`Merriam— ‘
`T E N T H» A E
`erriam-Webster, Incorpora ed
`ringfield; Massachusetts,
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`Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. — 10th ed.
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`Q 1.-fEng1_ish language—Dictionaries.
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`l’11r1111:'al s l'1';1rle
`l'11I'111»lu5:» \'l'r'11 111-l..1.1'\ 11:15:" {I59}!
`J :
`: 1111-1111115 nrr|1.‘.1' nr ;1r1--.11113:~.111eI1I
`I1m'J111: 111.>ul11~_.1uul
`[IJ1111-Iu:.\‘.I;-ly 1:::'1- — l‘1Irl:I)-I1-.11-1:-I11.-3'.‘ 1:
`I'x:1‘LII'1L‘|1L _
`111' 1'1-1:11:11.-11!
`fm'nI Iullur 111,'19U‘)}
`:1 11-llc1'm1 :1 suhi-_'ul
`LII-:[1'.'111l1L-:1.unI l1'11Iill'cr::|1i1'11::.I'1lc willlulll c$tiE11IIlIlCll1'Il1J;C 1:xcc.l.,{:
`llle '.ui1l11'.5':~
`2 : n E1-.111-.1-1'u1'
`1: 1.-Ir:
`dim; 111111
`[11-i111c«_1 1n m:111l
`I‘..lJIllE'd .1I11l Ila: :1 v1‘1'y .r;eI1L'.r'.11 .‘i£1llll<?|f1UI'I {:15 D1211:
`[nru.11:1— — stc 1'-011111-
`'-r 611:
`: Pltlat
`I1: 1111111131 1-1:
`lllx 11L-.1||
`I111 ~<IIlJ.\'taIIic -1»-.. {‘.l1tJ'fi|'l:111.-1' 11-‘hr: gr: L1: 1'-l1IIl'1.'I1 1I11Jy1'1l
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`.\'_1!n r.:_-1' 1'1=_111_=-.\m.’1I1:1:.—|.|_y \...._—,.|5\ (mil
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`1211' a 1.11-L-_-..~:'j1'111111:1|
`‘1'un11:1[::l|£iiJ:'-I : 1-111111-11111151.-,[.'L~1:1:1.11
`'I'urn'Lal r:r.rf1"[_.f.'«11-111111111
`I- ‘-111'| 1.:*:1. I934 .
`fI'Jl1.l'I-III-tlL'-ll)-'l.l£’ '1!"
`111:1]-1.I.'.~.J1I1|. 1'.‘-Jr--\ .1: {|S\«" ,I’rJrn:- -1- ::.Mr.-l:}'r1'¢.'l (l37?.'J
`.1 1-111n1'l1-:11 p11 ngc-nl 1rr1'1:1r:'111_1 ga
`"1-I30 used 1;11E1;I1y 111 aqllxzuus 511111..
`lion as 11 dislr1l'L‘:.:1:111l and |:11.'s1:1'v'. {V0 and in cimnlicnl E-_\_«'r1HiB
`[or-ma-Iln ‘~.'l'I"1r-111:1
`I, v.iE11\ :1 [Frmmmn .1 t1'.'|1Icm:11'liI llll9ji'l :
`:1 1:11.
`.-11.1111-n1:5 .‘1lilllIlUII 111 111r111:1|c|1-l1y11r.: iftnflntullling :1 s1111311:1n1o1111'l1Il1n1'1|1-
`l’r111'-11.11:].-11:1: 1’:‘r1’r mi n,1'1-'nr1.w11 Izr;
`1 : the 1-1r:1c:11:1: nr 111:: doc-
`l'm'-1.1.181-lxul \'{1'—z.n111\ 11 (111.
`Irlnc nl strict arlhcn.-111:1: 111 ;|J1'£‘.icrJlJE([ or 1.-Met-11:1I l'<u1-1111 (:1.-.' 11: rL'}1'giu11
`or :11‘! 1'. m"w : :1n i|1s:l:m1:‘1.' 1)1"Il1i:i
`2 : m111'kr:d r1itcnIiun lo .'1t::111g.1.*I1'1::nl,
`1-clylu. o1':1r1is|i1.'mc:!115i:1sl1'1 :1|'l 01' liter.
`1:) 1151-11. will: 1.-urrtspoiidlng
`i.-1 1.11’:-1I11L1:nI
`fnromal-i.-at \
`\ 11 or .1.':rJ!— Ital‘-l'Ilal-lsrllll
`\.l1‘Jr-1u.3v'Ii.1:-ll|1\ std!
