xhibit 4180
`\ eclmologies
`Page 00001
`Apple Exhibit 4180
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001

`0Pfihflitflfih¢ a
`Page 00002

`Anchoreoe Dally Now:
`Sunday. September 1.1, 1931
`take. but "only your canola-
`glsi" t‘-In tell for sure.
`Actoriling to the Wall
`a shopp
`S{l:§leJ , are
`orgy — buying for the P135
`sure of hu:ri.n.z In an economy
`that should have dried up
`such putsuits. "Going shop-
`ping" instead of going to a
`store to our mouthing they
`need. A study dted by the
`Journal on July to found that
`only 25 pereeal of mall shop-
`pcrsquestiened bad oome to a
`mall to hey a specific llem.
`as run-nation,
`‘Ilse test were just shopping
`"Economist: are amazed."
`uznlalmed the Journal head.-
`line. Economists obviously
`haven't been watching the
`home shnllllillt channels and
`listening to viewers who say
`Lhfighave begun eolleetions of
`jewelry sets
`they buy
`or cluwnunlixurlnts or
`only from television.
`l°tan:l6-ainmporeelain musi-
`Chile: Helen tom Phoe
`try any more.
`last Notfienghet-.
`Pm not
`to put
`than. You get Into
`. Jswt-ar.‘Noloan'tdo1't.
`wasnteeengoingto Ivatfi
`Aieyougning re heueaay
`Home receptor. u it
`called by the Industry.
`is a
`wretdzed ea:-es produced by
`eating the sooonln: urge to
`the television habit. This mu-
`tent olisp
`is the opposite
`away Wl
`the com’
`of pud?‘l]it-rmteglevlsi“:n. when
`In home shopping
`t.hey‘ve done away with the
`It’: 24 hours of
`oomrnettial.-t and you down
`buy the ymduets.
`. an Annhonise house-
`easy." said Sabri-
`wife who admits to being
`addicted. “It's uni
`like you
`have tn [ll
`I“l11;-Jsed. bmsh
`your hair. see other people.
`You can sit here in your
`underwear and your credit
`Vieh had .1 eahle any in-
`stalled in her bedroom on she
`can watch tram bed aner her
`husband and daughter so to
`HSC nrlginat in Ciea.rra—
`ter. Fla. 11': the brainchild or
`we that who a leer year: ago
`owned a lackluster local radio
`statinn and began selling
`thing like an upsets over
`Lbe air. The ruponse was so
`good. according to Business
`Week eongw.-ne.
`they began
`selling other products and. in
`L982, moved to table televi-
`sion. They're nvw reportedly
`and the whole sm-
`ry sounds like A
`million in
`(ESE) did $1.
`sale in tieoal year 19:95. no
`mlflinz to Judy Ludden. an
`ESE spokeswoman.
`In the
`ms‘! nine months or
`year 198?. they did S422 null-
`em no
`greotontonheht withailthe
`Well. now. do you have
`Yes I’ am and lire ordered
`na Vick. who Lives in down-
`lion Ln sale: a.n§l‘tl3ey'ie still
`The average income or club
`about 10 or 11 of them al-
`town Aocliorase and
`members In $9.500. Ludden
`"1 love it wbm people say.
`CVN. She keeps a ban calcu-
`‘Oh. is this I i'lti?“‘ Luddea
`aald Ninety percent are high
`lator close by to figure bar-
`said. Flautdnl and television
`snhool graduates and M per-
`gain pementegeg,
`cent are employed.
`experts who write lhout
`"1 haverrt bought anything
`Hike Mlcflonigai ls another
`home shoppina like to suggest
`Arwhorage viewer who says
`it will go the way at video
`It. every
`En E.ll?hal:Il3':ht.|1_lEe weeks. but
`bought a radar
`ectnr. a
`i do watch Johnny Ch-lt::n
`and David Letterman
`he watcher for barman. He‘:
`blood pressure machine and
`[but] 1 fall asleep with it on
`lean =;..:~=...
`Jewelry -- gold. whidi he
`Anchnnue. Danie Value Net-
`every night "
`work (C"J'l‘l'J. use for
`lmows something about. not
`ruhie xliwnlaa.
`Vin-Jr discovered home shop-
`mate The item for sole is
`ping about eight months
`"I happened t turn It on
`shown on the screen for aruh
`there how three to 10 min-
`while flipping tttrough theigi
`once and they were selling
`channels on her cable televi-
`gold chains. I said. ‘That's a
`utes. while a “flaow host"
`sion. She says she was at-
`good buy.’ to I sent and got it
`extol! its virtues in a repeti-
`tracted because she’: a born
`for the wife.
`.. It‘: a very.
`tlwa. tant-show style that has
`very mnvetiient way 0! shop-
`"I shop everywhere. iron
`the Salvation Amy to Norris-
`It's apparent
`that some-
`tmm'5 and everywhere in be-
`thing bstdet shopolnr I: go-
`Irig on with home ahoppinfl.
`Her lint purchase was "a
`something even beyond rec-
`Nordco limited edition oolfee
`reational shopping fur thin]:
`put with the 23-vkarat gold—
`no one needs. Neither
`plated permanent
`Mcfloninls nor Vlek are the
`Vick can recite the screen
`compulsive ‘on
`:1 that theri
`hucltrcexe" pllehea word for
`who meet at
`word. and does
`so with a
`illte to pom-a.-y. They watch
`touch of irony she knows i1.‘s
`for long period] wllhout buy
`all fairly ‘bizarre.
`to; anytblhg. As does Dehhle
`As vices go. visit fi.;
`Krlvuoku. a military Illfe
`home shop
`is reasonably
`with two children. who lives
`" t'a completely
`non-violent." she said. "You
`once every week or two.
`Just [0 into debt,"
`She buy: some
`On the other band. lirlv.
`Vick gut to talk live on the
`ko has begun I doll ooljectinu
`airtime. whenslrecalledlnte
`In: her I-yeorvcld daughter. 3
`buy a pair of hlooeulars with
`collection ahe freely admits
`an attached sound reoetver
`she would not have begun
`"I oold then: it was for out
