
`Exhibit 1003
`Exhibit 1003


`ZZZFZ. 35.111111. {Zone Azxmhh 11:11:11: Characfierizefi by
`.Z¥”§11111'1:11§;:e.111:e Z11 $311.1 flyhrii‘iizaiimm F1111}? Prognosis; in
`Node NegaZiwe EZI'e
`.1111; Cam331113111111;
`E3}, MuchaeiE‘
`Pies; 1:331:23 {462112151111 E’mrmia A.T51c:mas LorzcaineF. 5.1111111. 5111151131111 ZhoU, huffing #1111
`Gene Hung. Robert 35.. Robinson CEMREGS Hemisfi.
`15.1"!1:? EE-N11991:: Benoit. J. 511.211.01.11'1dma E15. ?E1iEEspgs,
`Rizal ScandeE’i. Wsnqun, and Kerry .1. Hum
`epidmmei gmwfih 11.1111 renames“. This invasiigminn was
`pefiarmmi m vmiidme fluorescence is; 51m hybridizdiien
`{F253} as a sensifive 1111129 specific 111111111 Ear assessing
`HER-33:26:12 gems empiifisafion in m‘ti‘zivoi tissue and to
`11251 1111111111.. this Migration. fr. usmtin‘wfi with poor pragv
`111115151111 gene emaiifim»
`Mateu’afis and Herfiudi:
`tiers W1553e¥e§min§3ByH351m 3413 arthivui areas? can"
`cars. previeufiy sharncfetiaefi éor gene nmpfiifimfion by
`50111111121111 hybridizafiwn or fiahhict hyfiridizafion, mad for
`gene expression by Northern hybridization, Weséem im-
`mmmbie’t, or immmnoizisimhemisfly. A Magyar-11h: cohort
`of 326, nodaaegative breast cancers 911m «messed for
`ampiifimfion in; “5H 21:1 demrmine the 1.1312115 13E HSRQJ
`12.91! gene ampiificmfion.
`Resui‘fis: Refiniisre m sméifivmnhix Matting prmezimea,
`§E$Hanalysis n§ HER 2! tree gene mmpiificafimn showed
`1: 51211111511133 32‘ 9.8% and 1:1 sperifixiry of “210%m M?!
`50mm? camera. 33111125115; 1151315111115 flawed by surgery amiy.
`fine 5511111111 1521515 {feia’tive 5113212115} o‘i‘ 1.21315)! recurrenm
`{mwzrrent déaecsse wifhin 25$ months 1111‘ cliagoasis}, remap
`rent disease £1111 any time}, and vfiaeaseumémved 1511:2151
`were 3151;213:115}? signifiwmiy associaiefl wiih umgiéfih
`111151.211. The yrogneetiz: Enters-1311151311 cog-111185111115 {my 112%-
`2;“12111.! ampiifimiian was indiemm‘iem of 33% Miner mark
`en: sfudéeé
`fiomfusimm FEZH was an uhemutiwe Zechniszgue for view
`tea-fiifi'igfiwgene mapfifizamien 511315 511.1125 51mm distimt mi-
`yameges ever 5011;131:1111 hybrisiimtian. {Char 113313515 dam?
`onstmfie £31m? HEWZERSH gene omflifimfion in {he
`absence 0% 111311111111 Zhempy is: ms 21113121111911de wedmgs
`12? poor 51111134111 1393161311121: amt is a stronger dixcriminom
`than {rumor size. Women with smnii mmms 111m has? gene
`ampfifimfien were a? imremeci risk a? recur-rem»: 1mg}
`diewasevreiinked 5312:1111
`J their: Once! 35:2894f 2?M.3
`3%"? is? American $101
`1:521:11 m‘ Cfanfizaf finwiogy,
`M?’E...}.i7 E’(’I'5‘51'I’E(Z}N A ND 0‘1! {ZZZ-3K PHI-EX 3111331" of 11:1:
`111111. 3111?; E78135) 131115131110 0'2
`i-EZZ'LRs-lfsnji'i: 11r'1.311.3~1}211‘<'u'
`' 3.
`‘5' 71:15.11? 1111.15.27»
`‘1 iii).
`121.121" 111.813". 11331 of
`{12.113515 have been .a‘
`renown: 81:; 2:15.13 or shorter 111115.311” 511311111111 11': 1113111131311;
`with 1311111 1:21" 1311.55.15. cancer};
`“’ HER-3:51.11 111-2118. amplh£1.-
`15 1131111311233 1151313121113.
`1131' 511111115111 :21 311119113131.
`113i:51112231111121. M;h1‘1s1g}'s 3.51.0591? are WEE.l5—csi;1.hiis‘r11t17i and
`1111112111131} 13111113111111.21301‘ require: 1121211315151)" 511111: 55:11:11-
`11113111. 1m: why:1 111 iii 211111111215 1117111131315. 1:51.111) 5111-1111101].
`.31ti'11‘i‘1. 311111 {1312111811 1131351E1>fm1d 1);": 111121131:
`”(1111151317531£5.51 £115.11?“ an: 1111;111:1213.01:11.11111111mm, Far-3.1313
`8 11.11.11 00 the.
`1:11 analyze 11311332. paraffin-
`sauce; z'zipiciiy 1113':
`:1 mil~§33~ccii be."
