Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` __________
` __________
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` __________
` Case CBM2014-00133
` Patent 7,676,411
` Case CBM2014-00135
` Patent 6,772,132
` Case CBM2014-00137
` Patent 6,685,055
` __________
` Washington, D.C.
` Tuesday, January 27, 2015
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies
`Page 1 of 78


`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` Cross-Examination of DAVID RHO, a
`witness herein, called for examination by counsel
`for Patent Owner in the above-entitled matter,
`pursuant to notice, the witness being duly sworn by
`SUSAN L. CIMINELLI, CRR, RPR, a Notary Public in and
`for the District of Columbia, taken at the offices
`of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, PLLC, 1100 New
`York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. at 11:10 a.m.
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Page 2 of 78


`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
` Dunner, LLP
` 901 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20001
` (202) 408-6092
` -and-
` Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
` Dunner, LLP
` Two Seaport Lane
` Boston, MA 02210-2001
` (617) 646-1641
` On behalf of the Petitioners:
` Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202) 371-2600
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Page 3 of 78


`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Goldberg 5
` Afternoon Session - Page 43
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit Trading Tech 2085 LinkedIn Page 7
`Exhibit Trading Tech 2086 Firm Profile 8
`Exhibit TDA 1014 CV Rho 8
`Exhibit TDA 1001 7.685,055 Patent 23
`Exhibit TDA 1004 Declaration '055 28
`Exhibit TDA 1015 Materials Considered 33
`Exhibit Trading Tech 2087 Directory of Software
` Solutions LIFE
`*Exhibit Trading Tech 2087 retained by Counsel for
`Patent Owner
`4 5
`6 7
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`was called as a witness by counsel for Patent Owner,
`and having been duly sworn, was examined and
`testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Rho.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Could you please state your full name and
`address for the record?
` A. My name is David Rho. I live at 32
`Lylewood Drive in Tenafly, New Jersey, 07670.
` Q. And do you understand that you're under
`oath this morning?
` A. I do.
` Q. And that this means you are sworn to tell
`the truth as if you were in a courtroom with a judge
`and jury?
` A. I do.
` Q. Have you taken any medication today that
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`would prevent you from giving me full and truthful
` A. Not to my knowledge. No.
` Q. And to your knowledge, is there anything
`that will prevent you from giving me full and
`truthful answers today?
` A. To my knowledge, no.
` Q. Have you been deposed before?
` A. No. I have not.
` Q. So I'll give you a little background then
`on how this is going to go. Basically, I'm just
`going to ask you some questions. To the extent that
`you don't understand anything I ask, I want you to
`please let me know. Is it okay for me to assume
`that you understand what I asked if you don't ask me
`to clarify?
` A. Well, I still -- I would always reserve
`the right to change my answer afterwards if I
`suddenly come to a realization that I did not
` Q. If you recognize that you don't
`understand the question before you begin your
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`answer, will you let me know that you do not
`understand the question?
` A. If I recognize it beforehand, yes, I
`will. I will let you know.
` Q. Thank you. So we are going to try and
`take breaks about every 60 minutes or, so if you
`feel like you need a break at any time, just let me
`know. I'll ask that you finish whatever answer
`you're giving, respond to the question that's on the
`table, but after you do so, we can break pretty much
`any time, so don't feel like you need to keep going
`or anything. Just let me know.
` A. Okay.
` Q. We can stop for lunch around 12, 12:30,
`1:00, whatever you want.
` A. Okay.
` (Trading Tech Exhibit No. 2085 was
` marked for identification.)
` Q. I'm handing you what we marked as Trading
`Technologies Exhibit 2085. And for the record, this
`has been marked as Exhibit 2085 and CBM2014-00133,
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`-00135 and -00137. Do you recognize this document,
`Exhibit 2085?
` A. I believe I do. Yes.
` Q. What is the document marked as Exhibit
` A. This appears to be -- let me just make
`sure. This appears to be my LinkedIn profile,
`especially based on the URL that's listed at the
` Q. Thank you.
` (Trading Tech Exhibit No. 2086 was
` marked for identification.)
` Q. Mr. Rho, I'm going to hand you what's
`been marked Trading Technologies Exhibit 2086, and
`again, this has been marked Exhibit 2086 in
`CBM2014-00133, 00135 and 00137. Do you recognize
`this document marked as Exhibit 2086?
