Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 1 of 278 PageID #: 26946
`EXHIBIT 30 - Part 1


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 2 of 278 PageID #: 26947
`Exhibit C-31
`Claim Chart Applying Microsoft Word 97 Against the' 843 Patent
`Microsoft Word 97 ("Word 97") was offered for sale 1 sold 1 publicly used in the United States at least by 12/3011996. It therefore constitutes
`prior art under pre-AlA 35 U.S.C. § 102(b). As shown below, Word 97 anticipates and/or rendors obvious claims 1, 8, 13, 15, 17-19,23, and
`30 of the '843 patent. If the Judge or Jury finds that Word 97 does not anticipate a particular claim, then Word 97 still renders the claim
`obvious for the reasons discussed in Exhibit F.
`'843 Patent Claims
`Claim 1
`A computer-implemented method
`for finding data related to the
`contents of a document using a first
`computer program running on a
`computer, the method comprising:
`To the extent that this preamble is found to be limiting, Word 97 discloses this preamble. For
`example, the following screenshots highlight aspects of Word 97 functionality that disclose the
`preamble. Specifically, Word 97 discloses:
`• Times New Roman
`• 14 ·1 B
`!! I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~= := ~~ i~ 10· # • ~ .
`II Normal
`~B ' .. I
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy I
`' • • 1'
`• 2 '
`' " 3 '
`• 4 '
`. . . 5 '
`· 0· ...
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At I"
`Ln 1


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 3 of 278 PageID #: 26948
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dgo
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`Ln I
`Col 46
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`Insert Fqrmat I Iools T!lble ~ndow t!elp
`II~ Eile ~dit I[iew
`II D ~ III I ~ C9. ~ I db fit ~ ~elhng and Grammar .. . F7
`II Normal
`• Times New Roman
`• I [l)
`~ I;l ~~ ~ ~ 11" 100%
`1 1= := i~ i~ I 0 . # • A •
`~ =
`- -
`I • • • 5
`• • • 6 ' ...
`- :
`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 4 of 278 PageID #: 26949
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`\!I[ord Count .. .
`• ~ A!!toSummarize .. .
`. 1
`The quick brown fox jl
`~utoCorrect. , ,
`Loo~ Up Reference ",
`Ir ack Changes
`Merge Qocuments .. .
`~rotect Document . . .
`Mail Me(ge .. .
`Li:J ~nvelopes and Labels .. .
`Letter Wi!:ard .. ,
`Templates and Add-Ins " ,
`~ustomize " ,
`Page 1
`At 1"
`Ln 1
`Col 47
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 5 of 278 PageID #: 26950
`Exhibit C-31
`Spelling and Grammar: English (United States)
`Not in Dictionary;.
`The qui The quick brown fox jumped over the
`lazy dgo
`I~nore All
`~ f7 Chec!s.grammar
`Qptions ...
`I C::::::::I~~~g~::::::::::::::iI
`Change Atl
`~ AutoCorrect
`Ln 1
`Col 4-2 -
`Sec 1
`Page 1
`At I "
`~ - - - - - - -r;:;:::- -
`.. ,:.?~ w rv'icrosoft Word - Doc ... ~ • .:::'~ V 2:40 prvl
`~ -~
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 6 of 278 PageID #: 26951
`Exhibit C-31
`• Times New Roman
`II Normal
`~B ' .. , ... 1 " ' "
`. . . 3 " " ' " 4 ' . . , . . . 5' . . , •. · 0· ...
`. 2' . . ,
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
`• 14 ·1 B
`!! I ~ = = I ~= == ~~ ~~ I 0 . ,# • ~ •
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Microsoft Word
`. 1
`The spelling and grammar check is complete .
