


`Implementing Real-Time Robotic Systems Using CHIMERA II
`David B. Stewart'
`Donald E. Schmitz
`Pradeep K. Khosla t
`The Robotics Institute
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
`This paper describes the CHIMERA II programming environ(cid:173)
`ment and operating system, which was developedfor implementing real-time
`robotic systems. Sensor-based robotic systems contain both general and spe(cid:173)
`cial purpose hardware, and thus the development of applications tends to
`be a velY tedious and time consuming task. The CHIMERA II environ(cid:173)
`ment is designed to reduce the development time by providing a convenient
`software inleiface between the hardware and the user. CHIMERA II sup(cid:173)
`ports flexible hardware configurations which are based on one or more
`VME-backplanes. All communication across mUltiple processors is trans(cid:173)
`parent to the user through an extensive set of inter processor communication
`primitives. CHIMERA II also provides a high-peiformance real-time ker(cid:173)
`nel which supports bolh deadline and highest-priority-first scheduling. The
`flexibility of CHIMERA II allows hierarchical models for robot control,
`such as NASREM, to be implemented with minimal programming time and
`effort. CHIMERA II is currently being used with a variety of robotic sys(cid:173)
`tems, including the CMU Direct Drive Arm II and the CMU Reconfigurable
`Modular Manipulator System.
`Keywords: Real-Time Operating System, Robot Control, Sensor Integra(cid:173)
`tion, Telerobotics, Standardization, NASREM.
`Sensor-based control applications, such as robotics, process control, and
`manufacturing systems, present problems to conventional operating systems
`because of their need for several different hierarchical levels of control,
`which typically fall into three broad categories: servo levels, supervisory
`levels, and planning levels. The servo levels involve reading data from sen(cid:173)
`sors, analyzing the data, and controlling electro-mechanical devices, such
`as robots and machines. The timing of these levels is critical, and often in(cid:173)
`volves periodic processes ranging from 100 Hz to 1000 Hz. The supervisory
`levels are higher level actions, such as specifying a task, issuing commands
`like turn on motor 3 or move to position B, and selecting different modes
`of control based on data received from sensors at the servo level. Time at
`these levels is a factor, but not as critical as for the servo levels. In the
`planning levels time is usually not a critical factor. Examples of processes
`in this level include generating accounting or performance logs of the real(cid:173)
`time system, simulating a task, and programming new tasks for the system
`to take on.
`In order to satisfy the needs of sensor-based control applications, a flexible
`real-time, multitasking and parallel programming environment is needed.
`For the servo levels, it must provide a high performance real-time kernel,
`low-overhead communication, fast context switching and interrupt latency
`times, and support for special purpose CPUs and I/O devices. For the
`supervisory levels, a message passing mechanism, access to a file system,
`and scheduling flexibility are desired. The real-time environment must be
`compatible with a software development workstation that provides tools
`for programming, debugging, and off-line analysis, which are required by
`the planning levels. A popular high level language must be available to
`minimize the learning time of the system. The details of the hardware should
`be isolated from the user, providing the user with a common software base
`"'Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`t Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`regardless of hardware configuration. Finally, the real-time operating system
`should be designed so that programs running in simulation under a time(cid:173)
`sharing environment can be incorporated into the real-time environment with
`minimal effort. CHIMERA II provides such an environment that is capable
`of supporting all levels of real-time sensor-based robot control applications
`on a multiprocessor computer system.
`Although the motivation for developing CHIMERA II is similar to the ide(cid:173)
`ology behind its predecessor CHIMERA[I), its implementation is radically
`different and includes significant improvements, mostly in the areas of sup(cid:173)
`port for multiple processors and VME backplanes, and a higher perfor(cid:173)
`mance kemel with improved real-time scheduling. A previous paper [2]
`provides background into the motivation and issues considered in redesign(cid:173)
`CHIMERA II is not the only system designed to address real-time control
`applications. Several real-time operating systems currently exist for such ap(cid:173)
`plications. These include the commercial operating systems such as VRTX,
`by Ready Systems [3); iRMX II, by Intel [4]; and VxWorks. by Wind
`River Systems[5); and research operating systems, such as CONDOR[6];
`SAGE[?]; and Harmony[8). In general, these systems suffer from one or
`more of the following: lack of multiprocessing capabilities, poor or insuf(cid:173)
`ficient interprocessor communication and synchronization mechanisms, no
`provisions for joining the simulation and real-time environment, both in
`terms of UNIX compatibility and communication primitives, or a lack of
`support for easily incorporating I/O devices and special purpose processors
`into the environment. The above systems require users to spend a large
`amount of their time developing features that should be in the operating
`system. CHIMERA II was designed especially for robotics systems; it pro(cid:173)
`vides the necessary features for reducing development time and increa~ing
`performance of real-time robotic applications.
