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`CBM2014-00025 & CBM2014-00026
`Patent Owner
`MONDAY, JULY 21, 2014
`Teleconference held on the above date,
`commencing at approximately 11 o’clock a.m.,
`reported by Rose A. Tamburri, a Federally
`Approved Registered Merit Reporter,
`Certified Realtime Reporter, National Speed
`and Accuracy Champion and Notary Public.
`1801 Market Street, Suite 1800
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
`215-241-1000 610-434-8588 302-571-0
`Lockwood Exhibit 2021
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

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`Administrative Patent Judges
`& (cid:9) Fox, (cid:9) PLLC
`STERNE, (cid:9) KESSLER, (cid:9) GOLDSTEIN (cid:9)
`BY: (cid:9)
`ROBERT (cid:9) GREENE (cid:9) Sterne, (cid:9) ESQUIRE
`1100 (cid:9) New (cid:9) York Avenue, (cid:9) N.W.
`Washington, (cid:9) D.C. (cid:9)
`(202) (cid:9) 371-2600
`Representing (cid:9) the (cid:9) Petitioners
`& (cid:9) SUTCLIFFE, (cid:9) LLP
`ORRICK, (cid:9) HERRINGTON (cid:9)
`DONALD (cid:9) DAYBELL, (cid:9) ESQUIRE
`BY: (cid:9)
`2050 (cid:9) Main (cid:9) Street
`Suite (cid:9) 1100
`Irvine, (cid:9) CA (cid:9) 92614-8255
`(949) (cid:9) 852-7735
`Representing the (cid:9) Patent Owner
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`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

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`(Whereupon, (cid:9) the (cid:9) proceedings
`commenced at 11:02 (cid:9) a.m.)
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`Good morning. (cid:9)
`This (cid:9) is
`Judge (cid:9) Kim.
`This (cid:9) is (cid:9)
`a (cid:9) conference (cid:9) call
`requested by counsel (cid:9) for (cid:9) the (cid:9) Patent (cid:9) Owner,
`CBM2014, (cid:9) the matter (cid:9) is (cid:9) 25 (cid:9) and (cid:9) 26. (cid:9)
`Can (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) get (cid:9)
`role (cid:9) call. Who’s (cid:9) on (cid:9) the (cid:9) line (cid:9) for (cid:9) Petitioner?
`MR. (cid:9) STERNE: (cid:9)
`Good morning, (cid:9) Judge
`Kim. (cid:9)
`This (cid:9) is Rob (cid:9) Sterne (cid:9) here, (cid:9) lead (cid:9) counsel,
`and (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) have with me my colleague (cid:9) and
`co-counsel, Byron (cid:9) Pickard.
`MR. (cid:9) PICKARD: (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) apologize, (cid:9) Your
`Honor. (cid:9)
`That was (cid:9) -- (cid:9) you (cid:9) asked (cid:9) for (cid:9) counsel (cid:9) for
`I (cid:9) believe (cid:9) that (cid:9) was (cid:9) Mr. (cid:9) Sterne,
`counsel (cid:9) for Patent (cid:9) Owner.
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`Right. (cid:9)
`MR. (cid:9) DAYBELL: (cid:9)
`This (cid:9) is (cid:9) Don (cid:9) Daybell,
`counsel (cid:9) for Petitioner. (cid:9)
`With me (cid:9) is (cid:9) Jim Maune
`and (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) also (cid:9) have my partner, (cid:9) Tom Gray, (cid:9) on (cid:9) the
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`All (cid:9) right. (cid:9)
`Thank (cid:9) you.
`Okay, (cid:9) Patent Owner, (cid:9) you (cid:9) requested (cid:9) the (cid:9) call, (cid:9)
`please (cid:9) go (cid:9) ahead.
