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`to my parents and to Etmérze, Whitney, and Lesiie.
`Cover and title page photo.-
`Camera graphics produced on an MC 1600 computerized
`optical printer. William Smyth/Slide Graphics of New England.
`Acquisitions Editor: Mary Le Quesne
`Production Editor: Peggy J. Flanagan
`Designer: Robm Rose
`Design Coordinator, Victor A Curran
`Production coordinator, Mike O'DQa
`Copyright © 1986 by D. C. Heath and Company.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
`reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
`electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or
`any information storage or retrieval system, without
`permission in writing from the publisher.
`Published simultaneously in Canada.
`Printed in the United States of America.
`Photo Researcher; Fay Torrgsyap
`international Standard Book Nurrrber: 0-669-04529-2
`Text Permissions Editor: Margaret Roll
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 85-60981

`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 4 of 118 PageID: 895
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`Accuracy the agreement of a particular value with the true
`value. (1.3)
`a substance that produces hydrogen ions in solution; a
`proton donor. (4.2)
`a substance that marks the end point of
`At:id—hase indicator
`an acid-base titration by changing color. (15.4)
`Acid rain 21 result of air pollution by sulfur dioxide. (5.9)
`Acid dissociation constant (K,.)
`the equilibrium constant for
`a reaction in which a proton is removed from an acid by
`l-1.20 to form the conjugate base and H301’. (14.1)
`Acidic oxide
`a covalent oxide that dissolves in water to give
`an acidic solution. (14.10)
`Actinide series
`a group of fourteen elements following actin-
`ium in the periodic table, in which the 5f orbitals are being
`filled. (7.11; 18.1)
`the arrangement of
`Activated complex (transition state)
`atoms found at the top of the potential energy barrier as a
`reaction proceeds from reactants to products. (12.5)
`Activation energy the threshold energy that must be over-
`come to produce a chemical reaction. (12.5)
`Addition polymerization a type of polymerization in which
`the monomers simply add together to form the polymer, with
`no other products. (22.5)
`Addition reaction a reaction in which atoms add to a carbon-
`carbon multiple bond. (22.2)
`Adsorption the collection of one substance on the surface of
`another. (12.6)
`Air pollution contamination of the atmosphere, mainly by the
`gaseous products of transportation and production of electric-
`ity. (5.9)
`an organic compound in which the hydroxyl group is
`a substituent on a hydrocarbon. (22.4)
`an organic compound containing the carbonyl
`group bonded to at least one hydrogen atom. (22.4)
`Alkali metal
`a Group 1A metal. (2.7; 18.2)
`Alkaline earth metal
`a Group 2A metal. (2.7; 18.4)
`a saturated hydrocarbon with the general formula
`C,.H2..+2. (22-1)
`an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing a carbon-can
`bon double bond. The general formula is C,,.li2,,. (22.2)
`an unsaturated hydrocarbon containing a triple car-
`bon—carbon bond. The general formula is C,;H2,,_2. (22.2)
`a substance that contains a mixture of elements and has
`metallic properties. (10.4)
`21 form of steel containing carbon plus other n1et~
`Alloy steel
`als such as chromium, cobalt, manganese. and molybde-
`num. (24.4)
`a helium nucleus. (21.1)
`Alpha ((2) particle
`Alpha particle production a common mode of decay for
`radioactive nuclides in which the mass number
`changes. (21.1)
`an organic base derived from ammonia in which one
`or more of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by organic
`groups. (14.6; 22.4)
`oi-Amino acid
`an organic acid in which an amino group and
`an R group are attached to the carbon atom next to the car-
`boxyl group. (23.1)
`Amorphous solid
`a solid with considerable disorder in its
`structure. (10.3)
`the unit of electrical current equal to cite-t::zuls33nli
`charge per second. (17.7)
`Amphoteric substance
`a substance that can behave ell
`an acid or as a base. (14.2)
`a negative ion. (2.6)
`the electrode in a galvanic cell at which oxidation
`occurs. (17.1)
`an orbital higher in energy
`Antihonding molecular orbital
`than the atomic orbitals of which it is composed. (9.2)
`Aromatic hydrocarbon one of a special class of cyclic un-
`saturated hydroearbons, the simplest of which is ben-
