`Paper No. 42
`Entered: February 5, 2015
`- - - - - -
`- - - - - -
`Patent Owner
`- - - - - -
`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`Application No. 09/699705
`Technology Center 2100
`- - - - - -
`Oral Hearing Held: Wednesday, December 10, 2014
`PETTIGREW, Administrative Patent Judges.
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Wednesday, December
`10, 2014 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 600 Dulany Street,
`Alexandria, Virginia at 3:00 p.m. in Courtroom A.


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`Sidley Austin LLP
`1501 K Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`Freitas Angell & Weinberg LLP
`350 Marine Parkway, Suite 200
`Redwood Shores, California 94065


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`P R O C E E D I N G S
` (3:00 p. m. )
`JUDGE M EDLEY: Ple ase be seate d. Good
`afternoon. This i s the third and fin al session of hear ings
`involving Patent Owne r B . E. Tech nology's U.S . Pat ent
`6,628,314, the '31 4 patent. This is the session involving IPR
`2014-00039 between Petitioner Mi crosoft and Paten t Owner ,
`IPR 2014 -00738 has been joined with the 39 IPR .
`The Petitioner in that case, a gain, was given the opportunity to
`attend today but not to participate b y presenting arg u ments.
`As we have alr ea d y explained this morning in the ea rlier
`session this afternoon, today's he a ring with the diff erent
`sessions will result in a single tran script to be uploaded in
`each case .
`And during this morning's session, we su mmarized
`our conference ca ll that we had wit h the parties yest erda y.
`And an yone inter ested in that are d irected to the t ran script,
`which will be fort hco ming.
`So at this ti me we woul d like counsel who will
`present for the Pe titioner to identify the mselves beginning
`with Petitioner.
`MR. KUS HAN: Good afternoon, Your Honor,
`Jeffre y Kushan fr o m Sidle y for Mi crosoft. With me is Mr .
`Border f ro m Sidl e y. We 're also jo ined b y M r. Lytle fr o m


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`MR. FR EI TAS: Robert Freitas for the Pat ent
`Owne r. Also with me is Daniel Weinberg and Dana Zottola.
`JUDGE M EDLEY: Thank you . Fo r the Nove mber
`14th order, e ach part y will have a total of 45 minutes to
`present your argu ments. Petitioner , you will present first.
`With respect to c hallenged clai ms and grounds for
`which the Boa rd i nstituted trial, Pa tent Owner, you c an
`respond to the presentation and present your motion to a mend.
`Petitioner, you ca n reserve rebuttal ti me to respond
`to Patent Owner 's presentation. An d then finall y, as we all
`know, P atent Owner, you c an res er ve so me ti me to p resent
`argu ments with r e spect to your motion to a mend.
`So, Petitioner, yo u ma y begin. Wo uld you like to
`reserve rebuttal time?
`MR. KUS HAN: Yes, Your Honor, thank you. I
`would like to rese rve 25 minutes fo r rebuttal ti me .
`JUDGE M EDLEY: Oka y. Thank you. You ma y
`MR. KUS HAN: So as you have he ard now in two
`series of pr esentations, there a re a nu mber o f grounds that the
`petitioners ha ve collectively put fo rward . We'r e goi ng to be
`addressing in our petition the grounds that are based on a
`referenc e c alled Gu yot.
`And if you can pu t up slide 14.
`In our proceedings, there ar e three grounds that
`were identified, c lai ms 11 to 14, 1 6 to 1 9 we re found


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`anticipated b y Gu yot. Clai m 15 wa s found obvious based on
`Gu yot in view of Robinson. And c lai ms 20 to 22 we re found
`obvious based on Gu yot and RFC 1 635, which is the
`anonymous FTP t echnique.
`I want to f ra me the discussions a bit because th e
`Patent Owner has essentiall y groun ded the dispute ar ound
`clai ms 11 to 19 t hrough the lens of clai m 11 . The y haven't
`presented an y distinct argu ments r egarding the clai m 15 and
`the grounds that are based on that . The y have addres sed the
`obviousness ques tion of 20 to 22.
`For the dispute ar ound clai m 11 , th e Patent Owner
`essentially identified three potential distinctions from the
`Gu yot refe rence . And the first of t hose relates to th e word
`de mographic info r mation. When you instituted trial, you
`found t wo instances of de mographi c infor mation that are being
`collected in the s che me of Gu yot.
`And what I want t o do is, first of al l, keep the
`focus, which is f a irl y na rrow. And this hopefully makes it
`easier for the dis cussion today and also for the r ecor d.
`Their argu ments are basicall y that there is these
`two events which collect de mogr aphic infor mation in the
`Gu yot sche me, the first ti me when it is created , whe n the
`personal profile i n the Gu yot sche me is c reated, it i s in
`response to a que stion. The se con d event is when t he personal
`file is updated during the course of use of the Gu yot sche me .


