
`February 28, 2011
`WA) if enhpmsagrepli {B} does not supply.
`the actual filing date of the patent or the ap-
`plication for the patent containing. a claim
`to the invention; or
`"(B)_ the filing. date of th'e.eer1ieet applioav
`than for which the patent or application is
`entitled, an to -such invention. m a. right of
`priority under section 1l9. 365ml. or 35511:: or"
`to the henefit of an-earlier filing date Lmder
`section 120-. 121-. o1'365(ti.
`"I21 The effective filing rlnte for it claimed
`invention in an .a.ppJicn.tion {hr raiheuo or ra-
`ieaiied patent 8113,11 be determined by deem-
`ing the claim to the invention to have been
`contained in the patent for which reissue
`"in ‘The term ‘claimed invention‘ means-
`tihg subject matter defined ‘try a.- cleiin in a.
`patent or an application fora. imtentf‘.
`(hi UDNPTIIONS ton PM-eNrr.Lc_iIn-tit.-
`(I) IN GlDNERAL.—Saoti0n 1112 of tit-.1e._3fi.
`United States Code. is amended to read ne-
`“ii 102. Condition: -ibr patentahility: novelty
`"lei No.vEi.1“:: Pnion An.'I.'.—-A ‘_pBl'E.0rl shall
`be entitled to a. patent unless-
`":-1! the claimed invention was patented,
`described in a. printed puhucetion. or in pub-
`lic use. on sale. or ctlierwiae available to the
`public before the effective filing date of the
`s:1' or
`“{2} the claimed invention was described in
`a. patent issued under section .151, or in no ep-
`plication for patent published or deemed
`published under section 123th). in which the
`patent or application. as the once may he.
`names another inventor and was effectively
`filed before the effective filing date of '|311_E
`claimed invention.
`“(hi EXCEP-"I'IOfis-.—
`"(ll Disotocunne .\MlJE 1 YEAR on Leeann-
`FORE Tim Em"-'nc'I'Jv.p pmnvo DATE on THE‘.
`CLAIMED INVEN'1‘Io'N.—A disclosure made 1
`year 111'! less l'lfifi]'I"R the gt"l’flr,:_fu*V$ filing (late of
`a. cladined invention 511311 not lie pfior art to
`the claimed invention under subsection (e.J(1)
`“LA: the iiiecloeurc was made by the inven-
`tor or Joint inventor or by smother who ob-
`tained the cuhjeot m.ot_ter -disclosed directly
`or indirectly from the inventor or a. joint in--
`ventor: or
`“(B3 the subject rnatter cfisolonod had-. be-
`fore such disclosure. been publicly disclosed
`by the inventor 01' a. joint inventor or am
`other who--obtained the subject matter c1ts—
`closed directly or indirectly from the inven-
`tor or it Joint inventor.
`“(E3 Diecposonnc APPEARING IN n:=¥=1.1cn—
`'I"iON$ AND P.-i.Pi‘El~T’I“$.—.A. disclosure shall not
`be prior art to a claimed invention under
`subsection {a.'lI'2l i:t‘—
`'-‘(AI the subject matter dlcclcced was ob-
`tained ilirect-15? 01' lndireotly mm the" inven-
`tor or 2:. joint. in-ventor:
`“ml the subject nietter iiieoineed had. ‘be-
`{are such subject matter was effectively filed
`under subsection ta-1(2). been publicly dic-
`cltnaed' by the inventor or a Joint inventor or
`another who obtained theeutjent matter dia-
`oloeetl directly or 1ndire_ct1:v from the inven-
`tor or a. joint inventor: or
`“(Cl the eubleot matter -Illa-‘closed and the
`claimed invention. not later than the effee—
`tive filing date of the (!l'a.l.l1'l.EId
`were owned by the tame pl?-i‘$.D‘I1 or subject to
`an obligation of assignment to the same per-
`“to! common: owmensnm Imocn -Jonvr RE-
`el-‘..e.n:::I-! Aonooii-u':N'Ie.—Subjsot matter die.-
`oloeed and a. claimed invention shall be
`deemed to have been owned. try the some per-
`son or -subject to an-obligation of assignment
`to the came person in applying the previ-
`sions of subsection -:'b_Ji2}l.Gl
`the subject matter disclosed wee de~
`Veloiicd and the olalnlttl invention was made
`1 or more pa.t“l;ieB to :1
`by. or on behalf of.