`rnr-mn]-l-ty \l1'1:'—‘111:a-l.av11'-'\ 11. pl -111:5 l'lS9’l"'1
`: r:ompIi1111ce with I'm‘-
`2 : I11: 1:|u:1|ily nr 911111: 1:1f' [11:-
`l|1['. Iurmzll
`3 :
`.In 1r.:-Lalsli.-1III:(1 I'1:1rIn 01 |11'E11:edIII‘1_'
`r:_-qlllrr.-:.I m
`for-inn]-izc \'l1':1—m.:1-.i12.\ 1'! -i21:I]'
`z-ing {I646} 1 : to give :1 Cl‘.l'l:'lllI ur
`1.|uli111Iu f1.1rI11tn : :1IL»\I'r;'
`2 :31:
`1:1lcr:f1:rm:11 11:10 glvz: Fr1rmaI::l:a-
`lLI.'£ on 11ppruv:1l to — f111--nml-lz-able \—.i1‘-za-bnI\ rmii -— l"1Jr-Imsl-l'r::-
`liar: \.l'1i-r-an:1-1:1--‘zfi—s11:11.1\ .-1 —— for-uml-12-er \'fiiIr-1n:1—,[I—z:1r\n
`l'1Ir:n-:11-n-idc \l'r}1'-'n1:1-maid;
`‘E1’:-r-r11:-,r11i1:I, -mad\ 1: (I852) : a colorless
`hygrn»::1:-:1pi1: Iiquld f_‘.HONl[g
`and chiefly as :1 :1c1lvcnl
`for-maul \'l'(\r-ninnl.
`-.n1ar1L\ 1: [l‘JlJ1
`:1 c}1:1rr11:t1:r'1slic l.:lJfl'IpI'IIIt.'IIl. 0!
`ll“: qflflllf)’ 0‘ '-I 3IH.'=.'L'|1 .-:1-1111111:
`: any of .'i:!l1"('.raI resolmricre b.1n1.I5
`held In clclermlnrc the 3111011
`1E.‘ quality of a vowel
`‘for-Inal \'|'1'Ir-.I|'l:1ll. rt ll’ nr (.1; F. fr. 5. fr. L_,r"0rn:a.m.i', p . ¢)(fflrmu:I':- to
`lorin. Fr. ,I'bm1.-:1 UR-10']
`1 : lllc .-;l1:1p1~., size. nml gem-ra 1n:1k1:ur1 (:1.-. 1.1!
`S0ru<=|hi1Ii; [J|'iI1lELI)
`2 : general |1|:1r1 of argariizaiiun. r1rra11gen11:nl, Ell
`clinic: of m:1l.1'.
`:11 [am for :1 tc-.l1:\'i~1i1m.-:l11mI'l
`‘format vt lnr-nan:-led: for-11111!-ling (19541 = to arrange (as material to
`he prirlu.-1] or eetnncd 1:|:1t:1) in :1 pr1rticuI.1r fnm-1:11 e for-mat-ter n
`for-mule \’fér-,111;'i1\ :1 (1801-'} :
`:1 salt or ester of fur
`1; acid
`'ul.l \l('Jr-‘nu?!-:1h=_:n\ 2: (ISC)
`1 : an 1161 of giving fm'1:r1 1:rr 1111:1111: lu-
`soI11cLlIII:1?. or of |.':ii:ln:-.-, fur-111 : DE‘-"EI.lJl'M!.1'N’l‘
`2 : eacrrnelhingth.-1115
`|'u rn1-.11! (new word A.-.1")
`3 :
`ll11.= Illimncr in '1l'11l1::11 a llilnu is form-1:1]
`: S1"1'RLl'l..Tl'Ult:Ii <1111;~ [11-:cuH:1I —~-. :1: H11: 11121111)
`4 : 111: largest 111111 in :11:
`u_.lc13':1:a! comm1Jrn'1y 1;1'JmprI'5lflg lwu or more :1:.:mc1:1tiar1s and I111.-1':
`($'.1‘-:1ifi|:111<l ~--—-}
`5 11
`.'.l11ylgl]EDlI5. scdilncntnry. 1.-r m1:1:1-
`lIl0J'|]l1lC mt.-l1 r13p1'1:51:11I1:1l 11:1 :1 will
`la : any :'.1=.sil1n1:nl:11'y lI1:d ur cam-
`«.1:1.-u11'1:1: 1.-c1-Eat: ur 1.112115: esuiflcierilfy I1on111ge11e1:u1: or rlisllnclive lu b1: :1
`6 : an arr1L11gcrnr.111L of :1 harly nr gruup 111' 111:‘-r.-1121111; or Ihings in
`rlorm: pn.-s<:riI.11_-rl 11111n11er or for :1 p-.1r{icuI:1r |f|Urpu.~;e