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`Wh at the y did in the first response or the first t ype
`of de mog raphic i nfor mation is the y pointed out that the y
`believed that doesn't show collecti on of de mograp hic
`infor mation in r e sponse to the questionnaire that is put to the
`user. This is bef ore the - - in the i nitial creation of the
`personal profile.
`The second criter ia, the second instance that was
`found was this up dating point. An d that doesn't see m to b e
`addressed mu ch b y the m in the rec ord.
`Wh at I would like to do -- go to sli de 8, please .
`This is the clai m language, and it i s fairl y
`straightforward. "Acquiring de mo graphic infor mation about
`the user, said de mographic infor mation including infor mati on
`specificall y provi ded to the user in response to a req uest for
`said de mographic infor mation."
`Now, you found d e mographic infor mation to be
`collected, char act eristic infor mation about a user that does not
`identify the user . And we believe t hat is corr e ct. Th ere is no
`dispute about that construction.
`If you go to slide 9, please.
`In the Gu yot sche me , I mentioned that there is this
`personal front fil e that is c reated a nd maintained b y the server.
`That at the first i nstance that is cr eated b y a ques tionnaire
`being put to the user. The user res ponds to that questionnaire,
`and then the pers onal profile is cr e ated.


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`And Dr. Houh, who is our expert i n the proceeding,
`had explained that the personal pro file that gets c rea ted in this
`manner , that tech niq ue is the sa me technique that is shown in
`the '314 patent. That questionnaire is put to the user and that
`is used to create t he de mogr aphic i nfor mation based profile.
`In the course of t he proceedings there has been
`so me question about what that pro cess looks like. And so Dr.
`Houh, when he took on his explanation, explained this
`description in Guyot is conve ying to hi m, this is this
`conventional technique that a user gets put to with a
`questionnaire, the y respond to that, and that's so meth ing which
`is ver y well -known in the art .
`One thing to appr eciate about the r ecord of
`evidence, his exp lanation hasn't been reall y even tes ted b y
`Patent Owner . S o in his deposition the y didn't ask hi m
`questions about it. The y didn't test his views about what that
`process was .
`There is no contr ar y evidence in th e record
`showing that that technique as it is described in the Gu yot
`referenc e to a per son of skill is conve ying de mograp hic
`infor mation.
`Now, if you go to slide 13, bec ause this issue ca me
`up during the cour se of the proceed ing, Dr . Houh pro vided
`supplemental decl aration. And the y did not depose Dr . Houh
`and test an y of hi s further opinions. So this is evidence
`undisputed in the record that the infor mation co ming in b y the


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`questionnaire wil l include at leas t so me de mogr aphic
`infor mation. And, again , that mak e s sense in the Gu yot
`sche me because it is building the personal profile, which is
`used to select adv ertising using that infor mation, tha t personal
`Now, another thing that is i mportant to appr eciate
`in the sche me of Gu yot, this perso nal profile gets u pdated over
`ti me , and it is up dated b y a mong other things the we b
`browsing history of the user on the co mpute r.
`That is i mportant because it is undisputed in the
`record that the web browsing hist or y is also de mogr aphic
`infor mation. So t his is also infor mation co ming in a nd
`updating that personal profile, which is used to sele ct the ads
`and send the m to the user.
`If you go to slide 15, I asked Dr . or Mr . Goldstein,
`who was P atent Owner's expert at h is deposition, whether web
`browsing histories collected in the manner described in Gu yot
`would be de mogr aphic infor mation. And as you ca n see in the
`highlighted portion of his deposition, he a cknowledged that in
`the t ype of - - this t ype of web browsi ng history cou ld and, in
`fact, would be an exa mple of de mo graphic infor mation
`according to the Board's construct ion.
`So rec all that this de mogr aphic inf or mation is
`co ming in and updating that personal profile, which is used to
`route and select t he advert ising.


