`Plan Recognition and Generalization in Command
`Languages with Application to Telerobotics
`Wael I. Yared and Thomas B. Sheridan, Fellow, IEEE
`Abstract-A method for pragmatic inference as a necessary accompa-
`niment to command languages is proposed. The approach taken focuses
`on the modeling and recognition of the human operator’s intent, which
`relates sequences of domain actions (“plans”) to changes in some model of
`the task environment. The salient feature of this module is that it captures
`some of the physical and linguistic contextual aspects of an instruction.
`This provides a basis for generalization and reinterpretation of the
`instruction in different task environments. The theoretical development
`is founded on previous work in computational linguistics and some
`recent models in the theory of action and intention. To illustrate these
`ideas, an experimental command language to a telerobot is implemented;
`the program consists of three different components: a robot graphic
`simulation, the command language itself, and the domain-independent
`pragmatic inference module. Examples of task instruction processes are
`provided to demonstrate the benefits of this approach.
`A. The Problem
`KEY ISSUE in command language design is the modeling
`A and communication of the human user’s intent. Intent relates
`sequences of domain actions (“plans”) to changes in some model
`of the task environment. Its representation clearly constitutes,
`therefore, an issue in pragmatics. (For an introductory text on
`pragmatics, or the contextual use of language, see Levinson
`[15]. Some of the original papers in philosophy of language that
`have pioneered the field of linguistic pragmatics can be found
`in Martinich [ 171-in
`particular, articles by GRICE, Austin,
`and Searle.) Command languages for interactive systems such
`as telerobots have been traditionally restricted to the syntactic
`and semantic aspects of the interaction, thus giving rise to
`two main limitations. First, commands are supported as single,
`isolated utterances rather than as interrelated steps in a cohesive
`discourse. Second, little or no contextual information is captured
`from the human operator’s instruction, such as the relevance of
`a particular step in the instruction to the overall task. Without
`a common underlying representation of action interrelationships
`and intentionality, no amount of computation can perform the
`reasoning expected in a truly cooperative process, such as gen-
`eralizing a plan of action or exploiting contingencies in the task
`interaction that lacks these
`environment. A human-computer
`notions is artificial-not
`in the sense of requiring the human
`to learn a formal syntax, but in the more aggravating one of
`lacking the purposive dimension of any human language.
`To illustrate, consider the following scenario, chosen from the
`machine learning literature (Andreae [3]). A robot is to pick a
`block from the first row of a warehouse and return with it to
`Manuscript received March 6, 1990; revised August 5, 1990. This work was
`supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and
`in part by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Califomia Institute of Technology.
`The authors are with the Man-Machine Systems Laboratory, Department of
`Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
`MA 02139.
`IEEE Log Number 9040003.
`its starting position, somewhere outside the warehouse (Fig. 1).
`The operator types (in some robot command language, e.g., VAL
`or RAPT (Lozano-Perez [16]) a sequence of commands that
`achieves this particular operation, which the robot then executes.
`Suppose now the first row becomes depleted of blocks. A
`relevant question would be whether the robot can benefit from
`any part of the previous instruction to face this new situation,
`where it has to try the second row. There is more to this problem
`than a simple substitution of parameters: the general block-
`retrieval procedure may turn out to have a complex structure
`(with branching forks, iterative loops, etc.) not present in the
`initial formulation of the task by the operator. Recovery of the
`general procedure from a linear sequence of commands provided
`by the human operator partly involves identifying the operator’s
`intent behind each element of the sequence.
`The motivation for this research stems from the difficulty
`of interfacing with semiautonomous telerobots operating in un-
`structured environments such as outer space. These systems are
`typically called on to perform nonrepetitive tasks, and methods
`must be developed to achieve on-line task instruction and plan
`B. The Approach
`We approach the procedure-acquisition problem from a plan
`recognition perspective. A plan recognition system reasons about
`a set of described or observed actions, which it attempts to ex-
`plain by constructing a plan that contains them (Kautz and Allen
`[ 131). Classical plan recognition essentially revolves around a
`search and match method applied to a library of possible plans.
