`This section will give you an introduction to bills of material in the PM System.
`¯ what bills of material are
`¯ how bills of material are structured
`¯ how bills of material are used
`You will learn:

`KBilIs of Material in Plant Maintenance
`What are Bills of Material?
`A bill of material (BOM) is a complete, formally structured list of the components making up a
`technical object or assembly. The list contains the object number of each component together with
`the quantity and the unit of measure. The components can be stock or non-stock spares or
`assemblies, which in turn can be described by BOMs.
`BOMs contain important master data used in many organizational areas, such as:
`¯ material requirements planning
`¯ provision of materials for production
`¯ product costing
`¯ plant maintenance
`How are Bills of Material Structured?
`In plant maintenance, BOMs are usually multi-level bills of material. They can have as many
`levels as required. The highest level (Level 0 in the figure below) depicts, for example, a piece of
`equipment or material as a complete technical object. The lower levels of the BOM (Levels 1 and
`2 in the figure below) depict the components making up the piece of equipment or material, and
`their components.
`Level 0
`I E Unr- I
`IAssembly I
`Spare I
`S0oro I I S ore
`The BOM structure is reflected in the different technical types of BOM offered in the PM System:


`The first BOM you create for a piece of equipment or material has no defined technical type
`and a simple structure. It is known as a simple BOM.
`Variant BOMs have a more complex structure. They are used to group together several
`BOMs to describe different objects that have a high proportion of identical parts.
`Multiple BOMs have the most complex structure. They are used to group together several
`BOMs to describe one object with different combinations of materials for processing
`methods. Multiple BOMs are usually used in production planning and are of little or no use
`to plant maintenance. For more information on multiple BOMs, see PP Bills of Material
`How are Bills of Material Used?
`The BOMs used in plant maintenance are known as maintenance bills of material. Within plant
`maintenance, maintenance BOMs have two main uses:
`structure description
`A maintenance BOM describes the way a piece of equipment or material is structured.
`spares allocation
`A maintenance BOM is used to allocate spares to a piece of equipment or assembly for
`maintenance purposes. This is shown in the figure below.
`I Equip-
`/\/ ,
`Spare I
`IAssembly I
`IAssemblyl I SPare I
`Advantages of Using Bills of Material
`The use of maintenance BOMs brings you many advantages in maintenance planning.
`main advantages are evident in
`¯ materials planning (using maintenance task lists)

`The use of maintenance BOMs is advantageous for material planning, because you can carry
`out material planning when creating a maintenance task list. The reference to a BOM is
`created via
`- an equipment BOM for equipment task lists
`the assembly allocated in the header for general task lists
`This reference to the BOM enables you to allocate materials to the individual operations in a
`maintenance task list using a structure list or structure graphic representation of the BOM. As
`this representation offers a detailed overview of all the materials, materials planning is
`considerably easier.
`For more information on maintenance task lists, see PM Managing Maintenance Task Lists.
`materials/spares planning (using maintenance orders)
`The use of maintenance BOMs is advantageous in materials/spares planning because you can
`use the structure list or structure graphic representation of the BOM to give you an overview of
`all the materials/spares which may be required in a maintenance order. This enables you to
`allocate all the materials you require to the order and makes materials/spares planning
`considerably easier.
`For more information on maintenance orders, see PM Maintenance Orders.
`locating malfunctions (using maintenance notifications)
`The use of maintenance BOMs in locating malfunctions is advantageous because you can use
`the structure list or structure graphic representation of the BOM to give you an overview of all
`the components making up a technical object. From this overview you can easily select the
`object for which you want to create a maintenance notification. This enables you to locate the
`malfunction in the piece of equipment more precisely.
`For more information on maintenance notifications, see PM Maintenance Notifications.
`Defining BOM Usage
`Many companies have only one universally applicable standard BOM structure for all areas of their
`company. However, other companies need parallel BOMs for the different areas within the
`company. The parallel BOMs are needed to process the different item data resulting from the
`different tasks performed by the individual areas. For example, the costing BOM is used as a
`basis for automatically determining the costs of materials required for a technical object, whereas
`the maintenance BOM includes all the parts of a technical object from a structural point of view and
`contains all location data. Parallel BOMs contain area-specific data and include data from
`selected areas in the company.
`In the PM System you can define the BOM usage required in your company via the Application.
`The Application of plant maintenance can be defined using the Customizing function. The BOM
`usage defined in this way determines the valid item status indicators, which in turn determine
`whether data can be maintained or not. The following table shows how the item status indicators
`could be set for plant maintenance.
`Item relevant to
`Plant maintenance
`not allowed
`not allowed
`not allowed


`Bills of Material in the PM System
`This section introduces you to bills of material in the PM System.

