Filed on behalf of LifeScan Scotland Ltd.
`By: Dianne B. Elderkin (
` Steven D. Maslowski (
` Two Commerce Square
` 2001 Market Street, Suite 4100
` Philadelphia, PA 19103
` Tel: (215) 965-1200
` Fax: (215) 965-1210
` Paper No. ___
` Date Filed: May 12, 2014
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2013-00247
`Patent 7,250,105

`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2013-00247
`Patent 7,250,105
`LifeScan Scotland Ltd.’s Demonstrative Slides

`(12; United St3tBS Patent
`Davies et al.
`(10) Patent NIL:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,250,105 B1
`"'Jnl. 31, 2007
`1. A method tifineasttriiig the concentration of a substance
`in a sample liquid comprising the steps of:
`providin a measurin device said device cont risin :
`in die sant
`first Wflfi-Lil]
`dovvnstreani. liorn said
`in the sample liquid vvherein said first and
`second workillg sensor parts are arranged such that.
`in the absence ol’ an error condition. tl1e quantity-' of
`said charge carriers generated by said first worlting
`sensors part are substantially identical to the qttantitjv
`of said charge earriers generated by said secortcl :
`wmking 5m.lSL.”. pan: and
`W reli-.re11ee sensor
`part is a t:tZIlIJ.I'l'1tJt‘t retierenee for both the first and
`second vvorking sensor parts. said reference sensor
`part and said first and second vvorl-:ing sensor parts
`being arranged such that the sample liquid is cons
`strained to flow snlsistantially unidirectiona|]}= across
`said reference sensor part and said lirsl and second
`working sensor parts: vvherein said lirst and second
`vvorldng sensor parts and said reference sensor part
`are provided on a disposable test strip:

`(12; United States Patent
`Davies et al
`(10; Patent No:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,250,105 B1
`*Jul. 31, 2007
`appi}*ing'll1e sanlplc liquid in said n1e:—1sur:1ng device;
`measuring an electric current at each wurking, scxlsur purl
`pmpnrtinnal In the ::nnccntr:.nim1 of said substance in
`the 5:-unplr.-: iiuuid;

`Measuring Device
`Ex. 1003
`Ex. 1005
`Ex. 1007

`Reasons Why Combinations of
`References Do Not Disclose All Claimed

`[an Patent Number:
`[451 Date of Patent:
`Jun. 9, 1992
`.... .. dlfiflfifl
`4,413,143 1331933 flbcrhardl ................
`4,545,332 lflr’l9‘35 Higgins El 3].
`.................... .. 435z’IE{}
`1:19:00 hiankai El :1].
`..................... .. 2043412
`2:19sr0 fllagawa at a].
`............... 204,053.15
`52.131559 M1931 Japan .................................... .. zme.
`I53-3245 H1933 Japan
`as-53149 mass Japan ...................................... 2:020
`Prfmarjr Exarm'm3r—John Niebling
`Assistant Examfner—Bruce F. Bell
`Attorney. Agent. or Ffrm—St-wens, Davis, Miller at
`Ex. 1003
`PR]-:P_a,]u,,']"][},N; THEREQF
`Inventors: Shim hankai, I-Ilrakata; Marika
`Knwnguri; Mnyumi Ohtani, both of
`Moriguchj; Takashi Iijima, Hirakala,
`all-of Japan
`:’:::“‘g:i:EJl:;';;‘ 1""“5“"" 5°"
`Mar. 31, 1939
`Umted States Patent
`Nani-zai at al.
`[2]] AFPL ND"
`[22] PCT Filed:
`[35] PCT No.:

`a reference sensor part upstream from said. first and
`second. working sensor parts ‘
`Na11kai (‘420) discloses a test strip (or “measuring device”) that includes
`all of the features of the measuring device of claim 1, except it does not explicitly
`place the reference sensor upstream of the working sensor parts, as set forth in the
`Ex. 1024 Declaration of Joseph Wang
`claim chart below-
`Ex. 1024 Declaration ofJoseph Wang

`a reference sensor part upstream from said first and
`second Working sensor parts a
`I disagree that “there is no criticalitjr in
`arranging t:I1e reference electrode upstream," as argued by Pharmatnech Since t:I1e
`reference electrode in Nan]-:ai is placed downstream of the working electrodes,
`when insufficient blood is applied, the electrode that would be i.t£I£{2I:EIIIp.l.E‘lE.ljV
`covered would be the reference electrode rather than a working electrode.
`Coverage of a minor portion of the refenence electrode could cause a higher than
`oormalcurrentdensitjrtoflowinthecoveredpartofflaeelectrode, alteringthe
`ability of the reference electrode to prcrvide a stable potential agaimt which the
`Working electrode could be established and pfl‘l'£IlI2ifi.l.l'jF causing inaccurate
`measurements of glucose- Nanlcai would not detect an inaccurate measurement:
`made at any one of, or all of, the working electrodes; it would merely average the
`Ex. 2008 Declaration of John L. Smith
`inaccurate n1easuren:1ent(s)_ Nankai does not recognize t:he criticality of placing the
`reference electrode upstrearn from the working electrode fin ohtaining accurate