`eatept for the enjoyment She
`to the woods.
`Ior nature in
`gets [mm watching the home
`Alaska." she said. “But actu-
`gliowl and partici-
`ally. I listen to the nnttghhuts.
`Pll-Ins hrrbuvini Something
`I listen to the kids outside. I
`none in a while.
`drive around and listen to
`people’: oonvelsations. Hey.
`they're great. They sold oul."
`.L.".l".’r "‘ "°“..‘.‘;........*
`Krlvmlro said. "You just flip
`Vick is 24 with some onl-
`lege, which make: her not a
`make you laugh." She likes to
`typical viewer. According to
`listen to the ca.|.l.ers who get
`Luddeo. the HSN spokeswom-
`put on the all’. "just to see
`an. ?0 percent. of viewers are
`what they have to say."
`women with an average age
`l!¢Gorn.lni also mentioned
`of 45.
`the calldna. "lt
`Viewers on not. as one
`at times." hespi .
`critic su
`ted in a
`He not out on the air the
`e poor of the land
`tlnae he bought
`being taken for a tide You
`thing. "I was at-on '
`have to have credit to shop.
`and I could hear
`1 talk
`or check:
`that don't bounce.
`on TV. A nhamme:.1on!"
`you love.
`Will. Hit: the subtle oolor
`.. I have
`shelves in my dining
`and I have them all
`lved there and so I'm
`outs to get all these that
`i"veo\rde.t9d in the last rauple
`.W1'll' you tour
`I sure am.
`my lrieuo‘ Madeline in Saraso-
`The merdnaudise uttered is
`a combination 0! manufactur-
`ers‘ close-outs bought cheap
`and sold at discount prions.
`and some itezns. particularly
`jewelry. nude rpecifinlly for
`tbe Home Shopping Network.
`luttddut said. A “rel.eil" price
`is ahown on the screen.
`lowed by the club‘: discount
`prrioe. which is often lowered
`several times while the item
`1.! being offered,
`Viewers who want
`to buy
`phone an 800 number and
`place their orders. An item
`can he ordered only while 1:
`is on the screen.
`Buyers, or "club mem-
`bers." can charge their pur-
`dzasetoaezeditoard oi-mail
`to a check. Onoe buyers have
`stobliahed an account. or be-
`omne club members, they can
`talking lo any "vim being —
`make purthafies without
`by using their phone buttons
`to tuntact ”'.l'omle." the HSC
`ootnputer. direct and then fal-
`Something speelal in gain]
`on here, some new variety cl
`thin; VIE“
`n n
`znua mmmdnamcrlhlon. Slorlaie
`tall lltmv. but when lots or
`people get to talk and listen
`to other people like them-
`selves "om I.alavl.tlO1l."
`It’: not what
`is said that
`matters, ll’! the content.
`Even the hurt: seem unim-
`portant. men oonduite to:-that
`cllletl. "Hwy are already so
`aallc. so phony. they oultlrl
`ieplaeed by robots without
`nntloeeble effect. “Rm! have
`some happy women on that
`is how Vick pull it.
`"They're too happy. People
`just aren't that hatlvll."
`It seenu apparent that, lot
`many people. the home shop-
`ping shows are company.
`They ofler snmethln
`that Is
`to communication or at sin-
`gle: bars are to love —- a way
`to go through the rnotlona or
`human contact when.
`whatever reason. real contact
`is undulrahle or unnvallable.
`And they clearly appeal to
`the voyeur lo all of us.
`likes to peek at
`other people‘: llvea. even on
`the roost trivial level. without
`getting involved.U
`there. Welcome to the
`Home Shoppilu Club. You're
`iiveon the air with Katherine
`HI Katherine. how ya do-
`Ddillx 5119
`’ W ‘I
`What isyuur name.’
`Wdl. Fry-nee. you sound
`lllte you. you're pretty well
`to s mooring.
`kefeu about all our fashion;
`was telling your representa-
`tfve that Thursday I couldn't
`even order anything because I
`Is that right’
`Yesterday. I wash‘! home. I
`could only watch an hour or
`it. And of course.
`lode)! I'm
`only going to be able to womb
`an hour of It, but so tar I've
`only been able to buy one
`item. I like flhll blouse that‘
`you have on. .
`.l’rn go
`to be zdll
`one a litlllzalator. H ytiflgdtlti
`around by your television set.
`give me a call back when
`we're doing this one so you
`nan tell everyone about the {it
`and All that.
`Well, Ihope In: here ‘oat:-se
`Impgratiugsoon {or the beau-
`Oh. OK.
`But right now I'll all and
`written ‘ttl For ready to go.
`I no: so planned‘ you're do-
`ln; some shapglng with us.
`There are indjmtlooa that a
`classier polup at huclssters Lo.
`eyeing the home shopping
`arena. But
`investors still
`seem unsure if buying direct
`from television is a passing
`fad orthe wave ofthe tuture,
`11 home
`peddling son:-"e ul lite‘: neoe;
`ritles, perhaps we'll and out
`it uteiuloels or fulfilling
`some peythle need is at the
`cone or it: a
`. Meanwhile.
`better call right now it you
`want to gel. Lo on this beauti-
`ful porcelain ballerina. She‘:
`15 inches tall and double
`look at
`colors. will yu, look at that
`shine. But better hurry.
`them’: jtul. I0 sewntis left an
`3. e€";.':'..l::'"" 5
`totlteee questions.
`Ifyau answered
`you are a good I-andidate for the Surveying
`Program at The New University offiiash at
`Surveying is exciting and vital
`work to the growth ol our state. Call the
`Surveying Prograio at 7361 l72fm- all the
`Check the Fall ’3'l' ACC Class Schedule for
`llegistraoon dates and times.
`a Model; From $115,950 to 5159.950.
`up to use sq. ft.
`ii EDUR NI;'W_1.!Fl.*.STY'LE -'-‘é‘.1'..".l
`Page 00003

