Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 1 of 12
`Case 1:14-cv-02396—PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 1 of 12
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`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 2 of 12
`Note that the total scatter matrix does not depend on how the set of samples
`is partitioned into clusters. It depends only on the total set of samples. The
`within-cluster and between-cluster scatter matrices do depend on the par(cid:173)
`titioning, however. Roughly speaking, there is an exchange between these
`two matrices,
`the between-cluster scatter going up as the within-cluster
`scatter goes down. This is fortunate, since by trying to minimize the within(cid:173)
`cluster scatter we will also tend to maximize the between-cluster scatter.
`To be more precise in talking about the amount of within-cluster or
`between-cluster scatter, we need a scalar measure of the "size" of a scatter
`matrix. Th~ two measures that we shall consider are the trace and the
`determinant. In the univariate case, these two measures are equivalent, and
`we can define an optimal partition as one that minimizes Swor maximizes
`SB. In the multivariate case things are somewhat more complicated, and a
`number of related but distinct optimality criteria have been suggested.
`Perhaps the simplest scalar measure of a scatter matrix is its trace, the sum
`of its diagonal elements. Roughly speaking , the trace measures the square
`of the scattering radius , since it is proportional
`to the sum of the variances
`in the coordinate directions. Thus, an obvious criterion function to minimize
`is the trace of Sw. In fact, this criterion is nothing more or less than the
`sum-of-squared-error criterion , since Eqs. (33) and (34) yield
`tr Sw = L tr Si= L I llx - m,112 = J , .
`i- 1
`i - 1 xe~.,
`Since tr ST = tr Sw + tr SB and tr ST is independent of how the samples
`are partitioned , we see that no new results are obtained by trying to maximize
`tr SB. However, it is comforting to know that in trying to minimize the
`within-cluster criterion J. = tr S w we are also maximizing the between(cid:173)
`cluster criterion
`tr Sn =,In ; !Im; - mjl2
`i • l
`In Section 4.11 we used the determinant of the scatter matrix to obtain a
`scalar measure of scatter. Roughly speaking, this measures the square of the
`scattering volume , since it is proportional
`to the product of the variances
`in the directions of the principal axes. Since SB will be singular if the number
`of clusters is less than or equal to the dimensionality, ISnl is ohviously a poor
`choice for a criterion function . Sw can also become singular, and will


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 3 of 12
`certainly be so if n - c is less than the dimensionality d. * Howe ver, if we
`assume that Sw is nonsingular, we are Jed to consider the criterion function
`J,, = ISwl = I it Si I-
`The partition that minimizes la. is often similar to the one that minimizes
`J but the two need not be the same. We observed before that the minimum-
`squared-error partition might change if the axes are scaled. This does not
`happen with la.. To see why, let T be a nonsingular matrix and consider the
`change of variables x' = Tx. Keeping the partitioning fixed, we obtain new
`mean vectors m~ = Tm; and new scatter matrices s; = TS;T 1
`• Thus. Jd.
`changes to
`1~ = IS~I = ITS wrti = ITl2 la.
`Since the scale factor ITl2 is the same for all partitions, it follows that la and
`J~ rank the partitions in the same way, and hence that the optimal clustering
`based on la is invariant to nonsingular linear transformations of the data.
`It is not hard to show that the eigenvalues ..t1 , ...
`, Ad of S~Sn are invariant
`under nonsingular linear transformations of the data. Indeed, these eigen(cid:173)
`values are the basic linear invariants of the scatter matrices. Their numerical
`values measure the ratio of between-cluster to within-cluster scatter in the
`direction of the eigenvectors, and partitions that yield large values are usually
`desirable. Of course, as we pointed out in Section 4.11, the fact that the
`rank of SB can not exceed c - 1 means that no more than c -
`l of these
`eigenvalues can be nonzero. Nevertheless, good partitions are ones for which
`the nonzero eigenvalues are large.
`One can invent a great variety of invariant clustering criteria by composing
`appropriate functions of these eigenvalues. Some of these follow naturally
`from standard matrix operations. For example, since the trace of a matrix
`is the sum of its eigenvalues, one might elect to maximize the criterion
`tr S~SB = LA;.
`* This follows from the fact that the rank of S; can not exceed 11; -
`1, and thus the rank
`of Sw can not exceed :E(n; - 1) = n - c. Of course, if the samples are confined to a
`lower dimensional subspace it is possible to have Sw be singular even though n - c ~ d.
`In such cases, some kind of dimensionality-reduction procedure must be used before the
`determinant criterion can be applied (see Section 6.14).
`t Another invariant criterion is
`ISwSBI = IT A;.
`i - 1
`However, since its value is usually zero it is not very useful.


