
`INF0 we... use...
`- Hesse I'I'
`- InlennlI'I-EDL
`- Advaneed Reseletien
`- Pele-dds 3
`'_1_’_._HIEF 55
`meume 1 1 gauge—
`33-MH: Chip Redefines 338 Speed
`Chip te Deminete HighrPerfennenee Market Until Emergence ef i435
`'1 weer-run-
`33-MH: sessfi
`PCs EIII'n Rubber .
`M Cflmd El
`FE" l lair-'13
`5nd m1“-
`.ILI'I IIIIL-s-III sirens.
`“I1. 1w
`e51 IhI-II-I- new:
`flmmmem IIIIII :IIIII
`M HWEE-fiéiifiije‘fi” _
`gazes-Jess.........I,same.ween: _flaw—five fl
`___ ____ . ..__.
`I-I. -....-I._-.I._-I_
`“muffins-all! MEI-33
`__Ifiefifimlwnd-u mulifiil
`__|._'.I|._II'e_' _5_|-_sIrI:I_Sue-5133
`Semen-1m Iflfi
`_ lemma-BEIL
`IkIIr'IeI-m _
`‘11-" 9'35. . _ _."".'.1.'1!E'5‘
`m “
`[III-Jr”: Heel-tar
`Flanl. "l'rIrnaJ'Il-I. ue I'Ie-ullJ me
`l.-Il Lake
`.aIlt'anLagI: Isl Ila-r hagller perFur-
`menw rhIeI'nIIrr IIa'wIlrrnsnIIe
`I"-'|.Iilg.rul1lII|I_-s emiunun "
`" l Ime's II
`Il1IEI1 nI1IIflrlly {If
`|II.'I1|Il-e |-|-'ll|.|
`I‘II‘tIJ Ihal kill-d III"
`lIIIIFHEDIZI'I'r-Er IInw. hull In a. year Dr
`III:- le-rne. In: use [15.11 and DEE
`|J1e sun: L'Irne 'lI-Ill require :
`Ell RBI-l1. rm 1:!
`L'HILFIUU— Fl'1L' rIIultIIIu-dI: Irl
`III-seems usIIII:
`II-t'I-I' 33-
`I.'l'I-1r.I annuum‘eIJ
`III 11mm:
`irnmerJimel} l'II'IrIerl perthrmanre
`III high-emd l-Ill‘u sgmerns hg. lfi
`Intel has IIeIII:I.1I.rlrvIl a men
`ssilseulir} III lL'I- JI-MH: I'IUEIIHI
`chm. sharing. 1l'.Ie Iin'religlrl 'Il'r'1.l1
`Ihe unveiling rIE the even mnre
`lIl-lll'“ chip Iliee "Inqel
`i-Hie In lriele Hrlhrrrlsn-e M
`BIS-II." JIe-nl 3. Fee».-
`I I!“ Ihe
`lII:I 2|] wells-Ins
`meg; Ihe lfl-Mllir: 3H6 an: em
`peeled II: he a.nI.'IeIuI:II:I:I:l al
`:Ifl'Icrals said.
`m‘nrnpanyingeharr I
`AIIhIIuIth Ihe
`li-I'IIHI' Irr-
`III ”II" I.'l|I|’I
`I'IITL'rE |1I'I
`lIII'II1I-I.In'I.u!I-rliill‘nl wile-fil- '«I.'|l-
`-Il-.Irs esp-eel: I: [II he It'lpula: IIIEI
`marl-I- lsIr 1h: 1a;rl'i:r menu: eam
`iI: pm'IsIleI-
`""I'I'ie 11.1le he lIJrILirIIF .I.1
`rnaehene liIr
`|IArI IlIllenenI
`|I1InH_'I.' sen! II|In
`True 08/2 Applieatiens Have Yetto Am‘ve
`I'I' Lilli F'L'I‘fl
`lee -||.l'I=l"Il-|'E.|"‘~ true 1135.1.
`rIILIIniee are
`peet lhune adI-anlages l-.I h.-
`lI'Irrn .I.1
`”In apnea life-helm
`"InII'IIIeenII" “III-'2 mmrams
`'I'rlll L"I-|.'||'IL|Illl'!-
`lib-C well lL'IIluI'eS
`I'.L'rII|IJl.1.'I|:ll.|I! IlllLi-iflb ill-III IILI'illilm-
`iml'lle IEI'IIJII'IiI.
