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`acrolect • action potential
`ac•ro•lect \'a-kra-,lekt\ n [acr- + -/ect (as in dialect)] (1964) : the lan(cid:173)
`guage variety of a speech community closest to the standard or prestige
`form of a language
`acro•le·in \a-'kro-le-an\ n [ISV acr- (fr. L acr-, acer) + L o/ere to smell
`- more at ODOR] (ca. 1857) : a colorless irritant pungent liquid alde(cid:173)
`hyde C3H40 used chiefly in organic synthesis
`ac•ro·meg•a·IY \,a-kro-'me-ga-Ie\ n [ISV] (1889) : a disorder caused by
`excessive production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland and
`marked esp. by progressive enlargement of hands, feet, and face - ac(cid:173)
`ro•me•gal·ic \-ma-'ga-lik\ adj or n
`ac•ro•nym \'a-kra-,nim\ n [acr- + -onym] (1943) : a word (as NATO, ra(cid:173)
`dar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the suc(cid:173)
`cessive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation
`(as FBI) formed from initial letters : INITIALISM -
`ac•ro•nym.ic \,a(cid:173)
`kra-'ni-mik\ adj- ac·ro•nym·i·cal·lY \-mi-k(a-)le\ adv
`acrop·e·tal \a-'krii-pa-t"l, a-\ adj [acr- + -petal (as in centripetal)] (1875)
`: proceeding from the base toward the apex or from below upward<~
`development of floral buds>- acrop·e•tai•IY \-t"l-e\ adv
`ac•ro·pho·bia \,a-kra-'fO-be-a\ n [NL] (ca. 1888) : abnormal dread of
`being in a high place : fear of heights -
`ac·ro·phobe \ 'a-kra-,fOb\ n
`ac•rO·PhO·bic \-bik\ adj
`acrop•O•Iis \a-'krii-pa-las\ n [Gk ala·opo/is, fr. akr- acr- +polis city -
`more at POLICE] (1662) : the upper fortified part of an ancient Greek
`city (as Athens); also : a usu. fortified height of a city or district else(cid:173)
`where (as in Central America)
`ac·ro·some \'a-kra-,som\ n [ISV] (1899) : an anterior prolongation of a
`spermatozoon that releases egg~penetrating enzymes - ac•rO•SO•mal
`\,a-kra-'so-mal\ adj
`1across \a-'kr6s, chiefly dial-'krost\ adv [ME acros, fr. AF an crois, fr.
`an in (fr. Lin)+ crois cross, fr. L crux] (14c) 1 : in a position reaching
`from one side to the other : CROSSWISE 2 : to or on the opposite side
`3 : so as to be understandable, acceptable, or successful (get an argu(cid:173)
`2across adj (ca. 1576) : being in a crossed position
`3across prep (1591) 1 a : from one side to the opposite side of: OVER,
`THROUGH (swam ~ the river> b : on the opposite side of (lives ~
`the street from us> 2 : so as to intersect or pass through at an angle
`(sawed~ the grain of the wood> 3 : so as to find or meet (came ~
`your football in the hall closet> 4 a :THROUGHOUT (obvious interest
`~ the nation -Robert Goralski> b : so as to include or take into
`consideration all classes or categories(........._, differences, they insist, there
`can be no rational dialogue -Huston Smith>
`across-the-board atff (1945) 1 : placed to win if a competitor wins,
`places, or shows (an ~ racing bet> 2 : embracing or affecting all
`classes or categories : BLANKET (an........._, price increase)
`acros•tic \a-'kr6s-tik, -'kriis-\ n [MF & Gk; MF acrostiche, fr. Gk ak(cid:173)
`rostichis, fr. akr- acr- + stichos line; akin to steichein to go - more at
`STAIR] (1530) 1 : a composition usu. in verse in which sets of letters
`(as the initial or final letters of the lines) taken in order form a word or
`phrase or a regular sequence of letters of the alphabet 2 : ACRONYM
`acrostic also acros·ti·cal \-ti-kal\ adj -
`acros·ti·cai·IY \-ti(cid:173)
`k(a-)le\ adv
`ac•rYI·am·ide \,a-kral-'a-,mid, a-'kri-la-\ n [acrylic +amide] (1893) : an
`amide C3HsNO that is derived from acrylic acid, that polymerizes
`readily, and that is used in the manufacture of synthetic textile fibers
`ac•ry.Jate \'a-kra-,liit\ n (1873) 1 : a salt or ester of acrylic acid 2
`1acryl·ic \a-'kri-lik\ adj [ISV acrolein+ -y/ + 1-ic] (1845) 1 :of or relat(cid:173)
