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` Plaintiff, )
` ) C.A. No. 13-919-JLH
`v. )
` )
` )
` Defendant. )
`Wednesday, April 26, 2023
`9:00 a.m.
`Jury Trial
`Volume III
`* * *
`844 King Street
`Wilmington, Delaware
`United States Magistrate Judge
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` Counsel for the Plaintiff
` Counsel for the Defendant
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`P R O C E E D I N G S
`(Proceedings commenced in the courtroom beginning at
`9:00 a.m.)
`THE COURT: Good morning, everyone. Please be
`All right. So we're here for the third day of
`trial. At the outset, I just wanted to put on the record
`our current time calculations. For April 24, we charged
`two hours 22 minutes to Arendi and two hours 28 minutes to
`Google. For April 25, yesterday, we charged five hours
`and five minutes to Arendi and two minutes to Google.
`I also wanted to hear from everyone how we are
`proceeding with the source code portion of the testimony
`today. And we can have a seat for a second. And just as
`a preview, the reason why I'm asking is I have been giving
`some thought to making sure that we're making a record
`that will comply with the Third Circuit's Avandia opinion
`on the common law right of access and the First Amendment
`right of access.
`And so my understanding of the law as set forth
`in that opinion is that any side seeking to seal the
`courtroom or keep the proceedings under seal needs to
`demonstrate to the Court and the Court needs to make an


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`explicit finding for each portion that's under seal, that
`any proposed redaction or closure would, quote, work a
`clearly defined and serious injury to the parties seeking
`closure. And that's the common law right of access.
`With respect to the First Amendment right of
`access that applies to jury trials, there is a presumption
`that the proceedings will be open to the public. The
`parties seeking closure may rebut the presumption of
`openness only if able to demonstrate, quote, an overriding
`interest in excluding the public based on findings that
`the closure is essential to preserve higher values and is
`narrowly tailored to serve an interest. And the Court
`needs to make sure that the proceeding is open unless the
`denial of access serves an important Government interest
`and that there is no less restrictive way to serve that
`Government interest.
`So based on what I've seen so far here, we've
`had no one from the public that is not associated with
`this case in some way that's been excluded from the
`courtroom. So I don't think we have any issue right now,
`and we've also had no one that's made an objection to the
`sealing of the courtroom. So I don't think we have an
`issue right now. But I'll put on the record that when
`we've sealed the courtroom, my understanding is that there
`were only a couple of people excluded that were related to


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`in-house people who weren't permitted to see confidential
`information under the terms of the Court's protective
`So I don't think we have had an issue about the
`live proceedings. But we do have a transcript, and we
`need to figure out what portions of it should be redacted.
`So that's what I'm thinking about right now.
`So let's hear how we intend to proceed today. And we can
`talk about what the least restrictive means is to doing
`whatever we need to do to preserve the confidentiality of
`settlement agreements and source code material.
`MS. SRINIVASAN: Your Honor --
`THE COURT: Sure. You can go ahead and
`MS. SRINIVASAN: So last night we were able to
`identify files that we wanted printed, and Google printed
`and delivered them. So we are -- today, we are going to
`be proceeding without the laptop, with the printed
`material. Because it is source code and it's one printed
`copy, we're going to have them moved into evidence.
`There's not going to be an objection to that by the
`witness. And then we will -- once that he have -- they've
`been moved into evidence, we will put them on the Elmo
`unless there is an objection to that. But I leave it to
`Google. There may be at that point a request to seal if


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`it's going to be up on the Elmo.
`THE COURT: Is there -- I'm wondering and I'm
`open to suggestions. Under the law as set forth by the
`Third Circuit, is there a less restrictive means to
`preserve the confidentiality besides putting it on the
`Elmo and sealing the courtroom? For example, could we
`have handouts that could be shown and then collected, or
`do we need to put it on the screen?
`MS. SRINIVASAN: Well, then that's a question
`probably for Google. Normally, we're not allowed to make
`copies of source code pursuant to the protective order, so
`we certainly did not do that. We got one set and that's
`the set we're working with. So I defer whether making
`copies is a possibility. He's on the stand, so one
`possibility would be to show the jury from up there and
`not publish it on the Elmo. But, you know, again, I think
`Google can better speak to whether having it on the Elmo
`presents a concern for them. But we have one copy set, so
`we're just working with that because that's -- and that
`would be normally what we would get for source code
`productions, though.
`THE COURT: And is it important to the
`presentation of your case that the jury walk through the
`MS. SRINIVASAN: I think it would be important


