OPTI 517 %
`Image Quality
`Richard Juergens
`ring Fellow
`ile Systems
`ZEISS 1133
`Zeiss v. Nikon
`|PR201 3-00363
`E I
`ZEISS 1133
`Zeiss v. Nikon

`Why is Image Quality Important?
`Resolution of detail
`- Smaller blur sizes allow better reproduction of image details
`— Addition of noise can mask important image detail
`Blur added
`Noise added

`Sten One - What is Your Image Quality (IQ) Spec?
`ams, RMS wavefront error)
`— Other (F-theta linearity, uniformity of illumination. etc.)
`it is imgerative that you have a specification for image quality when you are
`J: -
`' are done designingi

`You vs. the Customer
`Different kinds of image quality metrics are useful to different people
`Customers usually work with performancebased specifications
`— MTF, ensquared energy, distortion, etc.
`Designers often use IQ metrics that mean little to the customer
`- E.g., ray aberration plots and field plots
`— These are useful in the design process, but are not end—product specs
`In general, you will be working to an end-product specification, but will probably
`use other IQ metrics during the design process
`- Often the end-product specification is difficult to optimize to or may be time
`consuming to compute
`Some customers do not express their image quality requirements in terms such
`as MTF or ensquared energy
`— They know what they want the optical system to do
`it is up to the optical engineer (in comunction with the system engineer) to
`translate the customer's needs into a numerical specification suitable for
`optimization and image quality analysis
`OPTI 517

`When to Use Which I0 Metric
`The choice of appropriate IQ metric usually depends on the application of the
`optical system
`a oint source
`— Lorig—range targets where the object is essential:
`~ Example might be an astrono
`n which you need to see detail
`ate metric
`ch as the variation from F—theta
`- lens specification or may be a derived
`ngineer from systems engineering
`relationship between system eformance and ptical mtrics
`0F’Tl 51?

`Wavefront Error
`- Aberrations occur when the converging wavefront is not perfectly spherical
`Fleal Aberrated
`image point)
`Reference sphere
`(centered on ideal
`Rays normal to the
`reference sphere
`form a perfect Image
` Optical Path
`Optical path difference (OPD)
`Difference (app)
`and wavefront error (WFE)
`are just two different names
`for the same error
`Ideal image
`Fleal rays proceed in a
`direction normal to the
`aberrated wavefront

`Optical Path Difference
`Peak—to—va|ley OPD is the difference
`between the longest and the shortest
`paths leading to a selected focus
`HMS wavefront error is given by:
`<Wn> = [W()(,y)]"dxdy
`wm =(w2)—(w)2
`For n discrete rays across the pupil
`RMS = ,/ 2 OPD?/n
`This wavefront has the same P-V
`wavefront error as the example at the
`left, but it has a lower RMS

`Peak-to-Valley vs. HMS
`The ratio of P-V to RMS is not a fixed quantity
`Typical ratios of P—\/ to F-{MS (from Shannon's book)
`3rd order spherical
`5th order spherical
`3rd order coma
`3rd order astigmatism
`Smooth random errors
`in general, for a mixture of lower order aberrations, P—V/HMS = 4.5
`When generating wavefront error budgets, HMS errors from different sources
`can be added in an RSS fashion
`P-V errors cannot be so added
`in general, Peak-to-Valley wavefront error is a poor choice to use for error
`However, Peak-to-Valley surface error or wavefront error is still commonly
`used as a surface error specification for individual optical components and
`even for complete optical systems
`OPT] 51?

