(12) United States Patent
`US 6,184,943 Bl
`Feb. 6, 2001
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Inventor: Cbarles A. sellen, Houston, TX (US)
`(73) Assignee: Comp8q Computer Corporation.
`Houston. TX (US)
`UDder 3S U.S.C. lS4{b). r.he term or this
`pateD! shall be extended for 0 days.
`(.) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: O9/O12,219
`JaD.23, 1998
`(22) Filed:
`Ibt. Cl.7
`H04N 5/74
`(52) V.S. CI•..~....•..•.............. 3481744; 348/745; 3481746;
`348/790; 3481838; 345/87; 3451905; 3531122;
`3531010. 5; 3641231.1
`3481744, 745,
`(58) FIeld of Sloarch
`348{7SS, 756, 790, 836, 838, 904; 345/87,
`90S; 353/102, 122, DIG. 5, DIG. 3. 120,
`119; 3641231.1. 708.1
`References CIted
`5/1989 Milchell et a!.
`4,832,419 •
`4/11190 C(ll\Dc. ct .1
`4,1117,465 •
`2/19114 Lund
`5,3SJ,075 • 10/111114 Collllcr ct .1
`5,471,674 • 111191lS SleWVl el .1
`5,768,005 • MIl98 Nlbm\ll1l el .1
`11/19118 Komatsu
`2/11l91l Gold
`411111l1l EVlDic:IF:y eili
`4nllllll HiggiDb(l\hb.m cllI
`345n 73
`HallOO, W. Conrad, Light-emitting polymers: Increasing
`promise, May 1997, p. 163-164, 166, 169, Solid Slate
`Technology, Tecbnology Topic, Aal Panel Displays.
`Striegler, Thomas D., AsiaFocus-The Asian LCD Market,
`M.y 1997, pp. 62 and 64, Solid State Tecboology.
`Ajhmi, Cheryl, SID Conference HighlighfS The Raod To
`Invetltion, May 12, 1997, pp. 3~, 42, 44 and 46, Eke(cid:173)
`tronic Design, Tech 11ISigbts-Exploring the world or infur(cid:173)
`roation display technology.
`Hua, Y05hiko,Japan vendors give color to reflectivedisplay
`at SID, May 12, 1997, pp. 10 and 14, Electronic Engineering
`Clarke, Peter, Startup claims efficiency breakthrough al
`SID--LCD advance comes to light, May 19, 1997, pp. 22
`and 140, Elcctronic Engineering Tlmcs.
`• cited by eXiroiner
`Primary Examiner-John K. Peng
`Assistant Efaminer-Jean W. Dtsir
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm---A.kin, Gump, Strauss,
`Hauer & Fekl, lLP
`A portable computer systero incorporating a rear projection
`display. Tbe rear projcction display is housed in a display
`is movable be\Wt:en an open and closed
`enclosure that
`position, and incorporates eitber a pliable or deformable
`projection surface or a projection surface rormed of multiple
`rigid components. When the display eoclosure is open, tbe
`projection surfaet is configured to expa.nd beyond the fOITll
`factor dimellSiOll!i or tbe base: portion of the portable com(cid:173)
`puter. In tbe preferred embodimenl or tbe invention. the
`projectioll surrace is a pliable material tbat can be safely
`deformed or collapsed within tbe display eoclosure wben it
`is closed. The rear projection display tbereby allows the
`effective viewing area of a portable computer display to be
`increased without negatively iropactmg lbe rarm ractor
`dimellSions or weight of the portable computer.
`7 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`IVILLC 2003


`I------------ -------
`r 70
`I I,:
`r 201
`rl CI}-ROM I"' 28
`----- -~12----~16~
`Ir H
`_____________ J
`74 I
`_____ 1
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`Ir 42
`FIG. 1
`r 54


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6,2001
`Sheet 2 015
`US 6,184,943 B1
` I.)2"!1'!{It{If/(f!!!