`We are departing from the classical plan recognition formalism
`in two ways. First, we are extending it from the domain of
`question-answering, in which it had been developed (Allen and
`Perrault [l]) and is traditionally applied (e.g., Perrault and Allen
`[19], Allen [2], Sidner [23]) to that of acquiring procedures
`from traces. Second, we are applying it to recognize intentions
`and generalize from plans. In other words, the human operator
`provides the entire plan as a sequence of actions applicable in
`one particular instance, and it is the recognition system’s burden
`to infer the operator’s intentions. It is important to point out
`what this entails: first, since the entire plan is provided by the
`operator, the usual search control problems are avoided and the
`closed-world assumption necessary to current plan recognition
`systems can be lifted. This enables the system to deal with novel
`situations and plans, a vital capability for systems that learn.
`Intention recognition, as used here, is not a search and match
`process but one of nondeductive inference. Second, a general-
`ization technique is added to the recognition algorithms. This
`generalization (or “plan reinterpretation”) algorithm makes use of
`the information inferred in the recognition stages, and evaluates
`the relevance of the intended acts of the plan in the new context.
`The intention recognition and plan reinterpretation algorithms are
`0018-9472/91/0300-0327$01.00 0 1991 IEEE
`Page 1 of 12


`1 p e d
`move 3 6.- 146)
`move 1,180)
`Fig. 1. Sample task instruction
`based on a representation of action interrelationships and a model
`of intentional action that are explained in the next section. The
`central feature of this representation is the emphasis it places
`on the relevance of an action in a plan, or the role each act
`plays in the plan. We draw a parallel here between utterances in
`a natural language discourse and physical actions as steps in a
`plan: just as the context of a discourse provides constraints on the
`interpretation of each of its utterances, so does the overall plan
`form the role of each of its actions. We focus on just two features
`of context here, the physical and the “linguistic.” The physical
`context of an action in a plan is the particular configuration of
`the task environment at the onset of that action, including the
`location and physical features of each object, the agent, and the
`complete state of the agent. The “linguistic” context of an action
`in an instruction is meant here to include the other steps of the
`instruction (the remaining actions).’
`To illustrate these ideas, we present a simple command lan-
`guage for an instructible two degree of freedom Cartesian ma-
`nipulator as a case study.
`A. Background
`The AI literature defines a plan to be a temporal order on a
`finite number of steps (Chapman [7]), which almost invariably
`represent actions.’ Following the early STRIPS model (Fikes and
`Nilsson [9]), actions are usually represented by operators; each
`operator instance is characterized by finite sets of prerequisites,
`positive effects and negative effects (Genesereth and Nilsson
`[lo]). States of the world are represented by situations, or
`sets of propositions. A planning problem then consists of an
`initial situation, a goal situation, and a database of operators
`that describes the available actions. An adequate plan must
`demonstrably achieve the goal situation when executed in the
`initial state.
`Standard plan recognition systems explain a set of described
`or observed actions by constructing a plan that contains them
`(Kautz and Allen [13]). Typically, they need a plan library to do
`so. The plan library is assumed to be correct and complete: thus,
`‘The parallel between utterances and physical acts is generally credited
`to Austin (see [4] in particular] in the philosophy of language literature. Its
`earliest Occurrence in the computational literature is in Bruce [6], expanded
`upon in Cohen and Perrault [8]. While Austin’s essential point was to see
`utterances as being “performative,” or similar to physical acts, we adopt here
`the reverse view and model the interpretation of physical acts after that of
`natural language utterances.
`‘But see Lansky [14] for an event-based representation. The classical
`(“state-based”) definition given previously runs into several problems, for
`example, in representing concurrent or continuous actions.
