SFDC 1016
`SFDC 1016

`-I Eazntxklgcflmm
`ClIrh'i|:f|ga, MA 02142 USA.
`ARPANET‘. magnum
`dadunthvfly: Imenesr:ntsurh1Iu':s1ou:w.flwyemniu1IJ3r¢vuIunnIhu:u1:upuIdIn|
`bdngukanlnammbarofmaamhprqhcunnacflva Dnflfihuflmphflaumamu
`1 .
`pruglum. Many applnalintls. such asoompnuer mu-
`pI:u|:cumuIro|.. moymumhghaflamnapnguu,
`and natiruli :I'Il.lI'Il.aGI'I!I£lll,
`'l.']fl:I'I requina uimgly te-
`dlsnjnsfiw DBMSa.FcIIh:ser£nu-coun-m£nad|p-
`ID|I‘|i-‘-IiI|‘IlI1I 0O=Islrainls.!-‘vI:rc:urn]1iI:.lnve.rItuu'_r ow.-
`urlllr 'UcIII:'II=I Nu.
`‘I'M view: Ind
`Advuuad launch Prodecls Apancy.
`the Ram Air
`"11Ih1:qI:rr:[:umwurI::hn:|I:I'Il::I I-lil-'.l|.1ZT;ro_iactIe:III'I.
`I|H.¢II:|cI.II‘.I:I.'I::Eic|:| Ihullfllt. Bl'I‘m'I'fl-Il:lH'iI..AIe:l
`BI.IcI'I:|'fl|1:I.I.|pH1l‘.'lI:.t|-Irrullng-,,faIa|s.-.l|;|1 H“, uh-uuaaa,
`C-l‘I'_|f.Hi:|'m].:I"I':I3'.llIRlie|:I' III.hII'In1'fl‘lU:II'I'I1'|ll;|fvul'
`Ilmdialhhl.-lulrnhreulnlnl for Iuclefluilhfltanl
`mquiumuvu-imImIIub¢u:hd.:I uni:
`c!1:I.'.tIha:itu1Inn hciI§|:in-uh.1ha
`action If the titnnrinn turn: out In he Irua.
`Unrnrunllnly. mfm-an modnluity in new mm-
`SFDC 1016

`upthffl omtnI.'fly_on_l-mnd mam;
`fl'l.hB:|'ll1f_Dn_F-Iaiai |'l'I'mm,.'r + GJn'Ilh'_D-'LI'Jrdau- Ham] -:
`mrashafl morn}
`Flinn‘: l.I A-Hive. DBMS Exampil:
`finch! rupnum. Silautiunt. Iminnl. and timing mu-
`Thu uysuu nmlr manner: 11:: nlnalinnl. man: In:
`finflmfiphflilialn DBMSS.-:'.|n tn mcndhacktndac
`DH cunditinu at CIJDASYL IDDDAH-1. ‘Irina:
`an pupmadfizrfinlun It [ESWAT5.E.SWA'.-‘ii! II I
`mechanism {or auroral»:
`illl:lI'lI.]|' mnslninu
`('uw.'.tIlnm')+ '11:: In: at uium for ltllhlllllinl mm
`and nnmnalnorlalnu furhuphmmlins than lam: been
`ELAK35. HUDSS5. Lnmlfi. I-LI.N531']. 11:: t.I=rrn
`"I:Iivenimbu:' ‘I-‘II Iuaclin [I-'IORB331m delulbu
`[urban flu kl-mum; cundfiitlnm in-valve only I single
`whim] are iuppamd by some an-nsnt mmschl
`I'Bl.I.Ii.tI!Il.l DBMS: (mg, [D.ARN'B1']]. ‘Tim: triggers,
`I.Ihe1'=1huui.u.:rin; unndiliuu lupu£m.lntimc(c.:..
`I11:£I:}:=III on SI'l.F19SS' dean:-ihed Eur u[I'::u
`I-IIIJZI-III application:
`in IZLOG}-51. BMIIEI-B5]. In
`ISTONIZ. STONES]. Smncbmkcr points out
`uIfllxrud‘p:'ndnc:i:m{Le.,:im1r1on-action] minus :1
`uifrin: macluniam for inlagrllr nunlrnl.
`cnnlral. and wrist! procnsins. and for mppming
`idhuiut. I'll. fun-ml aflbutwud cznirfiug. Cltmmzn.
`AI Ijlllfllll Imus Ian: mod pI'ud:gu:|m1 rubs {FOR-IS‘l"I"].