`/._// VI/M/lylfll/U/U/AW/‘V/I/
`FIG. 2


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6,2001
`Sbeel3 of 5
`US 6,184,943 HI
`D~ ~
`82 ../YI _ 88,70
`82- i'-.
`78- i:)?';.-.;;:t--
`85 ~
`FIG. 3


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6,2001
`Sheet 4 of 5
`US 6,184,943 Bl
`, ~76'
`82- V I-- 68,70
`l.-- 72
`I ":::r:::::::l---- 84
`_--,=========>.<:=,--_9_°--*-,,-1 L. 92
`FIG. 4


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 6, 2001
`Sheet 5 of 5
`US 6,184,943 Bl
`FIG. 5
`68 }
`J 102
`102 r
`FIG. 6
`'C B


`US 6,184,943 B1
`10 additioo to the projection surface, the rear projection
`display is comprised of an image generator/source or display
`plDellnd an optical system fnr projecting UI image from the
`image generator onto tbc projection surface. When tbe
`S projection display enclosure ill
`in ao open position,
`compooents are separated by a distance sufficient to allow
`propcr orientilion aud operatioo of tbe oplical system. A r¢lr
`projected display according to the inventioo thereby permits
`viewing Ingles and clarity comparable to tbat of many
`10 traditiooal display tccbnolngies.
`In one embodiment of the ioventinn. expansion of the
`projection surface is optioDal, alrording a smaller viewing
`lrea wben lbc portable computer is operated in tight spaces.
`In another embodimeot of tbe invention,
`the projectioo
`IS surface is approximately the size nf a traditiooal portlble
`computer display, but tbe image generatnr or display panel
`is smaller, lighter and less costly.
`Thus, a rear projection display according to the prescnt
`invention allows the effective viewing area of a portable
`20 computer display to be increased without negatively impact(cid:173)
`iog tbe fOnD factnr dimensions, cost or weight of the
`portable computer.
`1. Fitld of the Invention
`The iDvcol.ion relates to displays and portable computers,
`.00 more particularly 10 I portable computer system incor(cid:173)
`porating • rear projected display app'l1Iros 10 inctc~ the
`cffecti~ vicwiog arca of the display witboul ncgl1ivcly
`impacting tbe: form factor of the portable computer.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Portable computers have become u cvery<J.y fixture in
`lDl.lly people'li personal aDd professional lives. Due to their
`mobility aDd versatility, portable computers arc even begin(cid:173)
`ning to displacc desktop computers io lDaoy offices. Despite
`the [act lb.-I lhe average display size in portable computers
`bu increased over tbe years, bowcver, screeD sizes rcmllo
`100 small for mao)' applications requiring. large viewing
`are•. More specifically. loday's portable computers often
`include displays ranging from lOA-inches to 12.1-inchcs.
`MID)' computer users ICCUSlomcd 10 working with luge
`desktop CRT mooitors perceive these smaller portable com(cid:173)
`puter displays IS being inadequate.
`Somewbat Illger $CreeDS for portable computers have
`been developed. However, displays cannot be made arbi(cid:173)
`trarily large. The elrective size limit for today's display
`technologies is restricted by numerous practical and tccblli-
`c~ limitatioDS. For example, the weigbt added to a portable JO
`computer by increuing its display size may be undesirable,
`and is often a major consideration. The form factor speci(cid:173)
`ticatioDS of a portable computer, and particularly tbe widtb
`and length dimensions of tbe base portion, may also impose
`size limitations on the display. Further, problems in tbe 3S
`manufacturing process, including problems with defects and
`poor yields, make larger displays much more expensive to
`produce. These manufacturing problems arc inberent and
`arisc from basic design of traditional displays, such as the
`active·matrix (AM) or thiD-film-transistor (TFI) liquid crys- 40
`tal displays (LCDs).
