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`Case 1:14-cv-02396—PGG-MHD Document 148-12 Filed 05/30/19 Page 1 of 10
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`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-12 Filed 05/30/19 Page 2 of 10
`unnatural assumption if we are exploring an essentially unknown set of data.
`Thus, a constantly recurring problem in cluster analysis is that of deciding
`just how many clusters are present.
`When clustering is done by extrernizing a criterion function, a common
`approach is to repeat the clustering procedure for c = I, c = 2, c = 3, etc.,
`and to see how the criterion function changes with c. For example, it is clear
`that the sum-of-squared-error criterion J. must decrease monotonically with
`c, since the squared error can be reduced each time c is increased merely by
`transferring a single sample to the new cluster. If the n samples are really
`grouped into c compact, well separated clusters, one would expect to see J.
`decrease rapidly until c = c, decreasing much more slowly thereafter until it
`reaches zero at c = n. Similar arguments have been advanced for hierarchical
`clustering procedures, the usual assumption being that large disparities in
`the levels at which clusters merge indicate the presence of natural groupings.
`A more formal approach to this problem is to devise some measure of
`goodness of fit that expresses how well a given c-cluster description matches
`the data. The chi-square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics are the tradi (cid:173)
`tional measures of goodness of fit, but the curse of dimensionality usually
`demands the use of simpler measures, such as a criterion function J(c). Since
`we expect a description in terms of c + I clusters to give a better fit than a
`description in terms of c clusters, we would like to know what constitutes a
`statistically significant improvement in J(c).
`A formal way to proceed is to advance the null hypothesis that there are
`exactly c clusters present, and to compute the sampling distribution for
`J(c + I) under this hypothesis. This distribution tells us what kind of appar(cid:173)
`ent improvement to expect when a c-cluster description is actually correct.
`The decision procedure would be to accept the null hypothesis if the observed
`value of J(c + 1) falls within limits corresponding to an acceptable probability
`of false rejection.
`Unfortunately, it is usually very difficult to do anything more than crudely
`estimate the sampling distribution of J(c + 1). The resulting solutions are not
`above suspicion, and the statistical problem of testing cluster validity is still
`essentially unsolved. However, under the assumption that a suspicious test
`is better than none, we include the following approximate analysis for the
`simple sum-of-squared-error criterion.
`Suppose that we have a set fl" of n samples and we want to decide whether
`or not there is any justification for assuming that they form more than one
`cluster. Let us advance the null hypothesis that all n samples come from a
`normal population with mean µ. and covariance matrix a2/. If this hypothesis
`were true, any clusters found would have to have been formed by chance,
`and any observed decrease in the sum of squared erro r obtained by clustering
`would have no significance.


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`The sum of squared error J,(J) is a random variable, since it depends on
`the particu lar set of samples:
`J,(l) = I llx - mll2
`where m is the mean of the n samples. Under the null hypothesis, the dis(cid:173)
`tribution for J.(I)
`is approximately normal with mean nda2 and variance
`2nda 4 •
`Suppose now that we partition the set of samples into two subsets !1£1 and
`ffi so as to minimize J,(2), where
`mi being the mean of the samples in fl£;. Under the null hypothesis, this
`partitioning is spurious, but it nevertheless results in a value for J.(2) that is
`smaller than J.(I). If we knew the sampling distribution for J.(2), we could
`determine how small J,(2) would have to be before we were forced to abandon
`a one-cluster null hypothesis. Lacking an analytical solution for the optimal
`partitioning, we cannot derive an exact solution for the sampling distribution.
`However, we can obtain a rough estimate by considering the suboptimal
`partition provided by a hyperplane through the sample mean. For large n,
`it can be shown that the sum of squared error for this partition is approx(cid:173)
`imately normal with mean n(d - 2/7T)<J2 and variance 2n(d - 8/7T2)a 4 •
`This result agrees with our statement that J,(2) is smaller than Je(l), since
`the mean of J.(2) for the suboptimal partition - n(d - 2/7T)<J2-is
`Jess than
`the mean for J.(I) - nda2• To be considered significant, the reduction in the
`sum of squared error must certainly be greater than this. We can obtain an
`approximate critical value for u.(2) by assuming that the suboptimal partition
`is nearly optimal, by using the normal approximation
`for the sampling
`distribution, and by estimating a2 by
`llx - mll2 =1._J/l).
`62 =_!_ I
`nd xE.!°
`The final result can be stated as follows: Reject the null hypothesis at the
`p-percent significance level if
`J,(2) < 1 - 2 - IXJ2(1 - 8f,rr2d)'
`J .(1)
`where IX is determined by
`p = 100J
`00 1
`« J27T
`e- 112
`1 du.