`One of the more elaborate hierarchical control architectures proposed is the
`NASA/NBS Standard Reference Model for Telerobot Control System Archi(cid:173)
`tecture (NASREM) [9], which heavily influenced many of the CHIMERA II
`design decisions. The NASREM architecture is described in more detail
`in the next section. Section 2 describes the hardware required to support
`CHIMERA II; while the software is described in Section 3. The perfor(cid:173)
`mance of CHIMERA II is outlined in Section 4. CHIMERA II is then
`summarized in Section 5 as the recommended underlying system for devel(cid:173)
`oping real-time robotic systems.
`1.1 Overview of the NASREM Model
`Figure I shows a block diagram of NASREM. It consists of a hierarchy of
`several levels (nominally six levels). Each level is implemented as sets of
`three distinct modules, called sensory processing, world modeling, and task
`decomposition. The sensory processing modules are responsible for obtain(cid:173)
`ing and integrating information from the system. At the lowest levels. this
`involves reading the data from different sensors in a system, while for the
`upper levels sensory information is more general and hardware indepen(cid:173)
`dent. The world modeling modules control access to information within the
`global database, and provide the necessary synchronization for other mod(cid:173)
`ules which must update the world model. Models are application specific,
`and can be in the form of algorithms. data sets (typicaUy for lower levels)
`and knowledge bases (for the upper levels). The task decomposition mod(cid:173)
`ules initiate actions based on user input and information within the world
`CH2872-0/90/0000-0252 © $1.001990 IEEE


`model. The upper-level commands would typically be of the form move to
`point B, while the servo-levels produce low-level commands such as apply
`torque X to joint Y.
`A major goal of NASREM is to provide a standard architecture for in(cid:173)
`corporating multiple sensors and robots into a single application. Using a
`standard architectural model allows efforts in various research organizations
`to be leveraged and new technologies to be brought together quickly. Other
`advantages of standardization include portability and expandability of real(cid:173)
`time code, ease of code development, and the provision of guidelines for
`system integration. CIDMERA II has the ability to hide the details of the
`hardware from the user, thus allowing the implementation of hardware in(cid:173)
`dependent code, which is a first and necessary step towards standardization.
`Figure 1: NASA/NBS Standard Reference Model for Telerobot Control System
`Architecture (NASREM) (from [9]).
`2 Hardware Configurations
`A typical hardware configuration for applications supporting hierarchical
`robot control would consist of multiple general purpose processors, pos(cid:173)
`sibly on multiple backplanes. The system may contain special processing
`units, such as floating point accelerators, digital signal processors, and im(cid:173)
`age processing systems. The system will also contain several sensory and
`control devices, such as force sensors, cameras, tactile sensors, and range
`finders to gather data about the environment, and a variety of actuators,
`switches, and amplifiers to control robotic equipment.
`Figure 2 shows one of many possible hardware configurations, and is based
`on the hardware architecture recommended by NASREM[9]. The hardware
`for each level of the hierarchy is on a separate VME bus, separated by
`gateways. In larger systems, there may be multiple VME buses dedicated
`to the same level, possibly connected in a star configuration. In a very
`simple system, there may be only one VME bus for the entire system.
`Tasks at the same level will typically have high volume communication.
`A dedicated VME bus for that level reduces the memory bandwidth for
`intertask communication, since different levels need not compete for the
`same VME bus. In smaller applications where memory bandwidth is not
`a problem, multiple levels can share the same VME bus. In addition to
`the VME buses for each level, other high speed data buses can be used
`Soltware Development and Simulation (Non·Real·11me)
`(May consist 01
`more than one
`VME bus)
`Servo Levels
`(May consist of
`more than one
`VME bus)
`Figure 2: Generalized hardware configuration supported by CIDMERA IT
`either for fast local communication between neighboring processors, or as
`dedicated data paths for sensor and actuator signals.
`The highest level of the hierarchical control consists of the non-real-time
`environment. One or more workstations can be connected via ethernet, with
`at least one of them connected via a gateway to the real-time environment.
