Trial: Day 01 Vol. 8 Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`* Civil Docket No.
`* 2:07-CV-153
`'* Marshall, Texas
`• August 17, 2009
`'* 1:15 P.M.
`104 East Houston, Suite 300
`Marshall, TX 75670
`300 Crescent Court, Suite 1500
`Dallas, TX 75201
`300 West 6th Street, Suite 1700
`Austin, TX 787011
`Official Court Reporters
`100 East Houston, Suite 125
`Marshall, TX 75670
`(Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography,
`Page 1
`CASE CBM2012-00001


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`is a business person that is responsible for setting
`pricing in a way that's going to help his company or her
`company sell the most of their products and earn the
`4 most amount of money in profit.
`Q. Okay. And when you were selling your software
`and trying to pitch it --
`A. Yeah.
`-- was that person your target audience?
`Initially, it was.
`Q. Well, pretend I'm a pricing manager and I'm at
`a big company that does a lot of complex promotions and
`I'm currently involved-- I've got SAP or Oracle or one
`of the big ERP enterprise software--
`A. Right.
`--programs running in my shop, and it's got
`that pricing module we've talked about. And pretend
`you've run into me, and this is a golden opportunity for
`you to tell me your best pitch why Trilogy's Pricer is
`better than what I've got now that I don't have to pay
`anything more for.
`What would you tell me?
`I'll give it my best shot.
`Frqm what I remember, we used to focus on
`three things. We would say, quickly, ease of
`25 maintenance. The programs that I just described with
`Page 110


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1 :16:00 PM
`our system, you, pricing manager, can do yourself. You
`won't have to go ask somebody in IT to do it for you.
`No. 2 was disconnected pricing. You want to
`be able to put the power of that pricing information out
`onto a laptop computer with your sales rep in front of
`the customer, not have it locked up back at
`And No. 3, I would have said performance.
`It's performance, fast. The calculations are going to
`come back like that (snaps fingers) because of the way
`the system was designed.
`Q. Okay. I wrote these down. I want to ask you
`some questions about them.
`A. Okay.
`Q . The first, I saw you said ease of maintenance,
`and you don't have to involve IT.
`A. Yes.
`IT, is that information-
`Information technology, yes.
`Q. Thafs the department in most companies that
`does what?
`A. They're responsible for the computers and the
`software and the systems that run th!3 business.
`Q . So under the old way of doing it, before
`25 Trilogy comes along, if I'm the price manager --
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`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`A. Yes .
`-- and I want to do this snow tire promotion
`in the Northeast--
`A. Yes.
`-- what is my life like?
`A. Frustrating, because you have to -you've
`designed a promotion to respond in real time to this
`situation. You're losing to Michelin in the Northeast
`on the snow tires.
`But you have to call somebody over in IT,
`usually fill out a form that describes the promotion you
`12 want to have run.
`Q. Wait a second. Why can't I get on my computer
`on my desk? I've got the stem-to-stern software, and
`type in my promotion right here and just do it?
`If you saw some of the screens before, SAP's
`user interface is not exactly designed for the pricing
`18 manager to know condition types and the like.
`Q. Would I have to get into tables and create
`A. That's right.
`Q. Most of the companies you dealt with, when you
`23 were selling Pricer, would they funnel that off to their
`IT departments?
`A. Correct.
`Page 112


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`Q. And are those the same IT departments that
`would be taking phone calls from people when their
`computers crashed or responding to other emergencies?
`A. Same group and the same group that was trying
`to install other systems. They were typically the poor
`souls that were overburdened and under resources
`Q . So as the pricing manager, you come and tell
`9 me you don't have to send your price promotions to IT
`anymore, how big a deal is that to me?
`A. That's huge.
`Q. Vl/hy?
`A. Because now you can get what promotion you
`14 wanted to run to compete against Michelin, and you can
`do it yourself in literally seconds or minutes versus
`16 what would otherwise take days, weeks, months.
`Q. The second thing I wrote down that you
`18 mentioned was a disconnected--
`A. Disconnected pricing.
`Is that basically you can run this on a
`A. That's right.
`Q . Okay. This may be fairly self-explanatory,
`but just tell us why that's important.
`A. Because prior to that -- you know, imagine if
`Page 113


