`IEEE Std 100-1996
`The IEEE Standard Dictionary of
`Electrical and Electronics Terms
`Sixth Edition
`Standards Coordinating Committee 10, Terms and Definitions
`Jane Radatz, Chair
`"ibis standard is one of a number of information technology dictionaries being developed by standards
`(grganizations accredited by the American National Standards Institute. This dictionary was developed
`under the sponsorship of voluntary standards organizations, using a consensus-based process.
`i ii1
`: i
`; iE §§ §
`ISBN 1-55937-533-5
`SamsungEX. 1206
`(Samsung V. Rembrandt)
`g 9 781559 37833
`Exhibit 1206 01/03
`Exhibit 1206 01/03
`b -
`de‘ of resonance
`f\Prop/agation, ionospheric
`nt transient recovery voltage (transient re-
`E modified inhere
`each hop. Example: 1F + l
`The TRV (transient recovery voltage) that
`covery voltage)
`(afiections being indicated for
`heric reflection in theF region
`of a circuit (that produces the
`results from the interaction
`‘e’presents a hop with an ionosp
`ground, followed, in turn, by
`inherent transient recoVery voltage) and the impedance (ca-
`ction from the E region.
`(AP) 211—1990
`pacitors, resistors, etc.) of an interrupting device without the
`ahop with a relic
`modifying effects of an arc and its voltage. Modifying im-
`Ode 0f resonance (waveguide) A form of natural electromag—
`netic oscillation in a resonator, characterized by a particular
`pedances, such as capacitors and resistors, are sometimes in—
`field pattern.
`cluded as part of a switching device to modify the TRV.
`(PEISWG) C37.04E—1985w, C37 .100—1992,
`'ode of vibration (vibratory body, such as a piezoelectric
`C37 .1008-1986w, C37 .4D—1985w
`crystal unit) A pattern of motion of the individual particles
`3., due to stressesapplied to the body, its properties, and the
`_»;.~.;boundary conditions. Three common
`mOd‘fied'Off‘the‘Shelf (MOTS) Software pde‘lCt that is 31‘
`modes of vibration are
`ready developed and available, usable either “as is” or with
`See also: crystal.
`modification, and provided by the supplier, acquirer, or a third
`flexural, extensional, and shear.
`(C/SE) 1062- 1993
`fiber optics) A device for inducing mode
`modified performance test A test, In the “as found” condition,
`thiode scrambler (A) (
`of a battery’s capacity and its ability to provide a high—rate,
`coupling in an optical fiber. Synonym: mode mixer. See also:
`short-duration load (usually the highest rate of the duty cycle)
`mode coupling. (B) (fiber optics) A device composed of one
`which strong mode coupling occurs.
`that will confirm the battery’s ability to meet the critical pe—
`1 “or more optical fibers in
`riod of the load duty cycle, in addition to determining its
`' Note: Frequently used to provide a mode distribution that is
`meets other spec—
`percentage of rated capacity.
`(PE) 450-1995
`\ independent of source characteristics or that
`de mixer. See also: mode coupling.
`modified source statements Original source statements that
`31" ific‘ations. Synonym: mo
`(StleO) 812-1984w
`have been changed.
`(C/SE) 1045-1992
`modify (A) To change the contents of a database. (B) To change
`anical) A plot that shows displacements of
`mode shape (mech
`the logical structure of a database. See also: alter.
`Various points in the vibrating structure at a particular instant
`(C) 6105—1990
`* in time. There is a characteristic'mode shape associated with
`* each natural frequency of a vibrating structure.
`(PE/SWG/SUB) C37.100—1992, C37.122-19835,
`:ess of'dete‘rmining the degreet
`gn, or implementation of a mod 0
`aspects of the system being mag]
`cation. See alsosfidelity.
`ing the degree to which a moclgegl
`r of the real world from the
`(s) of the model.
`ocess of determining the degre
`:alization steps of a model' foe
`rements and the design, or, her
`iplementation. Contrast: model
`(C) 6103-1989
`ng that a model implementation
`Ieloper’s conceptual description
`(C/DIS) 127834996
`1) A contraction of :MOdulator
`that connects data terminal
`on line.