`acu-1 [HE‘|iI"I'l'5l. dnemnm. I:u1.I'n nhjncu [manna].
`HD3311. RES] In ‘active.’ hnwflwrmumfln
`ind informs 1'|'Il:G5hI|II.II'|Il. However.
`numbm ufulziucu (min. Elm] cured in main {or
`numgmn. Wflflfljramlfnamgflnlhruduf
`aimed at ambeddiu ruins in n DIME [STONI5.
`DA.YA33:.'b, Karma. 1u.5-cu. sexual.‘
`DBMS functions previously hngalunanludbr ipudll
`apacifins duh» upmnlnua. tunpcnzul unnu. or
`‘F-'1I:11IlI=:v:11l.n:ctn1{i:a£uulIto=i). lhc
`::::cu.Ind{sa=F‘imrn l.1}.Numd|uIlu:I.bnpl1:n|I3r
`'N:lIfil.IIiuIi.|I1Iull-3I.upI'Ih. Iudyaflnkvu:
`:IIl.l'I:I'l.|'fl'Ifl a:]:'enh'epn'|u'otfl:o1pu3r1.l'|1npn
`Iupravia.;iuLh|:'fl::uaffluDlh[S’: rcqrauuuq.-hh]

`irrclndodatlblao opualiunsns ‘Noll. u mlttomail upon-
`tioI1n{e,5..thoroord.trprooodIrr. iI1I-'ig1rr.1n1ny:.Ip-
`duo tho-t1oanIit_L0o_Dr-honilho flan inqu=I:ion)+
`Effective support for ECA rule: in I DBMS roqI.'u’.ooI
`ruomzll on tho following nujnr In[i.c.a:
`- Knowledge Modal: oatond convuontlonol data
`ml:-dvt1lnI:I'::tpI:nE't'.'I|'L nflcsmduaoirassufltod
`on-oulionand timi11,groI[o.i1trItt1ItsinIr.1a‘Ifl::l.I¢.
`Enocntiun Modal: oattmd I:oI1Irml.imt-.1 trI.I'tII.t'.-
`1.i.un Inudols In specify that:-orroact i:nl.:1'|oI-II'i'ng-oIt'
`sysII.:.1'n-‘Irigg,-rod lotions indnddilion In uuo- or
`-I Cunditim Monitoting: develop techniques for
`I-.l‘I'iI:i:nI]].r :1-Iluating sol: of l1'_|rltfl.I:I:I.i‘.'.. wallp-
`Scheduling: don-olap aigurilluns for
`‘lllkl tu utiafy otmmrruttry md liming: unn-
`flu-cltioocuue: dorm tho filnotionol oompononts
`of an anion DBMS. and tltoir Iotnnolims with
`ono .o,noIlI.'a* and with the -mdu~];.rin,g npulting
`P'fl'rlJl'I'I'II.I'I:l:. E'|I'II|,t‘.].IIl.‘.II:cI;I'tII2I1.|I:1‘. I Imhod for
`:"I:'fiIIlIIII'|,[ Iltonutlvo In:hitoI:ltu=I Ind algor-
`l.'ld1ms!tI'5oI'ditiun murlihlinx Ind Ifllndtllrla.
`Suoclitnlts 3-I1 not‘ this papa: will discuss III: lmpnrtlnt
`Isstles in onoh out ‘H’-ESE mas. and the
`I:-wanigatlon in the I-LIPAC protect. Intoroslld random
`In roflzmd to [DA‘t’!ISSh] f:n'1nnn.'. details.
`'I."u nu-
`florstnnd the roquirornonts for modelling Ind
`irrtglq-.ImI'I.tEI'J.-3 EBA ltlles. we e:I.Iu'ncEtI: in Section '1. the
`'-I'IrII:IIIs I1!_|:tli:I1|ms of Ihooorulca In Inncdve DBMS.
`1 .
`Roiucanhcumful laullltuozttolml ImJ.'licati:ro:uII.1I:
`I convonttot rnoclultisro fir 1'.o:Iple:n1.onIII:Ig I lllllih-15':
`flnczluos beymd slmplr. star.-Ig.e. retrieval. and updntr.
`of data. Eolnr. oazamplos or DBMS functionality! that
`caobcintplonrunodinonnified wnytlslngmiuuo
`dcsulhod In this auction.