`zene. (22.3)
`a concept postulating that acids produce
`Arrhenius concept
`hydrogen ions ‘in aqueous solution, while bases produce hy-
`droxide ions. (14.1)
`Arrhenius equation the equation representing the rate con-
`stant as k = Ae”E**’RT where. A represents the product of the
`collision frequency and the steric factor, and e“E"RT is the
`fraction of collisions with sufficient energy to produce a re-
`action. (12.5)
`a solution in which water is the dissolving
`Aqueous solution
`medium or solvent. (4.0)
`Atactic chain a polymer chain in which the substitnent
`groups such as CH; are randomly distributed along the
`chain. (24.2)
`the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth’s
`surface. (5.9)
`Atomic number
`atom. (2.5; 21)
`the number of protons in the nucleus of an

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`particle is formed having the same mass as an electron but
`opposite charge. The net effect is to change a proton to a
`neutron. (?.l.i)
`Fotential energy energy due to position or composition. (6.1)
`ihrecipitation. reaction
`a reaction in which an insoluble sub-
`stance forms and separates from the solution. (4.5)
`Precision the degree of agreement among several measure-
`ments of the same quantity; the rcpro-tluciliility of a measure-
`ment. (L3)
`the ortier (sequence) of
`Frimary structure (of a protein)
`arnino acids in the protein chain. (23.1)
`Principal quantum number
`the qtiantuni numher relating to
`the size and energy of an orbital; it can have any positive
`integer value. (7.6)
`Frohahility distribution the square of the wave function, in-
`dicating the protiability of finding an electron at a particular
`point in space. (7.5)
`a substance resulting from a chemical reaction. It is
`shown to the right of the arrow in a cherriical equation. (3.6)
`2: natural high-rnolecular-weight polymer formed ‘oy
`condensation reactions between amino acids. (23.1)
`Proton 2. positively charged particle in an atomic nucleus.
`(2.5; 21)
`at suhstancc with constant composition. (1.8)
`Pure substance
`Pyrometaliurgy recovery of a metal from its ore hy treatment
`at high temperatures. (24.4)
`the separation and iciitification of indi-
`Qualitative analysis
`vidual ions from a tnixturc. (4.6)
`Quantitative analysis
`a process in which the amounts of the
`components of a mixture we deterrninerl. (4.7)
`the fact that energy can occur only
`units called quanta. (7.2)
`Rad a unit of radiation dosage corresponding to 10'” I of
`energy deposited per kilogram of’ tissue (horn racliaticin ah-
`sorhed dose). (21.7)
`the spontaneous tiecornpo
`Ratiioactivc decay (radioactivity)
`"tion oi" a nucleus to form a different nucleus. (21.1)
`ziocarhnn dating (carbon-14 t.’ial;ing)
`a method for dating
`ancient wood or cloth i}3SCd on the rate of radioactive decay
`oi’ the riuclicle 1‘§C. (21.4)
`a radioactive nuciide, introduced into an organ-
`.m for diagnostic purposes, whose pathway can be traced by
`moiiitoriiig its radioactivity. (21.4)
`lltandnm error
`an error that has an equal probability of being
`high or low. (1.3)
`directly pro-
`iiiaoulfls law the vapor pressure of 3 srilutiori
`portional to the mole fraction of solvent present. (11.4)
`Rate constant
`the proportionality constant in the relationship
`hetween reaction rate and reactant concentrations. (l2.2.)
`the change ‘ii the number of radioactive nu-
`Rate of decay
`clizles in a saxnple per unit time. (21.2)
`Ratcaletcrmining step
`the slowest step in :3 reaction mecha-
`riisin. the one (ieterinining the overall rate. (32.4)
`Rate law
`expression that shows how the rate of reaction
`depends on the concentration of reactants. (12.2)
`it ap-
`a starting suhstarrce in a chemical reaction.
`pears to the left of the arrow in a chemical equation. (3.6)
`Reaction mechanism the series oi" elementary steps involved
`in a chemical reaction. (12.4)
`lteaction quotient
`a quotient obtained ‘ny applying the law of
`mass action to initial concentrations rather than to equilib-
`rium concentrations. (13.5)
`Reaction rate
`the change in concentration ol’ :3 reactant or
`product per unit time. (12.l')
`Reactor core
`the part of ii nuclear rezictor where the fission
`reaction takes place. (21.6)
`a reactant that donates
`Retlucing; agent (electron donor)
`electrons to another substance to reduce the oxidation state
`of one of its atoms. (4.9; l7.l)
`a decrease in oxidation state (a gain of electrons).
