` Open Services
`Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 1 of 165
`Page 1 of 165

`Open Services
`Jerry Cashin
`Computer Technology Research Corp.
`6 North Atfantic Wharf, Charleston, South Carotina 294012150 USA.
`Telephone: (803) 853—6460 - Fax: (803) 8537210 ~ Telex: 147195
`Page 2 of 165
`Page 2 of 165

`wees: Windows Gpen Services Archiiecture
`Cepyright éé Cismpeier Teceewegy Researce Carp,
`Férst Edition ~ ‘$994
`{SEN $5658?-—818~X
`ASS rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this work may be reproduced or
`used in any farm whatsoever -« graphic, efectronic, or mechanicais insiudingaphoieeopying, recerdingi
`taping or informaiion storage and retrieves systems —~ without writien permission of the pubiishea
`Pubiished by Compuier Technciogy Research Corp., Charleston, South Carmina U,S.A.
`White every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this zreport, the pubiisher assumes no
`responsibility or kiabiiity for esters or omissions, or for any damages resuiting from the use of the
`information contained herem.
`The precinct names menfiened herein we traéemazksg registered trademarks, er service marks e? tseis
`respective companies, They are used in this reeves‘: Ea editeria¥ fashien 0533:; their meeiéee eeee rzoi
`impiy eneorsemeni er any affiiiaiien betweee the semgaeiee anti Cemeufer Teseeeiegy Research Sage
`; Eeiies -- Sean J. iéeegree
`fissisieni Eeiters ~ éaera fa’. éieeeeg eiaeeg Wagees
`ease: ;%es£etaet - Qeeeea §a::,:5<
`iiregfiic ares: - ééeeey iafagrees
`iibzary ef Ceegseee Seéaiegiegeie-fiehiieaziea eate
`fiesaia, Jerrya
`i. Ezie,
`%*€QS£& : ‘éiéiaeieess Seer; Services ereaiieeiere 3 Jere; Sasézie -~ is: ea,
`:3. ea:
`ES8?ai 1~§$$§?»§§8—>< : $‘§§§,§§
`$5 %i%;’§eaes:‘»2s §C%f¥‘:;}:.§’£§:’ ezegraree} 25 fiemeeier aiseiiesazre.
`Page 3 of 165
`Page 3 of 165

`Windsws Open
`Services Archmcture
`T§;8LE OF CQf%i'§’E!*~£'°f’S















`gxesaiive Sgiamayy .
`%s’%§GS§a Eaciagrezzrzd am Qvemiew .
`Cfiffiffiflfi izéierfaee .

`%**éQSé*a figgfziiesiaya ;






`‘:e’2:‘GS£ Beneféis ;

`‘fiifififi, as a Siraiggés Reamgrce .
`iéiarsssfi Wémésws












`. E2
`. E8
`, 23
`, 25
`Qpan fiaiabage émnesiéviéy ‘
`fxéessaging ERPE
`License Service A9: {LSAPE3 ,
`iéiénésws Ssckets AFE .
`Wifiééws SEA AW .




`. 28
`Remeie Fasgceéure Caii APE .
`WQSA Exésnsicsns Fer F%nar2<:%a£ Sewices .



`Rétggié Eérecfians §

`‘Free §§5§F%§Q¥€S Ei'¥V§§f8F"i¥"f¥e%‘it
`Perférmarzce and Reiéahiééty .
`Qbjeci L§f‘£§<§{‘§g 55:6 Embedding §
`Eiiiyzéezasg fer Pens .










`. 33
`E 35
`. E?
`‘ 38



`Wéfiéevgs éésiwsrxéag ,
`§i?%c§a:sc:§i’s Wéndavags fa: V¥€}§‘§é§fGE,§§3 Siraiegy S
`%fi£%:2§§:;%;s fa}: %‘*s;‘§r§»;§:’s:s§3 aunsieé Rgpiéaaiéezis ,
`Eéeéziszsfééing C:3r:’:;:a%.%§%%%:;r


`éfiéixéswg 5%?‘ am ?\§$€%%?§§§<i§’?§

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`¥§§§‘E§§%‘:§$ 952$ ‘%§*£f;%$% ,


`Rgiaggs §§§:’%:::%%§%'§.:~:
















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`%%§%3$,& §§:§":¥i%::::§§§ ‘
`$i,%%”%”§:*3?. figggbiéiies §
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`Qiéeai E












`Page 4 of 165
`Page 4 of 165

`timer: Satafiase Ccnnectiviiy .
`fiésiary .

