`SA‘fWISELi'T‘JG $311,EEZiLL‘Ti”RCTZEN'I CE; {I‘lfifi’éw Hf"?
`my; $91,331:,
`Farm]: (f)wner.
`Case: IPRZO} 4~007 I. ’2'
`Patent No. ($108,686
`DC}: 5425526~ I 3


`E EVE} 21‘,

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`EEEELEWEE 53313E€3E3{fi'wuz—‘E’ETEEEEN "FEEL/33‘ {363C312}Mi MAE?) “EE‘EEEEEEEEEEEEEE; ATE???
`A LI333(")RE’I'Y3 ELEV133R E3 AMEN .1 N Ci ’ E5 13133 F EEENE? E3 E E? N CW
`E'EI”I{3W}IE,'"E"‘E{*L.EELE 113% ’E‘E'ETEE EVAC’EEES ......
`Sarrwung Mainmirmd afid {Mziiumim “(.L‘E)t1,t,mi and A‘LEEhcrrity"
`(War its 134:, {bum in, the: II‘EEQE‘WEECE(313.313, Trade (.fffcuinmigfigiun
`............ ............... 4
`3321111511112; EV'IaiI’Emitmd and Ev’lz:;ti,131tai1‘13 “(3011301 and AL)E1"1.<)I.'i‘tj~/”
`(DE/m 115-;
`I?Z>:3f“c:r1.s;e: in. the 3332;133:1111 I‘Disg‘trict 0E” 1mm Ii..,i”tig;;at,'ion ...............
`lJTEAfP’IfNfl WHERE/E, "131313 MAID/E TO £3C)N'EI‘I-E€)E,
`................................. ‘7
`GARMIN EF‘AC' FORS ......................................................................................... 8
`J .J .. L
`(""‘ONC‘I 1‘ I‘S‘I‘ON


`EE7‘7-CICEE44,3537 E7
`311713.131 1121113111
`7333.11.111111131 111.1«33,1111-2133133
`(Eu/1111.1 7
`14(21 ImI11111I1EIE (‘12,
`101711} I171
`I” 11111
`I- 11211111111;
`“1411111111 111 1111111111111.I11 Em111113111111111 211111 81111110111111.
`Memomndmn 111i GoogIc I111": Infernational Irade Con1111i313i011
`Ilwcbus-Inmn N131 33 7IE\_2187 (IIC I111 79320317)
`N11111<1 11E I7I1Ii1w 11f .I'Cuqumln111 [111131 I72111<31~1 Rum-3w 11EIIIe
`’2111311113 I1131,1111flied111 the I 2151113111 13151114131 11E M11211, I111" C 11111:
`1 Ex. I007:
`3 I7.x 10L?!
`..1.533.311.0113 79IRCE (.111 May7 I. 2014.
`IE I009 j.'.'_‘ff.‘__--‘
`I311" I010
`11121111111111 EVIL 121, I ..
`1, 01113113161111 I11C1111113I<111111 1: M01111n
`3‘33t11 Imwvcnc (Inv N11 317[/3\£387) 333 3333333
`Ordm N11 I7: INIIIAI I3EII1RMINAIIC)N (112111111113. (10111371
`7.119 “IE-14121101119.IIIESILYQ-Ilfi? Hwy-.1352 3.37.7-11-8332) ----W.
`7E7In211 Initial Determination Distribution IEst (1111/ N1). 337EA—
`882) ---.


