described in a subsequent section on the domain knowledge expert. Figure 4.5 shows an
`example of how a portion of the conceptual knowledge might be structured. The node
`labeled "document collection" indicates that the attached single word concepts are
`components of the document representatives.
`~---OC;_- - ~-<§,~--~-~ --- -----
`-~ Collection
`Figure 4.5: Sample Conceptual structure.
`The concept level, during a session, is a combination of three knowledge bases, the
`global domain knowledge, the user's domain knowledge, and the text database. The global
`domain knowledge is derived from published thesauri or other classification information .
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`In the case of our test data, for example, it was derived from the old and new Computing
`Reviews classifications. The user's domain knowledge is gathered from him as he in(cid:173)
`teracts with the system. When a user is developing his query initially or is examining re(cid:173)
`trieved text, he may make connections between words. For example, a user examining a
`document may indicate that the words "concurrent" and "processes" form the concept
`"concurrent processing." This phrase is entered in to his domain knowledge model by the
`Domain Knowledge Expert. He may then think of the: concept "parallel processes," and
`decide that it is not close enough to be a synonym, but is certainly related. Figures 4.6
`through 4.9 show the user selecting these phrases and connecting them with the "related"
`The information from the text database simply gives the mapping from terms to the
`documents in which they occur. These links are represented by the dotted links in figure
`Implementation of the Concept level
`The semantic net representation of the concept level is implemented by means of a
`bash table of record structures. Hash tables are a convenient structure in Common Lisp.
`They are expanded in size automatically when they reach a specified percentage of their to(cid:173)
`tal capacity, the equality test used to determine if a hit has been made can be user specified,
`and there is a special function, maphash, for iterating through all the values in a table.
`The definition of record structure used for storing each entry is:
`(: Include Commo n -Con t e nt -Info )
`;; the a b ov e is u sed for DK e n t r y
`( : Conc -N ame nil)
`(:Predicate Concept ?»
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`St ern
`Tex t
`Relate d
`Broade r
`Narrowe r
`Phras e
`a t erm n u mber o r if a phr a s e a list
`; either
`;of t erm n umbers
`;either a stern or a l i st o f sterns
`; fu ll t ext of t he con cept
`;l i s t of s yn o n yms
`;li s t o f related words
`;list of broader te r ms
`; l ist of n a rrower terms
`t ha t make up p hrase or
`;te x t of si n g le wo rds
`;lis t o f ph r a s e s
`that t h i s word i s
`Each concept is stored using its full text as the key to the hash table. So, when the domain
`knowledge expert wants to find all of the phrases that a single word concept is a part of, it
`executes the function Get - DK which is defined as follows:
`(De fun Ge t-DK (Connec tion Wo rd Table )
`(Apply Connection (Getha sh Word Ha sh-Tab l e )) --)-
`- - -- --
`- -
`where Connection is the particular link, Word is the concept of interest and Ta bl e is
`either the user's domain knowledge or the global domain knowledge. The id field pro(cid:173)
`vides the connection into the document representations, which are stored in YMS/RMS
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`e at Entry
`amport, L.
`Rela t ed
`Entry Ok:
`he problem of sharing data among asynchronous
`rncessess is considered. It is assumed that only
`ne process at a time can modify the data, but
`L..-.-----+oncurrent reading and writing is permitted.
`uro general theorems are proued, and some
`Figure 4.6: The user is making a connection between "concurrent
`processes" and " parallel processes." The first step is to select Related
`from the Content menu. This causes the related window to appear. The
`user then selects Phrase from the Content menu, causing the Phrase
`window to appear above the document. Selecting the words "concurrent"
`and "processes" using the mouse causes them to appear in the Phrase
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`. __.__
`eut Entry
`arnport, l.
`En_~!JJ_.!L~ _
`he problem of sharing data among asynchronous
`rocessess is considered. I t is assumed that only
`ne process at a time can modify the data, but
`L-.------t'oncurrent reading and writing is permitted.
`wo general theorems are pruned, and some
`Figure 4.7: After selecting Entry OK from the Content menu,
`the phrase "concurrent processes" is transferred to the Related Window.
`The user then selects Phrase again from the Content menu and then
`Text Entry from the Window menu to allow him to enter the word
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`eut Entry
`lamport, l.