`MR. (cid:9) STERNE: (cid:9)
`Okay. (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) apologize,
`Your (cid:9) Honor, for (cid:9) going (cid:9) out (cid:9) of (cid:9) order. (cid:9)
`We (cid:9) do
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`have a court reporter on for the call, for
`your information, Your Honor. (cid:9)
`We’ll provide a
`transcript for the record.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`MR. STERNE: Let me begin and then
`I’ll have Mr. Pickard, who has been working
`the issue very closely with Mr. Daybell and
`his team, give us more detail, but to start
`off with, we find ourself in a very difficult
`position here concerning this upcoming
`deposition on Thursday in this case. (cid:9)
`involves the only declarant that submitted a
`declaration with the petition, which, of
`course, was obviously taken into account when
`the Board determined that the prima facie case
`had been met when it instituted on the grounds
`of indefiniteness.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`MR. STERNE: (cid:9)
`So we find ourselves
`in a very complex and, frankly, unprecedented
`situation. (cid:9)
`And my experience, you know, is,
`as you know, we, our firm and myself are
`involved in many of these proceedings and I
`checked with my colleagues and we’ve not seen
`this situation before. (cid:9)
`But I’d like to turn
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`it over to Mr. Pickard, who will give you the
`timeline of events, and then we can get right
`into the meat of the issue.
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`Yes. (cid:9)
`Thank you.
`So, very briefly, we reached out to
`Petitioner’s counsel in June to find a date to
`7 I depose Newton, who Mr. Sterne has said that
`8 (cid:9)
`9 (cid:9)
`their -- as you know, the only declarant they
`have in their petition. (cid:9)
`Ultimately on
`10 (cid:9)
`July 7th, the parties agreed to depose Newton
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`on July 24th and 25th in the two cases.
`Late Thursday of last week,
`July 17th, we received an E-mail from
`Petitioner’s counsel advising us that the
`Newton depositions were being cancelled and
`16 (cid:9)
`that they would not provide her for
`17 (cid:9)
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`deposition. We couldn’t do a meet and confirm
`before we E-mailed the Board on Friday. We
`were fortunate to talk to opposing counsel
`over the weekend, late last night, and we --
`21 (cid:9)
`we discussed the issues.
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`Our view is that we’re entitled to
`depose Dr. Newton. (cid:9)
`She’s offered her opinions
`about the level of skill in the art. (cid:9)
`offered implicit claim constructions when she
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`applied the (cid:9) prior (cid:9) art (cid:9) in (cid:9) the (cid:9) declarations.
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`MR. (cid:9) PICKARD: (cid:9)
`She, in (cid:9) fact, (cid:9) gave
`explicit claim constructions (cid:9) of critical (cid:9) claim
`terms (cid:9) in these (cid:9) CBNs, (cid:9) including backward and
`forward chaining. (cid:9)
`And (cid:9) if (cid:9) the (cid:9) look at (cid:9) the
`declaration of (cid:9) the (cid:9) CBM over (cid:9) the 508 (cid:9) patent,
`she (cid:9) has a (cid:9) detailed (cid:9) claim chart that (cid:9) refers
`back to the specification, all of which we
`believe is highly relevant to the 112 issues
`that we’re contending with now.
`At the risk of speaking for the
`other (cid:9) side, (cid:9) they have (cid:9) told us (cid:9) that (cid:9) they do (cid:9) not
`19 (cid:9)
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`intend to rely (cid:9) on (cid:9) Newton’s testimony, (cid:9) and (cid:9) that
`they may, in (cid:9) fact, (cid:9) move (cid:9) to strike (cid:9) her
`testimony, although (cid:9) they haven’t (cid:9) done (cid:9) so (cid:9) yet.