`Rayleigh Criterion
`Lord Rayleigh observed that when the
`wavefront did not exceed M4 peai<—to
`d thFiieigh Criterion I
`MS wavefront error being about 0.0?
`The Strehl Ratio is a related measure of image quality
`— It can be expressed (for Fii\/IS wavefront error < 0.1 wave) as
`Strehi Ratio 2 e-fem“ =1—(2n<1>)'~’
`where (P is the RMS wavefront error (in waves)
`greater for acoeptabie image quality is
`2 0.8
`often called the Maréchal Criterion

`Diffraction-limited Performance
`Many systems have “diffraction~limited" performance as a specification
`— Taken literally, this might mean that no aberrations are allowed
`—— As a practical matter, it means that diffraction dominates the image and that
`the geometric aberrations are small compared to the Airy disk
`There is a distinction between the best possible performance, as limited by
`diffraction, and performance that is below this limit but produces acceptable
`image quality (e.g., Strehl Ratio > 80%)
`-— Diffraction spot size
`— Geometrical spot size
`—Tota[ spot size
`Size Rule of Thumb:
`Total 80% blur = [(Geo 80% blur)? + (Airy diameter)'¢‘]"2
`Amount of Aberration

`Image Quality Metrics
`The most commonly used geometricahbased image quaiity metrics are
`— Ray aberration curves
`— Modulation transfer function (MTF)
`The most Commonly used diffraction—based image quality metrics are

`Ray Aberration Curves I
`- These are by far the image quality metric most commonly used by optical
`designers during the design process
`Ray aberration curves trace fans of rays in two orthogonal directions
`— They then map the image positions of the rays in each fan relative to the
`chief ray vs. the entrance pupil position of the rays
`sagittai rays
`Tangential rays
`Ay values for
`tangential rays
`Ax values for
`4-— Pupil position —>

`Graphical Description of Ray Aberration Curves
`ositions of the rays in a fan
`from the chief ray vs. position in the fan
`. ¢
`",=_.!*=== Te' -we
`H''‘‘'*----.._ /#,e
`Pupil position
`Image plane
`Meg 13.3: e
`in the Y; mus mi -31
`hich is a failing of this IQ metric

`Transverse vs. Wavefront Ray Aberration Curves
`Ray aberration curves can be transverse (linear) aberrations in the image vs.
`pupil position or can be OPD across the exit pupil vs. pupil position
`— The transverse curve is a scaled derivative of the wavefront curve
`Example curves for pure defocus:
`Wavefront error

`More on Bay Aberration Curves
`an tel! what type of aberration is present
`curves shown)
`Third—order spherical

`The Spot Diagram
`The spot diagram is readily understood by most engineers
`It is a diagram of how spread out the rays are in the image
`— The smaller the spot diagram, the better the image
`— This is geometrical only; diffraction is ignored
`It is usetui to show the detector size (and/or the Airy disk diameter)
`superimposed on the spot diagram
`. wavelengths Detector outiine <-*-* "I: '
`, . Different colors
`represent different
`I I.
`_. —u-
`The shape of the spot diagram can often tell what type of aberrations are
`present in the image
`CJPTI 51?

`Main Problem With Spot Diagrams
`at diagram don't convey intensity
`m does not tell the intensity at that point
`. -1,.-
`The ::m—ax1's image appears
`spread out in the spot diagram,
`but in reality it has a tight core
`with some surrounding low-
`intensity flare

`Some optical systems give point images (or near point images) of a point object
`when ray traced geometrically (e.g., a parabola on—axis)
`However, there is in reality a lower limit to the size of a point image
`This lower limit is caused by diffraction
`— The diffraction pattern is usually referred to as the Airy disk
`image intensity
`Diffraction pattern of
`a perfect image

`Size of the Diffraction Image
`The diffraction pattern of a perfect image has several rings
`— The center ring contains ~84% of the energy, and is usually considered to
`be the "size" of the diffraction image
`The diameter of the first ring is given by d z 2.44 ?l.f/#
`— This is independent of the focal length; it is only a function of the
`wavelength and the finumber
`— The angular size of the first ring 13 = d/F == 2.44 MD
`Very important !l!!
`mage of a point object is given by the
`e ditfraction—limited

