VocalChat Help Index
`Using VocalChat
`Step-by-step instructions
`Reference Information
`VocalChat window parts
`Quick-Dial button modes
`Menu commands
`Tool bar commands
`VocalChat WAN version
`Additional Help
`Voice Box browser Help
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 1


`Step-by-step Instructions
`Part 1: Basics
`1 What is VocalChat?
`2 Starting VocalChat
`3 Quitting VocalChat
`4 The VocalChat window
`Part 2: Calling and talking over the network
`1 Making a call to a user
`2 Receiving a call from a user
`3 Conversation with a user
`4 Disconnecting a call or a conversation
`5 Automatic confirmation of calls
`Part 3: Using the Quick-Dial buttons
`1 Setting a Quick-Dial button
`2 Using the Quick-Dial buttons
`3 The left mouse button shortcut
`4 Setting a custom title for a Quick-Dial button
`Part 4: Broadcasting
`1 Broadcasting to all network segment users
`2 Broadcasting to a network group
`3 Receiving broadcasts
`4 Blocking broadcasts
`Part 5: The Voice Box
`Leaving a voice message for a user
`2 Recording and sending a voice file to a user
`3 Sending an existing voice file to a user
`4 Automatic Answering
`5 Opening the Voice Box browser
`6 Voice Box browser: Help Index
`Part 6: Fine-tuning VocalChat
`1 Software Compression
`3 The Manual Activation mode
`4 Setting the Audio Options
`5 Setting the volume level
`Part 7: Other VocalChat options
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`1 Working with VocalChat in minimized form
`2 Setting the VocalChat preferences
`3 Setting hot keys
`4 Changing the Address Book user information
`5 Setting the audio indications
`6 The Message Log
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 3


