`Trial N0.:
`IPR 2014—00059
`In re:
`US. Patent No. 6,415,280
`Patent Owners:
`PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC & Level 3 Communications
`Rackspace US, Inc. and RaCkSpace Hosting, Inc.
`David A. Farber and Ronald D. Lachman
`January 21,2014


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014-00059
`ALLEGED GROUNDS .................................................................................. 1
`CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................ 2
`INSTITUTED ................................................................................................. 3
`BE INSTITUTED ......................................................................................... 15
`SHOULD NOT BE INSTITUTED ............................................................... 18
`VII. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 21


`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.107, Patent Owner PersonalWeb (PO) submits
`this Preliminary Response to the petition seeking inter partes review in this matter.
`US. Patent No. 6,415,280 (“the ‘280 patent”) has an effective filing date of April
`1 1, 1995 given its continuity.
`(EX. 1001 .) While PO reserves the right to establish
`an earlier date of invention, PO assumes an effective filing date of April 11, 1995
`for purposes of this Preliminary Response (i.e., the “critical date” is no later than
`April 11, 1995 for purposes of this submission).
`The ‘280 patent is already involved in another IPR involving Woodhill,
`namely IPR 2013—00083. The instant petition filed by Rackspace (IPR 2014-
`00059) challeiiges claims l0, l5, l6, ‘18, 25, 3‘1, 32, 33, 36, and 38 ofthe ‘280
`patent. In contrast with the instant petition, the petitioner in lPR 2013—00083
`challenges only claims 36 and 38 of the ‘280 patent based on Woodhill. At a
`minimum, institution here should be denied for at least claims 36 and 38 because
`these two claims are already being challenged in IPR 2013—00083 based on
`Woodhill. PO would be prejudiced, with respect to undue expenses and costs, if it
`were forced to proceed through yet another lPR challenging the same claims 36
`and 38 based on the same Woodhill reference, with different witnesses.
`Petitioner has challenged claims of the ‘280 patent based on only, and
`limited to, the following alleged Grounds:


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014—00059
`Claims 10, 15, 16, 18, 25, 36, and 38 are allegedly anticipated
`under 35 U.S.C. §102(e) by Woodhill (EX. 1003).
`Claims 10, 15, 16, 18, 25, 31, 32, 33, 36 and 38 are allegedly
`obvious under 35 U.S.C. §103 over Woodhill (Ex. 1003) in view
`of Langer (EX. 1004).
`PO reserves its right to provide constructions for the terms identified by
`petitioner in its response under Rule 42.120 should this proceeding be instituted as
`to any applicable claim. However, PO notes the following at this stage.
`‘tiata Zzle ”
`The PTAB previously construed “data file” as “a named data item, such as a
`simple file that includes a single, fixed sequence of data bytes or a compound file
`that includes multiple, fixed sequences of data bytes.” (See Decision regarding
`institution dated May 17, 2013 in IPR 2013—00083 [Ex 1006].)
`The district court in related litigations also construed “data file” as a “named
`data item”, and indicated based on the specification that a mere segment of a multi-
`segrnent file is not by itselfa data file. (Ex. 2002, pgs. 10-12.)
`Any interpretation effectively eliminating “named” would be improper.
`Moreover, any allegation that a mere segment of a multi—segment file is somehow
`by itself a “data file” would be improper. There is no support for petitioner’s
`argument that a mere segment of a multi-segment file is a “data file.” To the


