`Yamaha Corporation of America
`Black Hills Media, LLC
`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 8,050,652
`Issue Date: November 1, 2011
`Inter Partes Review No. IPR2013-00594


`As directed by the Board during the October 10, 2014 teleconference,
`Petitioner Yamaha Corporation of America and Patent Owner Black Hill Media,
`LLC jointly file this Notice regarding ITC Investigation No. 337-TA-882 (“the
`ITC investigation”), which involved U.S. Patent No. 8,050,652. The Notice
`attaches (i) the September 17, 2014 Federal Register Notice regarding the
`termination of the ITC investigation and (ii) the public version of the ALJ’s Final
`Initial Determination in the ITC investigation.
`Dated: October 14, 2014
`Dated: October 14, 2014
`By /Mehran Arjomand/
`David L. Fehrman, Reg. No.: 28,600
`Mehran Arjomand, Reg. No.: 48,231
`707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 6000
`Los Angeles, California 90017-3543
`(213) 892-5200
`Counsel for Petitioner
`Yamaha Corporation of America
`By /Thomas Engellenner/
`Thomas Engellenner, Reg. No. 28,711
`Pepper Hamilton LLP
`125 High Street
`19th Floor, High Street Tower
`Boston, MA 02110
`(617) 204-5100 (telephone)
`(617) 204-5150 (facsimile)
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Black Hills Media, LLC


`Certificate of Service (37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e)(4))
`I hereby certify that the attached “Joint Notice Regarding Termination of
`Related ITC Investigation Regarding U.S. Patent No. 8,050,652” was served on the
`below date on the Patent Owner via e-mail (by consent) to the following counsel of
`record for the Patent Owner:
`Thomas Engellenner (
`Lana Gladstein (
`Reza Mollaaghababa (
`125 High Street
`19th Floor, High Street Tower
`Boston, MA 02110
`Theodosios Thomas (
`5400 Trinity Road, Suite 303
`Raleigh, NC 27607
`Christopher Horgan (
`Concert Technology
`1438 Dahlia Loop
`San Jose, CA 95126
`Dated: October 14, 2014
`__/Mehran Arjomand/____
`Mehran Arjomand


`Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 180 / Wednesday, September 17, 2014 / Notices
`irreparable harm if temporary relief is
`not granted, that the balance of
`hardships favor granting temporary
`relief, or that the public interest favors
`granting temporary relief.
`On August 22, 2014, FMC filed
`comments contending that the ALJ
`made numerous errors of law and fact
`in the ID. On August 26, 2014,
`Respondents and the Commission
`investigative attorney filed responses
`contending that the ALJ did not err.
`Having examined the record of this
`investigation, including the ALJ’s ID
`and the submissions from the parties,
`the Commission has determined that
`FMC has not proven that it is entitled
`to temporary relief. The Commission
`affirms the ALJ’s findings with certain
`modified reasoning. A Commission
`Opinion will issue shortly.
`The authority for the Commission’s
`determination is contained in section
`337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and in part
`210 of the Commission’s Rules of
`Practice and Procedure (19 CFR part
`By order of the Commission.
`Issued: September 11, 2014.
`Jennifer D. Rohrbach,
`Supervisory Attorney.
`[FR Doc. 2014–22137 Filed 9–16–14; 8:45 am]
`[Investigation No. 337–TA–882]
`Certain Digital Media Devices,
`Including Televisions, Blu-Ray Disc
`Players, Home Theater Systems,
`Tablets and Mobile Phones,
`Components Thereof and Associated
`Software; Notice of a Commission
`Determination to Review in Part A Final
`Initial Determination Finding no
`Violation of Section 337, on Review to
`Modify-In-Part and Vacate-In-Part the
`Determination; Grant of Consent
`Motion To Terminate the Investigation
`as to Certain Respondents;
`Termination of the Investigation
`AGENCY: U.S. International Trade
`ACTION: Notice.
`SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
`the U.S. International Trade
`Commission has determined to review
`in part the final initial determination
`(‘‘ID’’) of the presiding administrative
`law judge (‘‘ALJ’’) finding no violation
`of section 337 by the following
`remaining respondents in the above-
`captioned investigation: Samsung
`Electronics Co., Ltd. of Gyeonggi-do,
`Republic of Korea; Samsung Electronics
`America, Inc. of Ridgefield Park, New
`Jersey; Samsung Telecommunications
`America, LLC of Richardson, Texas
`(collectively, ‘‘Samsung’’); LG
`Electronics, Inc. of Seoul, Republic of
`Korea; LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. of
`Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; LG
`Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc. of
`San Diego, California (collectively,
`‘‘LG’’); Toshiba Corporation of Tokyo,
`Japan; and Toshiba American
`Information Systems, Inc. of Irvine,
`California (collectively, ‘‘Toshiba’’). On
`review, the Commission has determined
`to modify-in-part and vacate-in-part the
`final ID. The Commission has also
`determined to grant the joint motion to
`terminate the above-captioned
`investigation as to respondents
`Panasonic Corporation of Osaka, Japan;
`Panasonic Corporation of North
`America of Secaucus, New Jersey
`(collectively, ‘‘Panasonic’’) based upon a
`settlement agreement. The Commission
`has terminated the investigation with a
`finding of no violation of section 337.
`Clint Gerdine, Esq., Office of the
`General Counsel, U.S. International
`Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
`Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
`708–2310. Copies of non-confidential
`documents filed in connection with this
`investigation are or will be available for
`inspection during official business
`hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the
`Office of the Secretary, U.S.
`International Trade Commission, 500 E
`Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
`telephone (202) 205–2000. General
`information concerning the Commission
`may also be obtained by accessing its
`Internet server at
`The public record for this investigation
`may be viewed on the Commission’s
`electronic docket (EDIS) at http://
` Hearing-impaired
`persons are advised that information on
`this matter can be obtained by
`contacting the Commission’s TDD
`terminal on (202) 205–1810.
`Commission instituted this investigation
`on June 18, 2013 based on a complaint
`filed on May 13, 2013, by Black Hills
`Media, LLC (‘‘BHM’’) of Wilmington,
`Delaware. 78 FR 36573–74. The
`complaint alleged violations of section
`337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, in the
`importation into the United States, the
`sale for importation, and the sale within
`the United States after importation of
`certain digital media devices, including
`televisions, blu-ray disc players, home
`theater systems, tablets and mobile
`phones, components thereof and
`associated software by reason of
`infringement of certain claims of the
`following U.S. Patent Nos.: 8,028,323
`(‘‘the ’323 patent’’); 8,214,873 (‘‘the ’873
`patent’’); 8,230,099 (‘‘the ’099 patent’’);
`8,045,952 (‘‘the ’952 patent’’); 8,050,652
`(‘‘the ’652 patent’’); and 6,618,593 (‘‘the
`’593 patent’’). The complaint further
`alleged that an industry in the United
`States exists as required by subsection
`(a)(2) of section 337. The complaint
`named the following respondents:
`Samsung; LG; Toshiba; Panasonic;
`Sharp Corporation of Osaka, Japan; and
`Sharp Electronics Corporation of
`Mahwah, New Jersey (collectively,
`On September 10, 2013, the
`Commission issued notice of its
`determination not to review the ALJ’s ID
`(Order No. 17) granting Google Inc.’s
`motion to intervene as a party to the
`investigation. On November 20, 2013,
`the Commission issued notice of its
`determination not to review the ALJ’s ID
`(Order No. 23) terminating the
`investigation as to Sharp based on a
`settlement agreement. On January 7,
`February 11, and April 10, 2014, the
`Commission issued notice of its
`determinations not to review the ALJ’s
`IDs (Order Nos. 32, 35, and 49–50)
`terminating the investigation as to the
`following: The ’323 and ’099 patents;
`claims 2, 6–8, 15–19, 22, 25–27, 31, 35–
`36, and 44 of the ’873 patent; claims 3–
`4, 6–7, 10, 42–45, 47–50, 52, and 55 of
`the ’652 patent; claims 1, 4, 10, 13–17,
`19, and 20–21 of the ’593 patent; and
`claims 1–4 and 10–12 of the ’952 patent.
`On March 14, 2014, the Commission
`issued notice of its determination not to
`review the ALJ’s ID (Order No. 47)
`terminating the investigation as to
`claims 1, 11, and 13 of the ’652 patent
`and claim 27 of the ’873 patent with
`respect to Panasonic. On July 3, 2014,
`BHM and Panasonic filed an unopposed
`joint motion to terminate the
`investigation as to Panasonic based on
`a settlement agreement. Therefore, the
`remaining respondents are LG,
`Samsung, and Toshiba.
`On July 7, 2014, the ALJ issued the
`final ID finding no violation of section
`337 by the remaining respondents. The
`ALJ found that: (1) There was no
`importation of ‘‘articles that infringe’’
`under section 337(a)(1)(B)(i) as to any of
`respondents’ accused products with
`respect to any asserted claim of the
`patents at issue; (2) none of the accused
`products of the remaining respondents
`infringe any asserted claim of the
`patents at issue; (3) the domestic
`industry requirement (both economic
`and technical prongs) had not been
`satisfied with respect to any asserted
`VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:02 Sep 16, 2014 Jkt 232001 PO 00000 Frm 00084 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\17SEN1.SGM 17SEN1
`mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


`Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 180 / Wednesday, September 17, 2014 / Notices
`patent; and (4) the asserted claims of the
`’873 patent are invalid under 35 U.S.C.
`112, ¶ 1 and 35 U.S.C. 102 and/or 103.
`On July 16, 2014, the ALJ issued his
`recommendation on remedy and
`bonding (‘‘RD’’) in the event the
`Commission found a violation of section
`337. On July 21, 2014, BHM filed a
`petition for review of the final ID only
`with respect to the ’873 and ’652 patents
`and the remaining respondents
`(including intervenor) filed a joint
`petition for review with respect to all
`asserted patents. On July 29, 2014,
`BHM, the remaining respondents, and
`the Commission investigative attorney
`each filed a response to the opposing
`petition for review. On July 30, 2014,
`the remaining respondents (including
`intervenor), filed an unopposed motion
`for leave to file a corrected joint
`response to BHM’s petition for review
`along with the corrected joint response.
`The Commission has determined to
`grant respondents’ motion.
`Upon considering the record in this
`investigation, including the final ID and
`the parties’ submissions, the
`Commission has determined to review-
`in-part the final ID under 19 CFR
`210.44. On such review of the final ID,
`the Commission has modified a specific
`portion of the final ID and has vacated
`all portions of the final ID that reference
`Suprema, Inc. v. ITC, 742 F.3d 1350
`(Fed. Cir. 2013), reh’g en banc granted
`and vacated, 2014 WL 3036241 (May
`13, 2014). Specifically, the Commission
`has modified the following portion of
`the final ID: Section VIII.A.4, on page
`460, before the last period ‘‘.’’ of the
`citation to Certain Male Prophylactic
`Devices, the citation language ‘‘; Certain
`Integrated Circuit Chips and Products
`Containing the Same, Inv. No. 337–TA–
`859, Comm’n Op. at 30–51 (August 22,
`2014)’’ has been inserted. The
`Commission has also vacated the
`following portions of the final ID: (1)
`Section III.A, the last paragraph on
`pages 9–10; (2) Section III.A.1, the
`citation language ‘‘Suprema, slip op. at
`18 (’’ and the closing parenthesis ‘‘)’’ in
`this citation on page 10; (3) the entirety
`of Section III.A.2.a on page 11; and (4)
`the entirety of Section III.C.3 on pages
`20–23. The Commission has determined
`not to review the remainder of the final
`ID under 19 CFR 210.42(h)(2).
`In addition, the Commission has
`determined that BHM did not petition
`for review of the ALJ’s finding in the
`final ID of invalidity of the asserted
`claims of the ’873 patent under 35
`U.S.C. 102 and/or 103, and therefore has
`abandoned these issues under 19 CFR
`210.43(b)(2). See Allied Corp. v. ITC,
`850 F.2d 1573 (Fed. Cir. 1988). The
`Commission has also determined that
`BHM has petitioned for review of
`certain issues based on arguments that
`BHM did not set forth in detail in its
`pre- and/or post-hearing briefing before
`the ALJ, and therefore the Commission
`has determined that these issues are
`waived and deemed abandoned. See
`Ajinomoto Co., Inc. v. ITC, 597 F.3d
`1267 (Fed. Cir. 2010); Order No. 2 (ALJ’s
`Ground Rules, June 19, 2013). These
`abandoned issues are the following: (1)
`Infringement of the ’652 patent by
`accused Samsung and LG products with
`the Slacker application preinstalled; and
`(2) satisfaction of the economic prong of
`the domestic industry requirement with
`respect to all asserted patents.
`Specifically, these issues are found to be
`waived and therefore deemed
`abandoned because: (1) BHM did not
`present evidence of infringement with
`respect to Samsung and LG product
`models with the Slacker application
`preinstalled before the ALJ; and (2)
`BHM did not argue allocations of [[
`investments under 19 U.S.C.
`1337(a)(3)(A), (B) with respect to
`specific domestic industry products
`(that practice the asserted patents)
`identified in its ‘‘Identification of
`Models of Domestic Industry Products’’
`in its pre-hearing brief.
`The Commission has also determined
`to grant the joint motion to terminate
`the investigation as to Panasonic.
`Section 337(c) provides, in relevant
`part, that the Commission may
`terminate an investigation ‘‘on the basis
`of an agreement between the private
`parties to the investigation.’’ When the
`investigation is before the Commission,