`What is VocalChat?
`Welcome to VocalChat.
`VocalChat is a unique office voice communications system that lets the network users talk and leave
`voice messages over the network. It works side by side with traditional communication systems, such as
`phones, PBXs and intercoms, making communication fast and easy. VocalChat doesn't interfere with
`work on other applications: you only notice it's there when you need it.
`VocalChat transmits real-time voice across the network from one workstation to another. There is no limit
`on the number of conversations and broadcasts that can take place at any one time, although only two
`users can participate in one conversation. VocalChat maximizes the sound quality on each of the
`systems by supporting different sound formats on different systems. Any Windows compatible sound
`board can be used.
`In addition to real-time voice communication, VocalChat provides full support for voice messaging
`between the network users. Each of the VocalChat users has a server-based Voice Box and users can
`leave voice messages on the Voice Box of any other user. The different Voice Boxes are located in the
`VocalChat Post Office, which is created during installation, and also includes the VocalChat Address
`Book. As you will see, leaving a voice message to a user is amazingly simple. You can record one
`directly into a user's Voice Box; or you can record it as a voice file with the VocalChat recorder, and then
`send it to one or to a number of users. You can also send any standard WAV sound file -- be it voice,
`sound or music -- to a user's Voice Box. Voice-mail was never this easy!
`The Automatic Answering mode, which automatically directs callers to a user's Voice Box, can be
`switched on by choosing a tool bar icon, or automatically triggered after a caller has been ringing you for
`a period of time that you specify. Users that call you when you are not available, or when the Automatic
`Answering mode is on, are played an outgoing personalized message you can set or record. You can
`easily record a new outgoing personalized message, or choose one from a set of messages you
`recorded beforehand. Its works just like an answering machine, even when your computer is turned off.
`Messages can be played back with the easy to use Voice Box browser, a full-blown separate application
`that you can access from within VocalChat or directly from the Program Manager. A friendly user
`interface gives you all the information about the messages, such as the senders name, the date and time
`they were sent, and more. You can easly playback messages, copy or delete them. Playback is controlled
`by familiar tape-reocrder-like controls. Important messages can be saved into a set of personal folders,
`and organized by subject or date.
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`Starting VocalChat
`To start VocalChat
`1 Switch to the Program Manager window.
`2 Open the group window that contains the VocalChat icon.
`3 Do one of the following:
`• Double-click the VocalChat icon.
`• Use the arrow-keys to select the VocalChat icon, and the ENTER key to start it.
`VocalChat Icon
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`Quitting VocalChat
`When you quit VocalChat, the Quick-Dial buttons setup and the Audio Options configuration are
`automatically saved to disk. If the Voice Box browser is open, it will not close when you exit VocalChat.
`To quit VocalChat
`Do one of the following:
`From the Chat menu, choose Exit.
`• Press ALT+F4.
`• Double-click the window's Control-menu box in the upper-left corner of the window.
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`The VocalChat Window Parts
`To get more information on a part of the VocalChat window, do one of the following:
`• Point and click on it with the mouse.
`• Press the TAB key until the desired part is highlighted, and then press ENTER.
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`Making a Call to a User
`You can use VocalChat to call and talk with any user on your network who has a sound board and
`VocalChat running. You can call a user with the Call command, or by using a Quick-Dial button set for
`To call a user
`1 Select Call from the Chat menu, or choose the tool bar Call button.
`Click on the Call button
`The Address Book dialog box opens.
`2 Select a user from the user list, and choose "OK".
`• A message appears on the message line, accompanied by a dialing sound, indicating that the
`call is in progress. One of the Quick-Dial buttons depicts a hand knocking on a door. This button
`will be used for interaction with the user. If one of the buttons is already set to represent the user,
`it will be used. If none is set, the wild-card button will be used.
`• On the other users VocalChat, a Quick-Dial button representing you starts ringing. He can
`answer your call by clicking on this button.
`If your call is answered, you will be able to talk with the other user. If it is not answered after a
`number of seconds (which the other user specifies on his VocalChat), or if the user is not
`available, your call will be automatically directed to his Voice Box, and you will be able to leave
`him a message.
`(See also: Conversation with a User).
`It is also possible that one of the following messages will be displayed on the message line:
`• BUSY The other user is already engaged in a VocalChat conversation.
`• VOICE BOX The other user has switched VocalChat to Automatic Answering mode, or is
`simply not available. You will hear the user's OGM, and will be able to leave him a voice
`(See also: Leaving a Message to a User)
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`Receiving a Call from a User
`When another user calls you, the Quick-Dial button representing the caller changes its appearance to
`that of a ringing phone, accompanied by a ringing sound. The message line shows the caller's name. If
`none of the Quick-Dial buttons is set to represent this caller, the wild-card button is used to interact with
`the caller.
`If the Bring To Top On Call preferences option is on, the VocalChat window will pop up whenever a
`user calls you.
`Receiving a call
`Do one of the following:
`To accept the call, choose the caller's Quick-Dial button.
`To reject the call, choose Disconnect from the menu or tool bar.
`If you accept the call, conversation with the other user starts.
`(See also: Conversation with a User).
`It is possible to make access to your system immediate, by turning on the automatic confirmation mode.