`(PE) 599-1985w
`lta acquisition, and automatic
`ultahtor device that converts serial
`e s1 nal f
`1 Channge1.
`Iorm appropriate for
`B) C37.1-1994, c37.100-'1992
`letworks) A modulator-demod—
`:ncodes digital information onto
`rying the amplitude, frequency
`demodulator extracts digital in:
`odified carrier. A modern trans-
`m snitable for transmission over
`(C/LM) 802.7-1989
`and demodulates signals trans~
`ion‘ facilities. One of the func—
`e digital data to be transmitted
`(PE/SUB) 999-1992
`r modulation and demodulation
`it srgnals over communication
`:ed as an abbreviation for mod-
`9: data set; demodulator—mod-
`tr. _Sce also: acoustic coupler
`t digital signal received into an
`(C) 6107-1995
`of modem status lines.
`(C/PA) 20031-1992
`:uits) The characteristic pattern
`sequence and duration of com-
`: Most thyristor converters and
`iodes of operation, which may
`e current wave. The particular
`depends upon the circuit con-
`ectifier circuit element.
`(IA) 444~1973r
`guides) A form of propagation
`cterized by a particular field
`. the direction of propagation
`ent of position along the axis
`: case of uniconductor wave-
`irticular mode of propagation
`ency. See also: waveguide.
`wave than can advance and
`: axrs of a transmission line
`the electromagnetic field pat-
`:tions (except for a monotonic
`direction of propagation, due
`9 present to some degree in
`(MTT) 1004-1987w
`‘ic Representation of a trans—
`hops between the end points
`:rs producrng the ionospheric
`modulated 12.5T pulse
`mode stripper See: cladding mode stripper.
`mode transducer (waveguide components) A device for trans—
`forming an electromagnetic wave from one mode of propa-
`gation to another.
`(MTT) 147-1979w
`:mode transformer See: mode transducer.
`mode voltage Seei glow voltage.
`mode volume (fiber optics) The number ofbound modes that
`an optical waveguide is capable of supporting;'for V5, ap—
`:" proximately given by V2/2 and (W/2[g/(g + 2)], respectively,
`" for step index and power—law profile waveguides, where g is
`the profile parameter, and V is normalized frequency. See
`'also.“effective mode v'olurne; mode; normalized frequency;
`_ power-law index profile: step index profile; V number.
`modification (A) (software) A change made to software._ See
`‘ also: software. (B) (software) The process cf changing soft-
`‘ ware. See also: software. '
`(C/SE) 729—1983s
`modification request (MR) A genericterrn that includes the
`with the Various trouble problem—reporting
`forms associated
`documents (e.g.,
`incident report,’ trouble report) and the
`configuration change control document. (C/SE) 1219-1992
`recovery voltage The circuit tran-
`modified circuit transient
`dified in accordance with the nor—
`sient recovery voltage mo
`ltage and the asymmetry of the
`marl—frequency recovery vo
`current wave obtained on a particular interruption. Note:.This
`the particular interruption
`voltage indicates the severity of henomena.
`with respect to recovery—voltage p
`(PE/SWG) C37.100-1992
`tance 1'6-
`i'modified impedance relay An impedance fornicf dis
`haracteristic of the distance unit
`lay for which the operating c
`having its center displaced from
`on an R—X diagram is a circle
`the origin. Note: It may be described by the equation
`Z2 = 2K,Z,,,,(e — a) = K2 — K12
`and CL are constants and 9 is the phase angle by
`here K 1., K2,
`which the input voltage leads the input current. -
`(PE/SWG) C37.100—1992
`adio-wave propagation) In the
`modified index of refraction (r
`fractive index at a given height
`troposphere, the sum of the re
`cc and the ratio of this height
`» h above the mean local surfa
`to the geometrical mean radius of the Earth. (AP)
`Modula 2 See: MODUlar LAnguage ll.
`MODULA 11 See: MODUlar LAnguage II.
`arts. See also: mod—
`modular (software) Composed of discrete p
`ular decomposition; modular programming.(C) 610.12—1990
`aker element consisting of
`modular assembly A circuit bre
`(1 connecting terminals.
`sealed interrupters, mechanism, an
`(PE/SWG) C37.59-1996
`modular constraint See: grid constraint.
