugis set using hydraulic. power-to Sci 1111:: top slips and than mathani'cal pull tn
`complete the "set. The Modei l‘ is far high pressure and-temperature while the Mode! E:511'5'1.ain‘5 madame
`temperature-and presma‘re;
`1111;: gees: fora-meflmnjcad setting mad class m1 exist because the setting mechanism is buillwin. Ahali. is;
`flawed in 1hr: tubing string plugging: off 1118 {MINI} equalizing ports. Pressure is then applied 105d the WP
`5.1;? and menmmhaniml._rmll is milled to finish :th seq Reigning the tuhing string fromt'he plug is done by
`s'impi'y turning tt! the right.
`Full tubing ] .IZI'. is available afl'er ramming from the plug-aligning other equipmcnt to mendduflu'gh "he find
`gill-1e tubingfltring;
`I Drillable'
`Cast iron construction
`Gm: pime slip
`3.31:5 in any grade casing in'clufiiingPJ 1-0
`a Metal back-mp to prevent rubber (mm-13km
`Far tempura}: m-pemmmnt sanita-
`Ramha'ti'i'ig: lock ringhn'lds sailing flame
`Exceilent Ehr' devialcd Walla
`AWM 000540
`MEGCO Ex- 1007
`- sas’mm'; Ramsa- .
`(TéSEfiiG- ..
`Max. '
`. PING _
`'umn an: w ‘
`.u 1.. larger?!) .
`swam lung: v!
`w.» .
`unanamwa my? Alma Dii'TcNi. A11 tigmzsamsl.
`Inmates-1a- I men-Mal
`(mun .'
`.T’mwsrrfla,"rx -' 36W! L'6_A_
`a ,- _
`h‘gi'w‘” F-
`mph: alpha:- L‘um
`"- Lu


`11mm “Aux” 31mm Wang
`"'l‘uh'iing 32.1.
`The A—-] Brit'lge P111};:1 11 premium plug [110111111112.- 311 ccnnumical means 111 11113111110131} none
`isolation far treamems This plug mayhe 5111011 11121111311133! 56111111110915 115mg the tubing string.
`Conversion to 111111311111: 31:! is 111.11): Ibh. w‘ll‘li 111111111111] 11.51115 c11angal1will 511
`9111 high press urea
`and temperamrcs.
`Tubing 51:1;
`Cast. 1mm whisi'r'uctinh'
`Una 111131;: 'bofim‘n Slip w ”hardened to depth (11"1visk51‘ only.
`Cut.- :n nl‘bar'mv." .....
`1...4.'.... n 11:51
`uuup 1.11 uuj goat“; uu-a’ti'lg ifi'l‘uu 1115 1;": EU
`F-amhfittmg 1111:1111 hick—ups pie-12311111111133 31111111111111
`For-1611113611113! or perm-3mm? service
`Ra1che11ng.lock. ring [IONS Setting fame
`gmu” (11“) a {n7 L'I'lbflf‘: and .« u -'l. .1 ..-."u-1-n
`“a“... 11.. u u.” “H“‘” 14”“ gum-1.7 “UL-x uuluuig'
`1-,_.«.~_:-«{ Jug} JIH
`“1311.1 11111111111311» dues-1101
`1111111 All 551.6135
`0.1111115111019115. 11w? £17151 (F1 Tosh. an n'gaig. «mpg-m.
`.11 1110111111112
`'SR-lafi'mhrlufium .' Emu-11:111. 171 .3
`11:141. " ‘-
`111qu mm tam-'11..
`Imp; wuu 1119111111401.»
`-w-yn:.111-.+._.11 um
`[11.111154 Maury;
`AWM 000541
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Mama “Bax” Erisfige Hug
`a uni-in; :ji‘:1
`1 383
`Tha'B-l Bridigti P1111415 a [)re’rnimfi ping presiding an ecmomital means at a'témporan' 220W
`isnlntiqn fm freatmerl'ls This Inlug ma}- b3 set on mechxmica'l setting tools using. the: tufiifig shiny.