`as is the case here, the Commission may
`act on a motion to terminate on the basis
`of settlement. See Certain Insect Traps,
`Inv. No. 337–TA–498, Notice of
`Commission Determination to
`Terminate the Investigation in its
`Entirety on the Basis of a Settlement
`Agreement, 69 Fed. Reg. 63176 (Oct. 29,
`2004). Section 210.21(b) of the
`Commission’s Rules of Practice and
`Procedure (19 CFR 210.21(b)), which
`implements section 337(c), requires that
`a motion for termination based upon a
`settlement contain a copy of that
`settlement agreement, as well as a
`statement that there are no other
`agreements, written or oral, express or
`implied, between the parties concerning
`the subject matter of the investigation.
`The joint motion complies with these
`The Commission also considers the
`public interest when terminating an
`investigation based upon a settlement
`agreement. 19 CFR 210.50(b)(2). We find
`no evidence that termination of the
`investigation as to Panasonic will
`prejudice the public interest or that
`settlement will adversely impact the
`public health and welfare, competitive
`conditions in the United States
`economy, the production of like or
`directly competitive articles in the
`United States, or United States
`consumers. Moreover, the public
`interest favors settlement to avoid
`needless litigation and to conserve
`public and private resources.
`Accordingly, the Commission hereby
`grants the consent motion to terminate
`this investigation as to Panasonic on the
`basis of a settlement agreement.
`Finally, the Commission has
`terminated the investigation with a
`finding of no violation of section 337.
`The authority for the Commission’s
`determination is contained in section
`337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, and in Part
`210 of the Commission’s Rules of
`Practice and Procedure, 19 CFR part
`By order of the Commission.
`Issued: September 11, 2014.
`Jennifer D. Rohrbach,
`Supervisory Attorney.
`[FR Doc. 2014–22139 Filed 9–16–14; 8:45 am]
`[OMB Number 1140–0080]
`Agency Information Collection
`Activities; Proposed eCollection
`eComments Requested; Notification of
`Change of Mailing or Premise Address
`AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
`Firearms and Explosives, Department of
`ACTION: 60-Day notice.
`SUMMARY: The Department of Justice
`(DOJ), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
`Firearms and Explosives (ATF), will
`submit the following information
`collection request to the Office of
`Management and Budget (OMB) for
`review and approval in accordance with
`the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
`DATES: Comments are encouraged and
`will be accepted for 60 days until
`November 17, 2014.
`you have additional comments
`especially on the estimated public
`burden or associated response time,
`suggestions, or need a copy of the
`proposed information collection
`instrument with instructions or
`additional information, please contact
`Christopher Reeves,
`, Chief,
`Federal Explosives Licensing Center,
`VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:24 Sep 16, 2014 Jkt 232001 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\17SEN1.SGM 17SEN1
`mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-882
`Administrative Law .Judge David 1'. Shaw
`Pursuant to the notice of investigation, 78 Fed. Reg. 36573 (June 18, 2013), this is the
`initial cleten11ination in Certain Digital Media De1•ices. Including Telerisions. !3/u-Rczr Disc
`!'layers. Home Theater .~rstems, Tablets and Mobile Phones, Componellls Thereo(and
`Associated Sofiware, United States International Trade Commission Investigation No.
`It is held that a violation ofscetion 337 of the Tariff Act. as amcnclccl, has not occurred in
`the importation into the United States, the sale f()]' importation, or the sale within the United
`States after importation, of certain digital media devices, including televisions. blu-ray elise
`players, home theater systems, tablets and mobile phones, components thereof and associated
`software, with respect to asserted claims L 5, 23, 30, 34, 37, and 45 ofU,S. Patent No.
`8.214,873; asserted claims 9 and 14 ofU,S. Patent No, 8.()45,952: asserted claims L 1 I, and 13
`of U.S. Patent No. 8,050,652; or asserted claims 7 and 18 of U.S. Patmt No. 6,618,593.