`038$ Bagics .
`SS3 Siandard .
`Agpiécaiéan Eeveispmeni
`Csmectirzg :3 a Dam Sgume ,
`$886 Saféwaze §n3ia%§a%%an

`0586 Aiéamaiéveg ,













`. 5?
`. 88
`Q ?3
`‘ ?§
`. ?$







`t E
`. 88
`. 8§
`. §§
`. §§
`messagiag .&P¥

`Hiaiayy .

`Massaging Sabsysiem ,
`MAP: Ayciziéecéure .
`§%:%.§%PE Séitiiifififi
`éjéerzzaifvé Sianéasds
`Fz:::::§ Srirecéims .















`; g; .





`. $3
`. 98
`§ ma
`. E95
`License Serzsise A533
`i..S§:?% S;::a§s .


`LSAP% Fzmciisn Cafis
`LSAFE Efiviféfiméfiifi
`LSAPI Benefiis ,
`Qggraiiarza Qvervéew §
`LS3?) Vesdzx Sugsport
`Windcws Ssckets AP} .
`Seckets Basécs .
`Berigeiey Ciezréaiisns ;
`‘«fi§§::§aws Exierisians ‘














`. H}?
`. H3
`‘winaéeésgs Séég fifi .
`gm 9% G¥§f"J§§%"‘«:’
`53% Same? ,
`§::::;::‘§ °§‘r§::és ;











`iféférzészéég EX§§{§$§§E“§§ 1%: ?§§’:§:1s§a§ Sswisas ‘
`ISQFS Gvefigiavs ,


`fiascéziigsiagfai iasasas .


`éfié §£,£?‘§%$E§::Z2§"%$


`édfflifiifiéfaiififi §:§2%’EQ§§§%"2S 38$ Sg§§%f%§ Sgmmandg *











`. E23
`i Q?‘
`. E33
`Page 5 of 165
`Page 5 of 165

`‘éiigzéwgg Qemeie §§’§$$§i3!‘9 (33%:
`RFC ifivgfzsigaéz
`$§§eai5Se:%: Eazégzéei

`RPS Sgveiagréséni Yaska .

`Eaigwéacg Seééaéiésn Laragzsage .
`Suiidéng E‘:?S éggéésaiéssg ,
`véiéaéwss E§"§%’§%‘§f‘§£‘§‘§$£Ei “¥":3éa-Gffs .


`§3V§§‘§£§§‘é£$ 33:. E:’%E‘$i.§f:§ S852 2.x ,
`figrgééiiisrzai Limétaéisng &











`X mi



`SQES Fifiéfiiflkié Ségmmgfy 9
`§§fix?§~rgEa%é§ Yerms, Assmiaiefi CQ?"§€:8§3’£S§ and Méeznatizse ¥i’§§§e§$
`Wisfiswg {sf ‘€v‘sr§<gfe:.s§s


`hi? KIQFSLES ::%:=e %"§§£’§§


`Eanéatizég $§fSiEE"€‘§ Vendsr Cezmszéi fiantawts .

`Page 6 of 165
`Page 6 of 165







`g 9
`. 24
`. 32
`. 3::
`. 4?

`. 58
`. S3
`. 58
`3 66
`. 85
`. 80

`. .. 86
`. 96
`. $9
`, E34

`1.3 WGSA3 Qperaiienaf Pisa .
`3.2 Windows 099:: Services Archiieciure .
`Carzeni ans? Pfamed Empiementaiians
`$.11: Grde: Entry Package in Two Qfifereni Czzstsmer Settings .
`‘L5 Winficws Scmabie Architecture

`3.8 G388 Architecture .


`Licease Service APE imfiementatioa within WOSA ,

`?.8 WGSA Exfensiens far Finar:<*;§a¥ Services



`The W%n:§ows Fiia Maaager Screen .
`The Layout 3? Windows fer Werkgreups ,


`:13 WGSA Singie Set APEs

`Major Eiemenis G? WQSA .