`is; Eel-no-nvn_
`made be this subsection shall take eitreet. 1
`joint r.‘ceea:r.'l::h agreement that was in effect
`an or before the effective filing date of the
`year after the date of the enactment of this
`claimed. invention:
`Act, and shall E-Dilly to ‘R113’ request for a.
`‘-‘I21 the ola.1med invention was made as a.
`statutory invention registration filed on or
`after that date.
`result oi‘ activities undertaken Within the
`scope of the joint reeeamh egreenient. and
`I 1'! Ea.1=.1.1:eii FLLJNG DATE FOR INVE.-N'i'D_R. mu
`JOINT I-NvEN'ron.—i3eotion 120 of title 35.
`"{3} the application for potent
`United States Code, is amended by striking
`claimed invention discloses -or is amended to
`“which is filed by an inventor or inventors
`disclose the Hanna of the parties to the joint
`partied" and inserting‘ "vrh.ic.t1 names on in—
`renoarch agreement.
`"tdl PA'ri2N're AND Poenrsimo Appniomrionc
`vector or joint inventor“.
`(g; Gcneocmnc AMENDMENTS.-
`EI5‘ti'Ec'I'li.?l§ AS PRIOR AH.'i'.—Fo:' purposes of
`(1i Rice-r no F'&1‘GH.lT’\r‘.—SoGt.inn 172 of title
`I1ete1'n1iI‘.I;l_ng whether a. patent .01‘ application
`for patent is prior art to c. claimed invention
`35. United States Code. is amended by -strilt
`‘and the time specified in section
`under ci._1'l:eeot.ion [al(31. with patent or appli-
`cation shall he considered to have l:een-ei‘feo-
`tively filed. with respect. to any subject mat-
`23".-‘Ii-:=lf-1.) of title 35. United States code. is
`ter dofleribod in the patent or application-—
`“{1} if paragraph {El does not apply. ea or
`amended by striking "the earliest efieotive
`the actual filing date of the patent or the ap-
`filing date of which is 1:'II'loI' to" and inserting
`“which has an effective name date before".
`plication for patent: or
`"{2} it‘ the patent or application for patent
`NATENG '1‘H.E um-mo em-i-inc: EPE'Et‘.'i‘.—Scot.‘lon
`is entitled to oi:-um Ii. l‘l.g'ht of priority under
`363 of title 35. United States Code. in amend-
`section 119. 3551a). or win). or to ulairn the
`benefit of an earlier filing data under eeotlon
`ed by etriking "except an otherwise provided
`in ofloti-on 102m} of this title".
`126. 121. or 365(e:. based upon 1 or more prici-
`(4) I‘L1n1.1c,A'i'IoN IZIF 11\.I'1f£_=itlm*I'io1nL APPLICA-
`filed applications for potent. as of the i‘lli'n,I1r
`'i'1oN_: EFFECT.-Eeetion 3‘-M oi‘ title 35, United
`date of the ea.1*1i'eet euoh application that cle-
`is amended by striking "e'eo-
`States Code.
`eeribee the nuhjeot mettc:.'..“.
`(3) (:'o.w.r.vcn-"r or t:\"."'.E.'.-\'.'I" muse.-a ms Cesare
`tiona icons:
`tmd iii-no.1" and inserting "EGG-
`tion lfiildl“.
`Ac'i*.—Th-e enactinesvi of section l02{c) ti title 35.
`United States -Code. under the preceding parse
`o'.A"I'IoN: EFFEoT.—'E'he cecond eentcnoe of eco-
`graph". is done with the-some talent .-to promote
`tion 375(3)" of title 35. United states (lode. is
`joint reaeorch. ocilniiiee that was erprenvod. in-
`amended by striking Wsulaject
`to neotion
`cliiding in the legislative history.
