Incremental Maintenance for Materialized Views over
`Semistructured Data
`Serge Abitebouly Jason McHughz Michael Rysz Vasilis Vassalosz
`Janet L. Wienerz
`y INRIA-Rocquencourt
`F-  Le Chesnay, France
`z Stanford University
`Stanford, CA  , USA
`Semistructured data is not strictly typed like relational
`or object-oriented data and may be irregular or incom-
`It often arises in practice, e.g., when heteroge-
`neous data sources are integrated or data is taken from
`the World Wide Web. Views over semistructured data
`can be used to lter the data and to restructure or pro-
`vide structure to it. To achieve fast query response time,
`these views are often materialized. This paper proposes
`an incremental maintenance algorithm for materialized
`views over semistructured data. We use the graph-based
`data model OEM and the query language Lorel, devel-
`oped at Stanford, as the framework for our work. Our
`algorithm produces a set of queries that compute the up-
`dates to the view based upon an update of the source.
`We develop an analytic cost model and compare the cost
`of executing our incremental maintenance algorithm to
`that of recomputing the view. We show that for nearly
`all types of database updates, it is more ecient to ap-
`ply our incremental maintenance algorithm to the view
`than to recompute the view from the database, even when
`there are thousands of updates.
` Introduction
`Database views increase the exibility of a database
`system by adapting the data to user or application
`needs  , . Views are frequently materialized to
`speed up querying when the underlying data is remote
`or response time is critical , . Once a view is ma-
`terialized, however, its contents must be maintained in
`order to preserve its consistency with the base data.
`Maintenance can be performed either by recomputing
`the view contents from the database or by comput-
` Research partially supported by NSF grant IRI  ,
`Air Force contract F     , the Swiss National Sci-
`ence Foundation, and the Lilian Voudouri Foundation.
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
`direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and
`the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is
`given that copying is by permission of the Very Large Data Base
`Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee
`andor special permission from the Endowment.
`Proceedings of the th VLDB Conference
`New York, USA, 
`ing the incremental updates to the view based on the
`updates to the database. In this paper, we study the
`maintenance of materialized views for semistructured
`data. We propose a simple view specication mecha-
`nism and an algorithm for incremental maintenance.
`We then demonstrate the algorithm’s strengths and
`weaknesses with a maintenance cost analysis.
`Unlike relational or object-oriented data, semistruc-
`tured data need not conform to a xed schema. The
`data may be irregular or incomplete, and often arises
`in practice, e.g., when heterogeneous data sources are
`integrated or data is extracted from the World Wide
`Web  , , , . Views over semistructured data
`can be used to lter the data and to restructure or
`provide structure to it  . Filtering is crucial since
`semistructured data is often encountered by applica-
`tions interested in a very small portion of the available
`data e.g., some specic data from the Web. Further-
`more, a view is the only way in which we can restruc-
`ture semistructured data that is outside of our control.
`For performance reasons, views over semistructu-
`red data often need to be materialized. Queries over
`semistructured data possibly traversing long paths
`are expensive to evaluate, as Mike Carey argued re-
`cently  . A materialized view can be used to isolate
`the data of interest, allowing subsequent queries to
`run over a smaller, often more structured, data set.
`Materialized views can also be used to rewrite queries
`over the base data and improve the query performance
` . Furthermore, queries over the materialized view
`may be able to take advantage of standard query opti-
`mization techniques and access methods for structured
`data, even though the underlying base data of the view
`is semistructured.
`View mechanisms and algorithms for materialized
`view maintenance have been studied extensively in
`the context of the relational model  , ,  , , .
`Incremental maintenance has been shown to dra-
`matically improve performance for relational views
`. Views are much richer in the object world 
`and, subsequently, languages for specifying and query-
`ing materialized views are signicantly more intricate
`, , ,  , .
`Previous results on incremental view maintenance
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2020-1


`Name Rating
`Name Rating
`Name Rating
`"Four Stars"
`"Thai City"
`"Beef Stew"
`Figure : A Simple OEM Database
`for object databases  ,  and nested data  are
`based on the extensive use of type information. Semi-
`structured data provides no type information, so the
`same techniques do not apply. In particular, subobject
`sharing along with the absence of a schema make it dif-
`cult to detect if a particular update aects a view.