`roo er
`Entry Ole
`The problem of sharing data among asynchronous
`processess is considered!. I t is assumed that only
`IRe l eu o n t
`one process at a time can modify the data, but
`' - - - - - - - -1 concurrent reading and writing is permitted.
`Two general theorems are proued , and some
`concurrent processes,
`Figure 4.8: The user has keyed return in the Text Entry window
`(which then disappears), causing the word "parallel" to appear in the Phrase
`window, and has selected "processes" from the text, which also appears in
`the Phrase window.
`~ .
`':,' 0 ~ .,Win 'd.0 IV ,
`', . ~
`e at Entry
`0 " , : "
`jo>" ,: _.-" _;
`·r .'
`'.-. .: »
`' .'
`Lamport, l.
`, ; Do'dlm (;11,• .0
`Con t.e nf o'- , :
`: : ': , co,
`.. t ,- ,
`_ '.
`' . .
`~ :
`Concurrent Reading and Writing
`Entry Ole
`The problem of sharing data among asynchronous
`processess is considered. It is assumed that only
`one process at 0 time ca n modify the data, but
`'-------'concurrent reading and writing is permitted.
`Two 0 eneral theorems are proued, and some
`concurrent processes, parallel processes
`Figure 4.9: The user selects Entry OK from the Content menu,
`which causes the phrase to be transferred to the Related window. When the
`user selects Entry OK again, the Related window disappears and the domain
`knowledge is entered into the user's domain knowledge model.
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`processes <J-- related --t> rocesses
`~~j~= P~'V
`Figure 4.10: Representation of the domain knowledge added to the
`user's model
`4.~~.5.1.3 Document Level
`The next level is the document level.
`In this system, documents are the fun-
`darnental units of information. It is in a document that the user will find the desired in-
`__ _ ______ .- -
`fa nnation. _Each documenLis..rep.resented-h)'-<LCollection....oLc.oncepls.ibaLindic.ale_its
`content. These are generally derived from the title, abstract, and whatever keywords are
`supplied by the author. Because of the automatic indexing method [Porter 80J used to de-
`- rive the document representations, they consist only of single word concepts (terms). The
`document level is, like the concept level, highly interconnected. Figure 4.11 shows the
`kinds of links that can be found. A document nearest neighbor link, which is similar to the
`concept nearest neighbor link, is used. It is based on the overlap of the terms contained in
`representations of two documents. Only the most highly related documents are linked by
`the nearest neighbor link. The algorithm used for generating these links was described in
`chapter two.
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`Figure 4.11: The Document level. The markings on the links are as
`follows: BC = Bibliographic Coupl ing, CC = Cocitation, NN = Nearest
`Neighbor, C = Citation.
`Each document also contains citation links, which connect it to other documents;
`these are important since they represent author judgements of what other documents are
`related to the contents of their documents. They can be used directly to facilitate finding
`other documents, or they can be used to generate two other kinds of document-document
`similarity links called bibliographic coupling (BC) links and co-citation (CC) links [Salton
`83, Mansur 80]. The first is based on the overlap of two documents' reference lists, and
`the second is based on the number of times that two documents appear together in reference
`lists of other documents. Due to some deficiencies in the test collection that is currently
`used by r3R, the BC and CC links are not generated. Specifically, the citation information
`available for eac h document only references other documents in the collection.
`Consequently, accurate determination of bibliographic coupling links could not be made,
`since much many references were missing.
`Even without bibliographic coupling and cocitation links, the document level even
`in the collection used is still highly interconn ected. Figure 4.12 shows a region of the test
`collection, containing documents that deal with tree data structures.
`In a few cases, the
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`nearest neighbor links link the same documents as the citation links do. In others, they link:
`documents whose connection by citations is more circuitous, or is not made at all.
`2388 K"'---\-~
`~ - - from & to
`Figure 4.12: Document neighborhood taken from the CACM col(cid:173)
`lection. This neighborhood will be used in the fourth scenario in chapter
`Implementation of
`the Document
`The document level is implemented using VAXfRMS file structures. There are 9
`files which are:
`DOC_TERM - holds the basic document representations,
`DOC_DOC_CITATION - holds the citation links,
`DOC_DOC - holds nearest neighbor links,
`DOC_TEXT- holds the full text of the document as well as the dale,
`DOC_AUTHOR - maps documents to authors,
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`TERM_DOC - hold the inverted file of #1,
`TERM_TERM - holds term nearest neighbors,
`TERM_PHRASE - maps the text of terms to the term numbers,
`COLLECtION_INFO - holds information about the size of the collection and
`the most frequently occurring term.