`Spot Size vs. the Airy Disk
`Fiegimei — Ditfraction—|imited
`Airy disk
`Point image
`Regime 2 — Near diffraction—|imited
`Non-zero geometric
`blur, but smaller
`than the Airy disk
`Regime 3 — Far from diffraction—limited
`Airy disk
`Geometric blur
`significantly larger
`than the Airy disk
`OPTI 517
`_ Srel '-

`Point Spread Function (PSF)
`ing the effects of diffraction and alt
`Intensity peak of the PSF relative to
`«IT that of a perfect lens (no wavefront
`error) is the Strehl Ratio
`Airy disk (diameter of the first zero)

`Diffraction Pattern of Aberrated Images
`- When there is aberration present in the image, two effects occur
`— Depending on the aberration, the shape of the diffraction pattern may
`become skewed
`— There is fess energy in the central ring and more in the outer rings
`Perfect PSF
`Strehl =- 1 .0

`PSF vs. Defocus
`Figure 11.2: Paint. spread functions for different amounts of defocus. (a) 0.125 Wave. (P-
`W; 0.03’? wave rms; 0.85 Strehl. (b) 0.25 wave {P-VJ; D.O74 wave rms; 0.80 Strehl. (cl 0.50
`wave [P-\}'); 0.143 wave nus; 0.39 Strohl- (cl) LOG wave (P-V]; 0.29’? wave mm; 0.00
`CPTI 517

`PSF vs. Third-order Spherical Aberration
`Figure 11.25 Point spread functions for different amaunts of third-order spherical aber-
`ration. (sz) 0.125 wave (P—V}; 0.040 wave ms; 0.94 Swehl. (b) 0.25 wave {P-V]; 0.080
`wave was; 0.78 Strehl. Kc} 0.50 wave (P-V); 0.159 wave mus; 0.37 Strehl. (d'J 1.00 wave
`(P-V]; 0.313 wave rms; 0.08 Strahl.N0£e: Referenca sphere centered at 0.5LA,,, (midway
`bctwccn marginal and paraxial foci).
`OPT! 517

`PSF vs. Third-order Coma
`Figure 11.26 Point spread functions for different amounts of third-order coma. (a) 0.125
`wave (P-V); 0.031 wave rms; 0.96 Strehl. {h} 0.25 wave (P-V); 0.061 Wave mm; 0.35
`Strehl. is) 0.50 wave L1’-V): 0.123 wave x-ms; 0.65 Strehl- (cl) 1.00 wave {P-V); 0.25 wave
`rms; 0.18 SI:.reh1.Note: P-V OPD reference sphere centered at 0.25Comag« from chief ray
`intersection point. rms 01-‘D reference sphere centered at 0.22ElComa-,=~ liram chief‘ ray
`intersection paint.
`OPTI 517

`PSF vs. Astigmatism
`Figure.-11.27 Point spread functions for different: amounts of astigmatism. (a) 0.125 wave
`[P-V); 0.026 wave rms; 0.97 St:-eh]. (b) 0.25 wave (P-V); 0.052 wave rms; 0.90 Strehl. (c}
`0.50 wave (P-VJ; 0.104 wave mm; 0.65 Strelnl. (d) 1.00 wave. (P-VJ; 0.207 wave rms; 0.18
`Stmhl. Nate: Reference sphere centered midway between sagittal and tangential foci.
`OF"1'l 517

`PSF for Strehl = 0.80
`Figum 11.29 Paint spread lilnctions for live different ::.berraLions_. each with a Stnahl
`ratio of 0.80 (the Mamcl1al criterion). In each case the center 01' the reference sphere is
`located to minimize the rms CIPD, which is 0.075 wave For all five abe1'1'al:ioa:'.:..
`Defn-:.-us: 0.25 wave ("P-V}. {b} Third-order spherical: 0.235 wave (P-V}. (:1 Balanced third-
`aml fift]1-arder spherical: D221 wave {P-VJ. (d}A3tig'matIsm: 0.359 wave {P-V}. Ie}Cn1na:
`0.305 wave {P-V}.
`OPTI 517