`ing to acrylic acid or its derivatives <........., polymers) 2 : made or con(cid:173)
`sisting of an acrylic (an ........, window)
`2acrylic n (1942) 1 a :ACRYLIC RESIN b :a paint in which the vehicle
`is an acrylic resin c : a painting done in an acrylic resin 2 : ACRYLIC
`acrylic acid n (1845) : an unsaturated liquid acid C,H402 that poly(cid:173)
`merizes readily to form useful products (as constituents for varnishes
`and lacquers)
`acrylic fiber n (1951) : a quick-drying synthetic textile fiber made by
`polymerization of acrylonitrile usu. with other monomers
`acrylic resin n (1936) : a glassy thermoplastic made by polymerizing
`acrylic acid or methacrylic acid or a derivative of either and used for
`cast and molded parts or as coatings and adhesives
`ac·rY·IO•ni.trile \,a-kra-16-'ni-trai, -,trel\ n [acrylic+ ·o- +nitrile] (1893)
`: a colorless volatile flammable liquid nitrile C3H3N used chiefly in or(cid:173)
`ganic synthesis and for polymerization
`ACS abbr 1 American Chemical Society 2 American College of Sur(cid:173)
`1act \'akt\ n [ME, partly fr. L actus doing, act, fr. agere to drive, do; part(cid:173)
`ly fr. L actum thing done, record, fr. neut. of actus, pp. of agere -
`more at AGENT] (14c) 1 a : the doing of a thing : DEED b : some(cid:173)
`thing done voluntarily 2 : a state of real existence rather than possi(cid:173)
`bility 3 : the formal product of a legislative body : STATUTE; also : a
`decision or determination of a sovereign, a legislative council, or a
`court of justice 4 : the process of doing : ACTION (caught in the ~>
`5 often cap : a formal record of something done or transacted 6 : one
`of the principal divisions of a theatrical work (as a play or opera) 7 a
`: one of successive parts or performances (as in a variety show or cir(cid:173)
`cus) b : the performer or performers in such an act c : a perfor(cid:173)
`mance or presentation identified with a particular individual or group
`d : the sum of a person's actions or effects that serve to create an im(cid:173)
`ptession or set an example (a hard~ to follow> 8 : a display of af(cid:173)
`fected behavior : PRETENSE -
`into the act or in on the act : into an
`undertaking or situation as an active participant
`2act vt (1590) 1 obs : ACTUATE, ANIMATE 2 a : to represent or perform
`by action esp. on the stage b : FEIGN, SIMULATE C : IMPERSONATE
`3 : to play the part of as if in a play < ~ the man of the world> 4 : to
`behave in a manner suitable to<........., your age)-., vi 1 a :to perform
`on the stage b : to behave as if performing on the stage : PRETEND 2
`: to take action : MOVE (think before ~ing> <~ed favorably on the
`recommendation> 3: to conduct oneself: BEHAVE<~ like a fool> 4
`: to perform a specified function : SERVE (trees ~ing as a windbreak>
`5 : to produce an effect : WORK (wait for a medicine to ~> 6 of a
`play : to be capable of being performed (the play ~swell> 7 : to give
`a decision or award (adjourned without ~ing on the bill> -
`i•tY \,ak-ta-'bi-la-te\ n - act·able \'ak-ta-bal\ adj
`3act abbr 1 active 2 actor 3 actual
`1 ACT abbr 1 Action for Children's Television 2 Association of Class.
`room Teachers 3 Australian Capital Territory
`2ACT \,ii-,se-'te\ trademark- used for a standardized achievement test
`to evaluate suitability for college admission
`Ac·tae•on \ak-'te-an\ n [L, fr. GkAlaaion] (14c): a hunter turned into
`a stag and killed by his own hounds for having seen Artemis bathing
`actg abbr acting
`ACTH \,a-(,)se-(,)te-'\ n [adrenocorticotropic hormone] (1944) : a
`protein hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that stimu.
`lates the adrenal cortex -
`called also adrenocorticotropic hormone
`ac•tin \'ak-tan\ n [ISV, fr. L actus] (1942) : a cellular protein found esp.