`lIr1lIs here-Len
`pmemws II1 ‘'. rnnrr Fl‘IH'I-Er
`Iihe Ilmklen.
`rupee-l:- say'. Flul Inn-I :II'ar'. aFler
`_sannnllnre'rrenL rurh Fea-
`IureI rerna.IrI.aI [Immlse
`Inn-Ling {II-r
`nI."I~ H|Ijll1eulmn5lllat Cue-kl I'III'IEII
`be Lien: III {JEI'l IhEIeIIIL'I ale!
`IIuL Iherle." laud Dan: LIdIJle.
`e'haLrnIam I1l Meiarlhnr EIsLe'nL-I.
`"1F '_I.rIu an real and 5.1'_I.'_ '|.el Irne
`leek II:
`'m-nI-rrlI-Iru. :lm's a Will
`M‘H] mmerhing Emphleal.
`El-uI. rI's requI.
`lurid Le :15.
`IJ1IJ-se rl'IIru: euukln'l he dune
`'r Windnwr.'
`Whirl a'llrndec. 'II'III likelv-uee
`are "warII'rIed-m'er
`I21ir. week
`[Milli 111p|ieariI1rL-I."sa.iI1JeFl're1.'
`1.l';.IrrI;'r. ediInr IIF .1I'rII'l'I'I'IIII'r. an.
`indium nmslI-nI-r
`tiu H'llerl: III-.1 Elm Irate 1hr
`H" Eli-dyer
`ln'lnq; II:- undersemd
`I]Ie aIJ'namLIges lill mrglnlrng arr
`ian'IIlleI‘l l'sL-Ie 1|: I'll-HT]
`awnrmng 1n elperrs.
`- {hl'fkil'i-E n'lrhrsdI-anlnes users
`red 5:an IIIIdaI- {mm W}.
`and simple.
`lJ1I:1-"re wnurn Frurn the revered.
`li'Ir ”15.11 var mauled l'rum.
`Sflfllfi‘. Full 13:!-
`__ _
`. _
`Pertable to Ilse «II—Megablt DRAM
`"IeM es 2 Price Cuts
`menus II'EIIIII'I!
`m5 unrel
`I'EM'5 price leduerlens I'd-:I'ddea 2D—eereent eel cums MerI'eI 5-3.3 E
`melee-lee mm a EIZI--rner=.eI'.I:I-I:e herd dr.‘ re. :15 rnesl peed-Jar F5312.
`IBM Slashes PS/2 Prices.
`Ships Lew-Cost Model 30
`JHH see: l1 I'lear emnl LIII ueI'II
`Ilm I1 plane Le eernmr wish
`else-r Makers {:11 |:'I|I|.'I.'.
`fleshed [In-Les I'n-I III-1 M in Illl." I-
`Mulnr F5535 Ind urIIeiirIl
`III-w Medel .1H'fi-l'll'l III'I |:.'Il}I?|I.'II.'|.l
`slreeITInee IJI'uIarler 5|.LHIU.
`"Heeause I'II'
`lhe1:r manuliIe
`“Irina efficiencies. 1hI-I. ran a:l'-
`Ines-e prim and
`mmprle nrlh any-um; IIIIIIJ an}-
`1l'II.':I 'rI:
`Lining IL." fill—I JeIII'IruLI: SLalIeE.
`Tine presumed I1I'
`research at
`:II hurl-.I'l
`llI_'l|I|I- engi- rea-
`rlvnn'l kin-I'd:
`sin-1|. hurim-u IIrI-ulrl
`ehIsjp-I :I
`I:|I.'I11I;' when. Ihe'I I'I-.III‘l
`lll|.' Iral Mel'ua- III :I IIJWrI
`|1nI:I'."uII.l Riel-Lani lien-e. mul-
`|'.|aLa|'|e'r. an lidimn.
`New Jen's-laud reseller. Rel-II.-
`5|- IIIII.ll Full l1!
`Quality 1I'I'IIIIIs HIII Medel 55 5: nebut
`a.nI;|I:i[I.Il.ed .l-I'lh‘llr'.
