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`Direct Authentication and Authorization System and Method for Trusted Network
`of Financial Institutions
`U.S. Patent Application of:
`Nader Asghari-Kamrani ;
`Kamran Asghari-Kamwrani.
`1 of41

`Direct Authentication and Authorization System and Method for Trusted Network
`of Financial Institutions
`This application is a continuation in part of and claims priority to U.S. patent
`application Serial No. 09/940,635 filed August 29, 2001. This application also
`claims priority to U.S. provisional patent application Serial No. 60/615,603 filed
`October 5, 2004.
`The present invention generally relates to a direct authentication and
`authorization system and method for trusted network of financial
`allowing them to directly authenticate their customers and receive their

`authorization of financial transactions over a communication network such as the
`lntemet. More specifically, the present invention is based on a new identification
`and authentication scheme as digital identity that enables financial institutions to
`directly authenticate their account owners and/or receive their authorization of
`financial transactions over a communication network such as the lntemet.
`With the advent of the Internet, the number of online financial transactions
`has increased dramatically. V\fith this increase, concerns for the security of the
`financial transactions, proof of authorization for such transactions, and the need
`for direct authentication of the parties to these transactions have also risen.
`Therefore the Internet is more than just a different delivery channel for online
`financial transactions. There are two unique characteristics of the lntemet that
`require special considerations:
`- The anonymity of the Internet creates an environment in which parties are not
`certain with whom they are doing business, which poses unique opportunities
`for fraud
`- The Internet is an open network, which requires special security procedures
`to be deployed to prevent unauthorized access to the consumer financial
`These unique characteristics of the Internet needed to be addressed by
`financial institutions in order to maintain their dominance in the payment arena.

`Today, any authentication over a communication network such as the lntemet is an
`indirect authentication. Meaning, customers provide confidential, personal and
`financial information, in the form of social security numbers, names, addresses,
`credit card and bank account numbers, and businesses verify this information by
`accessing external databases. This type of authentication is not sufficient to truly
`identify the identity of customers and tell whether the customer is the actual
`account owner. This is why financial institutions have limited their online interbank
`and intrabank service offerings.
`For example,
`the financial
`require their account owners to do their interbank funds transfer at a branch
`office and send a physical check to the receiver of the funds for payment, both of
`which are inconvenient and burdensome to corporate and individual customers.
`NACHA (National Clearing House Association) operating rules and federal
`government regulations also require financial institutions to authenticate their
`identity and receive their authorization for any type of financial
`transaction such as payment or funds transfer over the lntemet. In the physical
`world, financial transactions are authorized by the account owners in writing and
`signed or
`similarly authenticated.
`in the online world however,
`institutions do not have any solution to meet these requirements. An electronic
`authorization for an online transaction should be authenticated by a method that
`1) identifies the customer (account owner), and 2) manifests the assent of the
`customer to the authorization. Therefore, financial institutions must use a method
`that provides the same assurance as a signature in the physical world (a

`signature both uniquely identifies a person and evidences his assent to an
`agreement). These objectives should be met by whatever method or process a
`employs when obtaining
`When dealing with customers over any communication network such as
`the lntemet, financial institutions are facing numerous challenges:
`- Be able to identify the identity of the customers;
`- Be able to obtain transaction authorization from customers over the
`- Be able to confirm that the customer is the account owner and is
`authorized to use such account
`Financial institutions must meet these challenges in order to expand their
`online service offerings (interbank and intrabank) and maintain their dominance
`in the market. But lack of identification and real-time account verification methods
`have prevented financial institutions to achieve their goals.
`Today, there are three different identification and authentication schemes
`in the market:
`- Knowledge-based, which.involve allowing access according to what a user
`5 0f41

`token-based, which involve allowing access according to what a user
`biometrics-based, which involve allowing access according to what the user
`Due to various problems the current authentication schemes have, financial
`institutions have not been able to successfully use these technologies to perform
`direct authentication and authorization of
`their customers. Passwords are
`inexpensive and easy to use, but the static nature of passwords, makes them
`vulnerable for replay attacks. Another drawback of passwords is that online banking
`password cannot be used for identification and verification of financial account at
`the third party web sites. Biometrics can also be useful for user identification, but
`one problem with these schemes is the difficult tradeoff between imposler pass
`rate and false alarm rate. In addition, many biometric systems require specialized
`devices, which may be expensive. Token-based schemes are problematic as
`well. These are expensive to implement and require users to install special
`devices and software. Most
`token—based authentication systems also use
`knowledge-based authentication to prevent impersonation through theft or loss of
`the token.
`National Clearing House Association (NACHA) and several
`institutions such as \fisa and MasterCard have also attempted to develop
`authentication systems and methods, such as ISAP (lntemet Secure ATM