`If another user tries to call you while you are speaking with someone, the message line shows the caller's
`name, and the caller gets a "BUSY" message.
`(See also: Automatic Confirmation of Calls)
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`Conversation with a User
`Conversation starts when contact is established between two single users. The message "CONNECTED!
`" appears on the message line.
`(See also: Receiving a Call from a User, Making a Call to a User)
`Rules for conversation
`• During a conversation, the two users must take turns speaking. They cannot speak at the same time.
`There are three modes: Speak, Idle, and Listen. The user's Quick-Dial button changes its
`appearance according to the current mode, and the current mode is displayed on the message line.
`• When Speak mode is on, what you say is transmitted to the other user. When Listen mode is on,
`you hear what the other user is saying. When Idle mode is on, no one is currently speaking.
`• VocalChat uses its Voice Activation interface to recognize when you are speaking, and automatically
`transmits what you say to the other user, if he is not speaking. (For information on fine-tuning the
`Voice Activation interface, see: Setting the Audio Options)
`• Whenever you can speak, the VocalChat logo on the Status bar changes to the Speak Indicator.
`The window's title shows the name of the user you are talking with. If the VocalChat window is in
`minimized form, the minimized icon functions like a Quick-Dial button, and the other user's name is
`shown below it.
`Talking with a network user
`1 Speak.
`When your audio device registers a sound, VocalChat activates Speak mode, and what you say is
`heard on the other user's system.
`2 When you are finished speaking (that is, when VocalChat recognizes that you are silent) Idle mode is
`automatically activated.
`3 When the other user is speaking, the button changes to Listen mode.
`4 When the other user has finished speaking, the button changes back to Idle mode.
`You can then respond by speaking again.
`Conversation can also be conducted manually, by clicking the user's Quick-Dial button to start speaking,
`then clicking it again to let the other user speak. In this way it is also possible to burst in and start
`speaking even when in Listen mode.
`(See also: Disconnecting Calls or Conversations, The Manual Activation mode)
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`Disconnecting a Call or a Conversation
`The Disconnect command can be used to terminate any action: calls, conversations, broadcasts and
`voice message recordings.
`To cancel a call or disconnect a conversation
`Do one of the following:
`• Choose Disconnect command from the Chat menu.
`• Choose the Disconnect button in the tool bar.
`Disconnect button
`• Press F9 or ESCAPE.
`• Move the pointer over the button, press the right mouse button and choose Disconnect from the
`pull-down menu.
`• Choose another Quick Dial button to terminate the current call and start a new call.
`VocalChat will report "DISCONNECTED" on the message line.
`(See also: Making a Call to a User)
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`Automatic Confirmation of Calls
`The Auto Accept Calls mode determines how easy it is for callers to reach you: when it is on, access is
`immediate, and callers can immediately start talking with you. When it is off, you need to click the caller's
`Quick-Dial button to answer his call, or choose Disconnect to reject it.
`To set the Auto Accept Calls option
`• Select Auto Accept Calls from the Chat menu, or the tool bar. A check-mark appears next to the
`menu item, and the tool bar button is highlighted.
`Auto Accept Calls button
`If a user calls you now, there is no need for you to answer his call. Conversation with him
`automatically starts.
`To disable the Auto Accept Calls option
`• Reselect the command from the Chat menu or its button in the tool bar. The check-mark will
`disappear, and the automatic confirmation mode is disabled.
`(See also: Receiving a Call from a User)
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`Setting Quick-Dial Buttons
`When VocalChat is first started, the ten Quick-Dial buttons are vacant. When you call a user with the Call
`command, a vacant button changes to hold the user's name if one does not hold it already. When all the
`buttons are used, the bottom-right button -- the wild-card button -- is temporarily used to represent
`another user who is calling or being called. The Quick-Dial buttons are used for interaction with other
`network users, and change their appearance to indicate the current mode.
`The Quick-Dial buttons also have another purpose. They can serve as your computerized phone book,
`giving you direct access to network users and groups. The Quick-Dial button setup is recorded on disk,
`and remains the same each time you run VocalChat. Once a button has been set, you can simply choose
`it to trigger a shortcut, such as a call to the user. There is no need to locate the user's name in the
`Address Book each time.
`To set a Quick-Dial button
`1 Move the pointer over the desired Quick-Dial button. Click the right mouse button and keep it
`pressed. If the button is vacant, you can also click the left mouse button.
`A pull-down menu appears next to the button.
`2 Choose Set Button and release the mouse button.
`The Address Book dialog box appears.
`3 From the user list, choose the user name that you want the button to hold.
`4 Choose "OK".
`The Address Book closes, and the button is set to hold the user's name. The new name appears on
`the lower part of the button.
`Follow this procedure to customize the rest of the Quick-Dial buttons. Remember that your wild-card
`button setting will be overridden when a user that is not represented by one of the buttons calls you.
`• A user can appear on only one Quick-Dial button. If you set a button to represent a user who is
`already set on another button, the first button will be cleared. It is possible to set a button for yourself,
`but such a button can be used only for leaving voice messages on your own Voice Box.
`• Selecting Clear Button from the pull-down menu for a Quick-Dial button clears the button.
`In some networks which support network groups, it is also possible to set a button to hold a network
`group name, and use it for group broadcasts.
`(See also: Using the Quick-Dial Buttons, The Left Mouse Button Shortcut)
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 13


