`MAY 1 1 2011
`Application No.2 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`omce Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`Confirmation No.: 8306
`gozzcfigggiflin of:
`Group Art Unit: 2611
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Examiner: Dmc V Ha
`Filing Date: August 19, 2009
`System and Method of Communication Via Embedded Modulation
`Commissioner for Patents
`Ale’xand1ia,V'A 2.2313-1450 .
`'ff5ir'? ~
`neiitif I5UnsUANT TO 37 cFR§ 1§1i1(a)(2)
`Funher to the response to the Office Action dated September 1, 2010 and the Notice
`of Non-Compliant Amendment dated March 10, 2011.
`Amendments to the Specification begin on page of this paper.
`Amendmenm to the Claims are reflected in the listing of the claims which
`begins on page 2 of this paper.
`Amendments to the Drawings begin on page of this paper and include an
`attached replacement sheet.
`Remarks begin on page 14 of this paper.
`Request For Refund submitted herewith.
`PAGE 2116 * RCVDAT 511112011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]" SVRIW-PTOFAX-001122 1[1N1S:2738300 ’ CSlD:2155683439* DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`(Samsung V. Rembrandt)
`Samsung Ex. 1311
`Exhibit 1311 01/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10. 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the application.
`Listing of Claims:
`1. (Currently Amended) A communication device capable of communicating according to a
`master/slave relationship in which a slave communication from a slave to a master occurs in
`response to a master communication from the master to the slave, the device comprising:
`a transceiver, in the role oftl1e master according to the master/slave relationship, for
`sending at least transmissions modulated using at least two types ofmodulation methods,
`_ wherein the at least two types ofmodulation methodscomprisc a first modulation methodand 1
`. asecond modulation method, wherein the secondqmodulation method is of a" different type
`than the first modulation method, wherein transmisslt-n[[st|] comprise§‘§_ group[.[_s]] _ _
`oftransrnission sequences,
`each group
`oftransniission sequences g p H _ L
`structured with gt_leg§; a first portion ‘and a payload portion wherein first information in the _,_
`first portion indicates at least which ofthe firs! modulation method and the second a
`modulation method is used formodulating second in‘fonnati'on inthe payload,portion, 1
`wherein at leastione group oftransmission sequences is addressed for an intended destination
`ofthe payload portion, and wherein for the at least one group of transmission sequences:
`the first information for said at least one group of transmission sequences comprises a
`first sequence, in the first portion and modulated according to the first modulation method,
`wherein the first sequence indicates an impending change from the firs: modulanon method
`to the second modulation method, and
`the second infonnation for said at least one group of transmission sequences
`comprises a second sequence[[,]] t_lmi_s modulated according to the second modulation
`method, wherein the second sequence is transmitted after the first sequence.
`5“ _
`. 1
`_ 1;
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 1, wherein the transceiver is configured to
`transmit a third sequence after the second sequence, wherein the third sequence is transmitted
`in the first modulation method and indicates that communication from the master to the slave
`has reverted to the first modulation method.
`f\......''\ .1511
`PAGE 3116 ’ RCVD AT 511112011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVRIWPTOFAX-001122 * DN|S22?383fl0* CS|D:2155683439* DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 02/15
`Application 1%.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`3. — 8. (Canceled)
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 1, wherein the transceiver is configured to
`transmit the second sequence according to a specific time interval.’
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 1, wherein the transceiver is configured to
`transmit the second sequence according to a particular quantity of data.
`(Previously-Presented) The dcviceof claim 1, further comprising a processor and a
`_ ineinory,Aw11e1'ein.tl1e memory-hassstored therein instructions that when executed
`the 1._
`processor'ca1”1se the transcei-verto_tra,'ns1nit the first sequence andthe ‘second sequencer
`A 12. ' _(lEfre'v'iously lfreserired) The. device) ofclaim 11? wherein the memory has stored tlierein:
`V program code fort111‘f‘Wfil'5l'i modnlati-Jntmetliod and the second modulation method.
`_I ._
`l3._ (llreviously
`iflhe device ofclaim 11, wherein the memorycornprises
`random access memory.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 11, wherein the memory comprises read—
`only memory.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 11, wherein the memory has stored therein
`program code for operating the transceiver in a multipoint master/slave relationship.
`16. — 17. (Canceled)
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 1, wherein the first communication from the
`master to the slave is a poll in accordance with a multipoint communications relationship,
`wherein the poll indicates that the master has selected the slave for transmission.