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`you're trying to close a sale, as Mr. Carter was
`2 mentioning be~ore, a customer is going to ask you how
`3 much is it going to cost.
`In the old world, prior to our technology, the
`only way to do that would be to call somebody back at
`headquarters and ask them to put it in the system and,
`hopefully, they were at their desk when you called;
`hopefully, it wasn't a weekend when you were out with
`these guys golfing or whatever it was.
`And if they were, you would have to make sure
`that you were very specific about exactly the order you
`12 wanted. And there were no errors in the conversation
`about what numbers to be put into the system, and then
`you'd get an answer back.
`I was going to ask you, if you called in
`because you don't have a laptop and that gets garbled
`along the way and they put in the wrong SKU number or
`18 wrong number, what does that result in?
`A. That would result in an incorrect price being
`quoted to the rep who quotes it to the customer who then
`later is told, oops, sorry, I can't actually give you
`that deal. And that's a bad conversation from a
`salesperson's perspective.
`Q. Okay. The third thing you wrote down was your
`25 Pricer was faster.
`Page 114


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 811712009 1 :16:00 PM
`A. Yes, sir.
`Q. Faster to do what?
`A. Calculations.
`Q. So--
`A. Calculating the end price.
`Q. Okay. And how-- how-- I know it probably
`varies according to how complex and how big a company.
`So with all those caveats, are you able to at
`least benchmark us -- benchmark it for us as to how much
`faster Pricer was?
`A. Absolutely, with all those caveats, depending
`on the situation, but it wasn't at all uncommon to see
`13 SC Pricer to be able to compute something in a
`sub-second or a second or two response time, meaning the
`time that it would be asked give me a number, and it
`could get it back, whereas with some of our customers
`that bought our software to run through the same
`complexity, it could take a couple of minutes.
`Q. So your competitors would take two minutes,
`and you would take two seconds?
`A. Thafs right.
`Q. Why is that important? If I'm the pricing
`23 manager and I heard you tell me that, I say, well, okay,
`two minutes, why is that a big deal to me?
`A. A number of reasons, I think.
`Page 115


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross. redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`One, you want to be able to give the answer to
`the customer quickly. And, number two, it's a load on
`the system.
`You know, as was being described earlier, the
`SAP system is stem to stern. It's doing lots of
`different things. And as irs calculating for a couple
`of minutes, that's consuming resources where other
`requests going into the system may not get executed as
`quickly. So those would be a couple of reasons.
`Q. When you were back then in 1995, '96, '97
`selling Pricer, was the internet on the horizon as
`something people were going to be doing business and
`quoting prices over some day?
`A Absolutely. And it was definitely
`forward-looking in '95. By '97, I would say most
`people, you know, saw that the internet was going to be
`an important part of their business. And so the ability
`to come back with an answer like that was very
`Q. Have you ever waited two minutes for a price
`quote on the internet?
`I have not.
`Q. Le~ me ask you a little bit about hierarchies.
`A Yes, sir.
`Q. You've been sitting in Court through the
`Page 116


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`In those years, you know, particularly '96 and
`'97, I think the ·best testament to how much better our
`software was is the fact that these large Fortune 500
`companies, very smart folks, looked at our software,
`knew that they had a free alternative with SAP and still
`wrote us purchase orders that were million -- worth
`7 millions of dollars.
`And companies don't part with millions of
`dollars, unless there's real value there.
`Q. And what value was there?
`A. There's a tremendous amount of value. As
`12 Mr. Carter was describing, for a VP of Sales or a VP of
`13 Marketing -- you know, for a VP of Sales to have the
`ability to control what prices his sales reps are able
`to put out or not and to be able to get pricing to his
`customers quickly, or a VP of Marketing to say my
`pricing managers can now respond quickly to changes in
`the market, that's worth millions.
`Q. Did you ever have customers come to you and
`ask you to prove it?
`A. Very often. When you ask somebody for a large
`dollar money-- a large dollar amount of money, they are
`going to say, well, if I give you a dollar. you have to
`be giving me back three, four, five in order for this to
`25 make sense for me, so prove it. Do what is called a
`Page 120


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross. redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`Q. So you were 70 percent faster in changing
`In program administration fell by 59 percent
`and 7 4 percent.
`A. That's right. And it has a lot to do with
`what I was describing earlier of being able to get the
`prices in quickly yourself versus handing it off to
`somebody else in Information Technology, who's
`overburdened and under-resourced that had to go create a
`new set of tables in SAP.
`Q. Mr. Dholakia, how much did Vllhirtpool pay
`Trilogy for the Pricer software?
`It was $5 million for the license of the
`software, plus a million dollars per year in annual
`15 maintenance, plus quite a bit in services.
`Q. How much do you think Trilogy software saved
`17 Whirlpool in the long run?
`I think tens of millions of dollars.
`Q. And you were competing head-to-head with SAP,
`and Whirlpool, in fact, had the SAP pricing function
`available to it?
`A. They did at no cost.
`Q. Let me ask you about another customer you
`24 mentioned, and I'd like to go through it a little more
`quickly. Allegiance Healthcare.
`Page 134