`Col 4-2-
`At I "
`I n 1
`1/ 1
`W r'l,crosoftWord-Doc .. . rr~ f$:~~
`Sec 1
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 7 of 278 PageID #: 26952
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`lit:! Eile ~dit ~iew !nsert FQrmat
`_ IOI I ~
`lTD ~ ~ ~ [9. ~ I db ~ ~ ~ I on ~ 01 ~ I ~
`~ I ~
`lim ~~ ~ I ~ 1T 100%
`II Normal
`~ I B
`II I ~ § ~ § I r= == ~~ ~~ I 0 ~ # ~ ~ ~
`~B '
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy ggg
`lools T2ble ~indow tielp
`~ Times New Roman
`~ 14
`I ' "
`1 '
`" 2'
`' "
`3 '
`" 4'
`" 5'
`' 6 ' ....
`!gnore All
`AutoCorrect ~
`~ ~elling" ,
`In 1
`Col 45
`rr@~ ~
`At 1"
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`~ W fYllcrosoftWord-Doc."
`Word 97,
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 8 of 278 PageID #: 26953
`Exhibit C-31
`• TimesNewRoman
`• 14
`• 1 .
`· 1 B
`I • • • 2 . . .
`• 3 . . . I
`• 4
`1 ~= == t~ t~ 1 D· # • ~ •
`I • • • 5
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy ggg
`Ignore All
`AutoCorrect ~
`~ ~elling ...
`Ln 1
`Col 4-5 -
`At 1"
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`~ - W MlcrosoftWord-Doc ... ~ ------ ~ ~ 2:45PM
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 9 of 278 PageID #: 26954
`Exhibit C-31
`• Times New Roman
`·14 ·IB I
`1 ~ = = l i= :=t~ i~ l o· # · ~ ·
`II Normal
`~e' "
`I ' " l ' .
`. I "
`• 2 ' "
`• • • 3 '
`. I ' " 4 ' "
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog!
`I • • • 5"
`. I "
`·0· ...
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`Ln I
`Col 45
`IOvR IWPH 1m- --
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 10 of 278 PageID #: 26955
`Exhibit C-31
`The new policy was approved by the executive committee.
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1"
`In 1
`Col 56
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 11 of 278 PageID #: 26956
`Exhibit C-31
`II Normal
`• Times New Roman
`" "'l · ·'· ·· 2·· ·'· ··3 ·· ·'·· · 4·· · ' ·· ·5· ·· '·· · 0 · ...
`the executive conunittee. The vote was
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1.2"
`Ln 2 CollI
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 12 of 278 PageID #: 26957
`Exhibit C-31
`The vote was
`II Normal
`Times New Roman
`. 1
`2Pelhng and Grammar.. . F7
`~ord Count.. .
`. . I • • ~ A!J.toSummarize ...
`~utoCorrect ...
`Loo~ Up Reference .. .
`Ir ack Changes
`Merge Qocuments .. .
`~rotect Document .. .
`Mail Me[ge .. .
`~ ~nvelopes and Labels . ..
`Letter Wi;tard ...
`Templates and Add-!ns .. .
`~ustomize .. .
`Qptions .. .
`Page I
`Sec I
`At 1.2"
`Ln 2
`Col II
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 13 of 278 PageID #: 26958
`Exhibit C-31
`The new policy was approved by the
`executive conunittee.
`IQ.nore All
`~rji"!§'i'mihl'j.;I!I"~!.'!H!~;§I"'1.!lzm·'!'-iIUI4·m"G,tmim,tm .. lfimW!. IIi ••••• I:~ ... :J IL:::::::::£~~6g~:::::::::::::]'
`fiext Sentence
`~ P Chec!s.grammar
`_ -=Qp=--tio_n_s_ .. _. ---I __ u_n_t. __ ...J1
`- -r,.. (cid:173)~~ v 3:10PM
`~ ---------------
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`.. :"S~ W fvhcrosoftWord-Doc .. .
