
`FROM-+44 m 245 3930
`+44 12} 245 3930
`H E ®
`Withers& Rogc1SLLP,Ct0Idit1gSHouse, 2 l-laysLane, London SEI ZHW
`Tet +44 (0)20 7553 3500 Fax: +44 (0520 7663 3550
`E-Mail: admin@witha' Web:
`Our Ref: M306789/KJB
`Y” M
`12 January 2006
`Writer's Telephone: +44 (0)121 245 3900
`European Patent Office
`Dear Sirs
`European Patent Application No. EP 1 319 211 B1
`Click Based Trading With Intuitive Grid Display Of Market Depth
`We hereby file Opposition against the above-referenced European Patent. Please find attached the
`Notice of Opposition (Form 2300.1) together with the Grounds of Opposition (Annex 1) and various
`docurnemation relied upon including prior art patent publications and various exhibits identified in
`the Notice and the Grounds.
`Our Records Department are separately attending, to payment ofthe Opposition fee.
`Yours fai
`Dr Karl Barn
`European Patent Attorney
`Form 1037 — By Fax
`Notice of Opposition Form 2300.1 - By Fax
`Grounds of Opposition (Annex I) - By Fax
`Various Documents — By Courier
`Rcl. 4 (2005) LLP
`Pnutcrs: Dnviti Banncmtnn. Michael Bltttchford, Adrian Chettl:-, .IelT Hogg, John Dtsm. Ben Dcrnpsxen Karl Barnfather, Simon Bet-Jt. Howard Wright,
`Ivor Han-ison. David Pnm. Mark Arn-silage’, Colin Jones. David Cmstlon, John Jones. Fiona M-cBn'dt:'. David Elsy. Adrian Tmnbling.
`lmru-I .VtcBmy‘. Jarnes Gray. Callum Wazdlc, Matthew Gilbrd. Withers at Rogers Group LLP
`‘MITM-1 all otherpartners CPA & EPA.
`/ursocinlt-5: Jim Ribnim. Jackie Tolsoufilioltoias Wallin, Nichnllts Jonu, Russell Barton. Rachel Wallis. Kathryn Cnmt, Ptml Foal,
`l<civ.lt1‘an. Matthew Allen. David Mcwilliams. Gregory Camorarl, Rhiannon Turner, Ben Lance. Sheflcy Ltmn,
`Kat-at Phillips, Rachel Wfilinrm, Marisa l-bstcr
`Tranrltltlnns: Rnsenrary Booth. El‘ I-‘omuktles: Karen Austen
`l'rnrdt-.4 Director: Nick Dougan. l-“rnnnt-in! Controller: Ian Smith. HR 5: Admin: Sonia Greaves
`Withers 6: Roger: LLP is a limited liability partnership regittcn.-11 in Enghld turd \Vn|:S (regmend nlmher DC3!0992)
`with its prhlnipnl place in business and registered office at Golding; llonsc. 1 Hays lame. London. SE1 2!-IW
`Also at l R.-ncliffstruct, Bristol 1351 one 'l'el:+-14 (om? 925 3030 Fart: +44 (0)117 925 3530
`so Hulty Walk, Lcamingtort Spa, warwtckshire CV32 4.! E Tel: +4.4 (0)1925 33611! Fax: +44 (0)1926 335519 and
`is Colmorc stow, Bhtningiwm B3 up tel; +44 (mm 145 5900 Fax: 44: (0)12! 245 3930
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12 2006 19-43-52 Page 2 f30
`Page 2 of 30
`Page 2 of 30

`FROM-+44 12! 245 3933
`+44 121 215 mu
`T-I68 mus
`— Notice of Opposition to a European Patent
`To the
`5“'°W' PM °’“°‘=
`Appllcafion No.
`“(mm 9131921131
`Click Based Trading with Intuitive Grid Display
`u .
`I : A
`firs! named in the patent spedfianfioto
`Proptietor of the Patent
`opponenrs or rap«e.semative's reference (mu. 15 spaces) ma
`Rosenthal Coffins Group LLC
`216 West Jadtsofl BOUIWBIU
`Fourth Floor. Chicago.
`Illinois 60606
`Iurthet opponents see additional sheet
`sun 0! rcsiflellfifi D7 M pllmiple
`place of business
`Multiple opponent:
`(Name only one representative no whom
`notiimuon is lobe made)
`KM 3811733121
`Address oi place of business
`Wclhas & Roget: u.P
`Gohfngs Hwse
`2 Hey: Lane
`London SE1 2HW
`Muitionoi voprosema1ivo(s)
`2. EmpIoyee(:) of the opponent authotised
`br these opposiiion proccednga under act.
`133(3) EPC
`- 5)-
`(on ammo”; shewsgg aumgngfim)
`0990 (57
`To m.
`not considered necessary
`basfhavc been regbteved
`EPO Form 2300.1 04.93 webdol
`Received atthe EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52 Page 3 of30
`Page 3 of 30

