Case 1:24-cv-00376-MN Document 16-1 Filed 07/11/24 Page 1 of 36 PageID #: 302
`Exhibit 1


`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,677,398 B2
`*Mar. 18, 2014
`(75) Inventor: Roy Shkedi, New York, NY (US)
`(73) Assignee: Intent IQ, LLC, New York, NY (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 14 days.
`This patent is Subject to a terminal dis
`(21) Appl. No.: 13/167,605
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 23, 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2011/0252441 A1
`Oct. 13, 2011
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 12/860,666, filed on
`Aug. 20, 2010, now Pat. No. 8,281,336, which is a
`continuation of application No. 1 1/736,544, filed on
`Apr. 17, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,861,260.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04N 7/10
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`USPC ................. 725/34; 72.5/36; 709/218; 705/14;
`705/1449; 705/14.53; 705/14.54; 705/14.66
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC .............. 725/34–36; 709/218; 705/14, 14.25,
`705/14.4, 14.41, 14.49, 14.53, 14.54, 14.55,
`705/14.66, 14.73
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`Primary Examiner — Nnenna Ekpo
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Louis J. Hoffman; David S.
`In a method for delivering targeted television advertisements
`based on online behavior, IP addresses indicating online
`access devices and IP addresses indicating television set-top
`boxes are electronically associated for a multitude of users.
`Using user profile information derived from online activity
`from one of the online access IP addresses, a television adver
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`set-top box indicated by the set-top IP address associated with
`that online access IP address. Preferably neither the user
`profile information nor the electronic association of online
`access and set-top box IP addresses includes personally iden
`tifiable information.
`44 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets
`Case 1:24-cv-00376-MN Document 16-1 Filed 07/11/24 Page 2 of 36 PageID #: 303


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`U.S. Patent
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 18, 2014
`Sheet 8 of 18
`US 8,677,398 B2
`Online site Or
`ad Server
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`----------- 41


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 18, 2014
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`US 8,677,398 B2
`----------- 41
`P modem/STB
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`U.S. Patent
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`- - - - - - - - - - - ?


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`FIG 11A


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 18, 2014
`Sheet 14 of 18
`US 8,677,398 B2
`P modem/STB
`Case 1:24-cv-00376-MN Document 16-1 Filed 07/11/24 Page 18 of 36 PageID #: 319
`FIG 11B


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 18, 2014
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`US 8,677,398 B2
`Online site Or
`ad Server
`----------- 41
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`FIG 11C


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 18, 2014
`Sheet 16 of 18
`US 8,677,398 B2
`hodem STB
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`r-? -----


