Page 1
` - - -
` :
` Petitioner, :
` :
` vs. : CBM2014-00025
` :
` :
` Patent Owner. :
` :
` Petitioner, :
` :
` vs. : CBM2014-00026
` :
` :
` Patent Owner. :
` - - -
` Friday, April 25, 2014
` - - -
` Teleconference held on the above date, beginning
` at approximately 10:00 a.m., and reported
` stenographically by Deborah C. Furey, RPR, CLR and
` Notary Public.
` - - -
` 1250 Eye Street, Suite 1201
` Washington, D.C. 20005
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`2 3
`Lockwood Exhibit 2020
`eBay Enterprise, Inc. and eBay, Inc. v. Lockwood


`Page 2
`B E F O R E :
` A d m i n i s t r a t i v e P a t e n t J u d g e M e d l e y
` A d m i n i s t r a t i v e P a t e n t J u d g e W o o d .
`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` O R R I C K , H E R R I N G T O N & S U T C L I F F E , L L P
` B Y : D O N D A Y B E L L , E S Q U I R E
` B Y : J A M E S M A U N E , E S Q U I R E
` 7 7 7 S o u t h F i g u e r a S t r e e t
` S u i t e 3 2 0 0
` L o s A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 0 1 2
` 2 1 3 - 6 2 9 - 2 0 2 0
` d d a y b e l l @ o r r i c k . c o m
` j m a u n e @ o r r i c k . c o m
` R e p r e s e n t i n g t h e P e t i t i o n e r ,
` S T E R N E , K E S S L E R , G O L D S T E I N & F O X , P L L C
` B Y : R O G E R T G . S T E R N E , E S Q U I R E
` B Y : J A S O N D . E I S E N B E R G , E S Q U I R E
` B Y : S R E E K A R G A D D E , E S Q U I R E
` 1 1 0 0 N e w Y o r k A v e n u e , N . W .
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 5 - 3 9 3 4
` 2 0 2 - 3 7 1 - 2 5 4 0
` r s t e r n e @ s k g f . c o m
` j e i s e n b e @ s k g f . c o m
` s g a d d e @ s k g f . c o m
` R e p r e s e n t i n g t h e P a t e n t O w n e r .
` - - -
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`1 2
`5 6
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5


`Page 3
` P R O C E E D I N G
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Good morning. This
` is Judge Medley and I'm on the line with Judge
` Wood.
` We will go ahead and proceed. This
` conference call is in regard to CBM2014-00025 and
` 00026.
` At this time I would like to take a
` roll call, beginning with the petitioner.
` MR. DAYBELL: Thank you, your honor,
` this Don Daybell. The last name is D-a-y-b-e-l-l.
` And with me is my colleague, Jim Maune, last name
` M-a-u-n-e, Orrick, Herrington, counsel for
` petitioner.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Thank you. And for
` patent owner?
` MR. STERNE: Good morning, Lead
` Judge Medley. This is Robert Sterne, from Sterne,
` Kessler this morning, and with me I have Jason
` Eisenberg, E-i-s-e-n-b-e-r-g, and Sreekar Gadde,
` spelled G-a-d-d-e, on for patent owner.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Wonderful.
` All right. So I did hear the court reporter asked
` about the transcript. The transcript should be
` filed with the board an as exhibit, so we'll
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`Page 4
` discuss that in a little bit, but you had asked
` how the front page -- you can list both cases on
` the front page, you don't need to list as two
` separate transcripts for each case, because I
` believe that the issues are germane to the two
` cases.
` Okay. So we understand that the
` petitioner requested this conference call, so if
` counsel for the petitioner could please explain
` the nature of the conference call.
` MR. DAYBELL: Yes, Your Honor, this
` bears on our authorization to file the CBM, which
` is a point we believe we've established in our
` petition but the patent owner has challenged it.
` In our petitions we asserted that we
` are authorized to file the CBM because petitioner
` has an obligation to indemnify its customer, which
` was sued by the patent owner in the underlying
` litigation, and that gives rise to a charge of
` infringement under the CBM statutes.
` The patent owner challenges this
` assertion in its preliminary response and at this
` point we're simply asking to provide a little
` additional clarity for the record, in the form of
` a brief declaration to explain the relationship
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`Page 5
` between the underlying litigation and petitioner's
` authorization to file the CBM.