`In I
`Col I
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 14 of 278 PageID #: 26959
`Exhibit C-31
`The executive committee approved the new policy. The vote was
`Microsoft Word
`. 1
`The spelling and grammar check is complete,
`Sec 1
`At I "
`Ln I
`i REC ;TRK Pr row:: ~H
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 15 of 278 PageID #: 26960
`Exhibit C-31
`. The vote was
`the executive committ
`eKecutive committee approved the
`new policy
`Ignore Sentence
`~ ~rammar ...
`At 1"
`Ln 1
`Col 54
`W Microsoft Word-Doc ... ~ r.:-7- v
`..... ·H'·'
`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`1: .. SJ.!r1JJ
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 16 of 278 PageID #: 26961
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`!nsert FQrmat
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`JjtJ Eile ~dit !:iew
`lools T!tble ~ndow !::!elp
`• I ~
`1m; §§ ~ I E§J 1T 100%
`II D ~ ,.. I ~ [9. ~ I db ~ e 4 1 on • '" ·1 '" ~ I rn
`II Normal
`!! I ~ :g :§ § I i= := ~~ i~ I 0 • # • ~ •
`• Times New Roman
`• 14
`• B
`~e """ 'l ··'···2 ··· ' ·· ·3··· '···4· · · ' ··· 5 ··· '···0· ...
`the executive committ
`. The vote was
`eKecutive committee approved the
`new policy
`Ignore Sentence
`~ §.rammar ...
`i REC fi'RK EXT
`IOvR jiNPH ~
`Page 1
`At 1"
`Sec 1
`In 1
`Col 54
`~ W MtcrosoftWord-Doc... rr~ [r:~~
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 17 of 278 PageID #: 26962
`Exhibit C-31
`·14 ·IB I
`1 ~ = = l i= :=t~ i~ l o· # · ~ ·
`• • • 3 '
`II Normal
`• Times New Roman
`~e'" I ' " l ' .
`The executive committee approved the new poliCJi, The vote was
`. I "
`• 2 ' "
`. I ' " 4 ' "
`I • • • 5"
`. I "
`· 0 · ...
`IOvR IWPH 1m- J
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`Ln I
`Col 48
`Word 97.
`Word 97 discloses this element.
`For example, the following screenshots highlight aspects of Word 97 functionality that discloses
`displaying the document electronically using the first computer program. Specifically, Word 97
`displaying the document
`electronically using the first
`computer program;


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 18 of 278 PageID #: 26963
`Exhibit C-31
`]] Normal
`~ Times New Roman
`~ 14
`~ I B
`]I I ~ :§ :§ § I i= := ~~ ~~ I 0 ~ 6' ~ ~ ~
`' I "
`' 1"
`' I "
`~B "
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy I
`' 2 ' "
`" 3 ' "
`' " 4'
`' " 5 '
`I "
`' 0 '
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1"
`Ln 1
`Col 42
`Word 97,
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 19 of 278 PageID #: 26964
`Exhibit C-31
`• 1
`• 2
`• 3
`The new policy was approved by the executive committee.
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1"
`Ln 1
`Col 56
`IREC fi'RK !EXT [OvR fWPH 1m-
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 20 of 278 PageID #: 26965
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`JjtJ Eile ~dit !:iew
`II Normal
`• Times New Roman
`!nsert FQrmat
`Iools T!tble ~ndow !::!elp
`• 14
`!! I ~ ==
`I i= := ~~ i~ I 0 • # • ~ •
`~e '" I ' •
`Bob's new email address is bob@geocities. c~
`• l ' . . I • • • 2 '"
`' " 3 ' . . I • • • 4' .
`' " 5 '"
`I • • ·0· ...
`~- - -
`~ ... 3:27 pr'l
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`i REC fi'RK EXT
`~ --------
`.,: .... ~ W Microsoft Word - Doc... rrti! My Pictures
`At 1"
`In 1
`Col 44
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 21 of 278 PageID #: 26966
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`~ ~~ -8 1 ~ 11" 100% ~ I oo
`!! I ~ '§: == § 1= := +;;~ +;;~ 1 0 ~ ,# ~ ~ ~
`~ 1 B
`II Normal
`~ TimesNew Roman
`~ 14
`.. 1 0 ~ . ~ e Favorites ~ 1 ~o ~ 1 Fi9 . Document l
`~e ' , , I
`, 1
`, 2
`, 3
`, 4
`' "
`'Ci' ...