`Types of Bills of Material
`In the SAP System, bills of material (BOMs) can be used to depict different objects and manage
`object-specific data. For example, in the PM System there are two main types of bills of material:
`¯ equipment bills of material
`¯ material bills of material
`Equipment Bills of Material
`Equipment bills of material or equipment BOMs are used to describe the structure of a piece of
`equipment and to allocate the spares to the piece of equipment for maintenance purposes.
`Equipment BOMs can be created individually for each piece of equipment or for a group of
`technical objects. The link from the technical object to the BOM can be performed by
`¯ direct allocation

`indirect allocation
`Direct Allocation
`Direct allocation is performed by directly linking one or more equipment master records with a
`BOM. If all the pieces of equipment are identical in terms of structure, the BOM items are valid for
`all the allocated pieces of equipment. If different materials or assemblies are valid for individual
`pieces of equipment, a joint BOM can still be used. In this case, the equipment-specific
`differences can be documented using variant items. Direct allocation of a BOM is shown in the
`figure below.
`bill of material
`~ Billofmaterialitem8
`Equipment 123
`Equipment 417
`Equipment 681
`Indirect Allocation
`Equipment master records can be indirectly allocated to a BOM via a link with a material master
`record containing its own material BOM. This is the case when a company has several identical
`pieces of equipment grouped under one material number. This is shown in the figure below.

`IEquipment 147 ~1
`I Equipment 352
`IEquiloment 753 !
`I I Material
`Material ~oill of material
`Bill of material items
`Material Bills of Material
`A bill of material created for a material is called a material bill of material or material BOM in the
`SAP System. It is created with a direct link to a material master record. The material master
`record contains
`¯ descriptive data
`For example, size and weight.
`control data
`For example, material type and industry sector.
`Material BOMs are used to depict the structure of an object to be maintained in a company.
`For more information on material BOMs, see PP Bills of Material Guide.


`Validity of Bills of Material
`In the PM System for each maintenance BOM, you can define
`¯ an area of validity
`¯ a period of validity
`Area of Validity
`From an organizational point of view all maintenance BOMs are valid for a particular planning plant.
`This planning plant is therefore the area of validity. All the necessary maintenance procedures are
`organized in this planning plant.
`Extending the Area of Validity
`When you create a maintenance BOM, you define the area of validity. However, this area of
`validity can be extended, by allocating the same BOM to a different or further plants. For example,
`you may want to allocate your equipment BOM to a different plant, if your piece of equipment has
`been moved from its original plant. Furthermore, if you have a piece of equipment which
`dynamically moves from one plant to another, you may want to allocate your BOM to several
`When you allocate a BOM to a different plant or further plants, the following prerequisites must be
`¯ a material master record must exist in the different plants
`¯ the unit of issue must be identical in the different plants, if this is maintained for a BOM item
`¯ you must have the necessary authorization in your user master record to allocate the BOM to
`different plants
`Period of Validity
`In addition to validity from an organizational point of view, BOMs can be assigned a temporal
`validity. This is the period of validity. When you change an item in your BOM, for example, when
`you replace one material with another material, you can specify precisely when the change
`becomes effective by defining a period of validity.
`Period of Validity Definition
`The period of validity for a BOM is restricted by the following entries in the BOM header and BOM
`¯ valid from date
`When you create a BOM, the point at which this BOM becomes effective is determined by
`this date. If you create or change a BOM using a change number, the system takes the
`valid from date from the change master record.
`valid to date
`This date determines the end of the validity period for the BOM. The system enters this
`automatically. The default entered in the program is 12/31/9999. If you change the BOM
`using a change number with a valid from date, the validity period for the object (BOM header

`or BOM item) before the change ends at exactly 0.00 o’clock on this date.
`For more information on changing BOMs using a period of validity, see .~,a.j,n.j,.n.g..B..i!Ls....o..f...M....a..t..e..r.La..[