`In (cid:9) our (cid:9) view, even (cid:9) if (cid:9) they did
`that, (cid:9) that would (cid:9) -- (cid:9) that would not (cid:9) resolve (cid:9) the
`issue from our perspective, because what we’ve
`learned in our conversations with them is that
`they still intend to put a reply declaration
`in. (cid:9)
`And so we’re left in the difficult
`position of possibly not having the benefit of
`the deposition of their expert, and yet having
`to contend with a reply dep which we fear may
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`be a means to make out their prima facie case
`evidence in the last round and deprive us of
`the ability to prepare a full written
`response, and they may even switch the
`declarants in this case. (cid:9)
`So we think we’ll be
`prejudiced highly by not having the
`deposition, and the Board will be deprived of
`relevant information on the issues in play
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`Okay. (cid:9)
`Now, I’m not --
`obviously I’m not foretelling one way or the
`other, but reply declarations, I’ll get to
`that. (cid:9)
`I mean, it would seem that this would
`14 i almost simplify the case because, of course,
`15 (cid:9)
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`if you don’t -- we understand that, of course,
`if they don’t have the chance to
`cross-examine, you know, the declaration is
`for naught. And so wherever that was relied
`19 (cid:9)
`on in the Petition, it would seem fair to say
`20 (cid:9)
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`we can’t consider that at all. (cid:9)
`So, you know,
`argument from that perspective, isn’t that a
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`In some ways, it may
`be, Your Honor. (cid:9)
`In fact, our position is that
`in the absence of declarant testimony about
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`how a skilled artisan would have viewed these
`claim terms and understood them at the time of
`the invention, that their petitions lack the
`necessary prima facie evidence, and perhaps
`the Board should terminate the proceedings, if
`they were to strike it. (cid:9)
`They haven’t done
`that yet, of course.
`JUDGE KIM: And then regarding the
`reply declaration, you do -- you would have a
`chance to cross-examine there if they
`submitted one.
`MR. PICKARD: We would and we
`would have the ability for allowing to file
`observations, but that, in our view, is far
`inferior to the ability to file a full-fledged
`response, which we would have in our POR if we
`were to be able to depose Newton at this time.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`I see. (cid:9)
`So you -- so
`your position is that observations are not
`enough, hypothetically, to uphold any of your
`position regarding that.
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`One other issue.
`There are some things in the Newton
`declaration which we believe are actually
`helpful to our case. (cid:9)
`So, in that sense,
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`striking (cid:9) it would (cid:9) prejudice (cid:9) us, (cid:9) we (cid:9) think.
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`And (cid:9) then (cid:9) there’s (cid:9) also
`something (cid:9) else about (cid:9) costs?
`MR. (cid:9) PICKARD: (cid:9)
`Right. (cid:9)
`So (cid:9) because
`of (cid:9) the (cid:9) late timing here, (cid:9) we (cid:9) had (cid:9) already begun
`some (cid:9) of (cid:9) our preparation (cid:9) for (cid:9) the (cid:9) deposition (cid:9) and
`booked some nonrefundable (cid:9) air (cid:9) travel. (cid:9)
`talked (cid:9) to (cid:9) Mr. Daybell (cid:9) over (cid:9) the (cid:9) weekend and
`they have (cid:9) agreed to pay (cid:9) for (cid:9) our (cid:9) nonrefundable
`travel (cid:9) costs.
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`MR. (cid:9) PICKARD: (cid:9)
`They’re (cid:9) not (cid:9) willing
`to pay (cid:9) for our (cid:9) fees, (cid:9) and (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) think we’re (cid:9) not
`going (cid:9) to (cid:9) press that (cid:9) issue (cid:9) with (cid:9) the (cid:9) Board.
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) see. (cid:9)
`So (cid:9) that’s, (cid:9)
`effect, (cid:9) off the (cid:9) table (cid:9) right (cid:9) now?
`MR. (cid:9) PICKARD: (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) believe (cid:9) so, (cid:9) unless
`Mr. (cid:9) Daybell --
`MR. (cid:9) DAYBELL: (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) do (cid:9) not (cid:9) disagree.
`Mr. (cid:9) Pickard accurately (cid:9) reflected our
`discussion on (cid:9) the (cid:9) cost (cid:9) issues.
`JUDGE (cid:9) KIM: (cid:9)
`All (cid:9) right.
`Petitioner, you (cid:9) can (cid:9) respond.