`32 WOSA Process .

`Sisiributed Csmpuiiag Envircnmeai Archiieciura ;

`The 05:81; Enieriace ,



`ODBC Architecture .

`8%ng§e—"¥‘ier Briver


`Mu¥iip§8~«Tie:’ Driver


`SQL Devempmeni ‘fime Litre ,
`Basic Sequence of £3088 Function Cafis
`, .

`IBAPE Archfiecture .
`MAP! Faciiitator .


`MAW Vendors .
`MAPI Architecture .
`Eniegraticn of Services .


`Software Licensing Modei
`Static {inking .
`How an Appiicatéen Reqaests a License from a License Server
`Sacks: System 03%: interface .

`SNA Sense: fer Wizzdaws NT .




`SNA Sewer Fgsrzsiierzs ;
`:52 Reiatisnsfzig $3? RFC :3 5s.§§§%i3§‘£§§??$ am Their féetwsrks *
`‘fragésgssfiwigiiéefieggdeséi R?Q ,



`%&3 $93 Qgeraiésgmé Segazerzee .
`Page 7 of 165
`Page 7 of 165

`1.1 Evolution of Networking with Windows and Microsoft LAN Manager
`12 vendors involved in Developing Windows SNA AF’!
`2.1 Examples of Windows 3.1 Speed increases (in Seconds) .
`31 Products of OSF’s DCE .
`4.1 Partial list of ODBC Drivers Currently under Third—Party Development
`4.2 ODBC APl Conformance Levels .
`4.3 SQL Conformance Levels .
`4.4 Early Supporters of the ODBC Specification .
`4.5 Representative SOL Product Offerings
`5.1 A Sampling of lSVs Supporting MAPl
`5.2 MAPl Function Calls .
`6.1 Sampling of Operating Systems with LSAPl—related Characteristics .
`6.2 Vendors Who Support the Job of Defining LSAPl
`7.1 Principal Socket System Calls .
`7.2 Windows Sockets Extensions .
`8.1 Supported SNA Communications Adapters
`9.1 Classes of Financial Devices
`9.2 Basic Functions .
`10.1 Sample of MlDL Compiler Options
`11.1 Windows 3.x and OS/2 2.x Technology Features .
`. 27
`. 35
`. 54
`. 63
`. 66
`. 67
`. 68
`. 70
`. 83
`. 87
`. 99
`. 138
`. 144
`Page 8 of 165
`Page 8 of 165

`A Windows Open Services Architecture (WOSA) is a natural evolution in
`the quest to help users integrate information from a wide variety of
`sources and platforms. PC users are no longer content solely with
`standalone capabilities. They must also have access to all major
`information resources in an enterprisewide computing environment.
`With increasing specialization, however, this task has become more
`difficult. WOSA provides one approach to the problem of universal
`access. There are alternative solutions, such as those from the Open
`Software Foundation (OSF), Unix International (UI), Apple Computer,
`and others.
`The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) from OSF, for example,
`provides a middleware solution. Atlas from UI, and Open Network
`Environment from Apple represent different techniques for integrating
`enterprise services. DCE’s interface conventions are not directly tied to
`the operating system. Rather, there is another layer of control that
`functions, for the most part, independent of the resident operating
`WOSA, of course, works closely with Windows. This is both a plus and
`a minus in terms of producing effective results. On the one hand,
`efficiency is enhanced by close linkage with the operating system. On
`the other hand, questions of application portability outside the Windows
`environment are a legitimate concern.
`The great attraction of WOSA to Windows software developers is that
`standardization of the interface to multiple software services enables
`their product to reach a wider audience. If, for example, a front-end
`database access product follows WOSA interface conventions, it will be
`Q‘: Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 9 of 165
`Page 9 of 165