`(12; United States Patent
`Winarta at al.
`(10) Patent NIL:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,253,229 B1
`Jul. 10, 20-01
`Inventors: Handani Winarta, 18 Hyacinth Dr,
`Nashua, NH {US} E|'3{}tEi2; Xianhuau Cai,
`19 Mcflulloch SL, Hectlham, MA (US)
`D2494; Fung Sam, 31 Pratt D11,
`Newton, MA {US} U246-5; Chung
`Chang Young, 145 Buckskin Dr.,
`Weston, MA (US) [|2|'§-'3
`4,."l9':J'Ifr Hill et al. .
`5,515-3,06? * 11'J,e'l99I3 Sugiltnra at al.
`5.-’ 1997 Carter at al. .
`5,fiTD,fl31 *
`Ilintachc at al.
`1131997 Hill at al. .
`1.-’ 1998 ]'v.[c:A]t:t:r at al. .
`5.-’ 1998 Hetming at al. .
`E1998 Charlton at al.
`fi,=“lQQfi Pritchard et a].
`* l2,."lfJ'2t'2I Fujiwara etal.
`Ex. 1005

`a second working sensor part downstream from said
`first working sensor part also for generating charge
`carriers in progortion to the concentration of said
`substance in the sample liguid wherein said first and

`Tel: S71-3??-TI'313
`Paper 11
`Entered; _-5.ugu..'1'1i ID13-
`L'N1TED STATES P.'i't1'F_"*I'1' _-5LI~TEl
`'1'R..'1'uDE?eL|'-'LRK GFFICE
`Patent C|'wner
`C .152 IPFS-D13--{||}24'.'
`Patent TI'_.35|3|.1'|I|5
`E-efinre S.’-".lJ_".‘t' C. 7.‘-f|E}LEY. SCDTI R BOAHCK and SCDTI E. K.-5..MI'IDI_Z.
`K..'5'uI'-'I|I'IU.LZ. _»-1.r:‘i1I.Iirrf;1?'an"ra' Paremr Judge.
`InsI:it'I:I.ti.o:I:L offieter Pa7'I£:: Resign’
`.1‘-F CIR. 57 4'2 .i'[}.'i‘
`Regardj11gli1ujtatieu(a), we agree with Pharmateelt that W'{, is capable of
`being used to 111a]-;e a glucose 1ueasure1ueut, and that Wulafia is suggestive ef this
`use 1'11 stating that W9 eau serve as a eetutter electrode and eau be used in
`111easure111e11ts relative to reference electrode R. See Ex. 1005. 6: 1-10.

`Ex. 1005
`Dr. Smith (Ex. 2008,
`¶¶ 50-53):
`“Winarta does not disclose a
`second working sensor
`part/electrode for measuring
`a substance.”
`“Winarta suggests using W0 as
`a counter electrode, to
`measure resistance, or as a
`trigger; …”
`“Winarta suggests using W0 to
`measure sample resistance,
`not as a second working
`Col. 5-6

`United States Patent
`Schulman et al,
`USU0579 1344!;
`Patent Number:
`[451 Date 0f Patent:
`"'Aug. 11, 1993
`Invent0re: Jneeph H. Sehulman. Santa Clarita;
`Ronald J. Lebel. Sherman Oaks:
`Juseph Y. LuI:isIn0. San Diego; Alfred
`E. Mann. Beverly Hills; Orville Rey
`Rule, 111: David I. 'WIIil1:n0:rer. belt of
`L03 Ange-les, all 0!‘ Calif.
`[73] Assignee: Alfred E. Mann FOIInflati0n f0r
`Scientific Research. Sylmar. Calif.
`[*] Notice:
`The term of this patent shall I101: extend
`bejmnd the expiration date 0f Pat. N0.
`SJ 90,041
`5.2':'1 £15
`...................... 2044415
`Vadgama et al.
`Feinguld ................................
`Guugh ................................. 1233635
`Llslfllil at al.
`........................... 2D4a‘4l5
`Guiliani et al.
`............................... 128.-‘I535
`Clarke, Jr.
`Snuma ................................ 128.f68D
`n..¢.u_..........n. an
`........................... 200413
`Wang .......
`Davidson ...............................
`Allen 01. ill.
`........................... 2lM.r'4l2
`Prinaczrjr Emm£ner—R0bcrt L. Nasser
`Attorney: Agent, 00' F'1'rm--Fitch. Even. Tabin & Flanncsry
`EX. 1007
`Ex. 1007