`Using the Quick-Dial Buttons
`Once a Quick-Dial button has been set to hold a users name, it can be used for direct communication
`with the user. There is no need to look for his name in the Address Book each time. A pull-down menu for
`a Quick-Dial button lets you communicate with the user it is set to hold, or set it to another user.
`To access the Quick-Dial buttons pull-down menu commands
`1 Move the pointer over the Quick-Dial button and press the right mouse button, without releasing it.
`The Quick Dial pull-down menu appears. Commands which are currently disabled for the button
`appear in gray.
`2 Select the desired command and release the mouse button.
`The command is carried out.
`It is also possible to directly trigger the Call, Leave Message or Send Voice File commands by selecting
`a Quick-Dial button with the left mouse button (See: The Left Mouse Button Shortcut).
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 14


`The Left Mouse Button Shortcut
`The Quick-Dial buttons were designed to make communication with other network users a snap. Once a
`button has been set to hold the name of a network user, he is only a mouse click away.
`You can set the left mouse button to trigger one of thre actions: Leave Message, Send Voice File or Call
`. T
`o set the left mouse button shortcut
`1 Select Preferences from the Options menu.
`The Preferences dialog box opens.
`2 Choose the desired shortcut from the Default Quick-Dial Button Action combo box.
`3 Choose OK.
`To trigger the left mouse button shortcut
`1 Set a Quick-Dial button to hold the user's name, if you have not already done so.
`2 Do one of the following:
`• Choose the Quick-Dial button with the left mouse button.
`• Press ALT and the digit which appears on the top left side of the Quick-Dial button.
`The shortcut is triggered.
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`Setting a Custom Title for a User's Quick-Dial Button
`You can substitute a custom title for the default name of each user which appears on the Quick-Dial
`button set for him. For example, instead of "Barbara", you could put "Lobby".
`Setting a custom title
`1 Move the pointer over the desired Quick-Dial button. Click on the right mouse button and keep it
`A pull-down menu appears next to the button.
`2 Choose Set Button Title and release the mouse button.
`The Set Button Title dialog box appears.
`3 Type in the new title. It can be up to 8 characters in length.
`4 Choose "OK".
`The new title replaces the user's name on the Quick-Dial button.
`To reset the user's Quick-Dial button to the default name, set the button again with the Address Book.
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`Broadcasting to All Network Segment Users
`You can broadcast only to users who are on the same network segment as you. Users in other segments
`will not hear or receive any message about the broadcast. The broadcast will be heard on all the relevant
`workstations which are running VocalChat, and not set to block broadcasts. Users that are engaged in
`conversation while a broadcast is being made will not hear it.
`To broadcast to all the network segment users
`1 Choose Broadcast from the Chat menu or from the tool bar.
`Broadcast button
`The Broadcast button is highlighted.
`2 Speak.
`What you say is heard on all the workstations which are running VocalChat and are not set to block
`3 To stop the broadcast, re-select the Broadcast command or button, or choose Disconnect.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 17