`s t a r t
`Operator Library
`Input: a or {a,}
`Plan Recognition
`output: II, En
`Fig. 2. Standard plan recognition.
`not only must the operator library (the repertoire of primitive
`actions) contain representations of all valid actions in the domain,
`it must also contain representations of all propositions and actions
`that can be related to any encoded action. In other words, all
`valid action combinations that occur in a particular domain must
`be encoded. A plan recognizer is then a search and matching
`process (Goodman and Litman [12]) that takes the input-e.g.,
`a described action or set of actions-and
`finds all the plans in
`the plan library that are consistent with the input. See Fig. 2.
`As stated in Pollack [20], three different relations (and special
`cases thereof) can exist between two actions a and /3 of a plan:
`1) a causes p: there is an operator with header a in the
`operator library that has p on its effect list.
`2) a is-a-precondition-of p: there is an operator with header
`in the operator library that has a on its precondition list.
`3) a is-a-way-to p: there is an operator with header /3 in the
`operator library that has a (as part of) its body.
`The first two relate actions that are at the same hierarchical
`level in a plan-in
`other words, siblings. The third relation
`differs from the previous two in that it depicts a as part of a
`step decomposition of ,l3 and not as a sibling of p. Consider the
`following typical operators:
`HEADER: pickup(x)
`PRECONDITIONS: ontable(x)
`EFFECTS: -ontable(x) A -handempty A holding(x)
`HEADER: ungrasp(x)
`PRECONDITIONS: holding(x)
`EFFECTS: ontable(x) A handempty.
`The symbols A and - denote the logical connectives AND
`and NOT. In a pickup( block) + ungrasp( block) sequence the link
`between the two operators is an example of the precondition
`relationship because pickup (block) asserts (among other things)
`holding( block), the precondition for the ungrasp operator.
`The basic shortcoming of the STRIPS/NOAH (Sacerdoti [21])
`representation of action interrelationships is that it underspecifies
`the role each act plays in the plan. Stated differently, the precon-
`dition/body/effect representation is not conducive to reasoning
`about actions in their context. For example in the definition
`of a plan comprising a pickup-iungrasp sequence, it is not
`explicitly specified just how the actions are related: for one
`thing, any realistic action operator is likely to have several side
`effects, besides the relevant one(s) for the purposes of the current
`sequence. In trying to reconstruct an agent’s plan from one or
`more observed actions, an observer using this representation will
`encounter the problem of deciding how to “thread the actions
`together. The view of plans as sequences of operators having lists
`of preconditions and effects is intuitive from a programmer’s
`perspective, and pervades most of the early computer science
`literature on planning. Following Bratman [5] and Pollack [20],
`we refer to this as the “data structure” view of plans.
`We alter the data-structure view of plans in order to achieve
`Page 2 of 12


`Fig. 3.
`Initial state.
`what Bratman and others have called the mental phenomenon
`view of plans (Bratman [5, pp. 28-35], or Pollack [20, chs.
`2 and 31). The latter view is chronologically posterior to the
`data structure view. It was recognized even as researchers were
`representing plans as sequences of NOAH operators (see for
`example Allen [2]). What the mental phenomenon view of plans
`emphasizes is the configurations of beliefs and intentions that
`must underlie any plan of rational action. We earmark plans by
`their underlying intentions, and use that information for later
`reasoning about and re-interpretation of plans.
`In summary, the present work attempts to go beyond the
`traditional data structure view of plans in two ways. First, it
`relates the plan of action to the concrete situation surrounding it.
`This requires an understanding of the relevance of each action to
`its corresponding situation. Second, whereas most previous work
`in planning essentially models plan languages more or less after
`formal programming languages, Pollack’s example is followed
`here in carefully building the action representation on foundations
`laid (informally) by philosophers of action. By combining these
`two steps, we obtain a system able to interpret and execute plans
`not just mechanically, by following a program counter, but in
`relation to their surroundings.