` A. Yes. I do.
` (TDA Exhibit No. 1014 was
` marked for identification.)
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` Q. And Mr. Rho, I'm now handing you what's
`been marked as TD Ameritrade Exhibit 1014. Do you
`recognize this document?
` A. Yes. I do.
` Q. And just to be clear, this is Exhibit
`1014 in CBM2014-00137. CBM U.S. Patent Number
`7,685,055. Mr. Rho, I want to draw your attention
`to the second paragraph in the March 1st section of
`Exhibit 1014.
` A. March 1st. Okay. Just to be clear, what
`is the first words of that paragraph.
` Q. Evaluated.
` A. Evaluated. Okay.
` MS. GORDON: Where are you looking?
` MR. GOLDBERG: In the March 1st section,
`the name of the company.
` MS. GORDON: I was looking at the date.
`I apologize.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. That was always a
`confusing piece.
` Q. So Mr. Rho, do you see in Exhibit 1014
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`where it says that you "evaluated and designed the
`trading system for a pan-European Exchange?
` A. Yes. I do.
` Q. Now let's look back to Exhibits 2085 and
`2086, your LinkedIn and your firm profile. Do you
`see the paragraph that begins with evaluated in the
`second paragraph of your firm profile, Exhibit 2086?
` A. Evaluated a trading system for a
`pan-European Exchange. Yes.
` Q. Right. And now in your LinkedIn profile,
`Exhibit 2085, do you see the paragraph that begins
`with evaluated at the bottom of the first page of
`this exhibit?
` A. Evaluated the trading system technology
`for pan-European Exchange.
` Q. So the evaluate paragraph in Exhibit
`1014, your CV, for CBM 2014-00137 differs from the
`evaluate paragraphs in Exhibits 2085 and 2086, your
`LinkedIn and firm profiles, in that it mentions you
`"designed" the trading system, right?
` A. Yes. There is a difference.
` Q. Why did you mention that you designed the
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`trading system in your CV for CBM2014-00137, but not
`in your LinkedIn or firm profiles?
` A. Can you -- I'm sorry. Can you further
` Q. Yes. In your CV, in Exhibit 1014, you
`said that you evaluated and designed the trading
`system. Right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. In contrast, in your LinkedIn and firm
`profiles, you did not say that you designed the
`trading system. You only mentioned that you
`evaluated the trading system, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So why did you mention that you designed
`the trading system in your CV for these proceedings,
`but you didn't mention anything about designing the
`system in your LinkedIn and firm profiles?
` A. I am -- I am not sure.
` Q. Did you prepare Exhibit 1014, your CV in
`these proceedings?
` A. I prepared this CV. That is correct.
` Q. When you prepared this CV, did you start
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`with an earlier version that you had prepared in the
` A. I can't be 100 percent certain of that,
`but it's likely that that occurred. Yes.
` Q. Do you recall when you prepared this CV
`for Exhibit 1014 for these proceedings?
` A. This particular CV was likely done
`sometime in the first half of 2014.
` Q. And had you ever prepared a CV before
` A. Yes. I have.
` Q. Do you recall when you prepared your
`LinkedIn profile, Exhibit 2085?
` MS. GORDON: Objection. Foundation.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall when I
`developed that.
` Q. Did you prepare the profile, your firm
`profile, Exhibit 2086?
` A. What do you mean by prepare?
` Q. Did you write the text included in your
`firm profile, Exhibit 2086?
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` A. I likely did. Yes. But I can't be 100
`percent certain about that.
` Q. Is there someone else that you suspect
`may have written the text in your firm profile,
`Exhibit 2086?
` A. It's possible that somebody else may have
`edited it.
` Q. Did anyone edit your CV, Exhibit 1014, in
`these proceedings?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. So sitting here today, you do not
`remember how the design the trading system language
`in your CV, Exhibit 2014, got there?
` MS. GORDON: Objection. Mischaracterizes
`his testimony.
` THE WITNESS: Do I recall? I'm sorry.
`Could you repeat the question? I lost my train of
`thought. I apologize.
` Q. Did you write the words designed the
`trading system in Exhibit 1014, your CV in these
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` A. Did I write them? It's possible. It's
`very likely.
` Q. What do you mean -- strike that. If you
`didn't write the words designed the trading system
`in your CV, Exhibit 1014 in these proceedings, would
`you have reviewed those words before letting TD
`Ameritrade represent that this was your CV?