`Bob's favorite web page is www.ao1.cq
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`Ln I
`Col 38
`Word 97.
`Word 97 discloses this element.
`For example, the following screenshots highlight aspects of Word 97 functionality that discloses while
`the document is being displayed, analyzing, in a computer process, first information from the
`document to determine if the first information is at least one of a plurality of types of information that
`can be searched for in order to find second information related to the first information. Specifically,
`Word 97 discloses:
`while the document is being
`displayed, analyzing, in a computer
`process, first information from the
`document to determine if the first
`information is at least one of a
`plurality of types of information
`that can be searched for in order to
`find second information related to
`the first information;


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 22 of 278 PageID #: 26967
`Exhibit C-31
`]] Normal
`~ Times New Roman
`~ 14
`~ I B
`]I I ~ :§ :§ § I i= := ~~ ~~ I 0 ~ 6' ~ ~ ~
`' I "
`' 1"
`' I "
`~B "
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy I
`' 2 ' "
`" 3 ' "
`' " 4'
`' " 5 '
`I "
`' 0 '
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1"
`Ln 1
`Col 42
`Word 97,
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 23 of 278 PageID #: 26968
`Exhibit C-31
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dgo
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1"
`In 1
`Col 46
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 24 of 278 PageID #: 26969
`Exhibit C-31
`• 1
`• 2
`• 3
`The new policy was approved by the executive committee.
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1"
`Ln 1
`Col 56
`IREC fi'RK !EXT [OvR fWPH 1m-
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 25 of 278 PageID #: 26970
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`~dit I£iew
`Insert F~rmat lools T ~ble Window
`• Times New Roman
`. 1
`. . , . . . 2 . . . , . . . 3
`, . . . 4
`. . . 5 . . . , . .
`the executive committee, The vote was
`Page I
`Sec I
`At 1.2"
`Ln 2
`Col 11
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 26 of 278 PageID #: 26971
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`JjtJ Eile ~dit !:iew
`II Normal
`• Times New Roman
`!nsert FQrmat
`Iools T!tble ~ndow !::!elp
`• 14
`!! I ~ ==
`I i= := ~~ i~ I 0 • # • ~ •
`~e '" I ' •
`Bob's new email address is bob@geocities. c~
`• l ' . . I • • • 2 '"
`' " 3 ' . . I • • • 4' .
`' " 5 '"
`I • • ·0· ...
`~- - -
`~ ... 3:27 pr'l
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`i REC fi'RK EXT
`~ --------
`.,: .... ~ W Microsoft Word - Doc... rrti! My Pictures
`At 1"
`In 1
`Col 44
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 27 of 278 PageID #: 26972
`Exhibit C-31
`~ Times New Roman
`~ 14 ~ I B I l l I ~ :§ :§ § I j= := t~ t~ 0 ~ ,# ~ ~ ~
`' " 1'
`'2 '
`' " 3 ' "
`, '4 ' , ' I ' " 5'
`, '0' ...
`II Normal
`~B' , '
`Bob's new email address is
`- - - - - - - - < - - -
`At 1"
`Page 1
`Ln 1
`Col 47
`Sec 1
`I: ,,~ W r'liCrosoftWord - Doc .. . ~ ~ 3:28Prvl
`~ -
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 28 of 278 PageID #: 26973
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`lools T!!.ble
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
`ll~ E.ile
`~dit ~iew Insert Fqrmat
`II D ~ III 1 ~ [9. ~ 1 db ~ ~ <§f I on . "J. & ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ -8 1 ~ 1f 100%
`• 1 00
`• 14 ·1 B
`l = := f~ f~ 10· # • A •
`II Normal
`!! I ~ '§: ==
`.. 1 0 ~ . ~ e Favorites· 1 ~o· 1 Fi9 . Documentl
`~e ' , , I
`• TimesNewRoman
`__ ' -_
`. -
`- r
`- :
`, 1
`, 2
`, 3
`, 4
`, 5
`' Ci' ...