`(_nlwersioh to \xitelin'e set is pnssible whh minimal pans-diangs_l-twjl1.sus.tajnhg_zh pressures
`Tubing sci
`c Casi iron énnshflc‘rinn.
`'ui‘li‘: pififld- 'fiG’JGm-511p" ham‘cnzd if:
`Sets in an3' grade :235- Eng including?
`F-mmaiitfi-ng n’i.¢ta-1- back—111515 prnwsnt rubber extrusion
`Far tempmarvar penuanml sen-ice.
`rhuLVu-"u“AD my” ..
`Duh-hath-ai- Inr Ir ring 1101er Earring fare:
`This iflmtratinu'duu
`not reflect ad! sizes
`n v.2. ink-L» a“ acu‘lildtb'lh'
`:.:io¢' ysl: -n:o,:|._\:.u'u-x_u_---:m,g,g
`I right; reset-—
`{my}.iyni 1" l‘.‘.‘iu..
`I-‘orl. W-th, T.
`fi-IflmUJIJufik_I 39-”
`.«l-I r K 1; will
`:urghm cum
`AWM 000542
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Mafia-E “A” weave Vaive gamma fimamer
`Tubing Set
`The Model] “A” Sleeve Valve Calaiwt'Rclafimr is a high'qmflity tool' for squeeze'cementt'ng: The S'Ieé'v'e
`valve is cuntmlled fromlhe surface. by simply picking up tn close and setting down to 0pm
`'I'his Retainer-is set Cathie-tubing suing of drill pipe using a=n13fiz1i311icalsettmgiflcfl= Tubing may be
`tested befmre the squeeze takes place. The waive is automatically alcsqd when rclcasmg-thc Emmet.
`Com'émicm to wirelim‘. sat is cats}: and requires minimal parts. The retainer'sustains high pressure and
`Iibiinn Mat
`Cast iron eonsmzction
`Due piece Slips -~ hardened to dapthnfwicker only
`Sets in anygradc casing inciuding FM 10
`Fbrm~fitting metal hack-ups. prevent rubber extrusion
`For temporary-or psrmanem service
`'111isiljugtrmi'mi [was]
`no; rgfluqt all sizes
`AWM 000543
`MEGCO Ex- 1007
`'95».an Aim go] 1m:
`«in»: av gram: mow .‘s {:«I. JI-al
`Calyr'igflll hr. in; ‘99 "Llpha [‘11 The"
`' yi'g'PILEI-ficlfiarru.
`Amuoifipnk 1.3M ' " 52mm
`Em mm I'X-
`.r mm LLE'A.
`Warm Wide- Web:
`59W .
`mulch-r9; MW
`Ks'mpfl'eflph =8-cum


`Madefi “B” Sleeve Valve Qemem Retainer
`The “B” Slee've‘ Valve Cement Retainer is a high: quality ton] fin- squeezc cementing. The glam-a
`wave; is, .fidmnlled from 13113 surfaae'by simply pickifiggup m-clmmnd setting down to open.
`This Retainer is set on the mbing string Cur drifl 9113:: using A mechanical setting £001 Th0 “lb“4‘ 1‘03}
`betested befinc squcwe lakes place The valve-1:1 antmnatically slosed-wl1m.-releasing retainer
`T11:11:.‘Siu‘i'.E's attains 55‘.” 1:; 335-5“ and [Big-Jug
`I l
`.1 p,
`_I_§_ l'1 gremitler sustmnshigh pt:5:i.1_1rc and
`Tubing set
`11- Hriflablr:
`C1151 110a musimcnan
`0m: piece slips - hardened; to (lamb of wicker 0111\-
`Sets in any grade casing including 1'" i NJ
`Farm—fining metal backups prevent rubher cxtrusian.
`For “(summary 0r perm 11mm sen-ice.