`US 8,677,398 B2
`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`12/860,666, filed Aug. 20, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,281,
`336, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 1 1/736,
`544, filed Apr. 17, 2007, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,861,260.
`DVR can comprise a stand-alone unit connected to a televi
`Sion, an STB, or a signal Source, or the DVR can comprise
`Software that programs a computer to perform DVR storage
`and playback functions.
`Video-on-Demand (VOD)—a system that allows users to
`select and view video content delivered from a signal source
`in response to a request from the user. Typically, the requested
`video content can be viewed at a time of the user's own
`choosing and can be paused, rewound, or fast-forwarded as
`desired by the user. A VOD system can “stream” the content
`(enabling viewing of portions of a requested item of video
`content while other portions are still being delivered from the
`signal source), or the VOD system can “download the con
`tent and allow viewing only after a complete item is delivered
`from the signal source. Some VOD systems allow users to
`select and watch video content over a network as part of an
`interactive television system.
`Interactive Television (interactive TV. iTV, idTV, or
`ITV)—any television system that enables a viewer to interact
`with video content delivered to a television. Interactive tele
`vision can include, but is not limited to, access to Web sites
`through TV "crossover links.” electronic mail and online
`chat, online commerce, or enhanced graphics (relative to
`standard television offerings).
`Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)—a system wherein
`television content is delivered via a computer network using
`Internet Protocol (IP). For residential users, IPTV is often
`provided in conjunction with Video on Demand and can also
`be bundled with Internet services such as Internet access and
`Voice-over-IP (VoIP). Commercial bundling of IPTV, VoIP
`and Internet access is sometimes referred to in the industry as
`a “triple play. Additional telecommunications services (e.g.,
`mobile Voice or data service) can be added, yielding a “qua
`druple play' and so forth. IPTV typically is supplied by a
`broadband service provider using a closed network infra
`structure. IPTV also can be provided over the Internet or other
`publicly accessible computer network, in which case it might
`be referred to as Internet TV or TV-over-Internet. IPTV also
`can be used to deliver video or other content over a corporate
`LAN or other business network.
`Online user interface device—any user interface device
`used to access a remote network Such as the Internet, includ
`ing but not limited to a cell phone or mobile handset, a
`personal digital assistant (PDA), or a networked computer
`(desktop, workstation, notebook, laptop, or other).
`Online access device—any device used to connect an
`online user interface device to a remote network Such as the
`Internet, including but not limited to a modem, a wired or
`wireless router, a wireless access point, a wired network
`adapter (e.g., Ethernet adapter), a wireless network adapter
`(e.g., IEEE 802.11, ED-VO, EDGE, HSPA, CDMA, GSM, or
`other), or an optical fiber based network adapter (e.g., a net
`work interface unit or optical network terminal). Different
`types of online access devices can and sometimes are com
`bined into a single unit (e.g., a modem that also functions as
`a router for a LAN). An online user interface device and an
`online access device can be, and sometimes are, combined
`into a single unit (e.g., a computer with a built-in Ethernet
`adapter, wireless adapter, or modem).
`Router—any device that acts as a junction between net
`works, to buffer and transfer data between or among them.
`For example, a router can be employed to connect a local area
`network (LAN) to the Internet, thereby enabling online user
`interface devices connected to the LAN to share a connection
`to the Internet through the router. The router receives data
`from devices on the LAN and transmits them to the Internet
`The field of the present invention relates to online access
`and targeted delivery of advertisements. In particular, televi
`sion advertisements are targeted based on observed online
`(i.e., Internet) behavior of a television viewer without
`employing personally identifiable information.
`Some of the terms used in the present disclosure or
`appended claims are defined as follows.
`Television provider (TVP)—an entity that provides televi
`sion service to a Subscriber or user via any suitable transmis
`sion medium, including but not limited to coaxial cable, fiber
`optical cable, network cable, phone line, satellite
`transmission, or VHF or UHF transmission.
`Internet service provider (ISP; equivalently, an online
`access provider)—an entity that provides online access to a
`Subscriber or user via any suitable transmission medium,
`including but not limited to coaxial cable, fiber-optical cable,
`network cable, phone line, satellite transmission, wireless
`transmission (e.g., WiMax, WiFi, other IEEE 802 wireless
`protocols, etc.), or VHF or UHF transmission. The online
`access enables the Subscriber to access the Internet and its
`myriad online sites, or to access any future network Successor
`to the Internet.
`Set-top box (STB)—a device that connects a television and
`a signal Source. The STB receives an incoming signal,
`extracts content from the received signal, and transmits the
`extracted content to the television to be presented to a viewer.
`The signal Source can be a computer network cable (e.g., an
`Ethernet or other transmission-speed cable), a satellite dish, a
`coaxial cable connected to a cable television system, a tele
`phone line or digital subscriber line (DSL), a wireless net
`work connection, an antenna (VHF, UHF digital, or other), or
`another Suitable signal Source. The content can include, but is
`not limited to, video (which often can include an audio por
`tion), audio, Internet web pages, interactive games, or other
`content. An STB may or may not include a dedicated televi
`sion tuner. Despite its name, an STB need not be physically
`located on top of a television set literally. Under current
`technology, STBs often are located physically adjacent to the
`television set, such as in a media cabinet or the like, but it is
`not even necessary that the STB be located in proximity to the
`television. Nor is it necessary that the STB be a box, literally.
`Rather, a STB might be implemented, for example, as a
`circuit board, integrated circuit, set of integrated circuits, or
`software that is physically integrated with another “box.’
`Such as the television, a cable or other connection, a com
`puter, or a building equipment or junction box, which also has
`other functions, or without being housed in any “box' at all.
`Digital video recorder (DVR, alternatively personal video
`recorder or PVR)—a device that stores video content in a
`digitally encoded format on a digital storage medium, Such as
`a hard drive, and enables playback of the stored content. A
`Case 1:24-cv-00376-MN Document 16-1 Filed 07/11/24 Page 23 of 36 PageID #: 324