`which we call the host workstation. Various utilities such as simulators,
`debuggers, graphical interfaces, and fIle systems are located at this level.
`2.1 A Sample Application
`CIDMERA II is currently implemented to run with a Sun host workstation,
`running SunOS 4.0.3. The effort required for porting the code to a different
`host should be minimal if the operating system on the new host supports
`System V interprocess communication and the enhanced mmap() facility
`that Sun provides. The Real-Time Processing Units (RTPUs) are VME(cid:173)
`based single-board computers. Thus far, supported RTPUs are the Ironies
`IV32XX series with M68020 processors, and Heurikon M68030 processors.
`Porting to other M68020 or M68030 processors would require minimal
`effort. Porting to an entirely different processor family, such as the SPARe
`or 80X86 would require substantial effort. The VME to VME gateways are
`typically VME-VME adaptors, with the BIT3 Models 411 and 412 currently
`supported. These adaptors operate only in master/slave mode, where the
`address space of the slave VME bus is mapped into a part of the address
`space of the master VME bus through an address window. CIDMERA II
`has been designed to use these master/slave adaptors since they are the most
`popular type of adaptor on the market. Adaptors that use DMA to transfer
`data can be used, but the code required to support them has not yet been
`The hardware currently supported is based on the needs of the Advanced
`Manipulators Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Within our
`own labs, three very different systems are currently using CIDMERA II.
`These are the CMU Direct Drive Arm II (DDArm 11)[101, The CMU
`Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System[111. and the Flexible Arm


`Manipulator[12]. The diverse requirements of these systems have proven
`the flexibility of CIllMERA II to support a wide variety of actuators and
`The CMU DDArm II is an example of a multi·sensor robotic system. Its
`current hardware configuration is shown in Figure 3. The system consists
`of three VME backplanes, separated by BIT3 adaptors, and a Multibus
`backplane separated by a YME-Multibus adaptor. No RTPUs reside on
`the Multibus; all processors on that bus are treated as devices. A Sun
`3/260 is used as the host woxkstation, with one Heurikon M68030 and two
`Ironies M68020 processors as the RTPUs. Also included in the system is a
`Mercury 3200 floating point accelerator with 20 MfIop peak performance,
`an Imaging Technology vision system, and six Texas Instrument TMS320
`digital signal processors. Several serial and parallel I/O ports are used
`to connect to position, force, and tactile sensors, while an analog input
`connects to a camera on the end effector. A six·degree·of·freedom joystick,
`a terminal, and the Sun keyboard and mouse provide the interfaces for
`human interaction with the system.
`(for vision
`6 DOF
`# 1
`TMS 320
`T olfrom Robot
`Joint 1
`Tolfrom Robot
`Joint 6
`with device drivers that makes the very different hardware look similar.
`3.1 Overview of CHIMERA II Software
`Control processes running at the servo levels involve reading data from
`sensors, analyzing the data, and controlling electro-mechanical devices, such
`as robots or machines. The timing of thes~ levels is critical, also known as
`hard real·time, and often involves periodic processes ranging from 100 Hz
`to 1000 Hz. CHIMERA II provides both minimum·laxity·first and highest.
`priority-jirst schedulers for programming in real·time. The minimum· laxity·
`first scheduler allows the user to specify tasks with execution deadlines. A
`failure handler is called whenever a task fails to meet its deadline as a result
`of a system overload.
`In most robotic systems, the CPU bandwidth provided by a single processor
`is insufficient, thus creating the need for multiple processors. If the cost
`or complexity of communication between multiple processors is too high,
`however, it may nullify the effect of parallelism. CHIMERA II addresses
`this problem by exploiting the fact that all processors are on the VME
`bus, and uses direct block copies for all communication, instead of using
`time·consuming network protocols such as TCP/IP. The interface to these
`communication primitives is transparent across multiple processors, thus
`simplifying the programming of multiprocessor applications.
`The planning levels do not necessarily require a real·time scheduler. In many
`cases, the non·real·time environment offered by a typical UNIX workstation
`is desirable to provide both a graphies terminal and a development envi·
`ronment. Traditional methods of linking non·real·time to real·time systems
`via ethernet and using network protocols is both difficult to program and
`requires a huge amount of overhead. Ideally, from the user's point of view,
`there is no difference between the real·time and non·real·time systems. Our
`design of CHIMERA II allows processes on the host UNIX workstation to
`communicate directly with the processors in the real· time environment, us·
`ing the same synchronization primitives. There is no need for any complex
`network protocol to establish such communication.