`Payments) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) using smart card technology,
`but due to aforementioned smart card problems they failed to achieve customer
`acceptance. Therefore,
`they are now experimenting new password based
`programs such as VPAS (Visa Payer Authentication Service) and UCAF
`(MasterCard Payer Authentication Service) to allow registered cardholders to
`verify their purchases,
`a process known as payer authentication, but
`unfortunately these have abovementioned password issues and are specific to
`credit card transactions and do not apply to bank account transactions. It is also
`very difficult for a customer to manage. Owning N different credit cards requires
`recalling N different passwords for payment at checkout. According to a survey
`from Jupiter Media Metrix (, Feb. 21 2002), these systems and
`methods are also complicating the picture for consumers, who are worried by the
`mix of identification and authentication schemes.
`As for the financial account ownership verification, currently,
`there are
`several companies that are attempting to bring systems and methods for verifying
`account ownership, such as Paypal (EBAY) and CashEdge.
`introduces a system that
`initiates one or more verifying
`transactions using financial account information given by the customer. Selected
`details of the transaction(s) are saved, particularly details that may vary from one
`transaction to another. Such variable details may include the number of
`transactions performed, the amount of a transaction, the type of transaction (e.

`g., credit, debit, deposit, withdrawal), the merchant name or account used by the
`system for the transaction, etc. The customer then retrieves evidence of the
`transaction(s) from his or her financial institution, which may be accomplished
`on-line, by telephone.
`in a monthly statement, etc., and submits the requested
`details to the Paypal system. The submitted details are compared to the stored
`details and, if they match, the account ownership is verified and the customer is
`then allowed to use the financial account. There are many drawbacks associated
`with the Paypal's system, including:
`— No real-time account verification:
`It takes 2 to 3 days to verify customefs
`financial account
`- High cost: Paypal suggests sending two deposits (credits) to the users
`financial account, each of which is less than $0.99 in value.
`— Weak account verification: An unauthorized individual who has access to the
`details about verifying transactions would be verified as the account owner.
`CashEdge’s system requires the customer to provide bank account
`information along with the usemame and password of the online banking web
`site that the customer is using to access his/her bank account. The system then
`applies the customer’s usemame and password to login to the online banking
`system for verification of the account ownership, The drawback of CashEdge
`system includes:

`Security and Privacy Concerns: Requesting the customer to provide the
`online banking username and password to CashEdge raises customers’
`security and privacy concerns.
`- Weak account verification: An unauthorized individual who has access to the
`customer's username and password would be verified as the account owner.
`Fraud Risk: Vtfithout CashEdge’s system, a fraudster who has access to
`customer’s online banking usemame and password,
`is not able to transfer
`funds from the customer’s account, but CashEdge system provides this
`opportunity to an unauthorized individual to commit fraud.
`institutions need a system that eliminates the aforementioned
`problems and concerns by:
`verifying customers’ identity
`verifying account ownerships in real-time
`providing prove of transaction authorization
`being secure, inexpensive and easy to use
`requiring financial
`institutions to change their existing systems and
`covering bank account as well as credit card transactions
`_For convenience, the term "customer" is used throughout to represent a
`financial lnstitution’s individual or corporate customer.

`The tenn “financial institution” is used herein to denote any institution such
`as bank, credit card issuer, brokerage finn, debit card or credit card Company such
`as \fisa, Master card, and AMEX or any other company that offers financial
`The tenn "financial account“ is used herein to denote any bank account,
`brokerage account, debit card and credit card account.
`The term “account ownership verification” is used herein to denote the
`process of verifying that the financial account belongs to the customer and the
`customer is authorized to use such financial account
`:The term “communication network" is used herein to denote any pn'vate,
`wireless or public network such as lnternet.
`The term “indirect
`is used herein to denote
`authentication method that authenficates the customers based on customers’
`information. Meaning, customers provide confidential, personal and financial
`in the fonn ofsocial security numbers, names, addresses, credit
`card and bank account numbers, and businesses verify this infonnation by
`accessing external databases.

`The tenn “direct authentication" is used herein to denote any authentication
`method that authenticates the customers based on customers’ credentials such as
`biometric data or smart card.
`The tenn “funds transfer network" is used herein to denote any network that
`financial institutions use to transfer funds, such as ACH, Fed wire, \fisa network.
`‘The term “interbank funds transfer’ is used herein to denote account-to-
`account funds transfer between accounts at different financial institutions.
`The tenn “debit pull" is used herein to denote the way electronic payments
`and funds transfer are authorized and executed, where the receiver of funds is
`asking customers financial institution to debit the customers account.
`The term “credit push” is used herein to denote the way electronic payments
`and funds transfer are authorized and executed, where the customer instructs
`his/her financial
`institution to credit the account of the receiver (e.g. merchant
`The tenn “digital
`identity“ is used herein to denote a dynamic. non-
`predictable and time dependent alphanumeric code, or any other key, which may
`be given by customer's financial institution to the customer over a communication
`network such as the lntemet, and may be valid for one-time use. The customer’s