`(4.9; l7.l)
`Rem a unit of ratiiation dosage that accounts for both the
`energy of the dose and its eflectiveriess in causing hiological
`damage (from roentgen equivalent for man). The nttrnber of
`items = (nrinihcr of rads)
`where Rl3l-El represents the
`relative effectiveness of the radiation in causing biological
`damage. (21.7)
`a condition occurring when more than one valid
`Lewis structure can be written for 23 pnrti,cular molecule. The
`'ctual electronic structure is not rcprcsenteri by any one of
`the Lewis structures but by the average of all of
`' cm. (8.12)
`the process occurring when the external
`Reverse osmosis
`pressure on 3 solution causes a net {low of solvent through a
`sernipernieal;-le rneinbrane from the solution to the sol-
`vent. (ll.6)
`a cyclic process carried out by u ‘hypo-
`Reversible process
`tiieticai pathway, which leaves the universe exactly the same
`as it was before the process. No real process is reversi-
`hle. (36.9)
`at nucleotide polymer that transmits
`Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
`the genetic inforrnation stored in DNA to the ribosomes for
`protein synthesis. (23.3)
`a process of converting sulfide minerals to oxides
`by heating in air at teinpcratures below their inciting
`the square root of the average of
`Root mean square velocity
`the squares of the intlividual velocities of gas particles. (5.6)
`an ionic coinpountl. (14.8)
`Salt hrislge
`a U-tube contztinirig an electrolyte that connects
`the two compartrnents of a galvanic cell, allowing ion ilow
`without extensive niinng of the cliffer‘ent solutions. (l7.l)
`A35 U Glossary

`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 6 of 118 PageID: 897
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` e E e 52 ee
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`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 8 of 118 PageID: 899
`Case 3:14—cv-O5499—PGS—L
`HG Document 42 4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 8 of 118 PageID: 899
`To our students, whose en’tlnisiasrn.
`and c'o.riositj;;' iiarre often inspired. us,
`and whose questions and suggestions
`have sornetirnes taught us.
`Senior Editor: Nicole Folchetti
`Meciia Editor: Paul Draper
`Art Director: Heather Scott
`Assistant Art Director: John Christiana
`Executive Managing Editor: Kathleen Schiaparelli
`Assistant Managing Editor, Science Media: Nicole Bush
`Assistant Managing Editor, Science Supplements; Dinah Thong
`Development Editor, Text: Iohn Mnrdzek
`Development Editor, Media: Anne Madura
`Project Manager: Kristen Kaiser
`Media Production Editor: Richard Barnes
`Supplements Production Editor: Natasha Wolfe
`Art Editor: Thomas Benfatti
`Editorial Assistants: Nancy Bauer / Eliana Ortiz
`Photo Editor: Debbie Hewitson.
`Senior Marketing Manager: Steve Sartori
`Creative Director: Carole Anson
`Director, Creative Services: Paul. Belfanti
`Manufacturing Manager: Trudy Pisciotti
`Assistant Manufacturing "Manager: Michael. Bell
`Editor in Chief, Physical Science: Iohn Chaliice
`Editor in Chief, Development: Ray Mulianey
`Vice President ESM Production and Manufacturing: David W. Riccardi
`Interior Design: Judith A. Matz—Conig,lio
`Photo Resea.rcl'ier: Truitt «S: Marshall
`Art Studio: Artworks: Senior Manager: Patty Burns/Production Manager: Ronda Whitson
`Manager, Production Technologies: Matthew HaasfProject Coordinator: Connie Long
`Illustrators: Royce Copenheaver, Jay McElroy, Daniel Knopsnyder, Marl: Landis, lonathan Derk
`Quality Assurance: Stacy Smith, Pamela Taylor, Tirnothy Nguyen
`Contributing Art Studio: Precision Graphics
`Cover Art: Ken Eward, Biografx
`Cover Designer: Joseph Sengotta
`Production Services/ Composition: Prepare, Inc.
`© 2003, 2000, 1997’, 1994, 1991,. 1988, 1985, 1981, 1977 by Pearson Education, lnc.
`Pearson Education, Inc.
`Upper Saddle River, N] 07458
`All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means,
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`ISBN ii-1:3-E|3Ex1ab&-3
`Pearson Education Ltd.
