Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 233-1 Filed 06/30/20 Page 1 of 16 PageID #: 9407


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 233-1 Filed 06/30/20 Page 2 of 16 PageID #: 9408
`Case 1:17-cv-00868—CFC-SRF Document 233-1 Filed 06/30/20 Page 2 of 16 PageID #: 9408


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 233-1 Filed 06/30/20 Page 3 of 16 PageID #: 9409
` )
` Plaintiffs, ) C.A. No.17-868-CFC-SRF
` )
`v. )
` )
`USA, INC., )
` )
` Defendants. )
`Friday, April 24, 2020
`11:00 a.m.
`844 King Street
`Wilmington, Delaware
` United States District Court Judge
` -and-
`Counsel for the Plaintiffs
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`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`THE COURT: Good morning,
`everyone. It's Magistrate Judge Sherry Fallon.
`I'm prepared to address the discovery dispute in
`U Mass versus L'Oreal. Let me find out who is
`on the call. First, do we have our court
`stenographer, Ms. Gunning?
`Stacy Ingram from Hawkins, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Oh, sorry, Stacy. I
`was informed it might be Val Gunning. Thank you
`for being available this morning. Is my law
`clerk, Ms. Polito, on the line?
`LAW CLERK: Yes, Judge, I'm on the
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you.
`And let's start with appearances of counsel for
`the University of Massachusetts, et al. Who is
`on the line starting with Delaware counsel?
`MR. FARNAN: Good morning, Your
`Honor. Brian Farnan on behalf of the plaintiff
`and with me is Justin Nelson, Tamar Lusztig and
`Beatrice Franklin, all from Susman Godfrey.
`THE COURT: All right. And who is
`on the line for L'Oreal?
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`MS. MOWERY: Good morning, Your
`Honor. This is Kate Mowery from Richards,
`Layton & Finger on the line for L'Oreal USA. I
`have Fred Cottrell on the line as well from my
`office and then Isaac Ashkenazi from Paul
`Hastings and Katherine Murray from Browne George
`MS. MURRAY: Good morning, Your
`THE COURT: Good morning,
`everyone. Just making my notes here. I'll just
`remind everyone, you're probably familiar with
`this from the last time we did the call, but
`please announce your name before you start
`speaking. Since there is a slight delay since
`we're all remotely connected, please speak
`slowly so that the court stenographer can make
`an accurate record of our proceedings today and
`if you're not speaking, keep your phone on mute
`so there aren't any outside or extraneous noises
`interrupting or obscuring the audio on those who
`are speaking. If you're going to cite to any
`particular exhibits, the filings that I received
`for this dispute were rather lengthy, just give
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
` -and-
` -and-
` Counsel for the Defendants
`1 2
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`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
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`04/30/2020 02:54:00 AM


`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 233-1 Filed 06/30/20 Page 4 of 16 PageID #: 9410
`their understanding too, okay, because then we
`documents. And so that 30(b)(6) deposition
`issued after this October agreement, we issued
`happened. I understand from this call today
`new requests for production which came up in the
`that there's issues with it that I may be
`prior discussion this morning and those include
`hearing about in the future, but nonetheless,
`more request, including request number 42, which
`putting aside whatever agreement was understood
`asks for final business plans, strategy
`or perhaps misunderstood, what's more helpful to
`documents and request number 66, which talks
`me today is for you to frame what the plaintiffs
`about customer surveys. And they agreed in
`are seeking, what proportion of that, if any,
`those, in that same language that we discussed
`has been produced already, by what you've got
`before, that they were going to produce those
`from L'Oreal. What's missing? I understand
`documents and they didn't reference any prior
`you've cited to request for production 40, 41,
`agreement. They just said in that same sentence
`42, 66. In general those seek sales forecasts,
`that they were going to produce in mid January.
`production of documents regarding market share,
`And at this point the document production
`strategic business plans, marketing strategies,
`deadline was February 7. Your Honor, in the
`production of consumer surveys and drivers of
`February hearing, extended that to February 28.
`demand. Again, do I have their responses in
`And then we looked at the documents and they
`front of me so I can look at what L'Oreal
`just weren't there. And this is their
`formally responded when it answered these
`understanding that only applied to requests for
`requests for production? Are there bates
`production 31 as well. And if I can point Your
`ranges? Are there documents produced? That's
`Honor to docket number 87, this is what they
`more helpful to me than splitting hairs over
`rely on for the supposed agreement.
`whether there was a specific agreement or not.