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 4 of 12
`I @ -
`,,. ---
`- ......
`FIGURE 6.14. The effect of transforming to
`normalized principal components (Note:
`partition that minimizes s;/Sw in (a) minimizes
`the sum of squared errors in (b).).


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 5 of 12
`BY using the relation Sx = Sw + SB, one can derive the following invariant
`relatives of tr Sw and ISwl:
`tr S-i_.1Sw = I--
`i- 11 + A;
`ISwl __ IJ11 _l _.
`,-1 1 + A,
`Since all of these criterion functions are invariant to linear transformations,
`the same is true of the partitions that extremize them. In the special case of
`two clusters , only one eigenvalue is nonzero, and all of these criteria yield
`the same clustering. However, when the samples are partitioned
`into more
`than two clusters , the optimal partitions,
`though often similar, need not be
`the same.
`With regard to the criterion functions involving ST, note that ST does not
`depend on how the samples are partitioned into clusters. Thus, the clusterings
`that minimize ISwl/lSxl are exactly the same as the ones that minimize ISwl•
`If we rotate and scale the axes so that ST becomes the identity matrix , we
`see that minimizing tr Sz,1Sw is equivalent to minimizing the sum-of-squared(cid:173)
`tr Sw . after performing
`error criterion
`this normalization. Figure 6.14
`jllustrates the effects of this transformation graphically. Clearly, this criterion
`suffers from the very defects that we warned about in Section 6.7, and it is
`probably the least desirable of these criteria.
`One final warning about invariant criteria is in order. If different apparent
`groupings can be obtained by scaling the axes or by applying any other linear
`then all of these groupings will be exposed by invariant
`procedures. Thus, invariant criterion functions are more likely to possess
`multiple local extrema, and are correspondingly more difficult to extremize.
`The variety of the criterion functions we have discussed and the somewhat
`subtle differences between them should not be allowed to obscure their
`essential similarity. In every case the underlying model is that the samples
`form c fairly well separated clouds of points. The within-cluster scatter
`matrix Sw is used to measure the compactness of these clouds, and the basic
`goal is to find the most compact grouping. While this approach has proved
`useful for many problems , it is not universally applicable. For example, it
`will not extract a very dense cluster embedded in the center of a diffuse
`cluster, or separate intertwined line-like clusters. For such cases one must
`devise other criterion functions that are better matched to the structure
`present or being sought.
`Once a criterion function has been selected, clustering becomes a well-defined
`problem in discrete optimization: find those partitions of the set of samples


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 6 of 12
`that extremize the criterion function. Since the sample set is finite , there are
`only a finite number of possible partition s. Thus , in theory the clustering
`problem can always be solved by exhaustive enumeration. However , in
`practice such an approach is unthinkable for all but the simplest problems.
`There are approximately cn/c ! ways of partitioning a set of n elements into
`c subsets ,t and this exponential growth with n is overwhelming. For example,
`an exhaustive search for the best set of S clusters in 100 samples would
`require considering more than 1067 partitionings. Thus , in most applications
`an exhaustive search is completely infeasible.
`The approach most frequently used in seeking optimal partitions
`iterati ve optimization. The basic idea is to find some reasonable initial
`partition and to "move" samples from one group to another if such a move
`will improve the value of the criterion function. Like hill-climbing procedures
`in general, these approaches guarantee local but not global optimization.
`Different starting points can lead to different solutions, and one never knows
`whether or not the best solution has been found. Despite these limitations,
`the fact that
`the computational
`requirements are bearable makes this
`approach significant.
`Let us consider the use of iterative improvement to minimize the sum-of(cid:173)
`squared-error criterion J., written as
`J. = 1:1;,
`f= l
`m; = -
`n; xe:£,
`Suppose that a sample x currently in cluster !!C; is tentatively moved to !!C;.
`Then m; changes to
`x - m 1
`m1 = m 1 + ----'
`n; + 1
`t The reader who likes combinatorial problems will enjoy showing that there are exactly
`c (C)
`1 L
`. (-l)
`c- t;n
`C. i =l
`partitions of n items into c nonempty subsets. (see W. Feller, A11 I11trod11ctio11
`to Probability
`Theory and Its Applicatio11s, Vol. I, p. 58 (John Wiley, New York, Second Edition, 1959)).
`If n » c, the last term is the most significant.


