`dic·tion· r· ··.
` 2012
` Ex. 2012-0001
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` Ex. 2012-0002
`seedling I self-assured
`,seed. 1. To pass into the seed-bearing stage,
`Z. To deteriorate. [< OE sal.]
`seed•Ung (sedtUne) n-. A young plant grown
`from a seed.
`seed•pod (sed.'p()d') n. See pod1 1.
`seed•y (setde) adj. ·J•er, ..J•est. 1. Having
`many seeds. 2. Worn and shabby; nm(cid:173)
`down. -set!dtJ•ly adv. -seed'l•neu n.
`see•Jng (se'Ing) coro. Inasmuch as.
`seek (se!O v. sought (sOt), seek•Jng. t. To
`search fur. 2. To try to obtain Oi' reach. 3.
`To try; endeavor: seek to do good. [ < OE
`slcan.] -seek'er n.
`Syns: seek. hunt, quest, search v.
`seem (sem) v. 1. To give the imPression of
`being, 2. To appear to one's own mind. 3;
`To appear to be true or evident. 4. To ap(cid:173)
`pear tb exist. [<ON ;Jrema, conform to,J
`Syra: seem, appear, look .v.
`seem • Jng {se!mlng) adi. Apparent; ostensi,.
`ble. -seemtJng n. -seemtlng•ly atiP.
`seem•!)' (sem'll!i) adj. -H•er, -H•est.t.Prop(cid:173)
`er: swtable. 2. Of pleasing appearance. [<
`ON sremi/igr.] -seem'H•ness n.
`seen (sen) v. P.part. of seet.
`seep (sep) v. 1. To pass slowly through small
`openings. 2. To enter, depart, or spread
`sruduatly, [<dial. sipe.] -seepraglt n.
`seer (slr) n. 1. A clairvoyant. 2. A prophet.
`-seer•siJck•er (sfr'silk'ar) n. A light thin fab(cid:173)
`ric with a crinkled snrface a:nd a usu.
`striPed pattern. [< Pers. shrroshakar, milk
`and sugar.]
`see • saw (se.t sO') n. 1. A long plank balanced
`on a central fulcrum so tAAt with a person
`riding on each end, one end goes UP as the
`other aoes down. 2. The 'game of riding a
`seesaw. a. A back-and-forth or up-and(cid:173)
`down movement, [< BAwt.f-seetsaw v.
`seethe (seth) v. seethed, seeth•Jng. :1. To
`chum and foam as if boDing. 2. To be vio(cid:173)
`lently aGitated. [< OE aQothan.]
`seg•ment (s~g'tn3nt) n. A part i11to which
`somethina can be divided; section. -v.
`(s!&·m~nt'). To divide into segments. [Lat.
`seamentum.] -seg•menftaJ adj. ~seg'·
`men•ta'tlon If,
`seg•re•gate (S{!grn-sat') v . ..gat•ed, -gat•
`lng. 1. To separate or isolate from others or
`from a main body or aroup. See Syns: at
`Isolate. 2. To impase the separation of (a
`race or class) from fue rest of society. [Lat.
`si!greg/lre.] -seg're•gattlon n. -seg're•
`va'tion•lst adj. & n. -:-seglre•ga'tor n.
`se•gue (s!gtwa', sargwa') v • ..gued, -gu•Jng.
`1. Mus. To make a transition directlY from
`one section or theme to another. 2. To
`move smoothly from one situation or ele(cid:173)
`ment to another. [< Ital., there follows.]
`selgn•lor (san-vOrl, siinlyOr') n. A feudal
`lord. [< VLat. •senior.] -sef•gntorrt•al
`nine (sAn} n. A large fishing net made tp
`, hang vertically in the water by weiihts and
`floats. -v. seined, seln•lbg. To fi$h with a
`seine. [< Gk. aaglnl.] -seln'er n.
`Seine (siin, s!D). A river ofN Franco fi~
`c. m km (480 mi) to the English Channel
`D.ear Le Havre.
`sels•rrilc (stzimltc) adi. Of or caused b:r an •
`earthquake. -sltfsTmJ•c:al•lf at$v. -ials•
`. mJcrt-v (-mls'I-t!) n:
`Selimo- or selstn- pre/. Earthquake: seis(cid:173)
`miJgtaph. [ < seistnos .]