`These files are accessed directly by the search program. The rest of the system uses access
`programs that are written in C that can be called form Lisp. Originally, these files were
`stored as relations in a relational database, VAXfRDB. This database system, however,
`was very inefficient, causing the searches to take about five minutes. Searches in the
`current system take about 50 seconds.
`Issue Level and Abovle
`The journal issue level is based on the observation that many journals will have
`from time to time whole issues devoted to a specific topic. These issues might be the pro-
`ceedings from a particular conference, or tutorial articles on a specific area. Journal issues
`may also have sections which are topic specific. The primary motivation for including this
`level is to support browsing. A typical browsing heuristic is: "If this document is interest-
`ing, then are there any more documents in this issue that are interesting."
`There are other possible connections above the journal issue level. The most ob-
`vious in a collection that has more than one source of information is connecting the journal
`issues together into journals. The journals can then be categorized by higher level classifi-
`cation structures like the Library of Congress system.
`In the current system, the journal issues are not represented by a separate file
`structure. This information is available from the DOC__TEXT file which has fields repre-
`senting the month and year that the document appeared.
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`The Test Collection
`The test collection used to test the implementation of I3R consists of 3204 doc(cid:173)
`uments taken from the Communications of the ACM, from the years 1960 to 1979.
`User Histories
`The other part of the long term memory is the user histories, which consists of two
`paris, the user's domain knowledge and the records of the user's previous searches. The
`user's domain knowledge is organized the same way as the global domain knowledge. The
`user record has the following structure.
`{Defstruet {User-Re c o rd
`(: Cone -Name UR-)
`(:Predie a t e UR?»
`(User-Name n il)
`(S ession- Re c ords nil)
`record is
`stored in the VMS file system In a file with the name
`<username >. model. The user name corresponds to what the user's account name is on
`the particular machine.
`The session records contain information that was in the short term memory when
`the session was suspended or ended. Briefly, a session record consists of:
`The stereotypes that were in effect when the session was closed. (These will
`bediscussed in the next section on experts under the user model builder.)
`The request model consisting of the concepts that were judged relevant, any
`relevant phrases, and the documents that have been judged relevant.
`If the session was suspended, the browse map if there was one, and the state
`A session record has the following structure.
`{De f s t ru e t
`(Se ssi on- Re c o r d
`( : Cone - Name SR- )
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`(:Predicate SR?))
`(Date nil)
`(Stereotypes nil)
`(Initial-Need nil)
`(Document-Evaluations nil)
`(Term-Weights nil)
`(Browsing-Path nil)
`Experts and Short Term Memory Structure
`In the current implementation of 13R, six of the eight specified experts were im(cid:173)
`plemented. The natural language expert (NLE) was not implemented since the needed
`techniques are still under development [Croft 87]. The explainer (EXP) was not imple(cid:173)
`mented since it represented a significant piece of work in itself and it was felt that the utility
`of the 13R could be demonstrated without it. The browsing expert will be discussed in
`chapter five.
`Control Expert
`One of the major differences between the traditional blackboard system and 13R is
`the purpose of the control expert or scheduler. In most blackboard systems, the purpose of
`control is to constrain the system's activity to processing those KS instantiations that will
`contribute the most to solution of the problem.
`In other words, the scheduler's purpose is
`to conserve the resource of time.
`In information retrieval, the purpose of control is to constrain the course of a
`session, so that it appears logical and consistent to the user, rather than being chaotic.
`this sense, the control function could be considered a dialogue manager. What the control
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`function determines is the relative importance of the activity of the system experts during a
`given part of the session.
`The control function must be organized to provide a flexible dialogue with the user.
`The work by Belkin [83], Brooks [83], and Daniels [85J has shown that, while the same
`basic steps are accomplished in every session, the order may vary considerably. Con-
`sequently, the control function has to be organized so that it can handle this variability.
`Their analysis goes fairly deep, examining the changes in focus down to the utterance level.
`In I3R these lower level utterances are determined by the individual experts. For example,
`the domain knowledge expert would decide what concepts should be presented to the user
`for approval, the control expert would determine when the domain knowledge expert
`should be engaged in this activity.
