` Petitioner,
` Patent Owner.
`Patent Number: 8,361,156
`Issue Date: January 29, 2013
`Case: IPR2013-00506
` Petitioner,
` Patent Owner.
`Patent Number: 8,187,334
`Issue Date: May 29, 2012
`Case: IPR2013-00507
` Petitioner,
` Patent Owner.
`Patent Number: 8,187,334
`Issue Date: May 29, 2012
`Case: IPR2013-00508
` Deposition of RICHARD A. HYNES, M.D., F.A.C.S.,
` taken at 100 Rialto Place, Suite 700, Melbourne,
` Florida, commencing at 8:49 A.M., Tuesday,
` September 30, 2014, before ANTHONY TRUJILLO,
`Job No. 1928485
`PAGES 1 - 190
`Veritext National Deposition & Litigation Services
`866 299-5127
`Page 1
`2 3
` 1
`Medtronic v. NuVasive

`A P P E A R A N C E S
`C o u n s e l f o r P e t i t i o n e r :
` B Y : J E F F E . S C H W A R T Z , E S Q .
` F o x R o t h s c h i l d , L . L . P .
` 1 0 3 0 1 5 t h S t r e e t , N W
` S u i t e 3 8 0 E a s t
` W a s h i n g t o n , D C 2 0 0 0 5
` ( 2 0 2 ) 4 6 1 - 3 1 0 0
` j e s c h w a r t z @ f o x r o t h s c h i l d . c o m
`C o u n s e l f o r P a t e n t O w n e r :
` B Y : M I C H A E L A . A M O N , E S Q .
` F i s h & R i c h a r d s o n , P . C .
` 1 2 3 9 0 E l C a m i n o R e a l
` S a n D i e g o , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 1 3 0
` ( 8 5 8 ) 6 7 8 - 5 0 7 0
` a m o n @ f r . c o m
`a n d
` B Y : S T U A R T N E L S O N , E S Q .
` F i s h & R i c h a r d s o n , P . C .
` 3 2 0 0 R B C P l a z a
` 6 0 S o u t h S i x t h S t r e e t
` M i n n e a p o l i s , M i n n e s o t a 5 5 4 0 2
` ( 6 1 2 ) 3 3 5 - 5 0 7 0
` s n e l s o n @ f r . c o m
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Page 2
` 2

` I N D E X
` DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. AMON................. 5
`The following exhibits were marked for identification:
`NuVasive Declaration of Dr. Theodore G. 61
`Exhibit 2031 Obenchain, M.D., IPR2014-00034,
` U.S. Patent 8,000,782
`NuVasive "The Relationship between Cross 68
`Exhibit 2032 Sectional Area and Strength of
` Back Muscles in Patients with
` Chronic Low Back Pain
`NuVasive Printout, U.S. News & World 77
`Exhibit 2033 Report
`NuVasive "Lumbar-Vertebral Body 82
`Exhibit 2034 Replacement
`NuVasive "Lumbar - Minimally Invasive 87
`Exhibit 2035 Approach (PLIF)"
`NuVasive Deposition Transcript Excerpt, 181
`Exhibit 2036 Hallett Matthews
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`Page 3
`2 3
`8 9
` 3

` I N D E X
` (Continued)
` The following exhibits were previously marked for
` identification and referenced:
`MSD 1001 Declaration of Richard Hynes, 99
` M.D., Regarding U.S. Patent No.
` 8,187,334
`MSD 1003 United States Patent Application 164
` Publication, Frey, et al.
`MSD 1023 Document By Alphatec Spine, 170
` Portal Access System Guided
` Lumbar Interbody Fusion
`MSD 1055 Second Declaration of Richard A. 11
` Hynes, M.D., IPR2013-00507
`MSD 1105 Michelson '973 Patent 142
`MSD 1115 U.S. Patent No. 8,361,156 150
`MSD 1117 "Posterior Lumbar Interbody 144
` Fusion Using Posterolateral
` Placement of a Single Cylindrical
` Threaded Cage"
`MSD 1118 Pre-Market Approval, 172
` IPR2013-00506; IPR2013-00508;
` Also Marked as Exhibit MSD 1016,
` 8/22/14
`MSD 1132 Maximum Access Surgery 148
` Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody
` Fusion, IPR2013-00506;
` IPR2013-00508. Also Marked as
` MSD 1030, 8/22/14
`MSD 1157 Declaration of Richard A. Hynes, 10
` M.D., IPR2013-00506
`MSD 1157 Exhibit In Matter IPR2013-00508 12
`MSD 1173 Excerpt of Transcript, 340
` Examination Under Oath of Hansen
` A. Yuan, M.D.
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`Page 4
` 4