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat, No, 6,4l 5,280)
`lPR 2014-00059
`contrary, the specification and common sense dictate that a mere segment of a
`multiwsegment file is not by itself a “data file.” (‘280 patent, col. 5:48-52; and EX.
`2002, pgs. 10—12.)
`Petitioner’s alleged Grounds are fundamentally flawed, as will be explained
`below, at least because they:
`(a) ignore the “named” requirement for a “data file”,
`and (b) improperly suggest that a mere segment of a multi-segment file can
`somehow by itselfbe a “data file.”
`In Ground 1, petitioner alleges that claims 10, 15, 16, 18, 25, 36, and 38 of
`the ‘280 patent are allegedly anticipated under 35 U.S.C. §102(e) by Woodhill (EX.
`1003). Ground 1 should not be instituted for at least the following reasons.
`Claim 10
`Claim 10 states as follows, inter alia:
`“distributing a set of data files across a network of servers; determining a
`data identifier/for a particular datafile, the data identifier being determined
`using a given function of the data, wherein said data used by the given
`function to determine the data identifier comprises the contents of the
`particular data file; and in response to a requestfor the particular data file,
`the request including at least the data identifier of the particular data file,
`providing the particular data file from a given one of the servers of the
`network of servers, said providing being based on the data identifier of the
`particular data file.” (emphasis added)
`Woodhill fails to disclose or suggest at least the above—italicized subject matter of
`claim 10 for numerous reasons.


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014400059
`First, in Woodhill’s granularization embodiment upon which petitioner
`relies (Pet. 26—27), a binary object identifier 74 is not an identifier for a particular
`“data file.” A binary object is not a “data file” in Woodhill’s granularization
`Petitioner relies largely on Woodhill’s granularization embodiment. (Pet.
`26~27; Woodhill, col. 14:52 to col. 18:9.) However, Woodhill’s granularization
`embodiment relates only to large database files each of which contains many
`binary objects and many granules (Woodhill, col. 14:52—67; col. 15:11—17; col.
`17:18-22; col. 17:31—35). The many granules and many binary objects of such a
`large database file are not individually named in Woodhill’s granularization
`embodiment (or any other embodiment). A binary object identifier 74, which
`allegedly identifies only one binary object out of the many binary objects in a large
`database rile? cannot be an identi-ierf0r the entire large dafahasefi/e Moreoven
`Woodhill’s granularization embodiment does not even mention a binary object
`identifier 74.
`Woodhill does not use binary object identifiers 74 or contents identifiers as
`identifiers for datafiles. Woodhill uses “names” for files (see file name 40 in Fig.
`3 of Woodhill, and file name 80 in Fig. 4 of Woodhill), but not for binary objects


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014-00059
`or granules.1 However, file names 40 and 80 in W'oodhill are not determined using
`a function of the data of the file, and thus are unrelated to claim 10.
`Furthermore, when Woodhill backs up a “file” it separates the “file” into
`multiple data streams. (Woodhill, col. 7:41-47.) Each of the multiple data streams
`is processed individually, and can include regular data, extended attribute data, and
`access control list data to which a hash function is allegedly applied. Id. Thus,
`each “file” in Woodhill that is backed up would lead to multiple binary objects and
`multiple binary object identifiers 74 being formed. No binary object identifier 74
`in Woodhill can identify the file.
`Contrary to petitioner’s unsupported allegation, a binary object identifier 74
`cannot be an identifier for a large database file, which is the only type of file
`handled by Woodhill’s granularization embodiment. Ground 1, regarding claim
`10, is fundamentally flawed for at least this first set of reasons.
`Second, there is no “request” for a “particular data file” in Woodhill’s
`granularization embodiments. A binary object is not a “data file.” Woodhill’s
`‘As PO explained in IPR 2013—00082 and [PR 2013—00083, the “name”
`language in Woodhill’s issued claims is not “prior art” to the challenged claims.
`The subject matter added to Woodhill on January 5, 1996 (including the “name”
`language in Woodhill’s claims) was added. after the April 11, l995 effective filing
`date of the ‘280 patent, was not in Woodhill’s originally-filed specification, and is
`not “prior art” to the ‘280 patent (see prosecution history of Woodhill at Ex. 2007).


