`James E. Pitkow & Krishna A. Bharat
`Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center
`College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
`E-mail {pitkow, kb}
`Various programs have emerged that provide statistical anal-
`ysis of World-Wide Web (WWW) access logs. These pro-
`grams typically detail the number of accesses for a file, the
`number of times a site has visited the database, and some
`programs even provide temporal analysis of requests1.
`However, these programs are not interactive nor do they
`provide visualizations of the local database. WebViz was
`developed with the intention of providing WWW database
`maintainers and designers with a graphical view of their
`local database and access patterns. That is, by incorporating
`the Web-Path paradigm into interactive software, users can
`see not only the documents (represented visually as nodes)
`in their database but also the hyperlinks travelled (repre-
`sented visually as links) by users requesting documents
`from the database. WebViz further enables uses to selec-
`tively filter the access log (i.e. restrict the graphical view by
`specifying the desired domain names or DSN numbers,
`directory names, and start and stop times), control bindings
`to graph attributes (i.e. node size, border width and color as
`well as link width and color can be bound to frequency and
`recency information), play back the events in the access log
`(i.e. re-issue the logged sequence of requests), select a lay-
`out of nodes and links that best presents the database’s struc-
`ture, and examine the graph at any instant in time. Clearly,
`WebViz is a useful WWW database utility given that it can
`provide the user with graphical information about document
`accesses and the paths taken by users through the database.
`Such analyses can facilitate structural and contextual
`changes resulting in a more efficient use of the document
`space. This paper details the implementation of WebViz and
`outlines possible future extensions.
`visualization, HTTP, administration, tools, statistics, access
`1. For the purposes of this paper, the terms accesses and document requests will
`be used interchangeably.
`World-Wide Web (WWW) database developers, designers,
`and maintainers have a potentially formable task in analyz-
`ing the overall efficiency of their database. Following in the
`footsteps of the all-too-common end-user question: “Where
`am I?” [Nielson, 1990], comes the database-provider ques-
`tion: “How are people using our database?” The latter ques-
`tion requires analyses of the structure of the hyperlinks as
`well as the content of the documents in the database. The
`end products of such analyses might include 1) the fre-
`quency of visits per document, 2) the most recent visit per
`document, 3) who is visiting which document, 4) the fre-
`quency of use of each hyperlink and 5) the most recent use
`of each hyperlink. Granted, this list does not include all
`potentially useful analyses; rather, it provides a starting
`point for the development of tools to provide such function-
`ality. Towards this end, we developed a C++ visualization
`tool (running on SunOS 4.1.3 and X) called WebViz. The
`next section describes the underlying concept of WebViz,
`the Web-Path paradigm.
`Collections of hypertext documents can be categorized by
`the underlying topology of links and nodes [Parunak, 1989].
`WWW databases are intrinsically directed cyclic graphs.
`This can be thought of as a web-like structure. Yet most
`WWW databases reside on file systems that are explicitly
`hierarchical, e.g. UNIXTM, Macintosh, VAX, etc. As a result
`of this incongruence, problems can arises when one
`attempts to view such databases. WebViz tackles this prob-
`lem by displaying the database as a directed graph2, with
`nodes representing separate documents in the database and
`links representing the hyperlinks, or paths, between docu-
`ments. When a user “travels” from a source document to a
`separate destination document via the hyperlink embedded
`in the source document, a path is said to have been taken3.
`This path corresponds to the user clicking on the anchor
`2. The screen capture presented does not display arrows at the end of links. The
`data structure WebViz uses, however contains directional information. Arrows
`are soon to be implemented.
`Facebook Ex. 1010


`Known URL
`Known URLs
`(not used)
`Known URLs
`(not used)
`Figure 1: Three different access patterns
`point and retrieving the anchor (See Case One in Figure 1).
`We refer to this scenario as internal referencing (point of
`origin coming from within the database).