`THE COURT: All right. Let me get
`Let's get to the heart of the matter. What
`there. You said 87?
`relief is being sought? What have you got?
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`MR. NELSON: 87. This is in
`Where is it insufficient and what can the Court
`advance of this February hearing.
`do in the view of the plaintiff to make this
`THE COURT: Right. Go ahead.
`move along?
`MR. NELSON: And --
`MR. NELSON: Thank you, Your MR. NELSON: Thank you, Your
`THE COURT: I'm there.
`Honor. I will address those specifically.Honor. I will address those specifically.
`MR. NELSON: On page -- on page 3,
`First to answer your last one. With respect to First to answer your last one. With respect to
`Your Honor, it references the agreement. And
`what they did and how they responded on their what they did and how they responded on their
`let me see here, so I can point you specifically
`third set of requests for production, it was the third set of requests for production, it was the
`to that page. Bear with me, Your Honor, I want
`same type -- for request number 40 and 41, they same type -- for request number 40 and 41, they
`to make sure that we're exactly on this.
`objected completely. For request -- and this is objected completely. For request -- and this is
`THE COURT: Let's just bring in
`not in the report, but I'm sure L'Oreal's not in the report, but I'm sure L'Oreal's
`context. My issues with this March 26th issue
`counsel will correct me if I'm wrong. For counsel will correct me if I'm wrong. For
`were that these requests for these business
`request number 42, they had that same sentence request number 42, they had that same sentence
`marketing type of documents beyond the launch
`saying that they will produce after a reasonably saying that they will produce after a reasonably
`notebook -- launch books, I guess, or whatever,
`diligent search. And same for request 66, just diligent search. And same for request 66, just
`that the marketing document requests in general
`that one sentence. Now, after briefing in March that one sentence. Now, after briefing in March
`were overbroad, not very well defined, targeted,
`was completed they produced finally their was completed they produced finally their
`precise and in enough detail that I could figure
`document retention policies. And we then used document retention policies. And we then used
`out what plaintiffs were looking for. And I
`those, not some language of our requests, but those, not some language of our requests, but
`thought that part of the problem was to -- the
`based upon the categories that they themselves based upon the categories that they themselves
`plaintiffs didn't know what they were looking
`keep, we addressed them, we raised them with the keep, we addressed them, we raised them with the
`for, they needed a 30(b)(6) deposition to kind
`specific issues, for example, how they say specific issues, for example, how they say
`of delve into what materials may be out there to
`things. And again, if it would be helpful, I'm things. And again, if it would be helpful, I'm
`ask for in this respect for this category of
`happy to talk to exactly what we're seeking happy to talk to exactly what we're seeking
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`04/30/2020 02:54:00 AM
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`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 233-1 Filed 06/30/20 Page 5 of 16 PageID #: 9411
`based upon their document retention policies.
`search the budgets of the accused products to
`based upon their document retention policies.
`search the budgets of the accused products tobudgets
`And I'm looking now, Your Honor, at docket 123, And I'm looking now, Your Honor, at docket 123,
`determine whether there are any relevant determine whether there are any relevant
`exhibit 3. exhibit 3.
`documents? Answer, I don't know. Did L'Oreal documents? Answer, I don't know. Did L'Oreal
`search projections of the accused products for search projections of the accused products forprojections of
`any relevant documents? Answer, I don't know.any relevant documents? Answer, I don't know.
`Question, did L'Oreal search the trin reports Question, did L'Oreal search the trin reports
`for any relevant documents? Answer, I don't for any relevant documents? Answer, I don't
`know. And so these are what we tried to get to know. And so these are what we tried to get to
`the bottom of. We are basing our requests the bottom of. We are basing our requests
`specifically upon their document retention specifically upon their document retention
`policies and we just don't have these documents, policies and we just don't have these documents,
`again, after they had said they were going to again, after they had said they were going to
`produce them. And perhaps I should just stop produce them. And perhaps I should just stop
`there. I know its been a long time. If there's there. I know its been a long time. If there's
`any follow up questions you might have, but any follow up questions you might have, but
`that's basically it, we tried to expedite this that's basically it, we tried to expedite this
`case, we pointed out specifically based upon case, we pointed out specifically based upon
`their newly produced document retention their newly produced document retention
`deadlines what exactly we think is missing, deadlines what exactly we think is missing,
`where they are and why they haven't been where they are and why they haven't been
`MR. NELSON: Okay. So on page 5 MR. NELSON: Okay. So on page 5
`of the document there's a header number 2A. of the document there's a header number 2A.
`THE COURT: I have it.THE COURT: I have it.