`|I:llI-1'i widely-
`maul-lira.- turn Iran ;|. mmuh. clue re 1h: rn.'IIeI1ir1e's hilure
`m- m IBM] qullhg-mumnm 9:51an unending In deal-
`erssnd mum-:13 Indie newer-en Meir-d h1- Ihe mmruny.
`Dubbed IIIe Medal 55 551i and 'lIIulII mend lnrel's I'll-hit
`feral-an ml in II-lml
`ll-ILIJ'S-EI ehrrr.
`lJ1r: nest-em III-.15 LluI:
`1I.'I he
`lalsl week. prieeri belt-m $11K“ IIrI-Il HJ'liHJ.
`mrding en- murees. But in IJ1e week [needing Ihe summed
`IIInuLH'IreII-ImI—A‘l‘ler invi|11i=nm IIIlII-l- awn Inmeelrhe awe-Tu
`Ell-m Pli- 115
`I “
`. What III l'eIIeIecl rrI-l'rilse firummmerrIaJ use I:d':I
`II-rnI-gahiL HIM. M In" l'Iesl'III-IIIH 1l1ir. week alII'I-Irn-
`use: In Imhiee.
`III-r eemrrnny Wili his: iIIIanIIrr
`s high-1mm J-IJ ween-es eIIrI'Ir-Iller screen-d her
`l1:- sewer-awe IHJl'lIll'lll.‘ Iwerruler. HII.‘
`|I'r-:1.'I|';'I-II-I".' Ihe I'hIirI
`ir.I1I'I an.
`nleufllwle I1'I'El1'll:|r_|' III-:I-IJIIl-r irI1l'rr IS'HHI'.I.'1FI-Il|s‘l-
`IL‘I n'II:InI:rn-'
`|.-:I a lr'II'IJIIII'ILHH I.'I| H Ilh‘flflhflfi.
`III-:wmesny Ian-J. I'm-mush. III: 152m meld be
`mean-led |-.I a mauIIIIIIII L'I'lll
`current l-rnugel'I-I'Le I'll-l PIM I:I1 I-rneeal'lyle n111'IIIu-
`The 1-D graphic-I IJInlmller eI. urI explnairrel
`I'.1rI.lrl1.:I.1 pen-.Irles TeuJ-I'IIrI-r. IliI-Inlas II-l 3-D image-I
`fheuihlem high-emu Flt—s.
`Ihe [JRII'II'I-l will shin re- {JIl-Il-‘luhis rrII1nI:lI.'. IlIIe
`T'F-I'IEI'I with. 1hr ll-me-p'lr-yle rrIeranrI- rnnrlIIIe Iwill
`fil'III'I Il1 final-IN
`— Puma-r 1. Far-w
`Emu-MIN Dl1 FIII'SI 3 |
`Page 00001


`TARGET Efll'l'lm IW!
`A Beginner’s Guide to the Ins and Outs of Appletalk LAMS
`loo-rod a In: or no}
`murmur will rm :JI nl' Lima Iin'uL'l
`shared mud-HM. and
`lull: Innrhrirlll'u... I«rillzlill' U1: DuI'unl 55-J-
`rcm and Ethcnalk an In: much farm-r.
`Eonsnlling lIrDE
`rim-m phpicul links.
`nob-writ bridlts and mouse-'5.
`Imhnl-t L-hhlr m Ih: Elna-m. roo.
`IWirh HI: sen-m. rht hard-til domino
`smith-in: and I'm
`lulr bandwidrhs loom-£11111! Iflrnhn-s.
`|irr1i1ed to: maximum bind-«Iridrh olIEIII
`ID mm is our-1mm III. dinn'bulod Iii:
`mflinl Walk
`Picking on: 51mm on 1L1”. doc: rm:
`LflLHs fior first-rim:
`hjlnhu'u Dlfl' mud. wirh I who: Emu:
`hum 1.12m Emm changing 1n hflfllflfl one :‘l'
`mr. |iJ:r: TIE-In. Dr I Inmlnliud Til!
`width. 11! Ian. Ihan. hafl' IJuL Mutual-k
`1.1:": need mum bu'deile1.Tnanrd:i-iafl.