`B. Enablement
`In a sequence of actions forming a plan 11, some of these
`actions may be related to each other in a (yet to be defined)
`causal sense, while others may not. Consider, for example, the
`situation depicted in Fig. 3. The goal here is to have block-A
`outside the warehouse. The robot is constrained in its workspace
`by the walls of the warehouse and, in this example, in its motion
`by the two obstacles (blocks B and C). A plausible plan of action
`consists in removing block B, removing block C, and then getting
`blockA out of the warehouse. Let us assume that a nonprimitive
`“Remove” procedure has already been defined as shown in Fig. 4:
`it assumes its argument is a movable object in the environment
`to which the robot has clear access from its current position; the
`robot grasps that object and slides it along the row into oblivion,
`and then returns to the row entry point. The plausible plan to get
`A out of the warehouse is given by the operator as
`(Remove block-B)
`(Remove block-C)
`(move-to block-A)
`aq G (grasp block-A)
`a5 = (move-to [RE-x, R E y ] )
`(move-to <targetgt>).
`Remove blockx:
`;remember current position
`rem [XJ]
`move-to b l o c k
`grasp b l o c k
`move-to [1oooO.O,y]
`rotate( 180)
`movefo [x,y]
`Fig. 4. Remove procedure.
`This should be read as “the plan II defined in initial situation
`So and consisting of the temporal sequence a1 to as.’’ Focus for
`the moment on the first 3 acts: al, cy2, and a3. It is evident that
`a1 and a2 belong to the category of acts in a plan that are not
`causally related to each other. a1 and a2 are independent, and it
`is reasonable to assume that the operator is not committed to any
`particular ordering of a1 and a2. Furthermore, the performance
`of one leaves the other totally unaffected, save for occupying the
`robot’s resources temporarily. As a matter of fact, if we assume
`a robot with infinite resources, then a1 and a2 might as well
`be carried out simultaneously without disrupting the rest of the
`plan. Contrast the relation of a1 to a2 with that of a2 to a3: a2
`and a3 are also in simple sequence and they do not overlap, but
`they are certainly not exchangeable. Even more important, the
`performance of a2 is vital to that of a3: a fact that does not hold
`for the first pair. The relationship of al to a2 is one of simple
`concatenation. This relationship is rather trivial, and is of little
`interest for our purposes. We shall return to it later, however,
`when we come to examine acts that are enabled by several of
`their predecessors.
`In contrast to concatenation, the relation of enablement has
`the following necessary properties.
`1) The enabling act, when and if it occurs, must be prior to
`the enabled act.
`2) The enabled act is not executable by the agent prior to the
`occurrence of the enabling act.
`3) The enabled act becomes executable by the agent after the
`occurrence of the enabling act.
`To refer back to the example of Fig. 3, it is clear that prior to
`the occurrence of a2, a3 is not executable: even though cy3 is a
`move-to act, and moves are basic in the present robot domain,
`the robot does not have clear access to its destination point and
`cannot therefore execute the move. This situation is altered after
`the performance of a2 since the only obstacle between the current
`robot position and blockA is removed. What about the relation of
`a1 to a3? Clearly, it should also be an enabling relationship since
`a1 and a2 are similar and exchangeable. Yet, it fails the definition
`because the robot is still not in standard conditions with respect
`to a3 after the occurrence of al. More generally, as given above,
`the definition fails to capture the enablement of an act by two
`or more enabling acts, and fails to capture instances of remote
`enablement links. The properties of the definition do not uniquely
`characterize enablement, i.e., they are not sufficient conditions for
`enablement. The second and third stages of recognition presented
`in the next section provide these conditions in an algorithmic
`A. The Three Stages of Zntention Recognition
`The three-stage recognition algorithm identifies the relation-
`ships between actions of a given plan II, and based on this
`information infers that acts in II are enabling acts (in the sense
`Page 3 of 12


`introduced in the preceding section), and which acts are intended
`I ) Enablement Necessary Conditions: The first stage of recog-
`nition accepts a plan definition given by the human operator
`as a linear sequence of commands, and attempts to recognize
`the enabling acts in the plan. The algorithm for this first stage
`corresponds to the necessary property of enablement: namely,
`that the enabling act places the agent in standard conditions
`with respect to the enabled act. To establish whether or not the
`enablement relationship holds between two successive acts a,
`and a,+, in the sequence { a J } j = 1 , . . . , n that constitutes the
`plan n, three mechanisms are needed.