` As we noted in our initial contact
` with the board, this is an issue that has been
` addressed in the prior board decision, in
` CBM2013-00055, where essentially the exact relief
` that we're asking for here was authorized, so we
` don't see that there's any harm or any prejudice
` to the patent owner by adapting the same relief
` that was adopted in that case.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. We understand,
` though, there's an additional wrinkle that wasn't
` in that case that's in this case, in that the
` infringement action has been dismissed with
` prejudice; is that correct?
` MR. DAYBELL: I believe it is. Yes,
` yes, that infringement action has been dismissed
` with prejudice, yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: And I believe that
` the patent owner, in addition to you -- and I'll
` let them speak -- but as I understand it, they
` believe that that's an additional reason that you
` do not have standing. So we may ask you to brief
` that issue, as well.
` Okay. We'll hear from the patent
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`Page 6
` owner right now.
` MR. STERNE: Good morning, Your
` Honor and your fellow judge.
` So first of all we would like to
` start by stating for the record that the
` petitioner should not be allowed a do-over of
` their petition. This is a second bite at the
` apple, so to speak.
` The petitioner knew about this
` issue. They have brought to the Board's attention
` the case of CBM2013-00055 but, in fact, in that
` situation or in that decision from the Board,
` which we believe is not binding here, there were
` sufficient differences that warrant the denial of
` the request that the petitioner seeks today, to
` provide additional evidence that it should have
` provided in their original position, concerning
` two critical jurisdiction issues.
` The first issue, of course, is the
` alleged indemnification. They were very well
` aware of this issue, because it is their very --
` it's themselves in 2013-00055, it is captioned
` "GSI Commerce Solutions versus Clear with
` Computers, LLC," so they were well aware of this
` issue when they prepared and filed their petition.
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`Page 7
` And when this decision was rendered
` by Judge Bisk in the 00055 case in January of this
` year, we had not filed our patent owner
` preliminary response.
` So they could have moved at that
` point with the board to act to supplement their
` petition to fill in the defects that they
` obviously feel exist in their showing on
` indemnification, and also in their required
` showing of infringement, and they've done neither
` of these things.
` So now we find ourselves, after we
` have updated our mandatory notices, to bring to
` the Board's attention the order of dismissal with
` prejudice from the Eastern District of Texas, from
` Magistrate Judge John D. Love, that the underlying
` lawsuit with iRobot has been dismissed with
` prejudice as of April 10th, 2014.
` On April 16th of this year we filed
` in each case -- and I point to Exhibit 2015 and
` Paper Number 17 in CBM2014-00025 and also Paper 18
` and Exhibit 2019 in CBM2014-00026 -- we provided
` that order of dismissal with prejudice from Judge
` Love to the Board.
` So the jurisdiction, if there ever
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`Page 8
` was any, of an adequate case and controversy to
` support the CBM was divested from the Board with
` this order of dismissal with prejudice.
` And my final point, Your Honor, is
` that we brought to the Board's attention that we
` were working this issue with iRobot to settle the
` case when we prepared and filed our patent owner
` preliminary response.
` So the petitioner has been on notice
` of this issue for many weeks and we only find
` ourselves here today, right before the Board has
` to make its trial institution decision, with this
` extraordinary request from the petitioner. So I
` rest my arguments for now.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you,
` Mr. Sterne.
` And counsel for petitioner,
` Mr. Daybell, we would like to hear a brief
` rebuttal.
` MR. DAYBELL: Thank you, Your Honor.
` The patent owner's counsel makes a very big deal
` about this dismissal with prejudice, but the Board
` has already addressed this issue, as well, as to
` whether it finds the finality or final judgment in
` the underlying case affects the petitioner's right
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`Page 9
` to file a CBM. That was addressed in
` CBM2013-00042, entitled SAP versus Versata, and
` the paper that follows that decision, which was a
` decision instituting CBM review.
` The patent owner there argued that a
` final judgment in the underlying case meant that
` no controversy remained for the CBM, and the board
` there rejected that contention and found that
` the -- both Rule 302(a), as well as Section 18
` (a)(1)(b) of AIA simply literally meant that in
` that case it was interpreting the suit for an
` infringement provision rather than the charge with
` infringement provision here. That simply meant
` that if you have been sued or charged with
` infringement, you may file a petition for a CBM
` proceeding.