`for EPO use only
`+44 I21 245 3930
`FROM +44 I21 245 3930
`v. Opposition is filed against
`- the patent as a whole
`- dafm(5) N015).
`VI. Grounds for opposition:
`Opposition is based on the following grounds:
`the subjea-matter of the European patentopposed is not pa1entable(ArL 100(3) EPC)
`—- ilis not naw(Ar1. 52(1); 54 EPC)
`—~ It does not involve an invenfive step (An.52(1); 56 EPC)
`— patentabflity is excluded
`on othergrounds. i.e.
`‘ 52(3)(°). 52(2Kd)
`the patent opposed does not dlsckase the invention in a manner SUHWEHNV 0193! W3 I‘-°mP'B15
`for It to be carried oulby a person skilled in the art (Art 1D0(b) EPO: sea Art. 83 EPO).
`me subject-matte!’ 01 me patent opposed extends beyond the content of the appiicarionl
`of the earlier appficadon as filed [Alt 100(5) EPC. See Art 123(2) EPO)-
`VII. Facts and arguments
`(Rule 55(c) EPO)
`presented in support of the opposilion are submined herewith on a separate sheet (annex 1)
`Other requests:
`EPO Form 2300.2 04.93 webdot
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:4352 Page 4 of 30
`Page 4 of 30
`Page 4 of 30

`FROM-+4-l m 245 3030
` IX. Evidence presented
` will be filed at a later dale
`+44 I21 245 3930
`D1- W099l19B2'l - Publication Date 22 April 1999
`Particular relevance (page, column, line. flg.): Fig 15 Page 64 line 15 to page 66 line 2
`D2 - W099l53424 - Publication Dale 21 Oclober 1999
`Panicular rdevance (page. column. ine. fig). Page 3 line 25 to page 4 line 7
`D3 - WO9al49639- Publication Date 5 November 1998
`Particular relevance (page. column. line. fig.): Page 20 line 25 to page 21 line 4
`D4 - US 5.297.031 - Publication Date 22 March 1994
`Parliwlar relevance (page. mlumn, line. fig.): Column '10. line 34 - Column 14. line 64
`Particular relevance (page. column. line. llg.):
`Parlioulzlr relevance (page. column. line. flg.):
`Particular relevance (page. column. line. 159-)?
`Continued on additional sheel
`EPO Form 2300.3 04.93 webdol
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19;43-52 page 5 of 30
`Page 5 of 30
`Page 5 of 30

