`Google Inc. v. Micrografx LLC


`applications under the PCT.
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`J E' J:
`The present invention relates to object-oriented
`software systems and related methods for digital computers.
`' W
`Using object-oriented software techniques, software
`applications' for digital computers are created by combining
`software objects.
`To facilitate this process, object-
`oriented software systems typically provide an architecture
`specification, called the object model, which enables all
`objects developed to the specification to work together
`seamlessly in an application.. Examples of object models
`would include the Object Management Group's Common Object
`Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), and Microsoft's Common
`Object Model
`Such systems also typically provide
`software, called the object system, which implements the
`basic features provided for in the object model.
`There are numerous object systems,
`some very general in
`- nature such as Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding
`(which follows the COM object model). or IBM's
`Distributed System Object Model
`(DSOM), and Iona's ORBIX,
`(which both follow the CORBA object model).
`See for
`the OLE 2 Programmers Reference, Volume 1 and 2,
`Microsoft Press, 1994;
`the IBM SOMobjects Developer Toolkit
`V2.0, Programmers Reference Manual, 1993;
`Iona ORBIX,
`Advanced Programmers Guide, 1994; and The Common Object
`Request Broker: Architecture and Specification Ch. 6., OMG,
`these references are hereby incorporated herein by
`Other object systems are designed to provide specific
`for example,
`in areas such as groupware or
`relational database - e.g. Lotus Notes. Still other object
`systems are specific to particular to applications - e.g.


`Novell's AppWare Bus, Hewlett Packard's Broadcast Message
`Server, and Microsoft Visual Basic's VBX object mechanism.
`See for example:
`the Lotus Notes Programmers Reference
`Manual, 1993;
`the Novell Visual AppBuilder Programmers
`Reference Manual, 1994;
`the Hewlett Packard Softbench BMS,
`Programmers Reference Manual, 1992; and Microsoft Visual
`Basic 3.0 Professional Features Book 1, Control Development
`Guide, 1993;
`these references are also hereby incorporated
`herein by reference.
`In creating a software application it is desirable to
`combine objects from various object systems, because
`different object systems are best suited to different tasks,
`and because the best solution is usually built from the best
`parts (i.e. objects.) However, objects from various object
`systems don't naturally work together for a number of
`Object systems are rendered incompatible due to
`differences in the means by which objects are created,
`methods are called and properties are set in each object
`including differences in the fundamental mechanisms
`used as well differences in low-level calling conventions
`such as the physical layout of types and classes.
`example at the fundamental level,
`some object systems, such
`as COM, use direct C++ calling mechanisms. Others such as
`25 DSOM pre-process source code so that in place of a direct
`call, a function from the object system is called which,
`turn, returns a pointer to the real method. This pointer is
`dereferenced to actually call the method. Still other
`object systems such as OLE Automation provide specialized
`functions developers must use to call methods (this is often
`referred to as a Dynamic Invocation Interface or DII). These
`functions take the method to be called as an argument, as
`well as the method's arguments (usually packed into a
`particular format), and they call the method for the
`3S developer. There are numerous other broad differences and


`WO 96/08765
`variants in fundamental calling mechanisms.
`Each of these
`fundamental mechanisms also differ in detail.
`For example,
`CORBA requires an environment pointer argument
`(and has an
`optional context argument), while other object systems do
`In addition to the vast differences in fundamental
`calling mechanisms,
`there are many differences in low—level
`calling conventions, sometimes referred to as procedure
`calling conventions.
`For example, different object systems
`handle the return value from methods differently when the
`type of the return value is a float or a structure.
`In one
`case the value may be returned on the processor stack, while
`in another the value may be placed in a register. Thus,
`using the return value of a method from a different object
`system would result in an error. Other examples of
`differences in procedure calling conventions would include
`how structures are packed into memory, and how arguments are
`placed on the stack.
`Various object systems also support various types which
`may not be compatible with other object systems.
`examples of types include language types such as integers,
`floats, etc. More complex language types include arrays,
`strings, and objects. There are also semantic types such as
`"variable types" like the CORBA Any, and the COM VARIANT.
`Semantic types differ from language types in that they have
`a particular semantic meaning to the system. While certain
`semantic types may conceptually mean the same thing among
`various object systems,
`their corresponding language
`representation and implementation may be entirely different.
`A common example is strings.
`In COM, strings are
`represented using a "BSTR"
`(a non-NULL terminated string
`which contains length information), while in CORBA, strings
`are the traditional C language byte array (NULL terminated
`with no length information). As a result, a COM object
`couldn't pass a BSTR to a CORBA object because any functions