`SUch displays may inoorporate hundreds of thousands of
`tmlSparcnt transistors driving a grid of elcctricaltraces to
`control operation of liqUid crystal fluid structure to generate
`images. As the size and resolulion of a display increases, 45
`more transistors are required. More transistors iocreases tbe
`likelihood of defecls, wbich often render tbe display useless.
`Similar maoufacturing problems plague other imagiog
`Thmiog now to the drawings, a scbematic circuit diagram
`technologies, such as polymer dispersed liquid crystal dis-
`plays (POLCDs) and field emissioo displays (FEns). As a so of a portable computer system C incorporlling a rear pro-
`jection display D accordiog to tbe preseot
`result, display manufacturers often focus on improving
`invention is
`image quality and reducing the power-consumption and
`shown. In tbe prcferred embodiment, the computer SY5tem C
`weight of portable displays, tither than increasing display
`incorpOtltcs two primary buscs: a Peripheral Component
`Interconnect (PCI) bus P wbicb includes an address/data
`H portion and a control si8lJal ponion; and an Industry Stan-
`dard Architecture (ISA) bus I which includes an address,
`portion. a data portion, U1d a control sigoal portion. The PC1
`and P and I form tbe architcctural backbone oftbe
`computer system C.
`ACPU/memory subsystem 90 is connected to tbe PCI hus
`P. The CPU 10 and a Level 2 (ll) cacbe 12 are connected
`via a procc:ssor or host bus H. 1lJc CPU 10 preferably
`opeutes with a standard IBM-PC compatible operating
`system, sucb u Windows 950. The 1.2 cache 12 provides
`6S caching capabilities lhlt augment the on....ilip cache of th~
`CPU 10 to improve the overall performaoce of lbe oomputer
`~ystem C.
`A better understanding nf the preseot ioventioo can be
`obtained when tbe following detailed description of the
`preferred embodiment is considered in conjunction with the
`following drawings, in wbich:
`FIG. 1 is a schematic bloclt diagram nf a portable com(cid:173)
`puter system incorporating a rear projection display accord(cid:173)
`ing to the present inveotinn;
`FIG. 2 is an isometric view of a portable computer system
`incorporating a rear projection display in accordance witb
`tbe present invention:
`FIGS. 3 and 4 are side elcvation views of alternate
`embodimenls of a portable computer system incorporating a
`rear projection display according to the present invention;
`FIG. 5 is a front elevation view takeo in cross-section of
`a rear projectioo display utilizing a one.piece deformable
`projectioo surface according to tbe present invention; and
`FIG. 6 is a front elevation view takeo in cross-section of
`a rear projection display aCCQrding to tbe inveotinn baving
`a projection surface formed of a plurality of SUbsllDtially
`rigid portions.
`A portable computer system according to the prescnt
`invention COOsisls of a base portioo and a rear projection
`display. The relT projection display is housed io a display
`eoclosure thlt is movable betweeo an open position and a 60
`closed position. and inoorporates a deformable projection
`surface. When the display enclosure is opened. the projec(cid:173)
`tion surface is configured to expand beyond the form factor
`dimensions of the base portion of the portable computer.
`Preferably, the projectiOD surfau: is a pliable material Ihat
`caD be safely defunDed or wllapscd within the projection
`di~play enclosure wben closed.


`US 6,184,943 B1
`The CPU 10 and IItt U cache U arc connected to •
`HoslJPCI bridge 14. Syncbrooous DRAM (SDRAM) Iii is
`also connected 10 tbe Hosl/PCl bridge 14. 1be bostIPCl
`bridge 14 functions [n couple the CPU/memory subsystem
`90 to the PCI bus P. A PCMCIA/CardBus colltroller 18 is s
`coupled 10 the PCI bus P, providiDg CODoectioO capabilities
`for I PCMCIA cuds 22. The PCMClA cards 22 can incor(cid:173)
`porate I vuicty of peripheral devices, expanding tbe versa.(cid:173)
`tility of the portable computer system C.
