Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 1 of 1070 PageID #: 34349
`Exhibit 1


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 2 of 1070 PageID #: 34350
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 2 of 1070 PageID #: 34350


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 3 of 1070 PageID #: 34351








`Exhibit 2


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 4 of 1070 PageID #: 34352
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 4 of 1070 PageID #: 34352


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 5 of 1070 PageID #: 34353








`Exhibit 3


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 6 of 1070 PageID #: 34354
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 6 of 1070 PageID #: 34354


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 7 of 1070 PageID #: 34355








`Exhibit 4


`10/19/2629186 1:13-CV-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Lirfiifledfifififlbmaopmge 8 Of 1070 PagelD #: 34356
`LI n klfy
`Added in API level 1 (lguide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`Kotlin (/reference/kotlin/android/text/util/Linkify)
`l Java
`public class Linkify
`extends @j ect (/reference/java/lang/Object)
`java.langfl3je_ct (/reference/java/lang/Object)
`L android.text.util.Linkify
`Linkify take a piece oftext and a regular expression and turns all of the regex matches in the
`text into clickable links. This is particularly useful for matching things like email addresses,
`web URLs, etc. and making them actionable. Alone with the pattern that is to be matched, a
`URL scheme prefix is also required. Any pattern match that does not begin with the supplied
`scheme will have the scheme prepended to the matched text when the clickable URL is
`created. For instance, if you are matching web URLs you would supply the scheme http : II. If
`the pattern matches, which does not have a URL scheme prefix, the supplied
`scheme will be prepended to create http : // when the clickable URL link is
`Note: When using MAP ADDRESSES (/reference/android/text/util/Linkify#MAP_ADDRESSES) org
`(/reference/android/text/utiI/Linkify#ALL) to match street addresses on API level
`Build .VERSION CODES.0 MR1 (/reference/android/os/Build.VERS|ON_CODES#O_MR1) and earlier, methods
`in this class may throw And roidRuntimeExceM (/reference/android/util/AndroidRuntimeException) or
`other exceptions if the device's WebView implementation is currently being updated, because
`WebView.findAddress(String,)_ (/reference/android/webkit/WebView#findAddress(java.lang.String)) is
`required to match street addresses.
`See also:
`Linkify. MatchFilter (/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.MatchFilter)
`Linkify . Transfo rmFilter (/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.TransformFilter)


`10/19/2fiase 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Lirfiifledpflfidmmaopmge 9 of 1070 PageID #: 34357
`Nested classes
`(/ reference/android/text/ util/ Lin kify.Match Filter)
`MatchFilter enables client code to have more control over what is allowed
`to match and become a link, and what is not.
`(/reference/android/text/util/ Lin kify.Transform Filter)
`TransformFilter enables client code to have more control over how
`matched patterns are represented as URLs.
`fl (/reference/android/text/util/Linkify#ALL)
`Bit mask indicating that all available patterns should be matched in metho
`MAP ADDRESSES(/reference/android/teXt/util/Linkify#MAP_ADDRESSES
`EMAIL ADDRESSES(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify#EMA|L_ADDRES
`Bit field indicating that email addresses should be matched in methods thz
`MAP ADDRESSES(/reference/android/teXt/util/Linkify#MAP_ADDRESSES
`This constant was deprecated in AP] level 28. use TextClassifier . gfl
`instead and avoid it even when targeting API levels where no alternative is a
`PHONE NUMBERS(/reference/android/teXt/util/Linkify#PHONE_NUMBERE
`Bit field indicating that phone numbers should be matched in methods tha
`WEB URLS (/reference/android/text/util/Linkify#WEB_URLS)
`Bit field indicating that web URLs should be matched in methods that take


`1ongx2fimse 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited Qfllaiabgiklodaage 10 of 1070 PageID #: 34358
`public static final Linkify.MatchFiltersPhoneNumberMatchFilter
`Filters out URL matches that don't have enough digits tc
`public static final
`sPhoneNumbe rTransfo rmFilte r
`Linkify . Transfo rmFilter
`Transforms matched phone number text into something
`be used in a tel: URL.
`public static final Linkify.MatchFiltersUrlMatchFilter
`Filters out web URL matches that occur after an at-sign
`Public constructors
`Linkify (/reference/android/text/util/Linkify#Linkify()) ()
`Public methods
`static final boolean
`<String (/reference/java/lang/String) , URLSpa_n (/reference/android/te
`Scans the text of the provided Spannable and turns all occurrences of the
`static final void
`(/reference/java/utiI/regex/Pattern) pattern, String (/reference/jave
`Applies a regex to the text of a TextView turning the matches into links.
`static final void
`Pattern(/reference/java/utiI/regex/Pattern) pattern, String (/refer
`(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.TransformFilter) transformFilte
`Applies a regex to the text of a TextView turning the matches into links.
`static final boolean
`Pattern(/reference/java/util/regex/Pattern) pattern, String (/refer
`(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.TransformFilter) transformFilte