`Broadcasting to a Network Group
`Broadcasts to network groups are possible only on the NetWare and Windows for Workgroups networks.
`To set a button to hold a network group's name, use the Net Users button in the Address Book to access
`the full user and group list. The broadcast will be heard on all the relevant workstations that are running
`VocalChat, and not set to block broadcasts. Users that are engaged in conversation while a broadcast is
`being made will not hear it.
`To broadcast to a network group
`1 Choose the Quick-Dial button that represents the network group.
`Group Button Group Broadcast
`This triggers a broadcast to the group.
`2 Speak.
`The broadcast is heard on all workstations in the group that are running VocalChat.
`3 When you have finished speaking, choose Disconnect from the menu or tool bar.
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`Receiving a Broadcast
`When another user sends a broadcast, you will hear the broadcast and you will see the message "
`BROADCAST FROM [....]", on the message line.
`If the broadcast is to a network group, the wild-card button will be set to that group. If you want to, it is
`possible to turn off the broadcast.
`To turn off an incoming broadcast
`Do one of the following:
`• Choose Disconnect from the Chat menu or from the tool bar.
`• Any call or broadcast you make turns off the broadcast.
`• Choose Ignore Broadcasts from the Chat menu. This will turn off the broadcast, and ignore all
`incoming broadcasts (see also: Blocking Broadcasts).
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`Blocking Broadcasts
`When you dont want to be disturbed by broadcasts, you can block all incoming broadcasts with the
`Ignore Broadcasts option.
`To block incoming broadcasts
`• Select Ignore Broadcasts from the Chat menu or from the tool bar.
`Ignore Broadcasts button
`A check-mark appears next to the menu item and the tool bar buttonmis highlighted.
`Now, all broadcasts sent to your workstation are ignored and not heard. VocalChat does report that
`there is a broadcast in progress, and the broadcaster's name.
`To re-enable broadcasts, reselect Ignore Broadcasts.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 20


`Leaving a Voice Message for a User
`VocalChat makes voice mail easy. It takes a second to record a voice message in your natural voice on
`the Voice Box of another user. A directly recorded message can be up to one minute in length. The other
`user is notified by VocalChat that a new message was left for him.
`To leave a message on a user's Voice Box
`1 Do one of the following:
`• Choose Leave Message from the Chat menu or the tool bar.
`The Address Book opens. Choose the desired user from the list and choose "OK".
`Leave Message button
`• Move the pointer over the user's Quick-Dial button and press the right mouse button.
`A pull-down menu appears next to the button. Choose Leave Message and release the mouse
`The "VOICE BOX" message appears on the message line.
`After the attention sound is played, the button changes to the Record Message mode. The time bar
`appears at the bottom of the VocalChat window.
`Quick-Dial button in Record Message mode
`2 Speak.
`What you say is recorded as a voice message. A single message can be up to one minute in length.
`While you are speaking, the blue bar slowly shrinks. When it is depleted -- after one minute -- the
`recording is automatically stopped.
`3 To stop the recording, choose Disconnect.
`Your voice message is posted on the other user's Voice Box.
`(It is possible to make leaving a voice message even easier by using the left mouse button shortcut. See:
`The Left Mouse Button Shortcut)
`Leaving a voice message when calling a user who is not available
`When you make a call to a user who is not available, or who has switched VocalChat to Automatic
`Answering mode, your call is automatically directed to the user's Voice Box.
`The steps to leaving a voice message in this case are similar to those described above, with the following
`• Before you can record your voice message, the user's Quick-Dial button changes to the Play
`Message mode, and the user's OGM is played.
`To stop the OGM playback, press ENTER.
`After the attention sound, you can record your message as described above.
`If the user is actually present when you are recording him a message (after being directed by the
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 21