`‘far-mn-I'.l\'13 \'l'é1r—rn:)-llv\ 1141' 1151:)
`1 n :
`g or cupable of giving
`I'1.u-1n : r_‘nNs'rR:I::1'[vE: (:1:-u l11ilL1er1u1:;-
`I1 . u>.:::.| in word farm.-1111111 Dr
`2 : -:::1p:1b|1:
`1.11" :1|le1:1ticm by growl}: and 11:11-'cI1:1|m11:1Il', aim
`: ]11'uduciI1,g mw: 1::=.Ils and tissues
`3 : 1:-f. rulullra
`11:1, 111 ::11a1':1cterl/.1:d
`by f1'u111:1l1v1: cfI':.-1:121 o1 rm-rnntic-n (n-— years) — ur-ma-ilw.--ly ad‘:-
`’fm'rI|nlive :1 (I816) :
`I111: 1.-Iemr-111 (as :1 11
`lllxj 1'1:
`:1 word tlmt serves :11
`311:: N11,‘ w:-_-rd :1m'nrup1'i.'1le form 1111:] is not part 1:11’ (I11: lmm:
`Form class .-1 [I').‘!I} :
`:1 111115: of linguistic can he used in the
`.S:1u'1: posilion 111 :1 c1'1us1:'1:c1lu1-1 and 111.11 lmvc one or more n1orplm1og-
`l1::1J ru' s';'nI.11;II1;111 l'1::1t1:1-1:5 in common
`form-1':r11‘.I1:nI act.‘ (I933) :
`|':n51:1:I on or applying farm crilicism
`lonn criticism :1 (1928) :
`:1 mcllmcl of criticism For 1.!-1:1:-.r111l11i;.111_ the
`5DL11'::¢'.'. 11ml 1:l::r.1;ri-cits’ 1.11‘ ['1 ml 1'1-‘1‘ilE1‘1g.'1“ lhrmuzh arnulysis 0!’ the 111111-
`l111.;5 in terms uFa111.1‘nt literary form.-.1 and rural Lrardilluua (:11: [me no-
`cmea. 11:1 ‘rlilcs. nd pmvcrbs) I-— l‘1:1n'n critic r1
`iur111I2 \'f-5111.
`'rc-m1\ .-1 (1512) 1131-1‘:
`: 11:11:11: 3
`harm:-d \.‘1‘1'11-n11:l\r.«aLr' [l5fl.'i_l : urg.'u1lz1:d In :1 way 1:I1:=.ta1.-1-1:1-i-.:ti1: of living
`malts: <fl'|lFI.'N.'lI1JJ1I‘ll'l:'lfl1'l'.' nu lmdles nf tin: cell}
`T0!’-IIIEE \'[1'11--.11-1.-‘:., 1“-.‘1rv'\
`r.'-':a’:' ll-'. (cm. pp. of farmer to lurnl. lr. L Ibr-
`mz.-n.r] ([51:11 0_.I" :1 heraldic crows‘ : lmving 1:111: :11'ms n:I1'row at {he cenlcr
`and exp
`ling 11:1wu1-1! [he 1,-111111
`.-11.-1: CROH3 lllustratloll
`‘fur-mer \ 1'1‘):--1‘r1.\1'\ rmff IME. fr. _,I'brm1:' fir:-1. fr. FIE _{u-r:-1m — more :11
`:1:'1.m|lng hefm-1.
`lot. r1:]:1l[nglt.1,or
`rrring in Ihc pusl (-u 1:1J1'rc.<:1mndcI11:c}
`2 : pr::1.'1-cling in place n1
`: 1=1J11I‘~.rm11-:11 <-- part of the chapter)
`3 : 111-3L 111 nrdnr
`lwu or more lining.-1 1:111-.1‘l or Ilndcr.-:I1m1l (of 1111: two sh-‘e11.
`I119 --a
`.\'[lt'lll1Ig is nmrr cninrman) (nf IE11:
`tiw} sp:-1]1ngs,ll.11: H» is more 1.'111n-
`:=11_1s1'i=.i')I N1‘..'l
`-1 : Iuu'En;_;
`Is:-1'11 111-1:vio1.1:.'ly .-
`I’.r?-1'E'l‘IMi:‘ (:1 r--
`.r_\m 31:1:
`‘farm-er \'f:5r—:-nar\ :1 {Iain
`: one tI1uI forms
`‘Z ('.ln‘1.[,r1';'.lI1'.‘l
`:1 1111:111-
`Iwr ol'11 *:1:l1o1:1! form —-- 11.1.11. 11::1=.:|
`Illlilnntlon (.-l.'1.ll1 r--}
`ior-mar-Iy \'f('s1--:na{r)-Eé\ rm'1' (1534!