`mus/2623186 1:13-CV-00919-LPS Document 329-1 LiFlihte girl/aflifiklodaage 11 Of 1070 PageID #: 34359
`static final boolean
`addLinks (/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#addLinks(android.text.Sp
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`static final boolean
`addLinks (/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#addLinks(android.text.Sp.
`static final void
`addLinks (/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#addLinks(android.widget.
`Scans the text of the provided Spannable and turns all occurrences of the
`Applies a regex to the text of a TextView turning the matches into links.
`static final boolean
`(§pannable(/reference/android/text/Spannable) spannable, Patte
`(/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify.MatchFilter) matchFilter, L1_nk:
`(/reference/android/text/style/URLSpan)> urlSpanFactory)
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`static final boolean
`addLinks (/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#addLinks(android.text.Sp.
`(/reference/java/uti|/regex/Pattern) pattern, String (/reference/javz
`static final boolean
`addLinks (/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#addLinks(android.widget.
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`Scans the text of the provided TextView and turns all occurrences of the lit
`Inherited methods
`From class ‘j ava . lang . Obj ect(/reference/java/|ang/Object)
`0_bje_ct (/ reference/java/ lang/ Object)
`clone (/reference/java/|ang/Object#clone()) ()
`Creates and returns a copy of this object.
`(0_bj ect (/reference/java/|ang/Object) obj)
`Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
`finalize (/reference/java/lang/Object#f|nalize())()


`mus/2625186 1:13-CV-00919-LPS Document 329-1 LiFiihte W/diabzélodaage 12 Of 1070 PagelD #: 34360
`Called by the garbage collector on an object when
`garbage collection determines that there are no more
`references to the object.
`final M (/reference/java/lang/Class)<?>getClass (/reference/java/lang/Object#getClass())()
`Returns the runtime class of this Object.
`hashCode (/reference/java/lang/Object#hashCode())()
`final void
`My (/reference/java/lang/Object#notify())()
`Returns a hash code value for the object.
`Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's
`final void
`not ifyAll (/reference/java/lang/Object#notifyAll()) ( )
`Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's
`St ring (/reference/java/lang/String)
`toString (/reference/java/Iang/Object#toString()) ()
`final void
`wait (/reference/java/lang/Object#wait(long,%20int))
`Returns a string representation of the object.
`(long timeout,
`int nanos)
`Causes the current thread to wait until another thread
`invokes the notiny
`(/reference/java/lang/Object#notify()) method or the
`not ifyA_ll () (/ reference/java/ lang/ Object#notifyAll())
`method for this object, or some other thread interrupts the
`current thread, or a certain amount of real time has
`final void
`wait (/reference/java/lang/Object#wait(long)) ( long
`Causes the current thread to wait until either another
`thread invokes the notifxu
`(/reference/java/lang/Object#notify()) method or the
`not ifyA_ll ( ) (/ reference/java/ lang/ Object#notifyAll())
`method for this object, or a specified amount of time has
`final void
`wait (/reference/java/lang/Object#wait())()


`10/19/26;aise 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 LiFiilied malaiapzikiodaage 13 of 1070 PagelD #: 34361
`Causes the current thread to wait until another thread
`invokes the notif1()_
`(/reference/java/lang/Object#notify()) method or the
`not ifyA_11( ) (/reference/java/lang/Object#notifyAll())
`method for this object.
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final int ALL
`Bit mask indicating that all available patterns should be matched in methods that take an
`options mask
`MAP ADDRESSES (/reference/android/text/util/Linkify#MAP_ADDRESSES) is deprecated. Use
`instead and avoid it even when targeting API levels where no alternative is available.
`Constant Value: 15 (0x0000000f)
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final int EMAIL_ADDRESSES
`Bit field indicating that email addresses should be matched in methods that take an options
`Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