`Mortars: Lahnywplimlionammimmw moment [or
`flicking ohmlgps in the IIIIHIIII: and titling Iztion it
`sumo condition over Iho database I: rnol. Wnstoful
`'og; Iotivcll. ‘flu’! I-I the
`canonical Ijp'pli:II.'I:Inl'El2A.luIoI.
`all Ialnkaoomnla |i1uII]dboclIt4':h‘.dnI'5pJn.ev.oI:f
`hy}mm]tm-m £flH[¢pI
`tionn. Io1I1i|ianno¢ItII:1nn1odooIeatecotton.tho|:ro-
`any trlflfled Irsusactionsthltovololtetltitancu
`atcd. Similu1}r.ioom*tnvu1toryu:ouote:.unpls.h
`I:in.din5IErnn1Iiu tI."t3i:1Il.'IIII:I:I.'I:lItrIIyI:IvotI11-o
` mEuu.Frumph&&mflud&
`condition for tho 'ul.e:o.tifiod item when it cnnoulu.
`monuor: ovonot oI'1ntoms:{o.g.. ohangcs to ma roto-
`'H'Il.I'I'l ulijocl class: or instinct-.5], I-.-Irnlttmoa: the nondi-
`Iion only when I potoulially Impacting chug: oceuflt.
`ooup}odord::o:hod.IIIe1roIIoo ttuetobeuuamod
`Irithin Ilght Inning oulstralnta. am: the fining fl!II'fll.l:

`In tab: the contuponding mtitzttns fiplachig buy and sell
`orders} uncles liming ounstrairrts. Considerable losses
`can occurirthescoonstsaintscatnot be-declared and the
`actions executed arbitrarily late. Instead of hard
`des.t‘.Flines {which are very Il‘lllTil:lIll to satisfy in a
`dalshose cyst.-.t-n}, solt constraints such as valuse func-
`tionc and relative task prioriticafurgettcles may be
`Finally. I mechanism for nctitraling and rleacI.itraLing
`mcrrd-on'.itmaybcroc-smay todltactivatotliaralothst
`evaluate: the llmcalnltl condition.
`ttttfil the order in
`I:l:l'li1I.rp1v= orders to be vrzitten). The selective activation
`antldaeactivaticut ofrulcsisalsa u.-.r.l'ul in pr-trvidiitga
`oonleztl tnochastiatn to rcslrict the ntcnbcr of rules that
`t:tt1.t:tl:Iesca.rcl1.ed. For example.-once the Ihtesltnld for
`nnilent hnshectt ct't:t:ttted,it.d.1'.|'l'ert.-.nt aelofntlesntight
`be applicable: ii‘ the item is critical IIl.c.. it oould cause
`unacceptaltle pr'oduct.icn delays}. tlttn rcqtrc-st.s for it
`tnuslh-e filled. {until it is depleted]. but all rmnagers of
`ptodoctsrcqttirlng the Item rnrustbcrvotlliedevoy day
`oflhc cttrresttqwsantily on hand.Th.etlerulcs need not be
`activated. l'HZlI'Ut|t-‘H.'.'-l‘,l.l1'l.l.l tltethreshold has bocnctossed.
`Simihrly. theses of soles being ctralttalled while aplane
`is tasiing must be deactivated the Iootncnt it becomes
`airborne. Ind Idifferentncrtlest Icti-rated.
`:rtt.le- based lnlerenclng:
`Slnra gc server
`1.l'ge-n::|len:Ile-based ettpen eynetns req1.11re the storage
`andretricvalcrfa wastnumbcrofmlcsartd Eacts. M
`systetns. however. typically have an inference engine
`component that cycles sequentially through all the
`nslta. and hence would heit1c.l'l't1:icnt and for
`large applications [FClli'.G'l'?. "t"r"ri.TE'i‘S]. Stnictttcing;
`the nllcs and [acts around conttettts is in'tporlantbo1.h
`for pt,-.-rlermancc and for improrirrg undcrstarrdability.
`Hid l'tcnt:e mainlaittahllity. of the ltttuwledgehmc.