`MR. (cid:9) DAYBELL: (cid:9)
`Sure. (cid:9)
`I (cid:9) agree (cid:9) with
`Your Honor that (cid:9) this (cid:9) will (cid:9) simplify (cid:9) the (cid:9) case (cid:9) by
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`removing Dr. Newton’s declaration, and the
`need for a deposition of a -- of a declarant
`who has no relevant information to contribute
`to the scope of the proceeding based on the --
`I’m sorry, is
`this Mr. Daybell, and if so, can you please
`keep your voice up?
`MR. DAYBELL: (cid:9)
`Okay, yes, it is Mr.
`Daybell. (cid:9)
`I’m sorry. (cid:9)
`So we agree, Your Honor, that this
`will simplify the case by removing Dr.
`Newton’s declaration from the case.
`JUDGE KIM: Um-hmm.
`MR. DAYBELL: And the need to have
`a deposition. (cid:9)
`Just to give a little extra
`16 (cid:9)
`background -- I don’t disagree with the
`17 (cid:9)
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`factual background that Mr. Pickard set forth,
`but to give a little extra background to the
`case, these CBMs were filed by another firm
`and we became involved in the case several
`months ago, and the deposition was scheduled
`as Mr. Pickard set forth.
`During the course of preparing our
`expert for -- for the deposition, we talked to
`her and discovered or determined that she had
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`no opinions on the indefiniteness -- the
`indefiniteness issue, which is the only issue
`that’s in the case right now. (cid:9)
`So when we came
`to that realization, we promptly contacted the
`other side and advised them that she had --
`she had no opinions on the issues that the
`Board instituted on; that we would not be
`relying on her declaration, and therefore,
`that we would not be having the deposition.
`And over the weekend, at the meet
`and confer, we also clarified that we would be
`willing to withdraw or expunge Dr. Newton’s
`declaration. (cid:9)
`I understand we need
`authorization from the Board to bring such a
`motion. (cid:9)
`It sounds like the other side would
`not oppose that. (cid:9)
`Perhaps we could take care
`of that issue on the call today. (cid:9)
`But I think
`that will greatly streamline the case and
`simplify the issues going forward.
`Now, as to the reply declaration,
`if any, at this point on is that we don’t know
`if there’s any need for a reply declaration or
`not. (cid:9)
`I mean, it really will depend on what
`the patent owner -- what arguments the patent
`owner makes in their response. (cid:9)
`I mean, we are
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`definitely aware of the proper scope of a
`reply and any reply declaration, if one were
`to be submitted, would, of course, be within
`the scope that we were permitted on a reply.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`Okay. (cid:9)
`Thank you very
`much. And then counsel for Patent Owner, do
`you have any response comments?
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`Your Honor, I just
`would like to add that I think -- I think it’s
`true, we do not oppose them withdrawing or
`striking the Newton declaration; however, I
`just want to reiterate our view that, I think
`Mr. Daybell agrees with it, in the absence of
`a Newton declaration, Petitioner has no
`evidence on the 112 issues in this case, and
`we believe that that would be grounds for the
`CBMs to be terminated.
`MR. DAYBELL: With respect, Your
`Honor, I don’t agree that we have no evidence.
`We have the evidence we cited in the petition,
`which would include the patents, the file
`history, the other exhibits that we submitted
`in the petition, the prior art.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`Okay. (cid:9)
`Well, this is
`sort of getting into -- this is sort of
`215-241-1000 610-434-8588 302-571-0510 202-803-8830
`Lockwood Exhibit 2026
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

`Page 13
`1 (cid:9)
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`18 (cid:9)
`getting into substance, so I don’t really want
`to go there, but that is -- that is noted.
`Okay. (cid:9)
`I have got all -- I’m
`taking this under consideration. (cid:9)
`I think at
`this point, I’m just going to go ahead and
`take it under advisement, but since the issue
`of costs, I think right now, is the most
`pressing, it has been taken care of. (cid:9)
`I will
`say that yes, you know, we will authorize the
`request to expunge the declaration
`effectively; I’ll have to think about what
`form that will take, and then, I don’t know,
`at that point -- and I think the stuff about
`the reply declaration, I think that’s too
`speculative at this point to really say one
`way or the other which way that will come out.