`through the
`emcmtt-I of
`the Cooperative Research and
`this title. such" and inserting
`103$? of
`Technology Enlmntohenl Act of 2094 (Public
`(6) him? on mom‘ or PiucR1'I'Y.—Seot1on
`Law 1034-455‘: the "CREATE Act”), the crucial-
`mem.-; of which are stricken by subsection (9);
`Helm of title 35. United states code.
`The United States Eaten-I cm? Trademarlc Office
`amended‘ by striking ": but no patent shall
`he grente " and all that follows through
`shall administer section 132(3) of title. 5'5. United
`States Code.
`in o manner consistent with the
`"one year prior to such filing".
`legislative history .o)"£F1E CREATE‘ Ant that was
`t-71 INVENTIDNS mine wrm FEHERAL*r~
`ANcs.—Beotion 2ll2Ecl
`title 35. Unlterl
`to its cdrriimeirtzlion by use Uniled
`Sultan Code, ie.emended~—
`Stereo Pittem‘. and Trademark flfflee.
`(A) in paragraph (2J—
`[21r3) Gonvocmnio !LMENE|MENT.—T]1B item
`re1s.1;1ng- to section lot! in the table of eco-
`in by striking "publication. on sale. or
`‘tione for chapter in of title 35. IIniI1cc‘..Sta.tec
`public. use." and all that follows through
`code. is amended to reed as follows:
`"obtained in the United‘ States" and ineert—
`log "the lr-year period referred to in section
`"102. Conditions for pntentcbility; ‘cove-1t,v.".
`1820:) would-and before the and of that 2-year
`{:2} Commons FOR: PA'r1aNT.-un1.I'I”?: NcN—
`period": and
`oevioue so‘cacc'r_ 1\'1A_T'T'i‘llEl-.—SxfiE»‘l$iDlJ. 103 of
`(ill by striking “the statutory" and insert-
`title 35. United States Code. 15 amended to
`ihg‘.“tha.t1-I333"; and
`read Etc follows:
`(B) in pm-"a-era.i=fi:l (31. by striking
`for pafimtahflity; mm-
`"ll-I03. Conditions
`utory her date that may occur under this
`ohvious. subject matter
`title -due to publication. on sale. or public
`"A patent for B. claimed invention may not
`use" and inter-ting‘ "the expiration of the 1-
`yedr period referred to in section iaziur‘.
`olnimed invention is not
`identically die-
`{hi DERIVED PATBKTS.-Section 291 of title
`nloaetl an eel. for-.{.h in section 102. If the 11L!’-
`35. United States Code. is amended to readers
`Ierencce between the claimed invention and
`the prior art are such that the claimed in-
`‘@391. Derived vatnflts
`vcnti'c11_ no :1. whole would have been obvious
`"‘(e.J IN G-E.'NERAL.—-'I'l:ic owner of a. patent
`‘before theeflfeotiiro
`date of the "claimed
`may have relief by civil action against the
`invention to -a. person having 0I"diIJ.E.l‘j' -skill
`owner of another patent
`.tha.t claims the
`in the art to which the clnizned invention
`some invention and hoe. an car-l'ier effective
`pertains. Potentitbilitsr nl1a.11 not he negated
`1'i.li_ng date if the invention claimed in such
`by the n1e'nnai- in which the invention was
`other patent. was derived from the inventor
`of the invention claimed in the patent owned
`(ii) HEPEAL ct‘ REQ B ma INVEN-
`by the person seeking relief under this sec-
`-rrone Moot oH_RoA.n.—Bee1:ion 104 of title 35.
`United States code. and the item relating’ to
`“(bl FILING L1M1TfiL‘I‘10’N.—AI1 action under
`that section in the table of sections for chap-
`this section may only be filed Within 1 your
`ter Iii of title 35-. United Stetee Codes. are re-
`after the issuance of the fircft patent oon~
`teining a claim to the allegedly iierivod i.n~
`ventinn and naming on indi'vidim.1 n]Jcecd_ to
`have derived erich invention" an the inventor:
`15‘!-' of title 35.