`PAGE 4116* RCVD AT 511112011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVRIW-PTOFAX-1101122 * DN1S:2?383flfl ‘ CS|D:2155683439* DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`11...... 1 -01:
`Exhibit 1311 03/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`20. (Previously Presented) A cornmunications device, comprising:
`a processor; and
`a memory having stored therein executable instructions for execution by the
`processor, wherein the executable instructions direct transmission of a first data with a first
`modulation method followed by a second data with a second modulation method, wherein the
`firstlmodulaticnn rnethod.is_different than the second modulation method, wherein the first i
`indicatidn otfan iinpending change from the first rnodulation method tolthfe‘
`‘_ second modn1_ationinetho_cl_,wherein the executable instructions directtransrriission ofa third
`. data
`the iirst rnodulationrnethod afierthesccond data, and wherein the thirdldata V
`-indicatesth,at1cornrnunication.has reverted to
`_first modulation method,
`'_‘ '
`_ _
`' 21.”.'§;s.
`‘t H
`(Previously Presented)’ lhe device ofclaim 20, wherein transmission ofthe second data
`is according to a specific time interval.
`(Previously Presented) A communications device, comprising:
`a processor; and
`a memory having stored therein executable instructions for execution by the
`processor, wherein the executable instructions direct transmission of a first data with a first
`modulation method followed by a second data with a second modulation method, wherein the
`first modulation method is different than the second modulation method, wherein the first
`data comprises an indication of an impending change from the first modulation method to the
`second modulation method wherein the executable instructions direct transmission of a third
`data with the first modulation rnetlrod after the second data, and wherein transmission of the
`second data is according to a particular quantity of data.
`PAGE 5l16* RCVDAT 5111:2011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * sVR:W-PT5FAX-00ll22* oms:2m3oo * CSlD:215568l439* DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 04/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 20, further comprising a transmitter
`configured to transmit the first data and the second data.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 20, wherein the memory has stored therein
`program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) 'I'he device of claim 20, wherein the memory comprises random
`access memory.
`. ‘32.
`. (Previously Presented) The device ofciaiTm:2_O,'wherei1i't11e memofyvgcomprises read;-4 A
`.->4 ,
`-only memory, .
`_ (Previously Presented) The device ofclaim whereinthe memory
`V 33.
`program code for a miiltipoint connnunications protocoi.
`stored the_rcin
`_~ 34. .4 36.
`(Previously Presented) A device that transmits in accordance with a first modulation
`method and a second modulation method that is different than the first modulation method,
`said device comprising:
`at least one modulator;
`a transceiver that includes the at least one modulator, wherein the transceiver is
`configured to transmit:
`a first sequence, modulated in accordance with the first modulation method,
`that indicates an impending change from the first modulation method to the second
`modulation method, and
`a second sequence, in accordance with the second modulation method, that is_
`transmitted at a time after the first data sequence. 1
`PAGE 6l16 * RCVD AT 5l11l2011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVRIW-PTOFAX-001I22 * DN|S:2?38300* CS|D:2155683439" DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`v\....-.. c .-.01 E
`Exhibit 1311 05/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non—Compllant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 37, wherein the transceiver is configured to
`transmit a third sequence afier the second sequence, wherein the third sequence is transmitted
`in accordance with the first modulation method and indicates that a subsequent
`communication has reverted to the first modulation method.
`39. — 44.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 37, wherein the transceiver is configured to
`transniitthe second sequence according to a specific time interval.
`(Previously‘ Presented.) The device of claim 37, wherein the transceiver is configtircd to ‘_
`transmit the second sequence according to a particular quantity of data.
`t _
`(Qrigmal) The device of claim. 37, further comprising :-1 processor. and ti memory,
`wherein the memory has stored therein instructions that when executed by the processor 2‘
`cause the transmitter to transmit the first sequenceand the second sequence.
`_._ _
`i «'-gt
`,,_ ._
`(Original) The device ofclaim 47, wherein the memory comprises random access
`(Original) The device of claim 47, wherein the memory comprises read-only memory.
`(Original) The device of claim 47, wherein the memory has stored therein program
`code for a multipoint communications protocol.
`51. — 86.
