in a System
`Query Processing
`for Distributed Databases (SDD-1)
`Harvard University
`University of California at Berkeley
`Institute of Technology
`Computer Corporation of America
`in the SDD-1 distributed
`the techniques used to optimize
`Thii paper describes
`language called Datalan-
`database system. Queries are submitted
`to SDD-1
`in a high-level procedural
`guage. Optimization
`begins by translating
`each Datalanguage
`into a relational
`called an envelope, which
`is essentially
`an aggregate-free QUEL query. This paper
`is primarily
`concerned with
`the optimization
`of envelopes.
`operations at various
`Envelopes are processed
`in two phases. The first phase executes relational
`that contains all data
`sites of the distributed
`in order
`to delimit a subset of the database
`to the envelope. This subset is called a reduction of the database. The second phase transmits
`the reduction
`to one designated site, and the query
`is executed
`locally at that site.
`The critical optimization
`is to perform
`the reduction phase efficiently. Success depends on
`designing a good repertoire
`of operators
`to use during
`this phase, and an effective algorithm
`deciding which of these operators
`to use in processing a given envelope against a given database. The
`reduction operator
`that we employ
`is called a sem@oin. In this paper we define the semijoin
`operator, explain why semijoin
`is an effective
`reduction operator, and present an algorithm
`constructs a cost-effective
`program of semijoins, given an envelope and a database.
`Key Words and Phrases: distributed
`mization, semijoins
`CR Categories: 3.70,4.33
`databases, relational
`databases, query processing, query opti-
`that the copies are not
`is granted provided
`fee all or part of this material
`to copy without
`made or distributed
`for direct commercial advantage,
`the ACM copyright notice and the title of the
`and its date appear, and notice
`is given that copying
`is by permission of the Association
`for Computing Machinery.
`To copy otherwise,
`to republish,
`requires a fee and/or
`research was supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department
`Defense and was monitored by the Naval Electronic System Command under Contract NO6039-77-C-
`0074, ARPA Order 3175-6.
`in Computing Technology,
`for Research
`Authors’ addresses: P.A. Bernstein and N. Goodman, Center
`Aiken Computation
`Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138; E. Wong, Department
`of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University
`of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
`94720; C.L. Reeve, Laboratory
`for Computer Science, Massachusetts
`of Technology,
`Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139; J.B. Rothnie, Jr., Computer Corporation
`of America, 675
`Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139.
`0 1981 ACM 0362-5915/81/1200-osoz6602 $00.75
`ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1961, Pages 602-625
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-1


`Query Processing
`in a System for Distributed Databases
`SDD-1 is a distributed database system developed by the Computer Corporation
`of America [23]. SDD-1 permits a relational database to be distributed among
`the sites of a computer network, yet accessed as if it were stored at a single site.
`Users interact with SDD-1 by submitting queries coded in a high-level procedural
`language called Datalanguage [20]. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate an SDD-1 database
`and a Datalanguage query. This paper is concerned with efficient execution of
`such queries. Other aspects of SDD-1 are discussed in [5, 6, 14, 231.
`Our objective is to process queries with a minimum quantity of intersite data
`transfer. That is, we assume network bandwidth to be the system bottleneck and
`seek to minimize use of this resource; all other resources are assumed to be free.’
`This assumption is appropriate in SDD-1 because the network is the slowest
`system component by two orders of magnitude.2 This assumption has been
`Database D
`1, Acme,
`p#, GY)
`P(P#, name, type)
`8080, micro
`S describes suppliers.
`P describes parts.
`Y tells which suppliers supply which parts and in what quantity.
`Assume that S, Y, and P are sorted at sites 1,2, and 3, respectively.
`Fig. 1. Example database.
`of quey
`for all parts supplied by a
`List the supplier name, part name, and quantity supplied
`Massachusetts supplier. Also, print how many of these are minis.
`:= 0;
`Query Q
`For S
`then for Y
`If S.location = “MA”
`If S.s# = Y.s# then for P
`If Y.p# = P.p# then begin
`Print,, Y.qty;
`If P.type = “mini”
`then Count
`Print “Number of minis is”, Count
`:= Count + 1; end;;;
`Fig. 2. Example datalanguage query. Datalanguage used in this example
`in the appendix.
`is defined
`’ In practice, database processing within sites is considered as a secondary objective. For expository
`clarity, we shall not treat
`this issue.
`is a packet-switched
`the network
`(PDP-lOs), while
`’ Sites in SDD-1 are mainframe computers
`distance network
`(Arpanet). Sustainable bandwidth
`on the network
`is at most 10 kbits per second
`(see [24-261).
`ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-2