`Background .......................................................................................................................... 1
`Institution of the Investigation ................................................................................. !
`Procedural History ................................................................................................... 2
`The Private Parties ................................................................................................... 5
`Ownership of the Asserted Patents .......................................................................... 6
`Jurisdiction ........................................................................................................................... 7
`lmportation ........................................................................................................................... 9
`General Principles of Law ....................................................................................... '!
`Dircctlnll·ingcmcnL .................................................................................. I 0
`Indirect Infringement ................................................................................. 1 0
`Induced lnfi·ingcmcnt ..................................................................... ll
`Contributory lnti·ingernent ............................................................. 12
`lmpmiation of the Accused Products ..................................................................... l2
`Direct Inti·ingcment at the Time of Importation .................................................... 15
`Asserted Method Claims ............................................................................ IS
`Asserted Device Claims ............................................................................. ] 6
`Applications Not !'reinstalled at the Time oflmportation ............. l7
`Applications I' reinstalled at the Time of Importation .................... I 8
`The Suprema Opinion ................................................................................ 20
`Induced Infringcmcnt ..................................................................... 21
`Contributory Jn!i·ingement ............................................................ .22
`Ind ircct Infi'ingcmcnt ............................................................................................. 23


`The Asserted Claims and Accused Products ..................................................................... 23
`The '873 Patent ...................................................................................................... 23
`The '652 Patent ...................................................................................................... 27
`The '952 Patent ...................................................................................................... 29
`The • 593 Patent ...................................................................................................... 30
`The Accused "Mobile Dcviccs·· ............................................................................. 31
`The Accused "Player Devices" ............................................................................. .3 I
`The Accused Func1ionali1ics .................................... : ............................................. 32
`Playlist Applications .................................................................................. 32
`Second Screen Func1ions .......................................................................... .33
`Location Finder Applications .................................................................... 33
`The '873 Pa1ent .................................................................................................................. 33
`Overview of1hc Technology ................................................................................. 33
`UPnP A Y ................................................................................................... 33
`DLNA ........................................................................................................ 34
`The Controller-Server Communication Path ................................. 35
`The Controller-Renderer Communication l'a1h ............................ .36
`The Renderer-Server Communication Path .................................. .36
`Getting a List of Con1cnts Jl·om a DLNA-Compliant Server. ........ 37
`DLNA Only Detlncs a Minimum Set ofRcquircments ................. 37
`DIAL .......................................................................................................... 38
`Screen Mirroring ........................................................................................ 38
`The Accused Products ........................................................................................... .39


`Claim Construction ............................................................................................... .45
`General Principles of Law ........................................................................ .45
`Level of Ordinary Skill ............................................................................. .48
`Disputed Claim Terms ............................................................................... 49
`"without user input via the second device" (claims 1, 17. 23, 27.
`30, 45) ........................................................................................... .49
`"directing [ ... ]the [at least one] second device ... " (claims 1, 16,
`17, 23, 27, 30, 45) ........................... , .............................................. 54
`"p1aylisl" (claims L 17, 23, 27, 30) ............................................... 55
`'·remote control" (claims 8, 37) ..................................................... 57
`"song~· (claims 17l 19. 22) .................................................. , . ., ....... 59
`"device identif1er[s]" (claims 1, 17, 23, '17, 30) ............................. 60
`"receiving" I ''received" I "receive" (claims 1, 16, 23, 27. 30, 45)62
`"obtaining" (claims 17, 27) ............................................................ 62
`"content server'' (claims J, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30, 45) ........................ 63
`Undisputed Claim Terms ........................................................................... 64
`"network transceiver'' (claims 23, 30) ........................................... 64
`"playlist name[s]" (claim 27) ......................................................... 64
`''at least one attribute or a playlist cotTesponding to a selected
`play list name" (claim 27) ............................................................... 64
`"strcam[ing]" (claims 16, 19, 45) .................................................. 64
`''user first input" I "user second input" [/"user tbircl input"]
`(claims 1. 17. 23, 27, 30) ............................................................... 65
`"llrst device" I "second device" (all asserted claims) .................... 65
`Intl-ingcmcnt Analysis of Samsung Accused Products ......................................... 65