` They rejected the idea that a
` subsequent final judgment had any affect on the
` authorization or the authority to file a CBM
` proceeding, as long as at the time the proceeding
` was filed, the requirements of the rule and the
` requirements of the statute were met, that a
` person had been charged or sued with infringement,
` that was all that was necessary.
` And even if there is some weight or
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`Page 10
` some consideration to be given to this subsequent
` dismissal with prejudice, it only dismissed iRobot
` and the patent owner's claims against iRobot. It
` does nothing to initiate or divest or do away with
` the charge of infringement that the patent owner
` levied against petitioner when it sued
` petitioner's customer. That charge of
` infringement is still there.
` The patent owner has not given a
` covenant not to sue to the petitioner. They have
` dismissed the case against the single customer
` with prejudice, but they have not given us a
` covenant not to sue. They have not done anything
` to remove the threat of infringement that they
` levied against us when they sued our customer.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Could you respond to
` the lateness of your request, that Mr. Sterne had
` discussed?
` MR. DAYBELL: Sure.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: In other words, I
` guess, you know, was it the same counsel that was
` in CBM2013-00055 for GSI?
` MR. DAYBELL: No, Your Honor, it was
` not the same counsel. In fact, we are not the
` same counsel that was -- Orrick, Herrington, as
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`Page 11
` you may recall from the record, was substituted in
` for the counsel who filed this petition in both of
` these cases. So, no, it was not the same counsel
` in the 55 petition, and we were, in fact, not the
` same counsel that filed the current petitions. We
` made our -- I don't recall the exact date, Your
` Honor, but we made our appearances a couple of
` weeks ago.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: When were you made
` aware of that case?
` MR. DAYBELL: The 55 case?
` MR. DAYBELL: The first I personally
` became aware of that case would have been right
` around when we substituted in for prior counsel.
` So I don't know the exact date, Your Honor, but,
` again, it would have been within the last couple
` of weeks.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So you were
` not the -- current counsel for petitioner is not
` the counsel that filed the petition?
` MR. DAYBELL: Correct. We did not
` file the petitions we are discussing here today,
` nor did we file the petition in the 00055 CBM that
` I addressed earlier.
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`Page 12
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. All right.
` Just give us a minute we're going to confer.
` MR. STERNE: This the Robert Sterne
` again. With permission from the Board, I would
` like to provide a little bit of a response to that
` if I may.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Before you begin, one
` other question I had for counsel for petitioner
` before we give you a brief response time.
` Counsel for patent owner mentioned
` that, you know, hey, this is the second bite of
` the apple, so we would like you to respond to that
` argument, as well.
` MR. DAYBELL: I believe that we made
` our assertions in our petition. We asserted that
` we have authorization to file. We explained why
` we have authorization to file. All we're doing
` here is -- if the Board would like it -- is
` providing additional -- a little additional
` clarity to the public records, so that the
` connection between the underlying litigation and
` the petitioner -- in the relationship between the
` underlying and the petitioner is a little clearer
` in case there is any confusion.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So is it your --
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`Page 13
` MR. DAYBELL: I don't think this is
` a second bite at the apple -- I'm sorry -- I think
` it's just providing clarity to positions that are
` already set forth in our petition.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So is it your
` position that initially there is no real
` requirement for a petitioner to present evidence,
` as the patent owner suggests, with your petition;
` that in other words, our rule says that you need
` to certify; to establish standing a petitioner at
` a minimum would be required to certify with an
` explanation that the patent that covers met the
` patent, and that the petitioner meets the
` eligibility requirements.
` So is it your position then that you
` necessarily weren't obligated at the beginning to
` provide evidence, but to the extent that now a
` patent owner has raised this, you are available to
` provide evidence?
` MR. DAYBELL: I think that's right,
` Your Honor. And we did certify all of that in our
` petition, in a pleading signed by counsel, under
` the provisions of Rule 11 of the patent office's
` rules. So we did certify that in a pleading
` signed by prior counsel.
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`Page 14
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` Mr. Sterne, you have a few minutes
` here, if you would like to say something else.
` MR. STERNE: Yes, Your Honor. First
` of all, as the board has indicated in the patent
` office roadshow that I've been part of, as well as
` in other publications on the PTAB website, that
` the petition is not noticed pleadings, it's fact
` pleadings. Certification is not enough here.