`W0 96/08765
`that operate on strings, such as copying and comparison,
`used in the CORBA object would fail. Likewise, while
`"variable types" such as the CORBA Any and the COM VERIANT
`“mean" the same thing,
`they aren't compatible.
`In addition, object systems have various rules about
`lifecycle management which may be incompatible.
`The term
`lifecycle management refers to the process required when
`creating, storing, and deleting objects.
`For example, COM
`requires developers to perform reference counting so objects
`can be automatically deleted. Relational databases have
`much more sophisticated lifecycle management, while CORBA
`has only very simple lifecycle management with no reference
`The above issue of lifecycle management is challenging
`because often, objects are passed as arguments to methods.
`Consider the case where an object in one object system calls
`a method of an object in a foreign object system and passes
`an object
`(from its object system)
`in as an argument to the
`Since the foreign object system only understands
`its own objects,
`the object argument must be dynamically
`converted to a corresponding object in the foreign object
`In other words, a new object must be created in the
`foreign object system to match the original object passed in
`as an argument. All such dynamic lifecycle management —
`object creation, with its corresponding object destruction —
`must be handled properly if object system interoperability
`is to work.
`Another aspect of object system interoperability is
`differences in exception and error handling among object
`systems. Errors or exceptions encountered within the code
`for an object typically must also be dealt with in the
`If the two objects are from
`object which called the code.
`different object systems, and the error handling mechanisms
`are incompatible, software failure may result.
`Various object systems provide different ways to


`WO 96/08765
`dynamically query for information about objects. This
`functionality is required for object systems that provide a
`general macro script recording facility as well as for
`object systems that provide distributed computing
`See for example Ch. 1-3 of Microsoft's OLE 2
`Programmers Reference Volume 2, Apple's Inside Macintosh:
`Interapplication Communication Ch.
`(hereby incorporated
`herein by reference), or the Object Management Group's The
`Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification
`Ch. 6.
`incompatibilities in the mechanisms to query
`for information about objects results in significant
`restrictions in the ways that objects may be used in other
`object systems.
`As mentioned previously, object systems each have
`different design goals. As a result, each typically has
`functionality that isn't available in other object systems.
`Two examples of this are: CORBA namespaces (which COM
`doesn't have); and COM objects supporting multiple
`interfaces (which CORBA doesn't have).
`Software errors can
`result if an object is asked to perform some action that is
`only available in another object system.‘
`In summary then, a sought after goal has been to
`provide interoperability among various object systems.
`Different object systems place different requirements on
`objects, so specialized software systems are required to
`enable interoperability.
`The prior art includes approaches
`to providing interoperability between object systems. Three
`solutions are of interest:
`stub.function wrappers; a common
`wire protocol; and dynamic converters.
`with the stub function wrapper method, an automated
`tool is used to generate stub functions which ”wrap" objects
`in code that follows the specification of another Object
`model. That is,
`the tool creates an object class in the
`foreign object system that contains only the code necessary
`to forward requests to the native object. This "stub“ code