`1) A mechanism that captures the context V, of an act a, in II:
`in other words, the state V, of the world model-including
`to the occurrence of a,.
`the robot’s perception of it-prior
`2) A mechanism that updates V, to V,,,:
`in other words, a
`means of simulating the occurrence of a, without disturb-
`ing the actual model of the world.
`3) A pointer from each domain act to its list of standard con-
`ditions that must be satisfied for the act to be executable.
`The pointer is passed to the recognition algorithm, and the
`latter evaluates whether or not an act is executable based
`on this information.
`A description of how these mechanisms *are actually imple-
`mented is postponed until Section 1V. It should already be hinted,
`however, that these mechanisms afford considerable generality
`in that they are totally domain- and application-independent.
`Specifically, by capturing and updating the V,’s nothing more
`needs to be encoded to determine whether or not an agent is
`in standard conditions with respect to an act a,. Illustrative
`examples will be provided in the next section.
`With these three mechanisms in hand, the first stage of the
`recognition process is straightforward and corresponds directly
`to the second and third clauses in the definition of enablement
`as follows.
`1) If a, were an enabling step for a,+,, then the robot (the
`“agent”) would not be in standard conditions with respect
`to a,+l prior to a,:
`+j’C(a,+i, G, V,)
`The predicate SC denotes the “standard conditions” that
`the agent must be in to be able to perform a certain act:
`thus, the expression SC(a, G, V,) indicates that the agent
`G is in standard conditions with respect to a in state V,. See
`Yared [25] for a detailed explanation of the SC predicate.
`2) if the above condition holds and the agent becomes in
`standard conditions with respect to a,+, after the occur-
`rence of a, (or SC(a,+,, G, V,+l)) then we can assert
`enables(a,, Q , + ~ ) . ~
`in standard
`the agent
`3) if, on
`the other hand,
`conditions with respect to a,+, even prior to a,-or
`SC(a,+l, G, V,)-then
`the enabling relation doesn’t hold
`and a, corresponds to a shift in the user’s intention. a, is
`identified as an intended act.
`4) the last act in the plan, a, is always assumed to be an
`intended act.
`Note that under this interpretation any act a, in II is either
`an intended act or an enabling act, but cannot be both. All
`three recognition algorithms depend on this simplicity condition,
`31f the agent is still not in standard conditions with respect to a,+1 after
`the Occurrence of a, then the plan is unexecutable and a warning is issued to
`the user.
`Input n={o,) i=1.6
`After stage 1: - -
`0 1 ‘ - a ~ - 0 1 3 - 0 1 ~ - a ~ - a g
`Fig. 5. Sample output from stage 1 of recognition.
`that each act plays only one role in the plan. Fig. 5 shows
`an unprocessed linear sequence of commands and its processed
`version after stage 1 of recognition. The intended acts are labeled
`with an asterisk and signal different intentional groups. The
`directed arcs denote enabling pairs, The intentional groups are
`indicated under their corresponding acts. It is possible for a single
`act to constitute an intentional group of its own.