`Gluche and colleagues  use a view maintenance
`scheme that is limited to linear OQL view denitions.
`Because of subobject sharing, most nontrivial semi-
`structured view denitions are not linear, making their
`approach inapplicable in our context.
`Suciu   also considers incremental view mainte-
`nance for semistructured data. The view specica-
`tion language is limited to select-project queries and
`only considers database insertions. Our approach al-
`lows joins in the view query and handles database in-
`sertions, deletions, and updates. Zhuge and Garcia-
`Molina  also investigate graph structured views
`and their incremental maintenance. However, their
`views consist of object collections only, while we in-
`clude edges structure between objects. Also, their
`maintenance algorithms only work for select-project
`views over tree-structured databases, while our ap-
`proach handles joins and arbitrary graph-structured
`Our work is based on the Object Exchange Model
`OEM   for semistructured data.
`In OEM, a
`database is a directed, labeled graph. OEM has strong
`similarities to XML  , a proposed standard for a uni-
`versal format for data on the Web. Our view specica-
`tion language is based on the Lorel query language for
`OEM . We propose a view specication extension to
`Lorel that introduces two sets of objects in the view:
`  the select-from-where part species the primary ob-
`jects imported to the view and  the new with part
`species paths from the primary objects to adjunct
`objects. Both the paths and the adjunct objects ap-
`pear in the view. The distinction between the two sets
`of objects is invisible to the user  it is only used to
`simplify the discussion of the incremental maintenance
`algorithm. Given a view and a database update, the
`algorithm produces a set of maintenance statements,
`evaluates them on the database to yield a set of view
`updates, and installs the updates in the view.
`We demonstrate the advantages of our algorithm
`with a cost model and a performance evaluation. We
`compare the cost of recomputation to the cost of incre-
`mentally computing the new view. Our results show
`that the incremental maintenance algorithm is several
`orders of magnitude faster than recomputing the view
`for insertion and deletion of edges between objects.
`In addition, incremental maintenance is cheaper for
`small numbers of atomic value changes. However, in
`some cases, such as when a substantial portion of the
`database is updated, it may be cost eective to recom-
`pute the view.
`The presented maintenance algorithm can be used
`both for immediate maintenance   and for deferred
`maintenance  ,  of the views. The techniques
`presented here are also applicable to other query
`languages for semistructured data  , for the Web
`, , and to some extent to query languages for
`hypertext documents  , .
` View Specication
`We use the Lore system   to investigate material-
`ized view maintenance over semistructured data. We
`now introduce OEM, the data model used by Lore; the
`Lorel query language; the view specication language;
`and the update operations.  and   provide further
`details on Lorel and the view specication language,
`. The OEM Data Model
`An OEM database is a labeled, directed graph
`such as the small example database given in Fig-
`ure .
`Each vertex in the graph represents an
`object; each object has a unique object identier
`oid such as &. Atomic objects contain a value
`from one of the atomic types, e.g., integer, real,
`string, gif, java, audio. All other objects are
`complex objects and in the Lore system have a set
`of hlabel; subobjectoidi pairs as their value.
`In Fig-
`ure , object & is atomic and has the value Thai
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2020-2


`City". Object & is complex and has as its value
`fhEntree; & i; hName; & i; hRating; & i; hEntree;
`& ig. Names are special labels that each serve as an
`alias for a single object, and are used as entry points
`into the database. In Figure , Guide is a name that
`denotes object & .
`There is no notion of a schema in an OEM database.
`Semantic information is included in the labels, which
`are part of the data and can change dynamically.
`In this respect, an OEM database is self-describing.
`OEM has been designed to handle incompleteness of
`data, as well as the structural and type heterogeneity
`as exhibited in Figure . For example, observe that
`the Restaurant object & has no Entree subobjects,
`while Restaurants & and & each have two.
`. The Lorel Query Language
`Lorel, for Lore Language, uses the familiar select-from-
`where syntax of SQL, and can be considered an exten-
`sion to OQL   that provides powerful path expres-
`sions for traversing the data and extensive coercion
`rules for a more forgiving type system. Both features
`are useful when operating in a semistructured environ-
`ment. Consider the Lorel query in Example .