`Because the actual requests for and presentations of information, which correspond
`to the utterances of a human intermediary, are determined by the different experts, the
`control expert does not have to engage in a sophisticated process to determine the course of
`a session. Therefore, the control expert can be implemented as a state/transition network
`with relatively few states that encodes the general plan or sequence of activities for the
`information retrieval process.
`In this network, there are two types of states, intermediate
`and leaf states. The leaf states are where priority orderings for the experts are determined.
`The transitions are also of two types, normal and exception. Normal transitions encode the
`standard path through the states; exception transitions are taken when the session is not
`proceeding as expected. Figure 4.13 shows the structure of the network. Selection of
`what transition to take is based on parameters derived from the stereotypes determined by
`the UMB and by completion of certain functions; for example, the user has entered his
`Another interpretation of these states are that they are goals to be met. When all the
`goals are met then the session is complete. Associated with each state, then, are the criteria
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`to determine when that goal is satisfied. At present there are two criteria, the number of
`relevant documents expected to be found and the number of searches expected to find them.
`SC 111'
`... ",
`.... BE
`Figure 4.13: Control Expert States. Shaded states are leaf states
`where the relative priorities of the experts are established.
`4 . Conceptual Operation
`The top level goal of Conduct Retrieval Session (CRS) simply represents the goal
`of the system, and it is met by the three subgoals of Characterize User (CU), Characterize
`Information Need (CrN), and Search for Relevant Documents (SRD) being satisfied, or the
`user indicating that he wants to quit or suspend the session.
`The purpose of the first subgoal, Characterize User, is to allow the UMB to engage
`the user in a dialogue to determine what stereotypes apply to the user for the session. This
`allows the search and document expectations to be posted in the STM . Posting of these
`signals the satisfaction of the goal. Figure 4.14 shows the values that the control expert
`uses based on the user's stereotypes. These values are based on the following assump-
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`A domain expert will be able to specify the information that he is looking for
`A domain novice will not be able to specify the information he is looking for
`with the same precision as an expert.
`Because of the inability of the domain novice, it will require more searching to find relevant
`information. Furthermore, the domain novice may not recognize relevant documents. The
`values chosen reflect the abilities of these kinds of users.
`Domain Knowledge Expertise
`D = 15
`S =4
`tprecision- -
`-- --
`------------ -
`-- --
`- -
`S = 1
`--- - ---
`--- _
`. _ -
`Figure 4.14: Summary of control expert expectation values based
`on user stereotypes. D is the number of relevant documents expected, and S
`is the maximum number of searches needed to find the relevant documents
`The next goal is Characterize Information Need (CIN) which is divided into two
`subgoals of Get Information Need (GIN) and Develop Need Context (DNC). The first
`goal (state) only allows the RMB to operate, during which the user enters his query in one
`of the query entry forms supplied by the RMB (see section Completion of the
`state is marked by the internal form of the initial need being posted. The ONC state is
`characterized by an interaction between the domain knowledge expert (OKE) and the user
`where the DKE suggests, for user approval, additional concepts to be added to the devel -
`oping information need. Any terms approved will be added to the request model by the
`The browsing expert (BE) may also be active during thi s state, ONe. Whether or
`not it is depends on the user model and the history of the session. If control expert returns
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`to this state as a result of failure to retrieve the expected number of relevant documents in
`the number of searches allowed or if two searches in a row fail to retrieve any relevant
`documents, then browsing will be enabled.
`It will also be enabled if the user is categorized
`as a system expert. The state is completed when either the DKE has no more terms to
`suggest, or the user quits browsing.
`Once the states of GIN and DNC are finished, then so is CIN, and the system
`passes to Search for Relevant Documents (SRD).
`If the search and relevant document
`expectations have not been met the control expert passes to the Search for Documents (SD)
`state where the search controller selects an appropriate strategy. When finished the SC
`posts the results in the STM and passes them to the interface manager (1M) for evaluation
`by the user.
`The control expert (CE) then goes to the Evaluate Results (ER) state. Here the user
`will determine what documents and concepts are relevant. This information is of interest to
`the RMB, DKE, and Sc. The user is also able to browse at this point depending on the
`context of the situation. If the user is browsing the RMB and the DKE will record judge(cid:173)
`ments made during the process. The ER state is finished when either the user exits
`browsing after having evaluated at least one document as relevant or after having evaluated
`the search results.