` ll‘t’’3WKill ,7
`I, N".l7lélt)ii)[7(17'173;()N
`Black. Hillls MediM :7 (“film/l7J”) Substitute Motion l‘iiJr AdthJoJJJJJ Insectr}
`i :5 MeJon"J'J‘J‘JJJJJ galtllfittfig 'lfiilectrrJJJJJJJs Cow,
`§.J:JJ::., and SarnsungclceouununJJJJJJJJJ
`shuttle be JfchJieJ'l because (730%ng {no ”“JJJJJJJJi_e“)
`is not a real JJJJJJJJ»»interest
`(“Rfl,"l“} in tins p1tkctuLill'lttq and becauseBl,lM hwe not detnonstmtcd that its tequestecd
`additional dist’JveJ‘y is “necessary in the interest ofjustice.” 35 1.17.817;
`{i 3lo(a)(’f§);
`37f. lRJJJi{3)(WJJ
`lTDistj‘JJ/ery in inter [76777633 JevievvtH’R‘WJ s‘tless than what
`is nonnaily
`availab lcJJJ district court patent litigation” becawuseConartss intended inter partes
`review to beJa quick. Jnd cost ei'iliective alternative to litigation.” IPR2013~00080,
`f’aper 18 at 3. The Board must therefore be “conservative in authorizing additional
`discovery.” Id. Additional discovery»»»»»»like that requested in Bl‘l’M’s Motion—~»-~~should
`only l. e permitted where such discovery is “in the interests ofjustice.” 1d. at 4. And
`the requested discovery must be more than a speculation or “mere possibility.” Id.
`There must be “factual evidence or support” underlying a request for additional
`discovery that demonstrates that “something useful
`[to the proceeding] will be
`found.” Id.
`In support of its request, BHM invokes an expired Mobile Application
`Distribution Agreement (“MAD/V”) (Ex. 2002) that BHM admits was not in effect at


`ii” 3535.250 443%? ii i '3’
`ifftotititet iii 55.. (iii ’2 513.49 553613 23 M if?
`{i i
`the time the iiiisputes hetrween iii‘iifiyi said Sai‘nsting arose Paper ifh pt ‘3; [in 12002, p
`i; Est mm, p i; i534;
`ilt'iti'fl p,
`i‘v‘lorerwen iiifilM has provided, no explanation tor
`wiry stator; i .3 either hifirttilmt which w‘ditns than; it: appiies to “any third part3 iwmu
`or proceedi r13; httnight MW {Sainstttigif should apply to the. pree‘sent
`proceeding, brought QR Sanisurig.
`iix. 20%;; p,
`i ii
`i, i .i
`(emphasis added},
`Aeeordirigl'yt mama disemery request is based on enroneous speculatiom not facts.
`Beet-tum lf3i-ifl‘vil has not: proffered evidence tending to show beyond speculation that
`something nsetiti wiii i5<5 disetwered, iriHMis Motitm, should. he denied.i Paper 85, pg. 1%.
`in addition, as noted.
`the Order Authorizing Motion,
`for Additionai
`Diserwery (“‘Ch‘tier”;
`iE’apeir 8), “[cjounsei for Petitioner [] stated that Googie has
`not exercised control over the petitions in the subject proceedings [lPR2014~007l7
`and ll’RZOl 4~OU735].” ’T’aper 85 p, 2. The accompanying, Declaration of Mr. Sungil
`1 in the OrderiAuthorizing Motion for Additional Discovery, the Board noted that
`“Andrew Grain, counsel for 5 )atcnt Owner, argued that a recently discovered
`mobile application distribution agreement (MADA) between Google and at least
`one of the Petitioner entities constitutes circumstantial evidence that Google, Inc,
`is a real party~in~intercst in. the subject proceedings.” Paper 8, p. 2 (emphasis
`added). BHM’S motion, which by its own admission is premised on “circumstantial
`evidence,” is precisely the type of “fishing expedition” the Board has cautioned
`against. [PR2013—00566, Paper 20, p. 5.