`FROM +44 l2l 245 3930
`+44 '21 245 am
`Other evidence
`1. Original Japanese version of TSE Manual
`2. English translation of TEE Manual
`3. Deposition transcript oi MrKewashima
`4. Opposition to TTl's appfication
`5. Manual for Release 2.’! of LIFFE Connait Prior Art Manuals
`6. Manual for Release 3.0 of LIFFE Connect PriorArt Manuals
`‘IA. Manual for Release 3.1 of LlFFE Connect Prior Art Manuals
`73. Manual for Release 3.2 of LIFE Connect Prior Art Manuals
`7C. Manual for Release 3.3 of LIFFE Connect Prior Art Manuals
`8. Directory of Soflwafe Solutions For LIFFE CONNECT
`Exhibit BA
`Dlredcofv of Software Solutions For LIFFE Connect issue 1 a October 1993
`Exhibit BB
`Directory of Software Solutions For LIFFE Connect issue 2 - February 1999
`Exhiait 80
`Directory of Software Solutions For LIFFE Connect issue 3 - June 1999
`Exhibit 8D
`Presentation slides entitled "LIFFE Connect - LlFFE's new electronic trading platiom-l lor futures — ISV Developers
`Conference — Thursday 24 September 1996"
`9. Excerpts irom deposition transcript of Mr MacGragor and APT documents
`Exhibit 9A
`Macfsregor transcript
`Exhibit 9B
`"APT and Training Procedures (Atom version) of the London international Finance Sure Futures Exchange‘ issue
`date 28 March 1991
`Exhibit 9C
`APT User Guide January 1994
`Exhibit 9D
`Attachment to General Notice number 788, issued on 28 Deoember1995,"APT plus uading pmc=edures'
`1o,Technical and marketing material relating to the IRIS software
`11. True and accurate copies 01 GL Trade SA's User Guide V 4.51: LIFFE Connect for Futures
`12. Memorandum Opinion and Order of the Nonhem District of lilinols. Easlem Division WW5“ 3. 9 February
`13. Tl‘s prior art device, X_Trader - all versions preceding the priority (late. including Figure 2 ot the Pale“! and
`excerpts of priority application US 186322
`14. OM Click Trade User’s Guide for Windows NT
`Continued on additional sheet
`EPO Fonn 2300.4 04.93 webdot
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 l9:43'52 Page 5 of 30
`Page 6 of 30
`Page 6 of 30

`18 -W
`FRW-+44 I21 245 3930
`M4 I21 245 3930
`X. Payment of the opposition fee is made
`E] as indicated in the enclosed voucher for payment of fees and costs (spo Farm mo)
`By sepame insmotion raising to out deoosn accounl
`)0. List of documents:
`Endcsure No.2
`)3 Form fornoiice of opposhion
`)2 —-Publications
`E — om documents
`E] Slgned auttwrisaIlon(s) (Sec IV.)
`D voucheroipaymentoffees and costs (see L) :'
`m cm
`Addtawas sheoI(s))
`D (min. 2 of each)
`C’ Othar (please specify herex
`XII. signature
`of opponent or represen
`Dr Karl Bamfamer - Common revrefienbwk Birmlrlshtm UK
`12 Jar-uaty 2003
`Hag, pm nsrno un-not slgmhta In In: an of lag» par-.ons. an posmon vmcnlh: penon sonny was ml-in ma eurrpany should also he
`' inwd
`EPO Form 2300.5 04.93 webdot
`R°°°‘‘’°‘’ 3* "*9 EP0 on Jan 12. 2006 19:43.52. Page 7 of 30
`Page 7 of 30

`12-01 -06
`rm-+44 121 245 393::
`+44 12] 245 3930
`P. UB8/U30
`Notice of Opposition to a European Patent - Patent Number EP 1319211131
`Proprietor of the Patent - Trading Technologies International Inc
`Multiple Opponents
`Peregrine Financial Group Inc
`190 S. LaSalle Street
`7"‘ Floor
`GL Trade SA
`48 rue Notre—Dame des Victoires 75002
`CQG Inc
`1050 17"‘ Street
`Suite 2000
`CO 80265
`D. G. Bannerrnan
`W. M. Blatchford
`H. H. B, Wright
`I. S. Harrison
`D. M. Pratt
`D. C. Jones
`D. Croston
`J. B. Jones
`D. Elsy
`A. G. Tombling
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2008 19:43:52 Page 8 of 30
`Page 8 of 30
`Page 8 of 30

`FROH-M4121 2453930
`The purported invention and the claims
`In essence, the purported invention set out in the description of the Patent is
`one of a presentation of trading lnf0l'lTlati0n. 114 of the description makes it
`clear that
`“Specifically the present invention is directed to a graphical
`user interface for displaying the market depth of a commodity
`traded in a market, including a dynamic display for a plurality
`of bids and for a plurality of asks in the market for the
`commodity and a static display of prices corresponding to the
`plurality of bids and asks.
`Although the description and claims refer also to the abflity to place orders
`quiddy, no inventivenas is claimed in relation to the method of entry. Rather,
`the ability to place orders quickly and accurately stem from the purportedly
`logical and intuitive way that the information is presented (see 117}.
`The purported invention should be considered in contrast to presentation of
`trading information in prior art (see Fig.2). The Mercury system uses a “static
`vertical column of prices” (129). This purports to overcome the perceived prior
`art problem that ask and bid prices descended as prices increased which was
`considered “counterlntuitive and difficult to follow by traders" (128). The
`dlfierence between the prior art and the purported invention is alleged to be
`the difference between Fig.2 and Fig.3. These are both diagrams of computer
`screens whereby tracing information is presented.
`Thus, the solution to the stated prior art problem is the displaying of trading
`information in a manner different to that in the prior art so that it is easier to
`understand at a glance. Furthermore, the method of presentation of trading
`information gives the trader a better feel for the market dqsth In bids and asks
`and thus market trends for the product being traded.
`Furthermore, in essence, the purported invention does not concern the display
`of hitherto undisplayed information but merely the presentation of normal
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 9 of 30
`Page 9 of 30