`in microfilaments (as those comprising myofibrils) and active in mus(cid:173)
`cular contraction, cellular movement, and maintenance of cell shape
`actin- or actini- or actino- comb form [NL, ray, fr. Gk aktin-, aktino(cid:173)
`fr. aktin-, aktis; perh. akin to OE uhte morning twilight, L noct-, nox
`night - more at NIGHT] 1 : having a radiate form (actinolite> 2
`: actinic radiation (as X rays) (actinometer>
`1 act•ing \'ak-tiTJ\ n (1598) : the art or practice of representing a charac(cid:173)
`ter on a stage or before cameras
`2acting adj (1797) 1 : holding a temporary rank or position : perform(cid:173)
`ing services temporarily<~ president> 2 a : suitable for stage perfor(cid:173)
`mance (an ~ play> b : prepared with directions for actors (an "'
`text of a play>
`ac.tin·i·an \ak-'ti-ne-an\ n [NL actinia, fr. Gk aktin-, aktis] (1869) : SEA
`ac•tin·ic \ak-'ti-nik\ adj (1844) : of, relating to, resulting from, or ex(cid:173)
`hibiting chemical changes produced by radiant energy esp. in the visi(cid:173)
`ble and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum <~ light> <~ keratosis> -
`ac•tin·i·caJ.Jy \-ni-k(a-)Ie\ adv
`ac·ti•nide \'ak-ta-,nid\ n [ISV] (1945) : any of the series of elements
`with increasing atomic numbers that begins with actinium or thorium
`and ends with lawrencium- see PERIODIC TABLE table
`ac·tin·i·um \ak-'ti-ne-am\ n [NL] (1900) : a radioactive trivalent metal(cid:173)
`lic element that resembles lanthanum in chemical properties and that is
`found esp. in pitchblende -
`see ELEMENT table
`ac·tin•O•Iite \ak-'ti-na-,lit\ n (1794) : a bright green or grayish-green
`mineral of the amphibole group that is a silicate of calcium, magne(cid:173)
`sium, and iron occurring in fibrous, radiate, or columnar forms
`ac•ti·nom·e·ter \,ak-ta-'nii-ma-tar\ n (1833) : any of various instru(cid:173)
`ments for measuring the intensity of incident radiation; esp : one in
`which the intensity of radiation is measured by the speed of a photo(cid:173)
`chemical reaction -
`ac·ti•no·me•tric \-no-'me-trik\ adj -
`nom·e·try \-'nii-ma-tre\ n
`ac·ti•no•mor·phic \,ak-(,)ti-n6-'m6r-fik, -ta-no-; ak-,ti-n6-\ adj [ISV]
`(1881) : being radially symmetrical and capable of division by any lon(cid:173)
`gitudinal plane into essentially symmetrical halves (an~ tulip flower>
`!JC•ti•no·mor•phy \ 1ak-ta-n6-,m6r-fe, ak-'ti-no-\ n
`ac·tl•no·mY·ces \,ak-(,)ti-no-'mi-,sez, -ta-no-; ak-,ti-no-\ n, p/ actino-
`myces [NL, genus name, fr. actin- + Gk myket-, mykes fungus; akin to
`Gk myxa mucus- more at MUCUS] (1882) : any of a genus (Actinomy(cid:173)
`ces) of filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria that includes usu. commen(cid:173)
`sal and sometimes pathogenic forms inhabiting mucosal surfaces esp.
`of the oral cavity of warm-blooded vertebrates
`ac.ti•no•mY•Cete \-'mi-,set, -mi-'set\ n [ultim. fr. Gk aktin-, aktis +
`myket-, mykes] (1883) : any of an order (Actinomycetales) of filamen(cid:173)
`tous or rod-shaped bacteria (as the actinomyces and streptomyces)
`ac·ti•no·mY•Cin \-'mi-s"n\ n (1940) : any of various red or yellow-red
`mostly toxic polypeptide antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria (esp.
`Streptomyces antibioticus); specif: one used to inhibit DNA or RNA
`ac.ti•no·mY•CO•Sis \-ml-'ko-sas\ n [NL] (1881) : infection with or dis(cid:173)
`ease caused by actinomyces; esp : a chronic disease of cattle, swine,
`and humans characterized by hard tp'anulomatous masses usu. in the
`mouth and jaw -
`ac.ti•no·mY•COt•IC \-'kii-tik\ adj
`ac.tion \'ak-shan\ n [ME accioun, fr. AF accion, fr. L action-, actio, fr.