`P. A. Bernstein, N. Goodman, E. Wong, C. L. Reeve, and J. B. Rothnie, Jr.
`Envelope E
`(S.s#,, Nocation)
`(Y.s#, Y.p#, Y.qty)
`(P.p#,, P.type)
`where qualification
`where qualification
`where qualification
`Slocation = “MA” A S.s# = Y.s# A Y.p# = P.p#
`for query of Figure 2. Envelopes are
`Fig. 3. Envelope
`in Section 2. Intuitively,
`an envelope specifies a
`subset of each relation
`in the database. We express enve-
`lopes in a relational
`calculus similar
`to QUEL
`The result of envelope E is to retrieve any superset of the data specified by E. For
`P#, @Y)
`8080, micro
`The specific superset retrieved
`is determined by efficiency considerations.
`The retrieved
`relations are also transmitted
`to a single site, for example, site 3.
`Fig. 4. Processing envelope of Figure 3.
`it is not
`[7,8,13, 16,17, 33,341, although naturally
`adopted by other researchers
`in every system [lo, 19, 271. Section 5 discusses the impact of this
`assumption on our approach.
`Our algorithm has three main steps. Step 1 maps a Datalanguage query Q into
`form (an envelope) that specifies a superset of the database
`a relational calculus
`needed to answer Q (see Figure 3). Step 1 depends on details of Datalanguage
`and is of general interest only insofar as Datalanguage
`resembles other procedural
`query languages. This step is described in [ll].
`Step 2 evaluates the envelope. This step retrieves a superset of the database
`specified by the envelope, assembling
`the result at a single site S, (see Figure 4).
`(The specific superset retrieved and the “assembly site” S, are determined by
`efficiency considerations.) Step 2 is accomplished by translating
`the envelope into
`(a reducer), followed by commands
`a program P containing
`relational operations
`to move the results of P to S, (see Figure 5). The goal is to construct a reducer P
`and select a site S, such that the cost of computing P and moving
`the results
`S, is minimum over aLl reducers and sites. This optimization
`problem constitutes
`the core of the SDD-1 query processing algorithm and is the focus of this paper.
`Step 3 executes Q at S, using the data assembled by Step 2. Since Step 3 only
`local query processing,
`it will not be discussed further. Steps l-3 are
`in Figure 6.
`The paper has five sections. Section 2 defines envelopes and the operations
`used to process envelopes. Section 3 presents techniques
`for estimating
`the cost
`and effect of a reducer composed of these operations. Section 4 presents a
`heuristic algorithm
`that compiles envelopes into efficient
`(though not necessarily
`reducers. Section 5 discusses related work and suggests directions
`ACM Transactions
`on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-3


`Query Processing
`in a System for Distributed Databases
`Program P
`1. S := S[location = “MA”]
`2. Y := Y(s# = s#]S
`; restrict S to MA suppliers
`; this operation
`is semijoin
`the set of Y
`tuples that corresponds
`MA suppliers.
`Figure 4 shows the result of applying P to the database of Figure 1.
`Fig. 5. Program
`for envelope of Figure 3.
`Q (Datalanguage
`0 (Distributed
`E (Relational envelope)
`and select assemblv
`of reducer
`S, (Assembly
`t-l D ’ (Superset of database
`to compute Q(D))
`Step 3
`Fig. 6. Main steps of query processing algorithm.
`ACM Transactions
`on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-4