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`Now, that t echnique, and it is i mportant to also -- I
`keep going back to the record , be ca use I think the r e cord here
`is relativel y undisputed. The pers onal profile is used in the
`Gu yot sche me to select and route a nd target ads. Th ere is no
`dispute about that.
`The cha racteristic s of the infor mati on being
`collected and put into that personal profile is undisputedly
`de mographic info r mation. So ther e is r eall y no disputed
`evidence supporting the Board's co nstruction that the process
`shown in Gu yot i s collecting and using de mographic
`infor mation ac cor ding to the clai ms .
`And if you go to slide 10, so this i s your finding in
`the Institution decision. And we b elieve fro m the r e cord
`relating to the de mographic infor mation that there is no
`question, t here is more than substantial evidence to support
`that finding that you made , and it should be sustained.
`Now, one issue that we think the y have argued in
`their repl y to our position and based on the reco rd, i t is
`essentially an a rgu ment that it is n ot i nherent to the process of
`the Gu yot method that the questionnaire will collect and
`collect this de mo graphic infor mation.
`I think that the y misunderstand our position. What
`we provided was evidence showing that the Gu yot re ference
`taught a method, convey ing through inference and d escription
`a procedure that i s known to a pers on of skill. And as we have


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`de monstrated, tha t view, that evide nce about what the Gu yot
`referenc e is desc r ibing to the person of skill is undisputed.
`So we're working on the r ecord of evidence we
`have created and what that de mons trates is that that
`questionnaire tec hnique and the subsequent updating technique
`is both putting the de mographic in for mation into the personal
`profile, which is ad mittedl y being used to select the ads.
`So let's go to slide 16, please .
`So the second dis tinction that the Patent Owner has
`identified relates to this step of -- t hat we have highlighted in
`the slide is transf erring a cop y of s aid software to th e
`co mputer in respo nse to a do wnload request f ro m the user.
`Now, again , the y are aided b y the r ecord here
`because there is t wo diffe rent even ts that we re ident ified in
`your Institution decision that constitute a transfer , that meet
`this step of transf erring the softwar e.
`The first one that you identif ied was -- and you can
`go to slide 17 -- so this is your firs t finding of the st ep, and
`this is correct. You cite to a passa ge of the patent t hat said
`colu mn 1, line 58 to 60. Again, thi s evidence wasn't addressed
`b y the m in their r epl y. So this is u ndi sputed. This i s a f act
`that you can rel y on and maintain.
`The second instan ce, if you go to sl ide 20, the
`second instance that is involved with transferring so ftware to
`me et that ele ment of the clai m is a n updating process found in
`Gu yot and also fo und in their own patent.


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`And in that updating process, there is a connection
`sequence that occ urs. The user ma kes a manual connection.
`And in response t o that, one of the things that happens in
`response to that is deliver y of an u pdated version of the
`soft ware .
`And, again, you c ited to that recor d that we have
`identified in our petition, and that was found to be s ufficient
`to meet that ele ment of the clai m.
`Go to slide 24.
`This process is -- this is a co mpon ent. This is a
`depiction of the process, of the upd ating process in Gu yot.
`And what it de mo nstrates is that up at step S -530, a manual
`connection is started. This is the u ser sa ying I want to
`connect to the ser ver again. And t hat triggers a sequence of
`operations, a nu mber of dif ferent o peration s at the s erver.
`One of the m is ca lled this Locsoft routine.
`And Locsoft is illustrated in figure 7, wher e it is a
`sequence which c hecks the status of the version of t he
`software that is b eing used to co mmunicate . And i f it is below
`the current versio n , then it triggers a sequence wher e it
`delivers an URL t o the user to download the updated cop y of
`the software . Th at is what is bein g described litera lly in the
`Gu yot sche me.
`And again we put this to Dr. Houh, our expert , and
`he said: Wh at thi s is sho wing is a downloader reque st for
`software because an UR L specifies a location, and th e re mote