`Additional performance itnprtnrunents result: [torn us-
`ingdatalsase storage. indcxirlg.and retrieval techniques
`for rules and facts. and smart query prooccsing tech-
`niques for etralualing rules [some of these lechnitples
`are described in [s1=.LL.aa,12v1sa]}, instead ofrely-lng
`solely on the RETE structures prevalent in Al smcrns
`Must eltpert systems cttrtnot handle attyncltronous up-
`date: they allow lhcdanabasc to be updated only at the
`end of an infctcttcts cyclc. Ihtts tcstricling otatcunoatcy
`and delaying response to critical ct-ants Using database
`concun-ertcy control rnocl-umiams will nhrr-iaae this re-
`Concuncncy control also provides an alternative to
`ounllict resolution policies. Because M systems are
`singletlucadefi. conillct resolution is needed to select
`one rule In fire ottt olall Ilte candidates that. can he fired
`in an i.rtfcrcnI:e cycle. In an active DB M5. all litable
`rules on beese-cuted ct:-rtcuI'rently and serial isably: the
`serinlizalion order maybe inlluencedby specifying |J.l'.l.-
`crilics or tinting ccnslrslnts.
`Finally. the cotnbinallon of the event. contest. and
`eoncuncncy control meehanisrns supports a more
`stntcatrcdorobh-.m solving paradigm than thatpr-ctralent
`in existing eetpcrl systems. Instead of cycling so-
`quenri-.aIly through a collection or! rules. the problem
`coltring [races is initiated by sigttallhtg an event t‘_e.g..
`patient arrives}, and, th.eres.fter, proceeds by firing rules
`9,; and when their ¢'1rI,‘:'t1'.l: are cigrtsl.l.ncl. The content
`1lll.I3I:l‘laIll5l11 aIl:tvrlT.l:c.I1.tlI:|:ust:II:':tbt:s‘I:I'ur:‘ttsIItI:liI1 ac-
`ocrdam: at-itJ'ltlIl:plJ£!.I!soi‘tltn11'tIlJlG:I1 stnlt-ingstrm
`egy [e.g.. diagnose ailoienl:
`ttltcscribc lreahoenll:
`switching hetttroen contests is accomplished by
`anti‘-'alitI.g and dcaa:1i'trnting rules cc by signalling spe-
`cial event-t. Concurrency control allows all this activity
`In run cortcuncnlly with other activity {including
`updates} met the database and knowledge base {e.g..
`detected new symptom. consulted diflercttl specialist‘:
`ltnov-lodge base}.
`Constraint management: One of the early
`applicauorts ol triggers was the delinilltrt and en-
`lnrcement of Integrity constraints. Ettantples are the
`asscttiolts of SEl1l.1'E1.l‘Syst-em R tfiswavs. 1'6] and
`the constraint equati-crts of [MORGS3]. ECA mics
`provide more flexibility than sitnpln triggers in speci-
`fying the events that initiate corrsuaint chnclting Ind
`Iltex:l;iI:a1s:l;t:rbc |scrIoa1nedil‘at:-trtcota1st:'aiol.sat'e\'it1-
`some constraints nccdto be evaluated imrnedizctcly alto‘
`an update etrenl occurs (e.g.. tralue ‘lr'lllll.lI!I nrtgefl. Oth-
`which the u1:Ida.I.t:
`l:'l|'l:l'I'l occurs [e.g..'s ncv
`counts should balance afleranonafcrof lundsfrnra one
`to anotlterjl. Also. when ct:o.ttl:tn.i.nte1r' is deleted
`to tliecnrlolau-ttrraat=tion.itisus::alJy1t«occsur:.rro
`fttc t.he integrity clinching title only ottct:-. no man:
`how many times the update event ct-taqatrred during the
`transaction. This means thatthe raechanisrn for parsing
`bindings bets.-eta: the event and the condition evaltntion
`must aggregate the eI'|'ec1s oi the multiple occturenoes
`of the update es-ent.
`'l1teee options exist in most
`proposed constraint mechanlunc {e,g;., [ES‘uh|'A.'l'5, 163+
`[MO-RG33-]. [KO-TESS]. [C.lltS!t38l}.
`ll-'loct'e]:It:rII.-crlul capabiliti-as an ofncanoetled wltcnttying
`to enlhtoe consistency cortstraints in some 'non-t11di-
`clonal’ application cnvirortrncnts. For temple. in a
`CHD cntrironnittltl. Ila: Itcod. has been itlcntlI'a:t:l for th-
`layctl {detached} E.-tr.l1Lii1l.i:n‘1 cl constntints (cat. at the
`orldoradcsigrtpluscinstcadolallcrctciy tranmtiotnl:
`for evaluation of connraints on explicit user request:
`and for specifying coolest-dc-pcnticnl actions when a
`constraint is triolnlcd [c.g.. an updale that causes sornc
`physical law in be violated must he disallowed. but an
`update that causes some contractual consll'.tairlI. may
`toquite notification In the designer and logging for
`future negotiations}.