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-12 Filed 05/30/19 Page 4 of 10
`Thus , this provides us with a test for deciding whether or not the splitting of
`a cluster is justified. Clearly, the c-cluster problem can be trea ted by applying
`the same test to all clusters found.
`part of the problem of deciding whether or not a given clustering means
`anything stems from our inabili ty to visualize the structure of multidimen(cid:173)
`sional data . This problem is further aggravated when similarity or dissimi(cid:173)
`larity measures are used that lack the familiar properties of distance. One
`way to attack this problem is to try to represent the data points as points in
`some lower-dimensional space in such a way that the distances between poin ts
`in the lower-dimensional
`space correspond
`to the dissimilarities between
`points in the original space. If acceptably accurate representations
`can be
`found in two or perhaps three dimensions , this can be an extremely valuahle
`way to gain insight into the structure of the data. The general process of
`finding a configuration of points whose interpoint distances correspond
`dissimilarities is often called multidimensional scaling.
`Let us begin with the simpler case where it is meaningful to talk about the
`distances between then samples x1, .
`, Xn. Let Yi be the lower-dimensional
`image of x1, O;; be the distance between xi and xJ, and d,1 be the distance
`between Yi and Y;• Then we are looking for a configuration of image points
`y1, .
`. , y,. for which the n(n - 1)/2 distances d11 between image points are
`as close as possible to the corresponding original distances tiil . Since it will
`for which d,1 = oi, for all i
`usually not be possible to find a configuration
`and j , we need some criterion for deciding whether or not one configuration
`is better than another. The following sum -of-squared-error
`functions are all
`reasonable candidates:
`J •• = "'\2 .I ( d;; - Oi;)2
`,kU i;
`i <J
`in volve only the distances between points,
`Since these criterion functions
`they are invariant
`to rigid-body motions of the configurations. Moreover,


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-12 Filed 05/30/19 Page 5 of 10
`they have all been normalized so that their minimum values are invariant to
`dilations of the sample points. l, . emphasizes the largest errors, regardless
`whether the distances o,; are large or small. 111 emphasizes the largest frac(cid:173)
`tional errors, regardless whether the errors Id;; - O;;I are large or small. 1,1
`is a useful compromise, emphasizing the largest product of error and
`fractional error.
`Once a criterion function has been selected, an optimal configuration
`Yi, . .. , y,. is defined as one that minimizes that criterion function. An
`optimal configuration can be sought by a standard gradient-descent pro(cid:173)
`cedure , starting with some initial configuration and changing the y/s in the
`direction of greatest rate of decrease in the criterion function. Since
`di;= IIYi - Y,11,
`the gradient of d; ; with respect to Yi is merely a unit vector in the direction of
`Y; - y1• Thus , the gradients of the criterion functions are easy to compute:*
`The starting configuration can be chosen randomly, or in any convenient
`way that spreads the image points about. If the image points lie in a d(cid:173)
`dimensional space, then a simple and effective starting configuration can be
`found by selecting those d coordinates of the samples that have the largest
`The following example illustrates the kind of results than can be obtained
`by these techniques.t The data consist of thirty points spaced at unit intervals
`along a three-dimensional helix:
`X1(k) = cos X3
`x 2(k) = sin x3
`x3(k) = k/✓2,
`* Second partial derivatives can also be computed easily, so that Newton's algorithm can
`be used. Note that ify , = y 1, the unit vector from y, toy; is undefined. Should that situa(cid:173)
`tion arise, (y, - Y;)/d 11 can be replaced by an arbitrary unit vector.
`t This example was taken from J. W. Sammon, Jr., "A nonlinear mapping for data structure
`analysis," IEEE Trans. Comp., C-18, 401-409 {May 1969).


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-12 Filed 05/30/19 Page 6 of 10
`figure 6.21 (a) shows a perspective representation of the three-dimensional
`data. When the 1.1 criterion was used, twenty iterations of a gradient descent
`procedure produced the two-dimensional configuration shown in Figure
`6.2l(b). Of course, translations, rotations, and reflections of this configura(cid:173)
`tion would be equally good solutions.
`In nonmetric multidimensional scaling problems, the quantities O;; are
`dissimilarities whose numerical values are not as important as their rank
`order. An ideal configuration would be one for which the rank order of the
`distances du is the same as the rank order of the dissimilarities '5ii. Let us
`order them = n(n - 1)/2 dissimilarities so that a,1
`• • • ~ a,,.;,., and let
`J;; be any m numbers satisfying the monotonicity constraint
`1(11 ~ Jiiii ~ • • • ~ Ji,.i,.•
`In general, the distances d,1 will not satisfy this constraint, and the numbers
`d;; will not be distances. However, the degree to which the dii satisfy this
`constraint is measured by
`Jmon = ~inl(du
`where it is always to be understood that the d;; must satisfy the monotonicity
`constraint. Thus, lmon measures the degree to which the configuration of
`- du)2,
`•• •
`• • •
`• •
`• •••
`• •••
`(a) HELIX
`FIGURE 6.21. A two-dimensional representation of data points in
`three dimensions (Adapted from J. W. Sammon, 1969).