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`server that you us e to ret rieve data . And I want to gi ve you
`just a couple cite s.
`If you look at Ex hibit 1028 at 20 to 26, Dr . Houh is
`giving you an overview o f this proc edure. That's followed in
`how URL handling works. And, in fact , this also is undisputed
`because when we walked through this with their exp ert, this
`sequencing of events in the Gu yot s che me, their expe rt agreed
`that that's an a cc urate descripti on of what is happening.
`And I want to give you Exhibit 1027. That's Dr.
`Houh's deposition transcript at 203, line 8 to 204. And then in
`Exhibit 2015, that is Mr . Goldstein's deposition transcript,
`page 95, line 4 to page 96, line 1.
`So if you go to 2 1, please .
`So we a ctuall y tri ed to figure out what the
`difference , where the diffe rence of opinion was abo ut the
`downloading process described in Gu yot relative to the clai ms .
`And it boils down to this: The Pate nt Owner maintains that
`when the user ma kes the manual co nnection, the y ha ve to have
`the mental state o f knowledge that the y a re going to be
`downloading updated softwar e wh en the y click that button.
`That's not a paten table -- that is no t so mething you
`give patentable weight to. That's a menta l state of t he user
`that is being identified.
`And we wanted to make sure this was what their
`position was, so we explored this with their expert . And I
`asked Mr. Goldstein at his deposition: So that's the difference


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`between the Gu yo t sche me and the tec hniques shown in the
`clai ms? And he c onfir med . His te sti mon y was -- I asked
`hi m: "So that tur ns on so me what o f the intent of the user
`making the reque st? " And he said: " Yes , that's corr ect." And
`that's at Exhibit 2015, page 56, line 19 to page 57, l i ne 2.
`That's where we have the discourse of what that distinction is
`between Gu yot's method for updating and the clai me d method,
`the mental state o f the user .
`Mental state of the user, we have g ot precedent
`that shows that the mental state of the user, if that's the only
`distinction, that's not enough to be, you know, save the m fro m
`anticipation. An d wh y? Be cause it is the exact sa me sequence
`of operations that the co mputer is perfor ming.
`There is a connec tion request. The re a re actions
`following t hat connection request. And ther e is a re sponse
`fro m the user 's computer to the ser ver for the softwa re. And
`that response is a cted on and the s oftware is deliver ed.
`So what the user might have believ ed doesn't
`change that set of operations. The other thing to appreciate is
`that their argu me nt was basicall y p redicated on the b elief that
`the user will not ever know what happens when the y click that
`manual connection button. And it might be t rue for the first
`ti me the y use thei r softwa re, what happens w hen yo u click
`manual connect, but I think ever y ti me after that, the y will
`know, the y will h ave even the ment al state that the y said is
`needed for unders tanding that when the y click that manual


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`connection, one of the processes that happens will b e a
`downlo ading of updated software .
`And can you go t o slide 23?
`I just wanted to p ut up their own patent. This is
`the '314 patent. The y use a ver y a nalogous process of
`updating the software . And you c an see in figure 8 that's the
`depiction of the sequence th at happens when ther e is an
`JUDGE DESHPANDE: Wh en you suggested the
`subsequent times the user connects, the y will -- the y will know
`that the y are requ esting a download request for the software ,
`where is that in h ere?
`MR. KUS HAN: So we addresse d t hat in Dr.
`Houh's declaratio n. First of all, we addressed it in the repl y
`brief at about page 9 of our r epl y brief. We have ex plained
`that. And in the r epl y brief we have also identified t he
`testi mon y of Dr . Houh that would support that.
`So, I me an , it is s o me what of a co mmon sense
`point too. We we re tr ying to r eact to this argu ment the y wer e
`advancing. And i t would make sense that that menta l state
`would update bec ause you get an URL in the Gu yot s che me.
`There is an UR L t hat is delivered. And t hat is going to be the
`triggering event for deliver y of the softwar e.
`So we believe the second distinction the y have
`identified -- and t his is the second one out of three - - is no
`real distinction at all. So let's go t o slide 25.