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`for them to see it. And it doesn't mean that we're going
`to go through it line by line page by page such that it
`necessarily has to be on the Elmo. But I do think it's
`important for them to see the type of code that
`Dr. Smedley was reviewing.
`Could he do that from the stand holding it up
`for them? We could try to do that. If I can talk to
`counsel about whether there's a way to direct the
`examination that way. But to me, that would be the
`alternative. And, again --
`THE COURT: Do you expect his testimony to
`include certain variable or subroutine names that Google
`might consider to be confidential?
`MS. SRINIVASAN: That is not -- I think it's
`one layer above that in terms of specificity. So I expect
`that he's going to talk about some things that he has
`observed in the printouts, but I don't think he is going
`to be reading file names into the record, although my
`colleague can correct me if I am wrong about that.
`MR. STRAUS: The intention was to ask about
`some method and file names, but not to get into the levels
`of detail beyond that.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you very much.
`Let me hear from Google on this issue.
`MR. KAMBER: Your Honor, may I have one moment


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`to confer with my client? I have an idea.
`THE COURT: Of course. Yes.
`MR. KAMBER: Your Honor, I think what we can do
`is have it shown on the Elmo, that way the witness and the
`questioning attorney can see it at the same time. I don't
`think that should be a problem so long as we're not
`showing all of the code. Some of these are longer files,
`but if we're just showing a few pages and talking about it
`at that high level that Mr. Straus just represented to the
`Court, then we would have no objection to that procedure.
`THE COURT: Okay. And what you're thinking
`that it be shown on the Elmo while the courtroom was
`sealed, or are you okay with not sealing the courtroom at
`that point?
`MR. KAMBER: Yeah. If it's that limited, we
`don't need to seal the courtroom.
`THE COURT: Okay. In light of that, please
`have a seat.
`MR. KAMBER: Thank you.
`THE COURT: Is there any other testimony today,
`I guess, that we would -- besides the source code?
`MS. SRINIVASAN: Your Honor, we do expect the
`testimony of our damages expert after Dr. Smedley, and
`then we have the issue, again, with respect to the license


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`The primary objection has been from third
`parties who are counter-parties to those agreements, and
`that's the reason we haven't been -- well, at least in the
`opening, we didn't publish the number to the jury for
`Mr. Hedloy's testimony. We did seal the courtroom so he
`could talk about that in more depth. So that's one issue
`for Mr. Weinstein's testimony.
`The other is he would be talking about the user
`installations and Google internal information that he
`relied on for his calculations. I don't know if there's
`going to be a request to seal on that basis still. There
`was in the opening, or at least we circumvented that by
`having the slides for them. But those are the two primary
`things that I can think of, and that would be in our
`damages testimony today.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you very much.
`MR. UNIKEL: Your Honor, if I may.
`THE COURT: Of course.
`MR. UNIKEL: Aside from the third party
`agreements, it's hard to foresee exactly, but I believe
`some very confidential Google financial information will
`be disclosed as part of Mr. Weinstein's direct and cross,
`as well as some very confidential information about user
`download information, metrics, things of that sort. So
`that would be the only other thing I could envision that


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`we will need to address the sealing issue.
`THE COURT: Okay. Why don't you have a seat,
`Mr. Unikel.
`Here's how I think -- oh, Mr. Kamber, did you
`have something else?
`MR. KAMBER: Just one thing, Your Honor. I
`don't know if counsel -- it occurs to me, I don't know if
`counsel intends to move all of the source code into
`evidence. That is we have, I think, five source code
`printouts. Some of them are longer. That's where things
`get a little more complicated.
`THE COURT: Right. So why don't you have a
`seat and let me tell you what I'm thinking about doing in
`terms of how we can proceed.
`So we have transcripts from the first two days
`of trial already. And so what I would ask is for the
`parties to go back to those transcripts and find out what
`their proposed redactions are and make a joint set of
`proposed redactions.
`And then what the Court needs to do is,
`pursuant to the law of the Third Circuit, the Court needs
`to make a specific finding about why any proposed redacted
`material being disclosed to the public would work a
`clearly defined and serious injury to the party seeking