`APCI/ISAbridgc 24 is Il5Cd 10 conncct the Pel bus P aDd 10
`an ISA bus I. The PCIJISAbride 24 is used to coavert signals
`bctW~D the PCI bus P aDd the ISA bus 1. The PCI/1SA
`bridge 24 includes: address and d.1J buffers, arbitration aDd
`bus maslcr control logic for the Pel bu... P, ISA .rbill.tion
`circuitry, an lSA bus controller IS conventionally u.sed in IS
`ISAsystcms, an IDE (intelligent drive electronics) interface
`16, and a DMA alDtrollcr. A bird disk drivt 30 aDd I
`CD·ROM drive 28 Ire connected to the IDE interface 26 of
`the PCJjISA bridge 24. Tape drives or other peripheral
`devices (not shown) can be similarly connected. The IDE 20
`interface 2li is an IDEiATA interface capable of being a
`busmaster and incorporating eablnced IDE featu~s. The
`CD-ROM drive 28 is preferably compliant with ATAPI (AT
`Attacbment Packet
`the IDE standard for
`CD-ROM drives.
`The PaIlSA bridge 24 contaira a set of programmable
`interrupt controUers (PICs) IS for managing hardware inter(cid:173)
`rupts according 10 their priority. The PICs lS preferably
`include two cascaded PICs for enabling interrupts ffiQOl
`IRQI5. In the disclosed embodiment, \be PCUlSA bridge 24 30
`also includes misceUaoeous system logic. This miscella(cid:173)
`neous system logic contains counters and activity timers as
`conventionally present in personal computer s~tems, an
`interrupt controller for both the PCI and ISA buses P and I,
`and JXlwcr management logic. Additionally, the miscella·
`neous system logic may include circuiuy for a security
`management system used for password verification and to
`allow access to protected resources. Preferably, the PCIIISA
`bridge 24 is a single integrated circuit, but other combina(cid:173)
`tions arc pos&ible.
`Numerous other devices are coupled to the ISA bus I.
`These devices include a modem 32 aDd an audio chip 14.
`The audio chip 34 is further coupled to a device 3li for
`outputting analog signals, such as a set of speakers of the
`computer system C or an external stereo system. In the case ~5
`of speakers., they are preferably coafigured to be audible
`while the rear projectioo display 0 of the computer system
`C is in a closed statc. Also, a combination input/output
`(5-10) chip 38 is coupled to the ISA bus J. The 5-10 chip 38
`incorporales various fullCtions, such as a real-time clock, 50
`UARTs, a floppy disk controller for controlling a floppy disk
`drive 44, various address decode logic and security logic 10
`control access 10 an internal or external CMOS/NVRAM
`memory (oot shown) and stored password values. Furtber,
`the 5·10 cbip 38 provides a parallel pon 40 and a serial port 55
`42. 1b more clearly illustrate the features and operation of
`the p~scnt invention, certain other conveotional computer
`devices and systems bave been omitted from AG. 1.
`Akeyboard controller 4li is also coupled 10 the ISA bus I.
`The keyboard controller 4li provides connections for a 60
`keyboard 48, a PS/2 pori SO and a power switch 58. The
`keyboard controller 4li also generates a dBta signal LCD_
`DATA aDd a clock signal LCD_CLK for use by LCD
`conlrol circuilry !S. The LCD control circuitry 55 provides
`control signab for 1he LCD status display 54.
`'lbe ponable eumpU1er syl$lem C is capable of both
`receiving powcr from and supplying powcr to a hattery pack
`64. A battery microcootroller (not shown) is iDcorporated in
`\be battery pack 64 10 provide supervisory fuoctions for
`controlling the charging aDd discbArging of the bantry
`pacltD5 power cell.s. Preferably, the keyboard coolroller 4li
`communicates with the ballery microcootroUer via a stan·
`dard 12C-bus. Thc ioler·inlegrated circuit (IC) or 12C·bus is
`a simple bi-directionaltwo wire bus developed for efficient
`ioter-IC control. Details of the 12C-bus can be found in
`oThe 12C·bus and How to Usc It
`Spcciflcation),O published by Phillips Semiconductor.