`WO 96108765
`The stub
`is then compiled and linked into an application .
`function method is exemplified by the COM interoperability
`provided with IBM's DSOM for Windows. Using it, developers
`who have DSOM objects and want to use them from within COM
`use an automatic tool to generate source code for
`The source code for the COM
`corresponding COM objects.
`objects is simply a set of stub functions which forward
`calls to DSOM.
`For example, when the COM application calls
`a method of the COM object,
`the method simply re—calls the
`DSOM version of the method.
`One automated tool to create a set of stub function
`wrappers provides one—way interoperability between two
`object systems.
`To provide two—way interoperability — as is
`required for dynamic lifecycle management, a second tool has
`to be written.
`If an additional object system is to be
`supported, and full interoperability among all three systems
`is required, an additional four automated tools must be
`In fact,
`the number of such tools required for
`interoperability among N object systems is Nq-N In
`addition, for each object c1ass,I?-N versions of stub
`wrapper functions must be generated, managed and supported.
`Given that any particular application will have hundreds of
`this is a significant disadvantage.
`this method provides no support for the remainder of
`interoperability issues such as dealing with type
`low level calling convention differences,
`lifecycle management differences, differences in error and
`exception handling, querying, or.functionality differences.
`As a result, users of the object must code such conversions
`into their software manually, making it apparent that the
`object is from another object system (i.e.
`the object is
`clearly not indistinguishable from native object.) Finally,
`support for new object systems is not dynamic, so code must
`be recompiled and relinked.
`Dynamic converters are designed to provide


`WO 96108765
`interoperability between two object systems that both
`support a dynamic invocation interface (DII).
`"dynamically invokes" methods. That is, a DII is a set of
`functions that will call an object's methods for the
`5 developer dynamically, and pass arguments to the methods
`using a pre-defined convention, rather than requiring that
`the call be compiled into the application.
`A dynamic
`converter is a hard-coded map between two DIIs. When a
`method is called,
`the converter code packages the
`information into a format suitable for the DII of the second
`object system,
`then calls the method.
`As with the stub wrapper mechanism,
`this approach
`requires DF—N converters in order to support N object
`Furthermore, dynamic converters only work with
`15 object systems that support a DII. Moreover because they
`use a DII their performance suffers. And, as with the stub
`wrapper method,
`this method provides no general support for
`the remainder of interoperability issues such as dealing
`with type conversions, differences in error and exception
`20 handling, querying, or functionality differences — thereby
`being unable to provide foreign objects which are
`indistinguishable from native objects.
`The common wire protocol method is designed to work
`with distributed object systems,
`that is, object systems
`25 whose objects may be located on different computers having
`different machine architectures. With the common wire
`protocol method, object systems which share a common
`underlying distributed computing system (DCS) - the "common
`wire“ — can interoperate The common distributed computing
`system enables object systems to transfer language data
`types, because a non NLN language data type transfer
`mechanism is provided by the DCS.
`This approach addresses the issue of low level calling
`conventions and provides mapping of low level data types.
`35 The complexity of supporting N object systems depends


`WO 96/08765
`directly upon whether the object systems share the same
`object model.
`If so,
`there is no need to provide
`interoperability between fundamental calling convention
`differences, semantic type differences,
`lifecycle management
`differences, differences in error and exception handling, or
`functionality differences, and each object system requires
`only to support the DCS. This case would be exemplified by
`interoperability among various CORBA object systems such as
`IBM's DSOM, Iona's Orbix, Hewlett Packard's DOMF, etc. which
`can each use the Open Software Foundation's Distributed
`Computing Environment
`If interoperability is among object systems that don't
`share a common object model,
`the approach requires NLN
`converters to deal with the remaining issues.
`this method doesn't work at all if the object systems which
`must interoperate are not built on top of a shared
`distributed computing system. And the approach is very
`resource intensive due to the reliance on a DCS. While it
`handles transfer of simple data types, it provides no
`general mechanism to handle more complex type conversions,
`lifecycle management differences, differences in error and
`exception handling, querying, or functionality differences —
`reSulting in similar deficiencies to other prior art.
`Along with the above prior art directly addressing the
`issue of object system interoperability,
`there is other
`prior art addressing various elements of the problem, each
`in a different context.
`There have been a number of systems that have dealt
`with the issue of mapping between different low-level
`calling conventions.
`In U.S. Pat. No. 4,736,321, a method
`was described wherein an interactive language workspace,
`APL, was able to call external language procedures.
`In it,
`FORTRAN functions were declared to the APL environment, and
`the APL environment mapped the APL calls and arguments into
`FORTRAN calling conVentions.
`The method in this patent is