`Encircled or Ensquared Energy
`Encircled or ensquared energy is the ratio of the energy in the PSF that is
`collected by a single circular or square detector to the total amount of energy
`that reaches the image plane from that object point
`— This is a popular metric for system engineers who, reasonably enough,
`want a certain amount of collected energy to fall on a single pixel
`- It is commonly used for systems with point images, especially systems
`which need high signal-to-noise ratios
`For %EE specifications of 50-60% this is a reasonably linear criterion
`— However, the specification is more often 80%, or even worse 90%, energy
`within a near diffraction—|imited diameter
`— At the 80% and 90% levels, this criterion is highly non-linear and highly
`dependent on the aberration content of the image, which makes it a poor
`criterion, especially for toierancinfi

`Ensquared Energy Example
`Ensquared energy on a detector of same order of size as the Airy disk
`Perfect lens, V2, 10 micron wavelength, 50 micron detector
`Airy disk
`(48.9 micron diameter)
`Approximately 85% cf the
`energy is collected by the

`Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)
`MTF is the Modulation Transfer Function
`Measures how well the optical system images objects of different sizes
`—— Size is usually expressed as spatial frequency (1/size)
`Consider a bar target imaged by a system with an optical blur
`— The image of the bar pattern is the geometrical image of the bar pattern
`convolved with the optical blur
`I I I I
`Convolvedwith Q
`MTF is normally computed for sine wave input, and not square bars to get the
`response for a pure spatial frequency
`Note that MTF can be geometrical or diffraction-based
`OPT! 51?’

`Comnutina MTF
`The MTF is the amount of modulation in the image of a sine wave target
`— At the spatial frequency where the modulation goes to zero, you can no
`longer see details in the object of the size corresponding to that frequency
`The MTF is plotted as a function of spatial frequency (1/sine wave period)

` L -»',== ““f=+
`Max — Min
`Max + Min

`MTF of a Perfect Image
`For an aberration-free image and a round pupil, the MTF is given by
`_ M
`MTF(f) = §[(p—cos(p Sincp]
`(P = cos 10‘ Moo): 005 km?)
`This f is spatial frequency
` Cutoff frequency
`fw = 1/(2.f!#)

`Abbe’s Construct for Image Formation
`Abbe developed a useful framework from which to understand the diffraction-
`Iimiting spatial frequency and to explain image formation in microscopes
`G.(lU|J55.L1‘_" "I000 C].‘."‘.'.l:|.'D
`1000 C}".'flJ_'J:|.
`se grating exceeds the numerical
`er the optical system for object features

`Example MTF Curve
`W S00
`E T
`MTF depends on target
`sm:r:.:u.. E1='._=oUE.brmr ucvcnzsxt-m}
`OPTI 517
`Direction of
`field point
`:’.’LlHU-.|3='l'‘-E1C.IOI_’. :.
`S = Sagittal
`R = Radial
`T = Tangential

`MTF as an Autocorrelation of the Pupil

`The MTF is usually computed by lens design programs as the autocorrelation of
`the OPE) map across the exit pupil
`Relative spatial frequency 2 spacing
`between shifted pupils
`(cutoff frequency = pupil diameter)
`Perfect MTF = overlap area I pupil area
`points across the pupil
`MTF is computed as the normalized integral
`over the overlap region of the difference
`between the OPD map and its shifted
`complex conjugate
`OPTl 51?

