`IBG LLC ET AL. 1014

`"David "E! johnsoh
`"I3irminghiiin-SoL1t11o1‘n Cfollcgo
`Johnny R. lohnson '
`Unive1'.'~':it},: of North Alaxhzirna
`John L. Hilbtzrn
`. Presideni, ';i\-1icro<':o1n])utor S}-=sLem.~'; Lvc.
`Peter D. Scott
`State Univcmsity of New You.‘1<--—Buft'z1E._<::
`New York - Chéchester - Weinheim - Brésbane v Singapore - Toronto

`mdul tI&II'li.N of
`': 2 cu‘ I'- 3-
` F1..'n'_vu. :'..".LԤ 1'
`I'::r'):)r;1:iun_ Al! uihur r'.':1:1'.rm'.
`ms :21; ;>a'Qperr_\= of 11-.;:§:'
` 1'15 in gwru-i7:'u'i[:g
`E LC.‘-1.i‘.1.'_1 9?’ ti‘.-I.‘ ti:1:0ric- um! §7ro‘Im:1'|x IR
`[‘L|l3|i.~.]'lL'|' n1;I‘M.: rm wa11'1".mI\" :31";
`av mini.
`.. L't
`iinvd in '..'1i.~:
`.nt:ii 121'
`III fur inn‘
`:' hie in :J.n_v 3
`. us" :sa‘i.-+:':1gz_ nu! vi".
`the fL:J'.is11ing,. 1.1:? or
`.:1 nr ':z~.:p.;
`I'll: a:=.:Iém2‘
` ‘
`'\‘.':l:i 1;~.*pu.<;:I.
`‘.L| and huund by E'_}13e’;)
`Hue -.-awvr was primvai E1};
`1 «E‘:1irI'|:.-id.
`by iTLt:.::‘.1cI'1\-'0 (‘us11p:.miI1'm1 {‘o1'pc1':L[1':.1:1.
`,-'.=.|:cI' in this if-005.’ Wm. E£!i111‘111-:'.&.‘lL.'i'|.‘,f.1 '3)‘ :1 mi‘;'; \\’3'1i':s:: §‘ur\-::;T. mt‘-. ézgunwrrzt '_nrL13_'_ra1‘a3s im:]L1dr3
`ml _§r'ii.‘§L3 it-.arw:si‘=::g 01' its LiI1'.!:c1'1:1=.1d:~'. SL1sLuirwd yicid i:;11'v:.-5€i.’Ig, prmL:ipEc5 t::.‘i12:‘:: lhar. llu:
`.3." [rccx L".:1 uLu:i'I _‘u'L‘.'|.|' {Encs :'.-ul. 0'.-.'::;-.<f §':’2<: K251191111: u:‘ new _;_.J,m\'v'l]1.
`'_u or ulJ1n.': .\.1x..:.
`zLAc1. wjLhUL.-L
`:1: ot’1I:-.--.
`w.-_ I)a1:1\'cr>., MA
`:u:’.«’{}. Rmgu 5;.-: LU Lhu P::bl't.~:hur t']2c:rin1:;s:<m
`xxc-.I Ln Linc
`":.:'1I':is.~2io:1.x' Ska : :'a::n:.:1!. .101".-5: W'ilcy & Sn::.~'. im‘. M55 Thisxi A999‘-.:<:. N:-’\\' Yurii.
`‘EH-Fill E 3. 1'}. I23 §§_‘§f}-f>{}f}‘
`IQ'~’i$ '\’-.-’ELL:Y'.C‘.()M. T0 nrdnzr ifsunskn‘ ur For
`i.i1J:':I1‘_\' of {7<:iz§:1'<::;s C:I§ui<)g_;in;:-i:1—l’1:l)£i-xziiim 13211;;
`.-W"-'3-.'{] 3;].
`i'J'.:\-.-Ll E1. iuhn.
` . . . 1'}
` 1'-L. _1oJm.-s<:'.1_ Johnny
`Id aid. Cl‘.
`-iaL'u.~;:11u1 '1. “ex.
`[ §<>i1J1s;<:!1.{J:i
`Liiccl-"'1-.'a....".Lit 9
`1'||_".'.'i I