` THEREUPON, the following proceedings were had
` and taken at 8:49 a.m.:
` THE REPORTER: Do you solemnly swear or affirm
` that the testimony you are about to give shall be
` the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
` truth.
`having been first duly sworn or affirmed, testified
`under oath as follows:
` MR. AMON: And, Jeff, I don't know if you want
` to state your appearance for the record.
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Jeff Schwartz from
` Fox Rothschild for Medtronic, the Petitioner, and
` the IPRs 2013506, '507, and '508.
` MR. AMON: And Michael Amon of Fish &
` Richardson on behalf of the Patent Owner, NuVasive,
` in the same matters.
` With me here today is Stuart Nelson, also with
` Fish & Richardson.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Hynes.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Could you please state your full name for the
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` 5

` A. Richard Hynes.
` Q. And your business address, please?
` A. 2222 South City Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida.
` Q. And what is your profession?
` A. I'm an orthopaedic spinal surgeon.
` Q. Any other titles that you have besides
`orthopaedic spinal surgeon?
` A. I'm the medical director of The B.A.C.K.
` Q. Anything else?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Dr. Hynes, when was the last time that
`you had your deposition taken?
` A. I believe it was May.
` Q. And was that in this matter or in these series
`of matters?
` A. You mean any deposition?
` Q. Sorry, yes. Let me be more clear.
` When was the last time you had any -- any
`deposition taken?
` A. Oh, I think I had a deposition two or three
`weeks ago.
` Q. Do you remember what -- was that in a
`patent-related matter?
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` 6

` A. No.
` Q. When was the last time you had your deposition
`in a patent-related matter?
` A. Yeah, I believe it was a deposition with you,
`and I think it was May.
` Q. Do you know how many depositions you've had
`outside of patent-related matters since May to today?
` A. Not offhand, no.
` Q. Has it been more than one or two?
` A. Yes.
` Q. As many as ten, possibly?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Okay. Well, I just want to go over some of the
`ground rules. Really, you're fairly experienced at this
`but just to remind you what's going to go on here today.
` You understand that you've taken an oath to
`tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
`truth, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you'll do that here today?
` A. Correct.
` Q. You understand that it is fully -- it is --
`excuse me -- strike that.
` You understand that it's important for you to
`answer fully and accurately here today?
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` 7

` A. Yes.
` Q. And you'll do that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It's important, especially since we don't have
`a videographer, for us to not speak over one another.
`So if you'll extend me the courtesy of letting me finish
`my question, I'll give you all the time that you need to
` Can we agree on that, sir?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And, again, especially since we don't have a
`videographer, it's important for you to give verbal
`responses. A "yes" or a "no" or some other verbal
` Do you understand that, sir?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If for some reason you don't understand one of
`my questions, will you let me know and ask me to clarify
`my question?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you don't ask me to clarify, I'm going to
`interpret that as a sign that you understood my
`question; is that fair?
` A. I guess we'll have to see what the question is.
` Q. But if -- if you don't ask me for
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` 8

`clarification, is it fair to -- to -- to interpret that
`as -- as a -- the fact that you understood my question?
` A. I -- I suppose.
` Q. If you need to take a break, as with before,
`let me know. The only thing that I ask is that if
`there's a question pending, that you answer the question
`before we take a break.
` Can we agree on that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I'll try to take a break about every hour,
`hour and a half.
` You understand that Mr. Schwartz, Medtronic's
`counsel, may pose objections from time to time during
`this deposition, but that unless he instructs you
`specifically not to answer, I'm entitled to an answer to
`my questions.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there any reason you can't give true,
`accurate and complete testimony here today?
` A. No.
` Q. Dr. Hynes, do you consider yourself to be an
`independent expert in these matters, or are you here as
`an advocate for the Petitioner, Medtronic?
` A. Independent expert.
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` 9