`Typical MTF Curves
`I-1 Ir'.trI3c':L1Ct.:.H.“y Seminar
`f.#'5.€- Tessa:
`E-IFFF..5.f.2'['ICIl‘-Y :51‘?
`f~:'-“:-“--"-‘3T35"" 1-1””
`- - - - -
`i5 a function
`j‘:'__" ”
`N" n
`.. -- . _ .
`Q 9‘? “BL” ' “"0” "
`4333 ”*”"
`1.0 nun !2L\.0[!''2
`D'::t'OC[JE3.IN3 0.30030 '
`M-I-F is a function
`of the focus
` _
`MTF curves are different
`for different points across
`the FOV
`Diffraction—|imited MTF
`(as good as it can get)

`Since OPD .relates to the phase of the ray relative to ‘the. reference. sphere‘,-the
`.pupilautocorre1atian actually gives -the QTF (optical transfer function), which is a.
`nomplex quantity
`— MTF isthe real part (r'nodu'lus~) of the OTF’
`OTF %
`' OTF = Optical Transfer Fun‘c:'tio'n
`MTF = Modulus of-the OTF
`PTF a Phase -of the OTF
`Whén the OTF gees
`negative, the phase
`.is:s: radians

`What Does OTF < 0 Mean?
`- When the OTF goes negative, it is an example of contrast reversal

`Example of Contrast Reversal
`OPT] 51?’

`More on Contrast Reversal
`TI 51?

`Effect of Strehl = 0.80
`the image is considered to be equivatent
`ncies is reduced by the Strehl ratio
`Diffractiemlimited MTF

`Aberration Transfer Function
`Shannon has shown that the MTF can be approximated as a product of the
`diffraction—|imited MTF (DTF) and an aberration transfer function (ATF)
`DTF(v) =§[cos‘1 v-—v\i1-1/2]
`V = f/foo
`: 0.025 waves rrns
`5-5 l\ 1‘
`0 F,
`1 ‘
`0 1
`o o
`Normalized Spatial Frequency
`E 0.5
`‘ * 0.025 waves rrns
`-4 * 0.050 waves rrns
`U 2 — -"0.0?5wavesrms
`‘ - —- 0.100 waves rrns
`Z 0.125 waves rms
`—-' 0.1 50 waves rms
`Nonnallzecl Spatiai Frequency
`OPTI 517

`Demand Contrast Function

`The eye requires more modulation for smaller objects to be able to resolve them
`— The amount of modulation required to resolve an object is called the
`demand contrast function
`— This and the MTF limits the highest spatial frequency that can be resolved
`The limiting resolution is where
`the Demand Contrast Function
`intersects the MTF
`System A will produce a superior
`image although it has the same
`limiting resolution as System B
`System A has a lower limiting
`resolution than System B even though
`it has higher MTF at lower frequencies
`OPTI 51?

`Example of Different MTFs on RIT Target
`mm for 1211" Thrgeu
`-_ —————.-..:.--.—-1 .....-»«:l....-7.........=_......_....1__........\.... ............|-.....——-y-------T.----»._.-_.......,_.-_-_-!
` 3
`..._._.I._._.._ _
`1‘.l3I:| Six‘
`11% 5'33 C CD
`II1L. {son He: 1=_=u:n'

`Central Obscurations
`In on-axis teiescope designs, the obscuration caused by the secondary mirror is
`typicalfy 30-50% of the diameter
`— Any obscuration above 30% will have a noticeable effect on the Airy disk,
`both in terms of dark ring location and in percent energy in a given ring
`(energy shifts out of the central disk and into the rings)
`.. ions as the obscuration increases the diameter of
`the same, and the loss of energy to the
`75 % Linear obs.
`CJFTI 51?

`Central Obscurations
`Central Obscurations, such as in a Cassegrain telescope, have two deleterious
`effects on an optical system
`— The obscuration causes a loss in energy collected (loss of area)
`- The obscuration causes a loss of MTF
`A sols,“ = 0.00
`s,,/s,,, = 0.25
`c e,/s,,, = 0.50
`W ‘"
`08 I
`OPT} 517

`Coherent Illumination
`Incoherent illumination fills the whole entrance pupil
`Partially coherent illumination fills only part of the entrance pupil
`— Coherent illumination essentially only fills a point in the entrance pupil
`O O
`% — ~— — — -
`: E
`men OF
`2 N.“
`Figure 11.20 la—<:) The MTF with coherent illmnination. (d—f) The MTF with semicoher-
`ent illumination (which partially fills the pupil}.
`OPTJ 51?