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014-00059
`granularization embodiment relates to large database files each of which contains
`many binary objects and many granules (Woodhill, col. 14:52—67; col. 15:1 1—17;
`col. 17:18—22; col. 17:31—35). Each ofthe many granules and binary objects of
`such a large database file is not individually “named” in Woodhill’s
`granularization embodiment (or any other embodiment), and there would have
`been no logical reason to have “named” them. Petitioner cites to the “update
`request” described by Woodhill at col. 17:42. However, that “update request”
`does not request a large database file (the only type of file handled by Woodhill’s
`granularization embodiment), or any other “data file.” An alleged request for
`granules or part(s) of a binary object is not the same as a request for a large
`database file. Accordingly, there is not even a “request” for a “data file” in
`Woodhill’s granularization embodiment. Woodhill’s granularization restore at
`column 17 sends particular granules (not. an entire database file) to the local
`computer. (Woodhill, col. 17:50—64.) Indeed, a purpose of Woodhill’s
`granularization embodiment is to avoid transmitting entire large database files,
`which teaches directly away from petitioner’s allegations regarding claim 10. And
`petitioner does not contend that it would have been obvious to have modified
`Furthermore, while Woodhill mentions Binary Object Identification Record
`58 at col. 17:44, Woodhill elsewhere indicates that portions (62 and 72) of the
`Record 58 other than the binary object identifier 74 are used to identify a given


`Patent Owner‘s Preliminary Response (U.S. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`[PR 2014-00059
`binary object in a message. (Woodhill, col. 11:65 to col. 12:5.) Woodhill, in this
`respect, strongly suggests that binary object identifiers 74 are not used in any
`“request” for a binary object. (Woodhill, col. 11:65 to col. 12:5.) Woodhill
`indicates that binary object identifiers 74 are certainly not used for accessing
`binary objects. Id.
`Ground 1, regarding claim 10, is fundamentally flawed for at least this
`second set of reasons.
`Third, petitioner improperly relies on Woodhill’s transmission of a mere
`granule from the remote backup server 12 to a local computer 20 regarding claim
`10’s requirement of “in response to a requestfor the particular data file .
`providing the particular data file firom a given one office servers .
`. .” (Pet. 27.)
`Woodhill’s granularization embodiment cannot meet the above—italicized subject
`matter of claim 10. A mere granule is not a “data file” -- it i. or-
`_ --
`portion of the very large database file. In Woodhill’s granularization embodiment,
`the backup file server 12 only sends select “granules” of a large database file to the
`local computer. (Woodhill, col. 17:60—65.) Binary object identifiers 74 do not
`identify granules, and certainly are not names for granules. And a granule is not a
`named “data file.” Woodhill’s granularization restore at column 17 sends
`particular granules (not an entire large database file, and not even a binary object)
`to the local computer. (Woodhill, col. 17:50—64.) Indeed, as mentioned above, a
`purpose of Woodhill’s granularization embodiment is to avoid transmitting large


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014-00059
`database files, which teaches directly away from petitioner’s allegations regarding
`claim 10. Thus, Woodhill’s granularization embodiment upon which petitioner
`relies fails to disclose or suggest “in response to a requestfor the particular data
`file .
`. providing the particular datafilefiflom a given one ofthe servers .
`” as
`required by claim 10.
`Furthermore, it is fundamentally improper for petitioner to switch back—and—
`forth between granules and binary objects regardinng the alleged “data file” — thisis
`yet another fundamental error in the petition. Petitioner should not be heard to
`argue that a “granule” is the alleged “data file” for one part of the claim, but that a
`“binary object” is the alleged “data file” for another part of the claim. (Pet. 27 vs.
`Pet. 23~24.) Net MoneyIN, Inc. v. VeriSign, Inc., 545 F.3d 1359, 1369-71 (Fed.
`Cir. 2008).
`And, again, petitioner does not contend that it. would have been obvious to
`have modified Woodhill to have met claim 10 in the above respects. Ground 1,
`regarding claim 10, is fundamentally flawed for at least this third set of reasons.
`Fourth, claim 10 requires “providing the particular data file from a given
`one of the servers of the network of servers, said providing being based on the
`data identifier ofthweparticular data file ” (emphasis added) Petitionerc
`that the transmission of a mere “granule” meets the claim’s requirement of
`“providing the particular data file .
`. .” However, as explained above, a mere
`granule is not a “data file.” Moreover, transmission of a “granule” in Woodhill’s