`IN (:1lll€Emil..—5ection
`or joint invent.or.".
`United states Gods, and the item relating to
`(1) DERIVMION Paoclr.oDINGs.—$ecti.on 135
`that section in the table of sections for chap
`of title 35, United .85‘-ates Code‘. is amended to
`ter 14 of title 35. United States Code. are re-
`read no follows:
`(3) R.nM.ovn.i. or ocean’ R£':1P'l§fi.ll'.Nt:t1:§.-SBl3v-
`“Si 135. Derivation {proceedings
`tion 11.-l(h'J{B'J of title 35, United States Code.
`“Lei”: Inennmon on Pn;ocnp'nINo.—A-n appli-
`is amended by etrikmg "eeonionn 115. 131. 135.
`cant for patent may file at petition to inetl—
`and 15 " "mid inserting "sections 131 and 1351
`Elite a derivation proceeding‘ in the office.
`PAGE 2 OF 18
`PAGE 2 OF 18

`February .23, 2011
`arbitration shall be unenforceable
`The petition shall set forth with horticu-
`the misconduct forming the basis for the
`until such notice is elven. Nothing in this
`l&I'iiJ.Y the basis for finding tln-it en Inventor
`pi-oceedillg occurred. or 1 areal‘ after the date
`named in an earlier s.pplica._ti0n derived the
`on which the misconduct forming the basis
`subsection shall preclude the Director from
`claimed invention train an inventor named
`for the DI' is made known to an offi-
`determinizig the patentubility of the claimed
`inventions involved in the proceedings“.
`in the pot.iticnor‘e application and. without
`cer or emplopeeof the Office as. prescribed in
`(ji EI.IMJN.B.TlON or Rnrnnnucns TD heron-
`the regulations established under section
`authorization. the earlier application claim-
`FERENCES.—~(li auctions--11.134. 145. 196. 154.
`ing such invention was filed. Any such peti-
`('2) REPORT "PC! ceNc£t't:ss.—The Director
`305. end 31%; oi’ title 35. Uniteul States Code.
`tion may only be filed within 1 your after the
`shall provide on a. bi'ennia.1 basis to the Judi-
`first pu-blication of a. claim to an invention
`are each srnonded by striking "Board or Pat-
`that is the same or eubetsntielhv the some as
`c:la«i‘S* Committees of the Senate and House of
`ent Appaels snd- I.utorferences" each place it
`the 'ea.rlicr a.ppIIca.tion‘s claim to the inven-
`E.epresents.tivee a. report providing a. aiiort
`appears and inserting "Patent Trial and An
`tion. .chs.l:l be made under -oath. and shall be
`pool Board".
`description of incidents made known to on
`(filth! Sections 1&6 and 154' of title 35.
`Bi1m}bl’tad by substantial _BVii1Bi1GB. W'1l8l.'.l&‘W}‘l‘
`oilicer or employee of the -Offioe as pro-
`United States code. are each a.mended—
`the Director def.erm‘ines that ll. petition filed
`in the regulations ssta.hiisil'1cri under
`l.2|.£lU.9I.' 13111-E subsection (LB3'l101JEtt‘fi.'lJGB that the
`section 2(bit2liDl of title 35. United States
`:11 by striking "an interference" each place
`Code. that reflect substantial evidence oi"
`standards for instituting -a. deI'1‘Vfi.‘i3lElIl pro-
`It appears and inserting "a. derivation pro-
`ceeding-are. met. the Director may institute
`misconduct before the Office but for which
`I:-eedi'rI'€"’; and
`a. derivation proceeding. The determination
`the Office was iaerled from commencing a
`{iii by striking “ln'tcrference“ each addi-
`by the Director whether to Institute at deri-
`tional place it appears -end inserting “derive-
`proceeding under
`section 3% of
`title 35..
`United {States Code. by the time limitation
`vetlcn proceeding shall be final and non-
`ticn proceeding".