`Applications for CIllMERA II are programmed using the C language. Using
`languages other than C should be possible; however no consideration was
`given to this aspect during the development of CHIMERA II. Assembly
`language can also be used for specialized applications, but it is usually not
`necessary, since CHIMERA II provides the necessary features for writing
`exception handlers and device drivers in C.
`Many standard C library calls are available, such as the stdio, strings, and
`math libraries, and also various utilities such as quicksort, binary search,
`and an optimized block copy. With the exception of the stdio library, these
`libraries provide identical functionality to their UNIX counterparts. The
`stdio library has been enhanced to run within a shared memory environment.
`Files can be shared among multiple tasks on the same processor. The stdio
`library incorporates the appropriate mutual exclusion to ensure the integrity
`of the file buffers. In addition to the standard library routines, CHIMERA II
`emulates many of the UNIX system calls, such as open(), read(), write(),
`and mmap(). These routines all generate remote procedure calls when the
`needed resource belongs to a different processor within the system.
`Figure 3: eMU Direct Drive Arm II hardware configuration
`3.2 Real-Time Kernel
`3 Software Architecture
`The concept of a layered hardware platform eases system planning and
`integration, and provides convenient guidelines for developing large sys·
`tems. Such layered hardware with multiple processors, however, presents
`nightmares to system programmers who must worry about the multitude of
`different addresses, address spaces, specialized devices, and hardware de·
`pendencies. It becomes extremely difficult to write standardized software
`when the hardware is very diverse.
`CHIMERA II was designed to remove these problems from the user. First it
`provides a communications layer that makes all the interprocessor commu·
`nication complexities transparent to the user. Second, it provides a kernel
`A copy of the CHIMERA II real· time kernel executes on each RTPU. The
`kernel provides all the scheduling and task control primitives through a C
`library. The low·level details such as the model or manufacturer of the
`RTPU are built·in to CHIMERA II and are hidden from the user.
`One of the major goals when developing the kernel was to provide the
`required functionality at the highest performance possible, by sacrificing
`traditional operating system features which are hardly used. Our basis for
`measuring performance is the amount of CPU time during normal execu·
`tion which must be dedicated to the operating system functions, such as
`scheduling, task switching, and communication overhead. Some of the ma(cid:173)
`jor design decisions made in developing a kernel especially for real· time
`sensory control are described below. For the sake of brevity, we have left
`out many details of the software. These are available in [15].
`Tasks: A task in CIllMERA II is also known as a thread or lightweight


`process in other operating systems. A user program which is downloaded
`into an RTPU consists of a single executable file. The kernel is supplied
`as a C library and is linked into the executable image. When a program
`is downloaded to an RTPU and executed, some kernel initialization is per(cid:173)
`formed, following which the user's main() routine is spawned as a task.
`Any other task can then be started from mainO.
`Task communication: There is no parent/child relationship among tasks.
`Any task can communicate with any other task either through local shared
`memory or local semaphores. Within a single executable file, all global
`variables are automatically shared among all tasks. Local semaphores are
`available and can be used either to provide mutual exclusion during crit(cid:173)
`ical sections (binary semaphores), or to provide synchronization among
`tasks (general or counting semaphores). Global shared memory, remote
`semaphores, and message passing are also available to tasks when commu(cid:173)
`nication across multiple processors is required. The global communication
`is described in Section 3.4.
`In general, all of the tasks running on a given RTPU
`Intertask security:
`(or set of RTPUs) are written and invoked by a single user. It is reasonable
`to assume that these tasks are designed to cooperate. We have thus sacrificed
`the intertask protection, allowing one task to access the address space of
`any other task. This has resulted in the elimination of a lot of overhead
`incurred in performing system calls or their equivalents.
`The total address space used by all tasks on
`Memory management:
`one system is limited by the physical memory available on the RTPU.