`1111*i 1:GC 1531'-
`.1111: hybridize“
`111m {NEH} 11.9
`3 of KER/2.511111;
`a swim
`5111 archivai
`1:11:11: ztx'npiis’izrsriion 112130;;
`apex-311113215; previously 151231111151313251213
`HE 5 ~31“.11 15151111: :111'1plificz1111311 11ml {sapmasioam {3153113511.
`11111113- 1101;211:1151:
`5.2% 111E131“!
`13151211101; 3125.111121—
`1.132111;1:1 v1 '11}; surgical 11151131111311mt§11ce1
`' Lama-1' 1‘1‘1’355141171 #:1273151“:
`1115' 1.5:!3711022’1‘: £5.11
`$111.11 Tumm'
`' 1'
`11;," Sum‘hwfi
`:81 11.5.1111.“ Cam Letimrrtmzt {111' #811»,
`{51:11:10} (Haifa? [115:1
`#5179}? 5611311." 3-10} {ZR-41.5}: «:11! {Mme {11...} 11.35.45:Etcv'sixsu'g. «1511?.
`"(5'15 1‘?«:1.'m' HEP-51151». }.
`Prob; 13' for 5:111:11211111110731‘11'
`522.11“ imi's'
` H?
`1“. Paris.
`5155.}. PM}.
`{.131111111'111‘1125212‘ {Mylar {CE-mm:
`.wiakr: A112.
`301155313111 1* 131:1."
`{331 91MB}?
`C frmtm’ {’fiike‘nfirxgik‘.
`'5 55;" 351111039; C111?-
`5.1.?" fiwzoroiogy- {.!:21:1.1‘1‘1g1-.
`.‘Wsrréisxma'. by};
` of
`1!}; Li? 51"111‘rmn'm.
`:Wrsdm'fl“. EZE;
`{11:11.11 nffx 1.5172121411.
`Hf}; «imr‘i
`1251111201 11f
`5:;11111}; Nil:
`. ANION}, Medan“? i. M
`Him 5111} 312117.11}? H. {996: 11115111 firm? 1
`5172311150511 111 mm? .2; m» 55911501111? {0131:2111 .
`{{{gqy-1:; 1‘2...1'
`Journal: OE Cir‘nicol’ Onwfcgy, ‘v’oE 15, No 8 {August}, 3839?: pp EQ‘EMQ’E‘OA
`. No other uses without permission.
`Downloaded from on April 7, 2014. For personal use only
`Copyright © 1997 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
`Exhibit 1003-01


`111%?an AMPUS‘ZCAEON 131‘ FESH
`11.1 0011111211 11111.1 REE-12521115114 g< 11<3
` were. 2111112332011.
`2171115131'1'11331111311 by 1 SH 1'21}; 3: 11121111131 01' {1001' 13103310211;
`This 1114;
`1 m:1111411156 E11 1111: {whasax P113211 1 was. p1311’1mrm1‘i
`1:0 «111511.211'
`11. as :1
`3;;5 11.119. of
`'11111311111111111111 4551.16. 111
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`2 11. us.
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`3111.11.171'11? 3.11.23111‘121'1011 {251‘
`3'333-1 I){iii}; fixinkcnfarh'
`“111: 1:11p}- 11.1111
`tissue. Sig-{ici-
`1‘11‘12531'111111'111 by 84111111113131
`.1111 11nd 11:18.11 1111::
`0101 using 17);)?“1 11120111131} 112.101 111121.911. 111mm £11111 13
`311.111 112111 1.1112111 .1431
`11111121311111? and 113111111101:
`3.11 13'...
`1.1 by 31311121211212115101 1cmia£1y 31.3111:
`111 1G .0;
`'1‘»: 311.
`1113.34 C111:
`11111 1111313' 11521131:
`141131.111»; 1110111119 1111311104115
`’L'2.11;<3.n 11211131141111.1120 5131.111
`'.oi1 5431121311313 13.x; reps...-
`11141111 £1113p1111c11
`2151111'31'1'313 111' 11.111111119111391? 1131111155 1.1:1'11‘. acquired 10 511111;)
`ampm‘smiénn 511'overexpreswiran. One. 1111131111111 £11111] m». s
`Chaired 51:5
`.'%:1?;11)1°5: 1111' 11135 13313519.
`('1 [1313. 3.1.1113“.
`‘1'1131 51'}
`Moving; 1103.11 1111:;11ifim11131: :1an m1.11:}: 111.0
`1111 M111. 5111 11111324
`runph’iicnzjm". 1:11 11131133213193.1100 13;.- 301111-1112111'121 131015119;
`“'11;(<1f;:>»svm‘mlz*<'3. 1.21.3102“.
`'1'1111111'13131 cam r 3]
`1.151311 {11.311}: 5:11.111
`3m. phase 1.11" 1:111; .1de 1113.113
`1111111111023 m 11113:
`11011111131111“ W111111111-n:§?1h€d1.11“1
`1131241111.": 131%
`" 7112136 Macks 311$-
`13.111311 21.13111 1.11311111111111' 133111131123 and 1111331121. 111551317111531,
`1111-1331109-(12181111 1.1213. 111.1...1.
`114111011 51111111 .11
`11:01 s1k11t1rr11511. 1:1... 711151111111011.