`established by the fourth sentence oi‘ that
`£13] The eubpsi-egl-aph heading for section
`"(bl DE'rnR.Mnve'rLoN er Pivrslvr TRIAL: Ame
`15-ii,b}[1)(Cl oi‘ title 35. United States (lode, as
`A_FPE.oL B0l\ll.o.—In a. derivation proceeding‘
`amended. by this p.a.ra.grs.]ih.
`in further
`instituted under subsection (oi. the Patent.
`amended. hr-
`made by paragraph 1'1) shall apply in all
`cases in which the time period for insti-
`Trial and Appeal Board nbsll determine
`(l}.'Et1'iI-11313‘ "us" and inserting "or": and
`tuting st proceeding under section 32.01’ title
`Whether an inventor named in the ea.l:IiB1' sp-
`(iii strflu‘.-1:5 "Sirocco? Oman" and insert.-
`piljcation derived tlle claimed invention from
`35. United State Cloris. had not lapsed prior
`ing “SE_GREi’.L"i' ORDERS".
`to the date of the enactment of this Act.
`an inventor named in the petitioner's appli-
`(-31 The sectluil l1EH.lUflB' for section 134 or
`in!) S.M.u..L BUSINESS S'rm:nr.—
`'co.tion and, without authorization. the ear-
`title 35. United States Code. is amended to
`(1) DEFItII'I'IoNs.—In this subsection-
`read as follows:
`lier application claiming such invention was
`ml the term. "Chief Counsel" means the
`filed. The D:lrectcir shall prescribe regula-
`"§ 134. Appeal to the Patent Trial and Appeal
`Chief Counsel for Advocacy oi’ the Small
`tions setting forth standards for the conduct
`or derivation 1:I1'oceedlnge_
`Business Adniinistiution-:
`(4) The section heading "for section lid of
`“(cl Dsrnnnnh or IJ_no1s1oN.—Tl1e Patent
`031 the term "General Counsel" means the
`title 35. United States Bode, is amended to
`General Counsel of the United States Patent
`'I‘1'is.l and Appeal Board may defer action on
`read us follows:
`and Trademark times: and
`a. petition for a derivation proceeding until 3
`iii) the term “small business concern“ has
`months after the date on which the Director
`‘i fill. civil action in case of derivation pro-
`the meaning given that term under secticnii
`issues a patent that includes the claimed in-
`of the Small Business Act (15 'I;l”.S..I':J. 532.}.
`vention tllat is the subject oi‘ the petition.
`(5) Section ‘i54€_bl'l'1)lCl of title 35, United
`The Patent ‘Trial and Appeal Board also may
`States Code. is amended by striking "INT-EH-—
`(AJ IN GBNERlu...—‘I"ho Chief Counsel.
`for a. derivation
`defer ecticlll on a petition‘
`Fnl=.t‘.ucns" and inserting -"oemv.u~ro1sr onc-
`consultation with the General Counsel. shall
`proceeding. or stay the proceeding sjteii it
`conduct a study of the effects of e1_in1i_n'
`has been instituted. until the termination of
`L3) The item relating to section 6 in the
`the use of dates of invention in determizning
`a‘. proceeding under chapter SI}. 31. or 32 in-
`table of sections for chapter 1. of title 35.
`whether an applicant is entitled to a. potent
`volving the patent oftha earlier applicant.
`United ‘states Code. is amended to read as
`under title 35-. United Siieuluiss Gods.
`"({1} EFFECT 01?‘ FINAL DEl'.IllSION.-—The final
`decision of the Potent
`'I'1'la.1 and Appeal
`-(Bl AREAS or sTUoY.—'I'he study conducted
`*6. Patent Trial and Appeal Bca.i'd.“.
`under s.ul1pe1iag1~e1:uh ii-A} shall ‘include caram-
`Board. ifadveise to cladins in an application
`for patent. shu.1'l constitute the final refusal
`lnation cf the effects of elilnimating the use
`_tT‘_l The items relating to sections 13-: and
`135 in -the table of sections for chapter 12 of
`of invention dates, including examining-
`by the Office on -those claims-. The final (leci-
`title 35. United States Code, are amended to
`sion of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. it
`ilj how the change would street the -ability
`read as follows:
`of small business concerns to obtain patents.