`Note that since WWW enables users to enter a database via
`any document (via a known Uniform Resource Locator, or
`URL [Berners-Lee 1994]), causality between successive
`document requests is not always decidable. That is, even
`though there may exist a path between document A and doc-
`ument B and the access log records a request for document
`A followed by a request for document B from the same site,
`it remains a possibility that 1) the user at the site knew the
`location of both document A and document B and requested
`each file separately (See Case Two in Figure 1), or 2) there
`were two different users logged onto the same site who hap-
`pened to request document A and document B individually
`and in that order (See Case Three in Figure 1). That is the
`users did not click on the hyperlink in A to get to B. We
`refer to these scenarios as external referencing (point of ori-
`gin exists outside the database) and dual referencing (points
`of origin in same address space). Even though the possibil-
`ity of other cases exists, WebViz assumes the Case One sce-
`nario for successive document requests. It is this assumption
`that underlies the algorithm for determining the paths taken
`by users in the access log.
`WebViz uses the Web-Path paradigm to display the relations
`between the access log and the local database. Specifically,
`the program displays the documents of the local database
`and the connections between the documents as a web-like
`graph structure. Information is gathered from the access log
`about the number of times documents have been accessed as
`well as the recency of these accesses. WebViz further infers
`3. This contrasts to hyperlinks which point to different location with in the same
`document. WebViz does not analyze such information since such events are not
`captured by Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) servers.
`In Proceedings of the First International WWW Conference
`paths travelled by users by assuming that successive
`accesses by each user were internally referenced. The num-
`ber of times paths were taken as well as the recency of the
`traversals are also collected by WebViz for display.
`To recap, WebViz visualizes the collection of hypertext doc-
`uments as a directed cyclic graph. The links in this web-like
`structure are referred to as paths, and represent the hyper-
`links between documents. Nodes represent separate docu-
`ments. Documents connected by hyperlinks can be
`successively accessed either internally or externally. By uti-
`lizing the Web-Path paradigm, WebViz collects frequency
`and recency information about documents and paths to drive
`the visualization. We now move onto an explanation of how
`WebViz creates the visualization. The following sections are
`arranged in the order that each stage is invoked during pro-
`gram execution.
`WebViz currently parses the National Center for Supercom-
`puting Application’s (NCSA) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
`(HTTP) 1.0 server access logs. As demonstrated by other
`access log analyzers, writing separate parsing routines for
`other HTTP servers is trivial. The sample access log entries
`below shows that the time of access, the machine name
`(either hostname or DSN), and requested file are logged for
`each transaction.
` [Tue Mar 8 10:50:25 1994] GET /gvu/intro_gvu.html HTTP/1.0
` [Tue Mar 8 10:51:31 1994] GET /gvu/agenda.html HTTP/1.0
` [Tue Mar 8 10:52:01 1994] GET /gvu/agenda_more.html HTTP/1.0
`Initially, lookups tables of hostname to DSN and DSN to
`hostname mappings are read into two separate hash tables.
`The intent here is to reduce the time consuming task of look-
`ing up a machine’s DSN or hostname, since the log can con-
`Pitkow &Bharat
`GVU Tech Report: GVU-GIT-94-20
`Facebook Ex. 1010


`Figure 2: The View Control Window
`tain either type of entry (see above example). Hence, the
`process of looking up hostnames and DSN numbers, which
`is network dependent and therefore potentially prohibitively
`slow, is done precisely once for each machine in the access
`log. Next, the specified access log is read into memory into a
`structure we refer to as the Master Log. With each transac-
`tion read, the hash tables are first consulted to see if the map-
`ping is know and as a last resort, attempts the look up using
`the appropriate system calls. Once the entire access log has
`been processed, the time of the first and last entry can be
`extracted from the Master Log for use in the View Control
`The View Control Window (see Figure 2) enables the user to
`determine the content of the visualization. Controls are pro-
`vided the facilitate the selection of specific directories,
`domain names, and start and stop times. The directory selec-
`tion allows for an arbitrary number of directories to be added
`to the visualization. As in the above example, lets assume
`that the user only wants to view the access patterns of the
`“softviz” and “people” directories, the person would add
`those directories to the selection list. This permits the user to
`restrict the contents of the web to only include the files
`within the specified directories, hence avoiding visualizing
`unnecessary files and directories. Internally referenced docu-
`ments are also added to the web, though we plan to make it
`an option to exclude such connections from the visualization.