`.1111111-1111"?1 "'2"
`1131111111121: 111% 11311211 1191113331 “71.131173 1
`11.11.1111 confirnm that (Boogie has not: exercised. direrzt'éor‘r or centred 1.111111
`Sarmun(11011'11st 1111 t<1un;;cl)w<ith115111.111:othe petitions in {1’11“01401.1111} and;
`117111.111} 11-13111.
`1.11111111111 ‘11 111.111 W1 1111.11.
`12111311;111:111 1 or <1or1tr<11 111/111“
`3111111111111; or its co tinsel with 11.111111:
`to 1131122111<1w1fi1tt7lZ7 and.
`Cin<j1ggl<1 is not an 11H it: these tnoccctlnive and 11111110111 1111;
`12121.11no:ted dis,soot/cry
`cannot be in. the: interest oit'justice.
`lh<~1 crux of 1311M a argument is that[ilust as Googlc 21211111111111(.1 ‘l‘ull control
`and authority over the defense" in the Apple l.‘it1gz.1t‘i<;1n2,tthe MAI.)A and the
`1.11111erlying claims 01' 17:3<t<2nt 11111111110111nt in the 1"X'11 l) Compiaint make it 1111;11th
`likely that Google has done so here.” Paper 15. p. 4. As discussed below, BllM's
`argur‘nent is misplaced because it fails to address the facts and circumstances ol" the
`l'l'C and district court proceedings between Bl-IM and Samsung, which are entirely
`different from those between Apple and Samsung. In fact, BHM’S assertion is
`contrary to the facts underlying the litigation between. BImllVl' and Samsung, and
`Bl‘lM'S attempt
`to extrapolate from the circumstances oi" those proceedings to
`that Google has alleged “control and authority” over the instant
`proceeding constitutes an unfounded leap oflogic. Paper 15, pp. 2, 4.


`iii’itllit‘} I it» ~tltl‘t "I l. ”7
`ii'hfittitet Not {iii MEI/Ti ti . {3333 III fit} I,
`"to obtain additional diatom-“era 'Btihi‘i must: presets evidence “’tentiing to ftlhitW
`beyond speculation that i n. that something; ttseftti will he nnmweredfi“ Pianist? 8, p. 3. in
`this eontmh thiail‘vi innnt sittw ti'tat ti’te dummy it set wilt shots: tilfis't a party othet‘
`than fiamsttntt ”hauls and tiireets anti etn‘nrtols’" {Santststgis itwolvetnei'tt
`in this
`ijirritteetgling, or that ngttfnsanggs petition was tiled at
`the behest of another party“;
`iiIIEEIX/i has not: and cannot: tin so.
`It is telling that Bill‘s/l relies on the .x’rtpple litigation as the "foundation for its
`speculative discovery request, yet tails to thirty inform the Board about
`the lift?
`litigation tiny", his. I337~TIIA~I§§¢82} and the i€£215tem District ol‘Iexas litigation (“IELUI‘X
`litigation”; Case No. CZ:i,3MCV~379wJRGWRSI’) that BHM initiated against Sa'msung in
`May 20l3. The circumstances of the disputes between Bil-I'M and Samsung are of
`course much more relevant here than the dispute between Apple and Samsung, and in
`the context of the BI-IM/Samsung disputes, Samsung and Google were represented
`by separate counsel. in the [TC litigation, and Google is not even a party to the district
`court litigation.
`Samsung Maintained and Maintains “Control and Authority”
`()ver Its Defense in the International Trade Commission
`Google has not assumed any control or authority over the defense to claims of
`patent infringement asserted by BHM against Samsung in the ITC Investigation. Ex


`IIIIJ? 333i ”LII VI, and If? ”I‘I‘IIII
`is; oII'idIII'I'IeeII by {Inogneig .Iniy 22:6. LIME Motion to
`intervene in the II”?( IIII eSI33;IIIIIIII IIIIIIeh indie:314.“ that. (Titiiogie and Satnau'ng were
`IfeggneeeI 333:3
`Iii II.
`”3333‘; Iowa? Ila.
`II; and I3.
`I’IEIII‘CBIEIQ’IIISII, and eIII‘ItiI’IIIeII to Ire3;II*eIIeIIt; SIIII’IIIIIng, in the TIC? Iitigation with I‘eggatd to
`all? ”IitigateII iIIIIIIIeII;
`itIII;:I.I.,IIiI.iII3; timee pentainiiig In the aeeneed Bantenng; products; and
`to the Boogie anniieaiione IIIIII/e:I by the amused Sainenng; prodIIeIII. See. I133; III.
`III]it), 3::III; 33x. It)“. 333). /9;l:7:ix. 1032, pp la. in, the III? litigation; Satnsnng and
`in: nounaeIw-wnot (jiooglo~-mmaintIIIned and IIIIIIIIIIIIII “control. and antitotity” over
`Banishing; 5: tietome
`SIIII’IIIIIIIng control and authority over its defense in the WC litigation is;
`to BHM’II allegations with regard to the Apple litigation. This is
`presumably why BlM focuses on the “Apple litigation” where 'BH’M was not a
`party, rather than BI—IM73 own ITC litigation initiated against Samsung. BHM does
`not even attempt to explain or justify Why it utilizes the Apple litigation as the
`springboard for its Speculation, rather than the facts and Circumstances of the ITC
`litigation in which BIS-"1M as Complainant. sued Samsung.
`Samsung Maintained and Maintains “Control and Authority”
`Over Its Defense in the Eastern District of Texas Litigation
`Nor has (ioogie assumed any control or authority over the defense to claims of
`patent infringement asserted by BHM against Samsung in the EDTX litigation,