`We also Read Kin: p0we,1' ilwmlgh the 3—£2 5'<-:5'ts1<)r. Since we .5<.1‘.:w»-'
`éis; vcilugc 2;.
`‘;(fi:‘.11:c ::
`aiscczi %.}z<-r
`.-';L:r;::1*,a<ae-i1im1 am Cher:
`211:1: we E‘<>L'-.mI
`xu;:;{;z'p<3:;i1'iur1 12:‘ x=oE:'1g<-2 K'{)!'111§(‘=!!:iBl§§ in L‘umnu.'.c I.bc ;¢<>\ve1'.
`i-flex} we cn1:2{2:2i::c! tin-2 ;::s\.».;._r-
`!.h:: rcszstxzz‘ in nu: cmnpunm1: ;':r<>ra!e:11s sep;z.=‘::é::lj.- aura: meal
`in .\'1!p1Z‘F]1(I:-ii:
` 1|'1i5 ‘A-'0L1I¢E i1 '
`zz nié£'i'::rc:x11 and <':I’2‘{JI‘.t:(JLl.< r:-:.~;u1‘:_ .~;1a*.-::4'- Lh-.: mm n!’c.o111p-::r.ci11
` (2
`SL132} 0?‘ -::\s1':§‘»m:c1‘I.:.\',
`in i}(3i
`{Eat-t szmlt‘.
`223: L110
`'_ >'.![.'.‘(')1'§}§>.-?.u“»Z mfiv ‘/()fZ£:*1'C
`3:3 1§m:;:r' uiI'L'11itr-;.
`1.‘)-.w.'<:.=' (int-5::
`s1s::::z .‘\‘[J§}<.‘§‘}.?1}S
`Fmlvc §':.xcz'cmc. —E.E.I
`Find 1= mini :5 by _»'L:;§<=::;><.>3..
`;.-vrs. (mock 5313 ’I‘§rcvc:1_i:1---Nortnn 5':n=..\v
`' .2.2.
`;: V; —-L A
`in I."-.w<»:1'::i‘u=: <3 2.3, z::';1m.=-.:'ii:1;__= em i:1(i:.:;a*:.:“.= --
`Rcplzlczt the. 8 V by -3!;
`:'£v:.:1z >;€>L:rc::
`in :2 Gaga:-::1:.1:>r1t
`I"':I1d 2.:
`'\-'; —-1 A
`2‘-3\'I*_I~‘_(._'!S%§ $2.2
`........... ..
`\-':'1J1:1g::=.s< 22:‘-.
`rm-*E%1<a<i r.1i'r.:iI'r:1:iI aL11;1lys;.~.' in wi1iC.!‘,-
`In this scctiun we -dcvclnp 3 gcr3":';:i
`uI1kI1ow;:s In 1~.<.~. 5122:2113. A cémw.-:;1iL‘11l C§‘d}iCf;‘. of V(!I‘.a£_£_:‘L't5S for .-$222123-' 21etw0r§<.<. is :}‘._<:
`,\‘-.::‘=. mi"
`r:.'>:.’r:‘ ‘.’(:5!:£g:e.\‘_ fiimu-: 2: \-niizigc
`c'Ic1'im:d as existing |.}c£wc.L‘.t1 i‘:~.-'c2 z'1L>cics.
`to sci:-.'c1 one lands in the iactwmk to be :1 ;':{_;“1*:-¢*::<.'e’ mxfr: am‘: {Elsa assnciaizc :=. w)i!';:ge as‘.
`cacti of the mhcr nod:-:5.
`fist.» vm'm,g=e oj'e=c.?cz‘7 <,gf':h:* munr<{_r'i»:'n*m'ra .‘:<J(:'(’.<.' wr‘::".r n'.\';:<*<'.‘ It} .n"n<
`x'(_'_fE1rc?r:(.'¢’ zmzfce is rk;_,:?r:c=r{ :4 EM :3 mm?» =.'r>.’.:‘(Ig(’.
`is r.:csm11w1*. g.>r:=.c‘.icc it) $<':}<:ct
`L1ir<:<:t'L<'ms: 9'01‘ tiicsc voitages so that. tilt: gains ends ;. » 2=_[J
`Szha-r nor1re1"1-3.-.\.2°-45::
`{ht-1 :2':§nus L‘1!{1$i
`:52] at 1119 rt-:f<:rca1.<;c zaodc. Fm" Li ciz'::z!.3:E ::<:1:1ai1i.iz1g1 .-V :::>dc.~s. lhcrc wiil he
`9‘! W "E 11<anre!‘c:'enu:; nmlus and Li1Ls;~; N ------
`t1ne.iL-‘ v<;:§<r:g«.:.s'.
`.'1n:1]\*~<i:< is :1 mcthuci Jr.-
`vvhércia we will Ewrcak 11:: L‘i!‘CiJiI. Elm:
`s<:2Iw-_‘ for a %<<‘.}.r mi 6:4‘
`:!)'.r::.«. by Ii.-':(‘.'.m‘.
`.-‘-mjy <>t§‘u-..
`‘aha mule \=0E£ng{;=:» i‘m::n:~:{:'x-'1-:;i.
`'.‘LlI'l'{)':§[ or '.-'r'nE;:.:;2<-:
`?'<:sEi<>sa= L'2:»§}_\,: <>i%=.‘l:
`is bz‘<?r§<e;1.
`r:?.l1:rc11~;‘.:': node is 0 ‘tan cEm.~<::r1 to he the nodes: to \I.-'h:r:i1 {hr ]:1:'gcsE numlacz rn
`br;m<.:h<:s arc cm1:1<:cL-ed.
`f\-iamy practicmi £:%?c:i:i15 :11“:-r
`'..::1'!: ma :1 m<:.1::]l.":.'. ham‘ or cJ"=.a.'~--'i.\:.
`and L1:<L1:.i11_\-' 2:
`;:z.a:1"1E1:r u!" =.-:1ci'21crs:.s :32‘-‘. C01"-.TiEtL‘[l;?(J to the L‘.::a:'»':~‘I.~'.
`\\-'i1%c.F2 .‘.\oct'i1'i2<3fs‘
`L'.h[.‘iCL' for the .r<::=.‘:31' :';c:<fi'e.
`Ir: malny 021395, 311011 2.3 in e§<3ct1'jc pow<:.r $}’:x‘éL>.in.~a.
`<:E2.';::-;x'i.< is 3h{)i'i11d [0 {he earih its:-:11‘. hccmning part of 3; singie. chaasais---aarih nmic.
`_ at