`P. A. Bernstein, N. Goodman, E. Wong, C. L. Reeve, and J. B. Rothnie, Jr.
`(a) Relational Data Objects
`A set of values
`An alternate name for a domain
`Relation schema A description of a relation, consisting of a relation name and
`list of attributes
`A subset of the Cartesian product of the domains of the
`attributes of the corresponding relation schema
`An element (or row) of a relation
`A set of relations
`Attributes of relation R
`(b) Relational Algebraic Operations
`R[A = k] = (r E R ] r.A = k}
`where r.A is the value of the A-domain in tuple r
`R[A = B] = (r E R ] r.A = r.B)
`R[AI, AZ, . . . , An]
`= ((r.Ar, r.Az,. . . , r.A,) ] r E R)
`R(A = B]S = (RCA = BIS) [attr(R)]
`= {r]rERAr.AEs[B])
`Fig. 7. Relational terminology.
`relational databases at the
`research. We assume reader familiarity with
`level of [9]. A review of relational
`terminology appears in Figure 7.
`2.1 Envelopes
`The attributes of relation R are denoted attr(R). Relation RI is a subrelation
`relation Ri, if attr(RI) _C attr(Ri) and Rf c Ri[attr(Ri)].
`Let D = {RI,
`. . . , R,}
`, Rh} be databases. D’ is a subdcztabase of D, denoted D’ 5 D,
`if Rf is a subrelation of Ri for i = 1, . . . , n. An envelope is a relational
`that maps a database into a subdatabase. We express envelopes
`in a
`language similar
`to QUEL
`. . . , t,. The
`q and target
`An envelope E consists of a qualification
`term q is a Boolean
`formula with clauses of the form Ri. A = Rj .B or Ri. A = k.3
`The terms Ri . A and Rj . B are called indexed variables. Each ti is a set of variables
`indexed by Ri: that
`is, ti is of the form
`{Ri. Ail,
`. . . , Ri. Ail}. Envelope E maps
`database D into subdatabase D’ defined by the following
`collection of QUEL
`into R; (tr ) where q.
`into Rb(t,) where q.
`We limit
`the form of envelopes
`in two additional ways. One, qualifications
`3 Note that we avoid tuple variables. These can be accommodated by (conceptually) duplicating a
`relation, thereby having two relation names ranging over the same relation.
`ACM Transactions
`on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-5


`Query Processing
`in a System for Distributed Databases
`Join graph for envelope of figure 1.
`0 P.type
`the qualifi-
`is handled by placing
`assumed to be pure conjunctions; disjunction
`cation in disjunctive normal
`form and treating each conjunct separately. Two, if
`Ri. A is a term of q, then 6 must contain Ri. A.
`E is an envelope for Datalanguage query Q if for all databases D, Q(E(D)) =
`1 Q(D). I t iti n u ve y, an envelope for Q “envelopes” or delimits
`the portions of the
`database needed to answer Q. In general, there are many envelopes for a given Q;
`a good envelope is one that tightly delimits
`the data needed by Q. Finding good
`envelopes is an optimization
`that depends on details of Datalanguage,
`and our approach to this problem
`is described in [ll].
`(a join graph) is useful. The nodes of
`A graph representation of qualifications
`a join graph represent
`indexed variables and constants, and the edges represent
`clauses. A join graph contains
`the edge {Ri. A, Rj .B} (respectively,
`{Ri. A, k} ) iff
`the qualification
`contains Ri .A = Rj .B (respectively, Ri. A = k) (see Figure 8).
`The connected components of a join graph characterize
`the clauses implied by
`the qualification:
`Let N and N’ be nodes of the join graph for q; q implies N = N’
`iff N and N’ are in the same connected component.
`(Proofs appear in [2,3]. Note
`that if N and N’ represent distinct constants, q is unsatisfiable.)
`2.2 Reducers
`A reduction of database D with respect to E is any D’ such that E(D) 5 D’ 5 D.
`A reducer for E is a sequential program4 P of relational operations such that for
`4 A reducer
`is executed as a parallel program, however
`(see [23]).
`ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-6