`Example Lorel Query
`select e
`from Guide.Restaurant r, r.Entree e
`where r.Name = Baghdad Cafe"
`e.Ingredient = Mushroom";
`The query asks for all Entree subobjects of a Restau-
`rant object where the restaurant’s name is Baghdad
`Cafe" and one of the ingredients of the entree has the
`value Mushroom". The result of this query over the
`database in Figure is the set f& g.
`The expression Guide.Restaurant r, r.Entree e is
`a path expression describing a traversal through the
`In this paper, a path expression is com-
`posed of one-step paths of the form x:L y, where x is
`bound to a set of objects, L is the label for some out-
`going edge, and y designates the set of objects that
`are reached by starting from an object in the set x
`and traversing an edge labeled L. Each one-step path
`describes a single step traversal through the data and
`can be written hx; L; yi.
`While Lorel supports many ways for specifying
`paths for example, by combining one-step path ex-
`pressions, eliminating variables, or using wild cards,
`in this paper, we use one-step paths for clarity. Path
`expressions appearing in the where clause that are not
`quantied by the from clause are implicitly existen-
`tially quantied according to Lorel semantics.
`. View Specication in Lorel
`A view specication statement in Lorel   imports ob-
`jects and edges from a source database into a view.
`In addition, new objects and edges can be created in
`the view. Our view specication language can:  
`identify objects within a graph;  import arbitrary
`subgraphs;   add or remove objects appearing in
`the view. To specify views, we use Lorel’s query and
`update operations and extend the select-from-where
`statement with a with clause.
`The with clause is composed of path expressions
`where each path begins from a variable appearing in
`the select clause. Each object and edge along a path in
`the with clause is included in the view. Intuitively, the
`select-from-where statement returns a at set of ob-
`jects. The with clause imports some of the structure
`of the database in the view. It is a compromise be-
`tween returning everything or nothing reachable from
`selected objects.
`We call the objects included in the view by the
`select-from-where part of the view specication the
`primary objects and the objects included in the view
`by the with clause the adjunct objects. An object can
`be both a primary and an adjunct object in a view.
`Although a view denition may consist of several view
`specication statements, in this paper, we concentrate
`on views dened by a single statement.
`The view specication in Example  denes a view
`for the result of the query in Example now written
`in an OQL-like syntax  along with all Name and
`Ingredient subobjects of each Entree.
`Example  Canonical View Specication
`dene view FavoriteEntrees as Entrees =
`select e
`from Guide.Restaurant r, r.Entree e
`where exists x in r.Name: x = Baghdad Cafe"
`exists y in e.Ingredient: y = Mushroom"
`with e.Name n, e.Ingredient i;
`The objects bound to e are primary objects, while
`all the subobjects discovered by the with clause are
`adjunct objects. Without the with clause, a view is
`a simple collection of objects that satisfy the query,
`without edges or subobjects present.
`. Materialized Views
`We now explain how views are materialized in Lore,
`using a simple top-down query evaluation strategy  .
`First, the from then where clauses are evaluated to
`obtain bindings for variables that appear in the from
`clause and satisfy the where clause. The select clause
`is evaluated for these bindings. Each primary object
`identied by the select clause is then augmented with
`the subobjects and edges in the with clause.
`In the
`view, each imported database object is represented by
`a new delegate object.
`Figure  shows the materialized view for Example 
`applied to the database in Figure . The objects & ,
`& , and &  in Figure provide bindings for e, n and
`i; the sole primary object & ’ and the adjunct objects
`& ’ and & ’ are the corresponding delegate objects
`in the view.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2020-3


`"Beef Stew"
`Figure : The materialized view for Example 
`. Update Operations
`The Lorel update statements  contain three elemen-
`tary update operations that can aect a materialized
` Insertion and deletion of the edge with label L from
`the object with oid o to the object with oid o,
`denoted hIns; o ; L; oi and hDel; o ; L; oi.