` We're talking about a fundamental issue to have
` eligibility to file a CBM.
` They have the burden of proof. They
` could have argued, which they did not, and
` provided sufficient evidence of which they
` provided none, that there was an adequate
` indemnification between them and iRobot. They did
` not do that.
` The other thing they could have
` done, which they're now arguing today for the
` first time, that e-Bay is infringing, they have
` never shown that.
` We have never accused e-Bay of
` infringement, nor have we accused their subsidiary
` GSI. We have never done that and they have shown
` no proof for the record that we have.
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`Page 15
` They cannot be permitted to now
` update their petition to provide justification for
` their bare bones certification, just like the
` Board didn't allow this to be done in an IPR
` situation, in IPR2013-00139, Paper Number 27,
` Page 3, where Judge Jameson Lee did not permit
` this to happen.
` A second point that I would like to
` make is: Change of counsel has never been
` sufficient to justify the fact that delay has
` occurred throughout this case.
` If they wanted to bring this up, if
` the party challenging the patent owner's patent,
` GSI, wanted to bring this up, they had ample
` opportunity to do this before the patent owner's
` preliminary response, and after the patent owner's
` preliminary response and not at the end of the
` process.
` Final point: Unlike IPR where
` there's a one-year deadline, there is no one-year
` deadline here.
` They cite to the SAP versus Versata
` case. That case is still on appeal to the
` district court from the federal circuit.
` Here the case has been -- as a judge
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`Page 16
` in the Eastern District of Texas, Judge Love, has
` said that the order of dismissal with prejudice
` has occurred, the case is over, there's no appeal
` right that either side has to the federal circuit.
` So I would urge the Board to put the
` CBM process in the proper context. As the federal
` circuit indicated this morning, the issue of
` institution is not appealable.
` If this case goes forward with this
` inadequate showing that GSI has provided, we will
` have no relief; we will be forced to go through
` the entire process, if the board institutes trial,
` and then and only then will we be permitted the
` opportunity to raise this issue at the federal
` circuit. That is not fair and that is not the way
` the CBM process should be run. Thank you.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` Well, if we decide to authorize
` petitioner some supplemental briefing with respect
` to this, as patent owner, of course you would have
` an opportunity to respond.
` MR. STERN: I understand, Your
` Honor, but I think that if you authorize any
` supplemental briefing, it should be limited solely
` to the issue of change of circumstance, which is
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`Page 17
` the fact that there is no longer a case in
` controversy due to the order of dismissal with
` prejudice.
` I don't think that the petitioner
` should be allowed to provide evidence to do a
` do-over on their initial petition. I think they
` should be limited solely to that issue.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So as I
` understand, you're saying they shouldn't be
` allowed to now come in and say, oh, to the extent
` that the iRobot relationship is found to be no
` good, then we are still being charged with
` infringement because of e-Bay, the e-Bay
` situation. That's what you're saying?
` MR. STERNE: That's correct, Your
` Honor, they should not be allowed to provide any
` evidence or argument relating to their actual
` infringement. They never alleged that and they
` had the burden to do that, and so any briefing
` that they should be allowed to do, in our
` position, is solely for the change of
` circumstance.
` If the Board permits them to provide
` additional evidence concerning the alleged
` indemnification, we don't think that is proper, we
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`Page 18
` think that what should be required is they file
` another CBM, which they're totally allowed to do
` under the rules.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. I do want to
` ask counsel for petitioner, I think that counsel
` for the patent owner has a good point there, you
` are kind of moving the target then, if you say
` well, if the indemnification argument is no good,
` then, oh, we're going to change position here and
` we're still being charged with an infringement.
` MR. DAYBELL: Yes, Your Honor. In
` one of the two petitions we -- already we alleged
` that e-Bay was charged with infringement via a
` demand letter that was sent, so that's not true
` for the second petition. But for one of the two
` petitions that allegation is already there.
` And the basis for our argument that
` we are charged with infringement or that GSI, the
` e-Bay enterprise is charged with infringement,
` arises from the charge that was delivered when
` they sued our customer iRobot.
` That infringement suit was both a
` suit against our customer iRobot, because we have
` an obligation to indemnify them, it arises as a --
` giving us authorization to file the CBM, but it
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`Page 19
` was also a charge of infringement against our
` product used by iRobot. And they have done
` nothing to dispel that charge of infringement
` against our product. All they've done is dismiss
` the single customer.