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`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 9 of 118 PageID: 900
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`cathodic protection A means of protecting 5;
`metal against corrosion by making it the cath.
`ode in a voltaic cell. This can be achieved by
`attaching a more easily oxidized metal, which
`serves as an anode, to the metal to be protected_
`(Section 20.8)
`cation A positively charged ion. (Section 2.7)
`cell potential A measure of the driving force,
`or "electrical pressure,” for an electrochemical
`reaction; it is measured in volts: 1V = 1]/C
`Also called electromotive force. (Section 20.4)
`cellulose A polysaccharide of glucose; it is the
`major structural element
`in plant matter,
`(Section 25.10)
`Celsius scale (A temperature scale on which
`Water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° at sea level.
`(Section 1.4)
`ceramic A solid inorganic material, either crys-
`talline (oxides, carbides, silicates) or amorphous
`(glasses). Most ceramics melt at high tempera-
`tures. (Section 12.4) ‘
`chain reaction A series of reactions in which
`_v one reaction initiates the next. (Section 21.7)
`changes of state ( Transformations of matter
`from one state to a different one, for example,
`' from a gas to a liquid. (Section 1.3) V
`charcoal A form of carbon produced whe:i
`wood is heated strongly in a deficiency oi’ air.
`(Section 22.9)
`— *
`, “
`Charles’s law A law stating that at constant
`pressure, the volume of a given quantity of gas
`is proportional
`to absolute temperature.
`‘(Section 10.3)
`chelate effect The generally larger formation
`constants for polydentate ligands as compared
`‘V with the corresponding monodentate ligands.
`(Section 24.2)
`chelating agent A polydentate ligand that is
`capable of occupying two or more sites in the
`coordination sphere. (Section 24.2) »
`chemical bond _ A strong attractive force that
`exists between atoms in a molecule. (Section 8.1)
`chemical changes * Processes in which one or
`» more substances are converted into other sub-
`boranes Covalent
`becquerel The SI unit of radioacfivity. It cor-
`(Section 22.11)
`responds to one nuclear disintegration per sec-
`ond. (Section 21.4)
`Born—Haber cycle A thermodynamic cycle
`based on I-less’s law that relates the lattice ener-
`Beer's law The light absorbed by a substance
`gy of an ionic substance to its enthalpy of for-
`(A) equals the product of its molar absorptivity
`mation and to other measurable quantifies.
`constant (a), the path length through which the
`(Section 8.2)
`light passes (11), and the molar concentration of
`the substance (c): A = abc. (Section 14.2)
`Boyle's law A law stating that at constant tem-
`perature, the product of the volume and pres-
`beta particles Energetic electrons emitted from
`sure of a given amount of gas is a constant.
`the nucleus, symbol fife. (Section 21.1)
`(Section 10.3)
`bidentate ligand A ligand in which two
`Bransted—Lowry acid . A substance (molecule
`coordinating atoms are bound to a metal.
`(Section 24.2)
`or ion) that acts as a proton donor. (Section 16.2)
`Bronsted—Lowry base A substance (molecule
`bimolecular reaction » An elementary reaction
`that acts
`a proton acceptor.
`that involves two molecules. (Section 14.6)
`(Section 16.2) ‘
`biochemistry — The study of the chemistry of
`buffer capacity The amount of acid or base a
`living systems. (Chapter 25: Introduction)
`buffer can neutralize before the pH begins to
`biocompatible Any substance or material that I
`change appreciably. (Section 17.2) * ,
`is compatible with living systems. (Section 12.3)
`buffered solution (buffer) A solution that
`biodegradable 5 Organic material that bacteria
`undergoes a limited change in pH upon addi-
`are able to oxidize. (Sectioni18.6) 7 1
`uy‘ tion of a small amount of acid or base.
`bimnaterial ‘ Any material that has a biomed-
`ical application. (Section 12.3) i~
`calcination The heating of
`ore to bring
`biopolymer A polymeric molecule‘ of high’
`about its decomposition and the elimination of
`molecular weight found in living systems. The
`a volatile product. Forexample, a carbonate
`t '
`drive off CO2.