`After the results of the search are evaluated and the user has not found the expected
`number of documents the exception transition back to SD is taken, so that the SC can use
`the revised request model for a new search. If the expected number of searches has been
`taken and the expected number of documents has not been found, the CE will take the ex(cid:173)
`ception transition from SRD to CIN and then take the normal transition from CIN to DNC.
`This transition embodies the idea that the information need is still not defined sufficiently
`and needs further refinement by the DKE. If no new concepts are added the system will
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`suggest that the user browse if he has not already done so. If concepts are added, the CE
`will return to the SD to make use of the revised need model.
`The Control expert is implemented using Lisp symbols to represent the states (or
`goals) and rules to represent the transitions. State related information is kept on the prop(cid:173)
`erty list of a state. This information includes the expert priority list for those states where
`the experts are operable. It also includes the substates that must be completed for the state
`to be completed; for example, the state CRS has three substates, GIN, ONC, and SRD that
`must be completed for it to be completed.
`Since the transitions are implemented by rules, it is easy to add new transitions to
`the control expert. For example, say that the user model builder is expanded so that it also
`monitors how the user interacts with the system. At some point, the user model builder
`may wish to ask the user about how he works with the system, since the user's activity
`differs from that expected by the system based on the original model. A transition can be
`added that will take the system state back to the Characterize User state, so the user model
`builder can pose questions to make new determinations. Addition of this transition only
`requires a new rule that would respond to the conditions of the system and expectations set
`up by the UMB.
`User Model Builder
`The purpose of the user model builder is to determine where the user fits into the
`kinds of users that the system expects to find . Recognition of these stereotypical users is
`embedded in the rules that make up the UMB . The second purpose is to perform house(cid:173)
`keeping functions for orher experts by maintaining the user models kept in the long term
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`In ,3R there are three kinds of information about the user that arc important to
`maintain. The first is the user's domain knowledge. Since this information is primarily
`used by and manipulated by the DKE, the UMB simply performs the housekeeping func(cid:173)
`tions of storing it at the end of a session and retrieving it at the beginning. The second kind
`of information is the characterization of the user along three lines, experience with comput(cid:173)
`ers, experience with the domain of the search topic, and interest in exhaustive or precise
`search. The third is the user's history, which is a record of the search sessions that the
`user has with the system. This information is used primarily by the request model builder,
`so here too the UMB performs housekeeping.
`The primary reason for the inclusion of the user model builder is to demonstrate
`how a user model can be used to modify the behavior of the system. This is different from
`the use that user models were put to in GRUNDY, where the purpose was to assess the
`user and find books that would match or fit with that assessment. To this end, what the
`model should contain is determined by what behaviors are important to modify. Adapt(cid:173)
`ability based on user models is another significant contribution of this thesis to the design
`and implementation of information retrieval systems.
`The behaviors in I3R that are important to modify are how the search controller re(cid:173)
`sponds to the information need, and how the interface changes with the respect to the abil(cid:173)
`ity and experience of the user. The second aspect is made up of a number of the kinds of
`choices that the user has for domain knowledge entry, the amount of information to be dis(cid:173)
`played on the two browsing maps, and how quickly the search controller will initiate a
`search while the user is browsing.
`The UMB determines what stereotypes apply to the user by questioning him di(cid:173)
`rectly. It asks directly whether the user is interested in an exhaustive or a specific search to
`determine the interest in recall or precision. It poses a number of choices to determine the
`user's domain and system experience. These choices are for domain experience:
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`5 .
`Know very little.
`Have read a few news magazine articles on the subject.
`Have read a few science magazine articles on the subject.
`Have read a textbook on the subject.
`Have read a few journal articles on the subject.
`Have written journal articles on the subject.
`Have written a textbook on the subject.
`And for system experience are:
`Seldom use a computer.
`Use a word processor.
`Own a personal computer.
`.. - --. -
`- - ..-....---.- - ---4..~- - -Ha\le_ne¥_er_user- anjnformationJetrie Ya1 .s)'stem-before~_
`Have used an information retrieval service before.
`Frequently use an information retrieval service.