`H'alchctmg lock r-mg hold; smingi'wcc
`This illustration time:
`um reflect 1111 Mama:
`«£1.3— w w»
`.m:-.-."w «11°95‘19“
`.‘cf-m 135.3
`131*:in “Ed; '.'s'1:l!:
`Mu»; ,-:'.|dumxc:nn-
`AWM 000544
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Meatm’ Sam Nifigfig
`for '39". Check Cam-m Retainers
`THE [flight Seal Nipple i=5 degigfied to seal the tubing string ta therelainor, allmving ihc Basin-3.10 be-
`i'wlat'cdfmm high 535511155 'wljjle 'aesaing (Ir {luring pm“;111:. {1351-3139115
`The tubing can be lsstc-d 1".“ cucumin-lg3 £qu ball dew-n the: tubing. Th: ball will 5931 m- Ihc [up 01 the
`seal nipple and prnwde pqsitiw shutmfi w the {11_biug_sf,ring._ [’1‘3551u'c can then he applied a: the
`tubmg siting.
`{313W tasting-'15 SJUmpl'cfed-thc test bail. can be tewrse 5mm nut-0mm mining airing. After-the bait
`is ratfiemd 111310132031: he; completed by 19W¢ring thg: tubing To mirag inw'théf tetaiflé'I or by misting the
`tuliing m-fifirlg.oui: afiim mailman
`2.10- 3.12
`1 71
`me .3avo'}.g‘x. N: “my: new hum-«mm mr w Ii“ mung
`' 1N- «mama
`“FINE—1.? wal.55-"away-"H4312;
` Ltwnbilln If}? riflm- raw .
`'IUI‘I “Huh. 1};
`" T6149 U‘u-i
`My!” nu Tani-1 ran-1v Wilhpmc‘uufl
` panqu‘raj-nipilmwLw:
`AWM 000545
`MEGCO Ex. 1007


`Modei “A.” @313. Nimyfies;
`1.. Exam!“
`hm “.1.“- film“. ‘13 11a3 {jgpm Rommnm
`1 387
`[11111111111 Type:
`This unit 1110.111 ties 1105.11.11.13 1111111111 111111111. 51111211: 111111: and-33111511111 tutti-11g 1.111111:111111111131-11111'1113
`pressuring operatiens when the need For anchnring is. not wan‘anmd.
`The Iubmg. can he tasted by. stinging, 11110 11111 retaHEuep 1111311: 11115111111113 tubing. 1111111011111111111111 -1' at
`oh... 'unl-Ao‘nn” “Jinnah. n ““1
`.“ “.1 1.....1...“ am-.. .. _
`11 named nffirl 1,113-
`11.1.1. 11. 1:11.11 um "um-u angry-‘1": the. 3'31‘1’3 '19 133 1119331! and {ha f,“"'"1flf In mam
`retains; burs. P13551111: g-can 111311111: 1111111191110 the 111111113 51.11 'g- for taming.
`'I'ti 1'1:an the stinger 11111111111: retainer. H'implyraise the tubing 111 Free {he 5111131111 111111111111:
`115111111111 110111;.
`A centmlizing 111111 1111111111 he 1.1111 above 11.1 1111511111 11113. 53111 nipple sn'ngs 111 1.1111311111111112
`Latching Type:
`This “mt provides 1111311111: cmnml of the -s!'1:1:=11: 1131-111: and 1.1215111611011111: to 1111: durmg
`pressuringoperations-1111111: 11111112111111}! anchoring the tubing. 1'11 1111: retainer.
`The tubing 15-1111 11: 1.1151611 1111 stinging 511111;: the. 11112111113 than (3.1311111. the 111111111 11.111111113111311;Ey .1 al'
`the, rmainur, wh_ic1_1.allo\\1$ the 1'-ahic 1'0 be 1211151151 and 1111.: 5111mm 1'11 11111111111 11121111213 01]111 the
`remju'er 1111112.. Nassau. c1111 1111:1111:applied to .1111:tubing; 1111-1111;. for 11111111111
`[2111131113 13 momiishcd 115' taking 1111 11111111111 puii 01-.12ppmxi1m1ic15 3110111111..11'11ic1L1-w1'1}
`synapsethe snap 1:111:11 2111111111. 1:111: 51:11} 1111111111111 the retainer. 111'1:1- rape-med 11511111. 1111: bumpin
`111111311211113111111111115 wilf 11615161151311: 2'..00 31151. 111111111111 11111 5001111111 snap-4111111111113.