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014—00059
`granularization embodiment is NOT “based on the data identifier” which is alleged
`by petitioner to be a binary object identifier 74. (Woodhill, col. 17:60-64.)
`Transmission of the granule in Woodhill is based on Whether particular “contents
`identifiers” match — not on any binary object identifier 74. (Woodhill, col. 17:51-
`64.) Moreover, because Woodhill indicates that a binary object identifier 74 is not
`used in any “request” for a binary object (Woodhill, col. 11:65 to col. 12:5),
`“providing” a granule or binary object would never be “based on” a binary object
`identifier 74 in any alleged request. And, as mentioned above, Woodhill’s
`granularization embodiment does not even mention a binary object identifier 74.
`Moreover, petitioner does not contend that it would have been obvious to have
`modified Woodhill to have met claim 10 in these respects. Ground 1, regarding
`claim 10, is fundamentally flawed for at least this fourth set of reasons.
`Filth, petitioner also mentions Woodhillis “self-audit” embodiment
`described at col. 18:10—38.
`(Pet. 28-30.) However, Woodhill’s self—audit
`embodiment also fails to disclose or suggest the subject matter of claim 10.
`(Woodhill, col. 18:10—38.) As explained in IPR 2013—00082 and IPR 2013—00083,
`there is no “request” in Woodhill’s self—audit procedure that includes a binary
`object identifier .74. Woodhil explains in the description of the self—auditing
`procedure that the Record 58 is “stored in File Database 25.” (Woodhill, col.
`18:16—19.) While Woodhill states that the Record 58 is “stored in File Database
`25”, it is never describes it as part of a “request” for the binary object or anything


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014-00059
`else. (Woodhill, col. 18:16—19.) Moreover, Woodhiil elsewhere indicates that, in a
`message, portions ofthe Record 58 other than the binary object identifier 74 are
`used to identifi/ a binary object. (Woodhill, col. 1 1:65 to col. 12:5.) Accordingly,
`in Woodhill’s self—auditing procedure there is no description of a “request” for a
`binary object that includes a binary obj ect identifier 74. To the contrary, Woodhill
`strongly suggests that any such “request” would NOT include a binary object
`identifier 74. (Eg, Woodhill, col. 11:65 to col. 12:5.)
`Additionally, there is no request for a “data file” in Woodhill’s self—audit
`procedure. Woodhill restores a randomly selected binary object —— not a “data file.”
`(Woodhill, col. 18:25.) A binary object is not a “data file” for the reasons
`explained above. And neither a binary object identifier 74 nor a Record 58 is a
`“name” for a data file. And petitioner does not contend that it would have been
`obvious to have modified Woodhill’s self—audit embodiment in any of the above-
`Furthermore, it would be legal error to switch back and forth between
`Woodhill’s granularization embodiment, and Woodhill’s “self—audit” embodiment.
`(Pet. 26—27 vs. Pet. 28-30.) These are different embodiments that functional
`separately on different bases. It is well established that in order to meet a claim a
`reference must not only disclose the elements of the claim, but must also disclose
`those elements “arranged or combined in the same way as in the claim.” Net
`Money/7V, Inc. v. VeriSign, Inc, 545 F.3d 1359, 1369—71 (Fed. Cir. 2008).


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014—00059
`And, again, petitioner does not contend that it would have been obvious to
`have modified Woodhill’s self~audit procedure to have met claim 10 in the above
`respects. Ground 1, regarding claim 10, is fundamentally flawed for at least this
`fifth set of reasons.
`Ground 1 should not be instituted for claim 10, and should be denied, for at
`least the foregoing reasons.
`Claims 15—16(arzd claims 32—332
`Claim 15 requires “resolving the request for the particular data file based on
`a measure of availability ofat least one offlie servers”, and claim 16 then recites
`further requirement(s) of the measure of availability. The specification of the 280
`patent explains that bandwidth, cost and reliability of source computers may be
`measured to select from which source computer to obtain a file.
`(E. g, ‘280 patent,
`col. 10:64 to col. 11:5; and col. 16:58—62.)
`Woodhill'fails to disclose or suggest this claimed subject matter. There is no
`disclosure in either Woodhill’s granularization embodiment, or Woodhill’s self-
`audit embodiment, (the only two alleged “requests” identified by petitioner) of
`resolving any alleged “request for the particular file .
`. based on a measure of
`availability of at least one of the servers.” Petitione- alleges that the “request” in
`Woodhill is made £2 the remote backup server l2. However, Woodhill fails to
`disclose or suggest measuring bandwidth, cost or reliability regarding the remote
`backup server 12 in resolving any such “request.”