`General Principles of Law ......................................................................... 65
`Direct lnfringement ........................................................................ 65
`Induced lnfringement ..................................................................... 67
`Contributory Infringement ............................................................. 68
`Overview of Samsung's Technology ......................................................... 69
`The Samsung Products at lssue ...................................................... 69
`Sam sung's ltnplcmentation of DLNA ........................................... 69
`All Share Framework l(lJ' Mobile Devices ......................... 69
`All Share Library for VD Products .................................... 70
`Nearby Devices ................................................................. 71
`Samsung Link and AilS hare Play fOr Mobile Devices .................. 71
`The Controller-Server Communication Path .................... 72
`The Controller-Renderer Communication Path ................ 73
`AllShme Cast ................................................................................. 73
`BI-IM's lnli·ingcment Allegations and Asserted Claims ............................ 74
`Direct lnfi·ingemcnt of Device Claims ........................................... 74
`Indirect lnfbngcmcnt of Method Claims ....................................... 77
`Analysis of Direct Infi·ingcmcnt ................................................................ 77
`Samsung Mobile Devices with Snmsung Link- Device Claims .. 77
`"directing'' ...................................................................... , .. 78
`·'without user input'' .......................................................... 79
`"device iclcnti ficr" ............................................................. 80
`;'receiving a playlisC ................... ,. .................................... 81


`"media item idcntitier[s]" ................................................. 82
`''directing ... to receive the media item ... Jl·om a
`content server'' .................................................................. 83
`"receive the media item ... i1·om a content server" .......... 84
`"to send inlim11ation representative of the at least
`one media item named to a content server ... and to
`receive a media item corresponding to the at least
`one media item name from the content server"
`(claim 23) .......................................................................... 85
`"remote controls" (claim 37) ............................................ X5
`"directing ... to stream the media item ... from the
`content server" (claim 45) ................................................. 85
`Samsung Mobile Devices with Ali Share Framework .. Device
`Claims ............................................................................................ 86
`Samsung Mobile Devices with All Share Cast- Device Claims ... 87
`'·via a network" ................................................................. 88
`"without user input via the second device'' ....................... 90
`"directing ... to receive the media item ... li'om a
`content server" .................................................................. 91
`"receive the media item ... from a content server'' .......... 91
`[ ]"
`. .
`. ·j'
`rne( 1a Item 1 enh 1er s_
`................................................. .
`"device identifier'' ............................................................. 93
`"remote controls" (claim 37) ............................................ 93
`"wherein the device is operative to adjust a volume
`parameter on the second device'' (claim 37) ..................... 94
`''directing ... to stream the media item ... 1h.1m the
`content server" (claim45) ................................................. 94


`Sam sung Mobile Devices with All Share Cast Alone ....... 95
`Samsung's {
`J Televisions ............. 95
`Analysis of Indirect Infringement .............................................................. 97
`Predicate Acts of Direct Jnfi·ingement ........................................... 97
`Knowledge and Specitic Intent ...................................................... 98
`Substantial NoninJ}inging Uses ..................................................... 99
`lntlingement Analysis of LG Accused Products ................................................. ! 00
`The Accused Products .............................................................................. ! 00
`The Accused Applications ....................................................................... ! 0 l
`LG Smart Share ............................................................................ ] 02
`Miracasl... ..................................................................................... ! 02
`Representative Products ........................................................................... I 03
`Video Evidence ........................................................................................ ! 06
`Packet Trace Evidence ............................................................................. ! 07
`Direct lnli'ingemcnt ............................

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