`Tiiese equtatiorzs may be estabiisiieti by applying KN-"1. artitmd the lcmps {tea} or iinaigineti}.
`Evitleutly. if we know all the node veltztges, we may "find {iii
`the L"lt3}11<'3!'1E vtziltages and
`thence all the eiemeni t;tm‘ent'».
`The it-lp‘[.'}li‘..)£!.l.i()I‘. of K{.'Tl.— zit u imde. expressing each tznimtwi-'11 curreni in terms" :11’ the
`zmtie \=niiages‘., results in a .=:<'ide eqttaririat. Clearly. simpliiittzttitin in writixig the resultiiig
`t-){{l££‘u'.'in11S is possible when 1l1e:‘et‘e1'ence node is she:-:91: to be at rmdc with E‘. large numb:-r
`of eieiiieaits cenncetetl In it.
`33.3 we shall see.
`this is not the only criI.erio:i
`for selectitig the refe1‘ent':e iietie, zsitliuugh it is frequently the m-'er1'itiiz2g time. Since we
`cm: gtaing to apply KCL. siysiczmtticeilly at Circuit necles, the most straigi21i’erwai'd cause to
`L‘UIi3i£lCT is that of eii'cLtit.< whose only sources are intleperttient +:u1'rent f-i{I}1.i1'<.‘i£S. We begin
`with exzzrnpieaa of this type.
`In the network sltewu in F-"lg. 4.9{:t). there are three I‘t{,‘:{‘.l¢.")E-3, Li£1.\'il1E'd anti ntimhered
`["l'i1is may be easier to see in the retirztwn versimi of Fig. —1.*)t_h)._§ Since there
`are four elements (.‘.L)[II1t:‘.1'."EL3(i to ntitie 3, we select it as the referetiee nude. identifying it
`£33’ the grnuiid .-aymbnt sham-=21.
`i'vif.'}i.,-Rf 4;-.':'
`LIi:'t_'.Lii'a t.'Oz"It.“:§nir1g ir2<'}i9p<:::'itlenl
`::u|'I‘te1‘_='=_ 2.r:LJz't'.'{'.w..
`emf m':r1rt.-i'erta:it:e !'lLJ€lE‘.‘i.
`as gmmrd or f;l”1{'.‘. gmsmzf norie.
`this reason, the ref-;:n-:nc,e mule is freqtzetally refeneti to
`eh other made may
`"The re1’erei1ee 1".0LlL'.‘ is ‘£21123 at greumé potential or zero potential. and ea:
`lied by the vuitae of its
`he Clillfi-i{lEl‘6K.l to be at some ptvtemiai above or below zero Spétci
`node veitage.
`' '31:: equatitins of nodal anzalyséx are obtained by £l.}3pl},’iI'ig KCIE- at the t1()ElL‘,:i. Recall
`shat eauii term in it
`is an eietnent current. For 21 rt::<i.~iter.
`this current is
`in its voltage. This voltage.
`like any elcineut voitatge,
`is etgzzz-ti to Lt ntiaie
`mltzige {if one end of the eiement is tied it: the rei"ere11t:e time) in‘ the éiffereixee of two
`netie vzihxtges (if both ends are tied to ntnnrefereuee .'iL}Ll{’.'S}. E302" example, in Fig. 4.3 the
`reference and: is node 3 with zen) or gimmtl peteniizil. The :<y1nhol shows: attached It}
`made 3 is the standard .~;_vmhe!
`lei‘ gmuiid, ELS zttzteti in Cha;3te1' 3. Tlie ntanreference notice
`2. and 2 have nude v0lttige.~; T1;
`‘ind ug. Thus the elemen: VOlL£l.gL‘ i"|; with Lhe ptiltirity
`i-‘~l’3{)\".’¥l is
`'l"l':e other ei<-.'tnent
`\aoi1;ige.s‘ .~;E1mv:1 are
`15-; == 1.1 —— E} 2:: 1:;
` 1);; —- 0 vg

`Before wri?.i11g the node 13 ;L:zs1io11.'~a. L‘L>n.~1iLIc:' Lhc 9%:-.‘zm::1=_ shraxws in E"-‘i,=_-.'_,. 4.10. x-_fa::.r::
`15; and L‘; are nmlc:
`\«':_>lIa1ge.'~'.. Tiie 31::-n‘Jc12t v<.>Ew.g:: 1: Es gives‘. 11;:
`and thus by Ohms law we have
`5:: (_z's’_1.1g —1I_:‘J
`is the cm1duct2mce. Thzn is. H’!-c’ ;’:::'r(enrfrwr:: mark 1‘ :0 nodr’ 3 .'1‘.-'.".rJrr“I<‘.5?
`(IS :5 %,-"11’
` \- -x
`:;_:t (:3 2:9./."r_’
`I mad _r.".=:= Marie '.'r;-Jrrisrr-'
`rs.-' nrsr.-’:-* _'
`r:?.s':'.s’!r>:‘ it tin‘ (f:;{‘_?'?:‘1‘ranr‘(' of .'!‘:‘<;
`(m-my-.«1 by the :'.=:w'.vmr:cr R. or r:::.;a’r:','JE:':\/E" 3);‘ r.f.=r* :‘(2f1:,2‘}‘:r',';£ra.:':' v’;'_ '1'hi.<a :'etaal.'m;1 will
`us 10 write the. nude cqanatimxs r:;p'::i13r by z':1.'x'pcc1i<::': Lii1‘t:rcL]y E11. terms (=‘s" :1-:2 t1n:..: \':>1n.;:_
`New re1'L2rr2ing to "aim: CiI‘(;:.ii{ of Fig. 4.9.
`the .~eL:m of 82;: currenzs }a:av':ng ¥iUL.i{.‘
`mus: be zero. or
`‘““ -'J_4,=§
`:7‘ O
`in terms of the 110th: voitzxges. this ~:=qL1ati0z3 he»<:01nc‘:~s
`(;g{1.‘g -- F3} ---- 4.2;
`the ;)_r:;::ec1urc U? the p:“==_*,cc-di:1s__:
`We could have csimiiacd ibis cquaatitwaw a§:1I”(-:£.'i5_\-’
`pa1‘a_2r21pl1. Ap§1i_\_'i:1g KC]- at :1L'>cic 2 in
`S'i211ilar manracr. we u‘r_1tm'r:
` or
`I11stca-.6 of S1! nlméng u:=.I1'n::2£s Zcaving the :10-(R: in '<"u, W;-3 <:::u1:.E Suave men‘. use: E‘m'm
`of KC}. that aqxxaltcs the 511111 of t;Lz:*1':3ms lmwizag ihe mraic. to aim 53:11 of wrrcmx 2:22!-.:rir:5.;
`that rode. I»-lac? we (lime
`the |;(:‘l”IT]:~«'
`:' [.1 and £33 \w}L:i{i Emw agapcaxrmi an the :‘igi2i~]‘*.:1I:<1
`Gj=_{t}g --- M} + (fgtig
`:1 £1
`‘:'{3.‘il1]I.‘~' in
`Rca1'ranging ilk‘!-%". two <:.q11a1L‘.0I:s'
`?2:n«-~. — cw = r21
`....(;.2g;5 .+. {.53 .-,.
`......z £::
`:$}':'t1:11c¢Lr;-' that n1a3’ be L1s<:d 1:: write the t.‘L1l1Z‘:2i(.)!l.*~‘.
`These c::;u:::1in.ns exhibit
`the n-:z1:r21ngu'i
`f"01'm {4.8_': c1ir::<:?.E;-' by i11s;><:cLi0r1 of the ciu::1iL -;1ia1g1‘am.
`In If-L831)
`E.‘(JCffiCit3?1E' of 1;;
`is the sum of c0nduc1;'.mc::.<; of the clcnnczats L$O1‘:?.3£t{.‘1’{-.‘.d to zmdc E. wE1iEs
`iize <:<>e.i’f.cicn1 cf 2'; is the negaaive of the wmiuctailcc of the aaic-“meat cozaazccling
`to notit: 2. The .~';au'ne szazcmerst holds fer (-'$.8b} if the numbc.‘.1's 5 and 2 are i11[1:I'£‘?m:‘§_=C.z.§.
`'I‘im.~e node 2 pm;-'.< LZ*1r:. roirc in e’-"r.9,b2 n;":10&<:
`in H.821). Tm‘. is,
`is: me 11mic at v-. i‘u<.h
`KCL is upp1'u-3:}.
`in c-c.L:%1 cquutitm =11»: right-’n:md am!-3. is ma: *;:1n‘::m 2340121 the <;'.=rrcr*.*.
`!<L)E2E‘CCS that ezatas the c:c3z‘:'€sp(:r:(i?:r2g nods.
`in s__{::11c1'a}.
`in :‘.r,‘.lworks; ccx11Iz1i11i:1g uniy {liéil-;§LE<.‘—Ldi1Ci')!-I anti {.‘.a1:'1'un2 m'>L:rcn.~:, V-_C5..
`applicci at the Jet}: nude. w':11'L Imdx-3 '~;:>'1t.2_sj,:‘: 15;. man 33:: v.-'r1'tic:n as 1‘:.)H<.nw5. On H‘-r:-'