`Technical Types of Bills of Material
`The first BOM you create for a piece of equipment or material has no defined technical type. The
`maintenance BOM you have created is known as a simple BOM.
`Some companies maintain many similar pieces of equipment or technical objects comprising very
`similar or the same parts. To maintain BOMs for pieces of equipment or technical objects of this
`type, the PM System offers a solution which saves both time and storage space: the extension of a
`simple BOM.
`The R/3 System provides two technical types of BOM in order to represent similar technical object
`variants and alternatives:
`¯ variant BOMs
`These group together several BOMs to describe different objects that have a high proportion
`of identical parts.
`¯ multiple BOMs
`These group together several BOMs to describe one object with different combinations of
`materials for processing methods.
`The technical type is not determined by the system until you create either a further alternative for a
`BOM or a different variant for an existing BOM.
`Variant BOMs
`If several similar technical objects, containing mostly the same or similar parts, are maintained, you
`can represent these different objects with a variant BOM. This is the case, for example, if you
`replace a material component with another one with different features. Variants can also differ by
`containing different quantities of the items.
`Several technical objects which are entered as variants of one variant BOM are stored under one
`internal BOM number. You can describe all variants of a variant BOM via the BOM group (BOM
`Multiple BOMs
`One technical object may comprise alternative combinations of materials. It is represented by a
`number of alternative BOMs (alternatives). These alternative BOMs differ only slightly, mostly in
`the quantity of individual items or small variances in materials.
`Multiple BOMs are used in production planning and have little or no use in plant maintenance. For
`more information on multiple BOMs, see PP Bills of Material Guide.

`Usage of Bills of Material
`Usage or BOM usage signifies the organizational area in which a BOM is used. Via BOM usage a
`company can define the item status for all the items in a BOM.
`BOM usage enables you to:
`¯ manage separate BOMs for different areas within your company, such as engineering,
`production or plant maintenance
`create one BOM for all the different areas within your company

`Item Status
`The item status is determined by the BOM usage entered for a maintenance BOM. The BOM
`usage specifies the maximum item status indicators for the BOM items. These item status
`indicators control subsequent data processing in other application areas. In other words, they
`control whether further data maintenance is
`¯ obligatory
`¯ optional
`¯ not allowed
`Definition of BOM Usage
`BOM usage is defined for your company via the Application defined using the Customizing function.

`Bill of Material Structure
`This section describes the structure of bills of material within the PM System.
`the following parts of a bill of material:
`¯ header
`text data
`You will learn about
`- quantity data
`- administrative data
`- general data
`item categories
`item category keys
`important item indicators



`BOM Structure
`Bills of material (BOMs) in the PM System are divided in up to three sections to manage the
`multitude of data:
`¯ BOM header
`¯ BOM item(s)
`¯ BOM sub-item(s)
`BOM Header
`Data maintained in the header refers to the entire object. This means that data refers to
`¯ an object in a multiple BOM or an alternative BOM
`¯ the BOM for one of the jointly described objects in a variant BOM
`The header data itself can be divided into a further four sections:
`¯ text data
`¯ quantity data
`¯ administration data
`¯ general data
`Text Data
`You can define the text data in a header for the:
`¯ BOM
`This text is for the entire BOM group and applies to all the alternatives of a multiple BOM or
`all the BOMs making up a variant BOM.
`¯ alternative
`This text applies to the actual alternative of a multiple material BOM or to one of the BOMs
`making up a variant BOM.
`Quantity Data
`The quantity data depicts the base quantity. This is the basis used for entering quantities in a
`BOM. You can define a base quantity as a default value using the Customizing function.
`Administrative Data
`The administrative data contained in the header is maintained by the system.
`provides information on
`¯ who created the BOM and when
`¯ who changed the BOM and when
`¯ the validity of the BOM
`¯ the change number used to make changes to the BOM
`Administrative data

`General Data
`The remaining data contained in the BOM header can be classified as general data. It contains
`¯ validity data
`This data provides information on the change master data in which the changes are logged,
`and the area of validity in which the BOM is being maintained.
`¯ BOM status
`This data provides information on the way a BOM is controlled in different applications areas.
`For example, if the key in the BOM status field is set as 1, then the BOM can be exploded in
`materials requirements planning and released for planned orders, whereas if the key is set
`as 2 the BOM cannot be processed in this way. The BOM status can be defined using the
`Customizing function.
`¯ authorization group
`This key is an authorization value which may be assigned to control access to a BOM. This
`ensures that only users whose user profile contains the specified authorization group can
`maintain the BOM.
`¯ deletion indicator
`The deletion indicator does not prevent the BOM from being processed, however it indicates
`that the BOM will be deleted in the next reorganization run.
`This data provides information on the laboratory or office responsible for the technical object.
`¯ material data (material BOMs only)
`This data provides information on the size and dimensions of a material.
`¯ equipment data (equipment BOMs only)
`This data provides information on size and dimensions, serial number and the
`manufacturer’s drawing number.
`For more information on managing header data, see Maintaininq...B.!!!§!.a!.