`P. A. Bernstein, N. Goodman, E. Wong, C. L. Reeve, and J. B. Rothnie, Jr.
`Pd @Y)
`8080, micro
`l Y(s# = s#]S = Y( s#,
`l P(p# = p#]Y = P( p#,
`qty) = (Y tuples that correspond
`to a MA supplier)
`that are supplied by some MA
`type) = {parts
`= {MA
`suppliers who
`l S(s# = s#]Y = S(s#,
`these semijoins are profitable. However, Y(p#
`*All of
`= p#]P would not be
`Fig. 9. Semijoin.
`all databases D, P(D) is a reduction of D with respect to E. Given E and D, our
`task is to construct a reducer P and select a site S, such that
`cost of computing P(D) and moving the results to S, is minimum over all reducers
`and sites. A reduction operation
`for E is an operation
`is permitted
`in a
`for E. A reduction operation
`reduces the size of D by eliminating
`not specified by E(D). The benefit of a reduction operation
`is the amount of data
`the cost is the amount of intersite data transfer required
`to compute
`it eliminates;
`the operation.
`and projections have zero cost and nonnegative benefit, and so
`every restriction
`and projection permitted by E should be included
`in every
`for E. The projections permitted by E are Ri[ti],
`for i = 1, . . . , n. The
`permitted by E can be determined
`its join graph: E permits
`Ri[A = B] (respectively, Ri[A = k])
`iff q implies Ri.A = Ri.B
`Ri. A = k) iff Ri. A and Ri. B (respectively, k) are connected
`in the join graph.
`To reduce
`the database
`further, data from
`two or more relations must be
`for this purpose isjoin. However, our algorithm
`combined. The obvious operation
`uses an operation called semijoin, which we deem to be superior. A semijoin
`the semijoin of relation Ri by relation Rj on clause Ri. A = Rj. B,
`“half of a join”;
`denoted Ri(A = B]Rj, equals the join of Ri and Rj on that clause projected back
`onto attr(Ri)
`(see Figure 9). (Notice
`that semijoin, unlike
`is asymmetric;
`is, Ri( A = B]Rj # Rj( B = AIRi. The
`former reduces Ri, while
`the latter
`reduces Rj .) As with restrictions,
`the semijoins permitted by E can be determined
`from its join graph: E permits Ri( A = B]Rj and Rj (B = A]Ri
`iff Ri. A and Rj . B
`are connected
`in the join graph.
`We prefer semijoins
`to joins for three reasons. First, Ri( A = B]Rj c Ri, and so
`joins can
`semijoins monotonically
`reduce the size of the database. By contrast,
`increase the size of the database; in the worst case, 1 Ri[A = B]Rj 1 = ) Ri 1 * ] Rj I.
`ACM Transactions
`on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-7


`Query Processing
`in a System for Distributed Databases
`l Let D be the database
`site 1
`site 2
`site 3
`D, E, F, G, H,
`site 4
`l Let E be the envelope
`q: R,.A = &.A A R1.B = R2.B A R2.C = R3.C A R3.C = R.C
`i = 1, . . . ,4.
`t, = attr(RJ
`is to move RI, Rz, and Ra to site
`the optimal evaluation of E(D)
`l Using semijoins,
`is, no semijoins should be used. This requires
`the transmission of 12 data
`l Using joins, the optimal evaluation
`RIP := R$B = B]RI at site 2-cost = 4
`RI= := RnJA = A A C = C] at site 2-cost = 4
`Note that RIZS = ( )
`% := Rs[C = C]Rn3 at site 4-cost
`Total cost = 8.
`= 0.
`Fig. 10. Bad case for semijoins. This example
`is adapted
`than joins.
`less intersite data transfer
`Second, semijoins can be computed with
`To compute Ri(A = B]Rj, we need only transmit a projection of a relation
`Rj[B]), whereas to compute Ri[A = B]Rj we must transmit an entire relation. Of
`course, the semijoin may also have less effect than
`the join, since Ri(A = B]Rj
`only reduces Ri, whereas Ri[A = B]Rj simultaneously
`reduces Ri and Rj. However,
`the third advantage of semijoins
`is that the “reductive effect” of any single join
`can be attained by two semijoins, usually at lower cost, as follows.
`Let Rij = RJA = B]Rj. The reductive effect of this join is its effect on Ri and
`Rj, namely, Ru[attr(Ri)]
`and Rij[attr(Rj)].
`By definition of projection,
`= {ri ] 3 (ri, rj) E Rij}
`= {ri E Ri] (3 rj E Rj)(ri.A = rj.B)},
`= Ri(A = B]Rj,
`by definition of join
`by definition of semijoin.
`= Rj( B = AIR. Thus the reductive effect of Ri[A = B]Rj
`Similarly, Rij[attr(Rj)]
`is attained by two semijoins as claimed.
`Now let us compare the cost of the join versus the two semijoins. To compute
`Ri[A = B]Rj, one of the relations, Rj say, must be transmitted
`to the other’s site.
`This has cost 1 Rj I* width(Rj), where width(Rj) equals the number of bits in each
`tuple of Rj. TO compute the semijoins, we transmit Rj [B] to Ri and Ri[A]
`to Rj,
`But Ri[A] c Rj[B] after
`for a cost of I Rj [B] I *width(B)
`I *width(A).
`+ I Ri[A]
`Ri(A = B]Rj is executed, and so if we execute the semijoins
`in sequence, the cost
`is less than or equal to I Rj[B]
`) * (width(A)
`+ width(B)).
`This quantity
`is less
`than or equal to I Rj \ * width(Rj) under the reasonable assumption
`that width(A)
`+ width(B)
`I width(Rj). Given this assumption,
`the cost of the semijoins
`is less
`than or equal the cost of the join, as claimed.
`Our arguments
`in support of semijoins are heuristic and there are cases in
`joins outperform semijoins. Figure 10 illustrates such a case. An optimal
`query processing algorithm would almost certainly
`include both joins and semi-
`ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-8