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 7 of 12
`and l ; increases to
`J1 = I llx - m1112 + llx - m1112
`_2!.L_ llx - m;ll2
`n1 + 1
`Vnder the assumption that n, "F l (singleton clusters should not be destroyed),
`a similar calculation shows that mi changes to
`and Ji decreases to
`Jt = J, - _____!!L_ Iii - m,112
`n, - 1
`These equations greatly simplify the computation of the change in the
`criterion function. The transfer of x from ft , to X-1 is advantageous
`if the
`decrease in J, is greater than the increase in J1• This is the case if
`l) llx - m;ll2 > n1/ (n; + I) llx - m;ll2 ,
`n,/(n i -
`which typically happens whenever x is closer to m; than m,. If reassignment
`is profitable, the greatest decrease in sum of squared error is obtained by
`selecting the cluster for which n1/ (n1 + I) llx - m,112 is minimum. This leads
`to the following clustering procedure:
`Procedure: Basic Minimum Squared Error
`I. Select an initial partition of the n samples into clusters and
`compute J, and the means m1 , ...
`, m0 •
`2. Select the next candidate sample x. Suppose that i is currently
`in f.t,.
`3. If n, = 1 go to Next; otherwise compute
`4. Transfer x to if Pk s P; for allj.
`5. Update J., m, , and mk.
`6. If J, has not changed in n attempts, stop; otherwise go to Loop.
`j = i.


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`If this procedure is compared to the Basic Isodata procedure described in
`Section 6.4.4, it is clear that the former is essentially a sequential version of
`the latter. Where the Basic Isodata procedure waits until all n samples have
`been reclassified before updating,
`the Basic Minimum Squared Error pro(cid:173)
`cedure updates after each sample is reclassified. It has been experimentally
`observed that this procedure is more susceptible to being trapped at a local
`minimum, and it has the further disadvantage of making the results depend
`on the order in which the candidates are selected. However, it is at least a
`stepwise optimal procedure, and it can be easily modified to apply to problems
`in which samples are acquired sequentially and clustering must be done in
`real time.
`One question that plagues all hill-climbing procedures is the choice of the
`starting point. Unfortunately,
`there is no simple , universally good solution
`to this problem. One approach is to select c samples randomly for the initial
`cluster centers, using them to partition
`the data on a minimum -distance
`basis. Repetition with different random selections can give some indication
`of the sensitivity of the solution to the starting point. Another approach is
`to find the c-cluster starting point from the solution to the (c -
`problem. The solution for the one-cluster problem is the total sample mean;
`the starting point for the c-cluster problem can be the final means for the
`!)-cluster problem plus the sample that is furthest from the nearest
`(c -
`cluster center. This approach leads us directly to the so-called hierarchical
`clustering procedures, which are simple methods that can provide very good
`starting points for iterative optimization.
`6.10.1 Definitions
`Let us consider a sequence of partitions of the n samples into c clusters. The
`first of these is a partition into n clusters , each cluster containing exactly one
`sample. The next is a partition into n -
`l clusters, the next a partition into
`n - 2, and so on until the nth , in which all the samples form one cluster.
`We shall say that we are at level k in the sequence when c = n - k + l.
`Thus , level one corresponds to n clusters and level n to one. Given any two
`samples x and x' , at some level they will be grouped together in the same
`cluster. If the sequence has the property that whenever two samples are in
`the same cluster at level k they remain together at all higher levels, then the
`sequence is said to be a hierarchical clustering. The classical examples of
`hierarchical clustering appear in biological taxonomy, where individuals are
`grouped into species, species into genera, genera into families, and so on.


