`O P E N
`June 19-22, 1996
`Toronto, Ontario
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 1

`Copyright 1997
`by the Institute for Applied Forth Research, Inc.
`Individual papers in this volume maybe
`copyrighted by the author(s) or company
`responsible for the work. The Institute
`makes no claims for the correctness of the
`material presented.
`ISBN# 0-914593-16-1
`A publication of
`The Institute for Applied Forth Research, Inc.
`70 Elmwood Avenue
`Rochester, NY 1461 1
`Published in the United States of America
`Printed in the United States of America
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 2

`Starting Kiln 4 with Forth Inc’s EXPRESS
`Open Systems - Theory and Reality
`Using Forth as a Scripting Language
`This Android Goes Forth Openly and Objectively
`The GENETIX Software Genomes
`The Europay Open Terminal Architecture: A Forth-based Token System
`for Payment Terminals
`Microconlroller Forth: A Windows-Based Development Environment
`Microcontroller Forth: An Approach to Hardware Programming
`Allen Anway
`Steve Benson
`Dr. Everett F. Caner Jr.
`Paul Frenger M.D.
`Bernard A. Hodson
`Peter Johannes,
`Elizabeth D. Rather and
`Stephen Pele
`Viacheslav Kirillin,
`Andrey Kloubovitch and
`Dmitri Preobrazhensky
`Oleg Klemenziev and
`Dmitri Preobrazhensky
`The Evolution of Development Tools for the Forth Language
`Randy Leberknight
`Booting Martian Software
`Proposed ANS-Forth C—Interface Word Set
`The Evolution of SENDIT into EPIC
`Highlighting a Scheme for Threaded-Code Optimizing‘
`A Concept for Medium Sized Relational Database Programming.
`The Europay Open Terminal Architecture:A Forth-based Token System
`for Payment Terminals
`A Small 32-bit RISC Core
`A System for Distributed Inferencing‘
`Martian Memory Management
`Standard Tools that are Standard Code themselves
`Laws of Computing, Version 2.0
`Traffic Controller and Zen of State Machines
`Benjamin Lee
`Marty McGowan
`Stephen Pele
`Ewald Pfau
`Ewald Pfau
`E. D. Rather,
`Peter Johannes and
`Stephen Pele
`John Rible
`Bradford J. Rodriguez and
`W F. S. Poehlman
`Ray Sl-Laurent and
`Benjamin Lee
`J E Thomas
`C. H. Ting
`C. H. Ting
`The Sensor Driven Airbomer Replanner Simulation: Building The World
`in a Box
`Richard C. Wagner
`I’ Abstracts only are included for these presentations.
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 3

`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 4Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 4

`The 1996 Rochester Forth Confer-
`ence on Open Systems was held at Ryer-
`son Polytechnic University,
`in Toronto,
`in Canada June 19-22, 1996.
`This was the first Rochester Conference
`to be held outside the United States, and
`Attendees came
`was a great success.
`from Canada,
`the United States, Eng-
`land, the Netherlands, Australia, Austria,
`and Russia.
`The Conference was hosted by the
`Institute for Applied Forth Research,
`in cooperation with the Southern
`Ontario chapter of the FORTH Interest
`Group. The Conference was sponsored
`by New Micros, Inc., with the continuing
`support of Mr. Randy Dumse; ITV Cor-
`poration, with the new support of Mr.
`Joe Zott; Ross Technology, Inc. and the
`support of Mr. Warren Bean and IWK
`International Corporation, with the con-
`tinuing support of Dr. Jay Khim. Addi-
`tional support was provided by Xela As-
`sociates, and Alexander Forsley, of An-
`nandale, Virginia and Miller Microcom-
`puter Systems, of Natick, MA.
`During most Conferences the appar-
`ent theme appears, in contrast to the ad-
`vertised theme. This year was an excep-
`tion. Several papers dealt with different
`aspects of Open Systems. These include
`an overall view of Open Systems by Dr.
`Steve Benson, Forth as a scripting lan-
`guage by Dr. Everett Carter; and GE-
`NETIX by Bernard Hodson.
`An even
`larger view of Open Systems was de-
`scribed in a paper by Peter Johannes,
`Elizabeth Rather and Stephen Pelc re-
`garding Europay and a background paper
`on the supporting software, EPIC, by
`Stephen Pelc. These efforts are all the
`more far reaching by supporting banking
`institutions in a variety of countries on a
`variety of hardware platforms.
`two remarkable papers:
`John Rible pre-
`sented a small 32-bit RISC Core and
`Richard Wagner gave details of an air-
`borne simulation.
`The Conference Program Chair and
`Proceedings Editor was Dr. Nicholas
`Solnsteff and the Facility Chair was Dr.
`Bradford Rodriguez.
`I was delighted to
`have their strong support.
`In large
`measure they organized and orchestrated
`this Conference, resulting in a great suc-
`cess! My thanks goes to both of them,
`and I look forward .to working with them
`on future Conferences.
`No conference can be a
`without a large supporting cast. We had
`very able assistance from: Elliott Chapin,
`Kirby Dumse, Alexander Forsley, Brenda
`Forsley, Beverly Galloway, Ken Kupisz,
`Ken McCracken, Rob McDonald, Wendy
`Rodriguez, Jon Verne and Robin Ziolk—
`I wish to complement and thank
`the very helpful Ryerson University Staff,
`most notably Patti Franklin, of the Inter-
`national Living Center and Peter Young,
`of the International Conference Center.
`——Lawrence P. G. Forsley
`Conference Chairman
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 5