`CHIMERA II does not provide any virtual memory, as the memory man(cid:173)
`agement and swapping overhead not only decreases the performance of a
`system drastically, but it also causes the system to become unpredictable,
`thus violating one of the major rules of real-time systems. CHIMERA II
`provides its own version of the malloc() family of routines to allocate real(cid:173)
`Special purpose processors and devices: The ClllMERA II kernel uses
`a UNIX-like approach of using device drivers to isolate the user from the
`details of special hardware. The kernel supports the open, close, read, write,
`ioetl, and nunap drivers. These drivers are usually much simpler to write
`than their UNIX counterparts because of the lack of intertask security, as
`described above. Special purpose processors usually have memory which
`can be memory mapped, thus making the entire address space of the pro(cid:173)
`cessor available to the tasks using it. AcceSSing special purpose processors
`is strictly via master/slave relationships, where tasks on the RTPUs control
`the execution of code on the special processor.
`Exception and interrupt handlers: User-defined exception and interrupt
`handlers can be defined either on a per-task or per-RTPU basis. This allows
`users to alter the default action of various exceptions, which is to halt
`the task. For example, a bus error exception can be trapped so that a
`task that tries to access unavailable memory on the VME bus does not
`die. Similarly, a task can catch a division-by-zero exception and modify
`its computation accordingly, instead of having to check for zero on every
`calculation. ClllMERA II provides the facilities to write these handlers in C.
`The C routine is declared with a special header, and installed dynamically by
`a subroutine call. Routines are also provided to enable or disable interrupts,
`or to lock the CPU for short periods.
`3.2.1 Real-Time Task Scheduler
`One of the main components of any real-time kernel is its scheduler.
`CHIMERA II provides a policy/mechanism separation scheme[13] which
`allows the user to replace the standard schedulers with application specific
`algorithms. The ClllMERA II default scheduler algorithm was developed
`by incorporating various standard algorithms with extensive experimenta(cid:173)
`tion and tuning to obtain the best performance for typical job mixes. The
`scheduler is based on a combination of minimum-laxity-first[14J, highest(cid:173)
`priority-first, and round-robin scheduler techniques.
`The heart of the scheduler is the minimum-laxity-first deadline scheduler. A
`task can specify its timing requirements in terms of a deadline time, and
`an estimate of the execution time as a range from minimum execution time
`required to maximum execution time required. The scheduler will then
`choose tasks to run based on which task has the smallest laxity. Laxity is
`calculated as follows:
`laxity = deadline_time - presentJime - epuJime..stilLneeded
`When more CPU power is requested from all tasks than is available, one or
`more tasks may fail to meet their deadline, in which case the ClllMERA II
`kernel automatically calls a failure handler. The failure handler is specified
`by the user on a per-task basis. Typical uses of the failure handler include
`the following: aborting the task and preparing it to restart the next period;
`sending a message to some other part of the system to handler the error;
`performing emergency handling, such as a graceful shutdown of the system
`or sounding an alarm; maintaining statistics on failure frequency to aid in
`tuning the system; or in the case of iterative algorithms, returning the current
`approximate value regardless of precision.
`One important criterion with a deadline scheduler in an overload situation
`is selecting which tasks to run and which to let fail. The user not only
`specifies the failure handler, but also a failure handler priority. The failure
`handler can thus run at higher or lower priority than all other tasks in the
`The ClllMERA II scheduler will use a highest-priority-first to distinguish
`between multiple tasks with equal laxity, and when there are no ready-to-run
`tasks with deadlines. Equal priority tasks are scheduled in a round-robin
`manner. There may be times when a non-deadline high priority task is
`extremely important and must execute ahead of any other task, even if the
`other tasks have deadline. The kernel allows tasks to set their criticalness
`to a value higher than the default value, which will then allow that task to
`run ahead of any task with a deadline.
`Use of the deadline scheduler is optional. Some applications are better
`programmed just using a highest-priority-first scheduler as is available in
`commercial real-time operating systems. By not specifying any task dead(cid:173)
`lines within the system, the ClllMERA II scheduler behaves as a highest(cid:173)
`priority-first preemptive scheduler. In such cases, however, there is no way
`to specify a failure handler since the tasks do not have deadlines.
`3.3 System-Level Communication
`One of the major strengths of ClllMERA II is that all the details of the
`hardware environment are transparent to the user. For example, to perform
`work with a file system, such as opening the file, reading it, then closing
`it, the user uses the standard UNIX syntax of open(), read(), and close(), or
`optionally using the C standard I/O (stdio) library. The ClllMERA II system
`determines which processor owns the me, sends the appropriate message,
`performs the operation, then returns the result. The user is thus unaware
`that any me operation is remote.