`A centralizing. 111111 311011111115 run above '10 111151111:1he'seul-mpp1aarings in amuraml}:
`Retainer Sm:
`m...'1.14.....:a: 11.14.
`'msmmm 1mm «'.n.11\1-n:..'.11 has: '11- 1:11:15'1 .- -.n "m ui1_—.
`5.34” 5.61
` '11.: 11111-1 “11m \Var-‘h. TN-
`.5 551*;
`_ 31.7.1
`511-141 111'.
`51111111 bu 11111111
`V1111 .-
` 11:51
`hum-1x111. \1»'¢;.--
`1111‘ 1mm )Jan: 1.. 1.11111
`luau-fun» aiféulimam
`I!!!“ .'.:
`AWM 000546
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`Mafia “ :
`..”' $933 Nmfifim
`fun: “B" 31214:“: Valve Cement. Reminc rsI
`1 388
`'l'hi‘s unit'pmvidcs positive cmnTGII oifflic sic-eve valc and soak" Lhe tubing to thé retainer aiming
`pressunm'npemfions When the Head first auchnningI13‘- not warmed.
`The. tubmgcan be: tasted by stinging into the retainer; than raising thumbing approximately 4" at
`file retaingn which :allmvs 1hr: vallve tn bi: closedalld the sfingcr'to remain sealed Off in [I'm
`niainor bore. Pressure: can then 'be--ztm;lied' in the mixing sfrifi'g for tflSliflg.
`To rgmnve the stinger from the retainer, .a'impiy miss the tubing to free the singer fmm 'the-
`retainer bore.
`:1 cenilia'lizing mlfi shouid be mm '5me to assure'ihe maxi nipple stings; in accuratefiv'
`This; unit prmides pusitiw: mulmlnflhs.slack-c with: ant-1 513315 the. tubing. Lu thL‘ mtaium'during
`pressuring upm'al'ims while cfltc-Ei've‘ly .ane-ilmfi-ng the tubing .in- me retainer.
`“lemming can bf: 3:3th by stinging into the retainer, .lheumfsing rim-tubing prrox‘imatéiy ii“ :' '
`the mariner, which allewg the valve: 120 he c'luwd Elurl 'ihe. 9.1 [ngcr m rmnaji'n nailed MT in the
`retail-1m“ bur-c. I-‘rcsmrq can than be applied 1,6] the tubing string fur testing.
`C nnn IL.
`alLl}; D‘UUU “Iii. Vl'lllcll WI]:
`Rial”?! U 13 aumrulpu'ulcu Ur?- taILIIIlIg “II
`and snapwu-ué valwzs m-llIdsIcrcaseIto-2,3001%. énafi-m :LILi'd 5,000 lbIs. :snfiIIhouIt tIorch.-I
`A centralizing unit shmllri .11: mm above. to assure the seal nipple stings. in accurately.
`Retainer Size 01-13593—070-
`01 33637-070
`{I 176683-1030
`IIAI'-':‘u|‘.\um l'.\‘I
`wm‘ywm 193:1;
` r
` .\n.-.wmu_v..-
`AWM 000547
`MEGCO Ex- 1007


`ALPHA “an“: “a.” Mnnhmnimfai fififliflfl gal
`luvufia - SVIEVIamnMwwn-n ___w—w w gnu...“ __ _
`for “A.” Sleeve VaIve Cemmt Retainers £11111"1—” [Ridge Pings;
`The Made! A Mechanical Sefling'l’ho] is designed 10 run. and- sct- Alphfl'fi Model $15158“: Valve Cement
`Retainer-and Made! 1171131115ng Plug, {I is easy to operateand has low maintenance.
`This 1011! incorporates [113111 a Stinger seal and built-In snap latch

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