`{Etfia‘ii‘ifii hie. t,t‘;ii.ZZ.-¢3iriii§i..tiltikifi.w ifs/{iii
`Witieh iiiétlwifiafl asserted the ‘otiti patent} liijixa. 22003., 2.004. <Xs etiitiennod hy the only
`tiling; with the court stgtltisequent to the stay, hainsungls Mutter: (affiiiinyf tifiliergirestr
`e; fitter Flatter Rarities/ii it'gf’rhe [flirrenzrwirrwfi‘air {“Notgiee”j}.
`tiji‘t‘nfination aiso repr’esents
`Earrisnngg, in the liiiyix litigation. {Pix 100%. p. 2.
`in addition Saitis‘ttrigg has paid and
`is paying alt oi“ fiitnrington’a tires; with respeet to the defense in the .tfii,13’_l7X. iitigation.
`la 1,009. 1i ti.
`tiTo‘vington represented. and continues to represent Sean‘nsung in the lit,lf)"l")<
`litigation with, regard to all iitigated issues. ineiuding those pertaining; to the emotion
`Slamming; products, and to the {ioogl .3 applications; utilized by the accused Samsung
`in the
`ifiIfJ’iX litigation, Sarnsung and its
`eonnsel~~-~~—not Google—m-
`maintained and maintain “control and authority” over Samsung‘s defense.
`BHM fails to offer any credible basis»»»»»wonly erroneous speeulation~-for its
`postulation that
`is “highly likely” that Google maintained “full control and
`authority over the defense” of Samsung in. the BDTX litigation with BHM. Paper l5,
`p. 4. Therefore, Bl-IM has not demonstrated that it possesses the requisite threshold
`As the Motion correctly notes, BI-{M’s litigation initiated against Samsung in the
`EDTX litigation is stayed, and was done so by the court on March 15., 2014. Paper
`15, p. 3. In the EDTX litigation, BHM asserted the “686 patent at issue in the present
`proceeding. Exs. 2003, 2004.


`E ii ii 123%} E E Eh} ,7 l,
`Bosh. a t) No EELZELEiEr-EE? it??? Kiwi, E 3% {E i
`widenee {midi “553’;
`iti'ttjw Mittfli‘td Sfim‘ultltiofl
`(gsm‘gyg Wiii
`isié’lAEEiNfi 'EEWTEEZCEM "£73,115; MAEIZEE’E.
`’31}??? HE)N"E‘IZ£EL {,9 VER ”SHE 153%. 3%
`WHERE Sl'iii‘iifi'ii LEVHCEW
`1:3.i'il‘v‘i’s assertion that; the hv’lAILU-x is Widener: tei‘iding,‘ to show that (iaflgifi‘
`essreiseci any direction or aontrol over the 113R“ proeeedings For ti‘ie BHM patents is
`pure stimulation thr two reasons, Pirsh tl'ie thets show that Google has not assumed
`“control and ain‘ithority over the delhnse” to claims brought by BHM, as explained
`above in Section 'ilj.
`Second, Blil‘vl has provided. no explanation for why section l l of the MADA
`which states that it applies to “any third party lawsuit or proceeding brought (against
`[Sanisungr and provides that (ioogle has “Full control and authority over the
`defense,” (BX 200; pt
`ll, §§ ll.l,, 1,1,3; emphases added), should apply to the
`present inter partes review proceeding brought [31 Samsung.
`Ultimately, however,
`the fact: that (Boogie has not assumed “control and
`authority over the defense” to claims brought by BHM, is fatal to Bl'lM’s request.
`BHM has not demonstrated that it possesses any evidence “tending to show beyond
`speculation” (Paper 8, p. 3 (emphasis addedl) that the requested discovery will
`uncover anything showing that Google is a party that “funds and directs and
`controls” IPRZOl4-OO7l7 and IPR2Ol4-OO7353 as set forth in the Office Patent
`Trial Practice Guide. 77 Fed. Reg. 48756, 760 (Aug. 14, 2012).