`1223111031.? 1111: 013:;
`1:;411121111311111 11113113 51111151111111: 1?.
`1r: 11k.
`11.3w .
`‘3 14:»1131221221 on.
`13 5151315121115.
`12m 1:118. HER-2.411.121 g
`131111£t<1z1<111 :1
`2’11?{MIN-31.11128. 33’." an 53139113
`"11‘c1111‘. "gmric.°11iw111c111.1 UNA 111111113
`(Guam. 5111'. (23111113131 1211.9.
`for11113111010101: 1? 11243. 5111111311111 .15
`1311119211101; 11143
`11:11:31,111:- 0? a"
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`513.1: of 111'
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`H.312 51:11:11: 1:11:51 114111111291"
`1" ’13;
`.1 53(3'111113 1311-11 was .1154". 11513.11 :15:
`.11 12.1.1111'1'21 111 mm' in; 111153211111“ 31141 mi==§11 4:15:13 111:1: m
`2111 1.11.11:
`:. {3511 was
`{1011131111011 :45.
`are 143111111143.-
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`1:33:11 wort 311
`' manned211112.311 11111.1 211111111113 13111111312. 331121111111: war:
`5:00 '1‘"
`V151111'11..1‘.11 1.11111 1241.52. 11mm:
`11111.: 11119
`SK-BR-fé 11111112111
`1:17.115. 1101:1111 1,111.31:3 111.1...1'119 5:11:51'11‘1'1031111111.
`1's 1111111315 112111111 cancer 1:1:
`1'1"?“1‘1333; American '1' " {3111113111
`1213;111:021 1123.11 1131'... "1211}
`{311.1011 30:! P“
`1.1111 41151111 1;.1111111 '11:? 11111111111111 (11111 1131111211 {<11 1.111113
`E1 21 1111111
`1.4.1111 1'1 3413115131210 1? “-ryiixammtfi. 1135: 5111119113
`"112111'. Emmi 1'23: 1.1.10 sun-.1?yais :11 1.1.13" '- 1 3133113152.
`511111113). 1'31»>1duck; 31:13.;
`3.1.112: 1'01: 111.3 13112111111 0111131111113. 1111.13.15»
`{5111111 11114111;
`. A 1111:;411‘1di311-«mm grim 1111:}. 11.11: 111311111 -
`0.13:1 11111.1123 aimi a 1111.
`12 d'mrmm11m 11" umnmxrc 9mm: gm; 1"-
`1114;211:115 were 2.1;1‘01'11111mi
`for $11011
`criteria 05111111131116 for 3311111313111 hybticiimiimn.”‘
`f}. 1.111. germ
`' 1.113171 11:21? 21:5 '5
`2213311111....1313113 1'3" 1";1111':
`ff!111.111 1111111"?“1
`P131113 1‘1.
`Winks” 3111.11 1;; 11113;:13'}. 1115:3111 3114;19-
`M15031 W 8.11011 1;111117443
`1111111111 111318. 1111:1111
`:51 .
`1.111111 111' 1‘1"? 11511111111 3011:5451 1:311:13:
`1:31:15: 2231313111.: 121‘ 111:: M. ZT) 1112111111133 Lance; (313111131 1113'? 1:125:11. 1111'.
`5:1.2211211'11131.1111130 .111.- 4:>f11: 3:311 .
`E m 24.951355. 3111'. 1'-:53.41.1111351119
`'1 27.4 111<1111115
`1011 1151' 11-10.}; s'J-i'
`1'. was. 1:11:11 .
`111131111 111' 11".
`’. 121111419. 30 20.03319.
`11111751114312.1311 11.155131? 13211111115113 11181115115111.1111'1141 311111155.
`' 31111. 111112.911»
`113133.313. inadequafl: 11311 11112111211130}. 1122112117124 11.111101 11
` 32311-15: 12111112111. 1110:1131
`‘ 5. Addmoml p.153; €13.11"
`3.111111112211111 from
`:11.'11:1§u'.-':31111 armament.
`112213 chm
`'11 0:1‘
`lack 111' 5141171
`1) {111' 5; 11:11:11
`:‘211111111 1011.111114
`1.112412. 121.113
`bis: {’01 1:22:11;
`111'. 2191:1113
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`‘.' mm:
`111' haw-.1. Univez'
`' 1211.111 1.13.1
`(1111231121211. 111 31.101111}.
`{1.1111'311-1111 1‘511114441111111111‘4‘ (i
`{£191.} 111113 prrjg1‘3113‘0flz‘: ret'irptm'
`111111152: 315113,
`fish-1.1121311 10011111111
`{11111 31111123 '11:ch (111133111011 from. 1313:111031 rcmrxia.
`21"].‘131‘1' 11.2"111‘!(!1'»>11‘§1‘1651’9 3.3?‘2’51’13‘5 .'.'.';>12‘c'r.'<.
`31153711 $1135:
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`1.1113111: 1.0111111: 1.11:} was 1..
`1710111211111 1110» 11541“. 111' <3?4rt1n':<m:ss113 17 probe. 111 1111:
` 12;; 133 {1111 0.121 provide 1211111
`1% (21'1101‘5111111131111111.
`1:311 and.
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`m: 21.'111.
`11.10.13: 111;”) 111111 011911574 1.1:" 5
`{1‘-21mm 1111 1251'?