`WO 96/08765
`specific to the interactive APL language environment and
`provides unidirectional access from APL to multiple
`languages (FORTRAN and Assembler).
`The method doesn't
`support bi-directional access among any number of languages,
`and doesn't work among compiled language code systems.
`A similar mechanism was described for Prolog in U.S.
`Pat. No. 5,274,821 wherein a Prolog language procedure could
`In this
`call external language functions and vice versa.
`the mapping was accomplished using a table driven
`approach. That is, mapping of Prolog to multiple languages,
`and mapping multiple languages to Prolog was accomplished by
`describing the low level calling convention to the system in
`a table. This information was used at execution time to
`dynamically perform the mapping. As with the method in U.S.
`Pat. No. 4,736,321,
`this method is specific to an
`interactive language environment,
`in this case, Prolog.
`provides bi-directional mapping from Prolog to N languages,
`but not among N languages.
`The method doesn't work among
`compiled language code systems, and in any case would
`require bP-N conversion tables.
`A mechanism was described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,210,876
`wherein an interpreter is able to call a compiled procedure,
`which in turn, calls an interpreted procedure.
`The means
`was to generate a new intermediate compiled procedure which
`is called by the original compiled procedure.
`The new
`compiled procedure was then dynamically linked with the
`original compiled procedure.
`The new generated procedure
`converted arguments to the format required by the
`then called the interpreted procedure.
`the results were converted back to those required
`by the compiled language. As with other prior art,
`patent facilitates an interpreted environment calling
`compiled language code.' And as with other prior art, NLN
`code generators would be required to support procedure
`calling convention conversion among N systems.


`W0 SIG/08765
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,097,533 describes a method for
`interfacing various pre-determined computer languages to a
`single software system.
`In it, code is written for each
`language to map from the API in the language to a single API
`for the underlying software system. This patent maps
`procedure calling conventions from N languages to one by
`writing code to perform the mapping for each.
`The method
`does not work for conversion among N language conventions,
`and in any case would require NhN code blocks to be
`10 written.
`In U.S. Pat. No. 5,146,593, a method is described
`wherein a single software interface is used to call a
`plurality of procedures.
`In fact,
`this is but one example
`of a DII - a DII designed for mapping to different
`15 programming languages.
`In it, the method uses tables to
`describe the low level calling conventions of the particular
`The user (i.e.
`the software developer wishing to
`make the calls) links the DII interface with their
`application and uses it to make all their calls by passing
`it a procedure identifier, and data structures in a
`predefined format.
`The method doesn't support
`interoperability among N language calling conventions, and
`would also require NhN tables should the approach attempt
`to be extended for that purpose.
`The above patents share the fact that they are designed
`to provide a mechanism to deal with the differences between
`low-level calling conventions of various languages. With
`the exception of U.S. Pat. No. 5,210,876 they each provide a
`means of converting various language types as well.
`30 However,
`they don't address the issue of differences between
`they each a
`In fact,
`high level calling conventions.
`provide a different high level calling convention,
`so they
`have no need to. Nor do they provide any support for
`mapping between semantic types.
`Other patents,
`for example U.S. Pat. No. 5,187,787 have


`WO 96108765
`- 11 _
`dealt with the issue of mapping between semantic types.
`this patent, mapping between semantic types was but one
`element of a larger system used to provide a communications
`interface which decoupled two software applications.
`In it,
`the semantic types used in the communication were designed
`by to be self-describing.
`The patent teaches that the
`semantic description must be separated from the data
`representation for interoperability. Further, developers
`use a system API to access data, which may be located
`elsewhere, and in another semantic form. Thus,
`mechanism requires explicit knowledge on the part of the
`developer to use the decoupled data, and is analogous to a
`single DII, with the same consequent limitations..
`In U.S. Pat. No. 5,278,978, a method was described to
`transfer information between two databases. As a part of
`the system, a mechanism was described to map between both
`language types and semantic types.
`Each language type was
`tagged with a canonical identifier called a marker
`descriptor. Likewise, separately, each semantic type was
`tagged with a canonical identifier called a type definition.
`When data was received from another database,
`descriptions were used to perform a conversion.
`database was required to have predefined descriptions of all
`other machine environments and semantic types,
`conversion descriptions, because conversion was performed at
`the receiving database.
`This invention provides in some embodiments a single
`system in a digital computer enabling software objects from
`multiple heterogeneous object systems to interoperate bi—
`directionally and to be combined in the creation of a larger
`software system. Objects from a foreign object system are
`unmodified, yet appear to be native to the object system in
`which they are used or accessed.
`Support for additional
`object systems may be added dynamically while the system is