`Thus, even though the user may requests to see only access
`patterns from a specific directory, additional files from other
`directories may be included into the visualization; however,
`embedded media (images, sounds, etc.) are not added.
`Similarly, the domain selector enables the user to restrict the
`visualization to only machines that have accessed the data-
`base whose hostname or DSN contain the specified sub-
`string. This allows the end user to look at the access patterns
`from local machines, machines from specific companies,
`etc. (In the above example, we have restricted the view to
`three companies, two specified by hostname and the other
`by DSN). Clearly, unless complete or nearly complete DSNs
`are used, ambiguous results will occur, i.e. numerous
`machines will match and their all accesses will end up in the
`visualization. Finally, the user can control the start and stop
`times used for the visualization. Hence, peak periods can be
`isolated just as easily as longer periods of time for analysis.
`To summarize, all the variable attributes recorded in the
`access log (time, machine making request, and requested
`file) are subject to user filtering.
`Once the user has finished determining the view, the specifi-
`cations are used to create a copy of the Master Log. This
`copy, called the View List, contains only the entries from the
`Master Log that the user desires to visualize. While this list
`provides enough information to determine the number of
`visits to a file and the times the file was accessed, it does not
`provide the when and the number of times the path was trav-
`elled. This information is gathered by creating an Edge List
`that contains the source file, the destination file, the access
`times for both files, and the DSN of the machine traversing
`the path. A previously stated, an path is considered to have
`been travelled if there exists a path in the web and the same
`machine is making the successive requests, disregarding the
`possibility of external references (Case Two of Figure 1)
`Figure 3: The WebViz Control Window
`In Proceedings of the First International WWW Conference
`Pitkow &Bharat
`GVU Tech Report: GVU-GIT-94-20
`Facebook Ex. 1010


`and dual references (Case Three of Figure 1). We do place a
`time constraint on the interval between accesses of three
`days. That is, if the interval is greater than three days, we
`assume the user requested the document via another hyper-
`link than the one embedded in the source document. The
`selection of the three day period was not based on any
`empirical evidence. Next, the local database is processed.
`a node does not already exist for the file, a node is created
`and inserted into the web. Regardless of document type, a
`link is added from the processed document to the anchor,
`since it can be referenced internally and hence of possible
`analytical interest. At the end of the local database process-
`ing stage, the structure of the web has been defined as is
`ready to be displayed.
`The local database is processed to ascertain the structure of
`the web. The files in the database are processed one at a
`time, with processing proceeding recursively through the
`file system hierarchy. For each file being processed, if a cor-
`responding node does not already exist in the web, a node is
`added. Currently, each node contains the file’s name, size,
`and last modification time, though additional information
`like owner, number and type of embedded media, etc. could
`be added to facilitate more sophisticated analyses. Files that
`do not contain Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) are
`not processed or added to the web at this stage. This deci-
`sion reflects the implicit assigning of roles in HTML. That
`is, marked-up files act as either end documents or as inter-
`mediary documents with paths to other documents, while
`non HTML files can only assume end document roles. For
`each marked-up file, the contents are parsed and the URLs
`that point within the database are extracted, with relatively
`addressed URLs are simplified into their full path names. If
`Graph layout is an arduous task in any setting - more so in
`WebViz since there are multiple, possibly conflicting inter-
`Clarity: The layout must make good use of the available
`space to present the information in an easy to read fash-
`ion. Occlusion of nodes by other nodes or edges should
`be avoided.
`Natural Structure: Hierarchical graphs present a natu-
`ral structure for embedding. The hierarchy in the web
`ought to mirrors the file system hierarchy of the database
`as far as possible.