`agere to do- more at AGENT] (14c) 1 : the initiating of a proceeding
`in a court of justice by which one demands or enforces one's right; also
`: the proceeding itself 2 : the bringing about of an alteration by force
`or through a natural agency 3 : the manner or method of performing:
`a : an actor's or speaker's deportment or expression by means of atti(cid:173)
`tude, voice, and gesture b : the style of movement of the feet and legs
`(as of a horse) c : a function of the body or one of its parts 4: an act
`of will 5 a : a thing done : DEED b : the accomplishment of a thing
`usu. over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetition
`C p/ : BEHAVIOR, CONDUCT (unscrupulous ~s> d : INITIATIVE, EN(cid:173)
`TERPRISE (a man of ~ > 6 a (1) : an engagement between troops or
`ships (2) : combat in war (gallantry in~> b (1) : an event or series
`of events forming a literary composition
`(2) : the unfolding of the
`events of a drama or work of fiction : PLOT (3) : the movement of in(cid:173)
`cidents in a plot c : the combination of circumstances that constitute
`the subject matter of a painting or sculpture 7 a : an operating mech(cid:173)
`anism b : the manner in which a mechanism or instrument operates
`8 a : the price movement and trading volume of a commodity, securi(cid:173)
`ty, or market b : the process of betting including the offering and ac(cid:173)
`ceptance of a bet and determination of a winner c : financial gain or
`an opportunity for financial gain (a piece of the ~ > 9 : sexual activ(cid:173)
`ity 10: the most vigorous, productive, or exciting activity in a partie·
`ular field, area, or group (wants to be where the ~ is>
`ac·tion·able \'ak-sh(a-)na-bal\ adj (1591) 1 : subject to or affording
`ground for an action or suit at law 2 : capable of being acted on <~
`information> -
`ac·tion·ably \-ble\ adv
`ac·tion·er \'ak-sh(a-)nar\ n (1973) : a film dominated by a high degree
`of exciting action
`action figure n (1987) : a small-scale figure (as of a superhero) used
`esp. as a toy
`ac•tion•less \'ak-shan-las\ adj (ca. 1817): marked by inaction: IMMO(cid:173)
`action painting n (1952) : abstract expressionism marked esp. by the
`use of spontaneous techniques (as dribbling, splattering, or smearing)
`- action painter n
`action potential n (1926) : a momentary reversal in electrical potential
`across a plasma membrane (as of a neuron or muscle fiber) that occurs
`when a cell has been activated by a stimulus


`bethink • bhakti
`\b'-'thiiJk be-\ vt -thought \-'thot\; -think·ing (bef. 12c) 1 a
`pe•think ~R, RECALL b : to cause (oneselD to be reminded 2 : to
`• RllMJlMB elD to consider
`'ause (oG~~tid be-\ vi (12c): to happen esp. as if by fate~ vt: to hap(cid:173)
`used chiefly in the phrase woe betzde <woe~ our
`... ~. tide: a'~FALL -
`P~~mies) \bi-'tlmz, be-\ adv (13c) 1 : in good time : EARLY 2 archaic
`time : SPEEDILY 3 : at times : OCCASIONALLY
`ll. in a sho~t-'tez\ n, pi be·tises \-'tez\ [F, fr,. bi!te idiot, fool, lit., beast]
`tie·li~f \~a: an act of foolishness or stupidity 2 : lack of good sense
`~1ZivriD1~bi-'to-k~n. be-\ vt -to·kened; -to-ken-ing \-'tok-_ni1J, -'to(cid:173)
`b··Kf0 1 : to typify beforehand : PRESAGE 2 : to gzve evzdence of
`. 'tra be-\ vb [ME, fr. be- + trayen to betray, fr. AF tmhzr, fr.
`. saoW
`p·e.traY \b~ m~re at TRAITOR] vt (13c) 1 : to le~d astray; esp : SEDT;'CE
`to an enemy by treachery 3 : to fall or desert esp. m ttme
`1., n·adere.
`2 ·to del<Ivered his family) 4 a : to reveal unintentionally <~· one's
`or' need. ~> b : saow, INDICATE c : to disclose in violation of con(cid:173)
`vi : to prove false syn see REVEAL -
`true feel<mg a secret) -
`be•tray•er \-'tra-gr\ n
`;-' -(-~)1\ 11 -
`traY·al \- r-~trotll, -'troth, be-\ vt [ME •. fr. be- + u·outlze truth, troth]
`. .