` Q. And are you represented by counsel here today?
` A. No.
` (Exhibit MSD 1157 was previously marked for
` identification.)
` Q. Let me hand you -- and. . . I apologize for the
`killing of all the trees, but let me hand -- let me hand
`you what has been previously marked as MSD 1157
`in the -- the IPR matter 2013-00506. Ask you to take a
`look at that, sir.
` A. (Complies.)
` (Perusing document.)
` Q. Dr. Hynes, do you recognize MSD 1157 in the
`'506 matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is MSD 1157?
` A. It's a second declaration.
` Q. And it's your second declaration, to be
`specific, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Does this appear to be a complete copy of your
`second declaration submitted in the '506 matter? And --
`and sorry. Let me be more precise in my question.
` Does MSD 1157 that we've handed you here today
`in your deposition appear to be a complete copy of the
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`Page 10

`declaration that you submitted in the '506 matter?
` A. I mean, I can't attest to every page being
`correct, since I don't have one to compare it to, but it
`generally appears to be the -- the document, and the
` Q. Okay. And when you say "exhibits," you're
`referring to the appendices that you attached, correct?
` A. Correct.
` (Exhibit MSD 1055 was previously marked for
` identification.)
` Q. Let me hand you what has been previously marked
`as MSD 1055 in matter IPR 2013507. Ask you to take a
`look at that.
` A. (Complies.) All right.
` Q. Dr. Hynes, what is MSD 1055 in the '507 matter?
` A. That's another second declaration of mine.
` Q. And as far as you can tell, does it generally
`appear to be a complete copy of your declaration,
`including all appendices?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let me hand you what has been previously --
` MR. NELSON: You want all three?
` MR. AMON: What has been previously marked as
` MSD 1157 in matter IPR 2013-508.
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`Page 11