`Open Systems 73
`The Europay Open Terminal Architecture
`A Forth-based Token System for Payment Terminals
`E. D. Rather,
`FORTH, Inc.
`111 N. Sepuiveda Blvd, Suite 300
`Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 USA
`Peter Johannes,
`Europay International
`Cltausée de Tervuren 198A
`B4410 Waterloo, Belgium
`Stephen Pelc,
`MicroProcessor Engineering. Ltd.
`133 Hill Lane
`Southampton, England
`the major European credit card organization (Eurocard. MasterCard in Europe, and other
`financial systems) is developing technology to support “smart" cards — Integrated Circuit Cards, or ICCs
`— in the credit cards of the future. This will require new software in all credit card teruiinals (ranging
`from 80Sl—based POS terminals to high-end ATMS). To facilitate this transition, they are designing a
`token-based system conceptually similar to Open Firmware or Java based on Forth. Using the “Open
`Terminal Architecture” (OTA) it will be possible for credit card issuers and acquirers to write application
`programs that will be completely platform independent, and run on all OTA-compliant kernels.
`This is the second of three papers on OTA; it will discuss the overall architecture of OTA.
`System Components
`The purpose of an OTA system is to provide software to run in terminals used in payment applications.
`Conceptually, there are two hardware environments, and several classes of software. The hardware environments
`include the development system, which is based on a simple PC. and a target which is some form of payment
`terminal. The software includes development software, which runs on the PC; kernels, which include all platform-
`specific software in a terminal and other mandatory standard functions; libraries, which provide general functions
`to support
`terminal programs. and payment applications; applications, which are the functions specific to a
`particular payment product. and terminal programs. which perform general non—payment terminal functions and
`include high-level mecliartisms for selecting and executing transactions and associated applications.
` Interactive development link
` Targ et system
`Figure 1
`the terminal end of the
`An OTA development environment for a terminal small program to support
`Interactive Development Link (IDL) protocol
`is usually placed in the telsmR@M.
`Development En viranment
`An OTA development system is used to develop terminal software. either low-level kernel software or high-level
`library or application software. Kernel development requires a target terminal to be connected, as the kernel is
`cross-compiled on the PC host and downloaded to the terminal across the Interactive Development Link. OTA
`libraries, terminal programs. and applications are also developed on a PC host. Because they are high-level code,
`they may also be executed on the host for preliminary testing, using the host's version of the standard kernel, and
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 6