`it wish-list of rttie handling
`capabilities in dcsigtt eotrirotonenls can he found in

`Inns E:|'|lIspIrin5numIlu'n1casInusu:I!1:=a1:1tnc|:Ii.i-
`1.‘I.'n11I1.hujI.|.u'. I:-:=:nI|r.taI:II:d.'IIhicJI'n'il1bufi:1:(1b3I'
`Timing I:uuIni.I1I.1 In no! exclusive pmputiu ul
`m|BI.bIncanbaul.l:had.mIIIJ"II:tin IIIBHIPAC
`This imngn my be. ubulnnd.
`tor 1'-II-IDIIIE. by
`rllrninaflng one frequency hand. Lin liming coo.-
`I:I:Ip:'I.’lI.I.n 1.huaI:I:inn[:I.rtnfI1:En;g,len1l:.Fnri.I.-
`ngannalhnplmmayhamdrop nrrnuamkI.I:r|nuI:-
`baIII.nrn:l:ua1Lngcthe:r.t~crIn~pu'~nn:e::adif£e:'¢nL an
`prwrding oonu.'.nL
`Cmne Cmnhclncwrulc.
`Inlet: Deieuanuimingmle.
`Au]-u-nln Emhla I ml: tor now: uomhrkmtim of tin:
`Durliflle D'i.nI:luIm1|fIrIuuIuuuhiIu.Iiunof
`Fin: Cmu:1'uin:m|i:yfurIhnrnh[n1flchhaIh
`I.l'|1.'I1l.EII bindings}: :1-alnuu I]: rule‘:
`lfmmndtunmnicnlly byltusyncnwhlllbcnifls
`lluuhflpmptovldmauntclhlsin Ennnplel.
`ubjaculn 1hnn:nr.'l:Ll'-‘im. rnlucmbumluadu
`[e.g..|.Llm5u Italian-unnea'c|inann'bu:Ia1rHIn.Ir:ll
`]Ju¢I:I.Ii.l.'nfl nnrilanuuuhtgpu
`Ihaaamr. vra1rIlu1ad:e:al:_iecuuc.Ahn.Ibcyarc
`mhjeuulhnmm nunncthtsunantlanndneruhu
`d:j1:ttInu'dnt'1ni1rc|l:.IIIdI 'IrrltcIufl:lnu'du'u:I
`tnodifJ'.d:lcu:.u'd:acfivaI: l::hm:=I:.Irfl:I1ntlIln
`Ihcpracumtbcinx fundhyarnnmmnflmuuntha
`¢;snun5_Upau:;_PuMn-3 (T:TIra:t.Punti1inIn('I'J:{l.II=LaunxJ)
`u:|1E1b:LIl|ac1-:I1tErI!_Upd:I:_PcIfi1:icI1 {T:Ta:1;ct.Poaitic|1{1'j:[l.a1.Lu1;}]
`[ 5, 5IIip_No(5}, Pcnilimts} I
`Ship AND
`D1=IIm'&(PncIfion{$J.1’=uai|iun®E1('I'J):» mam
`Disu.n¢¢(PoIi.tion(S1.R1aiIin|1@E1(T}}«: 1n 1
`flcdanfij Hnip 11;:
`DiIpIa1r_I3uuuna.nd:1'["¢ur.'|srad'. PI:ni'Iiun[.5).Pud.I.'iuufiE1|_'I'j]:
`mi1mflh }
`5i|]'n1. {Hmu; ( 5.. Ptllillclllfi-'_5. T..F'Dfl'fl:l!,'E| 1:

`4 .
`A conventional juuive DBMS uccunel: I.llfl*Ipp15fl-
`siun pmm-lm.: when uplicidy mquuud In do In.
`Ennrlinn nfsuchpmpuustyplmllyrcnllla inlhr.
`lnlnuction isnunn‘.-::fcnI1:i:tcnc;\ra,ntlru::o'I'cn.r.1'bc
`symm gnaxmturaamn-n'cr'::r mlupdun issnudhrth:
`uimflimunilmllladindlndauhnmnnm In}.
` {mmmmmlwmmwmmmmfln
`mu! umsacfinnsiatquivflnntm a
`[r.a1'I:d:u::utiuI1). I.r|dp¢rnIm:uc:{oI'|u:nI11nEIi1:tI
`hwmmflwmflsupfiuuswfllncvu bnrnllad hack}.