`modular decomposition (software) The process of breaking a
`system into components to facilitate design and development;
`an element of modular programming. Synonym: modulariza—
`tion. See also: cohesion; coupling; demodularization; factor-
`ing; functional decomposition; hierarchical decomposition;
`. (C) 610.12—1990
`modularity (software) The degree to which a system or com-
`puter program is composed of discrete components such that
`a change to one component has minimal impact on other com—
`(C) 610.12—1990
`ponents. See also: cohesion; coupling.
`modularization See: modular decomposition.
`MODUlar LAnguage II (MODULA II) A programming lan—
`guage developed, as an expanded version» of Pascal, tovsupport
`modular design, structured programs, and mathematical cal—
`culations. See also: block-structured language.
`(C) 610.13—1993
`mOdular programming (software) A software development
`ftware is developed as a collection of
`technique in which so
`modules. See also: data structure-centered design; input—pro-
`object—oriented design;
`cess—output; modular decomposition;
`structured design;
`rapid prototyping; stepwise refinement;
`(C) 610.12-1990
`transaction analysis; transform analysis.
`MODULAR II See: MODUlar LAnguage II.
`modulate (A) To convert voice or data signal for transmission
`over a communications network. Contrast: demodulate.
`' (B) To vary one or more attributes of a carrier (amplitude,
`frequency, phase) such that the frequency information in the
`modulating signal can be recovered by its inverse process.
`(C) 16107-1995
`modulated 12.5T pulse (linear waveform distortion) A burst
`nominally 3.58 MHz. The
`of color subcarrier frequency of
`~ envelope of the burst is sinz shaped with a HAD of nominally
`1.56 us. The MOD 12.5T pulse consistsbf a luminance and
`a chrominance component. The envelope of the frequency
`spectrum consists of two parts, namely signal energy concen-
`trated in the luminance region below 0.6 MHz and in the
`chrominance region from roughly 3 MHz to 4.2 MHz. »
`Exhibit 1206 02/03
`Exhibit 1206 02/03
`3.58 MHz
`1.56 its
`synonymous with the sine amplitude response. That is, the
`response of the imaging sensor to sinewave images. When
`the modulation transfer functions or MTFs of a linear sensor’s
`components are known, the overall system MTF can be found
`by multiplying the individual component MTFs together.
`(ED) 503~l978w
`‘modulator-demodulator See: modem.
`module (1) (nuclear power generating station) Any assembly
`of interconnected components that constitutes an identifiable
`device, instrument, or piece of equipment. A module can be
`disconnected, removed as a unit, and replaced with a spare.
`It has definable performance characteristics that permit it to
`be tested as a unit. A module could be a card, a drawout circuit
`breaker, or other subassembly of a larger device, provided it
`meets the requirements of this definition.
`(PE) 3084991, 497—1981w, 603-1991, 622B—1988r
`(2) (cable penetration fire stop qualification test) An open-
`ing in a fire resistive barrier so located and spaced from ad-
`jacent modules (openings) that its respective cable penetration
`fire stop’s performance will not affect the performance of
`cable penetration fire stops in any adjacent module. A module
`may take on any shape to permit the passage of cables from
`one or any number of raceways.
`(3) (A) (software) A program unit that is discrete and iden-
`tifiable with respect to compiling, combining with other units,
`and loading; for example, the input to, or output from, an
`assembler, compiler,
`linkage editor, or executive routine.
`(B) (software) A logically separable part of a program. Note.-
`The terms “module,” “component,” and “unit” are often used
`interchangeably or defined to be sub-elements of one another
`in different ways depending upon the context. The relation-
`ship of these terms is not yet standardized.
`(C) 610.12-1990
`(4) (STEbus) A plug-in unit consisting of one or more boards
`that contains at least one bus interface conforming to IEEE
`Std 1000-1987, which plugs into the backplane.
`(5) Collection of circuitry designed to perform specific func—
`tions that includes an interface to Futurebus+.
`10857—1994, 8963—1993, 896.4—1993
`(6) (MULTIBUS) A basic functional unit within an agent.
`(7) (NuBus) See also: board.
`(8) A board or board set that comprises a single physical unit.