` They have not given up the covenant
` not to sue. They have not done anything to
` dismiss the charge of infringement that was
` presented when they filed the suit against our
` customer.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: To bring your
` petition how did you explain to the Board that you
` had standing? As I recall it was because of the
` relationship with iRobot, it had nothing to do
` with the fact of the demand letter that you
` mentioned.
` MR. DAYBELL: That was true in the
` 00025 petition -- forgive me if it get these
` numbers transposed -- in the 00025 petition that
` was true, but in the 00026 petition, which
` involved a different patent, we did receive a
` demand letter for that patent. So in that one we
` alleged authorization to file a CBM on both
` grounds.
` MR. STERNE: You Honor, may I
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`Page 20
` address this demand letter issue that they're now
` raising for the first time?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Briefly. Then
` we need to wrap up.
` MR. STERNE: Okay. I'm sorry Your
` Honor.
` The case law is clear that a demand
` letter doesn't create necessarily a case in
` controversy, and we're going from a demand letter
` to the filing of a lawsuit. The facts are not in
` the record for either the demand letter or for the
` lawsuit.
` We never accused e-bay or iRobot --
` I mean e-Bay -- of infringing. The fact of the
` matter is that they had the burden to show this
` allegation when they filed the petition. They can
` rectify that by filing a new petition. We have no
` way to prevent them there from filing CBM petition
` after CBM petition. So we need to be protected
` here. They did not do their job. They should not
` be allowed a redo.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Could you give
` us a minute to confer and then we will get back on
` the phone.
` MR. STERN: Yes, Your Honor.
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`Page 21
` - - -
` (Whereupon, there was a recess in
` the proceedings from 10:26 a.m. to
` 10:30 a.m.)
` - - -
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` We're back. We have now conferred and we would
` like additional briefing on this issue, so we will
` authorize the petitioner to file additional
` briefing. Of course we will allow the patent
` owner to have a chance to respond.
` We will set forth in an order the
` particularities and the reasoning behind
` authorizing the additional briefing.
` We would like to know from
` petitioner how quickly you could file some sort of
` paper with the Board.
` MR. DAYBELL: Today's Friday. We
` could move pretty quickly on this issue, I think,
` Your Honor.
` A VOICE: Would next Friday --
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Friday is too much
` time.
` MR. DAYBELL: That's what I was
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`Page 22
` going to say. I wasn't sure who spoke on the
` phone, that wasn't me.
` We can do it by next Wednesday,
` would that work?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Well, the decision to
` institute's due May 21st, so I was thinking
` Tuesday.
` MR. DAYBELL: That's fine, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: And then give the
` patent owner until Friday to respond.
` MR. DAYBELL: That's fine, Your
` Honor.
` Your order may cover this when it
` comes out: With our briefing would you also like
` us to include a declaration along the lines of
` what was done in the 00055 case?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Yeah, we'll specify.
` MR. DAYBELL: Okay.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So, Mr. Sterne, would
` that be acceptable to you, by Friday to respond?
` MR. STERNE: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: All right. So are
` there any other questions or concerns?
` MR. DAYBELL: None from petitioner,
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`Page 23
` Your Honor.
` MR. STERN: Your Honor, can you give
` us any indication of pages that we will be allowed
` or is that something you're going to consider?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: That's something
` we'll consider. You know, obviously, we don't
` want to have to authorize more pages than we think
` are necessary. Originally we had talked about
` saying five pages each, but it might be that we
` need more than that. So probably, I'm thinking,
` five to seven or eight pages.
` Does anyone have a suggestion?
` MR. STERNE: Your Honor, I would say
` it depends on what issues are going to be allowed
` to be briefed, because, obviously, we're opening
` up -- you know, we're opening up a big issue here,
` depending on how the Board rules, on what will be
` allowed to be briefed.
` And again, I think that the burden,
` as I said several times before, at the beginning
` of the process, was -- could have been addressed
` by either party with any amount of space they
` wanted within the page limits for the petition and
` the POPR.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Thank you. If there
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`Page 24
` are no further questions.
` - - -
` (Discussion held off the
` record.)
` - - -
` JUDGE MEDLEY: I don't know
` necessarily t

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