`zhsa c.'o:g,{}’.5:'£m:: zgf .u"?(.= kti:-::raa‘a= 1'm'.ra_L;c is {he .-mm of me
`5,)!‘ gm ,r:r,u:fc’
`cma<5m"!:1I?r'cts' L‘{Jm‘!£.‘£‘a‘t’.£f {(3 mm’(: !c, 523m’ rim cr.:r_;fiff<.':’c*:ar.s‘ oj‘:!:.c'
`:m".*er ;'.=<m'e wz.F;‘z.rgra.a‘ are 5.5%
`:1¢»_c.,mrx'1.-::.s' :)f size <;'r):2(2:.«::a:1¢.-_rs_»; f)e:'w<er:n .w‘1o.x'c.= xxodwx :.:.m!' mmfe .-'3:.
`sz‘a’<.= of Ih.='.\-
`:a:,':.:a::':'::z c'<‘J.=r.$‘r'.s‘I.\' of the N-GI c:urrm:flrm'fng fruo .'md<= 5; a'.=.ze Jo wrzrauz -$()H!T.‘t’.\'.
`This predictable pattern matkes it etasy 1.0 WI’iI.{: élown. the node L'.qua:i.iom, More 1h:—::
`;«sig_n:s. p0.'~'.i£t\-'0 0:: thc §ci'i'-h:1nd sialc ?'(>z‘ an,
`tr:-rms; mac! m.-gmivc |' u§i}e.1’I3ut.1e.
`zi--ézaarzt‘. min: 11:2" ='_‘un-uni
`Iin'su=érg, "man 1".<.;<ia=, II. are
`'-,c1‘1‘.'.-.~.. um!
`;};‘.~sirt‘.'-'.-= cm £120
`fsmma 2:3‘ K("I. u11osc:'..
`.1 £.'§‘:l'l.'-'-i.‘i.lii§i.‘,;’}'C'-Lt of {'22--':
`\«‘\-"l1il:.- {?L]'t';::‘
`;:<>1‘=.%r§ bu szscrl qLn'tc-
`c-.>1'r;:a‘a%}'. we uciwczaiu Hiickiaagi an the form r-:cm11n1cn:fia:<E. with the gm:-.yu_‘-‘1' £11111 LE1»:
`wiii :;1§wuy;s' fali Era this pa1u::rn.
`Ii ‘.1-.:]p.~; 1:) 1'1:z1kv: the ;>z:£1cr11 of Nig.1'1H fi}i:.t(§ anti pme'EicL:1bEc:.
`343 we -3:111 J‘nuL1.~< <>u1‘ a[1e11tioa': 91': Llm lazzgczz‘ issues when z:n;1Iy'z.i1'1~_-
`:5 -cir-'.;u:?€.
`.~\"rm'm’ iU'r.£4'1’._3'.!.‘2i.s' <:w:.s‘:'.s':.x' 3.-'2 m":'u':1g K'{'."£- nmfc'm:.s' dL:'.¥t"?'!J'J(!Ef rgfirzw a: cafe’ mm-
`rrj,-‘kerwu.-.:.» norm 2}; rice :‘irr.‘m';’. T1125 yields N —-
`linear cqL1aiior1s in u .~;§1'r3i12u‘ number of
`1m_%<2:c}wn.~; {the nod: voltngcsa.
`dis::u.~;sed in Appezeciix C, thaw‘. €OgL.t1t1.i011.~; arc. Eincarlg-'
`i_:'K§t*,§}‘.".E}E§t3i1'. and thus are g11a:'2mL<.“:.d to pmssess a unique sc>1LI1.'i<m,
`:2<::iL- vnnlmges
`:my be found by :1 variety of mczzans, including (.‘r:>.'.3s:-3 :.~1imEn:::i<.m.
`ru§<:._ am}
`Example -42.6
`!:=='s bn::'.n ..~c1:'.L‘tL:al
`lnuéugam 2104.1»:
`('_‘on:~sid:-:1‘ {E1-.-.~ uiruuéi 01" Fig. 4.1 3.
`lu EL.
`11.»; the 1':-I‘u':'ct1cc nude .~tim::: so 31:11:)-' <:i¢tmL:n1s suns‘.-z "
`:'c:si.s1m's '41‘:
`lalicka-ai ::cL~cn1'ding,' £0 {heir L'.'()!}t1l1L'L11l‘1L}C‘5.
`§'.r'.~r E'.)\.'§J‘-!jJ!:_'
`Six:-cc 1211331-2 azrc zhrte 11011.1":-:I1'::‘t:nc::
`!1L3Li'.‘.\. £11-an: wili 11¢ T.i1l'CI.‘
`WL‘ nut-.2
`11111:-;‘ 1:n}<I.1r.m-‘:1 smtis v<}§::1g;c.~;. A: nods
`the .~‘-.1111 of c:.:nrlu:;E2'.I1ccs
`elm m:gz~.2.§vc uf :.l::;-
`(.‘0fldLICi2E£}L?<-:(I(}l1!1{3§i€§Y}g nude :2; in na)d:: pi
`—-- 1,
`:m<i 82:2 ‘JCI .'»'oLtrc<:
`cm'n::1t L=.a12e1‘in;_: no<§:3 I
`is 7 — S
`'3. Thus the firs: mafia aquarium is
`Si111i1:u'1y. 3.1 zaoftcs 11; and 113‘ KR-":3 heave
`—l'1 + K/)'i."_=
`fl.-J1" Eh:-.' nod-.2 w'311;:;_f<:.~'~
`We 2113.}; suivc (4.9) and €4.29)
`any one of .11 variety 4:13"
`:21e1'hmi.<: for :«;n]ving= .~5%.:r1L:IEa>.m-.=u='_:.~' L-:a;;z:;2-
`'l"1'srec sazch rrxctéwcis
`mztuix im-1-:r.<:i.m'1, C‘r'.nner‘s mic. and
`‘I 31}