`Presentation: The graph must look presentable. Center-
`ing, regular spacing between nodes, staggering of nodes
`to avoid collinearity contribute to this end. A good pre-
`sentation will minimize the lengths of edges in the
`Figure 4: WebViz Screen Dump
`In Proceedings of the First International WWW Conference
`Pitkow &Bharat
`GVU Tech Report: GVU-GIT-94-20
`Facebook Ex. 1010


`graph. This may be incompatible with a hierarchical
`embedding since home directories which tend to be high
`up in the hierarchy have plenty of back edges and are
`best placed near the center of the graph.
`A good layout will try and do justice to all these criteria in a
`judicious fashion. Since there is no clear optimization crite-
`rion many schemes are possible [Rivlin, 1994; Parunak,
`1989]. The one we adopt presently is a randomized scheme
`with greedy placement of nodes. Besides being computa-
`tionally cheap and easy to implement, the randomization has
`an added benefit. If a certain embedding is not found satis-
`factory the scheme can generate a new graph for the user’s
`consideration. Specifically, our algorithm is as follows:
`1. For each node we compute its “depth” in the UNIXTM file
`system hierarchy and use it to sort the nodes. Nodes are
`embedded in decreasing order of depth. As a result nodes
`that are high up in the hierarchy and have a lot of references
`will be placed close to their natural position.
`2. The available screen space is partitioned into compart-
`ments of uniform size. The number of compartments is of
`the same order as the number of nodes in the graph. Each
`compartment will hold at most one of the nodes to be
`embedded. Note that the partitioning problem is a more
`complicated in 2D than it is in 1D.
`3. Compartments are staggered at regular intervals in the X
`and Y direction to prevent collinearity.
`4. For each node, twenty random empty compartments are
`sampled. The node is embedded in the compartment which
`minimizes a penalty function. The penalty function weights
`the following criteria:
`a) The Euclidean distance from the vertical line that par-
`titions the screen space into two halves. Note that his cri-
`terion tries to keep the nodes close to the center of the
`b) The Euclidean distance from a horizontal line that
`represents the natural position of nodes for the given
`depth value. This helps place nodes close to their natural
`position in the file system hierarchy.
`c) The Euclidean distance from all adjacent nodes that
`have already been embedded. This minimizes the length
`of edges, i.e. this function attempts to clusters associated
`5. When the graph is drawn, edges (presently straight) are
`drawn before nodes to prevent occlusion. Occlusion of
`nodes by other nodes is avoided by the compartment scheme
`which also ensures moderately good usage of the available
`The embedding produced by this scheme seems balanced
`and presentable. However, there is always room for other
`scheme, e.g. a tiered scheme that strictly follows the file sys-
`tem hierarchy or a scheme that minimizes edge intersections
`(see Future Work section below). We have used straight
`edges rather than curved edges to simplify “picking” and
`speed-up redraw, since the graph needs to redrawn for ani-
`mation, as edges change thickness and color with the pas-
`sage of time.
`Eventually in a visualization, data (processed or raw) needs
`to be mapped to visual (or audio) parameters. In our case the
`visual parameters are the thickness and color of nodes and
`links. We render labels in a fixed color to maintain readabil-
`ity. Thickness has a low resolution (4 levels currently) while
`color provides a much richer level of detail. The two param-
`eters in each case are mapped to the either recency or fre-
`quency of access. Formally:
`1. The recency of access of a node (link) is the time elapsed
`since the last access (traversal) of the node (link).
`2. The frequency of access of a node (link) is the number of
`accesses (traversals) it has suffered since the beginning of
`the simulation expressed as a percentage of the maximum
`number of accesses (traversals) of any node (link) in the
`Since frequency and recency ranges tend to be large and it is
`desirable that the sensitivity of the mapping be greater for
`small values than larger values, we use a quasi-logarithmic
`function to map from four data ranges called “Quartiles” to
`the visual parameter range.