`A video controller circuitry 20 is also coonected 10 tbe
`PCI bus P. The video controller 20 controUer circuitry
`incorporates video memory and the necessary analog cir(cid:173)
`CIIitry for cootrolliog an image geotralor or display panel 70
`in the rear projectioo display O. In the disclosed embodi(cid:173)
`ment of the inventioo, the image gencratO! 70 geocrates
`images for display on a projection surface 74. An optical
`sYStem 72 is disposed between the image generator 70 aDd
`the projection surface 74 10 focus images geoerated by tbe
`image generator 70 onlo the projection surface 74. Depend(cid:173)
`iog on the configuration of the optical system 72, tbe video
`controller circuitry 20 may Deed to perform pre.processing
`steps on control signals to the image generator 70 to account
`for arty issues arising due to image quality and distortions.
`It is contemplated tbat the image ~nerator 70 could be
`implemented in a variety of technologies. Such technologies
`include cenain liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and Held
`emissioo displays (FEDs), or other display devices using
`emissive image generating techniques. Other suitable pro·
`jection display technologies could also be used. Further, the
`optical system n conlains optical component(s) tbat arc
`preferably constructed of a lightwcight material having
`suitable optical properties.
`Referring now 10 FIG. 2, an isometric view of a ponable
`computer system C incorporating a rear projection display 0
`in accordance witb the prescnt
`inveotion is shown. The
`disclosed portable computer system C iocludes a base por·
`tioo B pivotally coupled 10 the rear projcctioo display D
`40 portion. As ooted, the rear pmjet1ion display D includu the
`image generator 70, the optical system n, lhe projection
`surface 74. The various components of the rear projection
`display 0 are integral with or attached to a display enclosure
`li8. The display enclosure li8 is movable belween ao open
`position (as showo in FIG. 2) aDd a closed position (FIG. 5).
`In the disclosed cmbodimeots of the invcntion, the optical
`system n is comprised of a convex lens disposed betwcen
`the image generator 70 aDd the projet1ioo surface 74 (as is
`seen more clearly in FIGS. 3 and 4). Any such lens com(cid:173)
`JXloents of the optical system n arc preferably formed of a
`lightweight material baving tbe neces.sary refraction and
`magnification propcrties.
`The projel.:tion surface 74 is attached to the display
`enclosure li8 via a top pair of hinged or resilientaUachment
`arms or mounting members 7li and a bollom pair of hinged
`or resilient attachment armsor mounting members 78. Wheo
`the display enclosure 58 is io ao opec position as shown in
`FIG. 2, the projection surface 74 is configured to have ao
`expanded surface arca that exceeds the effectivc display area
`of tbe image generator 70. Preferably, the projection surface
`74 is fonned of a pliable material
`that can be safely
`deformed or collapsed within the projectioo display enclo·
`sure liB when it is in a closed position. By expanding in this
`manner, the projection surface 74 allows the effective view.
`~5 ing area of lhe rear projel..1ion display D to exc~td thl;
`viewing afta of prior displays wilhout l1egalivo:ly impacting
`the overall si1.c of the portahie romputer system C.


`US 6,184,943 B1
`The top and OOl\om plir of hinged or resilient allacb!neol
`InI15 or mountiDg membeB 76 lod 78 arc prderably spring.