`be•troth ~ 1
`romise to marry 2 : to gtve tn marnage
`(14C) 1 · {\-~ro-thgJ, -'tro-, -thgJ\ n (1831) 1 : the act of be,rotmng or
`betrOthed 2 : a mutual promise or contract for a future
`fact '?f bemg
`marriage d \bi-'trotlld, -'troth!\ n (1588) : the person to whom one IS
`betrot~ed_tg\ 11 [NL, prob. ~r. Jav wade~·, a freshwater fish] (1927): any
`bet•ta \be (Betta of the famzly Anaban!Idae) of small b:Ilhantly colored
`of a g~nus d freshwater bony ftshes of southeastern Asm; esp ; SIA.'\iESE
`FIGIITIN~ F_!tS:\ adj, comparative of GOOD [ME bettz·e, fr. OE betera;
`1bet•ter \'j£ bOt remedy Skt blzadra fortunate] (bef. 12c) 1 : greater
`f r the ~ pa~t of an hour) 2 : improved in health or men(cid:173)
`akin to
`than halfd< (reeling~> 3 : more attractive, favorable, or commend(cid:173)
`tal att!tu ~circumstances) 4 : more advantageous or ~ff~ctive (a,..,_"'"'
`able ~ill> 5 . improved in accuracy or performance (butldmg a,...._, en-

`bef 12c) 1 : to make better: as a : to make more tolerable
`2better vt i bl~ <trying to~ the lot of slum dwellers) b : to make more
`or acc{p a r perfect (looked forward to her acquaintal}ce with
`cornPe~~~cighbors) 2 : to surpass in excellence : EXCEL ~--~ Vl : to be(cid:173)
`the 11 b
`ter syn see IMPROVE
`3 come ~ comparative of WELL (12c) 1 a : in a more excellent man·
`than 1 do) b : to greater advantage : PREFERABLY
`better a v,
`ner <sz~~fn; are ~ left unsaid) 2 a : to a higher or greater degree
`~h~'l~ows the story ~ than you do) b : MORE (it is ~ than nine
`·t s to the next town)
`4bmHe r 11 (12c) 1 a : something better (I expected~ from them) b : a
`5~ ~rior esp. in merit or rank (was respectful of his ~s) 2 : ADVAN(cid:173)
`TA'bll VICTORY <get the~ of her)
`sbetter verbal auxiliazy (1831): had better (you~ hurry)
`better half n (1580) : SPOUSE
`bet•ter•ment \'be-t~r-mgnt\ n (1598) 1 : a makmg or becomu~g. better
`2 : an improvement ~hat a~ds to the value ?f ayroperty or ~actl;ty
`bet-ter-off\ be-tg-'rof\ ad} (ca. 1859) 1 . bemg m comfo,tab,e eco ..
`nomic circu~stances (the .-....... people !lye in the older section of town>
`2 • being in a more advantageous posttlon
`betting shop n (1852) Brit: a shop where bets are taken
`bet.tor or bet-ter \'be-t~r\ n (1609) : one that bets
`'be-tween \bi-'twen, be-\ prep [ME betwene1 prep. & adv,., fr: ,OE
`betweonum, fr. be- + -twi!onum (dat. pl.) (akm to Goth Mezhn"!z ,wo
`each); akin to OE twii two] (bef. 12c) 1 a : by the common actwn of
`:jointly engaging (shared the work~ the two of t~e!ll) <talks.~ the
`three -Time) b : in common to : shared by <diVIded~ h1s four
`grandchildren) 2 a : in the time, space, or interval that sep~rates . b
`: in intermediate relation to 3 a : from one to another of <air serviCe
`""'Miami and Chicago) b : serving to connect or unite in a relation(cid:173)
`ship (as difference, likeness, or proportion) <a one-to-one correspo!'(cid:173)
`sets) c : setting apart (the line ~ fact and fancy) 4 a : m
`dence -
`preference for one or the other of (had no difficulty deciding ~ the
`two} b : in point of comparison of <not much to choose ~ the two
`coats) 5 : in confidence restricted to (a secret ~ you and me) 6
`:taking together the combined effect of<~ work and family life, they
`have no time for hobbies)
`usage There is a persistent but unfounded notion that between can be
`Used only of two items and that among must be used for more than
`two. Between has been used of more than two since Old English; it is
`esp. tppropriate to denote a one-to-one relationship, regardless of the
`~urn. er of items. It can be used when the number is unspecified <eco(cid:173)
`m~m1f cooperation between nations), when more than two are enu(cid:173)
`hv ra ed <b~tween you and me and the lamppost) <partitioned be(cid:173)
`w~:n Austna, Prussia, and Russia -Nathaniel Benchley), and even
`betw~ only one Item is mentioned (but repetition is implied) <pausing
`more en every. sentence to rap the floor -George Eliot). Among is
`inctiviJPP{0Pna~e wh~re the emphasis is on distribution rather than
`'!• relatiOnships <discontent among the peasants). When
`u<tomatically chosen for more than two, English idiom may
`a worthy book that nevertheless falls among many stools
`r~mo11!> <the author alternates among mod slang, cliches and
`m Iterary giants -A. H. Johnston).