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`So the third distinct ion relates to t he unique
`identifier step. And in the course o f the pre ceding ar gu ments,
`you have he ard a fair a mount of discussion about this ele ment
`of the clai m.
`The relationship of this step to Guyot is slightl y
`different f ro m what you have seen wit h the ea rlier
`proceedings. An d the Board found there we re a cou ple
`different things that are shown in Gu yot, showing t his use of
`deliver y of a unique identifier.
`If you would go to slide 26.
`You point to a pa ssage in Gu yot where an
`identification info r mation for ea ch subscriber is con ve yed as
`part of this co mmunication process between the user and the
`server. And that, we believe, is a ver y correct finding that
`supports the conclusion. That's me eting the ele ment of the
`step, that step of the unique i dentifier being provided.
`If you go to slide 27, this is their p osition relating
`to the unique identifier, r elating to Gu yot . And some of this
`you have he ard b efore. This is the argu ment that th ere is a
`h ypothetical scenario of i mple ment ing the Gu yot s che me
`where a use r's computer might be used b y another user. So
`there might be multiple accounts on the user's co mp uter.
`And this is, this i s the distinction the y focused on
`to sa y that that sc enario doesn't me et the require men ts of that
`unique identifi er step. What the y didn't address wa s actuall y
`shown in Gu yot .


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`Gu yot doesn't show a multiple user co mpute r.
`The y show a user with a co mputer interacting with t he server .
`So, again , I want to focus you on the evidentiar y rec ord, which
`is one-sided in t his issue. Ther e is no response to th e
`evidence that you have identified t hat we put for war d in our
`petition showing that the unique identifier step is met b y the
`description of wh at Gu yot actuall y does.
`Now, this is -- and I want to just, b ecause we ar e
`going third, I just want to point to the previous proceeding,
`the previous hearing. I think Mr . R osenthal pointed
`out -- made a re fe rence to clai m 16. You can look at that
`clai m as well . Th at's a dependent c lai m fro m clai m 1 1.
`And that is a ctuall y a ddressing this multi -user on a
`single co mputer s cenario being covered b y that claim. And so
`we look at this ar gu ment and se e th ere is no support legally or
`evidentiarily to s upport their contention that it is not met.
`Now if you would go to slide 25.
`In their r epl y, the y also suggest that the sche me ,
`this ele ment of u nique identifier, t here needs to be a nonymit y
`of the user identification in that se quence.
`That's not a clai m ele ment. Ther e i s no
`require ment in th e clai m that the u ser identifier be i n an
`anonymiz ed unique identifier. It just -- there is not hing in the
`clai m that sa ys th at.
`And that's an instance, we believe, which is
`i mproper based o n the broadest re a sonable construction,


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`especiall y to read in one of several e mbodi ments the y have
`described in their patent as an actu al clai m li mitatio n.
`So fro m what we see in their repl y to our -- to the
`Institution decision based on the r ecord of evidence and based
`on our petition, none of these thre e distinctions actuall y exists
`based on the evid ence before you.
`So your conclusions have to be sust ained, the
`clai ms 11 to 20 o r 11 to 19, based on this record of evidence,
`are anticipated.
`The last issue I want to touch on ver y briefl y is the
`obviousness point. And if you go t o slide 32, this is
`the -- again, the y focused their resp onse to clai m 20 or clai ms
`20 to 22. And wh at the y are arguin g is that this step, this
`clai m 20, is basic all y sa ying, acquire the de mogr aphic
`infor mation befor e providing the software . It is just a
`sequencing step.
`And you found in your Institution decision -- slide
`33 -- that pe rfor ming that set of op erations in that se quence
`would have been an obvious variation fro m what is shown in
`Gu yot be cause th at technique of as king a user for in for mation
`before giving acc ess to a do wnload of a resource is a
`well -known techn ique.
`And we have cite d in support of that technique the
`anonymous FTP t echnique, which was RFC 1635, which does
`the exact sa me se quence wher e you go to an FTP cite , you a re
`pro mpted to ente r in your e - mai l ad dress, and then i f you enter


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`that in, then you are given a ccesse s to the resources to
`And we said in our petition that's -- that te chnique
`is si mpl y e mble matic of a well -known technique that has used
`for decades in the co mpute r science fiel d. And we th ought
`that was a suffici ent basis to de mo nstrate the clai ms would
`have been obvious.
`Now go to slide 3 4, please .
`We supported tha t conclusion with testi mon y fro m
`Dr . Houh. We ex plained how that technique works and would
`be relativel y stra i ghtforward to i mple ment within the Gu yot
`sche me . And what the y said in r esponse -- if we go to slide
`35 -- to refute or respond to this obviousness contention, the
`Patent Owner arg ued this co mbinat ion of the Gu yot sche me
`with the anon ymo us FTP -t ype of t e chnique would make the
`Gu yot sche me ino perable.
`So we explored th at with their witn ess. And their
`own witness confir med that that's not correct. In f a ct, if you
`go to slide 36, so I asked their witn ess: If I wanted t o
`i mple ment the Gu yot sche me using this anonymous F TP
`process such as b y putting a link t o an F TP cite in that UR L
`that gets delivered in the Gu yot sc he me , could I do that? And
`their expert said: You know, that wouldn't require an y special
`skills to create th at kind of link, n o, it wouldn 't.