`Io.ded or otherwise biaKd 10 unfold or expand the deform·
`able projectioll surface 74 when lbe display coclosure 68 is
`in In open position. When the: display c:nclosure 68 iscl~. 5
`• pair of rctncublc: booking members 80 opcnlcs to cause
`mounting members 76 to move: from an llnendcd position
`aDd 10 collapse the top portion of the projection surface 74,
`while I pair of relr stubs 86 are utilized cause mOUDting
`members 78 10 retract to facilitate collapsing of tbe: bottom 10
`portion of the projection surface 74. The: projection $\IrflCC
`74 can also functioD to protect the optical system 72 from
`abrasions when tbe rear projection display D is in • closed
`position. It
`is noted that
`the manner of collapsing the
`projection 5UrfiCC 74 when the display enclosllfC 68 is in I
`closed position is nol ccnsidercd critical 10 the invention,
`aDd maoy allerD,le embodimeots Ill:: Sllitable for use with
`the present invention.
`Referring now to FIG. 3, a side elevation view of the
`portable computer system C of FIG. 2 is sbown. As more 2ll
`clearly illustrated, when the display enclosure 68 is in an
`open position,the various components of the rear projcclion
`display 0 all: septntcd by dislances liufficienl to allow the
`proper orientatioll aod operation of tbe opticalliylitem 72.
`More particularly, Ibe distance X liCparating the image 15
`generator 68 and the projection liunace 74 dcpendli to a large
`extent on tbe dcliircd size of !he viewing area provided by
`the rear projection display D, 1$ well 1$ the configuration of
`the optical s)'litem 72. As can be appreciated, image quality
`may also be affecled by the distance lieparating tbe optical 3D
`system 72 and the projeclion surface 74, and may nced
`enhancemenl (e.g., a higher resolUlion andlor brighler image
`generator 68) if the distance becomeli 100 large.
`The diliplay enclosure 68 includeli a bOllOm portion or
`base 84 containing a connector or pivot member (notsbown) 35
`used to pivotally couple the rear projection display to tbe
`base portion B of the portable computer syslem C.
`addition to providing support for the remaining portiollS of
`the display enclosure 68 and the integral image generator 70,
`the 84 of the display eociosul'C 68 also iocludes 4lI
`attachment poiots 82 for rigidly supporting lhe lens of the
`oplical system 72. An optional polarizing filter
`illustrated) may also be disposed either between the image
`generator 70 and lhe optical system 72 or between the
`optical system 72 and the projection surface 74. The polar- 45
`izing filter may improve the image qualily of the rear
`projection display uooer certain ambient conditions.
`II is aLso contemplated lhat the projeclion surface 74 can
`be optionally coofigured 10 collapse when the display enclo(cid:173)
`sure 68 is in the opened positioo, thereby affording a smaller SO
`viewing area when the portable computer system C is
`operated in lighl spaces that do not pennil an increased
`viewing area. Further, it is contemplated lhal the image
`the optical system 72 and the projection
`generator 70,
`surface 74 can be reduced in size such that the viewiog area 55
`provided by the projection surface 74 is comparable to that
`of existing portable computer displays. This embodiment of
`the invention has the advanlage of allowing use of a smaller
`image: ge:ncnlor 70, which may function to reduce bolh
`overall cost and weighl of the portable computer s)'lltem C. 60
`Referring now 10 FIG. 4, a side elevation view of ao
`alternate embodiment of a relf projeclion display accordiog
`10 lhe presenl inveotion is shown. In this embodiment of lhe
`the retractable hooking members 80 and rear
`stubs 86 are Il:placed by a ruller asstmbly oomprised of the 65
`guidl; roller 90 and a primary roller n. The guide roller 90
`is secured 10 the hase portion B via a pin 94, while lhe
`primary roller 112 is secured to tbe base portion B via a pin
`96. The primary roller 92 is prderably spring-loaded, sucb
`tbat it stores a retractable spool or portion of the projection
`surface 74 when the display enclosure 68 is in a closed
`positino. Preferably, the spring tension of the primalY roller
`92 can be selectively applied such that closure of the display
`enclosure 68 activaLcs the primary roller 112 in a manner
`sufficient to oven::ome the lension provided by the lOp pair
`of hinged or Rlsilicnt aUachmenl membe:rli 76. The tension
`provided by the primary roller 92 cao be relued when the
`display coclosure 68 is moved to an open position as shown
`in FIG. 4, such that the tellSion provided by the lOp pair of
`hinged or resilient altachmenl members 76 is sufficient to
`expand the projection surface 74 into an extended or taut
`position. Again, many other mechanical apparatus for
`e:xpaodiog and retracting the deformable projection surface
`74 are suitable for use with lbe present invention.