`Every processor, including the host workstation, has a server task and an
`express mail mailbox which are used to provide transparent access to the
`remote devices and the host me system from any other RTPU. The server
`is capable of translating symbolic names into pointers, performing any nec(cid:173)
`essary address calculations to account for the various address spaces and
`offsets within the multiple-VME-bus system, and performing system caUs
`on behalf of remote tasks.
`A low-overhead message passing mechanism, which we call express mail,
`is used to send system messages to the servers. System messages are mes(cid:173)
`sages sent only by built-in kernel routines, as opposed to user messages as
`described in Section 3.4. Any task can (indirectly) send a system message;
`however, only the servers can read these messages.
`Many UNIX system calls, including open(), close(), read(), write(), mmap().
`and ioctl() have been emulated as C procedures, with the ability to send mes(cid:173)
`sages when the required resource belongs to a remote processor. Whenever
`these calls have to access a remote processor, a message is sent to the re(cid:173)
`mote processor's express mailbox. Each RTPU has at least one mailbox,
`which is in a part of memory known to all other processors. A server task
`on the remote process handles all incoming messages by performing the
`system call on behalf of the originator's task. Pointers to the data blocks
`to be read or written are passed as part of the message, as opposed to in(cid:173)
`cluding the entire data in the message. This guarantees short messages and
`no additional buffering, which is especially important in calls such as read


`and write, where the data can be sizeable. After the server completes the
`system call and all data to be returned has been placed into the originator's
`memory, an express mail message is returned to the originator, with the
`return value of the system call included within the message. Upon failure
`of a system call, the standard UNIX ermo is also returned.
`3.4 User-level Interprocessor Communication
`CHIMERA II's express mail facility can only be used by system utilities.
`However, it provides the underlying facilities required for setting up shared
`memory segments, remote semaphores, and message passing among differ(cid:173)
`ent processors in the real-time environment.
`Any task can create or attach to a shared memory se gment using a single
`procedure call. When any other task wants to attach to that segment, a
`procedure call is made which returns a pointer, with all address conversions
`performed, so that the user can use the pointer as though the memory was
`local. Even tasks running on the host workstation can access the shared
`memory segment transparently. This method not only makes accessing the
`global shared memory transparent to the user, but also provides a speed
`limited only by the VME bus, since there is no operating system overhead
`involved in accessing the shared memory.
`Semaphores are created in the same manner as a shared memory segments,
`except that instead of a shared memory pointer being returned, a pointer
`to a semaphore structure is returned. That pointer is used in subsequent
`semaphore operations, which are functionally equivalent to their local coun(cid:173)
`terparts, but can be used remotely across processors. These semaphores can
`be used both to control access to critical sections and to synchronize multiple
`tasks on different RTPUs.
`There are times when interprocessor communication is better performed via
`messages than by using shared memory and semaphores. CIDMERA II
`also provides a user-level message passing where the user has the ability to
`specify the size of the queues and messages, the location of the queues, the
`type of the messages, and the priority of the messages.
`All of these interprocessor communication primitives provide a level of
`transparency to the user. The user can send a message, perform a semaphore
`operation, or access some part of global shared memory without having to
`specify its physical location within the system. All of these facilities also
`offer the ability to communicate over a secondary local bus (e.g. the VSB
`bus) if one exists. The result of CIDMERA II's interprocessor communi(cid:173)
`cation features is much faster development time of applications requiring
`multiple processors and possibly multiple VME buses.
`3.5 Host Interface
`The entire hardware configuration requires at least one workstation to op(cid:173)
`erate as host. The host provides access to the tools needed to com pile and
`download programs to the real-time environment, and acts as a file server
`to those tasks requiring file access.
`On the host workstation, three categories of processes are executing: the
`server process, console processes, and user processes. These processes com(cid:173)
`municate via shared memory and semaphores using the same interface as
`described in section 3.4. These facilities are a front end to the interpro(cid:173)
`cessor communication supplied by the host UNIX operating system. The
`server process provides similar functionality as the servers on the RTPUs,
`except that it can access the host file system directly, and it includes special
`primitives to support the console processes. The console process provides
`the user interface which serves to download and execute programs on the
`RTPUs. The console process also provides the stdin, stdout, and stderr
`files for tasks executing on the RTPUs. Only one console process is needed
`to control an entire CIDMERA II system. However, if multiple RTPUs
`use stdin, only one of them can have it active at any given time. Other
`tasks attempting to read from stdin would block, and send a Waiting for
`TTY Input message to the us

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