`It provides mechanical mounting and protection of electronic
`components, thermal transfer of heat away from the compo-
`nents to an external heat sink, and electrical and fiber-optic
`connections. A module is removable and replaceable.
`(9) A plug-in unit per IEC 50.
`(BA/C) 11013-1993, 1101.4-1993
`(10) A board, or board set, consisting of one or more nodes,
`that share a physical interface to SCI. If a module has multiple
`boards with backplane-mating connectors, it only uses one
`for the logical connection to the node. The others may provide
`additional power or I/O for their associated boards, but other-
`wise merely pass the input link signals through to the output
`link to provide continuity in case the module is plugged into
`a ring-connected backplane.
`(C/MM) 1596-1992
`(11) Typically a board assembly and its associated mechan-
`ical parts, front panel, optional shields, etc., which contains
`everything required to occupy a slot in a mainframe. A mod-
`ule may occupy one or more slots.
`(C/MM) 11554992
`(12) A collection of circuitry that is designed to perform a
`specific operation. This is standard terminology for Future-
`bus+, while VME64 uses board synonymously.
`(BA/C) 1014.1-1994
`(13) A board, or board set, consisting of one or more nodes
`that share a physical interface. Although only one board in a
`module connects to bus signals, each board connector could
`provide power from the bus.
`(14) An electronic circuit assembly that connects to one or
`more slots on the backplane. It is removable from and re—
`Envelope of frequency spectrum of modulated 12.5Tpulse
`modulated 12.5T pulse
`(BT) 511—1979w
`modulation (1) (A) (data transmission) (Carrier), (i) The pro-
`cess by which some characteristic of a carrier is varied in
`accordancewith a modulating wave. (ii) The variation of
`some characteristic of a carrier. See also: angle modulation;
`modulation index. (B) (data transmission) (Signal transmis-
`sion system). (i) A process whereby certain characteristics of
`a wave, often called the carrier, are varied or selected in ac—
`cordance with a modulating function. (ii) The result of such
`a process. See also: angle modulation; modulation index.
`(2) (diode-type camera tube) The ratio of the difference be—
`tween the maximum and minimum signal currents divided by
`the sum. To avoid ambiguity, the optical input image intensity
`shall be assumed to be sinusoidal in the direction of scan.
`(ED) 503-1978st
`(3) (fiber optics) A controlled variation with time of any
`property of a wave for the purpose of transferring informa-
`(StleO) 812-1984w
`(4) (overhead-power-line corona and radio noise) The pro-
`cess by which some characteristic of a carrier is varied in
`accordance with a modulating signal.
`(PE/T&D) 539-1990
`(5) (broadband local area networks) The method whereby
`information is superimposed onto a RF carrier to transport
`signals through a communications channel.
`(C/LM) 802.7—1989
`(6) The process of changing or regulating the characteristics
`of a carrier that is vibrating at a certain amplitude and fre-
`quency so that the variations represent meaningful informa—
`tion. Contrast: demodulation.
`modulation contrast (diode-type camera tube) The ratio of
`the difference between the peak and the minimum values
`of irradiance to the sum of the peak and the minimum value
`of irradiance of an image or specified portion of an image.
`(ED) 503—1978w
`modulation index (angle modulation with a sinusoidal'mod-
`ulating function) (data transmission) The ratio of the fre-
`quency deviation of the modulated wave to the frequency of-
`the modulating function.“Nate: The modulation index is nu-
`merically equal to the phase deviation expressed in radians.
`(PE) 599-1985w
`modulation threshold (illuminating engineering) In the case
`of a square wave or sine wave grating, manipulation of lu-
`minance differences can be specified in terms of modulation
`* and the threshold may be called the modulation threshold.
`Lmax — L
`modulation =
`. Lmax + Lmin
`Periodic patterns that are not sine wave can be specified in
`terms of the modulation of the fundamental sine wave com»
`ponent. The number of periods or cycles per degree of visual
`angle represents the spatial frequency.
`modulator A device that converts a signal into a modulated
`signal that is suitable for transmission.
`modulation transfer function (diode-type camera tube)
`R°(N), the modulus of the optical transfer function (OTF), is
`Exhibit 1206 03/03
`Exhibit 1206 03/03