`(Previously Presented) A computer-readable storage medium having a computer
`executable instructions stored therein that when executed by a processor control a master
`transceiver, said computer executable inStI'uc|‘.i0ns, comprising:
`PAGE H16 * RCVDAT 51112011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVR:W-PTSFAX-001122;[3NlS:2?38300 ‘ CSlD:2155683439 * DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 06/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`first logic configured to transmit first information in a first modulation method for
`second logic configured to transmit a first sequence to notify ofa change from Said
`first modulation method to a second modulation method;
`third logic configured to transmit second information in said second modulation
`method; and
`fourth logic configured to trzmsmit a second sequence afier the second information is
`transmitted, wherein the second sequence is transrnitted in the first modulation.method and.
`cornrnuitication has reverted to; the first modulation method.
`: «. ..
`‘T 5 ‘7"‘ "'73?"
`94.'i'”"(Previously Presented) Thercomputeweadable.storagemedium ofclaim 87, wherein =
`‘ -'-itlie fii-st'u‘ansceiv"er' is c:ms'gm'rea=‘:6
`the second‘ sequclice according to a specific
`_ _ __
`(Currently Amended) A. coniputci-—readab1e storage medium having a computer
`executable instructions stored therein that when executed by a processor control a master
`transceiver, said computer executable instructions, comprising:
`first logic configured to transmit first information in a first modulation method for
`second logic configured to transmit a first sequence to notify of a change from said
`first modulation method to a second modulation method;
`third logic configured to transmit second infonnation in said second modulation
`method; and
`fourth logic configured to transmit a second sequence after the second informationis
`transmitted, wherein the %lil_ogi_c_ fi is configured to transmit the second
`sequence according to a particular quantity of data.
`PAGE 3H6 RCVD AT 5l11i2011 5.16.24 PM [Easterll Daylight Time] SVRZW-PTOFAX-001122 * DNBIN33300 ‘ CSlD22155683439 * DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 07/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice ofNon-Compliant Amendment Dated: lviarcli 10, 2011
`Oflice Action Dated: September 1, 2.010
`(Previously Presented) The computer—readab1e storage medium of claim 87, further
`comprising program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The c0mputer—1‘cadable storage medium of claim 87, further
`comprising program code for a rnullipoint communications protocol.
`98. -_- 100.
`'101..,._- (Previously Presented) The device of claim 1, wherein.the_ transceiver is configured to
`' be the master.
`_ .
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim. 1, wherein theyfirst information in the first
`,poi-iion(indieates;die =iirst'tnod1tliitic.ii methodsvhen the intended destination is :51 first type of
`I receiver and indicates
`second modulation whentthe intended destinaticmgis as. second .t}'3§¢j;
`4 (H. -’
`'1 _‘
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 102, wherein the second type of receiver
`differs from the first type ofreceiver at least by the second type of receiver being designated
`for transmitting in the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 102, wherein the second type ofreceiver
`differs from the first type ofreceiver at least by the second type ofreceiver being operable to
`ignore transmissions intended for the first type ofreceiver.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 104, wherein the intended destination
`ignores transmissions in the second modulation when the intended destination is the first type
`of receiver.
`PAGE 9!16*RCVDAT 511112011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight iimersvnzwiaririx-oo”1:223 i)|‘i|S:2738300‘CSID:2155683439*DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 08/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 104, wherein the intended destination
`ignores transmissions in the first modulation when the intended destination is the second type
`of receiver.
`(Previously Presented) ‘The device of claim 104, wherein the intended destination is
`the first type of receiver and unable to demodulate the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The device ofclaim 102, wherein the transceiver is configured ‘
`"tb‘}e¢%§iv’e d§E:§’irom'n1é
`the first modulation method whenithe '
`intended destination is the first type of receiver.
`device ofcllaiin 102, wherein the transceiver is-cotifigured.‘
`0§;"""' (Previously
`-.. y 9 V.
`tti re5ceive:‘da§ta7fi'oni the ‘iritfitledidxistirititioiit thesecond rn_odul’ation rnethodiwhett the .,{;
`rettstaopesrrtsstsg ~ .
`..-‘ii; I
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 1, the transceiver is configured to cransgrnit .r._r.~=.
`a third sequence, according to the iirst modulation method, at a time after the second
`sequence is transmitted.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 1, wherein the transceiver transmits data
`modulated according to either the first modulation method or the second modulation method
`at any given point in time when the transceiver is transmitting.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 20, wherein transmission of the second
`data is according to a particular quantity of data.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 28, wherein transmission of the second
`data is according to a specific time interval.