`2) Dealing with Pragmatic Ambiguity: As given,
`the first
`stage of recognition suffers from two main limitations. The first
`limitation concerns cases of pragmatic ambiguity and is treated
`The simplicity condition allows for only one role for each act
`in a plan. We will call plans where at least one act a, plays
`more than one role instances of pragmatic ambiguity. In such
`plans, the system will only attribute one role to a,, possibly one
`that is not its most important role in the plan. An example of a
`pragmatically ambiguous act can readily be seen in the situation
`of Fig. 6. The plan II = {a1 + a4} depicted in Fig. 6 would
`normally carry the following interpretation:
`In other words, moving to the target enables the robot to grasp it;
`grasping signals a shift in intention; grasping the block, moving
`to a conveyor belt, and ungrasping it are intended acts in their
`own right. However, the output from the first stage of recognition
`yields the following interpretation:
`The reason for this misinterpretation is that the pair (az,a3),
`when taken out of the context of the overall plan, does indeed
`have the central properties of an enablement pair: once the robot
`is stationed at the block (the situation depicted in Fig. 6), if
`told to move upward towards the conveyor belt without having
`first grasped the block it will simply collide with the block.
`Once block A is grasped, however, it is no longer a free-floating
`obstacle in the robot’s trajectory, and the robot is then in standard
`conditions with respect to moving to the conveyor belt. Thus,
`there seems to be some justification for inferring that the grasp
`operation enables the subsequent move-to operation. Put in
`concrete terms, grasping a potential obstacle can be narrowly
`interpreted as a means of freeing the path of the robot. In this
`Page 4 of 12


`Note that in the plan of Fig. 6, the pragmatic ambiguity is
`resolved by taking into account more contextual information. But
`there are plans where the ambiguity is more deeply entrenched
`and cannot be resolved by the second algorithm. Consider, for
`example, a variant of the plan in Fig. 6 where the robot is told
`to 1) move to A , 2) grasp A, 3) move to some point inside the
`warehouse. As before, the second algorithm outputs the following
`Fig. 6. Case of pragmatic ambiguity (state of the world after occurrence
`of cY1).
`case, of course, when one looks beyond the pair (a2, a3) it
`becomes apparent that a2 plays quite a different role in the plan.
`Its purpose is not to enable the robot to move toward the conveyor
`belt, because that could have been achieved prior to moving to
`the block: SC(a3, G, Vl) is true. There must be then some other
`reason for grasping the block, and we would rather obtain:
`The latter result is obtained by performing a more thorough check
`on the executability of intended acts. The pragmatic ambiguity
`is resolved by taking into account contexts V, (1 5 j 5 n) in
`addition to the ones adjacent to the intended act a,. The first
`recognition algorithm only took into account adjacent pairs of
`acts ( a t , a,+1) and their surrounding and intervening contexts
`V; and V;,,
`respectively. To rectify that situation a second
`recognition stage is applied to the output of the first.
`The second recognition algorithm performs essentially the
`same work as the first, with two main differences as follows.
`1) It only analyzes acts the first stage identified as being
`2) It performs a more exhaustive analysis on each a: by
`that belong to the same
`examining all the contexts
`intentional group as a:.
`The algorithm enters a loop and forward searches for the next
`intended act (a;), provided there is one left. Once it has
`identified an intended act and its corresponding intentional group
`( I a J ) , it proceeds to test for the standard conditions of the
`intended act in the context of each enabling act in the intentional
`( (
`. If none of the tests is
`SC a’, G, V,
`group in sequence
`positive it then proceeds to the next intended act and intentional
`group; if one enabling act passes the test then the algorithm
`breaks the enabling link between that act and its successor, and
`establishes that act as an intended act.
`But then the second algorithm leaves that structure intact, since
`it confirms that
`and, therefore, confirms enables(a2, a3). Such plans are truly
`opposed to the previous one, in which the
`ambiguity is only apparent. They simply do not contain sufficient
`information to determine which role of the critical a, is dominant,
`and for all practical purposes a , can be taken to play several
`equally important roles in II. It is not clear that a human observer
`could resolve the ambiguity based on a single instance of II.