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`1PR 2014-00059
`Petitioner misquotes and improperly relies on Woodhill’s “file
`prioritization” procedure. (Pet. 30; and Woodhill, col. 10:45.) Petitioner’s
`incorrect quote from Woodhill (Pet. 30) is on the left below, while the actual
`language of Woodhill is on the right below.
` r
`Petitioner’s incorrect quote from
`Correct quote from Woodhill’s “file
`Woodhill’s “file prioritization”
`“the resources of any available local
`networks 15 to be utilized according to
`computer 20 on any of the local area
`availability” (allegedly at Woodhill, col. networks 16 to be utilized according to
`10259—1122) (Pet. 30).
`its availability.” (Woodhill, col. 10:60—
`62) (emphasis added)
`Contrary to petitioner’s misleading quotation above, Woodhill’s “file
`prioritization” relates to availability of local computers 20. (Woodhill, col. 10:60—
`62.) In contrast, the alleged “requests” relied on by petitioner are allegedly sent to
`the remote backup server 12 (not to a local computer 20). One cannot resolve a
`“request” to the remote backup server 12 based on availability of local computers
`20. There is no teaching in Woodhill’s granularization restore procedure or self—
`audit procedure that bandwidth, cost and/or reliability of remote backup sewer 12
`are measured to select a source from which to obtain any alleged file. And
`petitioner does not contend that it would have been obvious to have modified
`Woodhill to have met claim 15 or claim 16 in these respects. Petitioner makes no
`obviousness allegations regarding claims 15-16 (or claims 32—33).


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`lPR 2014—00059
`Institution of Ground 1, regarding claims 15—16, should be denied for at least
`the foregoing reasons.
`Claims 32-33 define over the cited art in a manner similar to that discussed
`above regarding claims 15-16.
`Claim 18
`See all reasons explained above in connection with claim 10, except for the
`“fourth” reasons. The reasons above for non—institution following “first”,
`“second”, “third”, and “fifth” in connection with claim 10 are incorporated herein
`by reference.
`Additionally, claim 18 requires, inter alia:
`“ .
`. for a particular data file having a particular name specifying a
`location in the network at which the data file may be located,
`determining another name for the particular data file, the other name
`including a data identifier determined using a given function of the
`data, where said data used by the given function comprises the contents
`of the particular data file .
`. .”
`Thus, claim 18 requires a particular name for a data file, and then “another name”
`for that same data file. The claim requires two names for a given data file, one of
`which being determined using a given function of the data. Woodhill fails to
`disclose or suggest this claimed subject matter.
`Woodhill discloses file name 40 in Fig. 3 and, file name 80 in Fig. 4.
`(Woodhill, Figs. 3—4; col. 3:61; col. 4:56—57.) However, neither of these file names
`40, 80 in Woodhill are “determined using a given function of the data, where said