`1:131:27; have} 111.35,
`:11 10.131. 111-15 7.8.1:? 111'
`'31} 111301.111:11311911151
`. No other uses without permission.
`Downloaded from on April 7, 2014. For personal use only
`Copyright © 1997 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
`Exhibit 1003-02


`nuclei. 1333301331.:311'11'1 31113 1111111111 1.101;:1501ktca11se 1'2111'1111'1 012152111102»
`11011 1201130 he 111211.311 111 all vaiidafims casts with 11311.1 511131301 1111111321131
`of 1211.33.01 111.100 9.031111%}. M in 3:333:10 i. 1311'. nuclei were selected i'or
`.1511'101‘11.1t1111e1» 1.111 11111 basis 011111111311111:111'0311'131>2;§1' with 11111101
`1111111111 21.
`:0 with a.
`Pi filter 1111.31.31 .1 lave-u 14 >4} 211113.301
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`'i't1tSR'arfE ”13.111123: R1; 3111;1*1'».-:111;>_zrm‘l-
`.1; stem, w.
`3:5 based 2:11“:
`:1 numerical 3:011: (£1111 z'e-preaaarfis 11.3111
`511101 of" scores afit-Ligi’mfl 11.13.1100 of three. ind'gmntirmlx' 011321121121!Thu
`1:13;: usui 1;! 111.113 3):313331 are:>
`: 3 35.11? 68313.1. 111.:11'2111'101'»
`11.11.0111 at 1:E0=<:11001j21§11:11o
`111 amm-
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`Sim-21113213011 and:1311:1111
`3113:1121. of 101‘.
`3:35;[111' 393‘ of the 3’47
`5121;311:111. 1.51:: 1.11111: 1111'.
`R1 mart: {Q'srmiri 3; 1‘1:
`111:1 15191110111 1351: 10/..15111. 1111...; 12111331201021 and. 11131:;- 11121111111311 3":1'1'111
`3111.1}.101' 01131111311110.» 1‘1. flick": 111.111: 13:11:11 0;" 31714» 1.315.111: 1:11:12: coded. rel-.1»
`0:331:13, 11111.1. 111111‘11cndcmiy reviewed £11111 graded 3.1)" sis-1'00 01121101012111»
`#11113. padsologieis. .31 21111121291151.1111 11311101 grade. 13131111111 :11.» 31111133101001
`of 1M: same grade 111 :3 breast taut-01' by {we 111' 11101-1: 111113110031
`11:11.1»; achieved for iL‘Z’ ofR13 17::
`111.1. 01133331111115 1111's 011511.11 w .
`1'01'101R'cfi h}; :1 £111.1131 01.121113- Ct‘flififid 9.1100111111.; 1:; 31.111010 mrmw
`R113. 3"1.iti3r»sr;1' :11 £1an 1‘.;.n:‘:<‘.1.4. wow. grade l, 1111-01.: grade ."5. 21111.;
`571‘ were 1:17:03» .7.
`31L21"S‘Ih(it (311115}1'3.
`11131 the. {1011:1112 i 1121110211110 1'13 1315111. 171.10 tic-1:21»
`1321193133 ”14513315311.
`'1.1:s»'t1:.<11f3; Somme or.~' ampiified or nunazzxplfiimj
` i.»-
`103.} 0013.; and 03711211301300 @511 01131211221152: 111111111338
`} {01'
`171311 12.1121 111'
`1.31.1". 1001111 111311121111- uf i'ilikvle‘mrra :31
`1113:. 1:0
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`.1003 udt'd
`11115131011.” Sample-.9 were considereai anfifigumzer if 23313.6
`1:111: 1151331112, 0:313:10191131013 1: 1111'. 1111,0151 1.011311101161- 11111.11. RmR“
`:1,<1.m:.11.:mp1111m 111.311:
`211121ly>11zs were. conducted m1 111;»; 11in" 1:11:11; from {1:11.101 sets. 11:. mils
`21111-3 :13; results. Rim-11: 1.111111111113313 with 1111.131: 3.1111100 5.0301” 1111:3710 amulmr
`of l-it‘ZlK--;!1"r.<sr.r1 gear. copies per writ. Tire. 21111111131111
`. 0:131:31"
`the 1‘ SH maximum was: i
`111111313 11115113211: 1:1 20:31.5 1111:1111; 3.33-1.13“ng
`11.4.1111 3153111111113
`1701 L316. 01111331 111'111x12»11eg;z§j.1'1: 0:112:31 0.1111301.
`i231“. 513.1109.013
`)1 pfa‘}]}€31‘?3i}13‘<13
`i1; razetlu'sds. t1:- emu‘dn-z 1311-9. 311-51.
`£131:eafly 1111.11111‘11131. m1..-1:111mm, 11111111312: 15 Mom} death assemamd
`wit: HE}.— 2.511112 10111.3, age,
` ;. C111
`1.0211131 3.:
`1; Mum 0133111? 113.11.0103110.» “on: as.
`01-11101: that 11':-
`1.1r111'511111'11'.1n:3.l 11:11-30:33 1111111101111.
`1.1110111! 3:122:30,
`0311131553 1.: 15115:“
`I}; for ER 51101111.. Mi 211111111,
`21111. 1.0111111 53%“. :0. UR 1J1 as 13741231115111} mince“ «111.11 11111131115; 11151311131-
`1'11111 81115.0.