`adv (bef. 12c) : in an intermediate space or interval
`;,n!"ss \-ngs\ n (1884) : the quality or state of being between
`•11zn an ordered mathematical set
`·w~·es \-,bmz\ adv (1580) : at or during intervals
`\bi •t'l~s \-,hwl(-o)!z, -,wl(-g)Jz\ adv (1656): BETWEBNTIMES
`~n to Goth \~tk~h be-\ adv or prep [ME, fr. OE betwux, fr. be- + -twzoc
`vez nat two each)- more at BETWEEN] (bef. 12c) : BE(cid:173)
`the )(t and bet
`atiut1one thing 11 wehen adv or ac(j (1789) : in a midway position : nei(cid:173)
`ln • 8h \'bYii-1 or t e other
`Bunyan's Pi/~!' \16p84) : an idyllic land near the end of life's journey
`6 ' zm s rogress
`beurre blanc \'bor-'blii"\ n [F, lit., white butter] (1931) : a seasoned
`butter sauce (as for fish) flavored with white wine, shallots, and vinegar
`or lemon juice
`beurre ma.nie \-miin-'ya\ n [F, lit., handled butter] (1939) : flour and
`butter kneaded together used as a thickener in sauces
`beurre noir \-'nwiir\ n [F, lit., black butter] (1830) : butter heated untll
`brown or black and often flavored with vinegar or lemon Juice
`BeV abbr billion electron volts
`BEV abbr Black English vernacular
`1 bev•el \'be-vol\ adj (ca. 1600) : OBLIQUE, BEVELED <a~ edge)
`2 bevel n [MF *bevel, fr. OF *baivel, fr. baifwith open mouth, fr, baer to
`yawn -more at ABEYANCE] (1610) 1 : an mstrument consistmg of
`tvm rules or arms jointed together and opening to any angle for draw~
`ing angles or adjusting surfaces to be cut at an angle 2 a : the al}gle
`that one surface or line makes with another when they are not at nght
`angles b : the slant of such a surface or line 3 : the part of printing
`type extending from face to shoulder
`3 bevel vb -eled or -elled; -el-ing or ·el·ling \'bev-liQ, 'be-vg-\ vt (1677)
`: to cut or shape to a bevel ,.._vi : INCLINE, SLANT
`bevel gear n (ca. 1790): either of a pair of toothed wheels whose work-
`ing surfaces are inclined to nonparallel axes
`bev•er,age \'bev-rij, 'be-vg-\ n [ME, fr. AF, fr. belVl·e to dnnk, fr. L bzb(cid:173)
`ere- more at POTABLE] (14c) : a drinkable liquid
`bevy \'be-ve\ n, pi bev-ies [ME bevey] (15c) 1 : a large group or col(cid:173)
`lection <a ~ of girls) 2 : a group of animals and esp. quad
`be•Wail \bi-'wa(g)J\ vt (14c) 1 : to wail over 2 : to express deep sor(cid:173)
`row for usu. by wailing and lamentation syn see DEPLORE
`be•ware \bi-'wer, be-\ vb [ME been war, fr. been to be +war careful -
`more at BE, WARE] vi (14c): to be on one's guard<~ of the dog)- vt
`1 : to take care of<~ your wallet) 2 : to be wary of <we must ... ~
`the exceedingly tenuous generalization -Matthew Lipman)
`be•Whis·kered \-'hwis-brd, -'wis-\ adj (1820) : having whiskers
`be·wigged \bi-'wigd, be-\ adj (1774).: wearing a 'Yig
`be·Wil•aer \bi-'wiJ-dgr be-\ vt -wll•dered; -wii·der·mg \-d(o-)nl)\
`(1684) 1 : to cause t~ lose one's bearings 2 : to perplex or confuse
`esp. by a complexity, vari~ty, or multitude of objec:ts or considerations
`be•WII•dered·IY adv- be•WII·dered·ness n -
`syn see PUZZLE -
`be·wil·der·ing·lY \-d(g-)riQ-le\ adv
`be•Wil•der-ment \-dor-mont\ n (1811) 1 : the quahty or state of bemg
`. .
`bewildered 2 : a bewildering tangle or confusion
`be· witch \bi-'wich, be-\ vt (13c) 1 a : to influence or affect esl?. m]un(cid:173)
`ously by witchcraft b : to cast a spell over 2 : to attract as 1f by the
`power of witchcraft : ENCHANT, FASCINATE <~ed by her beauty) -
`be•witch•ery \-'wi-ch(g-)re\
`vi : to bewitch someone or something -
`be•Witch·in~·IY \-'wi-chiQ-le\ adv
`n -
`be•Witch•ment \- wich-mont\ n (1607) 1 a : the act or power of be(cid:173)
`witching b : a spell that bewitches 2 : the state of being b~witched
`bs•wray \bi-'ra\ vt [ME, fr. be- + wreye!l to accuse, fr. OE wregan; akm
`to OHG rzwgen to accuse] (13c) archazc : DIVULGE, BETRAY
`bey \'ba\ n [Turk, gentleman, chief] (1537) 1 a : a provinc!al govern'?r
`in the Ottoman Empire b : the former native ruler of Tums or Tumsza
`used as a courtesy title in Turkey and Egypt
`2 -
`1 be•Yond \be-'and\ adv [ME, prep. & adv., fr. OE begeondan, fr. be- +
`geondan beyond, fr. geond yond- more at YOND] (bef. 12c) 1 : on or
`to the farther side : FARTHER 2 : in addition : BESIDES
`2 beyondprep (bef. 12c) 1 :on or to the farther side of: at a greater dis(cid:173)
`tance than < ~ the horizon) 2 a : out of the reach or. sphere of ~a task
`.-.-.../ his strength) b : in a degree or amount surpassmg (beautiful .-.......