`Anacflr: DBMS.hI:-waver. must tuluuc mndhimn
`Ilifluecumufluuufnflu IlI:1:uefin.dumhrn;g|'sl.:m
`uu:nu'n|J.Haw:huu1d {haun-
`uuualcfluna? The sxocntiun nwdel it an uwmpi In
`Mmcunuuyprapuadmndcla assmaliallymnfidcr
`exacutiunuflhe :nJ{es(uru'i,gg:1's}I:ub-aplrtoftha
`'1ri5g:rin5"'I:'lI:u:timI.(IhI1 cunmtuueruleunarentin
`humi5naJl:d].Sum¢rul5e.amaybn:xmu1¢d Immedi-
`welywhmuwcmuhsignalhfiuhmnuy 'f.'|'sd'e~
`apyllntlin Ihe oun1bInodn:r.ecutinnu!'tl|cltigacrin;
`snuncaclivc DBMS: (5.3. [SYBA311 an-uflmmtc
`{Irinw} firings
`In pI'IcIi¢B.1lTInI'Bl'|::|.H.u:x::uT.im1nnd:lthl a.'l1uw:
`mnfl.t.ian evaluation and Ic1.inn nccuflm In be brokm
`is often mquh-ul [:5 lb: rump}.-.5 In lb:
`lnlmduclinn mew}. This would allow [he uigguing
`trllisaclinn lo mmmit elfliu‘. and mum {pultnlialiy}
`lncteasaouacmucncyumd mdum w-mad nru-1: {rnllhuck
`of :"m¢nmpIei.eI translcliun Ifl.:r a nun].
`I:I:n:plh1_g modes to pm:-id: Ihli flflxibilitjf. For Illa
`I:undit|unmr1oIaru|==.Lh:u:nn:p|ingmudu |';|eI:I'.E.a.I
`wiry.-a1:hnoundi:iunism bumrn]uaI.udruII1:iveI:uI.ha'
`]n1:nedi.|u:I.)r n-Inn the event is signlllcd. in
`w'l1i:l1. cm: L11: l:I19.'.I]I]flfl. aflhr.-, lrlgguing tram-
`nnlun is suspudod unlil the cundlflon and pos-
`sihly mum) lssxuuud.
`ewmlnimd at the and uflhr. iramaclimt befiant. Ihu
`'Ifl33r4'm5' uarlsaclim colnmill. ".l'hi.-5 mud: in
`oquivalml In
`made Irigyuudhy
`3-. Detachulhul causally defiefldcnl. l'l'|¢I'lil1l that
`man. but |II.I:t lb: uiuulns Irmslctiun his
`mmmilmd: ihh: Irlucring ttansaciiuun Ihum.
`:nnmng' flu:
`-I. Datachnfluldnumlfl
`Sinrfllaflar. Ihaoouplinn m::d=o!IlIr.I:cI.innpmapu:i-
`H£I'lf|‘lt-Illl-EHIJIJH tslubcnxnctlmlrulnfivntolhe
`cnndi1iu11:.uJua:Jnn.111t.|am:foIrapI:ium unsup-
`mmdnnnsantimamndul £11-iltfidallnirnmdlmund
`mflumnflhnuigguhg 1:-mu:-tiu1.nndIhadeu.ched
`main: ourmespond In Ihn ipnvniug ml‘ up 1.-.-nl
`Iflutiunmd aum.'m.£t1ingufIha:pa'unadn-m:II:Ii4:lI
`rclalluumunnuinuingtrmnaclitn. Wlu.-:nmI:|I'edLm
`uauuluuad l:D]IC'El'l'lflIIj|' in any la' nrdcr
`{mlmlllaninn sgmun-dnfincnserillurduruin
`Systcm E lE.‘J"i|I'JI.'3'-5],I:r uslngawnflictrcuululiun
`pulicy m:a:1a:t.ouc:ulIsasin!sI:3-sIr.truncrPD5T-
`CiR.F."‘i[S'I'DNBl5]].JLlsn,lhm:n5:atlin: otruluruinga
`lshamllud qliilr-flmIIl‘fll1Ifinll1i$rnud=lhjrsp1mrL'tng
`This rnndal Indi:-unI:nI'ru1I:]r nmlml I]|;uriI.|1n'I.I for il
`uudnzrib-:diI'|.fl:t:.i.l In[l-ISITEEJ.
`5 .
`pu-edafinedqugarnas zhthwtqheyuuud _
`c.i|1I_-gr useful for avnlullhlg I ml of c-uriflilicrun alli-
`multiplr. coltdlfiacu upmnlzulun.