` MS. GORDON: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Could you clarify?
` Q. Would you let someone represent -- sorry.
`Strike that. Did you review your CV, Exhibit 1014,
`in these proceedings, before you signed a
`declaration in these proceedings?
` A. I would have reviewed it prior to it
`being sent to the attorneys, and there may have been
`some time that it sat between my review and my
`signing of the declaration. I don't know the exact
`time frame.
` Q. Is the statement in your CV, Exhibit
`1014, that you evaluated and designed the trading
`system for a pan-European Exchange accurate?
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` A. I believe it to be accurate.
` Q. What does it mean when your CV -- strike
` You mentioned that it is accurate that
`you designed the trading system for a pan-European
`Exchange. What did you design for -- what parts of
`the trading system for a pan-European Exchange did
`you design?
` MS. GORDON: Mr. Rho, before you answer,
`I just caution you not to disclose any confidential
`third party details of your answer.
` THE WITNESS: Well, a trading system
`itself has multiple parts. And the specific parts
`that I was directly involved in the design or that I
`assisted in the design, that was quite a while ago,
`and I'm not quite sure which actual pieces I was
`involved in, but I was involved.
` Q. So you said it was quite a while ago.
`When was it that you were involved in the design of
`the trading system for the pan-European Exchange?
` A. That was in the early 2000s, early to mid
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` Q. Were you involved in the design of the
`European -- were you involved in the design of the
`trading system for the pan-European Exchange in the
`year 2000?
` A. In the year 2000. That's what I was
`referring to. The year 2000.
` Q. And were you still involved in the design
`of the European -- of the trading system for the
`pan-European Exchange in the year 2001?
` A. No. We were not retained at that time.
` Q. What year did your involvement in the
`design of the trading system for the pan-European
`Exchange begin?
` A. What year?
` Q. Yes.
` A. It began in the year 2000.
` Q. Do you recall how many months during the
`year 2000 you were involved in the design of the
`trading system for the pan-European Exchange?
` A. I was involved in that project for
`approximately eight and a half months.
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` Q. And during that 8.5 months, were you
`working on any projects other than the design of the
`trading system for the pan-European Exchange?
` A. During the eight and a half months, it
`was possible that I did short or very brief -- or
`that I had very brief involvement in other projects,
`but my primary task during that eight and a half
`months was working with this exchange.
` Q. So going back to your CV, Exhibit 1014,
`it indicates that you evaluated and designed the
`trading system for pan-European Exchange. What
`percentage of the time during that 8.5 months were
`you evaluating the trading system?
` A. I'm sorry. You need to clarify that one.
`That one is very difficult. This is a very
`difficult metric to -- you have to be very clear
`what you're asking for in this metric.
` Q. Do you understand the words evaluate and
`design to have different meanings?
` A. Do I understand them to have different
`meanings. Okay. From a consulting perspective,
`these two are not necessarily what we refer to as
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`MECE, mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive.
`So do they have different meanings, I guess from a
`dictionary perspective, they have different
`meanings, but they are -- from the context that is
`being read from my CV, there is a lot of overlap, so
`that's why I'm asking for further clarification.
` Q. Let's look a little bit further down in
`the evaluated and designed paragraph of your CV,
`Exhibit 1014. Do you see where it says that you
`created a configuration guide for the specific
`implementation of TIB exchange?
` A. Created a configuration guide for the
`specific implementation of TIB exchange focusing on
`areas critical for launch, as well as providing a
`methodology for future growth. Is that the
` Q. Yes. About how much of your time during
`the eight and a half months that you worked on the
`trading system for pan-European Exchange was devoted
`to creating the configuration guide?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. Do you recall whether more than half of
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`the time during your eight and a half months that
`you worked on the trading system for the
`pan-European Exchange was devoted to creating the
`configuration guide?
` A. Do I recall? Yes. I recall.
` Q. Was more than half of the time during
`your eight and a half months that you worked on the
`trading system for the pan-European Exchange devoted
`to creating the configuration guide?
` A. No.
` Q. Was more than a quarter of the time
`during your eight and a half months that you worked
`on the trading system for the pan-European Exchange
`devoted to creating the configuration guide?
` A. I'm not 100 percent certain, but I do not
`believe that more than a quarter of my time was
`spent doing this activity.