`lawn hike mlmm. Jar-minis Dimm-
`LAN m Murry ud' n1}; flimfl afl-
`unrlnrr ihurn h-rrwI 1:! m filmed Iiflr
`Will-III Elwin: lilo: Ih: Torn Flashtmr
`or bridlmo mhor now-outs.
`m. Pam Soho-m1. Primal-o. Mira.
`Build-m ol'ntiu LAN: should mm-
`Apnimllr. aim Ihwicnd: mmfm Hr:
`and th: Dunno“: Idmr. can trimmi-
`Sinatra's hlhflliflk- 3Com} 3+5har. or
`MIC!- hull'L-ln arm-m I'or Ara-plum
`r'lllzr pooh B1: tum-vim]: ID a "man-rum
`Ir'ubr': on a fimmm trot 1ruruod rm: and
`annll‘: “Ell-II! Mac.
`Ir yuur “and:
`drmmd mtrll mir- carilrol of Ihlmd
`”mull: uni-II: in. wt: for : pinyin]
`datum 3-H] than nlil'gadaplir! puchl
`Elfin-uni and shared rl'in1erlrl slam With.
`mull: mm. Tu1h:m.li1: L1H 1:
`Ethnillll-H- Phonon-n 5113115th Loni-
`firm: Ihcsurr irrrlillod. you can mmidtr
`In III-III Foul. Pm III
`mad: up nfrht Lot-duh: Wins. rim 1h:
`mgr-hurl: prmncuis. numnfmlunhasbm
`mlculk nfiwrtiru. Which
`murmur-i hm: Even if you "fl'fl ins-“lull
`your own Applmlh L-HH. khan-Him rh-is
`Mu: llrlhrrnarlnn. will mt: you brim
`mlil'n'u'rurllnd honor ail: In mil wish in
`irn-hwu rial-muting mac's-Jim nr
`nuuidr: mmlllm.
`Fulfill mm H“ mm
`Ruth .Jq'rplztalk Ind Lnnilalk ruppurl m
`builr i11ru all curmrl Mm. amok is
`m: 111m:
`[hr 111: 5c: of numtilu
`mum mppum-d by II1E huc‘zr firm-
`wr: and warming 3mm. Lfltfllnll u
`m: an of bulll-ilr Burial WEE. mm:
`communm amim'rfi Illa! Illa-urn- him:
`tub: "Lfifil1i"quir:klr.
`The Applaulk Fir-Hannah curlrnrm In
`tho lam—mama] Sun-dud:- Emmi-1mm
`mm—hflrmm tolerant: rI1I:-dn:| [voi-
`Lnr calla-:1 Llrnr JED-CH m-lim hlI:r-
`urchin] modal] Ilur Ir. Lao-o 1n dol‘hr: lb!
`mflmhh'ntich mIHLL'LNI mm
`mudflhflhun ndnplui I11 U.E.m:r|:lpul-
`15' Irli uni-Mini. mud-Jr's. and :il: form
`whom Eflrll] wncmrhintsolmun:
`Iva-Lab]: Ei'rdly.
`Th: iSD-EISI mun-Jhnr I‘Iinurlricll
`urn-dad main: or r'hn: furor-flour“ lawn:
`maria]. don-nut. mil-om. 1mm
`ulna. pram-indoor. and application-L
`Applnuut put-midis. murmur. LIL-u mar
`iorm Lu lawn-1w through wen hint--
`Ijnlr MIMI. The first Iii-H.
`plays-u]. unnatural Hiringmhamt. and
`ithimhpnmru thmrJ-rmhnrlurnl
`arr: irlrplumrlad. JI1 31¢ an nF Apple-
`rho: physical law: can but mum]
`mfl'mru wlnru mm. which :1 what
`Lnulnuh I'ium. walnut loin-ti an: an
`lh: E50 m: 11': III: ahieldad Im-
`p-Iir 53m Ihirt April:
`Idll- Duh:
`wig-aim mm sump: flrnl Huh: wish
`AWE lrnfludr. Flt-HEM Phoncnn.