`MTF of Partially Coherent Illumination
`0.8 '
`uency for a partially fined pupil (semicoherent illumination).
`Figure 11.21 MTF vs.
`Numbarsaretheratioo i1lumi11ati_ngsystemNAtuo tic-al

`Partial Coherent Image of a 3-Bar Target
`ii ”§*%'§”f’?§~”SE?i5i§§T“=a*=
`L50! dam 0
`c»:a :59at)ua
`500.0 NM
`OPTI 517

`Example of Elbows lmaged in Partially Coherent Light
`spherical aberration
`With 1 wave of
`"I 51?

`The Main Aberrations in an Optical System
`Defocus — the focal plane is not located exactly at the best focus position
`Chromatic aberration — the axial and lateral shift of focus with wavelength

`Technically, defocus is not an aberration in that it can be corrected by simply
`refocusing the lens
`- However, defocus is an important effect in many optical systems
`Ideal focus
`Spherical reference sphere centered
`‘___,on defocused point
`A°t“a' WaV9"°'“
`image point
`when maximum OPD = 1/4. you are
`at the Rayleigh depth of focus = 2 1 12
`OPTI 517

`Defocus Flay Aberration Curves
`Wavefront map
`Wgggfgggl gggfggr
`Spot diagram
`Transverse ray aberration

`MTF of a Defocused Image
`As the amount of defocus increases. the MTF drops accordingly
`A OPD =' 0
`B OPD = N4
`C OPD = 1/2

`Sources of Defocus
`- One obvious source of defocus is the location of the object
`+ For tenses focused at infinity, objects closer than infinity have defooused
`— There's nothing we can do about this (unless we have a focus knob)
`Changes in temperature
`~ As the temperature changes, the elements and mounts change dimensions
`and the refractive indices change
`- This can cause the lens to go out of focus
`-— This can be reduced by design (material selection)
`- Another source is the focus procedure
`-— There are two possible sources of error here
`the focus (e.g._. shims in 0.001 inch
`- of the desired focus position
`and focus position resolution must be
`hich can degrade the image quality

`Chromatic Aberration
`- Chromatic aberration is caused by the Iens's refractive index changing with
`Inn '
`ilaiuelanuth Inni
`The shorter wavelengths focus
`closer to the lens because the
`refractive index is higher for the
`shorter wavelengths
`II. !D

`Computing Chromatic Aberration
`The chromatic aberration of a lens is a function of the dispersion of the glass
`- Dispersion is a measure of the change in index with wavelength
`If is commonly designated by the Abbe \l—number for three wavelengths
`— For visible glasses, these are F (486.13), d (587.56), C (856.27)
`— For infrared glasses they are typically 3, 4, 5 or 8, 10, 12 microns
`V = {”miudie'1) / ("short ' nlong)
`For optical glasses, V is typically in the range 35-80
`For infrared glasses they vary from 50 to 1000
`The axial (longitudinal) spread of the short wavelength focus to the long
`wavelength focus is F/V
`— Example 1: N-BK7 glass has a V-value of 64.4. What is the axial chromatic
`spread of an N-BK7 lens of 100 mm focal length?
`~ Answer: 100/64.4 = 1.56 mm
`e diffraction DOF = d:2Xf9 = i0.004 mm
`lue of 942 (for s -12 ii). What is the
`axial chromatic spread of a germanium lens of 100 mm focal length?
`' Answer: 100K942 = 0.11 mm
`Note: DOF(f/2) = i27tf2 = i0.08 mm