`- muarhlizaliunmlmainwmncnufinmumndhle
`falluwhg Ihlllun |::h.-.u'nI.II!nunflfliuI1:

`Entlly Irma lld runcfium:
`Entity Iarpe: EMHJJYEE
`nun: -3- Slring
`IIBILEIHIIHM: -b Irllnfir
`l.iIJu: -3- String
`Ill!-'1': *3" MIMI?!
`EIIII3 type:
`name: -3- Suing
`I==J¢‘|'fl= -1 “Fifi
`budnn: -:- Haney-
`lntltjr type: ASSIGNI-lEIfl'S
`H”-P‘? '3 51”“!
`pm]: -3» Slrlng
`min: 4:» String
`Iiuuuhaancliliunlununhra whnlulctofqnmtln.
`phnciclan-slot It:lnwrlnv:l{n.g;..1h:3run¢uIn-
`wcImmflmmw;&m mm
`. TH:
`culnliunpnoblanhcumplimaud mandam-
`uadnimulnnanmly: o.:....IhuJuI:Ifi;nI:tdh3r1ho
`a:mnmuII.i:m11nnnautnPliII:mndu. adaman-
`nrlerhlinpn-flfl Iunlutrunlnonmajrundlnglu
`nselnl fuevduafinjnmdlfluudfichlflyhu
`tn'l1amluIi||:l.u-I:I.III1 b}II|I.lIIun1I|lIod:nnIIcn
`pan‘J|.l_.n_::nl_t}. Thmclwlr illuudnnifhntl-an
`I"I.'l1rhi¢h may dulnlhlvaldoqulln unanimi-
`uunzand whuucufigncdmmurelhanlwo
`uxlunlcmbercplunuudbycanflrlan «valuation
`thaw. Thalea-u-uocfnnsraphommspandmsnnd
`dnnmdugnumupu.-nadir event fi_;n|l.-:.Furupdu.a
`arnm:.I|II|a:IreIIrun'I,'pl:IutfIl|:fnm1 ljE.E»I-.B-).
`:sI:n°i:'|tI:uin:rI.:d. i:InEbfIiIa'|IpdI|l.I'fl1E-
`Ihnuuflnmn-cculelmtllbumfibylhg updIn.Tl:c
`Il;I:Ii1‘.!|mn.Ia-db |u.I:I;'AI1m:Iil:l:'I:II'n.'|:-
`damumsvafiulhahua utmbnnumningdnn
`allthunpu-uni:-mhsmduumhnir: umsllflnuis
`mnuilllnilun cnsianudnnndlflnnnvlluuflnneunl:
`hmudmumuwnnflddnuchfludanun min-
`udfauhaa lncru.-:am"d:.ufiptnypou1ianI".1IIl.:
`llgnrithntrlpllllybunnmulnlndhln. WulmI:buI-
`REIE. buwaunlljnrliniuusljr IltIII‘lI!I'|.|fl1h
`Igajrmdnumuwurhnhulhanmnurmnquuy {nu

`v1.1 queqqlfurccannullurat
`India. A uivial mangle
`mnd.tfics|pn-jn:c:':bud.|tt: cIwt1r.|lhh
`r|cn'bh'Ir.r.tClInd.I'Z2..AhIsI1'i1hIn.|n'IjJIn EII1
`|n:IuI=I5mIIh's:I:u'Ina:.uI:ulI H‘

`mndg. I.i:cn 1i1I:.aI:_ u[_J-cr:_|I.iuu1I can '|n:_1:un:i.dI:Iu:‘l_ Fill‘
`m1.I.'I'.1'.IpZiu qu:|_1' D|:|I.II'I'III_'.IIIfl'I mguiicrwilllihuumdmm
`pa.rL Mal. Lflha Ictinnpnrtofn rule slgnala menu
`lhu. lriggar the evaluation nl.‘ mm: ulhar ruin, Ill
`Iain-ralcs and ductivalu some other lulu.
`thm pm-
`uulyzing Iiti: rciatiuuhipcan sirnplifyrlulc search.
`htoztwmkishmdcdtn dc-rclnp cm1:1m-dctsuid
`anlrlpultsuamofaasinnxlasetufrzmlrces Ilmun
`uiz. i.u..anapp:'::; {mm timulots of mum In
`IGRAYTEE muybounucpublné hi-grin IlBl.'3'|:i:I1l3'
`rmasplicifly and. although illpliclfljl Ila: Idluhllnr
`$31:-:1 ancmptm muimin: :!:ran;hpu:ni'1::uruI:-
`strixlschedulcrs ii:|l'l£li'¥=DBB:ISawh¢I'flhul|Ilimin,g_
`mduuuisxcncycnusuaintsuc up-nnciliui. Tolhilend.