`[101 i’a1ni1iaI Wiih ihu':x::
`(.}iiL1SS§a!'i ufliruiiluiiun. For E112; z'c—21Llr.:r x=:i“:<¥ is.
`:1 discuscsion is ;_:i.v<-2:1
`in 5-\;3p::n{1'ix .»-X. Sciectinp, (..‘r:.1ntr:.r‘.=s
`rule. first find the <§ct‘I'111ir2a=.11I of the c0;:i"fir;éer1t: mm'ri.\:., given by
`- E
`5:‘ 1
`" !
`"I'M dcIL:1.‘m:11L-: U}. W:
`:':}§3[£:{‘<: (ha:
`;ui=.U.1'I‘.n i
`flu: Lgtni.-.JTIL'1t:n‘
`- -.h: £'§f.t1L‘!‘I':liI3ii:}€ of lhe <;:~<-:;--
`the 111m] mizanm -'~i El‘-C
`jyiséding 1:2 .-_—. f:
`' \'
`Exampie 4“-7
`2. 2:
`1.x" m1.u::l by 11.-‘pE;.'ac!11g,_ 132:: $CCC=[‘1(1 and ::_:
`ni m2:tri.x £1118 caicuI2zLi,:ag; as zzhm-"rs.
`...... ,.
`fizz‘. L qamz.
`ENm*-.- Lima W1) nave l'
`21g.c:~.. was mzig-' e:usai.1}- émczi an): otiirsr \'~.w§:zLgx'.- H1‘
`if we. wzmi. 2.110 cu1'r<;:m I
`in the 3-33 '."1{.‘.]'!".=.'.‘.1‘_§.
`Izsadzng inc 510i
`iLl1ETt3!}E. For C :::‘1'pi'.-.
`is :~'.;-':n1n»:l1'ic {tho (5. j} :1r.-.£ tj. .-
`Note {hut tin: um:ffi:.":e.nL matrix s:hm'«.-‘:1 in 34.1 E";
`cZ<:1:cr11s are equal]. This folltwvs Esmn 1122 {act 1h:.:L the a::':mi11ci;mr.:r: 5.1L:hx‘e.c:*: nod:-:3
`:' and j is {hat 1_1<:Lx\«'-mu": 2*.-<}dc'< j and E. Sy12m-.:.-ujv {'1-.rLI:c:1'
`.<;éz ‘;31i£'iu=.s
`v~.»'z:%:i:1;_; {Ext
`cqu:1f.':(m:<. WE2i':c ..~'_\;rnm«;:ir}.-' wit} 2101:} as :2
`iii} =.:i:'::11it.<4 :20: cc3r::'a§='fi-‘
`.~'a_\.'mm{-stry -:1!" L111: urn.-1"{icicm zmm-ix c,:::mm
`cn11m<-2C: on in Lima
`as we .~';h'.LH 543:":
`111 the ncxz -:.xzampIn:.
`.1‘ Fig. -‘J2. w1'ci'1cz.'}'s1'1is1.‘ ‘ie '-xnderza "
`'."m:4i I: %h-'- “
`(4. ur It. Ltlruu

`w »_
`.wuI'c<:s. We mil hegm by wrs.
`um 2“z<>-ac
`{he murces w'c1‘L‘ }t}ii:':.pL‘.I'1dC£‘J_.
`5&1 exude 3.
`{3}{''z,': .1 -6- ‘{?]f2.-'1 "
`E“)? 4: 5
`.-1% 2%‘
`and :1: ncxia-.‘ CZ.
`— <f?.;{-4-«_~.
`-- T';} — 5: —:— ,'-‘:a-
`We 52:: K1 cxpraxsx EIEL‘ cnmzrcalling; \'2::'éuh]t:x 3'22" aha deperwdrsraei =~‘.::r:!.'-‘(:0--._
`‘By *3. =2" 51
`5 :‘-.:2<'% 2;
`in ilime c~.q11;L:im1.<._ in 1:;-931:»;
`:13" ‘—..!*-,e
`aim? Eta};

`Substilutirzz 2&1:-1 last two -
`:z;:K's<>:2's into the
`l"('.CCL1li'E‘I: two.
`{§j{?.'{)-I-[n{1']}'+{2){?'1—1_l:): 5 — 5'2};
`«E-"(U3-.3 + {Elli-"..=. W‘ U)
`“E” 3‘l1-‘1 "— 1-*1}
`Tl}<:se ma) |.3qL13.Iit‘:i"tH-
`in two unl<.n<2w11s can be saolvcnl
`lay (.‘r;u1~.c.r‘>'
`rule, Lnzurix i::w:r.~;ic>:1, or Gauss eiimirmlion. as Llcsired. Selecting
`matrix i11ve:r:-;i<>z:, we firs: ra:.w1‘iic as
`The Li‘.‘.1.CI'El’liI'l‘a.l‘1E of the coflficiczat nlzxtrix is (9) {Q} -— E---9):: ~-2}
`45;‘- and the i11ve:z'.~:«: is
`sm.1r<;cs dczatmys the
`I-"mm lflxazrnpie 4.? we see: {baa the presence of rlepc11dcn:
`sy:Immt:'_v in she «:;a:el'iicieni
`I11d.1}‘LX {sec (4.12): and that in HL|.L‘1'E €.‘,i1'<:ui!.S
`the c3<::I1en2s
`of ‘-‘Jnis
`!'11£I?.'}'§3( may no 1u!:g_<:1‘ simply be inlcrprelccl as sums U1" <:am:iuc:::r:n:c::, simsc the
`akpcndtznt su111'<.‘L’s also contribute. 011 the mhcr hand, {he pres:-;en<:a: of clcpcncicnt sources
`‘nus not signifimnily con1pl':caL<::! nodzl! am1iysi.~‘., requirirag only an anlditizmzal substitution
`step. 1'cp1;n:ing cu1m'0lEi:':g \=:::‘i;1hle.<; by node voitzzges.
`a.~s<°ses<.ss2s2ss;aessa§$\~32 s.~?:<:.'.co
`-a.‘=25&az>:.32s':ess°;é.me;:=s.':s;:_ re;-\:!.':‘.9w$.-'JsL*»:vez$aal.a:__-n.5,-4-:: .»r .'.-.3. . .._‘ «.~.;.....:
`bL'>'."l1 <'::::'::11:
`in Fig. 4.‘? in he l S) L'.:1<‘l
`T;+.i<e all
`i'un::'.i:':r..e H‘: be 1 A. Utxing lmdall aaalztl}-sis.
`timi 230. male «z:>§*.2;g_:r:s and :31:
`three Eaiwclcal
`“i 32