`1:.'1L:1n 1:a1‘Il1-.rliI'II1::l'IlEVI(|lJF€-
`3rJ.l?.\' 1 just b1'.'.l':!11:
`l'nrII1-Ill-line.‘.'fLi1'rn-.Ei~liu\uc151'(1fi!P'-ll:crs11l'1:1rml:1gI11ll1e ulliliuc of 1111:
`: filling .<.11111;ly (:1 ---1 s\\’e-alcr)
`1'm'n1«f11I \'I ">r111-iz=l\ 1115113321
`;-cl1ll1i|lng, 111' nulablu fur [.11-m
`form gt.-I
`111 .1|'lilE1::i.'I.'I
`I:1.\1L111o1'1-111; 1:111;-gmy c.s1a[;1ig,-liugi
`urg.1I1i5r1'1.s' {us i:1:r:L'rl'1
`I lmmil of 1:111:11.
`re true relnliollsllips
`l'r'nr-mi-cu \l1‘-|'-'rr1i-
`|:l:1.s'li.c |1r11L!I1cI-.1
`:11. Pl:\iI'1-Illtl.-I]
`for-mic 211111 \'l'
`'-mlk--\ rr lirrcg. I1.
`l__,i'im-1n a :1111 _ m 111-.
`l[‘.")I:1 :
`:.‘1Il01'lL s p1mgL‘111 fL1m'mg V1.-si1_':1:1I liquid
`cap.111::11r-,:1111l1111n.1I1\-'1Il:111L-1 n11:.| I1:1cc|::11lcl|.yiII(lycirlg111:1.llinislllug
`\'FE1I-111.1-.ke1'--L'=\ :1. pi -car-lus [MLfizr-:11fcm':':mr. fr. l.fw'-
`"Flt!-mi-' ‘.'1'I‘II -111:1-1.|.:-Iaral
`‘mi-. I'arv'r11|-\ 1.11)} U\'llS.. fr. J._;|‘3'.1:'::1:‘r:’.«:-
`f1 .}F:1‘1-11.1".-1’m'r In fuar. f1. ,I'£'1:'r1-1r'n’r:
`t1:1'|'1I1-. bogey; -11!ci1'1 in G1: :1-10:11:15
`hcageyj [15-L-,1
`: c:111::ir1g teal. druzui. or :11|:1pr:|1un5i01': (1-1 --- pmspor-I)
`2 :
`|1.1\-E111; 111::
`l'lL'5 lh:11 1ll.11:o1:r:11;e :1pr1roas;I1 or :=.tI1l::l1
`.1 : landing tn.-
`1'r1.*-Jlin: aw: nr \|'II|1lLl|'—'F — |'u1'-ml-du-hi]-I-ty \.I'1.'1r-rr1.\-d:1-'1:i~la-IE; FéI'-
`.1r1i-. 1'31‘-.\ 11 — l'11r-n1l.d:1-I112-ne.-as\':’f1r—111a-._i;1.r1.11.1.;;g; mt-.-mi.‘ f_-,.
`er — l'o1'-111i-Lin-bl): \.111e\ 1.r1:'r
`r|1'||1. 11[f{,,.m“
`'l'mv.;r,u11-lrn '1‘l'1'1rvr1'|\-"1-I.-a\r1'. pl -IE5 or -lIIE \-.lE'..\ IL.
`1111-111] ilfilli} [ :1
`1 11:51 lnrrn 111' w::|'1;le1 Ior use in :2 can-.:r11:ruy 1:11" riilm
`I1 :
`:1 r.'o11v1::11T.i1-n::l1
`l sl:11¢1ucn1 inkcnuh-1| in 01111 1:51 .-11'1n:1.-
`E1111 prln1:'n1le 1;-:1-1.
`:1 l_1:1::1'r. fur 111=g.1'1Ii
`or :11;Llm1
`1, n “J
`(2) :
`:1 milk :1:1.\11
`e or .'-1I|:»s1{illItc rm,
`£7. 5 E .7‘E
`I'1::r.|Eng :11) inf’ nl
`.1 n :
`r1 1,-em-r11!