`PAGE 10I16* RCVDAT 511112011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVR:W-PT‘0FAX-Oi)1f2i*‘Dll|S:2?38300 ’ CSID:2155683439 * DURATION (mm-ss):02-13
`Exhibit 1311 09/15
`Application N 0.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Officc Action Dated: September 1, 21010
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 28, further comprising a transmitter
`configured to transmit the first data and the second data.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 28, wherein the memory has stored
`therein program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 28, wherein the memory comprises
`random access memory.
`(Previcmsly Presented) Thedevice of claim_L')i8,,;it'h.ereiii memory comprises read;
`only memory.
`'-::,1.1.8:: A(i?tevi<zus_lyPresented) The device of claim-‘2'83,_vvher_ci:o‘_the
`- therein programcode for a rnultipo int communications‘ prpte<:,o1{,
`has stored _
`§_. (P.reviAous_ly:Presented) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 87, wherein _ _
`4 119.
`the first transceiver is configured to transmit the second sequence according to a particular
`quantity of data.
`(Previously Presented) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 95, wherein
`the first transceiver is configured to transmit the second sequence according to a specific time
`(Previously Presented) The computer-readable storage medium of claim 95, further
`comprising program code for the first modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The computenreadable storage medium of claim 95, further
`comprising program code for a multipoint communications protocol.
`PAGE 11116‘ RCVD AT 5l11l2011 5:16:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] ‘_SVR:W-PTOFAX-001122‘ DN|S:2738300 * CSlD:2155633439* DURATION (mm-ss):02-18'
`11...... ‘In.-.1-“IE
`Exhibit 1311 10/15
`Application No.2 12/543,910
`Notice of Nan-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 25010
`A communication device capable of communicating
`(Previously Presented)
`according. to a master/slave relationship in which a slave message from a slave to a master
`occurs in response to a master message from the master to the slave, the device comprising:
`a transceiver, in the role of the master according to the master/slave relationship,
`capable oftransmitting using at least two types of modulation methods, wherein the at least
`two types ofmodulation methods comprise a first modulation method and a second
`modulation method, wherein the second modulation method is of a different type than the
`first modulation method, and wherein the transceiver is configured to transmit messages yvith: _
`A A _ a _f_irst_ sequence, in_
`firstlinodtilation method, that ‘indicates at leastwhich ofthe '
`first riiodulationmethod and the second modulation tnethodlisusedlibr modulsti.ng alseconcl _‘
`sequence, wherein, in at least one message, the first sequence indicates an impending change _
`iirvsttrioudulation method to the second 1nodulation_rncthod, and wherein the at least _
`oiie_.message is addressed for an intended destinationofthe second secguence,
`the second sequence, modulated in accordanceivviththe tnodulation method.‘ indicated
`» by.~tl1cfit‘St-(sequence and, in the atleastone.1'r1essage,_modulutedtlsingthe second modulation.
`method, whereinthe second sequence is transmitted after the first sequence.
`'_ Q
`.y . ,_
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver is configured
`to transmit a third sequence after the second sequence, wherein the third sequence is
`transmitted in the first modulation method and indicates that communication from the master
`to the slave has reverted to the first modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver is configured
`- to transmit the second sequence according to a specific time interval.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver is configured
`to transmit the second sequence according to :1 particular quantity of data.
`PAGE 12116 * RCVD AT 5I11l2011 5:16:24 PM [Easlem Day1ightTime] “ SVR:W-PTOFAX-001l22 * DNlS:2738300" CS|D:2155683439* DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 11/15
`Applic11tionNo.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2.010
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, further comprising a processor and a
`memory, wherein the memory has s1 cred therein instructions that when executed by the
`processor cause the transceiver to transmit the first sequence and the second sequence.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 127, wherein the memory has stored
`therein program code for the fitst modulation method and the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 127, wherein the memory comprises A
`1- random-.access:memory.;
`“.(Ifrevious_ly.1?resented)4ffheidevicc ofclaim 127, vvhelielnhutlielrnernlory mm,§g1;¢;y;¢sgi;
`': p
`j1_'3 f_gP:§viqtis1.y.;I§resented)f-iziiésevice orclaim 12?, uii1e§éi3i 15¢ rnernoryhas stored?‘ ‘pi
`E th§“e_f3=iI1.[_)togi'arn‘ codeflfor operating the transceiver in a'multipoint"master(siave re].ationshi}‘r,: itI_.