`WO 96/08765
`- 12 -
`thereby adding bi—directional interoperability
`with all other Supported object systems.
`A mechanism is
`also provided whereby features in one object system may be
`supported in other object systems without
`the necessity of
`modifying objects.
`For a foreign object
`to be used in another object
`the system of these embodiments constructs a native
`proxy object (indistinguishable from other native objects)
`for the real foreign object.
`The proxy object contains an
`identifier to the real object, as well as a pointer to a
`software description of how to access and manipulate the
`object - e.g. how to call its methods, set its properties,
`and handle exceptions. When the proxy object is '
`manipulated, it follows the instructions in the software
`description which,
`in turn, results in the corresponding
`manipulation of the foreign object.
`The system of these embodiments provides a number of
`object—oriented frameworks with default implementations.
`There are frameworks to:
`dynamically locate objects in an
`object system-specific or uniform namespace;
`describe the
`characteristics of an object class or instance;
`both semantic and language types;
`“execute" the software
`descriptions to forward manipulations of the proxy object to
`the real foreign object;
`handle errors and exceptions;
`create, copy, destroy, and manage the lifecycle of objects;
`and a framework to “export" object definitions — i.e.
`make objects in one object system appear as object classes
`indistinguishable from native object classes temporarily or
`permanently in other object systems.
`In addition,
`there is a framework to add extra
`information to the description of any object class.
`added information is called a "mixin". When an object is
`manipulated in a way it doesn't support, for example if it
`is asked to return the middle element of a collection but it
`doesn't support such a method,
`the system asks the mixins


`WO 96/08765
`associated with the object if they can support
`the request.
`If so,
`they take over and perform the request.
`In this way,
`a general mechanism is provided to extend the capabilities
`of objects in an object system with features of other object
`systems that they wouldn't naturally support.
`Extensions to the default implementations of each of
`the above frameworks are grouped by object system, and
`packaged into libraries called Object System Adapters
`OSAs can be dynamically loaded into the OSA
`Registry framework of the system,
`thus adding everything
`necessary to dynamically support new object systems and
`previde full interoperability with other object systems.
`It will be obvious to those skilled in the art that the
`system may be used stand-alone, or embedded as an element of
`a larger software system.
`Further embodiments of the invention are also provided:
`a system and method to enable the creation of a
`“universal object", i.e. a single object which appears to be
`implemented in a plurality of object systems simultaneously,
`and which can dynamically change which object systems it
`Said system also enables the creation of objects
`in individual, application, and server configurations.
`Further, such objects may be based upon interpreted or
`compiled language technology;
`a system and method - either library—based or
`interactive — to enable the construction of object classes
`including the aforementioned "universal object", where such
`system in the creation of said object classes, may
`constitute a subclass of,
`incorporate, or embed instances
`of, objects from a plurality of object systems;
`a system and method to enable object classes and
`objects to be relocated among applications and servers in
`one or more object systems while the applications and
`servers are executing, and without disruption of software
`utilizing said object classes and objects, even if it too is


`WO 96/08765
`The foregoing aspects of the invention may be more
`readily understood by reference to the following
`detailed description, furnished in connection with the
`following drawings,
`in which:
`FIG. 1 is a simplified overview of a system (in
`in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
`FIG. 2 is an overview of the system architecture
`in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the
`FIG. 3 shows Object System Adapters of Fig.
`plugged into the Adapter Registry Framework;
`FIG. 4 shOws the description of a class with one
`method and one property in accordance with the
`embodiment of Fig. 2;
`FIG. 5 shows a nested type description in
`accordance with the embodiment of Fig. 2;
`6 shows the description of a method which
`follows the CORBA C language calling convention;
`FIG. 7 shows the description of a similar method .
`which is called using a Dynamic Invocation Interface;
`FIG. 8 shows the typical lifecycle of an object;
`9 shoWs the process used to expose classes
`using the system of Fig. 2;
`FIG. 10 shows a typical proxy object in accordance
`with the embodiment of Fig. 2;
`FIG. 11 shows individual, application, and server
`configurations of "universal objects" in accordance
`with a preferred embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 12a illustrates an example of the system