`3) Multiple and Nonadjacent Enabling Acts: The second lim-
`itation of the definition of enablement is its inability to capture
`cases of multiple enabling acts, and the related cases of remote
`(non-adjacent) enabling acts. Fig. 3 exemplifies such situations.
`The plan for Fig. 3 consists of the following acts:
`n/so = {a1 + a s )
`a1 E remove B
`remove C
`a3 5 locate A
`a4 move-to A
`aj 3 grasp A
`as move-to<start>
`where locate, move-to and grasp are appropriately defined
`domain-basic acts and
`remove some previously defined
`procedure. The principal feature of this plan is that a1 and a2
`taken together co-enable a4. The algorithm of Stage 1 is faced
`with the dual problem here of misunderstanding the relationship
`of al to a2-which
`is one of temporal concatenation only-and
`of missing completely that of the first two acts to the non-adjacent
`a4. The output of the first recognition stage when applied to this
`plan yields
`What is desired is the following interpretation
`Page 5 of 12


`1 1
`Since the presence of multiple enabling acts necessarily entails
`at least one case of nonadjacent enablement, any algorithm
`capable of solving the former problem also provides a solution to
`the latter one. In what follows we describe the “exchangeability”
`test, which lies at the core of the third recognition algorithm.
`The detection of cases of remote enablement is a by-product of
`this algorithm.
`”bo observations provide a starting point for the solution to
`the problem of multiple enablement.
`When two or more acts, taken together, co-enable some
`later act these enabling acts belong to the same intentional
`group and are linked through nothing more than temporal
`concatenation. In particular, there is no causal link between
`them, and they can therefore be switched with each other
`without affecting the rest of the plan in any way. To refer
`to the last example, acts al, a2, and a3 can be made to
`occur in any order with no disturbance to the plan.
`Because the first two recognition stages only distinguish
`intended from enabling acts, and because each pair of co-
`enabling acts is not causally linked, then the first act of
`a sequence of co-enabling acts is always identified as an
`intended act. Thus, a good place to start looking for a multi-
`enablement sequence is always at some intended act in the
`output from the first two algorithms. For example, in the
`plan of Fig. 4 both a1 and a2 were erroneously identified
`as subgoals by the previous recognition stages since neither
`of them enables its successor.
`Given these two observations the structure of the third recogni-
`tion algorithm is rather straightforward. It is an iterative scheme,
`with the inner part performing the exchangeability test on suitable
`pairs of candidates and the outer loop invoking tbat test on
`increasingly remote candidates. The algorithm makes heavy use
`of the chain of simulated effects that was build during the first
`stage of recognition. See Yared [25] for the detailed algorithm.
`B. Plan Reinterpretation
`A benefit of the information gained in the three stages of
`recognition lies in the system’s ability now to reach a partial
`generalization of the plan from a single instance. This instance
`(the operator’s onetime instruction) is linked by the recognition
`routines to the context prevailing at the time of its definition. Each
`act in the plan is understood to play a specific role, depending on
`whether or not it is intended, and that intentional group it belongs
`to. When the plan is invoked in a different context, a reinter-
`pretation algorithm compares the latter with the initial context
`of definition, and eventually eliminates some of the intentional
`groups or some enabling acts within these groups if they have
`become irrelevant. A relevance check is needed to ensure that the
`various intended acts of the procedure do not attempt to achieve
`states of the world that already obtain in the new context?
`41t is also necessary to ensure that the relevant subgoals of the procedure are
`executable in the new environment. This, however, is performed by the task
`execution routine itself at run-time. Should an act turn out to be unexecutable,
`the user is prompted for an alternative act or an alternative path toward the
`next subgoal. The user’s response is then compiled, evaluated and eventually
`inserted into the plan.
`The relevance check must know the following.
`1) The current state of the world
`2) The state of the world that obtained at definition time
`3) The complete chain of simulated effects for the procedure
`starting from the initial state (2).
`Knowledge of (

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