`P. A. Bernstein, N. Goodman, E. Wong, C. L. Reeve, and J. B. Rothnie, Jr.
`Let D =
`(Ss#, name,
`2, Best,
`lk, Mid,
`lOk, Nadir,
`(a) Attributty domains dom(S.s#) = dom(Y.s#) = {idA’s from 1 to 10k)
`dom( = dom(
`= (names of length < 10)
`dom(S.location) = {states of U.S.}
`v (provinces of Canada)
`(b) Auxiliary domains X1 = (strings of length < 10)
`XP = (integers from 1 to IOk}
`(c) Subset hierarchies
`dom( = dom( dom(S.location) dom(P.type)
`dom(S.s#) = dom(Y.s#)
`= dom(Y.p# = dom(P.p#)
`Fig. 11. Domains.
`integration of these tactics is an open problem, however, and
`joins. The graceful
`our algorithm only uses semijoins.
`the cost
`reducer, we need to estimate
`To compile an envelope
`into an efficient
`and benefit of reduction operations. This section presents an estimation procedure
`based on a statistical model of the database. We only consider
`the estimation
`for semijoins; estimation
`for restrictions and projections are
`described by [28].
`of a set theoretic model of the
`is an approximation
`Our statistical model
`database and is described
`in Section 3.1. Section 3.2 presents a technique
`the effect of set operations. Section 3.3 extends
`the effect of a sequence of semijoins.
`3.1 Database Model
`Let D = {RI,
`. . . . R,} be a database. Associated with each attribute
`of each
`for example, Ri. A, is a finite domain of values, dom(Ri. A). Ri[A]
`to be a subset of dom(Ri. A) (see Figure lla). The model also contains
`(see Figure
`llb). The set of all domains
`is partitioned
`domain hierarchies,
`each of which contains a maximum domain X,,, and all
`domains X such that X _C X,,,
`(see Figure 11~). Domains Xi and Xj are joinable
`ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-9


`Query Processing
`in a System for Distributed Databases
`Y.p# * * *
`Fig. 12. Statistical model of database of Figure 12.
`If a qualification
`if they are members of the same domain hierarchy.
`Ri.A = Rj.B,
`then dom(Ri.A) and dom(Rj.B) must be joinable.
`We approximate D by the following statistics, called a database profile.
`(1) For each domain X
`(i) c(A) = the estimated cardinality of X,
`(ii) w(A) = the “width” of X, that is, the number of bits, words, and so forth,
`used to represent an arbitrary element of X.
`(2) For each relation Ri, c(Ri) = the estimated cardinality of Ri.
`(3) For each relation Ri and each A E attr(Ri),
`c(Ri.A) = the estimated cardi-
`nality of Ri[A].
`l(i) and l(ii) are fixed a priori by the database administrator, while
`the other parameters are updated by the system
`to reflect changes
`database. To reduce overhead, these parameters are updated off-line on a periodic
`the domain hierarchies by specifying which
`The statistical model
`domains are subsets of which other domains. The model also includes
`following assumptions.
`(1) If Xi c Xj, then Xi is a randomly selected subset of Xj; operationally
`means that the probability
`of x E Xi is identical
`for all x E Xj .
`(2) For each relation Ri and A E attr(Ri)
`is a randomly selected subset of dom(Ri.A).
`(i) RJA]
`this means
`(ii) Tuples of Ri are uniform2y distributed
`over values of Ri[A];
`that the probability
`of ri. A = a is identical
`for all ri E Ri and a E Ri[A].
`(3) For each Ri and distinct A, B E attr(Rti), Ri[A] and Ri[B] are independent,
`meaning that the probability
`of ri. A = a is unaffected by the value of ri.B.
`is a crude
`These assumptions are quite strong and this statistical model
`approximation. However,
`it is difficult
`to devise better models without knowledge
`of the processes placing data in the database. Figure 12 illustrates our model.
`ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-10