`abié ta interaci; with variaus database afferingsg as iang as the Iaiter
`3139 fsilew WOSA ciictaies.
`WGSA empieys a Winésws Byrzamic: Link Library {ELL} that permits
`software ta be Iinkezi at
`runtinze. This aiiews applications
`dynamically amines: to services. Appiicatians caii §I‘G§{}(:£31S knmvn as
`Applicatian Programming Inierfaceg {APIs) to access S€:‘§?§.£°:€S
`that have
`been standardized in fine Windmszg ezmriranmeni; The specific naturag
`csnfiguratiim, etc. ef the caiied service is af 11:} conaerrz is the caliing
`API, at ieast fmm the viewpaini; fif access precedures.
`In Micraseffs worid, WQSA mpresents 3:1 impsortanzt milegtaxm, Even if}
`csmpeting csnstituencies, same aspects sf WOSA may gain cie facts
`approval. Two early candidates far the iatter are MicrGs0ft’s messaging
`and éatabase interfaces. This whale arena is a fast-changing Iandacape}
`hawever, and ultimate acezeptance 0f WCDSA APES azztside ‘the Microssfi
`firzmameni is uncertain There is no doubt that acceptance Within the
`Windows communiizy wifl be aimost total.
`The focus of this report is to identify and anaiyze the major components
`of WGSA. It also reviews ancillary issues that impact develepments in
`this area. The repart is divided inte 11 chapters:
`-»~ Executive Summary
`-~ Wirzdaws Operating System
`-- WQSA éréhiiecture
`=~ Spar: Baiabase Cs::§ea€i;«€%:§
`-~ Eaiiessaging APE
`Licgmé Serasice 3?}
`~— Wzizzéansgs Sfickéifi fifi
`~ V%’i:::iw:3 Sfié A131
`—— Wirzéwzg Eéiiéfifiifiiifi fgr Féxazzgiai Serzéees
`‘s§§::§m:?$ Remgie ?r§:::e{§.::z*e $33} 53$}
`- ?§i:1éa2> Ei}“&’3:3£”Gf}§I'3:€I1£
`Summary gravééeg 322 svgraii assessmezzt ef Ehe ragga‘
`The EX€€§ii?é
`égmgezzezzig azzé Z:$$i.1§S 3S$§C§3§$§ zssiiéz WQSA. igchfigiagy. The V3I"§§3i3§E
`52;: Csmpigtgr “§Ls%:::::;§s:g§g é‘%:~::sea:s%z 8:363
`Page 10 of 165
`Page 10 of 165

`hardware and software options are reviewed, along with the associated
`support tools.
`Scratch the WOSA surface and there will be a Windows platform in the
`equation. Whether 3.x or NT, Windows is the “bedrock” of WOSA
`technology. Chapter 2 reviews the Windows operating system and its
`relationship to the WOSA phenomenon.
`Windows’ widespread use guarantees that any architecture based on its
`tenets will occupy an important place in mainstream computing. WOSA
`has received much attention due to its Windows association. Chapter 3
`reports on the architecture ofWOSA, and compares it to the OSF’s DCE.
`Any solution devised to support enterprise computing must deal with
`the multitude of databases and formats in the marketplace. Chapter 4
`looks at Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), which is designed to
`facilitate access to various database products from the same application.
`Any major architectural innovation must have a messaging component
`as part of its technology mix. WOSA is no different in this regard,
`offering Messaging API (MAPI) for support of the electronic mail (E-
`function. Chapter 5 evaluates MAPI and some competing
`messaging systems.
`Chapter 6 analyzes the License Service API (LSAPI) feature in WOSA.
`Soitware licensing has become a burdensome management problem to
`many processing sites. LSAPI alleviates some of this burden by
`providing a standard interface to diverse licensing utilities.
`Windows Sockets API offers a gateway to Unix technology from
`Windows platforms. It is an important marriage of client to server. The
`basics of Sockets, along with extensions appended for the Windows
`environment, are explained in Chapter 7.
`Another important Windows linkage is to IBM’s ubiquitous Systems
`Network Architecture (SNA). Microsoftfs SNA API operates from an
`© Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 11 of 165
`Page 11 of 165

`SNA Server which provides a standard interface to this vast networking
`resource. Chapter 8 details the nature of this interface.
`The world of banking and related financial services presents unique
`problems related to special hardware and software requirements.
`Chapter 9 explains Windows Extensions for Financial Services,
`including various implementation issues.
`networking capability.
`With any relatively new architecture such as WOSA, there will be trade-
`offs, product comparisons, and apparent limitations. Chapter 11 looks
`at many of these elements in the WOSA environment.
`63 Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 12 of 165
`Page 12 of 165