`So yes, I think that’s what I’m
`going to decide now, but I’ll go ahead and put
`19 (cid:9)
`out an order specifying more what, if any,
`20 (cid:9)
`21 (cid:9)
`22 (cid:9)
`23 (cid:9)
`24 (cid:9)
`25 (cid:9)
`elaboration that’s required.
`MR. STERNE: (cid:9)
`Your Honor, this is
`Mr. Sterne again. We are very concerned that
`they’re going to look at our Patent Owner
`Response and come up with a new declarant
`that’s going to be used to rehabilitate this
`215-241-1000 610-434-8588 302-571-0510 202-803-8830
`Lockwood Exhibit 2026
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

`Page 14
`issue entirely on the record, and we don’t
`think that that’s permitted. (cid:9)
`It’s totally
`violative of the burden. (cid:9)
`They can re-file
`their CBM if it’s terminated. (cid:9)
`There’s no
`problem there, it’s no 315-bar issue.
`So our position, Your Honor,
`succinctly is that not only should they not be
`allowed to substitute in a declarant of their
`choice now with the reply, but also that the
`2 (cid:9)
`3 (cid:9)
`4 (cid:9)
`5 (cid:9)
`6 (cid:9)
`7 (cid:9)
`8 (cid:9)
`9 (cid:9)
`10 (cid:9) proceedings be terminated and that they -- if
`11 ’ they want to go forward again, they can
`12 (cid:9)
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`15 (cid:9)
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`17i (cid:9)
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`19 (cid:9)
`20 (cid:9)
`21 (cid:9)
`22 (cid:9)
`resubmit their petition in a new CBN.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`All right. (cid:9)
`Well, I
`will take that under advisement, but yeah, I’m
`not going to -- I have nothing to say on that
`at this time.
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`Judge, this is Byron
`Pickard, one more thing.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`Just so the Board is
`aware, I am scheduled to fly out late Tuesday
`night for these depositions, so to the extent
`23 (cid:9)
`we can -- if there’s a ruling that the deps
`24 (cid:9)
`25 (cid:9)
`won’t go forward, I would like to, if
`possible, know ahead of that so we can avoid
`215-241-1000 610-434-8588 302-571-0510 202-803-8830
`Lockwood Exhibit 2026
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

`Page 15
`1 (cid:9)
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`17 (cid:9)
`18 (cid:9)
`the expense of delay that would be associated
`with the unnecessary travel to the West Coast.
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`MR. DAYBELL: (cid:9)
`And, Your Honor, I
`guess I second that, given the -- the nature
`of how this has all come down. (cid:9)
`It may be a
`bit difficult to get everybody in the right
`place at the right time for a deposition on
`Thursday, given that it’s now Monday. (cid:9)
`I would
`ask that in the event that the Board decides
`to order the deposition to continue, even
`though we will be withdrawing the expert
`declaration, that we give -- be given at least
`a little bit of an accommodation so we can get
`our witness in town and -- and get everyone
`together in the form of a couple of extra
`days, in the event that that happens.
`I mean, obviously we -- we are of
`19 (cid:9)
`the view that now that the declaration is or
`20 (cid:9)
`21 (cid:9)
`22 (cid:9)
`is about to be out for both of the CBMs, that
`there’s no need for this deposition. (cid:9)
`It would
`just be an extra cost and expense for every
`23 (cid:9)
`24 (cid:9)
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`Okay. (cid:9)
`All right. (cid:9)
`25 (cid:9)
`sorry I didn’t clarify that. (cid:9)
`Yes, I don’t
`215-241-1000 610-434-8588 302-571-0510 202-803-8830
`Lockwood Exhibit 2026
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

`1 (cid:9)
`think we’re going to basically compel the
`deposition because the declaration is going to
`, be expunged. (cid:9)
`So yes, there is no need to
`Page 16
`essentially reimburse the cost and we’ll be
`done, as far as the deposition is concerned.