`To these the user can answer yes or no; the default answer is no. If the user answer yes to
`questions 5, 6, or 7 of the first group, he is considered a domain expert. If he answers yes
`to 3, 5, or 6 of the second group, he is considered a system expert. From these determina(cid:173)
`tions, the UMB posts on the STM on the *User-Model * place, its evaluations in the
`form of a list. For example,
`((Domain Novice)
`(System Expert)
`Recall) ).
`Request Model Builder
`The primary purpose of the Request Model Builder (RMB) is to keep track of the
`information provided by the user that pertains to the developing query. This includes the
`initial definition of the query, the single word concepts (also called terms) and multi-word
`concepts derived (called phrases) that the user considers important from the initial query,
`from concepts presented by the domain knowledge expert, from documents presented by
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`the search controller, and from browsing. Each term is stored in a hash table of records
`that is keyed by the term's number and its stem. The following is the record structure kept
`in the table.
`( : Cone-Name TR-)
`(:Predicate TR?»
`(Full-Text nil : Type String)
`: Type String)
`0 : Type Integer)
`0 : Type Integer)
`0 : Type Integer)
`0 : Type Integer)
`(User-Judgement nil)
`(Source nil)
`(Concept nil)
`(DK-Checked nil)
`(B-Recommended) )
`; Collection Freq
`; Query Freq
`; Relevant Freq
`The RMB also performs stemming of any input text (see the example in chapter
`two), as well as providing different ways of initially specifying the information need.
`These specifications are:
`free text,
`a known document,
`terms occurring on the same line on the input form
`a simple Boolean query -
`are implicitly ORed together, the separate lines are implicitly ANDed, and
`NOT is not allowed,
`a complex Boolean query -
`operators and parentheses.
`an arbitrarily complex query using all three
`Choices 3 and 4 are provided because many users are used to this form of specification or
`they may have previously developed queries on another system that they wish to transport.
`Boolean-queries in either form would be processed in-the-following way [Croft 86a].
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`The component words are stemmed.
`The query is transformed into a tree which is then used to generate candidate
`phrases for user approval. For example, the query, (parallel OR distributed)
`AND (processes OR programs) yields the phrases: parallel processes, parallel
`programs, distributed processes, and distributed programs.
`The candidate phrases are presented to the user for evaluation. This step is
`required because the combinatorial nature of step 2 can produce phrases that
`do not make sense.
`Phrases approved by the user are added to the request model.
`The RMB also maintains a list of documents, on the STM place * Doc-Eva 1 s * that have
`been seen by the user. Each document is represented by a record:
`( : Cone-Name DR-)
`( : Predicate DR?)
`(ID a :Type Integer)
`···_- -(tJs-e---r=--J ud ge me-rrc-n-t t 1
`(Nearest-Neighbors nil)
`(Terms nil)
`(B-Recommend nil))
`Documents that have been judged relevant have their component terms retrieved and put in
`the appropriate field; documents that have been retrieved and are not judged relevant do not
`have their terms retrieved.
`Domain Knowledge Expert
`The DKE is one of the major functions in I3R devoted to query refinement. Its re-
`sponsibilities are twofold. The first is to build a model of the user's domain knowledge.
`The second is to search the available domain knowledge models for concepts that are re-
`lated to those supplied by the user while describing his information need.
`An underlying assumption in the operation of the DKE is that the user is the final
`authority on what is and is not relevant to his need. Therefore, the DKE acts as an advisor
`Facebook Inc. Ex. 1214 Part 3

`to the user while the query is being developed. This means that the DKE will only suggest
`concepts for the user's approval, and will never automatically add any.
`The DKE has, in the current design of the system, two sources in which to look for
`concepts, the global domain knowledge and, if present, the user's domain knowledge.
`There will be at least a minimal amount of information in the global domain knowledge
`consisting of term nearest neighbors. The order in searching for candidate concepts, is to
`search the user's knowledge before the global knowledge.
`Searching for concepts proceeds by taking the terms in the request model that have
`not been checked previously by the DKE, and using them as entry points into the knowl(cid:173)
`edge. From these entry points a modified form of spreading activation is performed. The
`links emanating from them are chosen in a specific order to find candidate concepts. The
`basis for the order is to find the words that are most likely to be, in the mind of the user,
`associated with the information that he is looking for.
`The first links taken are the nearest neighbor links. These are relatively rare,
`therefore, if they exist it is very likely that t

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