`74 Proceedings of the 1996 Rochester Conference
`thus a target is not needed. For final testing using the terminal‘s own kernel and I/O, these programs would be
`tokenized (see discussion below) and downloaded to the target terminal.
`As an example, a prototype development system consists of a PC running Windows 3.11, Windows-NT or
`Windows 95 and an [DL to a target terminal (see Figure 1). Development software on the PC is based on ProForth
`for Windows, a product of MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd.
`Terminal Target Environments
`The target system is any one of a large variety of payment terminals. Actual products range from small, hand-held
`devices with simple 8-bit microprocessors such as the 8031l51 family to 32-bit computers running operating
`systems such as Windows-NT or Unix.
`In order to simplify the production, certification and maintenance of
`software on such a wide variety of targets, OTA terminal code is based on a single virtual machine which is
`emulated on the actual devices. Prototype coding and testing has shown that this approach is feasible and provides
`good run-time performance, even on an 8051 CPU.
`Each target contains a kernel consisting of a standardized set of functions whose CPU-specific implementation is
`optimized for that specific platform. This kernel suppons standard libraries and terminal programs and
`applications which are written in high—level code for the virtual machine and will therefore run on any terminal
`with a standard OTA kernel.
`Virtual Machine
`The software in every.0TA terminal is written in terms of a common virtual machine. This is a theoretical 32-bit
`microprocessor with standard characteristics defming addressing modes, stack usage, register usage, address space,
`etc. The kernel for each particular CPU type is written to make that processor emulate the virtual machine. The
`virtual machine concept makes a high degree of standardization possible across widely varying CPU types, and
`simplifies program portability. testing, and certification issues.
`interpreting tokens representing VM
`Virtual machine emulation may be accomplished by one of three methods:
`instructions (like Java),
`translating these tokens into a directly executable “threaded code” form (like Open
`Firmware), or translating them into actual code for the target CPU. The latter two methods offer improved
`performance at a modest cost in added target complexity. Present systems employ interpretation.
`A kernel contains all functions whose implementation depends upon a particular platform (CPU and OS).
`includes a selected subset of ANS Forth words, plus a number of specialized OTA functions such as terminal IIO
`support token loader/interpreter support, and operations designed to support the particular needs of payment
`programs. Since it cannot itself be tokenized and downloaded, but must be physically installed (e.g. in PROM), the
`kentel is intended to be installed once, and not changed thereafter during the lifetime of the terminal. Therefore its
`functions are carefully designed to be very general in nature and as complete as possible, in order to support a wide
`range of present and future terminal programs and applications.
`A kernel is normally provided by the manufacturer of the terminal in which it resides. It is developed and certified
`according to the OTA Kernel Specification. Standard kernel functions not appropriate to a particular terminal type
`(e.g., action of a non-existant device) may be coded for that terminal as null functions, so every kernel has an
`identical set of functions and the testing and certification process is simplified.
`functions that support common features of terminal programs, such as
`OTA Libraries contain higher-level
`language selection, and common features of applications, such as PIN verification. A terminal may contain several
`libraries, some accessible to all applications. and some restricted to particular applications or payment systems.
`Libraries are written and tokenized for the virtual machine, using functions provided in the kernel, and therefore
`can be run on any terminal.
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 7

`Open Systems
`Terminal Program
`A terminal program is part of the Terminal Resident Services and consists of the high-level “personality"
`characteristic of this terminal type (POS, ATM, etc.). This includes the functions common to all transactions (e.g.,
`card initialization and language selection) as well as the user interface required to select an application and process
`a transaction. The temtinal program at the highest level is typically triggered by a card insertion. Like libraries. a
`terminal program is written for the vinual machine, based on both kernel and library functions, and supplied in
`token form.
`It can therefore be run on any terminal of the appropriate type (e.g., ATM), and is easily changed by
`downloading over a network at any time.
`A terminal transaction will select an application as part of its processing flow. Applications fall into three general
`cashless “purses” (Pay Before), debit cards (Pay Now) and credit cards (Pay Later); applications will
`generally vary in their method of processing a given transaction. Versions of these applications may be provided
`by different payment systems and furthercustomiaed by individual issuers or acquirers. Applications are supplied
`in token form via the communications path, and (if security considerations permit) may be enhanced by token
`programs on an ICC.
`Taken compiler: and The Token Loader/Interpreter
`Libraries, applications, and tenninal programs are written in high-level code for the virtual machine. The OTA
`development system includes Forth and C compilers for this virtual machine, whose output consists of tokens.
`Tokens may be thought of as machine language instructions for the virtual machine. Tokens are either one or two
`bytes in length, and therefore represent the program in a form that is both CPU-independent and extremely
`compact (far more so, for example, than compressed source text).
`Each kernel contains a Token Loader/Interpreter (TLI), which processes a stream of tokens into an executable
`form. Once the kernel
`is installed in a terminal,
`the libraries, applications, and terminal programs can be
`downloaded into the terminal in a variety of ways (direct connection to an OTA development host. acquirer hard-
`wired network, modem and dial-up telephone line, etc.). Program modifications and new applications are down-
`loadable in the same manner whenever needed.
`166 Functions
`One function of lCCs is to improve transaction security by incorporating and managing encrypted data and
`participating actively in the transaction validation process.
`It is conceptually possible to go beyond these functions
`and provide for lCCs that also contain program code to enhance a terminaI's transaction processing, thereby
`providing new opportunities for payment products and services. To facilitate this, “sockets” are provided. that can
`be “plugged” by issuer-specific functions such as loyalty programs, which may be invoked at appropriate points in
`the transaction processing. The OTA does not currently propose that lCCs contain entire applications, but only
`plug behaviors that enhance existing terminal applications.
`As far as security is concerned, the presumption is that if an ICC passes the decryption and data authentication
`tests, whatever functions and plug behaviors are on the card have been certified and are syntactically valid. The
`terminal decides to allow or disallow the card’s proposed actions only as controlled by the terminal access security
`Open Terminal Architecture Features
`The OTA token set provides program portability in systems with multiple CPU types by passing source code
`programs of various types through an intermediate compiler whose output is a string of tokens. Target terminals
`then process this code either by further compiling it to native code.
`translating it to a different form, or by
`interpreting it directly. Figure 2 illustrates this process.
`The OTA token set covers three main areas. The first is the instruction set of a theoretical processor (virtual
`machine), and thus provides the instructions necessary for the efficient execution of programs. The second allows
`what are normally called “operating system functions“ to be defined.
`In the embedded systems for which OTA is
`targeted, system functions cover not only OTA functions such as communications, TLVs, and library functions, but
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 8