`V Ore might be calcined to
`rcasseso iopo ymer are pro ems,
`ates, and nucleic acids. (Section 25.8)
`A cubic unit cell in ,:
`ered cubic cell
`calorie ’ A unit of energy, it is the amount of
`lattice points occur at the corners and
`energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of
`er. (Section 11.7) ,
`' Water by 1°C, from 145°C to 15.5°C. A related '
`a bomb calorimeter A device forlmleasuririg the
`unit is the joule: 1 cal = 4.184 I. (Section 5.1)
`'V ‘ heat evolved in the combustion of a substance
`calorimeter An apparatus that measures the
`’ under constant-volume conditions. (Section 5.5)
`evolution of heat. (Section 5.5) 1
`y a "
`bond angles ~’ The angles made by the lines :
`~ calorimetry The experimental measurement
`joining the nuclei of the atoms in a molecule. ’-
`of heat produced in chemical and physical
`(Section 9.1)
`'1 processes. (Section 5.5) '
`bond dipole , The dipole moment due to the
`, capillary action The process
`a liquid
`two atoms of a covalent bond. (Section 9.3)
`rises in a tube because of a combination of adhe-
`band emhalpy-A 1' The enthalpy Change’ AH" 5 sion to the walls of the tube and cohesion
`required to break a particular bond when the
`between liquid parfidea (section 113)
`substance is in the gas phase. (Section 8.8) ~
`banding atomic radius Theradius of an afom V
`‘ carbide » Abinafy compound of carbon witha V
`metal or metalloid. (Section 22.9) .,
`df’ db th d‘
`6 me ’ y
`e lstames separahng 1 Om carbohydrates A class of substances formed
`’ other atoms to which it is chemically bonded.
`from polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones.
`_(Section25.10) r.
`stances; ’ also V called chemical ' reactions.
`bonding molecular orbital A molecular
`i carbon black A microcrystallme form of car- V‘
`(Section 1.3)
`- ”
`orbital in which the electron density is concen-
`chemical equation A representation of .3
`b°“,- (5e°"l°“‘22-9)
`i v '
`trated inthe internuclear region. The energy of
`carbonyl group The C=O double bond, a
`chemical reaction using the chemical formulas
`a bonding molecular orbital is lower than the
`characteristic feature of several organic func-
`of the reactants and products; a balanced chem-
`7 energy of the separate atomic orbitals from
`tional groups, such as ketones and aldehydes.
`ical equation contains equal numbers of atoms
`"' whichit forms. (Section 9.7)
`V of each element on both sides of the equation.
`b°“diTl8 Pair
`In a Lewisstructure a pair
`of electrons. that is shared‘ by two atoms. ~ carboxylicxacid (A compound
`contains the
`(Section 9.2) '
`~ » .
`V —COOH functional group. (Sections 16.10 '
`chemical equilibrium . Astate of dynamic bal-
`' ance in which the rate of formation of the prod-
`bond length '. The distance between thecenters .
`ucts of a reaction from the reactants equals the
`, catalyst ‘Asubstance that changes the speed of J
`of two bonded atoms. (Section 8.8) ‘F’:
`" a chemical reaction without itself undergoing a ,
`rate of formation of the reactants from the prod-
`bond order V— The number of bonding electron ,
`permanent‘ chemical change in the process.
`ucts; at equilibrium the concentrations of the
`pairs shared between two atoms, less the num-
`reactants and products remain constant. (Section
`(Section 14.7)
`berof antibonding electron pairsé bond order = 17
`’ cathode V An electrode at. which reduction
`; 4.1; Chapter 15: Introduction.) ;,
`V _
`(number of bonding electrons — number of anti-
`occurs.v(Section 20.3)

`i g
`C ‘ 5 chemical formula Anotation that uses chem~
`bonding electrons). (Section_9.7)
`ical symbols with numerical subscripts to con-
`cathode rays — Streams of electrons that are pro- f»
`bond polarity A measure of how equally th
`electrons are shared between the two atoms in a« }.
`duced when a high voltage is applied to elec
`uvey the relative proportions of atoms of the
`trodes in an evacuated tube. (Section 2.2) ‘
`Chemical bond. (Section 8.4) "
`' different elements in a substance. (Section 2.6)

`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 10 of 118 PageID: 901
`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 10 of 118 Page|D: 901“:
`(2 -'5 ‘:3
`product A substance produced in a chemical
`reaction; it appears to the right of the arrow in a
`chemical equation. (Section 3.1)
`protein A biopolymer formed from amino
`acids. (Section 25.9)
`protium The most common isotope of hydro-
`gen. (Section 22.2)
`proton A positively charged subatomic parti-
`cle found in the nucleus of an atom. (Section 2.3)
`pure substance Matter that has a fixed com-
`position and distinct properties. (Section 1.2)
`pyrometallurgy A process in which heat con-
`verts a mineral in an ore from one chemical form
`to another and eventually to the free metal.