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`lPR 2014—00059
`data used by the given function comprises the contents of the particular data file.”
`There is no other file name in Woodhill.
`ln Woodhill’s granularization embodiment upon which petitioner relies, a
`binary object identifier 74 cannot be a “name” for a “data file.” It cannot
`reasonably be said that all “identifiers” are “names.” For example, while a
`fingerprint is an identifier for a person, it is not a “name” for that person. Thus,
`contrary to petitioner’s allegation, something is not a “name” simply because it is
`an “identifier.” Petitioner’s attempt to replace “name” with “identifier” is clearly
`wrong and would be both unreasonable and illogical —— as many “identifiers” are
`not “names” (ag, fingerprint). Woodhill’s binary object identifiers 74 and
`contents identifiers are not file names.
`Petitioner relies largely on Woodhill’s granularization embodiment. (Pet.
`25; Ex. lOlO, pgs. 32-34; Woodhill, col. 14:52 to col. 18:9.) However, Woodhill‘s
`granularization embodiment relates only to large database files each of which
`contains many binary objects and many granules (Woodhill, col. 14:52-67; col.
`15:11—17; col. 17:18—22; col. 17:31-35). The many granules and binary objects of
`such a large database file are not individually “named” in Woodhill’s
`granularization embodiment (or any other embodiment), nd there would have
`been no logical reason to have “named” them. Woodhill’s granularization
`embodiment does not even mention a binary object identifier 74. Woodhill has file
`names 40 and 80 for files as shown in Figs. 3—4; but not for mere binary objects or


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014-00059
`granules. A binary object identifier 74 cannot be a “name” for a large database
`Institution of Ground 1, regarding claim 18, should be denied for at least the
`foregoing reasons,
`Claims 36 and 38
`Ground 1 (and Ground 2) for claims 36 and 38 should not be instituted for at
`least the reasons discussed above in Section I.
`In Ground 2, petitioner alleges that Claims 10, 15, 16, 18, 25, 31, 32, 33, 36
`and 38 are allegedly obvious under 35 U.S.C. §lO3 over Woodhill in view of
`Langer. Ground 2 should not be instituted for at least the following reasons.
`See all reasons explained above in section IV regarding claim 10, which
`reasons are incorporated herein by reference.
`Petitioner suggests in Ground 2 that a binary object is not a “data file.”
`Petitioner, in Ground 2, attempts to cure this flaw in Woodhill by alleging that it
`would have been obvious to have modified Woodhill to have performed the hash
`function “over the entire contents of the file.” (Pet. 42-43.)
`However, petitioner (i) does NOT explain any reason why one of ordinary
`skill in the art would have allegedly modified Woodhill in this respect, (ii) does
`NOT provide any explanation of how or why such a modified identifier would or


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`IPR 2014-00059
`could even be used in Woodhill, and (iii) does NOT provide any explanation of
`how to modify Woodhill in this respect. Id. Petitioner’s obviousness allegations
`are fundamentally flawed in these respects.
`Woodhill’s system is based on processing binary objects and granules, and
`identifiers for such binary objects and granules. The alleged modification to
`Woodhill would not result in identifiers for binary objects or granules, and thus
`would appear to serve no purpose in Woodhill’s system. This is presumably why
`petitioner could not come up with any logical reason why one would have
`allegedly modified Woodhill in this respect, or with any explanation of how such a
`modified identifier would even be used in Woodhill’s system.
`Moreover, Woodhill teaches away from the alleged modification in several
`respects. Woodhill teaches that a file is broken down so that binary objects and
`granules are processed (instead. of files) in order to reduce the amount of data that
`has to be processed. (Woodhill, col. 9:23—27; and col. 14:53 to col. 15:15.)
`Indeed, Woodhill explains that a system for backing up “all of the data associated
`with a file” is undesirable. (Woodhill, col. 9:23—27.) Given that Woodhill
`expressly teaches away from backing up entire files, one of ordinary skill in the art
`would NOT have modified Woodhill to have performed the hash function “over
`the entire contents of the file” as alleged by petitioner. Woodhill teaches directly
`away from the alleged modification.


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`lPR 2014-00059
`Still further, this alleged modification cannot cure the flaws in Woodhill
`discussed above in the “second”, “third”, “fourth” and “fifth” reasons regarding
`claim 10 in section IV above. Thus, even the alleged modification (which would
`not have been made as explained above) fails to meet the claim.
`Claims 15—16 and 32—33
`See all reasons explained above in section IV regarding claims 15—16 and
`32—33, which reasons are incorporated herein by reference. Petitioner alleges no
`modification to Woodhill capable of curing these fundamental "flaws. Petitioner
`makes no obviousness allegations regarding claims 15, 16, 32 or 33.
`Claim 18
`See all reasons explained above in section IV regarding claim 18 (including
`those specific to claim 10), and also the reasons explained above under Ground 2
`regarding claim 10. All of these reasons are incorporated herein by reference.
`Claim 3 I
`See all reasons explained above in section IV regarding claim 10, and all
`reasons explained above in section V regarding claim 10, which reasons are all
`incorporated herein by reference.
`Furthermore, petitioner in Grannd 2 wlleges that it would have been obvious
`to have used an MDS ofLanger for the hash field 70 in Woodhill. (Pet. 46.)
`However, even such a modification of Woodhill (which PO submits would not