`BOM Item
`The components making up a technical object are referred to as items in a BOM.
`applies to one individual item within a BOM.
`Item data only
`Item Category
`The item category
`The PM System
`Within a BOM, the individual BOM items are differentiated by item categories.
`enables specific data to be processed and controls certain system activities.
`supports the following item categories:

`stock items
`This category is for components which are kept as stock. Any components entered with this
`category must have a valid master record.
`When you use this item category, stock item components are automatically reserved for the
`PM order.
`¯ non-stock items
`This category is for components which are not kept as stock before being used in a BOM.

`Non-stock items can be created with or without a master record. To enter a non-stock item
`without specifying a component number, you must simply enter a descriptive text.
`When you use this category, a purchase requisition is automatically created for these
`components when they are used for maintenance purposes. This leads to order-specific
`material procurement via the purchasing department.
`¯ variable-size items
`This category enables you to specify different sized sections of a component with one
`material number. Variable-size items are distinguished by the fact that format entries, for
`example, length and width are taken and converted into the quantity required on a stockable
`quantity basis.
`When you use this item category, variable data, such as the size of a steel sheet required to
`repair some planking, can be entered directly during order processing. You do not have to
`keep creating new material master records with fixed dimensions.
`¯ document items
`This category is for components which contain information stored as documents and
`intended either for the user or for transferring between systems. A document can be a
`design drawing, program, photograph and so on.
`When you use this item category, the BOM is connected to the document management
`text items
`This category enables you to add as much text as required.
`When you use this item category, the system stores your text in a text file using the long text
`processing function.
`PM structure element
`This category is for components in plant maintenance which are only used for structuring a
`technical object (PM assembly). No plant data is necessary for these items.
`This category is only used in plant maintenance for equipment BOMs and material BOMs
`relevant to plant maintenance.
`For more information on entering item categories, see ._M_a_iD__t_a_Ln_Ln_£1. Bills of Material.
`Item Category Keys
`item categories are represented by a letter key in the standard PM System:
`The different
`¯ L
`stock item
`¯ N
`non-stock item
`¯ R
`variable-size item
`¯ D
`document item
`¯ T
`text item

`PM structure element
`However, as the letters for these item category keys are defined using the Customizing function,
`you can change the letter keys if required to suit your company’s needs.
`Important Item Indicators
`There are two important item indicators for maintenance BOMs:


`item status
`This indicator is set in all maintenance BOMs. It shows that the BOM is relevant to plant
`¯ plant maintenance data
`The indicator PM assembly is maintained in the data section Plant maintenance data. This
`indicator can only be maintained if the item status is set as relevant to plant maintenance.
`When an item is marked as a PM assembly, it is displayed as a constituent of an operational
`system when processing maintenance tasks. An item marked as a PM assembly can be
`used in an operational system to describe an item in more detail. For example, it can be
`used to locate potential damage.
`For more information on item status indicators and how they are used in BOMs, see Maintaining=..
`Items can be divided into sub-items for better data management. For example, sub-items can be
`used to divide an item if partial quantities of an item have different installation points. The
`sub-items can be used to depict these different installation points. As well as the installation point,
`you can maintain a short text and a quantity for each sub-item.

`Maintaining Bills of Material
`This section describes how to manage bills of material within the PM System.

`Bills of Material
`Bills of material (BOMs) are complete and formally structured lists of the components making up a
`product or assembly.
`Maintaining BOMs
`BOMs are maintained in the Technical Objects menu. To enter this menu, use the menu bar
`Logistics --> Plant maintenance --> Technical objects
`You will see the menu bar BOM. All the transactions for maintaining BOMs are contained in the
`pull-down menus of this menu bar.