`Chromatic Aberration Example - Germanium Singlet
`- We want to use an f/2 germanium singlet over the 8 to 12 micron band
`- Question - What is the -longest focal length we can have and not need to color
`correct? (assume an asphere to correct any spherical aberration)
`- Answer
`— Over the 8-12 micron band, for germanium V = 942
`— The longitudinal defocus = F I V = F / 942
`— The 1K4 wave depth of focus is 2211‘?
`— Equating these and solving gives F = 4"942*?t*l2 = 150 mm
`r 0.000 ‘)
`‘W I
`' Strehl = 0.36
`OPT] 51 fr‘

`Correcting Chromatic Aberration
`(high V number) and the negative lens
` Red and blue
`focus together
`— This will correct primary chromatic aberration
`- The red and blue wavelengths toous together
`- The green (or middle) wavelength still has a focus error
`read is called secondary color

`Secondary Color
`Secondary color is the residual chromatic aberration iett when the primary
`chromatic aberration is corrected
`This wavelength
`has a focus error
`focus together
` Secondary color
`(~ F/2400)
`'.«"F'.L E)-iG'1'%J
`[ .'i:1}
`Secondary color can be reduced by selecting special glasses

`Lateral Color
`or magnification) with wavelength
`" with wavelength
`gee at the edge of the FOV

`Higher-order Chromatic Aberrations
`For'broadb-and systems, the chromatic variation in the third-order aberrations.
`are often the most challenging aberrations to correct (e.g., spherochromatism,
`chromatic variation of co ma, chromatic vari-ation of astigmatism)
`- These are best studied with ray aberration curves and field plots
`EIIIEE.-'.".'.?|L MIKE.
` '-I‘

`The Seridel Aberrations
`- These are the ciassical aberrations in optical
`— Spherical aberration
`- Coma
`— Astigmatism
`— Distortion
`— Curvature of field
`- These aberrations, along with defocus and

`The Importance of Third-order Aberrations
`The ultimate performance of any unconstrained optical design is almost always
`limited by a specific aberration that is an intrinsic characteristic of the design
`A familiarity with aberrations and lens forms is an important ingredient in a
`successful optimization that makes optimal use of the time available to
`accomplish the design
`A knowledge of the aberrations
`— Allows "spotting" lenses that are at the end of the road with respect to
`- Gives guidance in what direction to "kick" a lens that has strayed from the
`optimal solution

`Orders of Aberrations
`I-"Ield Curvature
`, {9}
`, (6)
`_ (6}
`, (6)
`-5 '
`, (9)
`, (B)
`, (9)
`, (9)
`, (9)

`Spherical Aberration
`Spherical aberration is an on-axis aberration
`Rays at the outer parts of the pupil focus closer to or further from the lens than
`the paraxiai focus
`Ray aberration curve
`This is referred to as
`undero-arrested spherical
`aberration (marginal rays
`focus closer to the lens
`than the paraxial focus)
` I
`Paraxiai focus
`The magnitude of the [third-order) spherical aberration goes as the cube of the
`aperture (going from f/21o f/1 increases the SA by a factor of 8)
`DF'T| 517

`%_ Tljjuird-order SA Ray Aberration Curves
`.._ -we
` Wavefrontmap
`Spot diagram
`Transverse ray
`aberration curve
` =

`Spherical Aberration
`/ ____./""'—H'I‘/
`spot SIZE
`Minimum FHVIS WFE
`Paraxial focus

`Scaling Laws for Spherical Aberration
`Spot size goes as the
`Q: mt IQ: :® 1%!
`Q! gr 1%:
`fig: Q3 Q6 ngi Q @: Q:
`1 lg: lg: 1m: 1m:
`rmt am IQ fig:
`lg lg lg! I
`l IQ IE1 I®(
`Q‘ 5%‘
`5'5 Q‘ Q *3‘
`131 um Qt lg! fin
`lg: 1?: mt am
`IQ my rm mm
`um: la 1%: Qt
`IQ mm;
`rm Q: mg; fit
`mm: am: IQ! Q
`1%: lg:
`Spot size not dependent
`on field position