` Change of value of the atomic object with oid o
`from OldVal to NewVal, denoted hChg; o ; OldVal;
` View Maintenance
`When an update operation aects a materialized view,
`the view must be maintained to keep it consistent with
`the database. A view V is considered consistent with
`the database DB if the evaluation of the view speci-
`cation S over the database yields the view instance
`V = SDB. Therefore, when the database DB is
`updated to DB, we need to update the view V to
`V = SDB in order to preserve its consistency.
`Our incremental maintenance algorithm computes
`the new state of the materialized view from the cur-
`rent state of the database, the view, and the database
`updates. Similar to relational view maintenance al-
`gorithms, the incremental maintenance algorithm uses
`the database updates to minimize the portion of the
`database examined when computing the view updates
` .
`The algorithm applies to an important subset of
`Lorel  . More specically, it handles every view spec-
`ication statement without wild cards, subqueries, or
`negation except on atomic objects, e.g., x =  is per-
`mitted. To simplify the presentation, in our examples
`the select clause is of the form select y" generalizing
`for any select clause is straightforward.
` . Overview of the Maintenance Algorithm
`We treat the primary and adjunct objects Vprim and
`Vadj separately during maintenance. The algorithm’s
`input is shown in Figure .
`The view specication S, the database update U ,
`and the database state DB after the update are
`used to compute the view maintenance statements in
`Lorel syntax. These statements generate the sets
` . View specication statement S:
`select vi
`from v:L v , . . . , vj:Lk vk, . . . , vn(cid:0) :Ln vn
` vj can be any variable that
` already appeared in the sequence
`where conditionsv ; : : : ; vn
`with vi:L w , w :L  w , . . . , w p(cid:0) :L p w p,
`uj:Lj wj , . . . , wjk(cid:0) :Ljk wjk, . . . ,
`wjq(cid:0) :Ljq wjq
` where uj is vi or wkl
`   j,  k  j (cid:0) ,  l
`. Update U :
`hIns; o ; L; oi,
`hDel; o ; L; oi,
`hChg; o ; OldV al; N ewV ali
` . New database state DB
`. View instance V
`Figure : Incremental maintenance algorithm input
`ADDprim, DELprim, ADDadj , and DELadj of ob-
`jects and edges to add to and remove from the view.
`In Figure , we abbreviate the where clause with
`conditionsv ; : : : ; vn." Conditions are written in
`disjunctive normal form using boolean expressions,
`such as y = Mushroom", as in SQL.
` . Check for relevance of update U to the view instance
`V dened by the view specication S. Generate a set
`of relevant variables R. If R is empty, stop.
`. Generate maintenance
`ADDprim and DELprim using U , S, and R.
` . Generate maintenance
`ADDadj and DELadj using U , S, R, and ADDprim
`or DELprim.
`. Install ADDprim, DELprim, ADDadj, and DELadj
`in V .
`Figure : Basic structure of the incremental mainte-
`nance algorithm
`Figure  outlines the steps of the view maintenance
`algorithm. We describe the algorithm as it operates on
`a single update. First, it checks whether the update is
`relevant to the view, that is, if update U could cause
`a change to the view instance V . If so, the algorithm
`creates the Lorel statements that generate ADDprim
`and DELprim. The statements identify the primary
`objects to add and remove by explicitly binding the
`objects in the update to the view specication. The
`algorithm then creates the sets of maintenance state-
`ments that generate ADDx
`adj and DELx
`adj . ADDx
`and DELx
`adj contain the adjunct objects and edges to
`add and remove for each with clause variable x. Ad-
`junct objects may be aected in three ways:   by
`newly inserted or deleted primary objects;  by cur-
`rent adjunct objects that are the source of an inserted
`or deleted edge; and   by atomic value changes.
` . Relevance of an Update
` We extend Lorel to allow the use of explicit object identiers
`wherever names are allowed within a statement.
`To avoid generating and evaluating! unnecessary
`maintenance statements, we rst perform some sim-
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2020-4


`function RelevantVarsUpdate U , View specication S
` If updated object is not in RelevantOids, then it’s not
` relevant. RelevantOids is fhoid; queryvariableig.