`Chapter 1
`Executive Summary
`WOSA Background and Overview
`The search for Windows Open Services Architecture, or something with
`the same general capabilities, began when the first personal computer
`was connected to a mainframe. Since then, information systems (IS)
`managers have been working to improve the synergy among diverse
`computing resources and associated data storage modules.
`Most organizations are striving to achieve a high level of collaboration
`from their computing and information resources. As technology has
`advanced, however, and specialization has increased, the task has
`become morevdifficult.
`Many sites have installed PC local area networks (LANS) in order to
`attain greater workgroup cooperation. A preponderance of these
`configurations provides file and print services. This is a step along the
`path to sophisticated groupware participation and interaction, but offers
`nothing like the full range of sharing and interoperability sought by IS
`WOSA’s ultimate goal is to allow Windows-based applications to enjoy
`seamless access to all available information without having to know
`anything about the underlying infrastructure, i.e., the type of network,
`computer, or back-end services. Applications using the WOSA interface
`thus be able to access information resources across multiple
`computing environments. Total achievement of this goal remains a few
`years away, but development in certain areas is already underway.
`WOSA will undergo constant change as it adapts to new technology and
`user requirements.
` 5
`Ci‘) Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 13 of 165
`Page 13 of 165

`1. Executive Summary
`Microsafi. ann0:1:1ce& the WOSA initiative in eariy 1992. Existing
`products facusing an heterogenesus cemzectivity, disizributed cemgsutizzg,
`and greupware suppart were assembied izzto the initia} package. Eariy
`erztzées t0 the W885;
`i2':vez:t§r§;* inclufiefi a jam: Micrageftfifiigétai
`{ifomxzzunications Assaciaiés Carrmiunicatians Server, 3 Messaging
`éappiécation Pmgramming Interface {E'i«‘L%,Pf}, arzd a maduie cafied Gpen
`Database Csnzlectiviiy {GEES}. Adaiitianai serxéces <:urrent1y being
`éeveloped are centererzi an securiiy and éirectary serviseg.
`WGSAE speratianal pian (see Figtzre 1.1} includes an absizractimz iayer
`thai pmvides interaction with heterégezzeous camputing devices via a set
`af£§_PIs. Winé£c3Ws»bas&ci appiicaiisnsg usixzg thege $531313; can sperate fram
`3 Vafieiy sf encbuser ::ievi::es$ New endwaser devices can be added as
`they enter the marketplace. Meanwhile, appIicati<3n$ remain Lmchanged
`as long as they employ WOSA APIS.
`interfacesj link to diverge
`the serVice~pr0vider end, aclditionai
`fxmctionai packages. These include numeraus database packages, mail
`utilities, etc. As with the aforementioned end-user APIS, service-prcavider
`interfaces {SPIs) can be expanded to encompass new prcsducts.
`Applications W111 remain unchazzged 23$ long as functional packages
`suppart the interface conventiané; defined by its SP1.
`Common Interface
`The Windows eperaééng envimnment grmzidés users with 3 unifarm
`a§§§aafi§§: irzierface, Qnce 23 me£:hsé::1ag*§g is éearnaé, 71%, gegzgrafiy E1§§3.§€S
`is 9;}?: apgiiszziiififis.
`‘ééffigfi, E1:
`like ::::;a.:}::e:3 yegenis :9 éiairiéizisé
`aggiéegiéerz §:°::ag:*g:::rr:ez*3 & giandarfi éaierface £3:
`iiiazesasiizzg with
`fungiécazaai gaciiageg 312$}: as éaigfaase mazzagerg 332$ massaging sysierzgsk
`$5 éfig £232‘
`EE}§5'$8£:'i§ of
`émpigméazaiisn gf 3 $e:'“2»<'飧§ §I*{}§‘§"§E2’1I:1€2"$ aréatézzg E¥{}S§: a§2§:2§i£a,€%:::::s
`aegzi waif; Eagm a girzgis 5:22: 85 AWE far 322 §:::p§e::2$::i3£i§:::s Q? 3
`parigiguiar fiéwice. In gééiiiafi, agpiisaiians remair: zgtabie :23 maiier
`what cixanges are mafia is fzizzatienai sewzigeg as iizrzg‘ 35:: ihege s;e:*2::ice2
`iizmzzgifz the ’§}5C*S5§ §3£Z%§€Z‘”f’&$2.
`Page 14 of 165
`Page 14 of 165

