3 LD/
`n .
`_ f NW:
`Unlted States Patent and Tredemerk Ofllce
`Waflihgtan. DC. 20231
`" l
`NEW YCIRK NY 1.01.54
`' __fl
`$15/22ffl 1
`Please flnd below 'endfor attached an Ofllce'communlcatlon concerning thle apnllcntlon or
`Colmrnleeloner of Patents and Trademark.
`_ PTO-IOU(newtune)


`Office Action Summary
`- Emminer
`Application No.
`MoNaily et al.
`- The MAILING DATE oflhis communication appears on the coversheei‘ with the correspondence address --
`Period tor Reply
`‘ Extensions at time may be available under the provisions of 3? CFR 1.136 (a).
`aI‘ler SIX [5) MONTHS from the mailing date or this communication.
`- It the period tor reply specified above is less than thirty (30) days. a reply wtthln the statutory minimum of thltty (all) days will
`be considered tin-rely.
`.- ii NO period lor reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire Six {5) MONTHS from the mailing data of this
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will. by statute. cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 LL36. § 133).
`- Any reply received by the Otfice later than three months alter the mailing date at this communication. even It timely tiled-may reduce any
`earned patent Ierrn adjustment. See 3? CFR 1..?O-|1{b)
`In no event. however. may e reply be timely filed
`1}.“ Responsive to communication{s) filed on Mar 1 2931
`2338] This action is FINAL.
`2km: This action is non-final.
`3) El Since this application is In condition for allowance except for Iormai matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quafi'fl35 CD. 11; 453 0.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`41E] Ciaimls} HQ 31:29. “-5-! 56 ggd £2
`4:) O! the above. oiaimte)
`BjfiJ Claimls} 20-30 andm- 3E3 M
`618] Claimlsl 1-19.31-39.44-4§ , fig and i?
`7H3 Ctairnls)
`8) 3 Claims
`isiare pending in the applica
`[stare withdrawn from considers
`isiare allowed.
`istare rejected.
`isiare' objected to.
`are subject to restriction andior election require
`Application Papers
`9} :l The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`10} E The drawingtsl tiled on
`11):] The proposed drawing correction tiled on
`12“] The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner.
`Isiare objected to by the Examiner.
`is: afl
`approved bjljdisapproved
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`131D Acknowledgement is made of a claim tor foreign priority under 35 U. 5. C. 9 1 19(aHd}.
`ajC] All by El Some' c)
`[None cl"
`1. D Certified copies ol the priority documents have been received.
`2. E Certified copies or the priority documents have been received in Application No
`3. Cl Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received'In this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 112(3)}.
`'See the attached detailed Office action tor a list or the certified copies not received.
`14} D Acknowledgement is made or a claim for domestic priority under 35 U. 5.0. § 119(c).
`15} Elnora of Reference. cm Mom]
`16) [juouce or Oreilaoeraon‘a Patent Dimming Review [Dragnet
`m Dlrflwnmtlon Diastosme Statemenite] taro-1449: Paper Note].
`U. 5. Palm Ind ledamlll Ollie
`13: D Interview Summary tPTO413}Paper Notei.
`19} D Mike at Inrom-iar Patent Appliceilun {£01521
`zoi C] Other:
`PTO-326 i Rev. 900)
`Office Action Summary
`Part at Paper No. a


`ApplicatioMControl Number: 09I400,413 "
`Art Unit: 2173
`Claim Rejections 33.USC-§ 192
`The followingIsaquotation ofthe appropriate paragrapli3.o3 .5 U.S.C 102 that form the
`basis for the rejectione' under this section -_rnade'In this Office action:
`A person 3h3|1 be entitled to a patent unless --
`(e) the invention was describedin a patent granted onan application for patent by another f‘ledin the United
`States. before the invention thereof by the applicant for patent. or on an intemational applicationBy another who
`has fulfilled the requirements of paragraphs- (l-JI-(2),:eod=(4)ofsection 3ND ofthis title before Ilie invention
`thereof by the applicant for patent.-
`Claims 1-19, 31-39 and 50-54) rejected tinder 35 11.3.0 102(e) as being anticipated by
`Cupps et al. (5.99113 9}
`Regarding claim I, Cupps discloses an affirmation management and synchio'iious
`communications: system for generating menus comprising: a central processing unit, a data
`storage device connected to saidcentral proceseiing unit, an operating system::ir'tcluding a graphical
`user interface (see figureélz), a first menu stored'son-s'aiii data storageid ' c
`sipplication software
`for generating a second merit-1from said first.“menuwherein the. application software facilitates the
`I generation of the second menu by allowing selection ofIterns fi'om the first menu, addition of
`graphical user interface ofsaid operating system (see col. 9, lines 42-67).
`Regarding claim 2, Cupps discloses an information management and synchronous
`communications system, wherein the second menu is a restaurant menu (see col. 5, lines 23-67).