`Automatic Answering mode), the following may apply:
`The other user has the options of hearing you record the voice message.
`The other user may stop the recording and start talking to you.
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`Recording and Sending a Voice File to a User
`If you don't want to record a voice message directly into a user's Voice Box, it is possible to record your
`voice message beforehand, and then send it as a WAV file to the user's Voice Box. In this way it is
`possible to send the message to a number of users, or to all the users. You can also save and keep a
`copy of the message you sent. There is no limit on the length of the message. The Send Voice File
`command can also be used to send an existing voice or sound file (See: Sending an Existing Voice
`File to a User)
`To record and send a voice file to a user's Voice Box
`1 Do one of the following:
`• Choose Send Voice File from the Chat menu or the tool bar.
`Send Voice File button
`• Move the pointer over the user's Quick-Dial button and press the right mouse button.
`A pull-down menu appears next to the button. Choose Send Voice File and release the mouse
`The VocalChat Recorder appears.
`2 Choose the Record button.
`The recording starts.
`3 Speak into the microphone.
`4 When you finish, choose the Stop button.
`• Choose the Save As button to save the voice file to disk before sending it.
`• Choose the Clear button to erase the recording.
`5 Choose "OK".
`If activated from a user's Quick-Dial button, the voice file will be sent to that user's Voice Box.
`If activated with the Send Voice File command, the Address Book opens.
`1 Select, from the users list, the users that you want to send the voice file to. It is possible to
`select one user, a number of users, or to choose the Select All button and select all the
`2 Choose "OK" to send the voice file to the selected users.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 23


`Sending an Existing Voice File to a User
`You can use the Send Voice File command to send any existing WAV file to a user's Voice Box. The
`WAV format is the standard format for sound files. In this way it is also possible to send standard sound
`or music files to a user's Voice Box, or send back voice messages which were left on your Voice Box.
`Sending a voice file to a user's Voice Box
`1 Do one of the following:
`• Choose Send Voice File from the Chat menu or the tool bar.
`Send Voice File button
`• Move the pointer over the user's Quick-Dial button and press the right mouse button.
`A pull-down menu appears next to the button. Choose Send Voice File and release the mouse
`The VocalChat Recorder appears.
`2 Choose the Open button.
`A dialog box opens.
`Locate the WAV file, select it, and choose "OK".
`The dialog box closes and the name of the selected WAV file appears on the title of the VocalChat
`4 Choose "OK".
`If activated from a user's Quick-Dial button, the WAV file will be sent to that user's Voice Box.
`If activated with the Send Voice File command, the Address Book opens.
`1 Select, from the users list, the users that you want to send the WAV file to. It is possible to
`select one user, a number of users, or to choose the Select All button and select all the
`2 Choose "OK" to send the WAV file to the selected users.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 24


`Automatic Answering
`The Automatic Answering mode is VocalChat's internal answering machine. When it is on, users calling
`you are directed to your Voice Box, and hear your outgoing personalized message (OGM). In addition to
`this, VocalChat automatically directs callers to your Voice Box, if you do not answer their call for a
`specified number of seconds. Turn on the Auto-Answer mode when you are away or busy. You can use
`this mode to screen calls by listening to the message while it is being recorded, and begining to speak
`with the caller if you wish (this is possible only when the Listen to Incoming Messages is set in the
`An alternative to the Auto-Answer mode is the automatic answering time you can set in the VocalChat
`preferences. When a user's call is not answered within the time period specified by you, the user is
`directed to your Voice Box. You can also disable this, by entering a long automatic answering time. (See
`also: Setting the VocalChat Preferences)
`To turn on Automatic Answering
`• Select Auto Answer from the Options menu, or from the tool bar.
`Auto-Answer button
`A check-mark appears next to the menu command, and the button is highlighted. All incoming calls
`are automatically directed to your Voice Box.
`To turn off Automatic Answering
`• Re-select Auto Answer from the Options menu or from the tool bar.
`To talk with a user leaving you a voice message
`The Quick-Dial buttons still function when Automatic Answering is on. When a user is leaving you a voice
`message (after he was directed to your Voice Box by the Automatic Answering mode), the user's
`Quick-Dial button changes it appearance to the Leave Message button mode.
`• Choose the Quick-Dial button which represents the user.
`The recording of the Voice Message is interrupted, and conversation starts.
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`Opening the Voice Box Browser
`The Voice Box browser is used to playback, copy and delete the voice messages on your Voice Box. It is
`a separate application which you can run even when VocalChat is closed.
`How do I know that there are new messages on my Voice Box?
`When there are new messages on your Voice Box, the Browse Messages button changes from a that of
`a closed envelope to an envelope containing a cassette. After the new messages have been read, it
`reverts back to its default look.
`Browse Messages button
`Browse Messages button when there are new messages
`To open the Voice Box browser
`Do one of the following:
`• Choose Browse Messages from the Chat menu.
`• Choose the Browse Messages button in the tool bar.
`• Press F3.
`• Double click the Voice Box browser icon in the VocalChat Program manager group.
`The Voice Box browser appears. (see also: Voice Box browser: Help Index).
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 26