`KCreating a Bill of Material (from Scratch)
`There are two types of BOM in the PM System:
`¯ equipment BOM
`¯ material BOM
`Equipment BOM
`Equipment BOMs are used to describe the structure of a piece of equipment and to allocate spares
`to the piece of equipment for maintenance purposes.
`For more information on equipment BOMs and direct/indirect allocation to a BOM see .B_,.iJ,!,s,,o.,f._,
` zs.t.em..
`Material BOM
`Material BOMs are used to depict the structure of an object.
`BOMs, see .B.i!!~..(#f.M.a:Le.rj.a.!.J.r~.tb.f~...l?.M..Sy.ste.~.
`For more information on material
`Procedure Overview
`As the procedures for creating equipment BOMs and material BOMs from scratch are extremely
`similar, they will be dealt with jointly. Any individual differences will be mentioned separately in the
`The following section describes the procedure for creating a BOM from scratch. It has been
`divided into five sub-sections:
`¯ basic procedure for creating a BOM from scratch

`creating BOM items
`¯ entering BOM item data

`creating BOM sub-items

`creating BOM header data
`After each section you can save your BOM by using one of the following menu bar sequences:
`Equipment BOM -~ Save
`Material BOM --~ Save
`Alternatively, you can continue to enter data as described in the subsequent section.
`Basic Procedure for Creating a BOM from Scratch
`To create a BOM from scratch, perform the following four steps:
`1. In the Technical Objects menu, use one of the following menu bar sequences:
`BOM --> Equipment BOM --> Create

`BOM --> Material BOM --> Create
`You are now on the initial screen for creating BOMs.
`2. Make all the necessary entries:
`- object name
`- BOM usage
`- plant
`The online documentation and possible entries button will help you.
`If you are creating a material BOM, you will see the field Alternative BOM. Alternative BOMs are
`mainly used in production planning and have little or no use in plant maintenance.
`If you need more information on alternative BOMs, see PP Bills of Material Guide.
`3. Press ENTER.
`You are now on the New Material Items (l-line) screen.
`4. In the New Material Items (l-line) screen, you can
`- save your BOM
`create the BOM items you require
`To create the BOM items you require, follow the steps listed below in the section "Creating BOM
`Creating BOM Items
`To create BOM items, perform the following two steps:
`1. In the New Material Items (l-line) screen, enter the components making up your BOM in the
`entry lines provided. The table below shows you the item category entries possible in the
`standard PM System.
`The online documentation and possible entries button will also help you.
`You must enter the quantity and the item category.
`You will...
`Press ENTER
`Press ENTER
`Press ENTER
`go to Item:
`General Data screen
`Document information
`remain on the
`New Material Items
`(l-line) screen
`remain on the
`New Material Items
`(l-line) screen

`Press ENTER
`Press ENTER
`Press ENTER
`go to Item:
`Purchasing Data
`go to Variable-
`Size Item Data
`go to Item:
`Status/Long Text
`Material group
`Size and formula
`Item text
`When you have entered all your BOM items, you can
`- save your BOM
`- enter further detailed data for your BOM items.
`To enter further detailed data for your BOM items, see the information contained in the section
`"BOM Item Data" and follow the steps listed in the section "Entering BOM Item Data" below.
`BOM Item Data
`The most important BOM item data from the point of view of plant maintenance is maintained in the
`Item: Status/Long Text screen in the data sections:

`Item status
`¯ Plant maintenance data
`The item status is determined by the BOM usage entered for your BOM. The BOM usage is
`defined using the Customizing function and specifies the maximum item status indicators for the
`BOM items. The item status controls subsequent data processing in other areas. In the Item
`status section of the screen, you will see that the item status indicator Plant maintenance has been
`set by the system. You cannot change this entry. Depending on the BOM usage definition in the
`Customizing function, you will be able to maintain the item status entry fields:
`¯ Spare part ID
`¯ Relevancy to costing
`For more information on item status and BOM usage, see ...B.!!.[!a!.!.n...t..h..e....P...M....~.
`The Plant maintenance data section of the screen contains the PM assembly indicator. By setting
`this indicator, you can define that plant maintenance procedures are to be planned and executed
`on this part of your technical object.
`Entering BOM Item Data
`To enter further detailed data for your BOM items, perform the following four steps:
`1. In the New Material Items (l-line) screen or the Material Item Overview screen, select the items
`for which you want to enter further detailed data.
`See the important information about maintaining plant maintenance relevant data in the section