`Appiicarioanontroi Number: 09r400,413 '
`Page 3
`Art Unit: 2173
`Regarding claim 3, Cupps discloses an information management and synchronous
`communications system, wherein: thegsecorid menu Scapable.aof_heing displayed on the display
`screen of a wireless computing-Haida (see col. 4, lines 1-55).
`Regardingclaims 4 and S, Cuposdiscloses an infonnation managemetjtand synchronous
`communicationsisirstem, wherein selectionSfi-om thesecond menu are capahlédi‘hcing
`transmitted to inureceiving computer by wireless lime-“(see figures 1-2).
`Regarding ciaims 6 and 3'; Cupps"discioses_-anI=:i'iifonnationL-management and synchronous
`'communicgtions system in, wherein the computer'ne‘twork is the internet; and selections from the
` gireceiuing computer via the internet (see col. 9,
`tied to;
`second menu are capable ofbeing 11'
`lines 16-65 and figure 8-10).
`Regardingiclaims 8-11, Cuppsdascloses :an information management andigtnchronous
`communications" simian} whereiri"the second menu is created"id--conforrnitygiirith'hypertexr markup
`language or extensible-merkup language (see' 661. iii-lines 3-56 arid:_figures'7;l (I).
`As claims 12-19. 3143§ and. 5Q-54zigarganelyzed esi’bregyibusly discussed with respect to
`claims 1-1 1 above.


`Applicatiow'Control Number: 097400,413
`Page 4
`Art Unit: 2173
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of.245 USC Iiifllfifa) which forms the basis for all obviousness
`rejections set forth in this'fiffice' action:
`section [02 ofthis title. ifthe difi‘emncos fitween the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are
`such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person
`having ordinary ski]!11-1 the art to which saidsubject matter pertains Patentability shall not be negatived by the
`manner inwhich the. invention was made.
`This'iippiication currentiy namesjointinventors.“ In considering patentabiiity ofthe claims
`under 35 U.S.C. 10301), the examiner presumes :that the subject matter of the various claims was
`commoniy "owned at the time any inventionscovered therein were made absent any evidence to
` the contrary. ..-Applicen1 is advised o'fthe‘
`. 7 CFR 1.56 to point outthe inventor
`and invention'idates of each claim that-was not no 'riionly owned at the time a later invention was
`made in order tier-the examiner to consider the applieability of‘35 U.S.C. 1031:1an potential 35
`U. S C. 102m 01' (g) pnor an under 35 -U 5910361)
`Claims 44-49 and 5e57 are rejected under 35 USC 103(a)asbeing unpatentable over
`Cuppsin view ofBehr et al. [US Patent No 607944)
`Regarding claim 44, Cupps fails to explicitly teach at least one wireless handheld __
`computing device on which hospitality application.
`Bohr teaches wireless handheld computing'device on which hospitality application (see
`col. 14, lines H 7).
`It would have been obvious to one of an ordinary skill in the art at the time
`the invention was made to provide wireless handheld computing device on which hospitality


`Applica-tionfControl Number: 0921003113
`Page 5
`Art Unit: 2173
`application as taught by Behr to the internet on~line ordering vendor of Cupps; in order to provide
`the customer with the hospitality overt; ew1reless gimmunication device.
`friendly and to remotely access:;into::the hospitality ordering data as:
`it would enhance user
`Regardingaciaim 45, Behr discldses wherein the.communications'coittroi module and the
`application program interface enable automaticsgeneration ofand updating ofFoperator menus or
`screen ofthjeihandheld (see figures 33-35).
`Regarding claim 46; Cupps discloseswherein-5Messagingformat are used which are
`oonfonnityégwith HTML or XML message'format- (see col. 9, lines 3155).
`46 above.
`As claims 48-49 and 56-37 aFe
`alyzed tie-previously discussed with respect to claims 44—_
`Response to Arguments
`Applicant’sajrguments filed-on 03l01f01jiiave been fully considered-but they are not
`On page 7, Applicarit irgfiégirsm-guggs fails to etipliiiitl‘y :th or suggest “the second
`menu is synchronized between the data storage-device connected to CPU However, the
`limitations set forth to reply upon “A customer accesses the oniine ordering machine through a
`client computer that is connected to the Internet. The customer enters-the appropriate web
`address or universal resource locator (URL) for the online ordering machine. The online order
`pretzedure interacts with the client computer by providing access to a series of web pages that can