` (Exhibit MSD 1157 was previously marked for
` identification.)
` THE WITNESS: (Perusing document.) Okay.
` There's a couple of different things here. Is this
` all one package?
` Q. It is all one package.
` A. Okay.
` Q. We didn't find a clip big enough to bind it all
` A. (Perusing document).
` MR. AMON: Jeff, there's a document that I
` think is incorrectly --
` MR. SCHWARTZ: I gave you an extra piece.
` MR. AMON: All right. My mind is -- I thought
` it was, but never mind.
` Q. Yeah, that -- as far as we understand, that's
`Part 2. And then I believe that that third larger
`section is Part 3 to your declaration.
` A. Okay.
` Q. But I'm not -- you would know the order better
`than I.
` A. Okay. This was like this, so I'll put it back
`that way (indicating).
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` Q. Yeah, I believe that's correct.
` Dr. Hynes, do you recognize MSD 1157 in matter
`IPR 2013508?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what is this?
` A. It's a second declaration of mine.
` Q. In the '508 matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And does it appear to -- does MSD 1157 in the
`'508 matter, based on your review, appear to be a
`complete copy of the declaration that you submitted in
`that matter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Dr. Hynes, did you write the entirety of MSD
`1157 in the '506 matter?
` A. Okay. You're asking about '507 and '506?
` Q. I'm just asking about '506. So let's take
`these one at a time. '506, which is MSD 1157.
` A. Essentially, these -- this is my declaration so
`I am responsible for the content.
` Q. Did you sit at the computer and actually type
`out the declaration?
` A. Some things I did, yes.
` Q. And who typed up the other portions?
` A. I don't know. Mr. Schwartz handled that.
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` Q. Do you remember specifically what portions you
`wrote of the Exhibit MSD 1157 in the '506 matter?
` A. I think it depends on what you mean by "wrote."
`I mean. . .
` Q. Which portions you sat at a computer and typed
`out yourself.
` A. I don't recall actually sitting at a computer,
`specifically, and typing out. I could have been making
`hand notes and it could be verbal conversations. But
`I'm the author, right? It's my declaration.
` Q. Dr. Hynes, if you turn in MSD 1157, in the '506
`matter, to Page 37.
` A. Okay. I don't want to get these all mixed up.
` Q. Yeah.
` A. So give me a second.
` Q. No problem.
` A. So what page was that?
` Q. Thirty-seven of the actual volume of the
` A. Okay.
` Q. At Page 37 of Exhibit MSD 1157 in the '506
`matter, is that your signature on Page 37?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it indicates on Page 37 that you signed
`this on September 5th, 2014; is that correct?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Dr. Hynes, did you review this declaration
`before signing it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you remember when you reviewed this
` A. Not specifically, no.
` Q. Did you review this declaration in its entirety
`before September 5th, 2014?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you remember how long before September 5th
`you reviewed it?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review prior drafts of this
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection. Form. Assumes facts
` not in evidence.
` Q. Strike that. Let me re- -- let me ask a more
`precise question.
` Dr. Hynes, did you review drafts of Exhibit MSD
`1157 in the '506 matter before September 5th, 2014?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you remember how many drafts of Exhibit MSD
`1157 you reviewed?
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` A. No.
` Q. Do you remember how much time you spent
`reviewing those drafts?
` A. Not -- not as we sit here today, no.
` Q. Can you give me an estimate of time that you
`spent reviewing those drafts?
` A. It's hard for me to know because there's --
`there's three different declarations. I can't re- --
`recall, really, how much time I spent with each one.
` Q. Okay. Can you give me an estimate of the
`aggregate time that you spent reviewing all three
` A. It would just be a guess.
` Q. What's your best guess?
` A. I hate to speculate.
` Q. I'm sure you do. We all do.
` But what's your best guess?
` A. More than five hours and less than 15.
` Q. So somewhere between 5 and 15 hours total
`reviewing the entirety of Exhibits MSD 1157, MSD 1055,
`in the '507 matter and MSD 1157 in the '508 matter,
` A. As a speculation, yes.
` Q. In reviewing drafts of -- and we'll take them
`as a unit -- MSD 1157 in the '506 matter, 1055 in the
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`'507 matter, and MSD 1157 in the '508 matter, did you
`ask that changes be made to the original drafts that you
` A. I think there was a back and forth between me
`and Mr. Schwartz and -- and so we worked together to
`create a coherent document.
` Q. I'm not sure that answers my question.
` Are there specific changes that you asked to be
`made to the drafts that you originally received?
` A. There were changes made and by mutual
`agreement, the changes were made.
` Q. And you anticipated my next question, which is:
`Do you know if those changes were, in fact, made, the
`changes that you suggested to each of the exhibits, MSD
`1157, 1055, and 1157 respectively?
` A. And I can't point now to a specific change, but
`there were changes made and there were some changes not
` Q. So I just want to make sure I understand your
` There were changes that you suggested that were
`not incorporated into the drafts; is that correct?
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form.
` Mischaracterization of prior testimony.
` THE WITNESS: Not -- not exactly. You know,
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` it's like anything that you work on, that you read
` again or look again and you make changes. Because
` it's a work in progress.
` Q. So I just want to make sure what you testified
`before is, "I can't point now to a specific change, but
`there were changes made and there were some changes not
` That's what you testified two minutes ago,
` A. About a minute ago.
` Q. Fair point.
` That's what you testified about a minute ago
`and let me ask a complete question.
` About a minute ago, you testified there were
`changes -- strike that.
` About -- about now -- about a minute-and-a-half
`ago, you testified: "And I can't point to a specific
`change, but there were changes made and there were some
`changes not made." Correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. When you were reviewing the drafts and the
`final versions, did you review those alone or in the
`presence of Medtronic's lawyers?
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Um, alone.
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` Q. Dr. Hynes, did you review your second
`declaration, which -- which are MSD 1157 in the '506
`matter; MSD 1055 in the '507 mater; and MSD 1157 in the
`'508 matter, in preparing for your deposition today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you remember when you reviewed those?
` A. The actual finished declaration?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Well, certainly, after -- after they were
`prepared in preparation for this deposition.
` Q. Do you remember when you reviewed the second
`declaration that you submitted in preparation for this
` A. Um, I mean, the last time I looked at this
`material was this morning, so I have recently read
`the -- the draft.
` Q. And before this morning, when was the last time
`you had reviewed Exhibits MSD 1157, 1055, and 1157?
` A. Well, parts and pieces throughout the last week
`or two.
` Q. As you sit here today, do you agree with
`everything that's written in MSD 1157 in the '506
` A. I think we'd have to go through that line by
`line to answer that one.
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` Q. So there are things that you don't agree with
`in your own declaration, as you sit here today?
` A. There were things that were stated by another
`expert, for example, that I disagree with and that's in
`these declarations. There's things like that. There
`may be other things in some of the appendices I don't
`agree with, necessarily.
` Q. Fair point.
` Dr. Hynes, in preparing for the deposition here
`today, did you review all of the documents that are
`attached as appendices to your declaration; for example,
`for MSD 1157 in the '506 matter?
` A. 1157?
` Q. Yeah, 1157 in the '506. It's that one, yes.
` A. In this one (indicating)?
` Q. Yeah. Did you review all the documents that
`are attached as appendices in preparing for this
`deposition here today?
` A. (After perusing document) Yes.
` Q. Did you review all appendices for MSD 1055 in
`the '507 matter in preparing for this deposition here
` A. (After perusing document.)
` MR. AMON: It's a good thing we don't have a
` videographer.
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` (Discussion off the record.)
` Q. And did you prepare -- did you review all the
`appendices to Exhibit MSD 1157 in the '508 matter in
`preparing for this deposition here today?
` A. (After perusing documents.) Yes.
` Q. Besides Exhibits MSD 1157 in the '506 matter,
`MSD 1055 in the '507 matter, and MSD 1157 in the '508
`matter, did you review other documents in preparing for
`this deposition here today?
` A. I may have.
` Q. Well, do you remember, as you sit here today,
`reviewing documents besides your second declarations in
`preparing for this deposition?
` A. I remember looking at some of the references
`and reviewing some references, but I don't recall which
` Q. And when you say "references," what do you mean
`by "references"?
` A. Perhaps an article in one of the bibliographies
`or some reference.
` Q. Do you remember looking at the prior art that
`is the basis for the Board's Institution of Inter
`Parte's review with respect to the '156 and '334
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` A. Not recently, no.
` Q. Did you review your deposition transcript
`previously taken in these matters in preparing for this
`deposition here today?
` A. I read it after it was transcribed, but -- so I
`have prepared, yes.
` Q. Okay. Do you know when the last time you
`reviewed that deposition transcript is?
` A. Some time in the last few months.
` Q. Do you know if you've reviewed it in the last,
`say, three weeks? And let me strike that. Let me ask a
`more precise question.
` Do you know if you've reviewed your deposition
`testimony previously taken in these matters in the last
`three weeks?
` A. I think in the last three weeks I may have
`reviewed some part, not in whole.
` Q. Dr. Hynes, did you review the deposition
`transcript of a Mr. Loc Joss [phonetic] in preparing for
`this deposition here today?
` A. I reviewed a declaration or an affidavit,
`something to that effect.
` Q. Do you know if you reviewed his deposition
` A. I don't recall it, no.
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`Page 22