`10/19/26;alse 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 329-1 Limited m/dazpzlkrodaage 14 of 1070 PageID #: 34362
`MAP_ADDRESSES Added in API level1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`Deprecated in API level 28 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final int MAP_ADDRESSES
`This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
`instead and avoid it even when targeting API levels where no alternative is available.
`Bit field indicating that street addresses should be matched in methods that take an options
`mask. Note that this should be avoided, as it uses the WebView.findAddress(Mg)_
`(/reference/android/Webkit/WebView#fIndAddress(java.lang.String)) method, which has various
`limitations and has been deprecated: see the documentation for
`WebView . findAdd ress ( St ring.)_ (/reference/android/webkit/WebView#f|ndAddress(java.lang.String))
`for more information.
`Constant Value: 8 (0x00000008)
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final int PHONE_NUMBERS
`Bit field indicating that phone numbers should be matched in methods that take an options
`Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final int WEB_URLS


`mus/263186 1:13-CV-00919-LPS Document 329-1 LiFiilleal Qflldébziklodaage 15 Of 1070 PagelD #: 34363
`Bit field indicating that web URLs should be matched in methods that take an options mask
`Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)
`sPhoneN umberMatCh Fl Ilififed in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final Linkify.MatchFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.MatchFilter) sPhc
`Filters out URL matches that don't have enough digits to be a phone number.
`sPhoneN umberTransformHtsnpi level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final Linkifx.TransformFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.TransformFilt
`Transforms matched phone number text into something suitable to be used in a tel: URL. It
`does this by removing everything but the digits and plus signs. For instance: '+1 (919) 555-
`1212' becomes '+19195551212'
`SUFI MatChFl lter
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final Linkifx.MatchFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.MatchFilter) sUr]
`Filters out web URL matches that occur after an at-sign (@). This is to prevent turning the
`domain name in an email address into a web link.


`10/19/m$e 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited m/dabzikiodaage 16 of 1070 PageID #: 34364
`Public constructors
`public Linkify ()
`Public methods
`add Links
`Added in API level 29 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final boolean addLinks fipannable(/reference/android/text/Spannable) text,
`int mask,
`Function (/reference/java/uti|/function/Function)<St ring (/reference/java/Iang/Stri
`Scans the text of the provided Spannable and turns all occurrences of the linktypes indicated
`in the mask into clickable links. If the mask is nonzero, it also removes any existing URLSpans
`attached to the Spannable, to avoid problems if you call it repeatedly on the same text.
`Spannable Spannable whose text is to be marked-up with links This
`value cannot be null.
`int: mask to define which kinds of links will be searched Value is either 0
`or a combination of WEB URLS
`(/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#WEB_URLS), EMAIL ADDRESSES
`(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify#MAP_ADDRESSES), and fl


`10/19/2625186 1:13-CV-00919-LPS Document 329-1 LiFllllte W/diabzélodaage 17 Of 1070 PagelD #: 34365
`Function: function used to create URLSpan
`(/reference/android/text/style/URLSpan)s his value may be null.
`True if at least one link is found and applied.
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final void addLinks
`extView(/reference/android/widget/TextView) text,
`Pattern (/ reference/java/util/regex/ Pattern) patte rn,
`Mg(/reference/java/lang/String) scheme,
`Linkify.MatchFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.MatchFilter) matchFi]
`Linkify.TransformFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.TransformFilter) t
`Applies a regex to the text of a TextView turning the matches into links. If links are found then
`UrlSpans are applied to the linktext match areas, and the movement method for the text is
`changed to LinkMovementMethod.
`TextView. TextView whose text is to be marked-up with links This value
`cannot be null.
`Pattern: Regex pattern to be used for finding links This value cannot be
`String: URL scheme string (eg http : II) to be prepended to the links
`that do not start with this scheme. This value may be null.
`Linkify. MatchFilter The filter that is used to allow the client code
`additional control over which pattern matches are to be converted into
`links. This value may be null.


`10/19/2625186 1:13-CV-00919-LPS Document 329-1 LiFiilieal W/did'mziklodaage 18 Of 1070 PagelD #: 34366
`transfo rmFilter
`Linkify.Transfo rmFilter This value may be null.
`add Links
`Added in API level 24 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final void addLinks
`extView(/reference/android/widget/TextView) text,
`Pattern (/reference/java/util/regex/ Pattern) patte rn,
`Mg(/reference/java/lang/String) defaultScheme,
`Mgfl(/reference/java/lang/String) schemes,
`Linkify.MatchFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.MatchFilter) matchFi]
`Linkify.TransformFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.TransformFilter) t
`Applies a regex to the text of a TextView turning the matches into links. If links are found then
`UrlSpans are applied to the linktext match areas, and the movement method for the text is
`changed to LinkMovementMethod.
`TextView. TextView whose text is to be marked-up with links. This value
`cannot be null.
`Pattern: Regex pattern to be used for finding links. This value cannot be
`String: The default scheme to be prepended to links if the link does not
`start with one of the schemes given. This value may be null.
`St ring: Array of schemes (eg http : II) to check if the link found
`contains a scheme. Passing a null or empty value means prepend
`defaultScheme to all links. This value may be null.
`Linkify . MatchFilter. The filter that is used to allow the client code
`additional control over which pattern matches are to be converted into
`links. This value may be null.
`transfo rmFilter
`Linkify.Transfo rmFilter: Filter to allow the client code to update