`111:1. sex-aim 11§;1:.1111-;-l
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`- 30011111311133; 31113111501111;-
`1'." 1:111:13 1313:1133, {31:1 13:15:! 19112311111»?6 here .3111. 1'11; 151.».e ant-13.531.15.31: 11:3711211
`:1 taiagnry for 11113171110 0:31.11 was; mrciudszd» for eat-2.31 1:1; the “34.321111
`in 111.0 Emails rim: follow. we 113:1:
`(3'11“: 11.312111 1:111:11»; 1'13};
`111 mercy:2; 111:: 10‘12.15111:
`FISH finely-.1111 12;“(351)3116’543131‘13711 {szai'acrarizmi
`8mm? Cannery
`..3111}. 111 ahe- 1101111213 111111~»t1111'-10r-
`1.1111'11'31—1reil 1211101125 (Fig;
`cell. 11110301. of 1.1.1 1ftil‘1vcu‘1hcdfic13 11101111111 in 1."
`5111 which Hiiifinflrm gem: 111111211111011011 1.111.»;
`{$11.12 §'131£1>1R-111g'1. only 11111113013013 11110301 showed 23.119; alter-
`0131'111,7\3<11'11121311118210101011 '1 comm:111-13 1.1531013: 211113 11';
`EM 003% 111 1;.110111111111 13113 11.111 1.111311-
`i111:1ra-3;::a<13 3111113011151
`oi .tiii..~E/m10 1?‘23; 5.113110%.
`{3112‘ Mi} 52150.R‘ 01121311320 11; 1th; 5051.131- 1 111111132111011 111111313;
`3.13 had known amplificaiiim ...e--.1<'-i$. dczmranimai by South}-
`1‘31: dot—E1301. 21111311'
`213113 known own-.1»).
`1131; level;
`373.- Mm".‘l31:1'n 1111111011
`1"» 0111-371)
`111:1; 51.1. 11111310». and/111 i111.112us)(1311:».1.0031111111513'31.
`Socoestul 1011,1111: 3131'311'113125111111111 was 012121111011 is;
`1"111»1111-11§_'1ed<3ed 0:15:11;- maziom 17013.3! Hi} 1:215:13 in 1110 122.31»
`11111111: Win-:11 MEI-1111121113011 1.11115; attached.
`111.10} "111' 1111-11.lR Were‘1‘.".13
`in :1
`£1311? 1130110. 5101;110:113. Tim DNA 1.1.1 131.0110.
`1.1" was appeared 1.0 7005111011: i-‘orly—nine of 51} 1:11.113 11:11.31
`311111113. g111‘ 111111.1311113211111111 11.1113. 0111110110101111110 0:113 11. i-ii'iR»--
`1 1131:: 17 11111111 greater 101-511:7 {3.123110 1:32.03
`11-1131 gm; 110111313101111011 1:13.- Southern hybr'1d1103111nn was
`not: 11313111111111}. 11.1 21111330111311 by 3333.33.
`131.13 {it} £21,105 3010121111
`1:11 3:11:32 $0111.11
`"1‘03?le331321111111 and to 312111:
`12:1;11'06’1901.on 3111ii :3.
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`30.12:; 1:31:30 2 1311110113 the-Re ‘91": 11011111310313'11:1i. 31:11>r'-'.:<p11"'
`.se.tf1c 211113.11 {-11:14-;?.111.>11:-1:13»ch10111 men. 1? ratio
`W215; l39“ {3.3 if} 11:; 3-27: wlzieh 1111510qu 012111311-
`17131311 <1.“ 3.1} 1121131.; to {131400131 was: .mepixlmmue 11:0; 1.11101
`11112301131111.1111 11} 1111511111: E-‘ii3-1—2{11:11.1 “11-1321131;.13ii'11313131:113
`was: {31.122221110 13 -; $983131 1‘11:in W112; 11.31}.11.: relaiivs.‘ 10 mini»
`1111111111; 3110111111: 1011110101121; {T113110 31
`0511-0133111 01.11.111- 1191211111111? 1.1.»:! (Jeane 1‘1111;31‘1‘~
`1111101110 11111121 131R of 3%RES/21211.1 1:12.110 111111.73?—
`1’11:azion by 3-381}. 01111-111101! $10111giy mil; g1111211111§>3iii01
`(301-1311030613 by 53111113111111
`t;ylzrn;liza:mm, 311335-835 111'
`it'll} tumour-cell
`111103121 by 11311131110111.1121;
`1.1111111421211111; was:
`11111 1ze<ii1:111.R:. 3113112011111; 11113311120131:er
`parent (1111-1311:; [he 120131.111:1.11'13111211121iyx1‘2 10:11 1111 1101;111:111:
`aRReasimm (11"
`01-33111. 01111111311313.1301 0011;;1:111:
`111111.1RR1R 01" 113111131 C131
`3910:1013 1.111 131:? 0111.113113111300 ml 201‘} 011333:.»- and
` of .. .3611: Cir; for the 1151111.; 01 1:31;-
`11:13:11; 111m;-‘1'»:
`111131131111 0t -"§1.11.11311'13010<1
`1‘1’111311 signals 11}
`(.ufiiiiq‘riLJl5 231113;" 1:13.816R" {3.3.5:}.3 Were 11>nxj<b1ypc3 ambigu»
`1.1115 {1.:33. 1111:3013ed 35111:. 1111110203113: 1111: 1110113101 1311131101-
`01:31:»; 1001111111213 161;; atium'e 21 (11311511338535 21R:""‘s:mcm: of gene.