`P. A. Bernstein, N. Goodman, E. Wong, C. L. Reeve, and J. B. Rothnie, Jr.
`l Let U = X2 from Figure 11
`l Let X be the following sequence of operations
`Y, = select (U, 1)
`; YI might represent S[s#]
`Yz = select (LJ, l/10)
`; YZ might represent Y[s#]
`Y3 = select (Y1, l/50)
`; YZ might represent the effect on S[s#] of
`S[location = “MA”]
`; Yd might represent the effect on Y[s#] of
`Y(s# = s#]S.
`; YE, might represent the effect on S[s#] of
`S(s# = s#]Y
`Y4 = Yz n Y3
`Fig. 13. Graph representations of set operations.
`3.2 Effect of Set Operations
`the following problem. We are given a universe U of objects and two
`for constructing subsets of U-random
`selection (defined below) and
`set intersection. The problem
`is to estimate the cardinality of any set that can be
`constructed by a sequence of these operations. Let X be such a set. The selectivity
`of X is the probability
`that an arbitrary
`x E U is also an element
`of X. The
`expected 1 X 1 is just its selectivity
`times 1 U I, and so to estimate
`I X I it is sufficient
`to estimate
`its selectivity.
`for “x E X,” and
`Let X c U and x E U. We use X(x) as an abbreviation
`denotes the probability
`of X(x)
`(i.e., the selectivity of X). Similarly,
`if S = {X,,
`. . . . X,}
`is a family of subsets of U, S(x) is an abbreviation
`At, Xi(x), and Prob(S(x)) denotes the joint probability
`of x being an element of
`every Xi E S.
`the random selection operation. Let, X L U and 0 I cr 5 1;
`We now define
`(u) constructs a set X’ c X in which Prob(X’(x))
`= a*Prob(X(x))
`for all
`x E u.
`Let Z be a sequence of selection and intersection operations. We can represent.
`Z as an edge labeled DAG, G(Z), whose edges represent operations and whose
`nodes represent sets constructed by those operations
`(see Figure 13). Formally,
`G(Z) = (V(Zj, E(Z), label), where
`(1) V(Z) = (U} U S, where S is the family of sets constructed by Z;
`(2) E(Z) contains
`the following edges:
`label (Y if X’ = select(X, a);
`(i) (X, X’) with
`(X, X’) and (Y, X’) with
`label 1 if X’ = X rl Y.
`G(X) provides an efficient. means of calculating Prob(S(x))
`of sets constructed by Z.
`ACM Transactions
`on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`for arbitrary
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-11


`Query Processing
`in a System
`for Distributed Databases
`l LetS=
`. . , Y,) . Lemma 1 states that Prob(S(x)) equals the product of all
`edge labels that precede S in G(Z).
`l Selectivity of
`U = 1
`YI = 1
`Yz = l/10
`Y3 =
`Y4 =
`l Note that YS = Y3 n Y, = Ya n (Yz n Y3) = YZ n YI = Yq, so it is not coincidental
`that Yg and Y, have identical selectivities.
`Fig. 14. Calculating selectivities
`for Figure 13.
`LEMMA 1. Let Z be any sequence of selections and intersections
`on U, let S c V(Z), and let E(S) = {E E E(Z) 1 E precedes some node
`PROOF. See the appendix. Cl
`in Figure 14.
`The lemma is illustrated
`The main result of this section follows a corollary.
`PROPOSITION 1. Let B be a sequence of selection and intersection operations
`on U, and define G(Z) as above. (i) If X’ = select (X, a) is an
`operation of Z, then the selectivity of X’ equals a times the selectivity of X. (ii)
`If X’ = X n Y is an operation of 2, then the selectivity of X’ equals the product
`over all edges E that precede X or Y in G(Z) of label(E).
`3.3 Effect of Semijoins
`is analyzed as several sequences of set operations, one
`A sequence of semijoins
`per domain hierarchy. Let & be the sequence for hierarchy Hk. The universe
`I%‘:k is initialized
`to contain
`the following
`IZ:k is the maximum domain of Hk, X,,,.
`for each X E Hk.
`a), where (Y = c(X)/c(X,,)
`(1) X = select(X,,,,
`(2) R[A]
`= select(dom(Ri.A),
`a) where a! = c(Ri.A)/c(dom(Ri.A))
`relation and attribute such that dom(Ri.A) E Hk.
`for each
`The effect of a semijoin, Ri( A = B]Rj is analyzed in three steps.
`into Ri[A] n Rj[B]. Suppose dom(Ri.A) E Hk. To
`(1) The semijoin maps RJA]
`the new cardinality
`of Ri[A], we append RJA] = Ri[A] n Rj[B]
`to &
`and use Proposition 1 to estimate the new selectivity of RJA]. c(Ri.A)
`is updated
`to the new selectivity
`times c(Xmax).
`(2) The semijoin eliminates some tuples from Ri. Since tuples of Ri are assumed
`to be uniformly distributed over values of Ri[A],
`the estimated new cardinality of
`Ri is (new value of c(Ri.A))*(old
`value of c(R))/(old
`value of c(Ri.A)).
`(3) The elimination
`of tuples from Ri causes some values to be deleted from
`for all A’ E attr(Ri)
`{A}. This effect can be analyzed as a hit ratio
`problem: Let t be the old value of c(Ri); these t tuples are assumed to be uniformly
`ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-12