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`So the Court is going to need information from
`whoever wants that redaction such that the Court can make
`that finding on the record. And so I'll ask you with
`respect to the first two days of trial, if you can get me
`a proposed redacted version by tomorrow before we begin
`trial. And then with respect to today, we'll give it, you
`know, 24 hours. So we'll work on that one the next day.
`And if there are third parties that need to be
`heard, you can put that in the letter and we can give some
`extra time. I want to be in a position just so we can
`unseal the Court proceedings.
`And it sounds like today that how we are going
`to proceed really is the least restrictive way of
`preserving that confidential information. And so I
`appreciate counsel's willingness to be flexible about
`With respect to the exhibits, I don't think we
`need to deal with those right away today, but if we want
`to continue to maintain exhibits under seal in the Court
`record, at some point we need to make a finding on the
`record about why those exhibits should be sealed. I don't
`think it's going to be challenging to make a finding about
`why Google's source code should be sealed, but if there
`are third party license agreements, it may get to the
`point where I need a declaration from the third parties


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`who want to maintain those under seal. And I understand
`that those were produced pursuant to the Court's
`protective order, but now that they've been put into
`evidence at a civil trial, a different standard applies.
`MS. SRINIVASAN: Your Honor. I just want to
`make sure we're on the same page, because our intention
`had been to move the five exhibits that the witness -- or
`the four I think we're going to use -- into evidence, and
`then -- so I understood there wasn't an objection to that,
`but we will have to figure out the protocol for what is
`going to go back or the manner in which -- I just want to
`be clear because I don't want an objection --
`THE COURT: That's right. And I understand.
`So I think the understanding would be you would move them
`into evidence and then someone from Google would request
`that they be placed under seal at this time, and the Court
`would grant that conditionally on a later finding that
`I've described.
`MR. KAMBER: That works with us, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Fantastic.
`And I will check with Ms. Garfinkel to see if
`all of the jurors are here. Okay. We are going to take a
`brief recess to make sure we've got everybody.
`(Whereupon, a recess was taken.)


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`THE COURT: Please be seated. It's my
`understanding we have all jurors here. Are we ready to
`get started?
`MS. SRINIVASAN: We are, Your Honor.
`MR. KAMBER: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Ms. Garfinkel, please bring the
`jury in.
`THE CLERK: Yes, Your Honor.
`Your Honor, the jury.
`(The jury enters the courtroom at 9:24 a.m.)
`THE COURT: Please be seated. Good morning,
`ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
`Counsel, shall we continue?
`MR. STRAUS: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Dr. Smedley.
`Dr. Smedley, I'll remind you that you are still
`under oath.
`THE WITNESS: Thank you.
`Welcome back, Dr. Smedley. Do you remember yesterday
`during your testimony when we were looking at the source
`code computer?
`Yes, I do.
`So to make things easier for today, Google has
`printed last night certain files from that computer rather


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`than use the actual source code computer during your
`continued testimony.
`Did you have an opportunity to review those files?
`Yes, I did. Yeah.
`MR. STRAUS: Your Honor, may I please approach
`the witness?
`MR. STRAUS: Thank you.
`And, Dr. Smedley, because this is Google's
`confidential code, we only have one printout, so I'll ask
`you to review those documents there, and then after we've
`admitted them, we will put them up on the overhead for
`others to view.
`Are these printed versions of some of the files that
`you reviewed on Google's source code computer?
`Yes, they are.
`And where did you do that review?
`It was in Wallingford, Connecticut, the location
`selected by Google's counsel, and my review there was
`observed, I guess, by Google's counsel.
`And during that review, were you able to print any
`materials from the source code computer?
`No, I was not.


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`If you could please start, we'll take the exhibits on
`your desk in order.
`What are each of these files?
`So the first one Exhibit DTX-1141.0001. And this is
`the file from the Android 8 framework.
`And if I could stop you, just for the record, is that
`DTX-1141.001 through 0235?
`Yes, that's correct.
`And what is the second exhibit that you have,
`DTX-1141.0258 through 0271?
`So that is the file from the
`Android 8 framework.
`What is the third file that you have, DTX-1141.0236
`through 253?
`This is also the file, but
`this is from the Android 9 framework.
`And then finally, if you could please turn to
`Exhibit DTX-1141.0254 through 57 --
`What is that file?
`So this is the file, and
`this is from the Chromium_r65 source code.
`And yesterday, you testified that you also looked at
`some nonconfidential source code as part of your review.
`How did these four files, these four exhibits relate to
`the material functionality that you observed in that