`wl'liuhufllultfliiflritd Hiram-pair phone
`wire: Mum's. Fiber 0min: 1411::th
`which won did-1m: lumi- and fiber-
`ourh: Debi-tr. Ind Ellrnrulh.
`IWhich m
`mil] coming on- uI-uLm-piir wln'rl
`Jam-Luau}- Em: prom-ooh.
`anllult. Flannel.
`and. Dnan'l
`spam all us: soon: kind or! w=m
`mammal wrimrfitfiufih rht uim'rl
`Lumiult-mmp-rljh}: :El'ifll purl: {M
`cm and whorl-c3 an all Hans. Elbu'lzlk
`mum Biro-run Iii-I111” end: or Fin-I-
`lan's now Emmllt F'hon-mor adaptors
`um film he FEB-P1 um 11.: mo Ira
`Nuhm. 1111: EE'I. :IuL. nr EDMEIILE'III 'ID Ihr:
`SEEI 5:31-th2 Min.
`Difl'mpl fitflil‘lfifll‘flrfl luv: dld'lu'r
`an: camcitiuin regard roubltlmafiu
`Ind 1111: numb-r1 uni“ Trunks 11m um
`“:me Lnfllrflk mm in I'll: sham-5|
`and. I'D-wed with a Minimum. EINHD-flfld
`ltrl1lr of LEIII [an and 31 mun-Eleni
`dm'm. Elimflk mm in tho lunar-rt
`and him wllh l.l1 md-ru—md that]: ur
`mum 243.1111]-
`flmrr Luann; rennin-5i and
`Lilli cannot-Lad rim-inn 'Ir'flsiocn ll] of
`u..- .Apprgmrr. prulucnh [mimic 1M5
`1m Network
`Hardware Solution.
`Finall- ME MI]. DIE in
`51:1" Imh WW
`Hill-I'll HI mm ”In lulu-mar
`mammals-95 hzolfiwfliliem
`proud-e n'rm-crrrpu'er perm-rant? Inf-
`hi1! nil-WI IH' H31 '3?me
`:m.‘ up wagging“: womanh-
`:1th 3mm up u H glam-.1135 o!
`Ines-Er A1 nhar urmoorn-Irrrsazl u-Irrflh
`Huh-Pam I'lrhhifl.
`'3.-':I'--|!- 1-9.1 tel-41rd: WW IMII'I
`.-.I:-r.'.LI! 35h MIL-EH pll'rdfl
`-~'|-.' :...- I351 munW and
`l'rr'- -'Ir'-H1 m1: WEI-FEW
`Hllh-lI'lflll Hflpllnh.
`EVE! Filloi'Ellr'FBJillofil'rudfl
`n-nE him-spear: Ifl or ISM-H2 III'I-
`lllxwaadumma LAl-Imhnmnno
`lrrll'flul 5;}:an mm-
`'mr Hm war mam: naa
`wII- fllfilmem ml;
`'..:|'TIDH-HB mht ELI!“ mourn:
`' Mailman-Harmon minis.
`- Milka-HWW
`LuI'I'L'E .m- wralm anIIII rem:-
`I'H-r'.rl:'.rl from
`I'HJI Ir 'r 1| IrEmghE-EIE Burma-5.6m
`I.'r"r,-i:-' fireman. marl. HM} MP1]
`.11 room hllanaja mum
`hrLfiI‘hMm I'IJErI'IJIw
`Elrml Hula:
`II I-Hm
`-.‘mr llr-H- Ira-If"!-
`W '.|:H. rt'l‘l‘i-lu Hr
`Page 00002


`Fetch Sports Network File Finder and File-Rovlston Tracker
`houfilt D3111Tl'llfi' Fetch i: a Hieron-
`ry-rctitle-nt pit-omen that lets you
`titulog and flat] file: quit-Ur. Ver-
`eiart 5-11m ii. the aettaurlt trenian.
`1i'iI'h-ert you eteote rt new We. Fetch Float
`up nod asks For notes. Later. you can
`rteterdt Farm}.- tettJ in theattlctr. Bit-rum il
`orouarnte Fetch i5 1«tert- quick. It it- also
`Ieeueare. eiooe ll only secret":
`file aarflenla. Tlte mitt-Ham:
`litter: you n wifl latitufle iIt hath repelJietg
`andoturtitation oft-earth otter-i=5.