`FROlil-M4 IN 245 3930
`+44 121 245 3930
`in relation to each bid or ask, the price and the
`trading information (e.g.
`quantity of the product being bidded for or asked for).
`Apparatus Claims
`The main apparatus claim is Claim 1. All other apparatus claims are dependent
`on this claim.
`Claim 1 can be broken down as follows
`- Device comprising an interface conststing of
`the display of trading information in a particular way
`a means for placing an order by reference to the displayed infonnation
`Dependent apparatus claims
`Claims 2 to 28 are dependent on Claim 1 and themselves also include second-
`generation dependent claims. They can be divided into the following groups:
`3.1. Claims 2-3. These claims seek to claim the inclusion of parameters apart
`from the trade order parameter and the price level aligned with a
`particular area (see last indent of Claim 1) to an order message.
`8.2. Claims 4-7. These claims seek to claim a device which includes the ability
`of a user to re-centre the display so that the inside market is on-screen.
`This reflects the difficulty that a moving inside market can cause if using
`a static price display.
`8.3. Claims 8-15. These claims seek to claim various ways of displaying the
`“first indicator" and “second indicator" (see 3'” and 4”‘ indent of Claim 1).
`They are purely concerned with the visual presentation of the bid and ask
`display regions on the screen.
`8.4. Claims 16-17. These do little more than distinguish between bid order
`entry regions and ask order entry regions on screen (such distinction not
`being made in sixth indent of Claim 1). As such, they are concerned with
`the presentation of infonnafion in particular regions on the screen
`(although such regions are interactive)
`8.5. Claims 18-21. These seek to claim protection for the display or an
`“entered order” flag in relation to a particular price level. Save Claim 21,
`this is purely concerned with the display of information relating to a
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 10 of 30
`Page 10 of 30
`Page 10 of 30

`FROM-+44 l2l 245 3930
`+44 121 245 seen
`P.lll I/nan
`particular parameter (N.B. the claim is not to the use of an “entered
`order" flag).
`Claims 22-23. These seek to claim protection for the display of a “last
`trade" flag for a particular price. Again, this is purely concerned with the
`display of information relating to a particular parameter (again it is not
`concerned with me use of such a parameter).
`Claim 24. This claim is not understood and lacks clarity. It is not clear
`what is meant by “field of static prices". In any event, it appears to add
`is implicit in all the apparatus
`nothing to the other claims because it
`claims that the apparatus must display (i.e. generate) the prices in a
`static way.
`Claims 25-26. These seek to claim protection for the display of further
`information relating to the highest bid price and lowest ask price, namely
`the total number of bids and asks at those prices. Again, they are purely
`concerned with the displaying of such a parameter and not the use of
`such of a parameter.
`Claim 27. This claim seeks to claim protection for the display of more
`than one parameter for each indicator. As it is a dependent claim and
`thus must incorporate the integers of Claim 1, the plurality of indicators
`must be associated with the current highest bid or lowest ask price.
`Again, it is concerned with the displaying of infomiation and not the use
`of particular parameters within the apparatus.
`8.10. Claim 28 merely claims the displaying of static prices in cells. It is purely
`concerned with the method of displaying prices.
`The above claims can be described as either
`claiming further aspects relating to the display of trading information (4-
`7, 8-15, 18—20,22—Z3, 24, 25-26,27,228); (“Pure Display Claims”)
`relating to the display and selection of
`claiming further aspects
`information relating to the placing of trade orders based on the on-
`screen information (2-3, 16-17 & 21). (“Hybrid Claims”)
`Method Claims (29-52)
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 11 of 30
`Page 11 of 30
`Page 11 of 30