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`A Yes, sir.
`\fl/hat's the business of Allegiance Healthcare?
`A They sell medical supplies to hospitals.
`Q. And at Allegiance Healthcare, did you compete
`against SAP for that business?
`A We did.
`\fl/ho won that business?
`A Trilogy did.
`Q. Tell me-- give me an idea of the kind of
`products, healthcare products, that Allegiance
`Healthcare distributes?
`A. They have-- they sell 200,000 products, so
`everything you can possibly imagine that you've ever
`seen in a hospital, from tongue depressors to syringes,
`sutures, everything.
`Q. Have they got a product hierarchy?
`A. A big one.
`Q. And we talked about price promotions with
`19 Whirlpool and the tire companies. I can't envision
`healthcare companies doing promotions.
`V\lhat's the pricing problem that a healthcare
`like Allegiance has?
`A Two things. One is very complicated contracts
`24 with lots of different buying groups that I was
`describing earlier, and any given hospital might be
`Page 135


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`related to multiple buying groups, so figuring out what
`price this particular hospital should receive on
`And then, number two, you would still have
`some changes from -- for example, in HMO, the insurance
`company might say I'm going to stop reimbursing surgical
`sutures at 50 percent. I'm only going to reimburse them
`at 30 percent.
`Now, Allegiance needs to go into their system
`and figure out how to make that change, but they might
`only do it for-- you know, for surgical ones. Well,
`now I've got to go through all my sutures and figure out
`13 which ones are surgical versus nonsurgical, those types
`of cases.
`Q. Okay. How much did Trilogy charge Allegiance
`for the software Pricer, plus the ongoing maintenance?
`It was about $2 million, as I recall, plus
`half a million dollars or so in maintenance every year.
`Q. Did they do a return on investment analysis
`20 with us?
`I'm sure they did.
`Q. Okay. And in general, would customers buy
`your software if they weren't going to get some multiple
`of their investment back?
`A. No, never. These are very sophisticated, big
`Page 136


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect. Dholakia direct. cross. redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`companies. You don't take millions of dollars from them
`unless they_ are believing you're going to give them many
`3 millions back.
`Q. Okay. These are two examples we've given.
`Are there other examples where Trilogy went head-to-head
`with SAP and emerged the winner?
`A. Absolutely.
`Q. Let me ask you a little bit now about your
`strategy on a personal level, and that is when you took
`your job in 1995 and you were put in charge as the
`business guy in charge of Pricer-
`A. Yes, sir.
`-- I imagine that the company had some goals
`or things they wanted to do to see you succeed.
`A. Yes.
`Q. What was that?
`It was establish a market and sign up
`customers, go and get this installed at Fortune 500
`companies, and generate revenue.
`Q. And at the time, what advantages did you think
`you had in the market with the Trilogy Pricer?
`A. Well, we thought it was -- it was a
`breakthrough. It was very innovative. There was no
`other sales and marketing focused pricing product that
`existed anywhere. So we were very excited about it.
`Page 137


`Trial: Day 01 Vol. B Carter cross, redirect, Dholakia direct, cross, redirect 8/17/2009 1:16:00 PM
`Q. And were there any disadvantages or
`vulnerabilities you thought yo~ might have with your
`A Well, sure. I think we were-- we understood
`that, fundamentally, we were going to be selling to lots
`of companies that were already using SAP, and that was a
`big vulnerability.
`Q. Now, your target market was the biggest
`companies with the most complex pricing. Do you have an
`idea of how many of those companies were already running
`SAP as their stem-to-stern enterprise software?
`A Quite a bit. I would say, you know, 70 to 80
`percent of the companies that were in our pipeline at
`any point in time were already or were in the process of
`acquiring SAP.
`Q. Tell us why that's a potential vulnerability
`for you.
`A Well, you have to be able to integrate your
`software seamlessly on top of SAP, because they were the
`platform at the lion's share of the customers we were
`Q. Okay. And we've heard the word integrate a
`lot. It may not be something we have familiarity with.
`24 Mr. Carter talked about it a Jot for sure.
`Tell us in very lay terms what integration is
`Page 138

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