` Q. Dr. Hynes, as you sit here today, are you aware
`of any mistakes in MSD 1157 in the '506 matter that you
`would like to correct?
` A. There is one word somewhere in one of these
`three documents that I'll -- if we get to it, I'll --
`I'll point it out.
` Q. Does that one word make a substantive --
`substantive difference to you -- to the opinions that
`you've expressed in MSD 1157?
` A. Yes. It actually is the reverse -- it's a word
`that was left out. It was omitted.
` Q. Okay. Do you know what word was omitted?
` A. I think "not," if I recall.
` Q. And do you have an idea where that is located?
` A. I -- I did yesterday, but I've forgotten. I
`assume we'll get to it at some point, and I'll point it
` Q. Same question with respect to MSD 1055 in the
`'507 matter: Are there any mistakes that you're aware
`of that you would like to correct before we proceed?
` A. I think that's -- it may run throughout all of
`them, the same -- same error or same omission.
` Q. So, to be clear, the omission that you're
`talking about, and that you referenced a moment ago in
`your testimony, is consistent throughout all three of
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`your second declarations submitted in the three
`different matters?
` A. It -- it may be.
` Q. Any other mistakes that you're aware of in any
`of the second declarations?
` A. You know, there may be a -- a medical term
`that's not used by a term or agreement by everyone,
`so -- I can't point to one specific but there may be
`some disagreement in language and vocabulary.
` Q. Any of those other disagreements in language or
`vocabulary that substantively affect your opinions?
` A. Not really, no.
` Q. Dr. Hynes, a moment ago -- and I'm sorry, I
`forgot to ask you this -- you indicated that you
`reviewed the declaration of a Mr. Joss [phonetic],
` A. A document [sic]? I'm not sure I can recall
`exactly which document [sic] it was. I don't think it
`was a deposition transcript.
` Q. Okay. Were you aware that Mr. Joss [phonetic]
`had been deposed in this matter?
` A. I know that he was involved in this matter.
`I'm not sure of all the parts that he was involved in.
` Q. I'm not sure that answers my question.
` Were you aware that he had been deposed in this
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`Page 24