`directed to their corresponding destinations, and receives data
`from the Internet Internet and directs them to the correspond
`ing devices on the LAN.
`Modem—a device that enables online access by a user by
`acting as an interface between the online access provider's
`network transmission system and the users computer or
`other online user interface device. Modems vary according to
`the type of provider network transmission system. Unless a
`specific type of modem is specified, the term “modem” shall
`encompass telephone modems, cable modems, DSL
`modems, wireless modems, satellite modems, or modems for
`providing online access to any other Suitable network trans
`mission system.
`Cable modem a type of modem that enables digital data
`transmission over cable television infrastructure. Cable
`modems are primarily used to deliver broadband Internet
`access using modulation frequencies that are not used for
`traditional television transmission.
`Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL, or often
`DSL)—a data communications technology that enables faster
`data transmission over a copper telephone line than a conven
`tional modem can provide. ADSL data transmission employs
`frequencies that typically are not used for voice transmission,
`usually frequencies beyond the range of normal human hear
`ing (higher than about 20 kHz). Propagation of Such high
`frequency signals over standard copper telephone lines typi
`cally is poor, typically limiting the use of DSL to distances
`less than about 5 km. Once the signal reaches the telephone
`company’s nearest central office (CO), the ADSL signal is
`stripped off and routed into a conventional data network,
`while any voice-frequency signal is routed into the conven
`tional telephone network. That arrangement enables a single
`telephone line to be used for both data transmission and
`telephone calls simultaneously.
`DSL modem-an ADSL transceiver, also known as an
`ADSL modem, used to connect one or more computers to a
`phone line to use an ADSL service. ADSL modem also can be
`referred to as a remote ADSL termination unit (ATU-R). An
`ADSL modem can also be configured to act as a router,
`managing the connection and sharing of the ADSL service
`with multiple computer or other networked devices. Such a
`combined device can be referred to as a DSL modem/router or
`similar terminology.
`Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM)—a
`device enabling high-speed connections between telephone
`lines and a computer network Such as the Internet. Typically
`it is located at a telephone company central office (CO) and
`connects multiple Digital Subscriber Lines (DSLs) to a com
`puter network, typically the Internet, using a suitable multi
`plexing technique.
`Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)—equipment
`typically found in a cable company's headend that is used to
`provide data communication over the cable television infra
`structure, thereby enabling the cable company to offer ser
`vices such as broadband Internet access or VoIP to its sub
`scribers. To provide high-speed data services (i.e., broadband
`access), a cable company typically connects its headend to the
`Internet using high capacity data links, directly or through a
`network service provider. On the subscriber side of the hea
`dend, the CMTS enables data communication with each sub
`scriber's cable modem. Various CMTSs are capable of serv
`ing different cable modem population sizes, which can range
`from 4,000 cable modems to 150,000 or more. A given cable
`company headend may have only a few CMTSs, or a dozen or
`more, depending on the size of the cable modem population
`serviced by that headend.
`Case 1:24-cv-00376-MN Document 16-1 Filed 07/11/24 Page 24 of 36 PageID #: 325
`US 8,677,398 B2
`Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)—a system
`that automatically assigns Internet Protocol addresses (IP
`addresses), Subnet masks, default routers, and other IP param
`eters, which are required for proper routing of data transmis
`sions to or from a particular device connected to the network.
`The assignment usually occurs when a DHCP-configured
`computer, modem, router, or other device boots up or regains
`connectivity to the network. The DHCP client (i.e., DHCP
`Software resident in the computer) sends out a query request
`ing a response from a DHCP server on the network. The query
`is typically initiated immediately after booting up and before
`the client initiates any IP-based communication with other
`hosts. The DHCP server then replies to t

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