`adverse to claims in a. patent. shall. if no no-
`and their costs of obtaining patents:
`peel or other review of the decision has been
`“134. Appeal to the Patent Trial and Appeal
`or no.1": be taken or had, constitute cancella-
`([1] whether the ohmtge would create. miti-
`tion or those cis.i.'o1s. and notice of such cun-
`gate, or crscerbotc any disadvantage for so-
`“i35. Derivation prunes-d.l.ngs.".
`plicsnts -for patents that are small business
`ceilstion shall be endorsed on -copies -of the
`(E) The item relating to section 1&6 in the
`potent distributed after such cancellation.
`concerns relative to applicants for patents
`table of sections {or chapter 13 of title 35-.
`that are not smell business concerns. and
`“(ea SlH'I'LEM'ENT.—P'a.l'i‘.ies to a proceeding.‘-
`United States Code. is amended to read as
`instituted under subsection (9.) may termi-
`whether the change would create any advan-
`nate the proceeding by filing 3. written state-
`tages for Blailiilietiints for patents that are
`“I46; Civil action in case or derivation pro-
`ment reflecting the agreement of the parties-
`small business concerns relative to appli-
`as to the correct inventors of the claimed in-
`cants for patents that are not small business
`(kl FALSE lilIl\!iJC1NG.—
`ventiun in dispute. Unless the Patent Trial
`(1') IN ccNnmL.—Ssction 292 of
`title 35.
`and Appeal Bcdrcl finds the agreement. to be
`(iii) the cost savings and other potential
`benefits to small business concerns of the
`United States code. is amended-
`inconsistent with the evidence of record, if
`iA.J in subsection ifl-II. b.v adding at the end
`MW. it shall take action conlstent with the
`change: and
`the following:
`agreement. Any written settlement or under-
`(W1 the feasibility: and costs and ‘benefits
`to smo.l_l business conoenns of alternative
`standing of the parties shall one died with the
`“Only the United States may sue for the
`penalty authorized by this subsection": and
`Director. At the request of a. party to the
`menace or determining whether an -applicant
`(Bi by striking subsection it} and inserting
`proceeding. the agreement or understanding
`is entitled to a patent under title 35. United
`States code.
`the following:
`shall be treated as business confidential 111-
`:3) R‘.E'.PCIR."1’.—No1: later than 1 year after
`iormstion, shell be-kept separate from the
`‘-‘(bl Any person who has suffexed a. com-
`petitive injury as it result of e violation of
`file of the involved patents or applications.
`the date of enactment of this Act. the Chief
`this :=,IEI:!'|';inn may file I!» civil action in a dis-
`and shall be made available only to Govern-
`Counsel shall submit to the Committee on
`Sms.l‘1 Business and Entreprenem-ship and
`trict court of the United States for recoveltv
`ment agencies on written request. or to any
`oi damages adequate to compensate for the
`the Gcmmitteo on the Judiciary oi’. the Son-
`person on aehowing of good cause.
`ate‘ and the Committee on Small Business
`“(fl Aesrm-A'1‘1oN.——Pa.rtios to a proceeding
`instituted under subsection is) may. within
`and the Committee on the Judloiecuv of the
`manic by this subsection shall apply to all
`House of ‘Representatives 9.. report regarding
`such time us may to specified by the Direc-
`tor by regulation. (Ietcrmine such contest or
`cases, without exception. pending on or a.£te1:
`the results oi‘ the study under paragraph {BL
`the date of th_e'eIia.ctment of this Act.
`ensr aspect thereoftsr Such arbi-
`(rs) EEPDRTDN Peioe User: R.1cn'rs.—
`(I; STATUTE or L[Ml’i‘A'I'lONS-.—-
`tration shall be governed by the provisions
`(1) IN oltNl‘.R.liL.——l~lct later than 1 your after
`In GENERAL.—-—E-iactiolil 32 of title 35.