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`nonconfidential code?
`None of these had material differences from the
`public code that I reviewed.
`MR. STRAUS: Your Honor, at this time I'd move
`to admit into evidence DTX-1141.0001 through 235,
`DTX-1141.025A through 271, DTX-1141.0236 through 253, and
`DTX-1,141.0254 through 57.
`MR. KAMBER: No objections, Your Honor, pending
`a forthcoming sealing motion with respect to these
`THE COURT: These documents will be admitted
`and they are conditionally placed under seal.
`May I please see counsel very briefly at
`- - -
`(Whereupon, the following discussion is held at
`THE COURT: So I wanted to see if counsel had
`any objection with the Court saying to the jury along the
`lines of these are the only portions of Exhibit 1141 that
`have been admitted into evidence. That way, the jury
`won't wonder what happened to the laptop that was brought
`out in front of them yesterday?
`MR. STRAUS: We're fine with that. I think the
`one request I would make the Court make clear that's for


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`confidentiality reasons, not that there's something wrong
`with the laptop.
`MS. SRINIVASAN: We wouldn't want them to think
`we offer the testimony. We understand the reason to
`sending it back. It was on their list.
`THE COURT: Understood. I was trying to make
`things easier, not make it more complicated. What if I
`said something like because of the Court's -- the Court
`has determined that only these portions of Exhibit 1141
`should be admitted into evidence, and the parties have
`MS. SRINIVASAN: Your Honor, could we say
`something along the lines of due to confidentiality
`limitations, the Court and the parties have agreed that
`these portions will be admitted and sent back to the jury
`rather than the entire computer?
`I don't want them to think there was an
`evidentiary objection to the computer, and that's the
`reason it's not going back.
`MR. KAMBER: We don't have an objection to
`that, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. All right. Very good.
`Thank you.
`(Whereupon, the discussion at sidebar concludes.)


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`- - -
`THE COURT: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
`due to confidentiality concerns, the Court has determined
`that only those portions of Exhibit 1141 that been printed
`out and admitted into evidence should be the portions of
`Exhibit 1141 that should be admitted into evidence.
`MR. STRAUS: Your Honor, may I please approach
`the witness to retrieve the exhibits?
`MR. STRAUS: Thank you.
`Thank you, Dr. Smedley.
`THE WITNESS: You're welcome.
`So I'm going to start with the first exhibit that we
`admitted, DTX-1141.001 and following. This was the
` file. I'd like us to look together at
`Line 9649.
`Dr. Smedley, are you able to see that line at the
`top? Would you like me to make it bigger that?
`No, that's fine. I can see that.
`What code do you see starting at Line 9649 of
`This is onTouchEvent. That's a method that gets
`called when the user taps the screen.
`And is this a method that you discussed during your


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`testimony yesterday?
`Yes, it is.
`So what Google apps use this method?
`All of them except for Chrome.
`And could you remind us what this method is used for?
`So this was mentioned just a second ago. This is the
`method that gets called when you -- the user taps the
`screen, and that's what leads in to everything that we see
`happening next.
`Could you explain what you mean by "everything that
`we see happening next"?
`Sure, yes.
`So this is the method that gets called in response to
`the user tapping on the screen, and it will, after that,
`you see the text gets selected, gets classified, and a
`menu popped up with the option to do the appropriate thing
`with the type of information that they've tapped.
`And how does this onTouchEvent method that's on the
`screen now compare to the onTouchEvent method that you
`reviewed in the nonconfidential version of the code?
`So there were no material differences.
`Let's turn now to our second exhibit, which was
`DTX-1141.0258 and following.
`Dr. Smedley, this was that second file
`; is that right?