`P. A. Bernstein, N. Goodman, E. Wong, C. L. Reeve, and J. B. Rothnie, Jr.
`l Consider R(A, B) and buppose 1 R 1 = 6 and 1 R[B] 1 = 3
`l We can partition R into 3 blocks based on B values.
`- , bl
`- , bl
`- t b2
`- t b2
`- , b3
`- , b3
`If we select one tuple of R we will, of course, hit one block.
`If we select two tuples, we will probably hit two blocks, but we might only hit one.
`If we select three
`tuples, we might hit three blocks, but it is more likely
`that we
`will only hit two.
`And so forth.
`Fig. 15. Hit ratio problem.
`“blocks,” where each block contains all tuples with
`distributed over b = c(Ri.A’)
`the same A’ value (see Figure 15). The question
`is: “How many blocks do we
`expect to hit if we randomly select n = c(Ri) tuples?” An efficient
`is given by Yao [32]:
`answers this question
`the expected number of blocks =
`Yh b, t) = b * ,!! ‘“,“,~i’~~’ ,
`d = 1 -
`In practice,
`it is reasonable
`to approximate Y by
`for n < +b
`for 2b < n.
`P(n, b, t) =
`iin + b),
`Y and y are graphed in Figure 16.
`to P(new value of c(R;), old value of c(Ri.A’), old
`Thus we update c(Ri.A’)
`value of c(Ri)).
`a) to the sequence for the
`:= select(Ri[A’],
`In addition, we append Ri[A’]
`domain hierarchy
`that contains dom(I&.A’), where (Y = (new value of c(Ri.A’))/
`(old value of c(Ri.A’)). This selection
`is not used in estimating
`the effect of the
`current semijoin, but is needed to estimate the effects of later ones.
`to be the amount of intersite data transfer
`3.4 Cost and Benefit of Semijoins
`The cost of Ri (A = B]Rj is defined
`to compute
`it. This equals
`if Ri and Rj are stored at the same site
`from the database.
`The benefit of Ri (A = B]Rj is the amount of data eliminated
`This equals ((c(Ri) before the semijoin)
`- (c(Ri) after the semijoin))*(the width
`of Ri) = ((c(Ri) before) - (c(Ri) after))* &Eattr(q) w(dom(Ri.A)).
`ACM Transactions
`on Database Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1981.
`CBM2014-00001 EXHIBIT 2016-13


`Query Processing
`in a System for Distributed Databases
`Hit Ration
`l Given t tuples distributed over b blocks.
`l How many blocks will we hit if we select n tuples?
`Fig. 16. Yao function.
`is an envelope E and
`This section presents our optimization algorithm. The input
`database profile D. The algorithm compiles E into a reducer P, which is estimated
`to be profitable
`in any database modeled by D. In addition,
`the algorithm selects
`an assembly site S, and appends to P commands to move the reduced database
`to s,.
`Section 4.1 presents our “basic” algorithm, and Section 4.2 describes
`to the basic a

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