`Write 131:: nmial cqt1ai€:)m dirc::tE;_»'
`in ‘.-'cctuz'—maLri.V. f‘o:'m. D0 um
`E>;§.?Z{I¥§§ 4.25.2
`At rirsl glance it may St‘J.:I‘[} that the presence of voftage Rottrccs in 21. circuit ‘tolnpiicaics
`nodal analysis. We can no longer write the KCL. node zsquattons.
`..<.-incc t['::‘.1'e is no w;=._v
`to express the currents tiurwgh these csircttit elements in ‘.ct'ms of their mode mttztgus. As
`discussed in Chapter 2.
`tl]C§1'1c51£ i-aw for it vtuitagc sourasc (Ems 110$ rtéiatc its {.".1r:'<??1i
`to its voiéage. so we cztzmet use it to mpiace. 2: £‘ii£‘§'f;‘I'1‘L ttltkzwwza 333!
`:1 vaéiagz-: unéqmwn
`in the mac equation.
`Hmvtzvcr, as we siutli sec, nodal Lznzziysis kn the p:'<::=.t:ncu of voltage snlvsces f7i'(}'v't‘.+~‘
`no more ccaznpiicatssd, 1'<:q11ir'mg rmiy :1 s-:;'::a.l!
`iI1{><'.'ItfiC2!Lif1:! to tilt: Imisic zncthnd for writing
`"tin: r:qL1a1tions of nodal £t}‘t2‘.l'_\.»’$§..\‘ pmscrtt:-r.d in Section -4.3.
`111 fa:
`2.. we wiil t:<>x:'z:: to w':':,k.:(.:mc
`voltage S{!l1i'{:£‘S. since 2%}:-:3 i‘{'.‘dLICf;‘. the ammber of ;~'tl'I1U]L£t1}I2{‘.t}$$ nocle ctguzzrions that tzmst
`he soiva-:(‘i, yielding (mi: Seas‘. equzltiozt per voliag_c s<>urce..
`V“. ccrzsw vs
`Example 4.8
`To illustrate the pt'0L‘,¢{it.££':3, Iet us czemsidur me circuit of Fig. 4.13.
`For cur1\=enicm':e we }i:J‘»’{: lzzbeieti the rcxismrs by their condt.1ctzmc:cr~:.
`Note that we: have enclosed voh-age sources in separate regions i-.~.<ii~
`catcd E3}; {flashed liaaas. Rccaliing that: the gtmcralized form of R531...
`:hat :1}! CLEI'1'Cl'lI.S enttttiltg El closati region must sum to mm
`1 33
`.-‘t::.s"zw.'3' 2|; == 1 V: 1:3 ::
`U.'<ing Imdztl 2m:t}yr~ti.'~:. find lit.
`3:» V: 36 V; /-3 A
`.-\.;' =2A;.«=_;-.~:~«z A
`‘V’ '
`:3, Emd r'.


`>§"'§%-“§“-§~§ 2<_.;ri':'§m;
`fiéel S. Sedra
`Uni}.-‘:2z';s‘;éz'_x-' of ’}"Ir)2z>z2£<.>
`Kenneth C. Smith
`1'...-’::.z've.=:s'z.'.!'js= of 7})mrzf{> zzzzzf I./’r2zz,f.: Kzziag
`Uni:-'e;:s‘fI_\.= <;§f.S'c'.r1*-.'!?(,'e* (mzf }’E3c?I':I’:()Z{}g'}:"
`'.\?:-2w Y=.";1'}<
`('}X§'*‘€}RD {}NiVE'RSI'.l"i" ¥’RI.*-JSS

` ms. ....$
`Eiosugg }<<::‘-.5;
`'I'u3x';'u Tum
` ‘€382 by U.‘:l’4_:r;|
`l.5:1iv=.-‘z*si£;." 1"z‘c:-ax, Inu.
`..aza"i;;;__I, Q1.-1:-..'u].!c:': m;e’z2.>.r 3':
`I‘); uz"(‘fm1g12‘t‘sa.' (‘.:;1LIi:)g_1r4;,=_—En-l’I:i>Eic::1imz Daam
`51 1-i1~..;-.
`"n:-.',-J nu:-.-1¢:'un1c1e.r. Fuzz’ the
`::p;>Iic:tLim1_ i1 w'.=..»- a: k;-.}-' ruL"u=|'
`‘ ‘ssacitin.
`':"hu:n rcpriv.3Iw.I with p1::':e1i.~:';§a=—:a an"