`0 - 60 secs
`1 - 60 mins
`1 -24 hrs
`> 1 day
`Table 1: Quartile Mappings for Recency and Frequency
`To simplify computation we use a piecewise-linear curve,
`consisting of four linear segments. In the case of recency we
`map the real-time duration since the last access to the visual
`parameter. In case of frequency it is the number of accesses
`expressed as percentage of the maximum number of
`accesses in the log.
`The four “quartiles” are mapped to colors as shown in Fig-
`ure 5. This intuitively mimics the non-linear cooling curve
`of a hot body; from white hot to yellow hot through red hot
`to blue. The initial variation is rapid and corresponds to the
`first quartile. The variation slows down gradually and never
`quite reaches the end of the 4th quartile. For the 4th Quartile
`we need a finite and reasonable upper bound to get some
`variation. Values larger than the upper bound map to the end
`of the 4th Quartile.
`In Proceedings of the First International WWW Conference
`Pitkow &Bharat
`GVU Tech Report: GVU-GIT-94-20
`Facebook Ex. 1010


`Temporal manipulation is achieved by either the slider or by
`the playback controls. The slider enables the user to select a
`time to be displayed. the playback controls starting and
`pausing the re-issuing of the events in the access log. Cur-
`rently the playback is not synchronized with real-time. The
`simulation takes discrete steps forward in simulation time,
`and renders views of the graph in sequence. We are consid-
`ering making the playback adaptive so that it completes in a
`user-specified interval of time.
`While WebViz achieves the goal of being a tool for WWW
`access log visualization, extensions to the interface, layout,
`and available analyses will make WebViz more robust. With
`respect to the View Control Window interface, we intend to
`create a timeline widget with two sliders and a rescale
`option to enable better time manipulation. Also, the direc-
`tory and domain selectors could use some refinement. The
`WebViz Control Window needs controls for varying the
`speed of the simulation well adjusting the amount of time
`used to advance each frame. Clearly, since the current layout
`scheme does not allow for different layouts to be repro-
`duced, mechanisms that enable the user to add and deleted
`preferred layouts will be developed. Along these lines, we
`are currently experimenting with additional layout methods.
`These include 1) a hierarchical layout that mirrors the orga-
`nization of the database for a file system perspective, 2) a
`derivative of the multi dimensional scaling node placement
`algorithm [Eick, 1993], 3) a layout that uses a node’s rela-
`tive out centrality (ROC) as the primary placement determi-
`nant [Rivlin, 1994], and others. Direct manipulation of a
`node’s placement will be added for all selected layout algo-
`We are also experimenting with more sophisticated analy-
`ses. For instance, while it is useful to know how many times
`documents have been accesses and when, presenting the
`access information based upon “what’s hot and what’s not”,
`(i.e. collapsing the recency and frequency information for
`each document and path into a quantitizable number), might
`also prove useful. This type of information answers the
`question: “What is the most popular document at a given
`moment?” To implement this, we are considering adding a
`connectionist form of short term memory, most likely a
`gamma based memory [Mozer, 1993]. We are also curious
`as to the predictive nature of this architecture.
`Another tools under consideration is based upon initial evi-
`dence that the most frequently and recently accessed docu-
`ments in a given time window (i.e. day 0 through day 7) will
`be accessed on the day immediately following the time win-
`dow (i.e. day 8) [Recker, 1994; Anderson, 1991]. Hence,
`once the access pattern has been established for a database,
`subsequent access could be compared to the expected value
`and displayed as positive/negative deviations.
`Finally, given that all salient information is readily avail-
`able, WebViz can provided tab delineated file dumps for use
`by spreadsheets and graphing software. Hence, users can get
`output for specific files, paths, time intervals, etc. in a point
`Pitkow &Bharat
`GVU Tech Report: GVU-GIT-94-20
`1st Quartile
`3rd Quartile
`4th Quartile
`R G B
`Figure 5: Color Map Organization
`In the case of thickness, the thickness values 4, 3, 2 and 1
`correspond to the quartiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
`Given the mappings in Table 1, we can understand the rela-
`tionship between the visual attributes of nodes and links and
`their access history. A white-hot body is intuitively one that
`has just been touched (if color is mapped to recency) or very
`frequently accessed (if color is mapped to frequency). A
`blue-body was touched a long time ago (if color is mapped
`to recency) or very infrequently (if color is mapped to fre-
`quency). In the case of recency there is a real-world corre-
`spondence. A white-hot body must have been touched
`within the last minute. A blue body on the other hand is one
`that has not been touched for at least a day.