`Referring now to FIG. 5, a front elevation view taken in
`cl'OS5-scclion of a rear projection display utilizing a one(cid:173)
`piece deformable projection surface 74 in accordaoc:c with
`the prelient invention i'lllihoWTI. In this embodiment of lhe
`iovention, tbe projection surface 74 is shown in a com(cid:173)
`pressed (i.e., the felf projection display 0 is in a closed
`state). 1be projection surface 74 roughly conforms to lbe
`contour of tbe base portion B of tbe portable computer
`system C via pressure applied by lhe hinged or resilient
`altacbtnent members 76 (aod 78). Alternatively, the projec(cid:173)
`tion surface 74 could be expanded aoo contracted. manually.
`Referring DOW 10 FIG. 6, fronl elevation view taken in
`cross-section of another embodiment of a rear projection
`display according to tbe present invention is showo. 10 this
`embodiment of the invention,
`lhe projection surface is
`fonned of a substantially rigid main display panel 100, IS
`well as twn substantially rigid ancillary display paoels 102.
`The ancillary panels un arc connected to the main display
`plllel by !linges 104. The ancillary display paDels 102 all:
`shown io a folded Dr collapsed state, and are rolllable aboul
`binges 104 10 become substantially co-planaf witb lhe maio
`display paocl 100, tbereby forming a larger displly arca
`when the relr projeclion display 0 is in an opened Slate. The
`hinges 104 may be spring-loaded, or may operate manually.
`Preferably, the hinge(s) 104 attaching an iodividuai ooe of
`the ancillary display panels 102 arc loclled nCir the lap and
`bottom edges of the ancillary display pancls 102 sucb thaI
`they do oot substantially impair lhe images provided on the
`display panels 100 Ind 102.
`Further, in order 10 mainlain proper spacing betwecn tbe
`various compooents of the rear projection display D of FIG.
`6, the display enclosure 68 may incorporale comprc.ssible
`portions 106 which allach to the main display panel 100 al
`its top aodlor ballom edges. The compreSi'iible portions 106
`funclion 10 ellteod tbe main display panel 100 and the
`ancillary display paDels 102 away from thc oplical S)'lilcm
`72 when the rcar projcction display D is in an opcn and
`operable position.
`I portable computer
`As evident fmm the foregoing,
`system display according to the prescnt invenlion may take
`the form of various embodiments of a rear projection
`display. The rear projectinn display is housed in a display
`enclosure tbat
`is movable between an open aDd closed
`position, aDd illCOrporatcs cLlber a pliable or deformable
`projection surface or a projection surface formed of mUltiple
`rigid componen15. When lhe display enclosure is OpeD, the
`projection surface is configured to expand beyond the form
`factor dimensions of the bu.e portion of the portable com(cid:173)
`puter. III the preferred embodiment of the invention, the
`projection surflce iii a pliable material tbll cln be safely
`deformed or aIlJlpscd wilhin the display enclosure when it
`i<; closed.


`US 6.184.943 B1
`The foregoing disclosure and description of the invention
`are illusuative Ind explanatory thereof, 100 various changes
`in the size, shape. materials, colDJlonco15, circuit elements,
`wiring connections and contacts. u well u in the details of
`the illustrated circuitry and construction and method of 5
`operation may be made witbout departing from the spirit of
`the invcDlioD.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A portable computer system, comprising:
`• base portion having a lOp swface; and
`• projection display coupled to the base: portion IDd
`movable between In open position Bod a closed posi(cid:173)
`tion with respect 10 the basc portion. the projection
`display comprising:
`10 image gcneralor for generating images;
`• projection surface for displaying images gc:nC:flted by
`the image: generator. wbertlin tbe: projection surface
`is formed of I pliable material. the pliable maltrial
`capable of being expanded [0 have: I surface lrea
`grealer than the display area of the image generator 2D
`when the projection display is in an open position;
`an nptical system dispo:;ed between tbe image genera-
`tor and tbe projeetion surface, tbe optical syslem
`configured to discernably focus images generated by 25
`the image geDeruor onto tbe projection surface.