`iimiti 3. 4 {3(3'7‘" 3
`{Ennis-it No, £33 23:4 «"3 523 " {K3233 ii if? hi3 '3
`“iiflfiifl (Shit) DECLARNI‘ION AMI”) 3301435; NOT SA'flfilSFY "IT-Hi:
`its; noted in the tinder, tron": Strt’rtetirtttfz"; Wit. tx::>ttt:tt;e.iie rcixpettwc tiireotion
`and con‘troi over
`the petitions in iPR’ZGVtJNWi? and.
`315131.201 334307333 were
`provided by Stiltttfiljti’tgw not
`tfioopio. Arty concern that Stuttering; ware receiving,
`direotim: and, cmitmi ‘i'i'on'i {fioogic of which. Sexrneungk iPR counuei Wilt»; not aware
`has; heen otiovittted through the if)ec§tirrttion of Mn Sungii (Liho tiled herewith.
`306.3(4); Dmitri of tits: petitions; in ii’ifxt2()3.4~()07 i ’7 and {PRIZOi4w00'735 were not sent
`to {fioopje «or to any couneei or reprenenttttive oi” {fioogie
`ifix 1009,, {iii 4» f3,
`Substantive input was. not received from (Boogie or any counsei or representative o t
`(lioogie regarding;
`the preparation or filing; of any of the petitions.
`1i 6.
`Moreover, Samsung did not receive any funding or monetary contributions From
`Googie for the preparation and filing of the petitions in ifPR2014-007 17 and
`,1PR2014—00’735, and has paid and is paying all. of Covington’s fees in connection
`with these proceedings.
`16%., W ”ME. The [Declaration of Mr. Cho removes any
`doubt that the petition was not filed at the behest of Googie, and that Googie does
`not fund, direct, controL or provide substantive input
`to iPRZOi4—OO717 and
`IP’R201.4~00735, and, therefore, is not an RP]. Office Patent Trial Practice Guide.
`77 Fed. Reg. 48756, 760 (Aug. 14, 2012).


`555,55555:5. 554:5} I5:5154555555,5555152545,}535:55
`55515555555 he 5553151513555 not:
`5555535 because they 55am "failed,
`5.553151515555555555? possession 535755155 requisite 55555235155555 evideaoe tending to show 5756;525:1555
`spewiasima 555515
`57552: assumew 5 53.5155.
`555.5255 bowie:
`retitiested 5:55seosIety fails to 5.551557555511155 “‘(itir15ii555e’55tois(55355;5555 :3{505501, 5755551535 253'
`5:555. 5357:).
`In particular, Intwogatory1 ’o '5 555555; to 55555555535 (5555555551 Factors 5 and “3
`because it:
`is vastly tjixz'erwinelusive,
`5525511555155; Satustmg to 51,11115eeessarily 55553511555I
`each and every one of its 1.111252 ethniciyees who were provided a copy of a draft of
`the petition in the present pioeeednw $511251
`is not
`deterrn,i,ning whether (Magic: is an RI’I.
`lnterroga’tory No, 2 is not clear and tinderstaudab5e, as required by Garmin,
`Factor 4. Given, that .BlflM’s definition, 05‘ “Petitioner” includes “counsel5” (BX. 200] ,
`p. 3), it is not Clear what BIIIM means by “counsel. ofrecort” in lnterrogatory No. 2.
`In addition,
`it is not clear whether “employed by” modifies both “Petitioner” or
`“Petitioner’s counsel~of~record” in Interrogatory No. 2. Clearly, involvement by
`Covington lawyers who are not “Petitioner’s counselwotlrecord, for IPR2OI4~OO757”
`is not use5111” in determining whether Googleis an RI’I.
`il'nterrogatory No. 3 is not clear and understandable with regard to “counsel of
`record” for the same or substantially the same reason as set forth with regard to
`Interrogatory No.2 Interrogatory No.33also does not rise above a mere allegation
`oi" something that would be useful to discern whether Google is an RPI given that