`Thickness and color are typically mapped to separate quan-
`tities. If they are mapped to the same quantity we get redun-
`dancy, which can be beneficial too. Redundancy can help
`reinforce the expressiveness of the graph.
`Now that the steps leading to and the mechanisms behind
`the visualization have been explained, we next discuss the
`actual visualization.
`The visualization is composed of two separate windows, the
`WebViz Control Window (see Figure 3) and the actual dis-
`play window (see Figure 44). The former provides the user
`with controls to adjust the bindings (the left-most buttons),
`select a specific time to view (the Percent Complete slider),
`control the animation (the play and pause icons), and rear-
`range the layout (the right-most button). The node and link
`binding buttons can be bound to either frequency or recency
`information. In Figure 3, the configuration is such that a
`node’s width corresponds to how often the document was
`accessed and the node’s color corresponds to the recency of
`the node’s last access. Similarly, a link’s width represents
`recency and the link’s width represents frequency. The user
`can adjust these bindings as well as change the layout at
`time. Given an embedding on the screen the user can select
`a node or a link to get information about it.
`4. WebViz displays are color. Unfortunately, the conversion process to incorpo-
`rate the images into this document degraded the quality of the images, i.e. the
`screen capture of the display window looks dramatically different in paper than
`on screen.
`In Proceedings of the First International WWW Conference
`Facebook Ex. 1010


`and click manner. While other access log analyzers provide
`similar functionality as far as document accesses, WebViz
`provides path analysis in an interactive environment. Thus,
`users can visualize the data and isolate specific patterns
`before deciding upon dumping to file for close inspection.
`Motivated by providing useful analyses of WWW access
`logs, we developed WebViz. Towards this end, we enable
`database designers and maintainers to visualize the data-
`base’s document space and re-issue events from the access
`log. By providing the user with controls to adjust the bind-
`ings properties of nodes and links, access patterns can be
`inferred. These accesses patterns can contribute to structural
`and contextual changes in the database.
`The authors extend their appreciation to the Graphics, Visu-
`alization, and Usability Center and its members for their
`support and assistance, especially John Stasko.
`Anderson, John R. & Schooler, Lael J. (1991) Reflec-
`tion of the environment in memory. American Psycho-
`logical Society, 2, 62. 396-408.
`Berners-Lee, T. (1994) Uniform Resource Locators.
`Internet Engineering Task Force Working Draft, 21
`March 1994. URL:
`Eick, Stephen G. & Willis, Graham J. (1993) Navigat-
`ing large networks with hierarchies. Proceedings of
`IEEE Visualization Conference, 1993.204-210.
`Nielson, Jakob. (1990) The art of navigating through
`hypertext. Communications of the ACM 33, 3. 296-
`Mozer, Michael C. (1993) In A. S. Weigend & N. A.
`Gershenfeld (Eds.). SFI Studies in the Sciences of
`Complexity, Proc. Vol XV. Addison-Wesley.
`Parunak, H. Van Dyke. (1989) Hypermedia topologies
`and user navigation. Hypertext ‘89 Proceedings. 43-
`Recker, Margaret M. & PItkow, James E. (in prepara-
`tion) Predicting document access in large, multimedia
`repositories: a www case study.
`Rivlin, Ehud & Botafogo, Rodrigo & Shneiderman,
`Ben. (1994). Navigating in hyperspace: designing a
`structure-based toolbox. Communications of the ACM
`37, 2.87-96.
`In Proceedings of the First International WWW Conference
`Pitkow &Bharat
`GVU Tech Report: GVU-GIT-94-20
`Facebook Ex. 1010

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