`2. A portable computer syslem, comprising:
`a base portion having a top surfacc; and
`a projection display coupled 10 tbe base portion and JO
`movable bctween an open position and a cl05ed posi(cid:173)
`tion with respect to the base portioo, tbe projection
`display comprising:
`an image generator for generating images;
`a projectioll surface for displaying images generated by 35
`tbe image generalor; and
`an opticl1 system disposed between tbe image genera-
`tor and the projection surface the optical system
`configured to discernibly focw; images generated by
`tbe image generator onlo the projection 5Llrface,
`wberein the prnjection surface i.. fonned of a plu(cid:173)
`rality of rigid panels, aDd wherein the rigid panels
`compri5e a main display panel and two ancillary
`display panels,
`the two ancillary display panels
`coupled 10 the main display panel and movable with .5
`respect to the main display panel between a foldc:d
`position and a substantially coplanar position.
`3. The portable computer system of cllim 2, ful1her
`a display enclosure,
`the image generalor and optical
`system being integral witb or rigidly coupled to the
`display eoclosure; and
`Iltachment members, wherein tbe projection
`surface is aUacbed to Ihe display enclosure via the
`resilient anachment members.
`4. 1be porable computer system of cllim 3, funher
`the image generalor and optial
`a display enclosure,
`system being integral with or rigidly coupled to tbe
`display enclosure; and
`hinged attachment members, wherein the projection sur(cid:173)
`face is auacbed 10 the display enclosure via the hinged
`attachment members.
`5. A portable computer system, comprising:
`a base portion having a top surface;
`a projection display coupled to the base ponion and
`movable between an open position and a closed posi(cid:173)
`tion witb respect to the base portioo, the projection
`display comprising:
`an image generator for generating images;
`a projection surfacc for displaying images generated by
`the image generator; and
`an optical system disposed between the image genera(cid:173)
`tor and the projeetion surface, the optical system
`configured to disceroably focus imagC5 generated by
`tbe image generator onlO tbe projection surface; and
`means for collapsing the projection surface when the
`projeetion display is moved to a closed positioll,
`wberein the means for collapsing the projection surface
`comprises retractable booking members.
`6. A projectioo display for anachmentto a base portion of
`a portable cnmputer system, the projection display compris.
`an image generator for generating images;
`a projection surface for displaying images generated by
`the image geoerator, wherein the projection surface is
`fonned of a pliable material, the pliable material, when
`laut, having a surface area greller than the display area
`of tbe image generator; and
`an oplieal syslem disposed between tbe image generalOr
`and the projection surface, the optical syslem coafig'
`wed to disctmably focus images generated by tbe
`image geoerator onto the projection surface:.
`7. A projection di.<;play for aUachmentlo a base portion of
`a portable computer syst~m,the projection display compris(cid:173)
`an image generator for generating images;
`a projection surface for displaying images generated by
`the image generator, wherein the projection SUffaDe is
`formed of a plurality of rigid panels. and wberein tbe
`rigid panels comprise a maio display panel and \W(l
`IDcilliary display panels,
`the two ancilliary display
`panels coupled to the mlin display panel and mevable
`with respect 10 the mlin display panel between a folded
`position and a substantially coplanar positioo; and
`ao optical S)'!otem disposed betweeo lhe image generllor
`and the projection surface, the optical syslem L"Onfig(cid:173)
`ured 10 disctmably fo<:us images generaled by the
`image generalor 0010 the projection surface.
`• • • • •

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