`(Section 23.2)
`qualitative analysis The determination of the
`presence or absence of a particular substance in
`a mixture. (Section 17.7)
`quantitative analysis The determination of the
`amount of a given substance that is present in a
`sample. (Section 17.7)
`quantum The smallest increment of radiant
`energy that may be absorbed or emitted; the
`magnitude of radiant energy is hv. (Section 6.2)
`racemic mixture A mixture of equal amounts
`of the dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms of
`a chiral molecule. A racemic mixture will not
`rotate polarized light. (Section 24.4)
`rad A measure of the energy absorbed from
`radiation by tissue or other biological material;
`1 rad = transfer of 1 X 10_2] of energy per
`kilogram of material. (Section 21.9)
`radioactive series A series of nuclear reactions
`that begins with an unstable nucleus and termi-
`nates with a stable one. Also called nuclear dis-
`integration series. (Section 21.2)
`" '
`‘ivity The spontaneous disintegration
`stable atomic nucleus with accompany-
`ssion of radiation. (Section 2.2; Chapter
`.~;:':~.‘:I <_\.1*eT=
` itope An isotope that is radioactive;
`It is undergoing nuclear changes with
`emission of radiation. (Section 21.1)
`‘A radioactive nuclide.
`tion 21.1)
`radiotracer A radioisotope that can be used to
`trace the path of an element. (Section 21.5)
`’slaw A law stating that the partial
`pressure of a solvent over a solution, PA, is given
`by the Vapor pressure of the pure solvent, Pg,
`times the mole fraction of a solvent in the solu-
`tion, XA:PA = XARK. (Section 13.5)
`rate constant A constant of proportionality
`between thereaction rate and the concentrations
`reaction mechanism A detailed picture, or
`roasting Thermal treatment of an ore to bring
`model, of how the reaction occurs; that is, the
`about chemical reactions involving the furnace
`order in which bonds are broken and formed,
`atmosphere. For example, a sulfide ore might be
`roasted in air to form a metal oxide and S02.
`and the changes in relative positions of the
`(Section 23.2)
`atoms as the reaction proceeds. (Section 14.6)
`root-mean-square (rms) speed (p.) The square
`reaction order The power to which the con-
`root of the average of the squared speeds of the
`centration of a reactant is raised in a rate law.
`(Section 14.3)
`gas molecules in a gas sample. (Section 10.7)
`rotational motion Movement of a molecule as
`(Q) The value that
`reaction quotient
`obtained when concentrations of reactants and
`though it is spinning like a top. (Section 19.3)
`products are inserted into the equilibrium
`salinity A measure of the salt content of sea-
`expression. If the concentrations are equilibri-
`water, brine, or brackish water. It is equal to the
`um concentrations, Q = K; otherwise, Q as K.
`mass in grams of dissolved salts present in 1 kg
`(Section 15.5)
`of seawater. (Section 18.5)
`reaction rate The decrease in concentration of
`salt An ionic compound formed by replacing
`a reactant or the increase in concentration of a
`one or more ill’ of an acid by other cations.
`(Section 4.3)
`product with time. (Section 14.2)
`redox (oxidation-reduction) reaction A reac-
`saponification Hydrolysis of an ester in the
`tion in which certain atoms undergo changes in
`presence of a base. (Section 25.6)
`oxidation states. The substance increasing in oxi-
`saturated solution A solution in which undis-
`dation state is oxidized; the substance decreas-
`solved solute and dissolved solute are in equi-
`ing in oxidation state is reduced. (Chapter 20;
`librium. (Section 13.2)
`scientific law A concise verbal statement or a
`reducing agent, or reductant The substance
`mathematical equation that summarizes a broad
`that is oxidized and thereby causes the reduc-
`variety of observations and experiences.
`tion of some other substance in an oxidation-
`(Section 1.3)
`reduction reaction. (Section 20.1)
`scientific method The general process of
`reduction A process in which a substance
`advancing scientific knowledge by making
`gains one or more electrons. (Section 4.4) -
`experimental observations and by formulating
`refining The process of converting an impure
`laws, hypotheses, and theories. (Section 1.3)
`form of a metal into a more usable substance of
`scintillation counter An instrument that is
`well-defined composition. For example, crude
`used to detect and measure radiation by the flu-
`pig iron from the blast furnace is refined in a
`orescence it produces in a fluorescing medium.