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`Yes, that's right.
`Here, I'd like us to look together at Line 330 of the
`Are you able to see that up there, 330?
`What code begins at Line 330?
`So this is the method called "create classification
`results." You see where it says, "private text
`classification," and then the name of this method comes
`after that, "create classification result"?
`And what Google apps utilize this method, create
`classification result?
`I can't remember if it's all of them or all of them
`except Chrome. Sorry, sometimes it's -- but.
`In any case, what is this method, create
`classification result, used for?
`So this is -- if you look a little further down, you
`see the -- on Line 343, that's where the intent is getting
`created. So this is preparing the input device, so the
`thing that comes up after you do the long press and has
`the button that you -- or the menu item that you tap on,
`and you can tell it. Because this is where it's creating
`the intent that will get sent to the second computer
`program, and that's with the input device.
`And the intent, was that the message you were talking


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`about yesterday that gets sent to the second computer
`Yes. That's exactly what it is.
`And have we seen this method before, this create
`classification result method?
`Yes, we have. We were looking at it yesterday.
`And how does this create classification result method
`in Google's confidential source code compare to the
`nonconfidential version that we looked at together?
`There were no material differences.
`So let's turn to the third source code file, which is
`DTX-1141.0236 and following.
`And, Dr. Smedley, this was the copy of the
` that you identified as belonging
`to Version 9 of the Android framework; is that right?
`Yes, that's correct.
`So here, I would like us to turn to Line 399.
`What are we seeing at Line 399?
`At Line 399, we're seeing the "create classification
`result method." This is from Android 9, so they may have
`made some changes, improvements to this method, but its
`purpose is the same.
`And did we look at a nonconfidential version of this
`method yesterday?
`Yes. Yes, we did.


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`And how does this confidential version of create
`classification result compare to the nonconfidential code
`you walked us through?
`So there's a difference in that this includes flight
`The flight numbers, is that a difference of Android
`version number?
`Yeah. Yes. If you recall, Android Version 8, the
`STS didn't support flight numbers, but Android Version 9,
`it does. I think some of that code is in here.
`And comparing, though, this code to the
`nonconfidential code that we looked at, are there any
`material differences that you identified?
`I'm sorry. I didn't listen carefully to your
`previous question. No, there were no material
`Let's turn to our final bit of source code. And this
`is the exhibit that begins DTX-1141.0254 which you
`identified as the smart selection file for
`Could you remember what this file is used for in
`Yes, but I don't really have to because this is the
`one where the programmer put in the comments describing


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`what it's used for. So there on Line 23, it says it's a
`class that controls Smart Text Selection. We looked at
`those comments yesterday, if you recall.
`And having reviewed both this confidential code and
`the nonconfidential code that we discussed yesterday, have
`you identified any material differences between them?
`No. No, there were no material differences.
`Is this all of the confidential code that you
`Not by any means, no.
`And how did all of the confidential code that you
`reviewed on the source code computer affect your opinions
`in this case?
`Well, I mean, it confirmed them in that there were no
`material differences.
`MR. STRAUS: I pass the witness.
`THE COURT: Thank you very much.
`MR. KAMBER: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Good morning, Dr. Smedley.
`Good morning.
`My name is Matthias Kamber. I don't think we've had
`the pleasure of meeting before.


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`Not that I recall, no.
`Nice to meet you.
`You too.
`So Claim 23 of the '843 patent is what your
`infringement opinion relates to, correct?
`Twenty-three and 30, yes.
`Twenty-three and 30, but 23 is the independent claim
`that you analyzed, right?
`And that relates to a first computer program running
`on a computer, correct?
`MR. KAMBER: So let's just show the claim
`language, if we could, please, Mr. Spence.
`We have the claim language here. It's a little
`squished on the screen, you might say.
`It requires the first computer program to do three
`specific things, correct?
`Yes, that's right.
`It must display the document electronically. That's
`that first claim element that we see, correct?
`Let me just go back. The first computer program is
`introduced in the preamble of the claim, correct?


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`It's in the fourth line, "A document using a first
`computer program"?
`Yes. Yep.
`All right. And that first computer program has to
`display the document electronically?
`The computer program must also configure the input
`device, correct?
`Yes, that's right.
`Providing an input device configured by the first
`computer program is where that is, correct?
`I believe that's the fourth limitation of the claim
`there, Dr. Smedley.
`And third, the first computer program must receive
`the user command causing a search, right? In consequence
`of receipt -- well, let me let you answer that question
`before I ask my next one.
`So I think I might have worded it slightly
`differently myself, but that reflects what's in that
`claim, yes.
`Well, let me just read the claim language.
`The first -- the claim requires, in consequence of


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`receipt by the first computer program the user command
`from the input device causing a search, correct?

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