`'n‘{:11giL;1] sayslc-I225 are éaéggic <:iI'<.‘z:i:.s and 11*‘_v L:ir':;;11'1s.'.
`’?§1<: basic lmilding i’>i<ack.\'
`in Sechzurz 1.’? '~2»-"iii":
`I'§3t').'\'t 1‘u:1dz1meni;1] di§_j,tl:1I
`sh:-1!? szz}<}}' both in 522:3 'C<><Jk.
`<:i.'=‘L'L::ii. {he iiigitaa
`5 is 3% pr<:s::m 21iI—puz'\'a;~‘i‘\-'3.
`Om: finail remetriir Aiiiimzgfé the digiizai p:'{)cc.~:siI1g of 5;
`;"re:'f<'2m";c{} 'z‘.~_\-' ariaziog c':1'Cuizf.~‘
`there r:r1'1z1iI1 ma.r:§,-' sigma} §”}§‘<>($<3.i$i!}_!‘_l flimztiom; £313‘.
`indeed. ramzly <:l=3ctz'()r':§=.: systcim inu:}11dc boil“: zzzzzziag and aiigimi pau'£.~<.. it foiiov.-'R cm: a gzsmai
`c§eci':<:>:22cs engineer musn be p.*:'>!"1cicm in the <‘.C..\:§g:2 of hath eatming 2:.-“Ed. digit‘-‘kl L‘.ircuiL<.
`b!..<:%*.= is‘. 1%:-.3 aim ol‘:.i1is b<><)k_
`1.4 Cm“-~;§:.E<'r at 4~-‘nit digiéai W{)I'd D = E:_;r',:gr':;_r‘:.~, {sent 5.0. 2.3} £2536 2:‘. rc;11'c.\-cm :11’. ut1;'..‘Qg ;-:{_;1:2:E ::_.-, Em: v;.~.r"2:'.'x
`1:;-av-.= cc ‘F’
`[=.1} L‘:€\'r: 1) <:m‘:'c.~ip0!1('lE1:g :0 :5;
`2'} ‘V’,
`I V. 2 V. and 15 V.
`‘=V":3;:‘: <:}’22z:1;:;c in :21 L‘E‘.§J.‘éL‘.~1 ea Ch:3.’%‘.-EL‘ a"r'..:m {r Lu I
` .
`in.’ fii; .4‘)r., {ii} 52., {'
`J'»~_. and :';=':- fag.
`5.2 V, what do yoat Cxgacct .0 in be" What is Tim.
`;'os:2§1'é::g arrm in :'L‘;‘.~:'c-:cntu{inr1'.’
`('}f1!J‘:_ I.'}L}1{}. E111;
`{bf} —i-_i
`.'-3 \’_ -.-
`-'_ +3 ‘V'-
`From 2: conc::ptua[ point of view the sirr1ples1 .sig21a1l--;art!c;C#sm_s_1_ %fi‘~'K. 58 ‘hilt “Tl 5i_L’,z121i mrv
`piification. The need for 21r:'zpEif:::.21z§0z‘. mists I1:x:::::5c ir;1:1.=;d::.'.'{:r.
`-r,rr';u=i='.*'z=.-= .<{:g1‘1;;l.§ I:!1::i 2:21:
`as} be "weak." that
`in {he mi::rovoi1 E_;x.V} 0: rziiilix,-01$ {m‘~ ,- *22ng.=::
`z1z*--..- puss:;‘.~:sing
`lizfie czzcrg}-‘. Such Sif._'_P.£L§S are too sma1IE for reliuhla: procttxsing.
`a;.r1:.i pr0cr:.<s'i11g is muck‘.
`ctasii-:.1' if ihc sigma} mzzgziétude is made Ez1rgL‘r. Thn‘
`?7§<}{;§< that ;1ccrmef.‘i'Ii~'J1t:.'~; this
`task is ‘die signal amplifier.
`léxzearizy in ampiimrs. Wizcr‘-.
`the need z"«.,z'
`this pain: 2‘<.5
`z1r:1;2ii';.'i1z;j_} a .~'-ign:1l. care mus‘: be ::.‘~:¢~.z‘::i=‘*.-mi
`.~;u L1121: 121::
`i[:i‘<:1‘m::Li>:: <:<;:1§:22§mt<§ in 3.11::
`is rm: chiinga
`and no new in f:'_:t'1'm1Ii0n in i'nt1'0dL!ce<§.
`'ThL15 w ' §'c<:<3'
`531:: si5_;:2:1i shows.
`.1: 13:? an ::xz':::.t
`in Fig. 1.2 3.0 an axnpiifiel“. we wam the output siigxial of 351:‘: aanpii.
`‘gizzzt at
`the input. except of <:<.>u_r_~;c for lxzmrtg }:1-.'§_z,ez‘ zrzagxaéilzaic.
`In other \x-'u11'.5~:_
`"xx-'iggics;“ £12 Lhe uutpuz waivatfofxn mus: ha‘
`i{'.ut1Licu} L0 téwsc 1:: the 1:29:21 wzwt-.3"::1-:21.
`change is wens:-:I‘<>:-rrz is cc:s*.:~':’:%c:‘c:.i {'0 be dismrtziun :L1'::l is {1'l'W'iL311:s'5f»,- =.:nd:3s§1‘22bi=.:.
`AI} &EE?Z{>§ififif timt pr::.~;::rx-"L-as the aiaazzéis :32" {he reignul u.-'::\c.i"iI1rI‘-.':
`:_~ u}::«;1'2:cL:‘.z‘i?.¢<§ ‘:35-'

`rcspcclivu.l_»-'. anal A is as mztsiizzzrét
`are the input anti azzigatzt Signalis,
`::,- 323:5
`st-ruting, the z':2t;gnitude of tttttptificatiozl. kzztéwn as éimgfiifier g2:i'n. Eiquzttitm (1.4%
`2: §%'r:c".22‘
`rciatémtsftip; hezzce the atnplifcr it desa‘:'i'-ms
`2; §i:1ea:' zampiifit-r- It stxattétl he
`that if the reizaiimzx ip i?tSlWCr.‘:I1 15,, and 19,-
`;‘0I1t':t%r2s hi
`‘ er §>o\vc.:'.~s of 1:,-. titan the \V2:‘.'::{7\‘>I'I:2
`tr" :',_. -will no Enuttgcr 13:: §{'3§.‘.!'3t1iC1.'J In tlutt of :r_.. "Thu: aarnpitzzer ":5 {E2912 szzéu to <.->;:ti'nit Itmtlinrar
`.Jil‘1c.1's :.Iis;cuss£::§ so t':tr21rL- pt'5.;11;-.1'i1_v ittttéttdcé {U i\._:?t‘2“1.i€a3 on
`225:: £'1r3z2;;§:: of
`' _...t.=r'pust:
`is ta‘:
`tm:1».'<: the sigzaizi 1't1ug,§:1Lt:d;:
`la.rg,t::' tttld ‘=_i::':r;*.f‘