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`points y1 , .
`Jmon can not
`, Yn represents the original data. Unfortunately,
`be used to define an optimal configuration because it can be made to vanish
`by collapsing
`the configuration
`to a single point. However,
`this defect is
`easily removed by a normalization such as the following:
`lrnon = I a:, .
`Thus, J mon is invariant
`rotations, and dilations of the
`to translations,
`configuration, and an optimal configuration can be defined as one that
`minimizes ·this criterion function. It has been observed experimentally
`when the number of points is larger than dimensionality of the image space,
`the monotonicity constraint
`is actually quite confining. This might be ex(cid:173)
`pected from the fact that the numbe r of constraints grows as the square of
`the number of points , and it is the basis for the frequently encountered
`statement that this procedure allows the recovery of metric information from
`nonmetric data. The quality of the representation generally improves as the
`dimensionality of the image space is increased, and it may be necessary to go
`beyond three dimensions to obtain an acceptably small value of lrn on· How(cid:173)
`ever, this may be a small price to pay to allow the use of the many clustering
`procedures available for data points in metric spaces.
`Because the curse of dimensionality plagues so many pattern
`procedures, a variety of methods for dimensionality
`reduction have been
`proposed. Unlike the procedures
`that we have just examined, most of these
`methods provide a functional mapping, so that one can determine the image
`of an arbitrary
`feature vector. The classical procedures of statistics are
`principal components analysis and factor analysis, both of which
`dimensionality by forming linear combinations of the features.* If we think
`of the problem as one of removing or combining
`(i.e., grouping) highly
`correlated features,
`then it becomes clear that the techniques of clustering
`* The object of principal components analysis (known in the communication theory
`literature as the Karhunen-Loeve expansion) is to find a lower-dimensional representation
`that accounts for the variance of the features. The object of factor analysis is to find a
`lower-dimensional representation that accounts for the correlat ions among the features.
`For more information, see M. G. Kendall and A. Stuart, The Advanced Theory of Statistics,
`Vol. 3, Chapter 43 (Hafner, New York, 1966) or H. H. Harman, Modern Factor Analysis
`(University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, Second Edition, 1967).


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`are applicable to this problem. In terms of the data matrix, whose n rows are
`the d-dimensional samples, ordinary clustering can be thought of as a group(cid:173)
`ing of the rows, with a smaller number of cluster centers being used to
`represent the data, whereas dimensionality reduction can be though of as a
`grouping the columns, with combined features being used to represent the
`Let us consider a simple modification of hierarchical clustering to reduce
`dimensionality. In place of an n-by-n matrix of distances between samples,
`we consider a d-by-d correlation matrix R = [P;;], where the correlation
`coefficient P;; is related to the covariances (or sample covariances) by
`P·· =
`" ✓aua;; ·
`Since O ~ pl; ~ 1, with pi; = 0 for uncorrelated features and p;; = l for
`completely correlated features, pi; plays the role of a similarity function for
`features. Two features for which pi; is large are clearly good candidates to be
`merged into one feature,
`thereby reducing the dimensionality by one.
`Repetition of this process leads to the following hierarchical procedure:
`Procedure : Hierarchical Dimensionality Reduction
`I. Let J = d and :F; = {xi}, i = I, ...
`, d.
`2. If J = d', stop.
`3. Compute the correlation matrix and find the most correlated
`pair of distinct clusters of features , say :F; and §;.
`4. Merge ff; and :F1, delete ffe';, and decrement J by one.
`5. Go to Loop.
`Probably the simplest way to merge two groups of features is just to
`average them. (This tacitly assumes that the features have been scaled so that
`their numerical ranges are comparable.) With this definition of a new
`feature , there is no problem in defining the correlation matrix for groups of
`features. It is not hard to think of variations on this general theme, but we
`shall not pursue this topic further.
`For the purposes of pattern classification, the most serious criticism of all
`of the approaches to dimensionality reduction that we have mentioned is
`that they are overly concerned with faithful representation of the data.
`Greatest emphasis is usually placed on those features or groups of features
`that have the greatest variability. But for classification, we are interested in
`discrimination, not representation. Roughly speaking, the most interesting
`features are the ones for which the difference in the class means is large
`relative to the standard deviations, not the ones for whicih the standard
`deviations are large. In short, we are interested in something more like the
`method of multiple discriminant analysis described in Chapter 4.