`10/19/26;aise 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited malaiapzikiodaage 19 of 1070 PageID #: 34367
`the link found. This value may be null.
`Added in API level 24 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final boolean addLinks fipannable(/reference/android/text/Spannable) spanr
`Pattern (/reference/java/uti|/regex/ Pattern) patte rn,
`mtg(/reference/java/lang/String) defaultScheme,
`Mgfl(/reference/java/lang/String) schemes,
`Linkify.MatchFilter(/reference/android/teXt/util/Linkify.MatchFilter) matchFi]
`Linkify.TransformFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.TransformFilter) t
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`Spannable Spannable whose text is to be marked-up with links. This
`value cannot be null.
`Pattern: Regex pattern to be used for finding links. This value cannot be
`String: The default scheme to be prepended to links if the link does not
`start with one of the schemes given. This value may be null.
`String: Array of schemes (eg http : II) to check if the link found
`contains a scheme. Passing a null or empty value means prepend
`defaultScheme to all links. This value may be null.
`Linkify. MatchFilter. The filter that is used to allow the client code
`additional control over which pattern matches are to be converted into
`links. This value may be null.
`transfo rmFilter
`Linkify.Transfo rmFilter: Filter to allow the client code to update
`the link found. This value may be null.


`10/19/2fimse 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited maldabzlklodaage 20 of 1070 PageID #: 34368
`True if at least one link is found and applied.
`See also:
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final boolean addLinks fipannable(/reference/android/text/Spannable) text,
`Pattern (/ reference/java/util/regex/ Pattern) patte rn,
`String (/reference/java/lang/String) scheme)
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`Spannable Spannable whose text is to be marked-up with links This
`value cannot be null.
`Pattern: Regex pattern to be used for finding links This value cannot be
`String: URL scheme string (eg http : II) to be prepended to the links
`that do not start with this scheme. This value may be null.


`10/19/2fizmse 1:13-CV-00919-LPS Document 329-1 LiFiilite @fl/diafliklodaage 21 Of 1070 PagelD #: 34369
`See also:
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final boolean addLinks fipannable(/reference/android/text/Spannable) text,
`int mask)
`Scans the text of the provided Spannable and turns all occurrences of the linktypes indicated
`in the mask into clickable links. If the mask is nonzero, it also removes any existing URLSpans
`attached to the Spannable, to avoid problems if you call it repeatedly on the same text.
`Spannable Spannable whose text is to be marked-up with links This
`value cannot be null.
`int: Mask to define which kinds of links will be searched. Value is either
`0 or a combination of WEB URLS
`(/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#WEB_URLS), EMAIL ADDRESSES
`(/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#MAP_ADDRESSES), and fl
`True if at least one link is found and applied.


`10/19/2©‘;aise 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited W/diaifiiklodaage 22 of 1070 PageID #: 34370
`See also:
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final void addLinks
`extView(/reference/android/widget/TextView) text,
`Pattern (/ reference/java/util/regex/ Pattern) patte rn,
`String (/reference/java/lang/String) scheme)
`Applies a regex to the text of a TextViewturning the matches into links. If links are found then
`UrlSpans are applied to the linktext match areas, and the movement method for the text is
`changed to LinkMovementMethod.
`TextView. TextView whose text is to be marked-up with links This value
`cannot be null.
`Pattern: Regex pattern to be used for finding links This value cannot be
`String: URL scheme string (eg http : II) to be prepended to the links
`that do not start with this scheme. This value may be null.
`Added in API level 29 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final boolean addLinks §pannab1e(/reference/android/text/Spannable) spanr
`Pattern (/ reference/java/util/regex/ Pattern) patte rn,
`Mg(/reference/java/lang/String) defaultScheme,
`fligfl(/reference/java/lang/String) schemes,
`Linkify.MatchFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.MatchFilter) matchFi]