`76 Proceedings of the 1996 Rochester Conference
`also access between program modules and the associated access control mechanism. The third token group
`includes tokens specific to OTA processing, including such functions as user message management, database
`management and handling of TLVs (“Tag, Length, Value” data formats, specified by ISOIIEC 8825, and used for
`communicating with the chip cards).
`The OTA token set has been optimized for use on small terminals with ease of compilation. ease of interpretation,
`and good code density.
`.F-orlh ='§uurm
`;: ‘Sunrise Code
`(other languages)
`Tokens in the Interpreter Conceptf hey may be generated from a variety of source code formats, down-
`loaded to a terminal, and interpreted or executed.
`Figure 2
`Virtual Machine CPU Features
`The OTA virtual machine is based on a two-stack architecture, as seen in Forth. This architecture has been further
`modified for portability, code density, ease of compilation, and for use with other programming languages. For
`example, it contains provisions for local variables and frame pointers used in C. Thus. OTA token compilers can
`be written not only for Forth but also C and other languages.
`It is a byte-addressed, 32-bit machine, with 32-bit
`registers and stack elements.
`OTA defines a single address space for programs. This address space is accessible for data storage only. Programs
`may not assume that executable code is in this address space. Depending on the actual CPU and kernel
`implementation strategies the executable code may be in a different address space, or may be under the control of a
`memory management unit.
`In any case, programs are not permitted to access their own program memory directly,
`and any attempt to do so will be flagged during the program certification procedure.
`“External memory” may be used to store databases and program modules; however this space is controlled entirely
`by the kernel, and access to data therein is provided to client programs only indirectly. This memory may be in
`mapped pages, flash ROM, disk, or simply more main memory — this is completely at the discretion of the kernel
`implementor and is transparent to the programs.
`Programs and Tokens
`The instruction set of the virtual machine is coded as a byte stream of tokens. The most common functions,
`including most Forth primitives, are expressed in one-byte or “pn'mary“ tokens. Some system functions and most
`OTA-specific functions are two—byte or “secondary” tokens. Some tokens also have associated values, for such
`things as literal values and branch offsets.
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 9

`Open Systems 77
`The token compiler compiles source code as a string of tokens which may be downloaded to the target terminal.
`After downloading, the terminal uses a token loaderlinterpreter to execute the tokens.
`Program and Library Management
`The software on an OTA terminal is organized as a set of separate modules. A module is a collection of definitions
`passed through the token compiler as a single unit. The main Terminal Program, each application, and each
`library are examples of modules.
`Modules need to communicate to perform overall terminal functions. A program module, for example a library,
`contains a number of definitions. Some of these are used only internally, and others must be accessible externally.
`Following all the definitions in a module there is a special section where definitions to be referred to externally are
`“exported" or listed in a way that constucts a table of entry points published for access by higher-level modules.
`Architecture Summary and Status
`Figure 3
`The basic architecture of OTA was successfully validated in the prototypes exhibited at the Europay Members‘
`Meeting in Seville.
`Issues to be revisited include placement of certain functions in the kernel vs. external token
`programs, minimum and maximum size requirements, and further definition of standard libraries and application
`In addition, intensive efforts will be directed in the next few months toward development of salable
`software products, including development kits and validation suites for both kernels and token modules.
`Petitioner First Data - Exhibit 1010 - Page 10

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