`wshaveinn-nducadatnmu-art lurdcnuihiaig IJIB
`spun uh‘ lijorillims fur lime-cmI.I:lIimd dtnhua
`variation of lime-nousuainud mhndulingludnfihds
`mcanciladuc diEl'c:mmahun-ummahalmahmw.
`In-r:lfim.h-a'au=1mmnnu:1 IIflIi.'h-|IIi|DI:i1.|nM.Tifl
`lb-aulnrlhu IIlfl'I''l.I
`Ihn hebafiuml chm-man-iniu Eu-:I]1:nri.nul liga-
`dllmslnimal n-.mhad:hdda:pl|1t.h:Il,gu'iIir|:I.
`ml-naduk-.: muumcsniincdulsza-lasts.
`t.ha1 op-iimizcs mm: desired mu-.i:. subject In vuiuu.-I
`I-'HOIl'B¢II'|d lime mnwulma.
`1. ainstnwdefiuid
`'thu1.-I in Illa
`Hull: fim scheduling I!
`rul-Ii ma operating system lilctlturr.
`.'a'I'AN3‘J‘. ZHAfl$1'a.b#]l.nd DBMS mummy mn-
`Iflll almzuiihms in ihc dmhnc system liuzum Ix-
`lmijlluiakc rcqntzls frmn inI:I:|miI1; nail: Dr transm-
`Iitm mddaciduwhenihu.-.rcq|r=s1s:ar| buuaclndm
`Is Iomaelc.-.rI1.inguuIls. 1-Inwmrnr,ItI.r.y difI1u'n:1,g11ifi-
`I:ll'II.ij|' in Iheir nmirnpliuns about the mu; and the
`nvnilltlle rcmurnu. nut! in their bcfialior (I.-..g.. in Ibo
`nmuicamcyuymnpflmimcmidh Ihentuqnfissnf
`lb: xhuillu nuuhmd larlinnfl.
`'I‘imu-cutuu1.ined shedullng i.l:Dtl'|i:l:l'.lHi wilh :I:IlI1'nl-
`lin: the Gxflculifln ofusk.-: when rain: is I|:I'|.|iIJ.'|r|s Lu
`lheir cumpictinn IiI'II¢3. In line slmplc tun. HI:-ll task
`llundendifne. Hm.m'vuJ' In esilmaml won:
`use zucnrian time. Usuallyr. 111: I'£51l.I'l:EI HIll.I'I'IBI‘i
`he u1sur:n.uraCPU‘:a|1rI di:cs(nm Ihand databases].
`win: 1111: inrurmnllon. the flma—:unsmim-.d scheduler
`l1i.E‘l1'I]I|5 In produce I1 schaduln in which cm‘: Iasl:
`maets ll: flr-ldliJ'I¢.
`'l'Il.'. tilnalion in rdfich nu such
`Ichcdulc -exist: i! called overload. Winn uwxlulxl nu-
`cm. Ilnnndn-tadulcralmmpu u: I'inda9chI:dula.tJu‘l
`auscplahiu according In Ionic -I:Ithcr mack: ie.
`.. Inui-
`miziug tin numbtr of high priority Ink:
`plt:ks'h::fu:1: Ilmizdmiliruus}.
`'I'.h::unilnI’w:u‘ dninhascscbudulingis
`Iion. ‘flan DE-h-IS schedule: {ocnnunuuy omuullu}
`wilh lb: ordain; uiupurlliorts wilhin each Irnnsacliun.
`Thuubjectiw ofthe DBMS scheduler ii In than
`flauhue nonslslcncy hr pI'oIII.H:infl mix urluiizdie
`schcdulcs. (In some applicminm. nunslninls weuhu
`than BI‘:-I'ialil'.ai:i1il3r. e.g.. lmrei-I or lave!-1 aunsinmcy
`2. amhedaflhuheimfiwmdeh
`Imnduling alga-rithm um inuagma til1'l¢*-I.':|}I1lI!'lIi:i-1&1
`]ng:n:nl,I.heInkmnda]:pu:;ifies l‘nreu:t|Iu.-st:
`Iinatiidtuflinanu. fld'tu‘.'|.I:Ii-airl.b3rI]:u:iI‘3in;

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