`if ho U ; i = RelevantOids then return ;;
` Find out which variables are relevant to the update
`vars ;; relvars ;;
`foreach v  variablesS do
` If updated object is not in RelevantOids, then it’s
` not relevant
`if ho U ; vi  RelevantOids then vars vars  fvg;
` If update is atomic change, do simple syntactic check
`if typeU  = Chg then
`foreach v  vars do
` Let constantsS, v be the constants appearing
` in S compared to v, e.g., using = here
`foreach c  constantsS, v do
` See if there’s a predicate in the view spec
` whose value may have changed
`if OldValU  = cand NewValU  = c or
`OldValU  = c and NewValU  = c then
`elserelvars vars;
`return relvars;
`Figure : RelevantVars returns the view specication
`variables for which the update U is relevant.
`ple relevance checks. We use an auxiliary data struc-
`ture, RelevantOids, to keep information that would be
`available from the schema in a structured database.
`RelevantOids contains the object identier of every ob-
`ject touched during the evaluation of a view specica-
`tion, paired with the variable to which it was bound,
`whether or not the object eventually appears in the
`view. It is used to check quickly whether a database
`update could possibly aect the view. For example, if
`object o in a Chg update does not appear in Relevan-
`tOids, then it was not examined during view evaluation
`and the update can be ignored.
`We also use syntactic checks that indicate whether
`specic atomic value changes could aect the view.
`For each comparison in the view specication where
`clause that involves a constant value, we compare the
`constant to the update’s OldVal and NewVal. If both
`or neither of OldVal and NewVal satisfy the compari-
`son, then the change cannot aect the view.
`Figure  presents the function RelevantVars, which
`determines the set of variables appearing in the query
`that the update could be bound to given a view spec-
`For example, suppose that the value of object &
`in Figure is changed from Thai City" to Hunan
`Wok". We can infer that this update does not aect
`the view in Example , because the view specication
`mentions neither Thai City" nor Hunan Wok". On
`the other hand, if the value of & is changed to Bagh-
`dad Cafe", which is the constant used in the compari-
`son x.Name = Baghdad Cafe", then the update may
`be relevant.
`We do not attempt to quantify the savings achieved
`by using RelevantOids in this paper. However, we
`note that for views dened over a small portion of the
`database, most updates are irrelevant.
` . Generating Maintenance Statements
`We now describe how to generate the maintenance
`statements for each type of update: edge insertion,
`edge deletion, or atomic value change. Consider rst
`the edge insertion and edge deletion cases. For each
`one-step path in the view specication, we generate
`a maintenance statement that checks whether the up-
`dated edge binds to it. If so, the statement produces
`updates to the view. We use auxiliary data structures
`to represent the one-step paths appearing in the view
`specication. OneStepP athf rom, OneStepP athprim,
`and OneStepP athadj contain all the one-step paths
`that appear in the from clause,
`from and where
`clauses, and with clause, respectively. For example,
`OneStepP athprim for the view specication in Exam-
`ple  is fGuide.Restaurant r, r.Entree e, r.Name x,
`e.Ingredient yg. Note that each OneStepPath set is
`small since it depends on the query and not on the
` . . Edge Insertion
`For edge insertion, let the update be hIns; o ; L; oi.
`We generate a primary object maintenance statement
`for every possible pair of bindings of o and o using
`the procedure GenAddPrim in Figure .
`Example Generating ADDprim
`Suppose that update hIns; & ; Ingredient; & i is
`performed on the database in Figure . The Bagh-
`dad Cafe restaurant now has two entrees with the in-
`gredient Mushroom". Given the view specication,
`RelevantVars returns the set feg. GenAddPrim then
`generates one statement.
`ADDprim +=
`select e
`from Guide.Restaurant r, r.Entree e
`where exists x in r.Name: x = Baghdad Cafe"
`exists &  in & .Ingredient:
`&  = Mushroom"
`e =& ;
`This maintenance statement can be evaluated more
`eciently than the original view specication, as we
`show in Section .
`We then generate the maintenance statements for
`the adjunct objects. There are two cases to consider:
`  adjunct objects attached to the new primary ob-
`jects in ADDprim and  adjunct objects that are
`newly connected to the view by the inserted edge from
`o to o when o is an adjunct object.