`Spherical Aberration vs. Lens Shape
`The spherical aberration is a function of the lens bending, or shape of the lens

`Spherical Aberration vs. Refractive Index
`n=1.50 F ’ ; A
`} Notice the bending
`for minimum SA is a
`function of the index

`Spherical Aberration vs. Index and Bending
`K =0
`1;: .1 K=1-2 K=-
`BatKI'I'Iin_r (P
`3 7

`Example - Germanium Singlet
`used at 10 microns (0.01 mm)
`th we can have and not need aspherics
`Diffraction Airy disk angular size is Bum = 2.44 7L/D
`Spherical aberration angular blur is [353 = 0.00857 / f3
`Equaiing these gives D = 2.44 X i3 I 0.00867 = 22.5 mm
`For i/2, this gives F = 45 mm
`Strehl = 0.91
`OPT1 51?

`Spherical Aberration vs. Number of Lenses
`Spherical abe'rrati.on can be reduced by splitting the |éns'into more than one lens
`SA = 1
`(arbitrary units)
`(arbitrary units)
`SA = 1/9
`(arbitrary units)

`Spherical Aberration vs. Number of Lenses
`,4 —o.5v3ri=
`1—=1iu- ‘1J(F~'- 11‘;
`= THE mumesa OF E-_EMENTS
`ix :5,
`ti: : TOTAL POWER :
`O |'\J -cw
`Figure 3.2 The spherical aberration of one, two. three, and four thin positive
`elements, each bent for minimum spherical aberration, plotted as a function
`of the index 0F I‘efI‘£1cti0n_, and showing the reduction in the amount of aber-
`1-atitzm produced by splitting a single elem ent into two or more elements {of
`the same total poweri. Each plot is labeled with i, the number of elements in

`Spherical Aberration and Aspherics

`The spherical aberration can be reduced, or even effectively eliminated, by
`making one of the surfaces aspheric

`Aspheric Surfaces
`= Aspheric surfaces technically are any surfaces which are not spherioai, but
`usually refer to a polynomial deformation to a conic
`z(r) —
`sed primariiy to correct spherical
`-._I can correct 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th.
`pil, they are primarily used to correct
`Before using aspherics, be sure that they are necessary and the increased
`performance justifies the increased cost
`— Never use a higher-order a-sphere than justified by the ray aberration curves

`Optimizing Aspherics
`For an asphere at (or near) a
`pupil, there need to be
`enough rays to sample the
`pupil sufficiently.
`This asphere primarily
`corrects spherical aberration.
`For an asphere far away
`(optically) from a pupil, the
`ray density need not be
`high, but there must be a
`sufficient number of
`overlapping fields to sample
`the surface accurately.
`This asphere primarily
`corrects field aberrations
`(e.g., astigmatism).

`' ‘Ta’

`Aspheric Orders
`Aspheric ::‘-um
`41th order
`61:11 order
`Bth order
`mm: order
`fl .fiflfl T
`. ml:-no
`OPTI 517
`Luau tin}
`..__ Gorresponds to -114
`waves of asphericity

`MTF vs. Assphefrlc Order
`e asphere
`Aterm only
` asphere
`-A_,B terms
`II'lIIl|_- 1% -tibia“!
`DPTl"E?l T

`° Coma is an otf—axis aberration
`It gets its name from the spot diagram which looks like a comet (coma is Latin
`for comet)
`A cornatic image results when the periphery of the lens has a higher or tower
`magnification than the portion of the lens containing the chief ray
`Chief ray
`Spot di'ag.ram
`The magnitude of the (third—order) coma is proportional to the square of the
`aperture and the first power of the field

`Transverse vs. Wavefront 3rd-order Coma
` Spot diagram
`Wavefront map
`Wavefront error
`Transverse ray aberration
`OPTI 51?

`Scaling Laws for Coma
`oc (f/#)'3
`Full Field
`T? V
`0.5 Field

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