`converter to produce steels of desired composi-
`(Section 21.5)
`tions. (Section 23.2)
`secondary structure The manner in which a
`rem A measure of the biological damage
`protein is coiled or stretched. (Section 25.9)
`caused by radiation;
`rerns = rads ‘3< RBE.
`second law of thermodynamics A statement
`(Section 21.9)
`of our experience that there is a direction to the
`renewable energy Energy such as solar ener-
`way events occur in nature. When a process
`gy, wind energy, and hydroelectric energy that
`occurs spontaneously in one direction, it is non-
`from essentially inexhaustible sources.
`spontaneous in the reverse direction. It is possi-
`(Section 5.8)
`ble to state the second law in many different
`representative (main-group) element Element
`forms, but they all relate back to the same idea
`about spontaneity. One of the most common
`in which the s and p orbitals are partially occu-
`statements found in chemical contexts is mat in
`pied. (Section 6.9)
`any spontaneous process the entropy of the uni-
`resonance structures (resonance forms)
`verse increases. (Section 19.2)
`vidual Lewis structures in cases where two or
`second-order reaction A reaction in which the
`more Lewis structures are equally good descrip-
`~ overall reaction order (the sum of the concen-
`tions of a single molecule. The resonance struc-
`tration-term exponents) in the rate law is 2.
`tures in such an instance are ”averaged” to give
`(Section 14.4)
`’ J
`" '
`a correct description of the real molecule.
`(Section 8.6)
`sigma (or) bond A covalent bond in which
`electron density is concentrated along the inter-
`reverse osmosis The process by which water
`nuclear axis. (Section 9.6)
`molecules move under high pressure through a
`semipermeable membrane from the more con-
`sigma (0') molecular orbital A molecular
`.V centrated to the less concentrated solution.
`orbital that centers the electron density about an
`(Section 18.5) ,-
`V V'>'1=Iy
`imaginary line passing through two nuclei.
`(Section 9-7) w
`reversibleprocess A A process that can go back
`and forth between states along exactly the same
`significant figures The digits that indicate the
`path; a system at equilibrium is reversible
`precision with which a measurement is made;
`because it can be reversed by an infinitesimal
`4‘ all digits of a measured quantity are significant,
`modification of a variable such as temperature.
`including the last digit, which is uncertain.
`(Section 19.1) ‘
`I '
`(Section 1.5)
`ribonucleic acid (RNA) Apolyqiucleotide ii; A
`silicates Compounds containing silicon and
`which ribose V is -' the ; sugar V‘ component. I
`oxygen, structurally based on SiO4tet'rahedra.
`‘ 7 ‘A if i—(Section 22.10) i
`(Section 25.11)
`of reactants that appear in the rate law. (Sec-
`tion 14.3)
`rate-determining step The slowest elementary
`step in a reaction mechanism. (Section 14.6)
`rate law An equation that relates the reaction
`rate to the concentrations of reactants (and
`sometimes of products also)._(Section 14.3) -.
`reactant A startinglsubstance in a chemical
`reaction; it appears to the left of the arrow in a
`chemical equation. (Section 3.1)

`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 11 of 118 PageID: 902
`Case 3:l4—cv—O5499—PGS—LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 11 of 118 Page|D: 902

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`Case 3:14-cv-05499-PGS-LHG Document 42-4 Filed 07/07/15 Page 13 of 118 PageID: 904
`fifopysigixt Q3) 1981 by G. & C. Co.
`Philippmasse (lamp-yright 1981 by G. & C. Mematsz Co.
`Library 0f Cozagress Catzalcging in Fublication. Data
`Mair: entry umcfier title:
`Wei::ster’s new collegiate diqtinnary.
`Editions for 1898-1948 have title: Webster's collegiate ciictianary.
`1, Engtizsh ianguageru-Dictionaries.
`ISBN C}-87779~4€)8-E
`ISBN U-87779»-409-1 fimiexed)
`ESBN {E-»8'F’779—41€}~3 (delasxfi

`W'ebster"s New Coiiagiate Dictionary princigéai copyright 1973
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