`21101100011001: 5101113. We 11511111111110.
`(3121?. 13110.01»-
`emer’céi 11). 1111111211133. tile {<11 1:: til: 1:21:51:
`12.12131 1131:" 1312121: 110: lcus
`Fluorcwem 51133111131; £1211 HERQJRM 13,0110 9.1113 chroma.-
`.‘mme i?&ipi‘1zi-Si‘iii§iiii€ HERA 12.11.1171,: readily identified E11
`1113011113 in 1:01:31 of 11 5111105; 111'p1'1‘1grcssdyeiy E21100: $£1£T1§3E115~2
`3110111111111. 1111;: 11} 1014.301. iyak-1101;: 1i); 13111:: 1113101011011»
`. No other uses without permission.
`Downloaded from on April 7, 2014. For personal use only
`Copyright © 1997 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
`Exhibit 1003-03


`HER-27mm fiMPLiFlCATFC‘N 8? HSH
`Ida—Effie 332439. imafizad £2}: green flooresmni‘ signufs. umfi nipi‘rwscleiiém 8N)!» of chromosome 1?, imaiixed 532126 fiuarewem sign-315.,
`Fig 3.,
`Maugham genial a? breasr cartimmo wiis {Mae},
`ilk? Ema» mar-em imking PIER-Near: gem. empiifimrian civmumrmw (rim narmui dipioid mime”? of
`Nikr’za’aw sigrmia gm:- nutiaus. {£1} finest camera wirh low ievurlls of Hfikfifnmr gene nmpiificrflism anew an intranet} number e§ iifii’éfifnw gene copies
`wil'i's HE’RQIfleww‘nhmwswe :1? Sigma? mm?!) i.'> 3.5}, {Ci Emmi! (armors wiih high [Lewis n15 HER'QXMU gone amflifimfimx (rim flaw {in immersed
`number m‘: HER-2r‘m gems «Apia: wish 548%ijwere-chromosome 1? signal “Bim- :> 1G.
`‘ of'czases would he mamziizigguowi3; arraigned s;
`amplified or Hil’lliEliflffliiiifi-L‘i
`e' "reg" wining;
`ii} rm 2,.
`aifier scoring 13 rmeiei, 314*
`area? ’3} zmciei, 932% after
`953*}. after 9541: nuclei. and. 99% sitar Eli} 23.02.1103,.
`No Liz’ffez'c 10m in ciagaiiirzniiun occurred when HER—Cf
`rm»: Ei‘i-k‘tfélgt‘: 000,053; in the first ’35,} iii.r3‘3r3eif»r:fl,ii nuclei were
`compared Wérh 000an in tire i203: LEG nuclei and with counts:
`of the: entire. 801 of 300 miciei, ii’uifiiieifrrmm, after semiz'zg
`iii} rumor-ca}? nuclei. ail rasey were Cr}fi£€ii}* categorized
`as arnpiiifimi a}: nonalmpliiicri ii' the {Iii was. {geared and
`{mi}! rise s:i:3:n‘spci.rfii5£m of rim ratio to aim Vidal: 2.0 was
`Gama empiifizxrfirm by 3733?? with and wider/m: {fireman
`:77 Women? E'Ufi‘filfi.
`{Staring . “iii 2'11
`of {he Mai trellis:
`rims cases. we mi).
`.rsrcrl relatively- iirrle
`variation in £3162. air-wage number a}? r;hmrna:mozrnc 57‘ men"
`'ifiqe range of chromo-
`ifiift3‘itfi‘fiffi mg“ {armor-{rail namieus.
` 1.1.
`some i? monomers: aw ages in 1mm radians Was: {iii
`in 32’ mm more than 965.3% averaging '1‘ or fewer chrome»-
`ii“! {tr-:mzrmrmas par i.umz>r—a:<:-li nucleus Unexpect»
`«213332. 0031:: of the Cases.
`in Kids group of ifrrcziisi: writer};
`riemanszrsrrmi a parallel mamas: in mm tiu-rumsrmm 3,?
`maintainers meal HER-Efrem copies. which suggesrs ritual:
`none: fifths» ii'icrxiaxcd i—iicZR—Ez’rwri copies was (ire: to 30m»
`yield}; 231mm. 53mm. alumnusome i? mrz’rrcrmems windb—
`med little: and 3252MB: i311R~2122w mums; Li-ranrzribuicd gzz'rsaiijx
`{in liar: assessment of amplifi-starim'x. iiziaiyyis of HER-Erma;
`{one alone appeared 10 provide am Hammer. assessment of
`arm ampfiféeazim. During rim GE phase of? the call cycle.
`Clix wiii regaiirzaie each gene. 'E‘imrcrm'e. a gem: rim is
`present m. the 0522i at. ’3 or lime: armies: would be: firm-reared
`in shite. (23' four only dining; ilk-33¢.“ phases of the. cal} cyuie.