`In a
`neutral: eerie uaiata. FIJI: flefleti L'lr untfl'latl
`ity ell-ten. the capability hu- eail'l' l.'|1.lI fillet:
`make} the package tt-rteilawhjte Itgr near.
`out the folk at Thouarltt Dynamite have
`added a lett- other featurea that rrtllte it
`et-Ea mart: tLtei'ul. Fore-roost :5 ll'tt.‘ eono-
`[melt at multiple file
`mitionetrt- hating Fetch Eton-1e. number.
`It'lldlzll'fitll'llll: ret'itiottt. This fieotureoould
`he improved by- making it moreautorltlt-
`to. but
`the mod-net is am a lite-raver in
`ear'imrtratatt'a Wl'EE difltlutt Faaplt: In:
`reviewing: and revita'rts L‘rLe tame docu-
`mentthro-ugh the anti-out.
`The Patch package“; appropriately-
`lit-tutu. art eg'eutztaltiltg Itltata ellI I
`mutt-in: Doberman bursting through a
`PC'. Likeadmbredforaoaltieular
`pua'ptnc. Rich :1 pit-at at doing who: :it
`tea: mettle to da — fire-ding. twr laet‘l FtI-Et
`— but It other lime: gw'd rather it tell.
`you alone. 1II'i-'-'IrJt emery file created. it holes
`u‘trou boot to melee: cote. Whieh ittine
`mutauaottutaroel bollth'hltcrllbe
`na'fliearjatt 'heiltg met] isnifittirtl'ile awn
`High-End Focus
`ruler and appoint-anon. at Itt-elt or. eeotnu-
`iJet] file- backup. um: Appleton is s.
`good choice to melte- Tit: oil-er realm-1-
`teed Appleton: file tenets have limitl-
`tiora: They are Hater very teen-111love"-
`l'aeatine']. require a. VA}: era. a file oar-tr
`It'tl'era. Pacer]. a'rare in I out: al'pl'athtat-
`tie‘veloarttertt flu]. clitoral Beginner: ere
`beet oil ttielu'rt; I«with tr Ir-ell-etenlzilitltott
`halal-share like: utter a. Harem :rattr
`tor-tilts it
`Iot'eeo device that provide! altered nntl-
`errit-ote tittlt canoe for all the other Matt:
`on the LP'LH- Hopiefltore alto romeo-I5
`L'ttltrlecleti FE: mantra LAN.
`I'l.l.'H1-lJt1l‘J-¢irfll}' dirtrl'ltatherJ file IEr'I-‘E'I'
`product worth considerinl is Torte. aub-
`t'aheo tn-
`tlte Ton-t dinieio-n at Sun.
`Mltlfl-E-fltntfi. If your LAN nettle don't
`iltelettIa detaaled eerttlttl anther! erl' Ihttt.
`and lpplhtinal and you elart‘t require a.
`central tape-Map :IrJtettte. Liter: Taper i:
`the hermit: of choice.
`It Iliad-e eatery
`Moeael'C-aaatteetedtatlte MHtaeJtaJo
`filfl. Tap: In; a hi1 metre aetarteflian
`Fletihilitt' than doeatut Minute-hated
`mm. but :1 leeks mlethare't aimin—
`rent aeeeet contort and leeut'itzu Eet't'li-
`Mfr-mm ma ettreetar HWBENJE!
`ta'tttla surrarl'etrurarfnrlnteurtlrflrsflfaf
`chi-teed: deportation of aottterotw oer.
`encir- Heoonoe reached on Anoiellnirfl
`AIJ 135 and our the
`fatten-tor at
`oeomgonuotsoehmumeoo. the rum
`Eflfl'flfi-fiflfl'affl' his otwt.
`working; orteraoorarr l'rJu.
`Felel'tlauart “[ptare" t:.'ltle. which can
`he revived. thaltells Fetch whirh filer you
`tte'ott “I'll-Ill
`to rttalre notes about After
`one. you'll oeobahtp' ettntt-neue all me
`autataytag pup-ups. but we tau-ulril profit: a
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`Freart. Thought Dyetaeniu. lI-ll Ha'nltat-
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`Page 00003

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