`"BOM Item Data" above.
`2. Use the Goto menu bar to go to any of the detail screens in which you want to maintain further
`Use the menu bar sequence:
`Goto --> Item --> Status/Long text
`You will go to the Item: Status/Long Text screen.
`3. Make all your required entries.
`The online documentation and possible entries button will help you.
`4. When you have finished entering your further detailed data for your BOM items, you can
`- save your BOM and quit the transaction
`create sub-items for your BOM
`To create sub-items for your BOM, see the section "Creating BOM Sub-Items" below.
`Creating BOM Sub-Items
`To create sub-items for your BOM, perform the following four steps:
`1. In the New Material Items (l-line) or the Material Item Overview screen, select the BOM items
`for which you want to create sub-items.
`2. Use the menu bar sequence:
`Edit --> Sub-items --> New sub-items
`You are now on the New Sub-Items screen.
`In the BOM sub-items section of the screen, enter your sub-items in the entry fields provided.
`The online documentation and possible entries button will help you.
`To create additional entry fields, re-use the menu bar sequence:
`Edit --> Sub-items --> New sub-items
`or press the New sub-items button.
`4. When you have finished making your entries, you can:
`- save your BOM and quit the transaction
`create header data for your BOM
`To create header data for your BOM, follow the steps described in the section "Creating BOM
`Header Data" below.
`Creating BOM Header Data
`To create BOM header data, perform the following three steps:
`1. In the Material Item Overview screen, use one of the following menu bar sequences:
`a.) Goto -~ Header --> Full
`b.) Goto --> Header --> <detail screen>
`a.) If you use the first option, press ENTER to page through the detail screens to enter further
`data for the header.

`b.) If you use the second option, you can go directly to a detail screen to maintain data for your
`header. For example, use the menu bar sequence:
`Goto --> Header --> Quantities/Long text
`Make all your necessary entries.
`The online documentation and possible entries button will help you.
`3. Save your BOM.

`Creating a Bill of Material (Using a Reference)
`It is also possible to create a BOM using another BOM as a reference. This is useful for saving
`data entry time, as you can copy data from an existing BOM into the BOM you want to create. You
`can copy:
`¯ a material BOM to a material BOM
`¯ a material BOM to an equipment BOM
`¯ an equipment BOM to an equipment BOM
`Procedure for Creating a BOM Using a Reference
`To create a BOM using a reference, perform the following seven steps:
`1. In the Technical Objects menu, use one of the following menu bar sequences:
`BOM --> Equipment BOM --> Create
`BOM --> Material BOM --> Create
`You are now on the initial screen for creating BOMs.
`2. Make all the necessary entries.
`The online documentation and possible entries button will help you.
`Do not press ENTER.
`3. To use a reference to create your BOM, use one of the following menu bar sequences:
`Material BOM --> Copy from
`Equipment BOM --> Copy from -~ Copy material BOM
`Equipment BOM --> Copy from -~ Copy equipment BOM
`You are now on the pop-up window Copy from...
`Make all the necessary entries.
`The online documentation and possible entries button will help you.
`When you have made all your entries, press Continue.
`You are now on the Reference screen.
`Select the items you want to copy to your new BOM, and use the menu bar sequence:
`Edit --> Copy
`or press the Copy button.
`Make any further entries you require as described in the various sections above for Creatinq..a..
`..B..!!!!a.!..~fr o m Scratch).
`7. To save the BOM, use one of the following menu bar sequences:
`Equipment BOM -~ Save

`Material BOM -~ Save

`Creating a Variant Bill of Material
`Variant BOMs group together several BOMs to describe different objects that have a high
`proportion of identical parts. The use of variant BOMs can save data storage space as the
`identical BOM items are only stored once in the data base. A change to a BOM item which is
`identical in a number of variant BOMs will result in the change being made in all the effected variant
`BOMs. For example, if you replace a material component with another one with different features,
`the material component will be replaced in all the variant BOMs in which it is present, although the
`change will only be made in one individual variant BOM.
`To create a variant BOM, perform the following seven steps:
`1. In the Technical Objects menu, use one of the following menu bar sequences:
`BOM --~ Equipment BOM --~ Create
`BOM --~ Material BOM --~ Create
`You are now on the initial screen for creating maintenance BOMs.
`2. Enter the piece of equipment or material for which no BOM exists.
`Make all the other necessary entries.
`The online documentation and possible entries button will help you.
`Do not press ENTER.
`3. To create a variant BOM, use one of the following menu bar sequences:
`Equipment BOM --~ Create variant of...
`Material BOM -~ Create variant of...
`or use the Create variant of... button.
`You will see the pop-up window Create Variant of...
`In the pop-up window, enter the piece of equipment or material from which you want to use the
`BOM and press Continue.
`You are now on the Reference screen.
`In the Reference screen, select the BOM items you want to include in your variant BOM and use
`the menu bar sequence:
`Edit --~ Copy
`or press the Copy button.
`You are now on the Material Item Overvie

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