`MR. NELSON: It is the launch MR. NELSON: It is the launch
`files and number 1 is the final concept files and number 1 is the final concept
`documents with positioning, pricing, claims, et documents with positioning, pricing, claims, et
`cetera, not to preview, but we asked this cetera, not to preview, but we asked this
`specifically at the deposition yesterday and specifically at the deposition yesterday and
`they didn't know. The 2C is the presentation they didn't know. The 2C is the presentation
`files. On that same page, 3A, are the consumer files. On that same page, 3A, are the consumer
`research including any test market studies, research including any test market studies,
`right, whether, for example, anti-aging. And right, whether, for example, anti-aging. And
`then on page 8 of that same document, Your then on page 8 of that same document, Your
`Honor -- Honor --
`THE COURT: Let me get there. I THE COURT: Let me get there. I
`have it.have it.
`THE COURT: Getting there. All THE COURT: Getting there. All
`right. I have it.right. I haave it.
`MR. NELSON: Is something called MR. NELSON: Is something called
`feasibility and there's what's called a final feasibility and there's what's called a final
`marketing decision and final launch time. And marketing decision and final launch time. And
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`then C is forecasting. And we do not have these
`then C is forecasting. And we do not have these
`documents, with the possible limited exception documents, with the possible limited exception
`that for some, the few Lancome products, but that for some, the few Lancome products, but
`they're not these products, they're not these MD they're not these products, they're not these MD
`final marketing decisions and there's no final marketing decisions and there's no
`timeline that goes along with them at least as timeline that goes along with them at least as
`best we can understand. And when we asked about best we can understand. And when we asked about
`this yesterday, the plaintiff just did not know.this yesterday, the plaintiff just did not know.
`The other thing, again, based upon The other thing, again, based upon
`as an example of what we're seeking based upon as an example of what we're seeking based upon
`their specific -- based upon this old discovery, their specific -- based upon this old discovery,
`based upon their specific, the document based upon their specific, the document
`retention guidelines, if you go then to exhibit retention guidelines, if you go then to exhibit
`4. And as an example, if you go -- let me know 4. And as an example, if you go -- let me know
`when you're there, page 6 of that document.when you're there, page 6 of that document.
`THE COURT: I have it.THE COURT: I have it.
`MR. NELSON: Okay. And Roman MR. NELSON: Okay. And Roman
`numeral 2, number 1, the final business plans, numeral 2, number 1, the final business plans,
`budgets, projections and trin reports. So budgets, projections and trin reports. So
`again, we have none of this. And then we asked again, we have none of this. And then we asked
`about this specifically at the deposition about this specifically at the deposition
`yesterday and this was the exchange, did L'Oreal yesterday and this was the exchange, did L'Oreal
`search the final business plans of the accused search the final business plans of the accused
`products? Answer, I don't know. Did L'Oreal products? Answer, I don't know. Did L'Oreal
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`04/30/2020 02:54:00 AM
`THE COURT: All right. L'Oreal,
`you've heard the categories of documents that's
`tied in with the document retention policies and
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`the way they're described on this policy. What
`is the problem in terms of production here?
`MS. MURRAY: Yes, Your Honor.
`This is Kathy Murray for L'Oreal. The problem
`is burden and proportionality to the needs of
`the case. And this is why --
`THE COURT: Where is the burden
`argument made? Where is the burden argument
`made in your response?
`MS. MURRAY: Well, Your Honor,
`this is why we reached an agreement with them
`and we explained the burden to them. We
`organized that call. We reached out to them in
`October and we said we need to have a call about
`the scope of this case and how discovery is
`going to happen because of the number of accused
`products. And the only thing in front of us at
`that time with respect to their request for
`marketing was that RFP 31. They had not served
`the other ones at that time. So what we
`explained, if you look at request 31, and I can
`pull it out for you.
`THE COURT: They say that was
`resolved. And did they have these document
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`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
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`Case 1:17-cv-00868-CFC-SRF Document 233-1 Filed 06/30/20 Page 6 of 16 PageID #: 9412
`retention policies at the time you made this
`books. We have provided competitive analysis,
`books. We have provided competitive analysis,
`agreement? Did they know that categories of
`pricing data, training guides, fact sheets, pricing data, training guides, fact sheets,
`documents in the way that L'Oreal categorized
`press releases, speeches, presentations. Every press releases, speeches, presentations. Every
`them on the document retention policies
`product is different. It's marketed different, product is different. It's marketed different,
`potentially existed, did they have the document
`every brand is different. So that is true we every brand is different. So that is true we
`retention policy?