`21:» valtawe am: zlifiers. T316:
`Jremza Zifier fizz aha: 1}t)i‘flE'
`is an -.‘x;tm:)1c rs!
`2 Hm»-e\'e:'. it ‘tE$UE1?§‘3" «'.%a:=cs 2,-'2<::*e
`sitzt ins: of the l’rc<.tL:::r2cv S *-€f.€.‘{2"..._ _ . §~
`'F\-\ "m."
`2 {>12-r 2393:} at tins tnortacrti.
`At this tizziéz we wish to ntcntion ‘.tt::>th::1"Ev'>::<>{:mmEif1u:r, :3EilT1L‘1\-', the 1n(>wc1' 2tr:t'-‘.l%f':{:r.
`a‘-..'1':pit:'_\-' Lite hig;';:ti: ::p=.':-’.:':‘;t
`91' the 253.9112 Si_s1su:l_ This. topic. ‘t1(swc:':':'__ - .
`tI s : E %
`is r'_‘nr:‘»'et1't:':i‘-.t13* rc;¢rt:—
`zt111}.1iii"1t-tr is obx-éazzsiy 3. two-gmti zlezwork. 115 £11nL‘t'sa1:a
`W25: ségatatt
`3-czzéasfi 23}: the <:‘.rt;L1it
`.~:}'z71'E>L31 Sf E*Ԥg.z;.
`'£.if}t_a2}. Titas sjmttml t;lc21t'i}-' di.'~ai.it1gt:iSh¢*s {Etc irtpzzi 211:1
`t'::t€;}zi§ gwris £EE‘.t‘i indiczttcs the <i‘.z‘:‘.ci%o~:: <>i‘si_t_~;r1::J
`'t"Em\-'. Tlttss. in Stihsctlutttlt ~'.Ei-¢§_wr_:'.:‘a:z'=.:~; 1; am‘-E}
`aw: Ex“:
`tt£:<.‘.~=5_~';21aj-' in iabei the two 1)<>ns “%zzg3L:’." amt "c_rLstput." I"-‘ea’ gent-: ;::'iLy 21.-":3
`Eh: zzzttpiifia-.%2'
`ii? have t:'~'tJ '1n:;.-1:1'2rtir:ztis 'si'=.:iz azsrc ziistézzct i’rurn the two output t::rt11'tst:tE.~. A
`111 ~'.!I'='.‘
`_‘i.tzzatitm is :i§tt_~;tamc,<i
`in 1-23;.
`i.§{}=:'z~.j_ witerc 2; c<;=mmu:1 tertxtittgtl cxist.~ "Inn
`staid outptit p<.l['IH of '.}1-.: z':m;' Titiis‘ c:>:;=.zna>t:
`azufical titc circuit gmttnd.
`Such 1:11 :‘::?2pE:2'1::r may p1'u'm‘1*.:. 0:21)’ a rt‘;-:Jcte:'.~:: :13'I1mt:tt 0.‘ ‘.r::>lt21‘>'<:- gait: but .~;tzi).<tatr:t;-9.1 ‘;‘%.lE'I't'F‘.L
`'i7t!.i5 willie: ubsc)rl>irtg iitzie pow-z'i'1'mn t 9 ittput sigttal >;ui:a'<:e tr} wéticit it is <.:um‘-.c::é_'=_-‘ah
`ofzcxt 21 3-*3,‘-t::1I1‘.=p§it_"tc.t'. it c!e%iv<:=."s {urge ’imt>::ttt.~; of power to its ltmd. Az: 9 'ziz21;>Ec mund
`;z<‘=wt.-2* atztt]1[i!iu=1‘ in" me }'2<>m:'=,
`\N§!0:\'i'.’ purguuasc is to ;.1mvi<§c §z:?.§2a':it;s%;t ;*.o~.\-er
`"§‘t:*- ht-ut*£s'pt:21i<::z'_ §§¢z'e we siwuéai atolc that '=.hC EuL1L'ES}'>C'.:f'cr is £323 =¢<:z;§=.:t :ruzm.itI.c-.::'
`: s}.'stt:1It:
`'.;L}22'»’c:is {Etc eicctrtc s‘J‘n.1iIp':_£I xigzzzai of ah-.:
`.w'y'st*:r: 532:0 32: 2';<:<2:2s=i<'
`-.-.:':i‘zt1' 2tpprs::;i;ttiun of 'E§}<£
`:-‘;'.:‘it_\-' can hr :tcgt:§1'tt:t hv
`izlg tat:
`§.1<.>:%: mi": 2422:: iuud ntttm.
`pats.-_~;2t;_=,c.< [u be
`A 1*. *.-cut’ pow-t.'r '.lI'E‘i[}s
`rcpmaizz-u-:.:i V»-"§.‘:%‘=.0z:£ Cfi3i{}i"{'3.
`;_,_§:'CL:.:'i S»ymizf§z§§
`1. 2.
`i3t.:a\x~.:=.*._r*. 11::
`ta) Circuit‘ .'i}’22‘;bi}] for ampiifi-.‘1'.
`. . .1.)
`Ltt ztmi
`(>:;:§>;‘=.?. 99313.
`{h} A11 :;t13p]ifit-.‘r with u n:um1nm1.
`;t:rtT-1111:] L;_.':'.-_':unaJt

`ii; 5'5‘:
` 1
`‘K.-"1'}§tE§gé} flaw
`llrlrsar am hiwr ewes-: .15 2:1: mm: swna} :.= gs‘) and mrx-'::i::s at
`rs. .'.*s'[£ll1Cr3 R,»_
`Pig. E.i }{a:‘;~. an ozzzpaaz ségzzaz ‘.'r5;t'fT! {Ema is :3
`The voltage gain of {he a:np]§f’ie.r is dcfizzezi ‘:23,-
`the {.1u:.m:z. tscrms :1»-. km!
`;rz;2g;'12if‘icd 21-.*.p.%%<:a 02' zagsgta.
`\’<aEa;1;;c gézén (,4
`.3 F
`Fig. !.§.'i{‘ ,» iéhaws the transfer Chair-arsteristitz uf‘ 21 1_i::c:>.r u:'vpIi1'ic1‘. If wt‘ appfy to the iI‘!pl?f
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