`The VocalChat Recorder
`The VocalChat recorder is used to record new voice files, or to select existing ones. Files are saved as
`standard WAV files, and you can import any sound file in this format. The name of the current sound file
`appears on the VocalChat Recorder's title bar.
`Rewind Forward Play Pause Stop Record
`Volume Slider
`Level bar
`Dialog Box Options
`• Use the Play, Stop, Pause, Rewind and Fast Forward buttons to play back the current sound file.
`• Use the Record and Stop buttons to record a new sound file. If a sound file is already in memory,
`what you record is added to it.
`• Use the Open button to open an existing sound file.
`• Use the Save and Save As buttons to save the current sound file under the same or under a different
`• Use the New button to clear the contents of the VocalChat Recorder.
`(See also: Recording and Sending a Voice File to a User, Sending an Existing Voice File to a User,
`VocalChat Recorder Keyboard Shortcuts)
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`Turning On Software Compression
`The Compression mode uses the ADPCM software compression algorithm to reduce the amount of
`memory that transmitted voice takes up. In this way there is less overload in your workstation and on the
`network. When software compression is on, the resulting sound quality is somewhat reduced.
`To turn the Software Compression mode on or off
`• Select Software Compression from the Options menu or the tool bar.
`Software Compression button
`A Check-mark appears next to the menu command, and the Software Compression button is
`To turn off Software Compression, re-select it.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 28


`The Manual Activation mode
`Sometimes, when the changing background sound makes conversation with the Voice Activation
`interface hard to use, you may want to use Manual Activation. Manual Activation can also be used like the
`MUTE option in many phones: it lets you talk without being heard on the other user's system.
`To turn the Manual Activation on
`• Choose Manual Activation from the Options menu or the tool bar.
`Manual/Voice Activation button
`A check-mark appears next to the menu command, and the Manual Activation button is highlighted.
`To turn Voice Activation back on
`• Choose Manual Activation again.
`The Manual Activation button returns to its default look, and Voice Activation is now on.
`Conversation in Manual Activation mode
`Conversation in Manual Activation mode is identical to one in Voice Activation mode, but is conducted
`manually. To activate Speak mode, choose the user's Quick-Dial button. To put Idle mode back on,
`choose the button again.
`Note that it is not necessary for both systems to be in the same activation mode. One user can use Voice
`Activation, and the other Manual Activation.
`(See also: Conversation with a Network User)
`SONY EXHIBIT 1025- Page 29


`Setting the Audio Options
`VocalChat may not always be accurate in detecting speech and silence. Sometimes it only recognize a
`loud voice. Sometimes it will trigger Speak mode because of a background sound. To fix these problems,
`we will use the Audio Options dialog box. The Audio Options dialog box is used to fine-tune the Voice
`Activation interface to the type of microphone you are using, your distance from it, the volume of your
`voice, and the background noise. It is also used to set the WAV audio format used to record and play
`sound on your system.
`To open the Audio Options dialog box
`• Choose Audio Options from the Options menu.
`The Audio Options dialog box appears.
`To set the Voice Activation parameters
`In the middle of the Audio Options dialog box is the colored level bar. The bright green bar on the left of
`the level bar rises in response to the volume of sound recorded by your audio input device. When it is at
`the far left, there is little or no sound. When it reaches the red part at the far right, it is very loud. The
`message to the left of the level bar indicates how VocalChat would respond in conversation:
`IDLE means that the current sound lev

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