`have not provided these categories for every have not provided these categories for every
`MS. MURRAY: No, they did not.
`single product, but we have provided marketing single product, but we have provided marketing
`THE COURT: So that's part of the THE COURT: So that's part of the
`for every product. Now understanding their for every product. Now understanding their
`problem here. That's the problem. They problem here. That's the problem. They
`concerns, we did have a meet and confer four concerns, we did have a meet and confer four
`don't -- they don't have them. How do they know don't -- they don't have them. How do they know
`hours long, they said no, that's not exactly hours long, they said no, that's not exactly
`what to ask for and then you kind of pull a got what to ask for and then you kind of pull a got
`what we need. Thanks for all that work, but now what we need. Thanks for all that work, but now
`you with, what, you agreed to this. Well, they you with, what, you agreed to this. Well, they
`we want more. We talked about it. They said we want more. We talked about it. They said
`didn't know what the universe was at the time didn't know what the universe was at the time
`they want the initial kind of concept business they want the initial kind of concept business
`this, quote unquote, agreement was reached. So this, quote unquote, agreement was reached. So
`strategy documents. We have agreed to go back strategy documents. We have agreed to go back
`I'm having a little trouble here that you can be I'm having a little trouble here that you can be
`and look for those launch concept documents. We and look for those launch concept documents. We
`off the hook, your client can be off the hook off the hook, your client can be off the hook
`don't know -- they're not necessarily called one don't know -- they're not necessarily called one
`for production of marketing documents because of for production of marketing documents because of
`thing. Because every brand they call it thing. Because every brand they call it
`some agreement that was made to address some some agreement that was made to address some
`something different. That's where we are now.something different. That's where we are now.
`burden that was made with respect to a request burden that was made with respect to a request
`It's really disappointing that we're waiting for It's really disappointing that we're waiting for
`that has since been resolved.that has since been resolved.
`one month before the discovery cutoff for them one month before the discovery cutoff for them
`MS. MURRAY: Well, it hasn't been MS. MURRAY: Well, it hasn't been
`to kind of upend and say we need more and we're to kind of upend and say we need more and we're
`resolved, Your Honor, because that request asked resolved, Your Honor, because that request asked
`basically having to start all over again to go basically having to start all over again to go
`for all documents referring to your efforts to for all documents referring to your efforts to
`get more of this because they received our get more of this because they received our
`market and sell any product with adenosine. So market and sell any product with adenosine. So
`documents months ago. But we're doing it and documents months ago. But we're doing it and
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
`we explained to them, yes, there is so much at
`we're going back and requesting they provide the
`we explained to them, yes, there is so much at
`we're going back and requesting they provide the
`this company that would cover that and there's this company that would cover that and there's
`initial launch materials, not materials, the initial launch materials, not materials, the
`no way we could produce all of that. What we're no way we could produce all of that. What we're
`concepts, the strategy documents to the extent concepts, the strategy documents to the extent
`going to do is we're going to give you what we going to do is we're going to give you what we
`that the brands have them because some brands that the brands have them because some brands
`believe would be the most helpful information believe would be the most helpful information
`may not actually have these kinds of documents.may not actually have these kinds of documents.
`and that included the launch materials for the and that included the launch materials for the
`We don't know what else we can give them. We've We don't know what else we can give them. We've
`product. It also included the ads for the product. It also included the ads for the
`basically given them the needle, all the basically given them the needle, all the
`products, the artwork for the product and the products, the artwork for the product and the
`marketing, all the testing, everything that marketing, all the testing, everything that
`launch materials. The problem with this and launch materials. The problem with this and
`mentioned adenosine it the products. Just mentioned adenosine it the products. Just
`this is a problem with how many products have this is a problem with how many products have
`remember it's a patent infringement case, so I remember it's a patent infringement case, so I
`been accused in the case, there's 13 different been accused in the case, there's 13 different
`don't know what they need all of this don't know what they need all of this
`brands and they all work independently and brands and they all work independently and
`information for. So now they want the hay information for. So now they want the hay
`differently. So when Mr. Nelson is citing final differently. So when Mr. Nelson is citing final
`stack. They want to pick apart the document stack. They want to pick apart the document
`business plan from retention policy, it may not business plan from retention policy, it may not
`retention policies and say we want everything retention policies and say we want everything
`exist for a particular brand, so when the exist for a particular brand, so when the
`here for over 150 products. We are basically here for over 150 products. We are basically
`witness was asked about this information, which witness was asked about this information, which
`starting discovery over again, but we've agreed starting discovery over again, but we've agreed
`he explained is that each brand manager was he explained is that each brand manager was
`to go and look and we're in that process right to go and look and we're in that process right
`asked to collect the launch materials, the asked to collect the launch materials, the
`now of trying to get those early business slash now of trying to get those early business slash
`initial marketing materials for the product and initial marketing materials for the product and
`launch materials that they say they don't have.launch materials that they say they don't have.