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`lPR 2014—00059
`have been obvious) to use an MDS cannot cure the fundamental flaws in Woodhill
`discussed above. Claim 31 still would not be met.
`Claims 36 and 38
`Grounds 1 and 2 for claims 36 and 38 should not be instituted for at least the
`reasons discussed above in Section I .
`There is no evidence establishing that Langer is a prior alt “printed
`publication.” Petitioner has not met its burden of establishing this. 37 C.F.R.
`§42.l(d). Ground 2 should be denied for this reason as well (in addition to the
`reasons discussed above). Synopsys, Inc. v. Mentor Graphics Corp, IPR2012—
`00042 (Paper No. 16), at *35—36 (PTAB Feb. 22, 2013) (denying institution based
`on a document where petitioner did not establish that it was a “printed
`publication”). See also SR1 Int’l, Inc. v. Internet Sec. Sys, Inc, 511 F.3d 1186,
`1195-98 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (finding that a paper posted on an open FTP site was not
`a “printed publication”, e.g., clue to insufficient evidence of public accessibility via
`a customary search and insufficient evidence of cataloguing or indexing in a
`meaningful way); and, Inc. v. Lansa, Inc, 594 F.3d 860, 865-66
`(F ed. Cir. 2010) (finding that a user manual was not a “printed publication”).
`The statute precludes institution based on a document which has not been
`established as a patent or printed publication. 35 U.S.C. § 31 1(b). Langer


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,4l 5,280)
`lPR 20l4~00059
`certainly is not a patent. And because it has not been established as a prior art
`“printed publication”, the petition should be denied as to Ground 2.
`“Public accessibility” is a touchstone of determining whether a reference
`constitutes a “printed publication.” SR] [m ’1', 5 ll F.3d at 1194. “A given
`reference is ‘publicly accessible’ upon a satisfactory showing that such document
`has been disseminated or otherwise made available to the extent that persons
`interested and ordinarily skilled in the subject matter or art exercising reasonable
`diligence, can locate it.” 1d. Factors considered in the “printed publication”
`inquiry include whether the document was catalogued or indexed in a meaningful
`way, and whether a customary search prior to the critical date would have turned
`up the document. Id. at 1195-98. In SR] 1171"], for example, the Federal Circuit
`explained that a paper posted on an open FTP site was not a “printed publication”
`because it was not catalogued or indexed in a meaningful way and there was no
`evidence that a customary search would have uncovered it prior to the critical date.
`As in Synopsys, SR] [m ’1 and ReSQNet, petitioner has presented no
`testimony, declaration, or other evidence that Langer was catalogued or indexed in
`a meaningful way prior to the critical date, or that it would have turned up in a
`customary search prior to the critical date, or that persons interested and ordinarily
`skilled in the art exercising reasonable diligence would have located it prior to the
`critical date. There is no evidence of any search engines, server accessibility, or


`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (US. Pat. No. 6,415,280)
`lPR 20l4~00059
`search techniques for searching by subject matter that were even in existence prior
`to April 1 1, 1995 or which could have been used to access Langer prior to the
`critical date. There is no declaration from any alleged author of Langer stating
`when Langer was created, or to whom it was ever sent.
`Langer was allegedly printed off the Internet in 2003 based on the
`“7/29/2003” date in the lower—right corner of a Langer document in the IPR filed
`by EMC. However, there is no evidence of Langer having been in existence or
`being publicly accessible prior to the April 1 l, 1995

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