`seiB•mo•graim (slz'm3-grM") n. An instru(cid:173)
`ment for automatically detectins and re(cid:173)
`cordingo the intenSity and duration of around
`movements, esp. of earthquakes. -sets•
`mogtra•pher (-mlSg.rr.~-far) n. -sets'mo•
`grapb'Ic adj. -sals•~tra•pf\1 n.
`sels•mol•o•gy (siz-m6lta-;ie) n. The &eo(cid:173)
`physical science of earthquakes and the
`mechanical praperties of the earth. -sets'·
`mo•Jogtlc (-mo>-l<ti'Ik), sels'mo•log'l•cal
`adj. -seiB•mol'o•gf.st n.
`seize (sl!iz) v. seized, sei%•Jng. f. To grasp
`suddenly and forcibly. 2. To have a 11Udden
`fon;efu1 effect on. 3. To take into custody;
`confiscate. (< OFr. seiair.}
`sei • zure (se' zh~r) n. 1. The act of seizing or
`being selzed. 2. A sudden attack or spasm,
`as in epilepsY or another disorder.
`sel•dQm (sWd;~m) adv. Not often; rarely.
`[< OE seldan.] -sel'dom•ness n.
`se•fect (si-IQnt) v. To choose from amona
`several; pick out. -adj. 1. Singled out;
`chosen. 2. Of special quality; choice. [Lat.
`sl/igere, sllect-.] -se·~ttrve adj. -se•
`lec'tiva•ly adv. -sa• laC tiv'i•ty n. -aa•
`teet' ness n. -se•Iecttot n.
`se•lect•ee (sJ-l!Yt'U!') n. One 11eleeted.
`se•lee•tlon (sY-J!ktsfum) n. f.a. The act of
`selecth.tg or the fact of being selected. b.
`One selected. 2. A carefuliy Chosen collcc·
`· tion. 3. A literary or musical text chosen for
`readina or performance. 4. Bioi. A process
`that favors SllfVival and peipetuafion of one
`oraanism over others.
`selectrve service n. A system for caning up
`people..for compulsory military service.
`se•Iel:lt•man (si-U!ktlmlln'i ·Jit;m) n. One of
`a board of town officers cnosen annuaDy iD
`New England communities. See Usage
`Note at man.
`se•l.I!Clt•wom•an (sl-l~kt'wd'6m'an} n. A
`wotnan 'who is a selectman.
`se-ie•nt•wn (si-ll!i'nl!i-am) n; Symbol SeA
`nonmetallic element resembliug sulfur, used
`as a semiconductor artd in photocells • .At.
`.no. 34. see table at element. ( < Gk. selene,
`Se•Jeu•CI•a (s~-1®'~5-a, -sbo}. An ancient
`city of Mesopotamia SSE of Baahdad.
`Se•leu•dd (sl-l<R'l'·sld). A Hellenistic dy(cid:173)
`nasty niJing much of Asia Minor (312-64
`B.c.). -S.• t.ll'dd adj.
`self(s!lf)n., p_l. selveS (selvz).1. One1s total
`being. a Individuality. s. One's own inter(cid:173)
`eStS ot wiYantase. 4.Immunol, Tbat which
`·the immune system identifies ali belllDSiniJ
`to the body. -pion. Myself, yourself, hiQl:·
`self. or herself. See Usaae Note at mynlf.
`(< OE, selfsame.]
`self- pre.f. 1. Oneself! self-control. 2. AUto(cid:173)
`matic: automatically: 1elf.foadihg, [< OE.J
`self-ab•sortH!d (self'ab-s6rbdt, -z6rbdl) adi.
`Excessively •elf-involnd. ->self' -ab •
`sorp'tion n.
`self-at!• drei51Kl (s!Ifi o-dr!stl) adj. Ad(cid:173)
`dressed to oneself.
`salf.;ap"'liOfnt•ed (sSf'o>-pointtrd) adj. Des(cid:173)
`ignafed by Dl:leself.
`sett-as•ser•tlon (s!lf'a-sflrl'shan) n. Deter(cid:173)
`mined advancemeQt of one's own penonal(cid:173)
`ffy, wishes, or views. -&er-as•ser'tive
`adj. -HJFal•suPtiva•nesa n.
`selt-u•a\'lnKI (s!lf'a-sharml') adj. COnfident
`and fJoiSCd, -iali'-H•sw''aoce n.
` Ex. 2012-0003