`Bob's favorite web page is www.ao1.cq
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`Ln I
`Col 38
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 29 of 278 PageID #: 26974
`Exhibit C-31
`!;.dit ~iew Insert FQrmat
`lools T~ble !Il.indow
`lit:! ole
`II D ~ ~ , ~ [9. ~ I db ~ e 4 1 on d'~-~ -;--, ~---;:~=-:-, ~- Ii; §§ ~ I ~ 11" 100% ~ I 00
`II Normal
`~ TimesNew Roman ~ 14
`· B
`1 ~ ~~~ I ~= :=t~ t~ ' O · # · ~ · '
`.. 1 0 ~ 1 ~ e Favorites · 1 §.o · I. . Document I
`~e' .. I • • • 1 •• .
`• 2
`I • • • 3
`• • • 4
`. . . I
`• 5
`. . . I
`• • • 6 ' ...
`Bob's favorite web page is
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`Ln I
`Col 4-1 -
`I REC [iRK !EXT IOvR f#'PH i W'
`retrieving the first information;
`Word 97 discloses this element.
`Word 97.
`For example, the following screenshots highlight aspects of Word 97 functionality that discloses
`retrieving the first information. Specifically, Word 97 discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 30 of 278 PageID #: 26975
`Exhibit C-31
`II Normal
`• Times New Roman
`~ord Count ...
`. 1 . . . I • • ~ A!J,toSummarize ...
`The quick brown fox jt
`~elling and Grammar.. . F7
`autoCorrect ...
`Loo~ Up Reference ...
`Irack Changes
`Merge ~ocuments .. .
`~otect Document .. .
`Mail Merge ...
`[EJ ~nvelopes and Labels ...
`Letter Wi~ard . ..
`Templates and Add-!ns . ..
`~ustomize ...
`Qptions ...
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`At 1"
`Ln 1
`Col 4-7 -
`iTRK;EXT iOvR fWP"H ~
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 31 of 278 PageID #: 26976
`Exhibit C-31
`FQrmat 100ls T ~ble ltlindow
`Spelling and Grammar: English (United States)
`~2 . . . I
`Not in Dictionary;.
`The qui The quick brown fox jumped over the
`lazy (lgo
`~ r;; Check grammar
`Qptions . ..
`.iIIII •••••••••••• ~-
`igpore All
`Change AU
`~ AutoCorrect
`'REC 'iffiK !EXT VR WPH ~
`Col 4-2-
`Ln 1
`Page 1
`At 1"
`Sec 1
`~ - W lyl,crosoftWord-Doc. .. ~------~
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 32 of 278 PageID #: 26977
`Exhibit C-31
`• TimesNew Roman
`• 14 · 1 B
`!l ~ = = 1 ~= == t~ t~ I D· .#' • ~ •
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy ggg
`• • • 1
`. . . I
`• • • 2 . . .
`• 3
`. . . I • • • 4 . . . I • • • 5
`!gnore All
`AutoCorrect ~
`~ ~elling .. .
`Col 4-5 - REC ITRK !EXT VR fWP"H ~ J
`Ln I
`Page I
`Sec I
`At I"
`~ W MlcrosoftWord-Doc .. . ~ - -~ v 2:45pryl
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 33 of 278 PageID #: 26978
`Exhibit C-31
`• TimesNewRoman
`• 14
`• 1 .
`· 1 B
`I • • • 2 . . .
`• 3 . . . I
`• 4
`1 ~= == t~ t~ 1 D· # • ~ •
`I • • • 5
`The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy ggg
`Ignore All
`AutoCorrect ~
`~ ~elling ...