`There’s no reason to fly anywhere.
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`Okay. (cid:9)
`Thanks for
`JUDGE KIM: (cid:9)
`Okay. (cid:9)
`Sounds good. (cid:9)
`appreciate everyone’s time and yes, we will
`put out an order shortly.
`MR. PICKARD: (cid:9)
`Thank you, Your
`MR. STERNE: (cid:9)
`Thank you.
`MR. DAYBELL: (cid:9)
`Thank you.
`(Whereupon, the conference call
`concluded at 11:17 a.m.)
`215-241-1000 610-434-8588
`302-571-0510 202-803-8830
`Lockwood Exhibit 2026
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

`I do (cid:9)
`by certify that I am a Notary
`9ublic in good standing, that the aforesaid
`testimony was taken before me, pursuant to
`notice, at the time and place indicated; that
`said deponent was by me;duly sworn to tell
`the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
`the truth; that the testimony of said
`deponent was correctly recorded in machine
`shorthand by me and thereafter transcribed
`under my supervision with computer-aided
`transcription; that thp deposition is a true
`and correct record of the testimony given by
`the witness; and that I am neither of counsel
`nor kin to any party in said action, nor
`interested in the outcome thereof.
`I (cid:9)
`4 (cid:9)
`5 (cid:9)
`6 (cid:9)
`7 (cid:9)
`B (cid:9)
`9 (cid:9)
`10 (cid:9)
`- WITNESS my hand and official seal this
`day of (cid:9)
`Notary Public
`12 (cid:9)
`610-454--888 (cid:9)
`888-777-6690 ’ 215-241-1000 (cid:9)
`Lockwood Exhibit 2026
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

`- correct]
`11 (cid:9)
`1100 (cid:9) 2:8,19
`112 (cid:9) 6:10 12:15
`I 11:02 (cid:9) 3:2
`11:17 (cid:9)
`17th (cid:9) 5:13
`1800 (cid:9)
`1801 (cid:9)
`1900525 (cid:9)
`19103 (cid:9)
`20005-3934 (cid:9) 2:9
`2014 (cid:9) 1:11 17:12
`202 (cid:9) 2:9
`2050 (cid:9) 2:18
`21 (cid:9)
`21st (cid:9) 17:12
`24th (cid:9)
`25 (cid:9) 3:6
`25th (cid:9)
`26 (cid:9) 3:6
`315 (cid:9)
`371-2600 (cid:9) 2:9
`508 6:7
`852-7735 (cid:9) 2:21
`92614-8255 (cid:9) 2:20
`949 (cid:9) 221
`a.m. (cid:9) 1:15 3:2 16:17
`ability (cid:9) 7:3 8:13,15
`able (cid:9) 8:17
`absence (cid:9) 7:25 12:13
`account (cid:9) 4:14
`accuracy (cid:9)
`accurately (cid:9) 9:20
`action (cid:9) 17:10
`add (cid:9)
`administrative (cid:9) 2:4
`i advised (cid:9)
`advisement (cid:9) 13:6
`advising (cid:9) 5:14
`i aforesaid (cid:9)
`ago (cid:9)
`agree (cid:9) 9:24 10:10
`agreed (cid:9) 5:10 9:9
`agrees (cid:9)
`ahead (cid:9) 3:23 13:5,18
`aided (cid:9)
`air (cid:9) 9:7
`allowed (cid:9)
`allowing (cid:9) 8:13
`apologize (cid:9) 3:12,24
`appeal (cid:9)
`appearances (cid:9) 2:5
`applied (cid:9) 6:1
`appreciate (cid:9) 16:10
`approved (cid:9)