`For the rst case, we generate maintenance state-
`ments starting from the set ADDprim. For the second
`case, we rst test whether the inserted edge matches
`a relevant adjunct object variable and has a match-
`ing label. If so, then we generate a set of maintenance
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2020-5


`procedure GenAddPrimUpdate U = hIns; o ; L; oi, View specication S, RelevantVars R
` For each relevant variable
`foreach a  R do
` For each place where the update can be substituted in the view specication
`foreach ha,L,bi  OneStepP athprim do
` Write a maintenance statement based on the view specication
`ADDprim+= copy S except for the with clause and
`Li in from clause replace a:Li" with o :Li"
`Lj in from clause replace b:Lj " with o:Lj "
`replace a" with o " and b" with o" in where clause
`add and a = o " to each disjunct in where clause
`if ha,L,bi  OneStepP athf rom add and b = o" to each disjunct in where clause
`Figure : GenAddPrim generates the ADDprim maintenance statements.
`procedure GenAddAdjUpdate U = hIns; o ; L; oi, View specication S, RelevantVars R
`   If primary objects were added, need to add adjunct objects from them
`if ADDprim = ; then
` For each one-step path in the with clause
`foreach hwjk(cid:0) ,Ljk,wjki  OneStepP athadj do
` Write a maintenance statement based on the view specication no where or with clause
`adj += select hwjk(cid:0) ,Ljk ,wjki
`from ADDprim vi, vi:Lj wj , . . . , wjk(cid:0) :Ljk wjk;
`  For each place that edge could be adjunct edge
`foreach v  R do
`foreach hv,L,wjki  OneStepP athadj do
` Write a set of maintenance statements starting from added edge:
` Add inserted edge to the view
`adj += select ho ,L,oi;
` From o, add any necessary edges
`+= select ho,Ljk+ ,wjk+ i from o:Ljk+ wjk+ ;
` In a similar fashion, include all paths
`foreach hwjk+n(cid:0) ,Ljk+n,wjk+ni  O do
`+= select hwjk+n(cid:0) ,Ljk+n,wjk+ni
`from o:Ljk+ wjk+ , . . . , wjk+n(cid:0) :Ljk+n wjk+n;
`Figure : GenAddAdj generates the ADDadj maintenance statements.
` . . Edge Deletion
`statements that add the inserted edge and all subse-
`quent paths in OneStepP athadj. Both cases are han-
`dled by procedure GenAddAdj in Figure .
`Example  Generating ADDadj 
`GenAddAdj generates the following maintenance state-
`ments for the update hIns; & ; Ingredient; & i.
`adj +=
`select he,Name,ni
`from ADDprim e, e.Name n;
`adj +=
`select he,Ingredient,ii
`from ADDprim e, e.Ingredient i;
`Since the inserted edge is not connected to an ex-
`isting adjunct object & is not currently an adjunct
`object in the view, no statements are generated by
`the second half of GenAddAdj.
`Because the addition of an edge in the absence of
`negation cannot cause a deletion, we do not have to
`generate DELprim or DELadj .
`Let the update be hDel; o ; L; oi. A deleted edge may:
`  be irrelevant and not aect the view;  cause a
`primary object or objects to be deleted;   appear
`directly in the adjunct view and need to be removed.
`Either  or   could cause additional adjunct edges
`to be removed from the view.
`In principle, a delete
`edge update generates maintenance statements sim-
`ilar to an insert edge update. However, the delete
`edge statements must simulate the existence of the
`now deleted edge in the view to determine whether
`it originally contributed to the appearance of objects
`or edges in the view. Also, the delete edge state-
`ments must check using a subquery whether a po-
`tentially deleted object or edge should remain in the
`view due to paths not involving the deleted edge. For
`example, if the Entree object & in Figure had two
`Mushroom" ingredients, then applying the update
`hDel; & ; Ingredient; & i should not remove the En-
`tree object & from the view.
`Figure  shows the procedure GenDelPrim, used to
`generate the maintenance statements for the primary
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2020-6


`procedure GenDelPrimUpdate U = hDel; o ; L; oi, View specication S, RelevantVars R
` For each relevant variable
`foreach a  R do
` For each place where the update can be substituted in the view spec
`foreach ha,L,bi OneStepP ath prim do
` Write a maintenance statement based on the view specication:
`DELprim+= copy S except for the with clause and
` The rst two replacements reconstruct the before state
`replace a:L b" with o :L  fog b" in from clause.