` Q. Mr. Rho, by my count, the created a
`configuration guide sentence of the evaluated and
`designed paragraph in Exhibit 1014 is the fourth
`sentence in that paragraph. Do you agree?
` A. Yes. It is the fourth sentence.
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` Q. And the first sentence includes the
`evaluated and -- evaluated and designed the trading
`system language, right?
` A. The first sentence includes the evaluated
`and designed. Yes.
` Q. Why did you include the evaluated and
`designed language in the first sentence, but you
`included the created a configuration guide language
`in the fourth sentence?
` A. Why? I don't recall.
` Q. At the end of the evaluated and designed
`sentence in Exhibit 1014, you indicated that it had
`a focus on capacity, scaleability and risks, right?
` A. That is the three words I used at the
`end. Yes.
` Q. Did you focus on capacity, scaleability
`and risks when you were evaluating and designing the
`trading system for the pan-European Exchange?
` A. Those may have been my primary focus, but
`they wouldn't have been my only focus.
` Q. What else did you focus on when you were
`designing and evaluating the trading system for the
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`pan-European Exchange?
` A. I was in general taking a holistic
`approach, so while these may have been some of my
`primary focus items, I was still looking at the
`entire system as a whole.
` Q. Beyond the capacity, scaleability and
`risk items, what items were you looking at in the
`trading system for pan-European Exchange?
` A. So one of the other items that I might
`have been -- that I was looking at were interfaces,
`so things such as the API. That was certainly one
`thing I looked at.
` Q. Can you explain what you mean by API?
` A. So the API is short for application
`programmer's interface, and that was a method for
`people -- or excuse me, firms that wished to connect
`to the trading system using their own trading
`software, hardware, et cetera, so that they could
`utilize their own trading systems, as opposed to
`using the trading system that was provided by the
` Q. So who accessed -- sorry -- strike that.
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`Did individuals placing trades access user
`interfaces of the trading system you evaluated and
`designed for the pan-European Exchange?
` A. I'm sorry. Could you repeat that
` Q. Did individuals placing trades access
`user interfaces of the trading system you evaluated
`and designed for the pan-European Exchange?
` A. It's possible, but I don't have direct
`knowledge of that.
` Q. Did the technologies you evaluated and
`designed for the trading system for the pan-European
`Exchange differ from the technology in the claims in
`the '055 patent?
` MS. GORDON: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I did not opine on that.
`If you would like me to sit here and think about
`that for a while, and I would actually prefer to
`have some additional materials. If you have any
`additional materials, especially related to this
`particular pan-European Exchange, then I could give
`you an opinion. But I can't give you an opinion on
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`that. I'm sorry.
` Q. Okay, Mr. Rho, I'm not asking you for an
`opinion on the pan-European Exchange in general.
`I'm just asking about your -- what you did when you
`were working on the systems for the pan-European
`Exchange. I am handing you now what's been marked
`as TD Ameritrade Exhibit 1001 in the CBM '055
` MS. GORDON: I'm going to object to the
`extent you were testifying on the record that that
`wasn't a question.
` (TDA Exhibit No. 1001 was
` marked for identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Could you repeat the
`question again then, please?
` MS. GORDON: There is no question
` Q. Mr. Rho, did the technologies you
`evaluated and designed for the trading system for
`the pan-European Exchange differ from the technology
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`in the claims in the '055 patent?
` MS. GORDON: Objection. Scope.
`Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: Well, it would depend on
`the actual implementation that the -- that the
`broker would utilize, but in any meaningful way, was
`there any difference? I don't think there was
`actually any meaningful difference between what is
`being displayed in figure 1 of the patent, the '055
`patent and what the exchange -- the exchange system
`that I dealt with, the trading system.
` Q. Mr. Rho, is figure 1 of the '055 patent
`displaying a user interface?
` A. Figure 1. The closest that it has to a
`user interface is the fact that you have these
`client workstations at the bottom.
` Q. Let's turn to claim 1 of the '055 patent,
`column 34. Mr. Rho, do you see where it says a
`method for repositioning a static price axis on a
`graphical user interface for displaying market
`information of a commodity being traded at an
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`electronic exchange?
` A. Yes. I see that.
` Q. Have you ever designed a graphical user
`interface for displaying market information of a
`commodity being traded at an electronic exchange?
` A. I'm sorry. Could you repeat? I
`apologize. Could you repeat that?