`approximately (cid:9)
`argument 7:21
`arguments (cid:9) 11:24
`art (cid:9) 5:24 6:1 12:23
`artisan (cid:9)
`asked (cid:9) 3:13
`associated (cid:9)
`atlantic (cid:9)
`authorization (cid:9) 11:14
`authorize (cid:9) 13:9
`avenue 2:8
`avoid (cid:9)
`i aware (cid:9) 12:1 14:21
`Page 1
`certified (cid:9)
`certify (cid:9)
`chaining (cid:9) 6:6
`champion (cid:9)
`chance (cid:9) 7:16 8:10
`chart (cid:9) 6:8
`i checked (cid:9) 4:24
`i choice (cid:9) 14:9
`cited (cid:9) 12:20
`claim (cid:9) 5:25 6:4,4,8
`clarified (cid:9)
`clarify (cid:9)
`clarifying (cid:9)
`closely (cid:9) 4:7
`coast (cid:9)
`colleague (cid:9) 3:10
`colleagues (cid:9) 4:24
`come (cid:9) 13:16,24 15:6
`commenced 3:2
`commencing (cid:9)
`comments (cid:9) 12:7
`compel (cid:9)
`complex 4:20
`computer (cid:9)
`concerned (cid:9) 13:22
`concerning (cid:9) 4:10
`concluded (cid:9)
`conference (cid:9) 3:4
`confirm (cid:9) 517
`consider (cid:9) 7:20
`consideration (cid:9) 13:4
`constructions (cid:9) 5:25
`contacted (cid:9) 11:4
`contend (cid:9) 6:25
`contending (cid:9) 6:11
`continue (cid:9) 1511
`contribute (cid:9)
`conversations (cid:9) 6:20
`correct (cid:9) 17:8
`b (cid:9)
`back (cid:9) 6:9
`background (cid:9)
`backward 6:5
`bar (cid:9)
`based (cid:9)
`basically (cid:9)
`begun (cid:9) 9:5
`believe (cid:9) 3:14 6:10
`8:24 9:17 12:16
`benefit (cid:9) 6:23
`benjamin (cid:9) 2:3
`bit (cid:9) 15:7,14
`board (cid:9) 1:14:15 5:18
`7:7 8:5 9:14 11:7,14
`14:20 15:10
`booked (cid:9) 9:7
`bpickard (cid:9) 2:10
`briefly (cid:9)
`bring (cid:9)
`burden (cid:9)
`byron (cid:9) 2:8 3:11
`c (cid:9) 2:2 17:11
`ca (cid:9) 2:20
`call (cid:9) 3:4,7,22 4:1
`11:17 16:16
`cancelled (cid:9) 5:15
`care (cid:9) 11:16 138
`case (cid:9) 4:11,15 7:1,5
`7:14 8:25 9:25
`10:11,12,19,20 11(cid:149)3
`cases (cid:9) 511
`cbm (cid:9) 6:7 14:4,12
`c bm2Ol4 (cid:9) 3:6
`cbm2014-00025 (cid:9) L2
`cbm2014-00026 (cid:9) 12
`c bms (cid:9) 6:5 10:19
`12:17 15(cid:149)20
`302-571-0510 202-803-8830
`215-241-1000 610-434-8588
`Lockwood Exhibit 2026
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood

`(cid:149) -(cid:149) (cid:9)
`[correctly - involved]
`correctly 17:6
`cost 9:21 15:22 16:4
`costs 9:3,10 13:7
`counsel 3:5,9,11,13
`3:15,18 5:6,14,19
`12:6 17:9
`couple 15:16
`course 4:14 7:14,15
`8:7 10:23 12:3
`court 4:1 10:5
`critical 6:4
`oss 7:17 8:10
`d 2:3
`d. c. 2:9
`date 1:14 5:6
`day 17:12
`daybell 2:13 3:17,17
`10:6,8,9,14 12:13
`12:18 15:4 16:15
`days 15:17
`ddaybell 2:22
`decide 13:18
`decides 15:10
`I declarant 4:12 5:8
`7:25 10:2 13:24
`declarants 7:5
`declaration 4:13 6:7
`6:217:17 8:9,24

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