`5% tall. with an average of more main rem- copies. of HEMR
`may wouls‘i be expcrrrmi to new: as: abnomzaiig mfmifiitfid
`number of copies. 3e. germ a;12;;«iificaz:i0n. We reanaiyxed
`our date for iHEE-Z.v2im?m mp}; monkey wiihrmi: chromo-
`some i? ogmr‘rmnem my}! BBmhdr 05mg iii? an; sire pain:
`of .zsepaz-zuimz for non.<zr1’3piified am} érz‘aplii‘ied cases to new.
`termini: ii" Kiri
`simpimr approach prmidar’i 3000:2332: r:
`fixation of i-iél'fipii-BS. All x'ziiiriarim'z cases were dassified
`rim. name. as when using cirrorrrosr‘zme l’lf‘. fiinm: gfrztorurru
`game i? canizmmem (imam; yrm’iried no additional infer
`raisin 'l. Hereijnau Amplification Asseased by So‘lizi'Mciri: Mailing;
`Erwin-mi :‘x imam l-lyix. . an «x:
`MN :smpiiiir-x.‘
`‘5’ E
`W} '3 AG
`Downloaded from on April 7, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
`Copyright © 1997 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
`Exhibit 1003-04


`i '3! 19¢
`'3." 7C1
`1 1}
`'1 :1
`1 f
`1 15 .r 411
`31.1; 1 17C
`'17 1
`1151." 13%
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`171-753 Ampiified
`11111111122126 {CW1
`r..-: 1.5}
`Na) recorded
`Tumor wade
`£19. 111112.131
`New '
`‘ 3.0g- mnk E1151
`1012111: 1'0: analysis (:1 1’51 51111115 7231;105:18171‘11116 1'1!) 51113111910de (15501113111311 9.111111 smuhxxnm E11111: 1101.1 (1:11 11:11 pa'cmrité-i
`7.1111011 111' 1:1.3-3R«2I
`111111111111. 1.111) 111111331121? 11:41:111- 1141:1713 .1
`11111,: 3.1111101:was. 1131-11111 11-1 11111110111111 1:12111121111111 (11" 11-41115—-
`magi-11110 1111.21.11 0.111%“.
`11:» 131311. 9111111311; g1;111¢' 11111::1':11 13:11.11» 11:111111‘131‘6.
`1111Rv'lr'111911 31:11:: 11111;:11111121'1111'11'1 17111511111 11.131011. 1:111 ago. ER
`3121111111. 1’12 51:11:13.
`(13' 1111131111 51111-2,
`130111 FCCLEIE'ISEH 111111111“. was:
`31.3 of 291-3
`1'.‘.\ (II f‘er..>rIz--.11~~1zrz1:’ 355K111?“
`P‘ng II. 11111117.:
`1.111131111311135 11111? 1',
`‘11-‘51}? {155111759 {3:51.11
`111111111111 1:111:11 1311.11"
`11.1111: {111111.31} 1'::~111.1v.=~»11p 1111'131'1111111011... T119
`111131151 1211117117
`from :10111'1111131‘4 .11 19‘5": 119111131111 111113711111
`HE1" J???“ 31‘3“?“ amp“““11”“ 1 1111:1351
`1111:1111::1101’111131‘1111’1111111112 11115711211zmI1111i1111121”
`:11 111111 e11171 11111711110131;
`( 1'11
`:1 21:11:01.1}-
`11011131111111:1111111111711 111111111 1131:. 11111111101111? 151'?“ {1715" C753-
`‘ 111111.: 11.11: {RI-Z11.‘.1: 21513-1.-
`?11 31211115., 11131111111. (11111131111311.1711 111111113 '1‘..7111 111111.111 21:: 5111:1511
`131111;.- W" “15133111?" {111553031
`E111: 1111-1110101:
`:11? 1:211:17;
`11112111112111:1: 111111111131 1111 1‘1".1:1.11Tm11:13
`Ei 1 3 11.1 Y.71.11111: 2.5111111
`1121110 4111111 1111:.11121111111111.511
` 3.3;; 3751;311:111- 1}:
`(11112311111131, 11:1 111115-1111:1;
`'11 1.11131“ 11111:?
`0:111:11 p:1113111:"1315 -1;£:1'117:1111111111'~:< 17:31.51;
`11131111133. 11211101111m.
`1111131“? $131313» 1W1 331111)" 9118.1 WG-10- CCWB'OHM {RR '3 3111
`1'1)11-::~1-'—-11§> 111-2110111110}.
`13:11:1».:I111:11 w.110 1111111111111111111 '11-'31:
`313.711; 11311111-
`1 10 35117531335131»
`2‘1 1115111177; 1'11" 1131;111:1001
`.-=\1.1"1<’111g 23:1 1', .
`11:11:: 1'11:
`.1'111'511'11HC1. 1111111711.1{51:11:s:1"<1§¢111i1‘;:11:1s>11.'1'111311101112111
`11:11:11.1 71.1111 nutrwxwi 11511 1:11 2.13.1113? 11.011110311 11311111112.