`Ln 1
`Col 4-5 -
`At 1"
`Page 1
`Sec 1
`~ - W MlcrosoftWord-Doc ... ~ ------ ~ ~ 2:45PM
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 34 of 278 PageID #: 26979
`Exhibit C-31
`. . . 5 . . . I • •
`The vote was
`II Normal
`Times New Roman
`2Pelhng and Grammar .. . F7
`~ord Count ...
`I • • ~ A!JtoSummarize ...
`€l.utoCorrect. ..
`Loo~ Up Reference ...
`Ir ack Changes
`Merge Q,ocuments .. .
`~rotect Document .. .
`Mail Merge .. .
`L2:l ~nvelopes and Labels .. .
`Letter Wi~ard .. .
`Templates and Add-ins .. .
`~ustomize . ..
`Qptions .. .
`Page 1
`At 1.2"
`Ln 2
`Col 1-1 -IREC iTRK XI iOVR iWPH ~
`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 35 of 278 PageID #: 26980
`Exhibit C-31
`Ioois Tgble
`The new policy was approved by the
`executive cOllunittee.
`Ig.nore All
`Sugg~stions :
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`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 36 of 278 PageID #: 26981
`Exhibit C-31
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`the executive conunitt
`executive committee approved the
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 37 of 278 PageID #: 26982
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 38 of 278 PageID #: 26983
`Exhibit C-31
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 39 of 278 PageID #: 26984
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 40 of 278 PageID #: 26985
`Exhibit C-31
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`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 41 of 278 PageID #: 26986
`'843 Patent Claims
`Exhibit C-31
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`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 42 of 278 PageID #: 26987
`Exhibit C-31
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`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 43 of 278 PageID #: 26988
`Exhibit C-31
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`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 44 of 278 PageID #: 26989
`Exhibit C-31
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`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 45 of 278 PageID #: 26990
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`~ - News , Sports , Weather , Entertainment , Local It Lifestyle - Microsoft Intern ... [g@J~
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`providing an input device,
`configured by the first computer
`program, that allows a user to enter
`a user command to initiate an
`operation, the operation comprising
`(i) performing a search using at
`least part of the first information as
`a search term in order to find the
`Word 97.
`Word 97 discloses this element.
`For example, the following screenshots highlight aspects of Word 97 functionality that discloses
`providing an input device, configured by the first computer program, that allows a user to enter a user
`command to initiate an operation, the operation comprising (i) performing a search using at least part
`of the first information as a search term in order to find the second information, of a specific type or
`types, associated with the search term in an information source external to the document, wherein the
`specific type or types of second information is dependent at least in part on the type or types of the


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 46 of 278 PageID #: 26991
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`second information, of a specific
`type or types, associated with the
`search term in an information
`source external to the document,
`wherein the specific type or types
`of second information is dependent
`at least in part on the type or types
`of the first information, and (ii)
`performing an action using at least
`part of the second information;
`first information, and (ii) performing an action using at least part of the second information.
`Specifically, Word 97 discloses:
`Word 97 further discloses:
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`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 47 of 278 PageID #: 26992
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`W Microsoft Word - Document1
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`Mail Me(ge .. .
`Li:J ~nvelopes and Labels .. .
`Letter Wi!:ard .. .
`Templates and Add-Ins ...
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`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 48 of 278 PageID #: 26993
`Exhibit C-31
`Spelling and Grammar: English (United States)
`Not in Dictionary;.
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`lazy dgo
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`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 49 of 278 PageID #: 26994
`Exhibit C-31
`• Times New Roman
`II Normal
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`Word 97.
`Word 97 further discloses:


`Case 1:13-cv-00919-LPS Document 308-1 Filed 03/10/21 Page 50 of 278 PageID #: 26995
`Exhibit C-31
`'843 Patent Claims
`W Microsoft Word -

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