`(Previously Presented) The device ofclaim 123, wherein the first communication
`from the master to the slave is a poll in accordance with a rnultipoint communications
`relationship, wherein the poll indicates that the master has selected the slave for uansmission.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver is configured
`to be the master.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, wherein the first infonnation in the
`first portion indicates the first modulation method when the intended destination is a first type
`of receiver and indicates the second modulation when the intended destination is a second
`type of receiver.
`PAGE 1311s* ROW 11 511112011 5:15:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]* SVR:W-PTOFAX-001I22 * o111s:27as3oo* cs1o:2155es3139* DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`n___ 155915
`Exhibit 1311 12/15
`DOCKET No.2 REMB-0109
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10. 2011 ’
`Otlicc Action Dated: September 1,2010
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 134, wherein the second type of receiver
`differs from the first type of receiver at least by the second type of receiver being designated
`for transmitting in the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 134, wherein the second type ofreceiver
`differs from the first type of receiver at least by the second type of receiver being operable to
`ignore transmissions intended for the firs: type ofreceiver.
`.‘ .1 __
`(Prev_iously4Presente'd) The device ofsclaim 135, wherein the intended destination
`ignores t_ransn1is_sions.in the second modulation when the intended destination is the firsttype ’, _ ._
`g ‘"
`j, : 4...;
`_ gr. .‘
`(Previously‘,Presented) The device ofclaim 136, wherein the intended destinatiort ;
`'ignores~transrnissionsintthefirstmodulationwhen the intended destination isthe second '>: 3,‘.
`of receiver.‘
`(‘Previously Presented) The device of claim 136, wherein the intended destination is
`the first type ofreceiver and unable to demodulate the second modulation method.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 134, wherein the transceiver is configured
`to receive data from the intended destination in the first modulation method when the
`intended destination is the first type of receiver.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 134, wherein the transceiver is configured
`to receive data from the intended destination in the second modulation method when the
`intended destination is the second type of receiver.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, the transceiver is configured to
`transmit a third sequence, according to the first modulation method, at a time after the second
`sequence is transmitted.
`-ca -01:
`PAGE 14!16*RCVDAT 5l11!20115:16:24P|l| [EastemDay|ightTime]*sVR:W-P'l0FAXll(11l22*DNlS:2?l8300*cSlD:2155683439*DURAT|0N(mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 13/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Non-Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 123, wherein the transceiver transmits
`data modulated according to either the first modulation method or the second modulation
`method at any given point in time when the transceiver is transmitting.
`(Previously Presented) The device of claim 127, wherein the memory comprises an
`erasable programmable read-only memory.
`(Previously Presented) The device ofclaim 11, wherein the memory comprises an
`1 eresahle piogeaiasehie readlonly rr.ernory.~ r
`(Previously Presented) The‘device ofclaim 20, iwherein-the mernory comprises an .;
`erasable programmable read—only memory.
`3147." - _%='(P5i'evio1‘1s1y Presented); ‘The device ofclaim 28, vivhercinthe memory‘comprisessiarr .
`eresehle programmable read—on1y.memory.
`~ J -»
`(Previously. Presented) The device ofcleim 47, wherein the memory comprises an
`erasable programmable read-only memory.
`PAGE 15I1B*RCVDAT5I11I2011 5:15:24 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVR:W-PTOFAX-M223 brls:27asaoo* CS|D:2155683439 * oummou [mm-ss):02-18
`Exhibit 1311 14/15
`Application No.: 12/543,910
`Notice of Nen—Compliant Amendment Dated: March 10, 2011
`Office Action Dated: September 1, 2010
`The present supplemental reply is submitted to amend claims 1 and 95. Applicant
`requests that this amendment be entered.
`Date: May 11, 2011
`/Steven B. Samuclsl
`Steven B. Samuels
`Registration No. 37,711
`- 'Woodcoek Washbum LLP
`Philadelphia, PA 19104-2391
`2 ;.'_I‘e1ephone: (215) 568-3100 _
`Eacsifinjlez (215) 568-3439 .
`1 "
`PAGE W16‘
`RCVDAT 5!11!2011 5.16.24 PM [Eastern Day1IghtTIme] ‘ SVR.W-PTOFAX-001I22 * DN|S:2?383Il0* BS|D:2155683439 " DURATION (mm-ss):02-18
`n......1: -431:
`Exhibit 1311 15/15