`1 . Executive Summary
`Figure 1.1 WOSA’s Operationa! Plan
`Microsoft Mail
`(6 Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 15 of 165
`Page 15 of 165

`1. Executive Summary
`Microsoflfs goal with WOSA is to control the desktop via Windows.
`WOSA helps make the Windows operating system a strategic platform
`for users at various levels of the enterprise. Ultimately, with the release
`of additional products, Microsoft would like to climb higher into the
`corporate processing hierarchy. Products such as Windows NT are seen
`as elements that will facilitate that climb.
`WOSA Architecture
`WOSA provides a single, consistent, system level interface between
`Windows-based PCs and various enterprise computing resources (see
`Figure 1.2). By exploiting the WOSA interface, a Windows~driven
`desktop application need not know anything about computing resources
`on the network in order to gain access to enterprise functions such as
`mail, databases, licensing, or remote procedure calls (RPCS).
`if an existing functional service such, as a database
`management system (DBMS) was replaced, front—end applications would
`then have to be altered to accommodate the new service. This is because
`their API calls to servers were linked in at compile time. Even if the
`application developer had the necessary resources to write to the new
`server’s API, the existing applications would have to be updated to
`recognize the change.
`WOSA solves this problem by communicating to servers through APIS.
`They can be linked in at runtime via Windows Dynamic Link Libraries
`(DLLs). For each functional service, a Driver Manager (MAPI.DLL, for
`example) makes the connection between the application and appropriate
`server driver, i.e., SPI.
`WOSA Benefits
`The primary benefit of WOSA when fully developed will be to provide
`full access to enterprisewide computing environments for Windows
`users. There are several additional WOSA benefits that help users
`maximize returns from their corporate systems. Among them are:
`© Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 16 of 165
` —_—m.._......__j___
`Page 16 of 165

`1. Executive Summary
`Figure 1.2 Windows Open Services Architecture
`APls: File, Print, Messaging, Address/Name, Security, etc.
`(WindowsfMS-DOS and Windows NT)
`Operating System
`Service Provide Interfaces (SPls)
`© Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 17 of 165
`Page 17 of 165

`1. Executive Summary_*:*
`0 Easy Upgrade Paths. Because WOSA enables a single
`application to work with multiple back-end services, IS
`managers can upgrade or change those services without
`affecting the end-users or their applications.
`' Protection of Software Investment. WOSA protects an
`organization’s software investment by enabling existing
`applications, without modification,
`to access new
`services on a variety of platforms. End-users can work
`with new resources in the same ways, and using the
`same applications, as they did with existing implemen-
`tations (see Figure 1.3).
`Figure 1.3 Current and Planned Implementations
`C) in Production
` Windows-based
`Planned for
`Future Release
`° More Cost»Effective Software Solutions. As WOSA-based
`become more
`readily available,
`managers will be able to increasingly use off-the-shelf
`products to create integrated software solutions that are
`least as powerful as more expensive custom
`alternatives. Moreover, this modular approach makes it
`easy to tailor software solutions to specific business
`° Flexible Integration of Multiple~Vendor Components.
`WOSA’s architecture supports multivendor environ-
`© Computer Technology Research Corp.
`Page 18 of 165
`Page 18 of 165

`1. Executive Summary
`ments and, in any given environment, multiple imple-
`mentations of a single type of service. As a result,
`WOSA makes it easier to switch from one implementa-
`tion to another. This ability is important for organiza-
`tions whose long-range plans may require different
`products than they use today, and it is absolutely
`critical for companies that are unsure of their long-term
`° Short Development Time for Solutions. Creating soft-
`ware solutions for business problems can be a long and
`expensive process. Solutions based on distributed
`computing resources can be even more expensive and
`time-consuming because the complexity of the appli-
`cation is compounded by the need for it to provide
`access to back—end systems. Since the issues associated
`with accessing such distributed resources are common
`to a variety of applications, developers of any given
`application should not be burdened with the task of
`resolving problems that are more efficiently and
`appropriately left
`to the system software. WOSA
`relieves developers of this burden by providing a single,
`open-ended interface for applications at both ends ofthe
`network connection.
`By providing access to v

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