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`So the pre mise of their a rgu ment is that it is
`inoperable when you co mbine Gu yot with RF C 1635, is refuted
`b y the t esti mon y of their o wn witness at deposition.
`I also want to poi nt out that our ar gu ment wasn't
`li mited to making the - - using onl y th e anon ymous F TP
`technique. Dr . Houh, when he put forward his views , said
`that's a gener al te chnique. You ca n si mpl y pro mpt t he user for
`infor mation befor e you give the m a ccess to the reque sted
`And that was his testi mon y. And i f you look
`at -- and that's -- we can see that at Exhibit 1003, pa ragraphs
`365 through 68 and through 371 where he is describ ing that
`technique and how it would be ada pted for use in the Gu yot
`sche me .
`So based on that record of evidence, we think it is
`relativel y clear that it would have been obvious to adapt the
`Gu yot sche me to have this pro mpti ng of the infor ma tion for
`de mographic info r mation before th e y we re given acc ess to the
`download request.
`And so based on t he record of evid ence that we
`have gone through, we t hink it is v er y clea r that ther e is more
`than substantial evidence to support your Institution decision
`that all these clai ms either a re anticipated b y Gu yot or are
`rendered obvious b y Gu yot in view of RFC 1635.
`I will reserve the balance of my ti me, unles s you
`have an y questions.


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`JUDGE M EDLEY: No. You have 20 minutes left .
`MR. KUS HAN: Oka y. Thank you .
`JUDGE M EDLEY: How much ti me would you like
`to reserve?
`MR. FR EI TAS: Ten minutes plea se, Your Honor.
`JUDGE M EDLEY: All right.
`MR. FR EI TAS: The first thing I would like to
`address me mbers of the Board is th e standard that is involved
`here. The last thing counsel said was that the Institution
`decision is supported b y substantial evidence. The q uestion to
`be decided is whe ther Microsoft ha s ca rried its burden of proof
`b y a preponderan ce of the evidenc e. And that is a d ifferent
`This is not an appellate revie w. An d as the Board
`states in ever y Institution decision, there is not a fi nal
`decision being made when trial is instituted.
`The first point I would like to address involves the
`question of Gu yot and de mographic infor mation. Th e parties
`are in agree ment that Gu yot does not expressl y discl ose the
`use of de mograph ic infor mation.
`Counsel referr ed to the two things that had been
`pointed to. One i nvolves the personal profile and th e other
`involves the updating through the infor mation r egard ing what
`the user has done on the Internet. With respect to the first
`one, it is co mmon ground that there is no mention of


`Case No. IPR2014-00039
`Patent 6,628,314
`de mographic info r m ation in the pat ent. What it sa ys is that a
`personal profile i s created b y use o f a questionnaire.
`Now, the first poi nt that the y make about that is
`that the questionnaire technique is used in the '314. But that's
`not the point. What the y need to s how is the use of
`de mographic info r mation in Gu yot.
`And the f act that the questionnaire technique was
`used in the '314 o r mentioned in the '314, that it was co mmon
`or that questionnaires were used s pecificall y to gather
`de mographic info r mation isn't suffi ci ent to car r y Mic rosoft's
`burden of proof.
`Wh at Microsoft h as to prove under the appropriate
`standard is that that personal profile includes de mo graphic
`infor mation.
`There are three wa ys that can be done. Two wa ys.
`It can be done ex plicitly or inhere n tly. The a rgu me nt that the y
`are making se e ms to be a h yb rid. The y see m to find
`de mographic info r mation si mpl y b ecause Dr . Houh sa ys so, but
`that's not good enough. And what Dr . Houh sa ys is not
`supported by Gu yot.
`Wh at he said is t hat one of ordinar y skill re ading
`about a personal profile, the use of a -- the cr eation of a
`personal profile t hrough the use of a questionnaire would
`recognize the de mographic infor mation could be involved.
`Resorting to one of ordinar y skill is not proper,
`when w

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