`WO 96108765
`enabling a universal object in an individual
`configuration; and
`FIGS. 12b and 12c illustrate application and
`server configurations respectively.
`5 REE—21W
`Fig. 1 shows a simplified overview of the system
`105 in use in a digital computer in accordance with a
`preferred embodiment of the invention. Process 101 is
`implemented using a first object system, referred to as
`the "native" object system, distinct from a second
`object system in which


`WO 96/08765
`process 102, and object 103 are implemented.
`The second
`object system,
`implementing process 102 and object 103,
`referred to as the "foreign" object system (foreign relative
`to the process 101 which is using the object 103).
`system 105 has constructed a proxy object 100.
`The proxy
`object 100 appears indistinguishable from other objects
`implemented using the native object system in process 101.
`The proxy object 100 established by system 105 contains a
`pointer to the real object 103, as well as to a software
`description 104, of how to access and manipulate the real
`object 103 - e.g. how to call its methods, set its
`properties, and handle exceptions. When process 101
`manipulates proxy object 100,
`the manipulations are
`intercepted by the system and forwarded to the real object
`The system forwards the manipulation by following the,
`instructions in the software description 104, which,
`turn, results in the corresponding manipulation of the real
`object 103.
`The system can follow the instructions in the
`software description 104 regardless of which object system
`created it,
`thus resulting in a non-NhN approach to object
`system interoperability.
`Referring to Fig. 2,
`there is shown a simplified
`architecture diagram of the system in accordance with a
`preferred embodiment of the inyention. As described below,
`applicants have successfully implemented this embodiment on
`a wide range of hardware platforms in a wide range of object
`In the diagram,
`the triangular symbol 110
`indicates that items to its right are subclasses.
`system includes nine frameworks as follows:
`the Location and Enumeration Framework 1 to dynamically
`locate objects in an object system-specific or uniform
`Included in this framework is the ability to
`determine the characteristics of objects that have been


`WO 96/08765
`the Forwarding Engine Framework 4 to I'execute" the software
`descriptions to forward manipulations of the proxy
`object to the real foreign object;
`the Error and Exception Handling Framework 5 to handle
`errors and exceptions;
`the Lifecycle Management Framework 6 to create, copy,
`destroy, and manage the lifecycle of objects; and
`the Object Exporting Framework 7 to “export" object
`definitions — i.e.
`to make objects in one object system
`appear as object classes indistinguishable from native
`object classes temporarily or permanently in other
`object systems.
`there is the Mixin Support Framework 8 to
`In addition,
`add extra information to the description of any object
`class, enabling the support in all object systems of
`features found only in one object system. There is also the
`OSA Registry Framework 9 to load, unload, and manage Object
`System Adapters (OSAs) 10.
`The OSAs 10 are libraries that
`package together extensions to the default implementation of
`each aforementioned framework provided by the system. When
`25 added,
`they provide full bi—directional interoperability
`among all other object systems with corresponding OSAs
`A more detailed architecture diagram may be found in the
`Visual Edge Software Ltd. Class Registry Functional
`30 Specification included herein at the end of the Detailed
`Description of Specific Embodiments (pages (41-143).


`WO 96/08765
`_ 17 _
`3 shows the OSA Registry framework 9 as well as a
`number of OSAs
`In this configuration,
`the system
`provides interoperability among the four object systems
`corresponding to the OSAs.
`A specific embodiment of the invention has been written
`in C++ and runs on Microsoft windows 3.1 and Windows NT,
`05/2 and AIX, Sun Microsystems SunOS and Solaris, as well as
`on Hewlett Packard HP—UX. Object System Adapters have been
`implemented for Microsoft OLE Automation,
`Microsoft COM, and for the Microsoft Visual Basic VBX object
`In addition, an OSA has been implemented for an
`interpretive language environment.
`The embodiment currently
`provides support for enabling objects implemented in pure
`C++ to be used in object systems with corresponding OSAs.
`the embodiment currently provides support for
`enabling software written in C (i.e. not written to any
`object system)
`to be us

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