`Benetton; did not “meme any it:r:rling or E'E‘Eonetary criEntribntions from {Eoogle for
`the {Erenztrat'ion and things, orl’E‘ltE: E”H: petitions in the present proceedtnu E552: E009:
`EE 1:7,
`l wit? are nothing; more them,
`the: “fishing; expedition“mains:
`which the ETanrd has cautioned.
`lE’E-E’Etll 00366 Pepe: 3t) p a BUM has
`prrwided no asEittna’rwn {or why section it of the MAEJA which states that it
`applies toany:third potty lawsuit or pmcccdtno broughttgainw {Santsungl and
`provide” hot {Eooole has “hill control and authority over th E de Eng,” (Eli's. 2003, p:
`it, EE§ ll 1 ll 3; emplmac: added), should applyto the present mteI paI1:7: review
`proceeding brought
`[11g Samsnng.
`BE‘E‘M, has failed to offer reasoning beyond
`allegation and speculation that something; t‘lsel’ul would he discovered, while the
`facts confirm that Google has not assumed “control and authority over the defense”
`to:laims btouOht by BEEM: which is fatal to .Bl-EM’S requests.
`"the present Opposition demonstrates that BHM has failed to meet its burden
`that it possesses the requisite threshold evidence, and the Declaration of Mr. Cho
`renders moot the need for any of the additional discovery. Therefore: granting
`Bl'EMs Motion in any respect would not be in the interest of justice, nor would it
`“secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution” of the subject proceedings. 37
`CPR. <§ 42.l(b). Therefore, BHM’s Motion should be denied in its entirety.


`E PR 12%} E 6%» £36“? 7 ”a ”.33
`3.3m: km: N {in 03% .2 NJ , {){33 “if“; f} ‘2.
`11mm: Strpi’mrr’ibcr 8, 20142
`Ra»:HpSCt'l’ufiy 5541mm E'tieizgrh
` fifif
`x‘fi’zi‘itm (TIE. m :91“;
`Ragfistratiam No.2 36,2553
`fircgcwy S {Dimher
`Regitst'mxticm. N0. 42,488
`12201 Permsylr‘vania, Ayn-"Hum NW
`Washingmn, DC? ZOOMWMOE
`(202,) 662«6()00
`Atmrneys for Paddomr


`11’7‘111'1’11111 ‘1'”?
`1111111111 1111;: 1114H1}.11113211113111,
`{TERI} 1171(319171'13 (31'1“ 1131111112. VIQE
`’1L11E1L111 1'11 371317. F R45; M 1111111111 131111111 111111111111111118111111131111 “11211111111111: 2.1111
`1.111;: 11.111
`1111.1;1721;111:11111111'11111211111131111.11111111.1 111111111111 1'1": 3111111 1 111”1111:1111111'1111131111113111111:1131
`1.111 F111111.11. (112111111 1111113111121 with 1111111111111 1'1 111111111» 1911151 10071113131, W111; 111111111133 141.171
`131.1113'11’1’01’111: 1111-111 by 111:1?13131'11111'11 111' 111.11 13111111111 1:111 1111 .111111‘111/11'111 13111111131121 1111111111111 1111'
`13111 11.11 171111111.
`N. [111111111114 6.3111111:
`R111 111-3111 (.1 1131:1111 i :1
`K11111116111. "14.111011“
`7111111111151 141111111131111131111' 1.1.191
`Andrew (31.11111 (1111110111 11111011116111135111' com
`R.01:11‘:1'1.(.111111111161111111111151111151111’113/121 com
` Dale: September 8, 2014
`1 -‘x
`AndreaG. R111ster.13qu
`Registration No: 36 253

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