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`There is a growing body of theory on methods of dimensionality reduction
`for pattern classification. Some of these methods seek to form new features
`out of linear combinations of old ones. Others seek merely a smaller subset
`of the original features. A major problem confronting this theory is that the
`division of pattern recognition into feature extraction followed by classifica(cid:173)
`tion is theoretically artificial. A completely optimal feature extractor can
`never be anything but an optimal classifier. It is only when constraints are
`placed on the classifier or limitations are placed on the size of the set of
`samples that one can formulate nontrivial (and very complicated) problems.
`that may be useful under the
`Various ways of circumventing
`this problem
`proper circumstances can be found in the literature, and we have included a
`few entry points to this literature. When it is possible to exploit knowledge
`of the problem domain to obtain more informative features, that is usually
`a more profitable course of action. In the second half of this book we shall
`devote ourselves to a systematic examination of ways of extracting features
`from visual data, and with the larger problem of visual scene analysis.
`The literature on unsupervised learning and clustering is so large and is
`scattered across so many disciplines that the following references must be
`viewed as little more than a selective random sampling. Fortunately, several
`of the references we cite contain extensive bibliographies, relieving us of
`many scholarly burdens. Historically, the literature dates back at least to
`1894 when Karl Pearson used sample moments to determine the parameters
`in a mixture of two univariate normal densities. Assuming exact knowledge
`of values of the mixture density, Doetsch (1936) used Fourier transforms to
`decompose univariate normal mixtures . Medgyessy (1961) extended this
`approach to other classes of mixtures, in the process exposing the problem
`of identifiability. Teicher (1961, 1963) and later Yakowitz and Spragins
`( 1968) demonstrated the identifiability of several families of mixtures, the
`latter authors showing the equivalence of identifiability and linear independ(cid:173)
`ence of the component densities.
`The phrases "unsupervised learning" or "learning without a teacher"
`usually refer to estimation of parameters of the component densities from
`samples drawn from the mixture density. Spragins (1966) and Cooper (1969)
`give valuable surveys of this work, and its relation to compound sequential
`Bayes learning is clarified by Cover (1969). Some of this work is quite general,
`being primarily concerned with theoretical possibilities. Thus, Stanat (1968)
`shows how Doetsch's method can be applied to learn multivariate normal


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-12 Filed 05/30/19 Page 10 of 10
`and multivariate Bernoulli mixtures, and Yakowitz (1970) demonstrates
`possibility of learning virtually any identifiable mixture.
`Surprisingly few papers treat maximum-likelihood
`estimates. Hasselblad
`(1966) derived maximum-likelihood
`formulas for estimating
`the parameters
`of univariate normal mixtures. Day (1969) derived the formulas for the
`multivariate, equal covariance matrix case, and pointed out the existence of
`singular solutions with general normal mixtures. Our treatment of the multi(cid:173)
`variate case is based directly on the exceptionally clear paper by Wolfe
`(1970), who also derived formulas for multivariate Bernoulli mixtures. The
`formulation of the Bayesian approach
`to unsupervised
`learning is usually
`to Daly (I 962); more general formulations have since been given
`by several authors (cf., Hilborn and Lainiotis 1968). Daly pointed out the
`exponential growth of the optimum system and the need for approximate
`solutions. Spragins' survey provides references to the literature on decision(cid:173)
`directed approximations prior to 1966, with subsequent work being refer(cid:173)
`enced by Patrick, Costello, and Monds (1970). Approximate solutions have
`also been obtained by the use of histograms (Patrick and Hancock 1966),
`quantized parameters
`(Fralick 1967), and randomized decisions (Agrawala
`We have not mentioned all the ways that one might use to estimate
`unknown parameters. In particular, we have neglected the time-honored and
`robust method of sample moments, primarily because the situation becomes
`very complicated when there are more than two components
`in the mixture.
`However, some interesting solutions for special cases have been derived by
`David and Paul Cooper
`(1964) and elaborated
`further by Paul Cooper
`(1967). Because of its slow convergence, we have also omitted mention of the
`use of stochastic approximation;
`for the interested reader,
`the article by
`Young and Coraluppi ( 1970) can be recommended.
`Much of the early work in clustering was done in the biological sciences,
`where it appears in studies of numerical taxonomy. Here the major concern
`is with hierarchical clustering. The influential book by Sokal and Sneath
`(l 963) is an excellent source of references to this literature. Psychologists and
`sociologists have also contributed
`to cluste ring, although
`they are usually
`more concerned with clustering features than with clustering samples (Tryon
`1939; Tryon and Bailey 1970). The advent of the digital computer made
`cluster analysis practical, and caused the literature on clustering to spread
`over many disciplines. The well known survey by Ball (1965) gives a com(cid:173)
`prehensive overview of this work and is highly recommended; Ball's insights
`have had a major influence on our treatment of the subject. We have also
`benefited from the dissertation by Ling (1971), which includes a list of 140
`references. The surveys by Bolshev
`(1969) and Dorofeyuk
`(1971) give
`extensive references to the Russian literature on clustering.

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