`l:1c‘1, fIIl1.‘..1‘.1l'[I1lnI:1pll: 1:>:1'11'c>1911:.| in
`l.1 :
`:1 ayrrrhnllc 1-xpr:-.5 nn 1.1!" the. L'|11:r11[¢-'1
`x:¢;:r11rI1J:iiIi1t:1'1 1:11‘ r:{:n5l1I:1:l1'u11 Lu’ :1 .'.11|)sI.'1111cc
`. 1_.ruup 1111‘ -.5'ml.mIS (:1:
`In cxp1'c-.51’. 1,'nn1:1s1:ly I'a1.:1:. or 1l;\l.1 1},
`11.-Itcls :In11 1111111i‘:1_-r‘:)
`llu: r11I.m1:1L‘r flllll !(iII1.l>: of I:-:1:.1|1 in ilk.‘ 11111:)
`1! 1 .1r11Inhir1:Iiiul1 til".-1'1gn',_
`:1 I111;-,I1.':1l {.‘HlL'UlII.\'
`:1 1:1:1.~1I1.Im11ry or 51'! lb I11 (Ir r111:ll11.11.l
`llltlc r111:1n'L I111‘ 01'
`y — fur-nlu-In-IL‘ '1.I'1I1'—my::~'|:'1-ilt\ adj -— |'g,_
`f1I'.lLt-ll.i-ii.‘t'lI-l)'\-'lfl- kip l:':\ .-.-11'1'
`'l"I:I1‘n.u|Iu .::r.-If {I927}
`I. relating to, or l11=1'1ng an n|11~.11-11-lice]
`cockpit r1::1r-1:ngit'1r: r11c:'ng 13:1:
`l1Unf(}I'J'IllJ1|5 Iu pII:1:11'1'lb::1I :1|11:1:ll'iC11ti11I:s
`11:. lo ::i7.1:'., weiglll, nd cl
`:1: 1'.ll.'i1ll»‘l(.‘:IlI1’.‘I11
`fur-Inn-la-ri:11e \'fr':r-mya 1-.riz\vr -rlzrd: -rlz-lug 11852) :
`11.1 31:11: in 13,.
`1'c11::cc In :1 {mmu 1:1 : I-'uILl\lU1'..'\
`12 — Eurornn-la-r
`1:-lion \.f1'1r-1ny,~,_
`Ia-r. -'22-!-Sl'1an\.Il' — For-mu-In-riz-ur \'f:':1-—111y.1-
`.9r\ H
`fur-mu-tar}: \'[15r—u1ya-.l1:r-E1 :1. pa’ -lar-it.-s (154
`:1 cull1:1:1i:1u (,1
`pr1-scribed [unns (ac 11111111: or |1raycr::_l
`2 : §-'(JRMll1..'\
`3 : :1 lmnlLIi.<.1'.-
`ing mcdicin:11sI1b.-.-:ar1c1=
`11! iorm11Iu:. — I11rI1111].:arya.r.£.1'
`fnr-mu-late \‘fér-rr1y.:—,l:':l\
`-' -Int-ed; -Ial-Eng (181501
`11 : Lo reducelu
`or cxpru-55 in n formula 1:!
`: to [Jul into :1 33-'3l1.‘1:1:1ll2,cd slalisnlt‘-n! or ex.
`1:: DEvIs:n (—~-..
`:1 pniicy}
`2 11:10 (lL'\«'ek!|\:If1)rr11u]:1fulthe
`1:Ir1:;uu'nI1'r:n of (21911 soup 01' pll.l.‘)'[lL2]
`I: x lo pr::p::u'. :\1:1:nI‘dlng lo :1 for.
`n111I:1 — 1'nr-mu-In-Im-\
`v1ar\ :1
`for-Illa:-In-tlan \.E1'JI'—Iuy'a-'I:'1-N'l1an\
`ll (lH‘.l'6) :
`4111 111:: or ill: [.1rn1:|u1:t of
`1'or1uuIa wright :1 (1.-.-1. 1920'; : 11»11_11_1-:1:-n1..»u: wrmn-1'1‘— 115121-I tsp. at 'n'.1n\
`1:: Cum ounds
`lnr-mm izc \'I1‘1r-r11y.-1— I1'2.\ 1-: -li':u:1J: -117.-lug (1342) : 1r<}rm111.:r1'I-:
`farm word 11 (ll???) :
`l"lJN('l'lK.)N 1111111»
`1:r:I1c:1'1:t1: unlil 1'1 2.1215
`farm-wllrlt \'l'1':rn1-.w:11-|L\ :1 [IE-‘It'll :
`:1 set 11f lDI'lI1:9 in place lu |1ul1J 111:.-1
`l'or-myl \'l15|—.mll\ 1: [[S\1"| (ca. 185'); : Ihe r:1d1'1::1l
`l~1(‘.I'J uf I'm-1111-1:
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