`measure) c : out of the comprehension of (his reasonin&_ is.-....... me) 3
`: in addition to : BESIDES <doing work~ his regular du!Ie~)
`3 beyond n (14c) 1 : something that lies beyond 2 : somethmg that hes
`outside the scope of ordinary experience; specif: HEREAFTER
`be·zant \'be-z•nt, b~-'zant\ n [ME besant, fr. AF, fr. ML Byzantius Byz(cid:173)
`antine, fr. Byzantium, ancient name of Istanbul] (13c) 1 : SOLIDUS 1
`2 : a flat disk used in architectural omament
`be•zel \ 'be-z~l. 'be-\ n [pro b. fr. dial. form of F biseau bezel, fr. MF]
`(1611) 1 : a rim that holds a transparent covering (as on a watch,
`clock, or headlight) or that is rotatable and has special m~rkings (as on
`a watch) 2 : the oblique side or face of a cut gem; specif: the upper
` BRIL(cid:173)
`faceted portioz:z of a brilliant projecti_ng from !he -
`LIANT illustratiOn 3 : a usu. metal nm of a pzece of jewelry m which
`an ornament (as a gem) is set
`be·zique \bo-'zek\ n [F besique] (1861) : a card game similar to pinoch(cid:173)
`le that is played with a pack of 64 cards
`be·zoar \'be-,zor\ n [MF, fr. ML, fr. Ar dial. bezuwtir, fr. Ar biizahr, fr.
`Pers piid-zalzr, fr. piid protecting (against) + zalzr poison] (1577) : any of
`various calculi found chiefly in the gastrointestinal organs and former~
`called also bezoar stone
`ly believed to possess magical properties -
`bf abbr boldface
`BF abbr 1 bachelor of forestry 2 board foot 3 brought forward
`BFA abbr bachelor of fine arts
`BFF abbr best friends forever
`bg abbr 1 background 2 bag 3 beige 4 being
`BG or 8 Gen abbr brigadier general
`BGH abbr bovine growth hormone
`B-glrl n [prob. fr. bar +girl] (1936) : a woman who entertains bar pa(cid:173)
`trons and encourages them to spend freely
`BGS abbr bachelor of general studies
`Bh symbol bohrium
`BH abbr 1 bill of health 2 Brinell hardness
`BHA \,be-(,)a-'chii\ n [butylated hydroxyanisole] (1950? : a phenolic an(cid:173)
`tioxidant CnHz602 used esp. to preserve fats and mls m_f<:>o~
`Bha,ga·vad Gi•ta \,bii-g~-,viid-'ge-tg\ n [Skt Blzagavadgzta, ht., song of
`the blessed one (Krishna)] (ca. 1785) : a Hindu devotional work in po(cid:173)
`etic form
`bhak·ti \'bok-te\ n [Skt, lit., portion] (1832) : devotion to a deity constz(cid:173)
`tuting a way to salvation in Hinduism
`\o\ abut \'\kitten, F table \~r\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \ii\ mop, mar
`\i\ hit \i\ ice
`\e\ bet \e\ easy \g\ go
`\ch\ chin
`\au\ out
`\Q\ sing \6\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \ill\ the \ii\ loot \u\ foot
`\k, ", oe, w, 'I\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`\zh\ vision, beige
`\y\ yet


`to smell - more at ODOR] (1876) : a dry full'
`,. .. u
`fr, L
`6-\ n, often cap [ME 0/ympias,
`Gk, fr. Olympia, site of ancient Olympic
`4-year intervals between Olympic Games
`in ancient Greece 2 : a quadrennial eel(cid:173)
`Games; also : a competition or series
`olympiad esp. in variety or challenge
`1 : of or relating to Mount Olympus in
`chan1cteristic of an Olympian; esp : LOFTY
`", .... ,.. .. ~ •• , and ~ arrogance -Richard Pollak)
`or relating to the ancient Greek region of
`to, or constituting the Olympic Games
`a participant in Olympic Games
`of the ancient Greek deities dwelling on
`1 ·
`detachment or superior attainments
`\~-'Hrn-n•P.-'•-- 6-\ n [Olympia, Washington] (1908) : a
`lurid a) of the Puget Sound area of
`called also Olympia
`adj (1590) 1 : 'OLYMPIAN 2 : of or relating
`pi (ca. 1610) 1 : an ancient Panhellenic festival
`year and made up of conte~ts of. sports, music,. ~nd
`victor's prize a crown of wild ohve 2 : a modtfted