`FRM-+44 I21 245 3930
`M4 121 245 3930
`‘M68 M12/03!]
`10. The method claims closely follow the apparatus daims The main Ciaim 15 03"“
`29 and the othet claims (30-52)'are dependent on Claim 29. Claim 29 is
`essentially a claim to use of me appmu-'5 5" 033'“ 1-
`11. The following table sets out
`the method claims and the oorraponding
`apparatus daim. Shading intficatm a grouping of second-generation claims-
`curb‘! (where such exists)
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 12 of 30
`Page 12 of 30

`+44 121 2453930
`In relation to the other claims (“the Standalone Method Claims"),
`12.1. Claim 30 adds very little to Claim 29. It merely adds the requirement that
`the placing of the order be achieved with a single action (Le. a mouse
`12.2. Claim 38 & 3941 are, in essence, claims seeking protection for particular
`ways of pladng orders based on the display of information relating to
`bids and asks presented on the screen.
`12.3. Claim 45 seeks protection for the displaying of a particular area on the
`screen which permits a trader to delete all working orders. It is merely a
`refinement of Claim 43.
`Computer Program Claim
`13. Claim 53 is for a “computer program procbct" which when executed on a
`computer, implements the method claims. It is thus presumably referring to a
`CD, disk or other recordable media (but not the computer equipment itself).
`the presentation of
`The purported invention is for
`information and is excluded from patentability under
`Article 52(2)(d)
`daim 1 and 29
`14. The main claim, Claim 1 and its associated method claim. Claim 29, in essence,
`relate to a device for a way of presenting trading information. Accordingly, lhe
`claims are for unpatentable subject matter.
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 13 of 30
`Page 13 of 30

`rm++44 iii 245 3930
`+44 l2l 245 3930
`15. The fact that the claim is framed by reference to a device which displays the
`information does not avoid the exclusion. As said in the EPO Guidelines (C-Iv,
`“A representation of information defined solely by the content
`of the infonnation is not patentable. This applies whether the
`claim is directed to the presentation of the information per se
`(e.g. by acoustical signals, spoken words, visual displays,
`books defined by their subject, giarnophone records defined
`by the musical piece recorded, traffic signs defined by the
`warning thereon) or to processes and apparatus
`presenting lnlbnnation (e.g. indicators or recorders defined
`solely by the inliormation inclicated or recorded).”
`16. The fact that the claim also include; one integer which relates to die placing of
`orders (the last indent of claim 1, the second last indent of Claim 29) do not
`save the principal claims either. The patent does not claim that there is
`anything creative or inventive about this and the mere acceptance using a
`touch—screen or mouse method of a displayed trade cannot be considered
`creative or inventive. Thus, as said by Singer/Stauder “The European Patent
`Convention: A Commentary" (3"‘ Edition), Ari-.52 (on Presentations of
`the creative achievement contains nothing that goes
`beyond the presentalion of information,
`thereby causing
`technical effects, it will not be regarded as an invention and is
`hence excluded from patentability (156)
`Apparatus Display and Hybrid aaims
`they merely relate to further ways of
`In relalion to the Display Claims,
`presenting information and must be considered unpatentable. In relation to the
`Hybrid Claims, nothing creative or inventive is claimed about these methods of
`placing an order and must therefore also be considered to be unpatentable for
`the reasons given in the previous paragraph.
`"Use ofapparatus"med7od claims
`18. Where the method claims are simply “use of apparatus” claims which
`correspond to apparatus claims (see table above), the same objections are
`made as have been made with regard to the corresponding apparatus claim
`(see Guide C—IV, 1123.7 lblcland reference to “processes").
`Standalone Method Claims
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 14 of 30
`Page 14 of 30
`Page 14 of 30