`10/19/2fimse 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited malaflpzikiodaage 23 of 1070 PageID #: 34371
`Linkify . Transfo rmFilter(/reference/android/teXt/util/Linkify.TransformFilter) t
`Function (/reference/java/uti|/function/Function)<St ring (/reference/java/Iang/Stri
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`Spannable spannable whose text is to be marked-up with links. This
`value cannot be null.
`Pattern: regex pattern to be used for finding links. This value cannot be
`String: the default scheme to be prepended to links if the link does not
`start with one of the schemes given. This value may be null.
`String: array of schemes (eg http : II) to check if the link found
`contains a scheme. Passing a null or empty value means prepend
`defaultScheme to all links. This value may be null.
`Linkify . MatchFilter the filter that is used to allow the client code
`additional control over which pattern matches are to be converted into
`links. This value may be null.
`transfo rmFilter
`Linkify.Transfo rmFilterfllter to allow the client code to update
`the link found. This value may be null.
`Function: function used to create URLSM
`(/reference/android/teXt/style/URLSpan)s his value may be null.
`True if at least one link is found and applied.


`10/19/m$e 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited malaiabzlkiodaage 24 of 1070 PageID #: 34372
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final boolean addLinks §pannab1e(/reference/android/text/Spannable) spanr
`Pattern (/reference/java/util/regex/ Pattern) pattern,
`String (/reference/java/lang/String) scheme,
`Linkify.MatchFilter(/reference/android/text/util/Linkify.MatchFilter) matchFi]
`Linkifx.TransformFilter(/reference/android/teXt/uti|/Linkify.TransformFilter) t
`Applies a regex to a Spannable turning the matches into links.
`Spannable Spannable whose text is to be marked-up with links This
`value cannot be null.
`Pattern: Regex pattern to be used for finding links This value cannot be
`String: URL scheme string (eg http : II) to be prepended to the links
`that do not start with this scheme. This value may be null.
`Linkify. MatchFilter. The filter that is used to allow the client code
`additional control over which pattern matches are to be converted into
`links. This value may be null.
`transfo rmFilter
`Linkify.Transfo rmFilter Filter to allow the client code to update
`the link found. This value may be null.
`True if at least one link is found and applied.
`See also:


`10/19/2fimse 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited malaiapzlkiodaage 25 of 1070 PageID #: 34373
`Added in API level 1 (/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk—element#ApiLevels)
`public static final boolean addLinks
`extView(/reference/android/widget/TextView) text
`int mask)
`Scans the text of the provided TextView and turns all occurrences of the link types indicated in
`the mask into clickable links. If matches are found the movement method for the TextView is
`set to LinkMovementMethod.
`TextView. TextView whose text is to be marked-up with links This value
`cannot be null.
`int: Mask to define which kinds of links will be searched. Value is either
`0 or a combination of WEB URLS
`(/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#WEB_URLS), EMAIL ADDRESSES
`(/reference/android/text/uti|/Linkify#MAP_ADDRESSES), and fl
`True if at least one link is found and applied.
`See also:


`1ox19afimse 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Limited malaimiklodaage 26 of 1070 PageID #: 34374
`Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License (/|icense). Java
`is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
`Last updated 2020-09-30 UTC.


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 27 of 1070 PageID #: 34375








`Exhibit 5


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 28 of 1070 PageID #: 34376
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 28 of 1070 PageID #: 34376


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 29 of 1070 PageID #: 34377








`Exhibit 6


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 30 of 1070 PageID #: 34378
`Case 1:13-cv-00919—LPS Document 329-1 Filed 03/12/21 Page 30 of 1070 PagelD #: 34378
`Linkify your Text!
`Posted by Dick Wall, Google Developer Programs
`Background: I have long been a fan of desktop wiki note pads. Tomboy on Linux, WikidPad
`on Windows, and VoodooPad on the Mac are great examples of these. The idea with a wiki
`note pad is to allow a user to take notes quickly, but also add structure by linking them up
`with wiki words, and add other, richer information like web URLs, email addresses, and so
`on. Instead of a list of isolated plain text notes, you get a rich, semantically linked and
`useful note pad with which to organize ideas.
`I decided that something like this would be a good application for Android. Once devices are
`available, I would like to be able to capture all sorts of information on there, but the poor
`old note pad application seems to be an afterthought in many mobile devices. Well, not this
`Linkify: The Linkify class in the SDK is perfect for creating a wiki note pad. This class lets
`you specify a regular expression to match, and a scheme to prepend. The scheme is a string
`that, when the matched text is added, forms a Content URI to allow the correct data to be
`looked up.
`For example, in our case we want to look for a regular expression match for a WikiWord
`(that is, a word with camel case and no spaces). Linkify can then turn this into a Content
`URI —- something like
`can then b

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