`1. A ntethnd efmeasuring the eeneentratien air" a suhstanee
`in a sample liquid eentprisiag the steps nf:
`prtwidin a measnrin devitte said device enm risin:
`- d::.~wnstrean1 frnln said
`in the sample liquid wherein said first and
`seeend waridng seaser parts are ananged sneh that.
`in the ahsenee nf an emar eenditinn, the quantity {if
`said eharge carriers generated by said first wnrking
`sEnsdrs'-pan-are.subat‘antiall}F identical tn the quantity
`ef said charge ear-rieta generated by said seeensi
`working sensar part: and

`“glucose sensor”
`Ex. 1007

`“glucose sensor”
`Ex. 1007

`“glucose sensor”
`Dr. Smith: “[T]he only use disclosed in Schulman for the W2
`electrode is to measure background oxygen. The W2 electrode
`does not generate charge carriers proportional to the
`concentration of glucose in a sample.” Ex. 2008, ¶63.

`Dr. Smith: “Because Schulman uses two completely separate
`electrode systems for any duplicate measurement, each of the
`measurements is made with a separate reference electrode,
`rather than the ‘common reference’ of the ‘105 Patent.” Ex.
`2008, ¶74.
`Pharmatech: “LifeScan is correct; the working electrodes in the
`‘105 Patent share the same reference electrode while each
`glucose sensor assembly in Schulman includes its own reference
`electrode.” Paper No. 17 at 7.

`Reasons Why No Motivation to

`Schulman v. ‘105 Patent
`Dr. Smith: ‘[W]hile both the ‘105 Patent and Schulman
`are broadly concerned with the measurement of
`glucose and both use glucose oxidase, the statement
`that they are both based on “GOx mediated electrical
`current is incorrect. … Every current disclosed by
`Schulman as being measured is due to the reduction
`of oxygen, not the reaction between GOx and gluose
`with subsequent oxidation of a mediator as disclosed
`in the ‘105 Patent. Schulman states this explicitly,
`stating ‘oxygen is consumed at the working
`electrode.’” Ex. 2008 ¶68.

`Schulman v. ‘105 Patent
`Pharmatech: “While both Schulman and the
`‘105 Patent measure electric current to
`determine glucose levels, LifeScan is correct that
`the methodologies differ.” Paper No. 17 at 6.

`‘105 Patent

`Secondary Considerations

`Advanced Display Systems, Inc. v. Kent
`State University, 212 F.3d 1272, 1285 (Fed.
`Cir. 2000)
`“Zhou's deposition also provides compelling evidence
`of nonobviousness by illustrating ADS's wholesale
`copying of the claimed invention. See Specialty
`Composites v. Cabot Corp., 845 F.2d 981, 991, 6
`U.S.P.Q.2D (BNA) 1601, 1608 (Fed. Cir. 1988)
`(reasoning that an accused infringer's close copying of
`the ‘claimed invention, rather than one in the public
`domain, is indicative of nonobviousness’).”

`“I have examined the Pharmatech
`GenStrip test strips, and it is
`apparent that they are copies of the
`test strips illustrated and described
`in the ‘105 Patent (as well as of
`LifeScan’s commercial blood glucose
`test strips which embody the ‘105
`Patent invention.” … I have
`confirmed that these meters
`[LifeScan Ultra meters] when used
`with the LifeScan or Pharmatech
`test strips, carry out [the measuring,
`comparing, giving an error
`indication] steps recited in the ‘105
`Patent claims.”
`Ex. 2008 John Smith Decl. ¶¶91-97

`Collateral Estoppel
`• Finality of judgment
`• Identity of issue

`Federal Circuit Decision
`Ex. 1029 at p. 10-11

`Federal Circuit Decision
`Ex. 1029 at p. 11

`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Patent
`Owner’s Demonstrative Exhibits was served on counsel of record on May 12,
`2014, by filing this document through the Patent Review Processing System, as
`well as delivering a copy via overnight mail to the counsel of record for the
`Petitioner at the following address:
`Patent Docketing
`Lathrop & Gage LLP
`2345 Grand Boulevard, Suite 2800
`Kansas City, MO 64108
`/Dianne B. Elderkin/
`Dianne B. Elderkin
`Registration No. 28,598
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Date: May 12, 2014

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