` Q. Have you ever designed a graphical user
`interface for displaying market information of a
`commodity being traded at an electronic exchange?
` A. Have I ever designed. If we are going to
`stay narrowly focused on the fact that it has to be
`a commodity, then the answer would be no. But at
`this exchange, I also did help with the trading
`front end that was being developed by the exchange,
`which was -- it was a pan-European Exchange. This
`one happened to trade stocks, and not commodities.
` Q. What do you mean by you helped with the
`trading front end that was being developed by the
` A. Well, I worked with the developers that
`were developing the trading front end for this
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` Q. What was your relationship to the
`developers that were developing the trading front
`end for the exchange?
` A. It was much like my relationship with the
`exchange. It was as a consultant.
` Q. About how much of your time during the
`eight months that you spent working on the
`pan-European Exchange did you spend working with the
`developers that were developing the trading front
`end for the exchange?
` MS. GORDON: Objection. Mischaracterizes
`his prior testimony.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall.
` Q. Do you recall whether you spent more than
`half of your time while you were working on the
`pan-European Exchange working with developers that
`were developing the trading front end for the
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you spend more than half of your time
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`while you were working on the pan-European Exchange
`working with developers that were developing the
`trading front end for the exchange?
` A. No. I did not.
` Q. Did you spend more than a quarter of your
`time while you were working on the pan-European
`Exchange working with developers that were
`developing the trading front end for the exchange?
` A. I can't -- I can't remember 100 percent,
`but it was likely that I spent less than 25 percent
`of my time.
` Q. I think now would be a good time to take
`a break. We can either do a short 10-minute break
`or we can break for lunch. I'll defer to the
` A. 10-minute break is fine.
` (Recess.)
` Q. Welcome back, Mr. Rho. Did you discuss
`anything with counsel for TD Ameritrade during the
` A. No. I did not.
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` Q. And do you understand that you're still
`under oath?
` A. Yes. I do.
` Q. I'm handing you a copy of what's been
`marked as Exhibit 1004 in CBM2014-00137.
` (TDA Exhibit No. 1004 was
` marked for identification.)
` Q. Do you recognize this document, Exhibit
` A. Yes. I do.
` Q. What is this Exhibit 1004?
` A. This is my signed declaration.
` Q. Just to clarify, it's your signed
`declaration in the proceeding regarding the '055
`patent, right?
` A. The '055 patent. That is correct.
` Q. Did you prepare this document, Exhibit
` A. Could you clarify?
` Q. Did you write the text in this document,
`Exhibit 1004?
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` A. This document was the culmination of a
`great deal of back and forth and work between myself
`and the attorneys.
` Q. Do you know who wrote the text in this
`document, Exhibit 1004?
` MS. GORDON: Objection, privilege.
`Objection. Work product.
` MR. GOLDBERG: Counsel, I understand your
`objection, but I'm not asking for any details at
`this point. I'm just asking who wrote a document
`that he signed. I think that it's appropriate for
`the Board to know whether he actually wrote this or
`whether somebody else wrote this, and thus far he
`has not answered me.
` MS. GORDON: And I would caution again
`counsel from testifying on the record, but you --
`your question lacks foundation. You never
`established that he didn't write this document. He
`indicated that it was a collaboration, and to the
`extent you're getting beyond details of the
`privilege and the work product, I think it's beyond
`what you're allowed to ask this witness. You can
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
`ask him what attorneys he worked with.
` MR. GOLDBERG: Counsel, I asked him if he
`wrote the declaration. He didn't answer me.
` MS. GORDON: He did answer you.
` MR. GOLDBERG: He did not indicate
`whether or not he wrote the declaration.
` MS. GORDON: He answered your question.
` MR. GOLDBERG: I asked him who wrote it
`and you objected.
` MS. GORDON: Right. And I maintain my
` MR. GOLDBERG: Are you instructing the
`witness that he cannot tell us whether he wrote his
` MS. GORDON: He already answered that
`question. You asked him the question and he
`answered that it was a collaboration, a
`collaborative work effort between himself and the
`attorneys. He answered your question.
` Q. Mr. Rho, did you write any text in your
`declaration, Exhibit 1004?
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`Rho, David
`January 27, 2015
` A. Yes.
` Q. Which text did you write in Exhibit 1004?
` A. Quickly, quickly leafing through th

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