`matter, before today?
` A. I -- I don't have an opinion one way or the
`other. I don't recall. He may have been.
` Q. Do you know if you asked Medtronic's lawyers
`for a copy of Mr. Joss's [phonetic] deposition testimony
`in preparing for this deposition here today?
` MR. SCHWARTZ: Objection to the extent that the
` question seeks communications between Dr. Hynes and
` counsel, that would be work product and I instruct
` him not to answer.
` THE WITNESS: I'm going to follow his
` instruction when he asks me not to answer.
` Q. So let me be very clear, Dr. Hynes. I'm not
`asking you for the communication as to whether --
`what -- what Mr. Schwartz, Medtronic's lawyer, may or
`may not have told you. I'm just asking you very simply:
`Did you ask Medtronic's lawyers for a copy of Mr. Joss's
`[phonetic] deposition testimony?
` MR. SCHWARTZ: And, again, to the extent that
` that question seeks communications between the
` witness and counsel, I instruct you not to answer on
` the basis of attorney work product.
` Q. So are you going to follow Mr. Schwartz's
`Veritext National Deposition & Litigation Services
`866 299-5127
`Page 25

` A. Yeah, I think we can assume that I'm going to
`follow that every time through the whole day so you
`don't have to ask me. You can just assume that I'm
`going to do that.
` Q. I -- I appreciate that, but it's part of my
`job; I have to ask.
` A. All right.
` Q. I have to make the record.
` Dr. Hynes, how much time have you spent total
`working on these IPR matters to date?
` A. IPR matters. The entire process?
` Q. The entire process.
` A. I don't -- I don't know.
` Q. Do you have an estimate?
` A. No.
` Q. Is it more than 50 hours?
` A. I really don't know.
` Q. Do you have an estimate of how much time you've
`spent working on these matters since you were last
`deposed in May of this year?
` A. I don't -- I don't have a direct recall of the
`amount of time. I -- I don't know.
` Q. Have you submitted invoices to Medtronic for
`the work that you've spent working in total on these
`Veritext National Deposition & Litigation Services
`866 299-5127
`Page 26

` A. No.
` Q. You haven't submitted any invoices for the work
`done in these matters?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. Okay. Do you know the total dollar amount of
`the invoices that you've submitted to date?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have an estimate of the total dollar
`amount that you've submitted for the work on these
`matters to date?
` A. I -- I didn't come prepared with that
` Q. I appreciate that you didn't come prepared, but
`do you have an estimate of the total dollar amount that
`you've submitted for the work done in these IPR matters
`to date?
` A. I don't.
` Q. What's your best guess as to what you've bille

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