`Page 00004

`hufide ODE
`Winnie the Pooh, friends
`find home in New York
`publishers of AA. Kline‘:
`Vinnie-(be-Pool: and his
`claulc lulu.
`hlillud bind trekked
`The nnlnnla — bought by
`through the wilds of
`Milne for |:.I.| son
`Ihuhotun an Friday to take
`I! Harrods Ln Landau -— were
`up zuidanoe in their new
`Iulped on their final New
`home, a Becky Pilot llr. law
`York sale:-I 11! I mend who
`only from the Trap lo:
`in!-laled they clonk their
`Heflolumps uni H1: 100 Aker
`identity by c1I.mbLn; into a
`shopping bag, Gremoriul sold.
`"'['.bqr an world citizens
`Donated by Jan: Duo:
`and we are Idoptirll them."
`Ind John Ilnnu III. the
`and ‘Yul-an Gtqnrlul.
`runner owner and president.
`resident of the New York
`rupeclively. oi Duttou. the
`hue Library. where
`five Uueudbara mend: wfil
`85-your-old Poob,,i‘l.|'l‘e!.
`now live Ln a glass one.
`Emu. Bent: and Fight set
`‘'0! cmnu. no one can own
`comp 3.000 miles mam
`Pooh and his four sun-living
`air native England,
`companions, but the New
`No manger: to than
`York Publli: Ldbary will
`shnru. the stuffed creatures
`nuke certain they IN forever
`first round the United Suuex
`nvnlllhle Lo Pooh lover:
`in N41 and ever lint! 1955
`had resided a mile from the
`lhroushoui the world." sold
`New York library at E.P.
`Dunon. the Amman
`laska weather
`Sun, -tldas
`Anchorage Daily News
`Forecast key
`IE] Snow
`E1 Flurries
`El Fog
`' El Clouds
`--Weather front
`- Wind direction
`u Andanuyunuhn. 9E§v2525
`I FhomInna.IiumuI,9.!6252E
`I Marin! lcIe:uL 935-2727
`. mmgd
`.,...a... “*3 3544599
`0 Rand mmrfhn. 245-HTS
`. Wnihu bmduu, 152.65 ma;
`' Trnnscrlhod Biol! hhdun 2768199
`' FOII Nth pliou. 2&9-6591
`rIl.ILu'I'N.| — acorn can rum.
`u-w.sauv-mum: |nmn|_..-mm
`Iaufl — nun-no on-on
`nu.-mun-m-mania; nnyhmonm:
`Page 00005

` J --
`nu -n-[
`sir.-.nn monlhly
`_Iorduy Ind $7.59 _
`'-mun: mm. a
`. M-filurnllrhuuruu.
`_ -
`-um:-nu wan: 14Dnu1,Arru1m
`" _,
`" "
`-.:M-_.._ ,..
`___ ”,,_..._,;..¢-;ggfiW""-~Hw~rmw
`I7 I
`':mUIII'l_.lrInlII'loII'II.Gilnr -- -mqmhmfi.
`-.'W"l:|T3I- Sirrdnwmuma
`a...114eub1 .-Annhorlnl Anni
`.- '
`.h¢_m ”
`Page 00006

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