`:11111111.111 1171\{1‘} 11111111111 1.1731111: 5 111
`.1321 1'01
`f1. {11112:{11'1'1g1'11i1x1111 1115111112311; 11131-131111: 11111111110311.1151
`{13111211111 111111 211113111114'11111131 111111 711 1111111111:
`21571 for 11.11.1211:
`1'11111211'111111111311 1111111113. 111151311 1:111 1.111:
`1131211815111: 3111;.-
`1:11" 1111'. 111371111111111111 111111111136 11113.11711131151
`:1:1:11§"'< 111111111: 11: vex-1111011112.. women 711111111: 1111:2111 1:21:1-
`11.111130 11111121111112.0110 was 1:111a111-‘131'1 111
`.11 of 12:1 {131
` 1111's 111151351;1"11:1111.111..7.
`1:13:11: 111111111311 '1:1}?-2.R-2111.c11 gnu” 21111131111011111111 were 11111121111-
`sf'1.1§1y 11111117131111
`Downloaded from on April 7, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
`Copyright © 1997 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
`Exhibit 1003-05


`& Node Negarlw Hmasgf‘Van-2a: and HEREmy Ismaiifigamn
`E‘wawflaii‘xe 901393me of Earhy Pecurrcnm-Fmefiunwed
`inieractzm: HER-£2raw Amiitimma and Tumor.3323!
`Cumuia‘éva 91:31:01}: £333 of Eeaunwrsce- Ezeeauwiuaa
`, (
`3 - WW
`L. L L. .,
`1 4' "4.. "L 3..
`ms Lap-mew
`‘3 p.333}
`”gmmrwgwwmuwgmnwp.- <3 53 ta :5 :33 2: 3-:
`Whats rim; “New Lye-mm;
`’4' m a. a.
`1 __
`4:3 —- ;
`"' "" K
`e . 5:
`0°- Mi
`”hwmewaMwflmev 51 gm. «(9+
`Amman-.3... )qgmmJ
`3 [K1............3....-MLJMM.MLMMJ.LMW
`E‘Mm Io Waxaxm (Months:
`Node Negative Elreas3 Cane-:2: m1 HERE-ML: fismL'LEiEELmLm-L
`Gumutative Pmmbiliw of Disease-Free Jun-wed
`33531332933320 Amnaimfioniamus in Tumors s; 1 cm
`(,umuzama F‘mhamit’z‘g r14 Recurrence l-Frea 1313mm?
`3 M
`34m 33:00?qu
`_ W
` £4 "firm: to Momma Max:183)
`Nada Megan-93 Bxeasi Cancer interacrhm between HER?mu
`g Amiificzmn and Estrogefi Raueptm Status: Cumuiatiw
`Emoamlity 03 Suwmai
`. L.
`EFL- m
`"; Era-Amp.
`Lug. _..,
`£9.3- Arm,»
`“3-75 ‘
`"?er :1: 0mm :mmns;
`“We anathema {Wm}
`a Node- Negative Bram: Cancer and HEM08L: Amphitheater:
`Cumulatwe Frobamlby L3? Survival
`v' 7
`l H.
`E gggL
`{9: 0.501»
`m: mam:
`w M 9:
`7311346 to £30203 336(336‘33
`E i
` Freeway:3!Smwa:
`fig 23
`fivwivui wwm based on gene amplification 5.3333315 {or trim- varipw tiipiwi aux‘csms paramefets.
`2’» 1’; i.
`("31. 3.2 3:} 3.9}
`flatly 3353):“: iikelj' 32:14 rcmr {RR 2::
`{Fig 23533.i‘hix n4.Litsunxhip W213: minim:Liaml when: potential
`:rzrztifmmcim}; war-Li LimnmllLiz} if 321%. x 33 “'5 “5:4 {TL 3.5: 32::
`:1 533'} 3‘1”;2Ltzl:::i’"%}.
`$.30ng 332 wun‘sa
`". Ma}: MES-4331?)" 4311311333212'3‘LZ3ll‘iflih‘S4'zlp
`i] 3..1
`T exp: i{weed :3 disease 4:clami
`33:03:53}: {34:01:43
`>153 231“? "3.13
`;33}“}£€:‘3 31mm: earmark 33.3.0 germ-
`:m‘apiii‘imiixm {omit-.313 {:31}:szit}; Lima. "5’5 3:“«33311435; range,
`35 to i}? 2‘:
`(11:3 3‘99. 03:: no: {median 3033040.“ Li-3 3%::3L-. T6
`(waning: may: ““1": m 35.K}. 6:333:36st303: LLK::3:
`with :3 L321" wally:"3‘33"Linmm Kciwuiitd He:
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`{43}? 31:32:35, Lump-L
`4, and ammo;- 4:33:46
`«433-3433: rm:
`Lama with eriazcez'vreiasted death.
`Adjustimcm for
`y. No other uses without permission.
`Downloaded from on April 7, 2014. For personal use onl
`Copyright © 1997 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
`Exhibit 1003-06


`Rubia; 3' Eniwzithip (if DigwsawRekziati Outrsmeanm- Efiuracrerisfizs 03' Nazi»:Negative: fire“? Comer Renew:- Framed by Surgery

`/ new ompiiikafien
`his? (amplified
`Tumor 5.12.6 E0903
`:3 E G
`'6 3.0
`Hot receded»
`1. l iii;
`[11.231 7
`3 0
`L I}
`3 CI
`2 3.
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`3 3"
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`.3 3'!» 55
`TILdnmr grad»:
`ER 5333333;
`3 ’2‘
`{t 236.?
`U ‘3‘

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