`digital identity is used for identification, authentication and authorization purposes
`for processing transactions over the communication network. Digital identity is
`calculated using a proprietary algorithm that may include any other customer
`and/or transaction specific infonnation to make the digital identity customer and
`transaction specific.
`The term “identity authority" is used herein to denote any entity that offers
`direct authentication services to other businesses. Identity authority issues and
`manages the digital identity.
`The term "Digital Identity System” is used herein to denote the system that
`deals with the calculation, transformation and validation of the digital
`using a proprietary algorithm.
`The term "Digital Identity Network" is used herein to denote the trusted
`network between financial institutions using any communication network such as
`the lntemet. The Digital Identity Network enables the communication between
`to send and receive Digital
`Identity Messages
`identification and authentication of account owners and authorization of financial
`12 of41

`The term “Digital Identity Message” is used herein to denote the message
`sent or received over the Digital Identity Network that may include customer's
`digital identity and transaction information.
`13 of41

`The present invention provides solution to the aforementioned problems
`and the challenges the financial institutions face today. The present invention
`relates to a direct authentication and authorization system and method for trusted
`network of financial
`institutions allowing them to directly authenticate their
`and receive
`authorization :of
`or non-financial
`transactions over a communication network such as the lntemet.
`To overcome the drawbacks of the known systems and methods discussed
`above, the present invention is based on a new identification and authentication
`method as digital
`identity. The new digital
`identity-based identification and
`authentication system and method:
`verifies customers’ identity
`verifies account ownerships in real-time
`provides prove of transaction authorization
`reduces the risk of fraud and identity theft
`is secure, inexpensive and easy to use
`does not require financial
`institutions to change their existing systems and
`could be utilized for bank account as well as credit card transactions
`14 of 41

`The digital
`identity is an alphanumeric code and unlike password,
`biometric and smart card, the digital identity may be valid for one time use and is
`dynamic, non-predictable and may be time dependent, which is calculated using
`a proprietary algorithm that may include other customer’s specific information,
`which makes the digital
`identity customer specific. Thus,
`is impossible to
`calculate the same digital identity for two different customers or two different
`customers receive the same digital identity. Therefore, the digital identity offers
`the benefits of a password, biometric and smart card, without their disadvantages.
`It's as easy to use as password and as secure as biometric and smart card.
`This invention comprises of Digital
`identity System and Digital Identity
`Network. The Digital Identity System deals with the calculation, transformation
`and validation of the digital identity. The Digital Identity Network is the trusted
`T network between financial institutions that enables the communication between
`to send and receive Digital
`Identity Messages
`identification and authentication of account owners and authorization of financial
`or non-financial
`transactions. The Digital
`Identity Message may include
`customefs digital identity and transaction infonnation.
`Direct authentication and authorization system and method according to
`the present invention may include the following participants:
`15 of41

`Originator - the Originator is the individual or corporate customer of the
`Participating Financial institution (PFI). The Originator receives a new digital
`identity from its Participating Financial
`institution (PFI) each time the
`Originator desires to initiate and authorize any non—financial or financial
`transaction such as payment or funds transfer. The Originator provides the
`identity to the Receiver
`identification, authentication and/or
`authorization of the transaction.
`Receiver: Receiver is the individual or corporate customer of the Participating
`institution (PFI)
`receives Originator‘s digital
`identity for
`identification, authentication and/or authorization of the non-financial or
`financial transaction such as payment or funds transfer.
`PFl — the Participating Financiallnstitution is the financial institution that has
`an existing relationship with Originators and/or Receivers and offers services
`to the Originators and/or Receivers. When a PFI serves Originators, the PFI
`is acting as an Originating Participating Financial institution (OPFI) and when
`a PFl serves Receivers the PFI
`is acting as a Receiving Participating
`institution (RPFI). A Participating Financial
`institution (PFI) may
`participate in the Digital identity Network as an OPFI as well as a RPFI.
`DID Operator - the Digital Identity Operator is the digital identity authority that
`provides digital identity-based authentication and authorization services to the
`Participating Financial
`(PFis) by maintaining, operating and
`managing the Digital Identity System and Network. Each time the Originator
`desires to initiate and authorize any non-financial or financial transaction such
`16 of41

`as payment or funds transfer,
`its Participating Financial Institutions (OPFI)
`requests the DID Operator to calculate a new digital
`identity for
`institutions need to become the Digital
`Identity Network
`participants to perform identification and authentication of their customers and/or
`receive their authorization of transactions.
`This invention enables financial institutions and their business customers
`toperform identification and authentication of their customers and/or to manifest
`their assent to the authorization of transactions. The customer's digital identity,
`which has been provided to that customer by the customer's financial institution,
`is issued and used at the time when third parties (e.g. merchant , billers) or other
`Participating Financial institution needs to authenticate the customer's identity,
`verify the account ownership and/or receive the customer's authorization for the
`financial or non-financial transaction. Participating Financial Institutions issue
`digital identities to their account holders and validate digital identities issued by
`other Participating Financial Institutions in real time. Using Digital identity System
`and Network, financial institutions can establish an environment in which parties
`to a transaction can reliably verify the electronic identities of customers, engage
`in legally binding agreements, and maintain auditable electronic infonnation
`trails. The resulting high level of security and trust enables financial institutions to
`better serve the customers by enhancing their online service offerings.
`17 of41

`This invention enables financial
`institutions to enhance security and
`reduce fraud by identifyin

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