`to provide that, they couldn't be asked to get a to provide that, they couldn't be asked to get a
`We disagree. We believe they have been We disagree. We believe they have been
`particular name of a document because it did particular name of a document because it did
`produced, but to the extent that they haven't produced, but to the extent that they haven't
`come back and say nothing and we don't want them come back and say nothing and we don't want them
`been produced for every product, we're going been produced for every product, we're going
`to do that. So we broadened the search, to do that. So we broadened the search,
`back and searching. back and searching.
`provided marketing books, internal marketing provided marketing books, internal marketing
`THE COURT: I accepted the hay THE COURRT: I accepted the hay
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`Hawkins Reporting Service
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`112 Burning Tree Road - Dover, Delaware 19904
`(302) 658-6697 FAX (302) 658-8418
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`04/30/2020 02:54:00 AM
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`stack argument, the overbreadth and I guess to
`or the net from being cast unreasonably wide to
`stack argument, the overbreadth and I guess to
`or the net from being cast unreasonably wide to
`some degree burden, even though it wasn't some degree burden, even though it wasn't
`put you through paces that are truly burdensome put you through paces that are truly burdensome
`formally made at the prior hearing in denying formally made at the prior hearing in denying
`and beyond the proportionality requirements of and beyond the proportionality requirements of
`the request without prejudice, because I wanted the request without prejudice, because I wanted
`rule 26 for this case. But I've got nothing to rule 26 for this case. But I've got nothing to
`the plaintiffs to fine tune their request to the plaintiffs to fine tune their request to
`show me that. I've got the plaintiffs coming show me that. I've got the plaintiffs coming
`make it easier for your client to be able to make it easier for your client to be able to
`back after I denied this request in March with back after I denied this request in March with
`produce what was needed in this case. And I produce what was needed in this case. And I
`more fine-tuned requests now that they know your more fine-tuned requests now that they know your
`find that, you know, you're talking out of both find that, you know, you're talking out of both
`document retention policies, now that they had a document retention policies, now that they had a
`sides of your mouth, so to speak, where we're sides of your mouth, so to speak, where we're
`30(b)(6) deposition of one of your witnesses 30(b)(6) deposition of one of your witnesses
`going -- we're going to try and produce helpful going -- we're going to try and produce helpful
`with respect to document retention and storage.with respect to document retention and storage.
`information, but we're going to hold back information, but we're going to hold back
`And so the most -- what I'm going to do here is And so the most -- what I'm going to do here is
`because it's outside of the agreement and I'm because it's outside of the agreement and I'm
`I'm going to direct that L'Oreal supplement its I'm going to direct that L'Oreal supplement its
`not really sure that I understand on this call not really sure that I understand on this call
`responses to requests for production number 40, responses to requests for production number 40,
`exactly where L'Oreal stands and I'm also faced exactly where L'Oreal stands and I'm also faced
`41, 42 and 66, provide supplemental responses to 41, 42 and 66, provide supplemental responses to
`with the prospect that your client's response to with the prospect that your client's response to
`that and in the meantime also -- and do that that and in the meantime also -- and do that
`requests for production are basically requests for production are basically
`within two weeks, because obviously documents within two weeks, because obviously documents
`unresponsive because they're just full of unresponsive because they're just full of
`have already been produced which are arguably have already been produced which are arguably
`objections and they state that well, objections and they state that well,
`responsive to some or all of these requests.responsive to some or all of these requests.
`notwithstanding the objections, if we find notwithstanding the objections, if we find
`And in the meantime meet and confer with the And in the meantime meet and confer with the
`something that we think is relevant, we'll give something that we think is relevant, we'll give
`plaintiffs. If you still continue to feel that plaintiffs. If you still continue to feel that
`it to you. That's not the way discovery is it to you. That's not the way discovery is
`they're going above and beyond what is they're going above and beyond what is
`conducted. A party on the receiving end of the conducted. A party on the receiving end of the
`reasonable and proportional, then have that reasonable and proportional, then have that
`discovery request doesn't necessarily get to discovery request doesn't necessarily get to

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