`Olympic Games consisting of international ath(cid:173)
`are held at separate winter and summer gatherings at
`called also Olympics
`.•• oo•"·.- ·-~'" 1< -
`: .• \~··wu·;•""• 6-\ n [L, fr. Gk 0/ympos] (15c) : a mountain in
`mythology is the abode of the gods
`""'a''"~,_.,_-,,~- :a mantra consisting of the sound V6m\ and
`·~~.~iern>>la1:ion of ultimate reality
`-omas also -ornata [L omat-, -oma, fr. Gk -omat-,
`vowel of causative verbs in -owz) +-mat-, -ma, suffix
`at -MENT] : tumor <adenoma) (fibroma)
`n pi Omaha or Omahas [Omaha wnijhq, a
`1': a member of an American Indian people
`2 : the Siouan language of the Omaha
`\-sg\ [NL, fr. L, tripe of a bullock]
`the ruminant stomach that is situated be-
`compare RUMEN
`abomasum -
`reticulum and
`Office of Management and Budget
`'am-bre, ';,m-, -,bra\ n [F or Sp; F hombre, fr. Sp, Itt.,
`at HOMBRE] (ca. 1661) : an old three-handed card game
`esp. in the 17th and 18th centuries
`adj [F, pp. of ombrer to shade, fr. It ombrare, fr. om(cid:173)
`- more at UMBRAGE] (1893) : having colors or
`used esp. of fabrics in which the
`each other -
`light to dark - ombre n
`•am-.blldz-man, 16m-, -b()dz-,;, 6m-\ ll,
`[Sw lit. representative, fr. ON umbothsmathr, fr. um(cid:173)
`+ ,;,at/:r man] (1959) 1 : a government official (as in
`appointed to receive and investigate com-
`L~.:~~:~~~~-r~~~;~s~~~!l~~ abuses or capricious acts of public
`on, and helps settle com-
`•~·'"~''·"nn \-,pgr-s"n\ n
`fr. L, -oma] : mass (phyllome)
`-'me-, -'me-\ n [ME, fr. Gk omega, lit., large o] (15c)
`letter of the Greek alphabet -see ALPHABET table
`or final part : END 3 a : a negatively charged elemen(cid:173)
`that has a mass 3270 times the mass of an electron -
`omega minus b : a very short-lived unstable meson with
`called also omega meson
`times the mass of an electron -
`\-'thre\ adj (1980) : being or composed of polyunsaturated
`that have the final double bond in the hydrocarbon chain
`third and fourth carbon atoms from the end of the mole(cid:173)
`t®leo•PP•OSilte that of the carboxyl group and that are found esp. in fish,
`leafy vegetables, and some nuts and vegetable oils
`om·e·lette \'am-Jgt, 'a-mg-\ n [F omelette, alter. of MF
`alter. of a/emelle thin plate, ultim. fr. L lamella, dim.
`1) : beaten eggs cooked without stirring until set and
`n [L omin-, omen] (1582) : an occurrence or phenome-
`o portend a future event : AUGURY
`-'m•en-tgm\ n, pi-ta \-tg\ or -turns [L; perh. akin to Lin(cid:173)
`on, exuere to take off- more at EXUVIAE] (1682) : a fold
`coJ>n<,ctiing or supporting abdominal structures (as the
`: a fold of peritoneum free at one end -
`\. 0 .M~n.f 0 l\ adj
`'!m·ep.ra.zole \6-'me-prg-,z61 -'me-, -,zol\ n [lSV omepr- (of unknown
`+ benzimidazole] (19S4) : a benzimidazole derivative C11Hw
`that inhibits gastric acid secretion
`n [Heb 'omer] (ca. 1608) 1 : an ancient Hebrew unit of
`to \'10 ephah 2 a often cap : the sheaf of barley Ira(cid:173)
`Jewish Temple worship on the second day of the
`: a 7-week liturgical period of anticipation for
`~~o"'"'"""_with the second day of the Passover
`Brit 6-'ml-(,)kran\ n [ME, fr. Gk o mi/a·on,
`see ALPHA-
`letter of the Greek alphabet -
`\'a-mg-ngs\ adj (1580) : being or exhibiting an omen : POR(cid:173)
`: foreboding or foreshadowing evil : INAUSPICIOUS -
`adv - om·i·nous•ness n
`ous. PORTENTOUS, FATEFUL mean having a menacing. or
`OMINOUS implies having a menacing, alarmmg
`·tcore,>h2Ldo•wingevil or disaster <ominous rumblings from the
`PORTENTOUS suggests being frighteningly big or impressive
`ow seldom definitely con

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