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 9 of 12
`this kind of clustering permeates classificatory activities in the
`Jn fact,
`tree, called a
`For every hierarchical clustering there is a corresponding
`dendrogram, that shows how the samples are grouped. Figure 6.15 shows a
`dendrogram for a hypothetical problem involving six samples. Level 1 shows
`the six samples as singleton clusters. At level 2, samples x 8 and x 5 have been
`grouped to form a cluster, and they stay together at all subsequent levels. If
`it is possible to measure the similarity between clusters, then the dendrogram
`•is usually drawn to scale to show the similarity between the clusters that are
`grouped. In Figure 6. 15, for example, the similarity between the two groups
`of samples that are merged at level 6 has a value of 30. The similarity values
`are often used to help determine whether the groupings are natural or forced.
`For our hypothetical example, one would be inclined to say that the groupings
`at levels 4 or 5 are natural, but that the large reduction in similarity needed
`to go to level 6 makes that grouping forced. We shall see shortly how such
`similarity values can be obtained.
`Because of their conceptual simplicity, hierarchical clustering procedures
`are among
`the best-known methods. The procedures
`themselves can be
`divided into two distinct classes, agglomerative and divisive. Agglomerative
`(bottom-up, clumping) procedures start with n singleton clusters and form
`LEVEL 1 -(cid:173)
`LEVEL 2 -
`LEVEL 3 -
`LEVEL 4 --
`LEVEL 5 -
`LEVEL 6 --
`..J < u
`> t
`a: < =
`40 !!
`FIGURE 6.15. A dendrogram for hierarchical clustering.


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 10 of 12
`the sequence by successively merging clusters. Divisive (top -down, splitting)
`procedures start with all of the samples in one cluster and form the sequence
`by successively splitting clusters. The computation needed to go from one
`level to another is usually simpler for the agglomerative procedures. However,
`when there are many samples and one is interested in only a small number
`of clusters, this computation will have to be repeated many times. For
`simplicity, we shall limit our attention
`to the agglomerative procedures,
`referring the reader to the literature for divisive methods .
`6.10.2 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
`, n.
`The major steps in agglomerative clustering are contained in the following
`Procedure: Basic Agglomerative Clustering
`1. Let e = n and fl"i = {x;}, i = l, ...
`2. If es c, stop.
`3. Find the nearest pair of distinct clusters, say fl"i and fl";.
`4. Merge fl"i and fl";, delete fl";, and decrement c by one.
`5. Go to Loop.
`terminates when the specified number of
`As described, this procedure
`clusters has been obtained. However, if we continue until c = l we can
`produce a dendrogram
`like that shown in Figure 6.15. At any level the
`distance between nearest clusters can provide the dissimilarity value for that
`level. The reader will note that we have not said how to measure the distance
`between two clusters. The considerations here are much like those involved
`in selecting a criterion function. For simplicity, we shall restrict our attention
`to the following distance measures, leaving extensions to other similarity
`measures to the reader's imagination:
`dm1nC8(i, 8(;) = min
`dmaxC 8(,, gr,) = max
`xe!E,,x'e:£ 1

`da.vif,(i, 8(;) = _l_ L L llx - x'II
`n,n; xe~, x'e~ ,
`dmeo,n(f,(i, 8(,) = llm, - m,11-
`All of these measures have a minimum-variance flavor, and they usually
`yield the same results if the clusters are compact and well separated. However,
`if the clusters are close to one another, or if their shapes are not basically
`hyperspherical , quite different results can be obtained. We shall use the
`two-dimensional point sets shown in Figure 6. I 6 to illustrate some of the
`llx - x'II
`II X - x' II


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 11 of 12
`FIGURE 6.16. Three illustrative examples.


`Case 1:14-cv-02396-PGG-MHD Document 148-10 Filed 05/30/19 Page 12 of 12
`FIGURE 6.17. Results of the nearest-neighbor algorithm.

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