`replace exists b in a:L" with exists b in o :L  fog" in where clause.
` The remaining replacements handle normal appearance of bound variables
`Li in from clause replace a:Li" with o :Li"
`Lj in from clause replace b:Lj " with o:Lj "
`replace a" with o " in where clause
`replace b" with o" in where clause
`add and a = o " to each disjunct in where clause
`if ha,L,bi  OneStepP athf rom add and b = o" to each disjunct in where clause
` The duplicate test is a subquery that ensures that the object bound
` to vi is not in the view for another reason
`add to where clause and not exists S" where S is
`S without the with clause and with new variables v
`j for each vj
`and an additional where condition: v
`i = vi" vi is the selected variable in S
`Figure : Generating maintenance statements for DELprim.
`Clause Original
`Guide.Restaurant r
`Incremental Statement
`Guide.Restaurant r
`r.Entree e
` x in r.Name: x = Baghdad Cafe"
` y in e.Ingredient: y = Mushroom"
`& .Entree f& ge
` x in & .Name: x = Baghdad Cafe"
` y in & .Ingredient: y = Mushroom"
`General Rule
`vj:Lk vk s.t.
`vj and vk = a or b ! No Change
`a:L b ! o :L  fog b
`a:Lj vj s.t. vj = b ! o :Lj vj
`b:Lj vj ! o:Lj vj
`Figure : Transformations for incremental maintenance statements for Example 
`Example  Generating DELprim
`Suppose the update U = hDel; & ; Entree; & i is ap-
`plied to the database of Figure . The object & must
`be removed from the view. GenDelPrim generates one
`DELprim +=
`select e
`from Guide.Restaurant r, & .Entree f& g e
`where exists x in & .Name: x = Baghdad Cafe"
`exists y in & .Ingredient: y = Mushroom"
`r = & and e = &
`not exists 
`select e
`from Guide.Restaurant r, r.Entree e
`where exists x in r.Name:
`x = Baghdad Cafe"
`exists y in e.Ingredient:
`y = Mushroom"
`e = e;
`This statement adds bindings for r and r.Entree to
`the view specication S and reconstructs the deleted
`edge by binding e to & . The transformations to the
`original query are summarized in the table shown in
`Figure .
`We then generate the maintenance statements for
`the adjunct objects and edges. However, like the ob-
`jects in the primary zone, an adjunct object or edge
`can be included in the view due to multiple paths.
`Reachability via a deleted edge is not a sucient con-
`dition for deleting an adjunct object or edge, as we
`explain in . Instead, a subquery of the where clause
`looks for other variable bindings for the edge to be
`removed. If another binding is found, then the edge
`is not deleted. Due to space restrictions, we omit the
`procedure GenDelAdj here; see .
`Example  Generating DELadj 
`For the update hDel; & ; Entree; & i, procedure Gen-
`DelAdj creates one maintenance statement for each
`path in OneStepP athadj .
`adj +=
`select he,Name,ni
`from DELprim e, e.Name n;
`adj +=
`select he,Ingredient,ii
`from DELprim e, e.Ingredient i;
`Neither statement in our simple example includes a
`where subclause. More complex cases, however, do.
` . . Atomic Value Change
`Let the update U be hChg; o ; OldVal; NewVal i. This
`value change may cause deletions, insertions or both
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2020-7


`to the view, or there might be no update necessary
`because the change is irrelevant to the view. Due
`to object sharing, an object may have many incom-
`ing edges with dierent labels. Therefore, the original
`edge traversed to nd an object is not the only possi-
`bly relevant edge. Consequently, we bind the changed
`object to each variable identied by the procedure Rel-
`evantVars, using a separate maintenance statement for
`each variable. A single maintenance statement handles
`each case. An atomic value change that could cause
`the addition of objects within the view is treated sim-
`ilarly to an edge insertion, where the inserted edge is
`the edge followed to get to the atomic object during
`view evaluation. The deletion case is similar. Note

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