`FROM-+-i-llZl 2453930
`+44 l2l 245'aaao
`In relation to the Standalone Method Claims, these claims are similar to the
`Hybrid Apparatus Claims and suffer from the same defect as these suffer from
`see 1l15) above.
`The purported invention is for a method of doing
`business andlor program for computer and is excluded
`from patentability under Article 52(2)(c)
`20. The purported invention and its claims are concerned with a method of doing
`business and/or for a computer program save Claim 53. Claim 53 is discussed
`It is well—established law under the EPC that a computer program is not
`patentable under Art.52 unless it has a technical effect. That technical effect
`cannot arise from the mere emission of electrical signals.
`22. Apart from Claim 53, all of the claims are for computer equipment or the use of
`computer equipment (the method claims) to achieve a particular output of data
`or a particular input of data. The inputting and outputting of data is of course,
`the essence of computer programs. All computer programs require electronic
`apparatus to be executed. Accordingly, the mere framing of a claim as a
`“device that contains a progmm" is not sufficient to overcome the Art.52
`Furthenrrore, there is nothing technical in the purported invention claimed in
`the description of the Patent. This is not an invention intended to solve a
`technical problem.
`Furthenrlore, those claims which relate principally to the inputting of trade
`order and associated information are,
`in essence, claims to doing business,
`namely the placing of trade orders. As such, they are objectionable as methods
`of doing business.
`Computer Apparatus Claim
`25. Claim 53 must be regarded as a claim to a computer program. All computer
`programs must exist on some recordable media. Accordingly, the exemption
`against the patenting of computer programs cannot be avoided by simply
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 15 of 30
`Page 15 of 30
`Page 15 of 30

`lit at
`18 41
`FROM-+44 in 245 3930
`+44 IN 245 3930
`claiming the computer program on a recordable medium. This would negate
`the exemption in its entirety.
`It should be emphasised that Claim 53 is not to “computer equipment running
`the program". The wording is for a “computer program product” and it is clear
`from the wording of Claim 53 that although such is intended for execution on a
`computer, the claim is not to the computer.
`The purported invention lacks novelty
`Claim 1 consists of a device comprising
`an interface for
`receiving highest bid and lowest ask price data from
`a» means for setting a trade order parameter
`- means for displaying a first indicator which is associated with current highest
`bid price for commodity
`- means for displaying a second indicator associated with current lowest ask
`price for commodity
`- means for moving the “inside market" (i.e. highest bid/lower ask spread)
`whilst maintaining the display of prices static
`an order entry region aligned with the static prices and which is selectable by
`if selected, result in order being sent to exchange
`user input means which,
`based on the trade order parameter and aligned price.
`Prior patent publications
`28. The prior patent publications listed in the Notice of Opposition are relied upon
`for the purpose of prior art. In general, they disclose the use of GU15 for
`displaying market data.
`29. More relevanl1y,WO 99/19321 (D1) which was published on 22"“ April 1999 is
`of particular relevance. At p.64, lines 24—p.65 line 9 is described a particular
`market detail interface (Fig.15). This interface discloses the following integers:
`29.1. a vertical display of bid and ask prices in ascending order
`29.2, different areas for the bid and ask prices.
`Received at the EPO on Jan 12, 2006 19:43:52. Page 16 of 30
`Page 16 of 30
`Page 16 of 30

`FROM-+44 I21 245 3930
`+44 121 245 3930
`29.3. quantities associated with individual asks and bids;
`29.4. the ability bo select any order on the screen and hit or lift the order (p.64,
`line 27-29, p.65, line 12-16)
`29.5. a last traded price indicator
`29A. Also, U.S. Patent No. 5,297,031 (D4) which was published on 22”“ March
`1994 is ofparticular relevance. At column ll), line 34 — column 14, line 64 is
`described a particular trading screen interface (Fig. 2a, and Fig. 2b). This interface
`discloses the following integers:
`29.1A a vertical display ofbid and ask prices in ascending order
`29.2A different areas for the bid and ask prices.
`29.3A quantifies associated with individual asks and bids;
`29.4A the ability to select any order on the screen and hit or lift the order
`(col. 10, lines 60 — 65 “After an incoming order is rcceivatl in the
`incoming orders pane 120, the broker can either accept or reject it by
`touching the order information line, which is then highlighted in response,
`and then touching the ACCEPT 1 10 or REJECT 1 15 "buttons" on the
`touch-sensitive screen 12.”)
`29.5A a last traded price indicator (col. 12, lines 65 — 67 “A preferred
`manner for implementing the market bar 137 is to have the bar cover the
`last two prices traded .
`. .”)

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