`of title 9, to the extent such title is not ill-
`the (lots of the enactment of this Act. the
`United States Code. is amended by inserting
`Director shall report. to the Committee on
`ccusistent with this section. The parties
`between the third and fourth sentences the
`the Judicial‘)! oi‘ the Senate and the Com.-
`shall give notice of any arbitration award to
`the Di_recto1*. and such award shall. as be-
`following: "A proceeding under this section
`mittea on the Judiciary of the House of Rep-
`shall be commenced not leter than the ear-
`tween the parties to the arbitration. be dis-
`resentatives. the findings and recommends.-
`ticno of the Director‘ till
`the operation or
`lier of either 10 years sitar the date on which
`positive of the issued to which it relates. The
`PAGE 3 OF 18
`PAGE 3 OF 18

`Februargy 23, 201}
`prior user rights in sclsobnd countries in the
`industrialized worl (1. ‘Rue report shall Include
`the following:
`{A} A comparison between patent laws of
`the United States and the lows of other ‘In-
`dustrialized -countries. including members or
`the European Union anti Japan. Canada. and
`(13) An analysis of the effect of prior user
`rights on innovation rates in the -selected
`(Cl An analysis of the correlation. if any.
`between prior user rights -and startmp enter-
`pnflses and the ability to attract -venturs cap-
`itol to start new companies.
`(D) on analysis cl‘ the affect oi’ priol‘ user
`rights. if any. on sliinll businesses. univer-
`sities. and individual inventors.
`(El An snslsrsis or legal and-constitutions]
`issues. if any. that arise [rem placing trade
`secret law in paatontlsw.
`(5') An analysis of whether tho change to s
`first-to~fi1e patent system creates s. par-
`ticular need for glint" user rights.
`prepsrins the report required under para.-
`Eroph (13. the Director shall consult with the
`United States Trade Representative. the Sec-
`retary of Etat_c; and the Attorney General,
`to} EF‘F'EC'1‘WE IJ.UI'lJ.—
`|.'1l IN 'c:e:NE:oAL.—Excspt as otherwise pro-
`vided by this section. the amendments made
`by this section shall take effect on the dots
`that is 13 months otter the 511.158 of the enact-
`ment of this Act, and she.'Ll apply to any sp-
`pljostion for patent. and to any patent
`issuing thereon. that contains or contained
`at any time-
`isdl .a. claim to n. claimed invention that has
`an ollfcctive filing date as defined in ssction
`item of title 35. United States Code. that is
`18 months or more sitar the date of the en-
`actment-ol’ this Act; or
`(13.1 a specific roisrenoc t1JlI:1_eI' scctitln 130.
`121, or 365(5) of title 35, United S1.a.t£Ia.{2.ude.
`to any patent or application that contains or
`contained at any time such a. claim.
`:2) Inrnmrnnoxo Ps*I'ENTs.—Tl1o provisions
`of sections lllilrgl. 135; and 291 or title 35.
`United States Bods.
`in effect on the day
`prior to the da.l:,e of the onitollmcnt of this
`Act. shall apply to-such claim -of an applica-
`tion for patent. and any patent issued there-
`on. for which the amendments made by this
`seotioll. also apply. if E'El_'(.'Il application or list-
`ent contains or contained at any time-—
`on a claim to an invention having an ef-
`fective filing (tats-as deilned in section Illoljl
`or titls 35. United 8;tstn_a's Code. "earlier than
`18 months sfter the date of '-the enactment of
`this Act: or
`(B) a. specific reisi.-once under section 120.
`121. or 3650;) -of title 35. United Staten Code.
`to any patent or application that contains or
`contained at any time such as claim.
`sec. 8. owns-ms-s can on nscmnnnon.
`cal mvnnmrs on-on on—
`(1) In GENE:RsL.—Ssction 115 of title 35.
`United States Code. is amended to read so
`or declaration
`“Si115. Inventor‘:

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