`ApplicationfControl Number: 09f400,4l3 i
`Page 6
`Art Unit: 2173
`be downloaded to the client computer for the customer's use Initially, a home web page is
`provided to the client computer. The customer :ican'reg'ister with: the online ordering machine
`which is accomplished byfilling'oiii information requested throughoneor more web pages. The
`customer is then provided with a web page. that prompts-the customer fd'r-=lii_s__;iocation as shown in
`the exemplary; web page. This web pagecanalsoobtamjthe current time at the-cflstomer's
`location which is" returned to the online ordeiiproce'dure. The current time is usedtodetermine
`which restaurants meeting the customer‘s critierla"areiiEi-iirrentl-yuopen.
`In addition, the web page
`obtains thegtype of service that the customer:s'eeks; but not limited to take-out; service
`lines 35e65-andufiéures 2-317,
`or delivery service." See Cupps col."
`On page 7, Applicant argues that the..c_laims invention describe a real-timeisynchronization
`of data on difierent computers or database. However, the-limitation as claimed Was not clearly
`defined in the claim invention.
`""Aiflowrwtemied We
`Claims 20.30, 40.43 and 55 are gusto over the prior art ofrecord.
`Applicant has claimed uniquely distinct features in the instant invention whicharenot
`found in the prior art either singularly or in combination. They are an information management
`and synchronous communications system for generating and transmitting menus a sub—modifier
`menu stored on data storage device and displayable in a window of graphical user interface, and


`ApplicationfControl Number: 09a’400.4l 3
`Page 7
`Art Unit: 2173
`application software for generating a second menu From first menu and transmitting second menu
`Chen (USPaTent No. 5724069). diSolosesoo vention offiei'interacfive interface providing an
`on--line ordering diotribution, either singuiarly or:In combmanon fail to antmlpateor render the
`above underlined limitations obvious.
`The prior art made of record and not relied opon is considered pertinent to applicant's
`disciosure and provided on the attached Form 892.


`Applicatioru'Control Number: OQMOOAI‘J I:
`Page 8
`Art Unit: 2173
`THIS ACTION IS MADE FINAL. Applicant is reminded ofthe extension of time
`policy as set forth in 37 CFR 1.136(3).
`A shortened stamtory_ip6riod for reply to this final sot-io'ri"iis...s:§t:_to expire THREE
`MONTHS from the rfiailing date ofthjé-aotion.
`In the .esrent a first reitlyhig'iiied within TWO
`MONTHS ofthermailing date ofthis final action and'theadvisory action is not 'rnailed until afier
`the end ofth'e_TiEREE-MON‘TH shortened. statutofy'period, then the shortened-statutory period
`will expire on the date the advisoryaction-isiinailarand =any=exteusion fee pursuant to 37
`'CFR 1.1363(3) will be calculatedii'from themaifi-né date of the advisory action.
`In no event.
`however, will the statutory period for’:§fegl¥jiexpirg later than SIX MONTHS from the mailing date
`of this final 'action.
`Responses to this action should be rnaiiednto: 'CommissionertzofPatents and Trademarks,
`Washington, DC. 20231.
`I=f'aopl-ie'anfigdesires-mo fax a reps-9552, (705:) 303-6306 may be used for
`formal communications
`Please label “PROPOSED” or “DRAFT" for informal facsimile communicatiofis'fFor after
`final responses, please label “AFTER FINAL“ or “EXPEDITED PROCEDURE" on the


`ApplicationfControl Number; 09l400,413
`Art Unit: 2173
`Page 9
`Hand-delivered responses should be brought to Crystal Park II, 2121 Crystal Drive,
`Arlington, VA. Sixth Floor (Receptionist);-
`Anyhinquiry concerning this communication'or earlier communications Earn-the examiner
`should be directed to Cao (Kevin)--Nguyen3i§iiose3 l'ephone--numbet is (703) 303-3971 The
`Iexar'ninencen normally be reached on MondayLFriday.from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm.
`If attempts to reach the; email
`y telephone. are-unsuccessfiil, the examiner’s
`supervisor; John W. Cabeca, can be "reaehedo
`63?}"30'8‘3'1'16. The fax number: for this group is
`(703) 303—6350... -
`Any inquiry-of- a general nature or relating to the status of this application or proceeding
`should be directed to the Group receptionist'whfose'iielephone number lS-(7-I03) 305-3900.
`PATENT sunfish
`Art U nit 27 73
`Cao “Kevin” Nguyen
`May 16, 2001
`ART UNIT 2173

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