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`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 384-2 Filed 02/25/22 PageID.34689 Page 2 of 42
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`NUVASIVE, INC., a Delaware )
`corporation, )
` Plaintiff, )
` vs. ) 3:18-CV-00347-CAB-MDD
`Delaware corporation and )
`California corporation, )
` Defendants. )
` DECEMBER 9, 2021
`Reported by: Rosalie A. Kramm, CSR No. 5469, RPR, CRR
`3 4
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Case 3:18-cv-00347-CAB-MDD Document 384-2 Filed 02/25/22 PageID.34690 Page 3 of 42
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` MR. CARLSON: Eric Carlson, also from Wilson
`Sonsini on behalf of plaintiff, and with us today we have
`Mike Doyle and Kate Corlew from NuVasive, in-house.
` MR. LOMBARDI: George Lombardi from Winston &
`Strawn on behalf of Alphatec.
` THE VIDEOTAPE OPERATOR: Would the reporter
`please swear in the witness.
` * * *
`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. McClintock.
` A. Good morning.
` MR. FODEMAN: Before you start, just one thing
`I want to put on the record, and then I -- as I raised
`with Mr. Hunsaker before we started, I informed him that
`he had previously represented the witness in his personal
`individual capacity many, many years ago, 2008. I don't
`view it as a problem at all. I simply reminded him in
`case he had forgotten. I don't anticipate there will be
`questioning that implicates any privileged information
`related to that representation, but to the extent we
`stray into those topics, we can revisit the issue at that
`Veritext Legal Solutions


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` Q. At the time did you believe that was one of the
`reasons that they would want to purchase from you?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: At the time I am sure I would
`believe, yes, that was one of the reasons.
` Q. Did you see your relationship with these
`surgeons as critical to being -- to enabling you to sell
`products while you were at the distributorship?
` A. "Critical" meaning?
` Q. Critical to making the sale.
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I mean, again, I would say, like
`we said earlier, just a second ago, I think one of the
`reasons that it would potentially be critical, yes.
` Q. Do you think it was one of the more important
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I think converting -- yes, if
`they were going to be things driving a surgeon to
`convert, I think the things that drive that are
`important, and one of the reasons is the relationship,
`and I would say, yes.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


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` Q. So is it your testimony that you do believe
`that the relationship with the surgeon is one of the
`important reasons that drives a surgeon to convert?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` Q. In fact, you are aware that NuVasive is taking
`that identical position in other lawsuits today, correct?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. What position?
` Q. That relationships with surgeons drive sales.
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't think I can speak to
`NuVasive's motivation for a lawsuit.
` Q. Well, in fact you've testified in one of these
`lawsuits, correct?
` A. Right. I mean I -- I feel like it was a little
`bit open-ended. So I was answering generally speaking.
`And I -- I'm not aware of all of the lawsuits, I wouldn't
`be, that we have going on at any given time.
` Q. Do you have a lot of lawsuits going on right
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` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: As I said, I don't know. So I
`Page 36
`can't answer that.
` Q. You testified recently in a lawsuit between
`NuVasive and one of its distributors, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in that lawsuit NuVasive is taking the
`position that the relationship between the surgeon and
`the distributor is critical to the sale of products,
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Sorry. Are you
` Q. Let me ask the question again. I was
` You are aware of -- actually, withdrawn.
` You have testified in a lawsuit between
`NuVasive and a distributor, and you are aware that
`NuVasive is taking the position in that lawsuit that it's
`the relationship between the distributor and the surgeon
`that is critical to making sales of the NuVasive
`products, correct?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So I'm definitely aware of my
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`testimony that relationships are important. And I
`believe that's true. I -- I'm -- I can't -- I don't
`think I can speak to NuVasive's position in the lawsuit.
` MR. FODEMAN: And let me just -- maybe part of
`the problem is to the extent this doesn't infringe on any
`sort of attorney-client privilege discussions you may
`have had in the course of testifying in that case. So I
`probably should have said that at the beginning. So you
`can't talk about that.
` Q. The lawsuit that you testified in is against
`which distributor?
` A. I'm not sure if I know the complete corporate
`name, but Rival, I believe Rival Medical.
` Q. And the issue there is that the individuals
`from that distributorship are now selling for Alphatec;
`is that right?
` MR. FODEMAN: Again, same admonition. Be
`careful when talking about the lawsuit.
` THE WITNESS: Can you repeat the question?
` Q. Yes. The individuals from the distributorship
`in the lawsuit that you testified at are now selling
`products for Alphatec, correct?
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` Q. And did Coalition Spine get acquired?
` A. No.
` Q. What happened in 2016 with respect to Coalition
` A. To the entity of Coalition Spine -- I mean
`nothing. Nothing happened to the entity.
` Q. Did NuVasive acquire -- did NuVasive acquire
`Coalition Spine in 2016?
` A. No.
` Q. Did NuVasive acquire rights in Coalition Spine
`in 2016?
` A. Rights? "Rights" meaning?
` Q. Rights to the territory and the business of
`Coalition Spine?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this was in February of 2016?
` A. I believe it was March 31st, 2016.
` Q. And at that point did you become an employee of
` A. Yes. My employment began April 1st, 2016.
` Q. When you were an exclusive distributor for
`NuVasive, did you lose any significant customers?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sure we did.
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` Q. Which customers?
` A. I -- I don't remember.
` Q. And what did you do as a distributor when you
`lost those customers?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I can speak to my general
`practices when -- when we lose a customer. We, generally
`speaking, try to get them back.
` Q. What do you do to try to get them back?
` A. We -- I guess the short answer would be we do
`our -- we do our job, that's how I view it, and we do our
`best to bring them back.
` Q. Can you be more specific?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: We would make a plan, we would
`try to communicate with them, and ask them to start using
`our products again.
` Q. Would you try to find out why the surgeon left?
` A. Yes. And I don't know if I did that every
`time, but, yes.
` Q. For any significant customers, would you try to
`find out why that surgeon left?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And how would you do that?
` A. Ask them.
` Q. Were you able to convince some customers to
`come back?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't -- I don't remember
`specifics. I don't remember.
` Q. So beyond asking them why they left, what would
`you do to try to get those customers back?
` A. I -- I'm speaking in general terms about how we
`would try to bring a customer back, but we would talk to
`them about technology and sell to them. I mean I -- just
`kind of the basics of the sales process.
` Q. When you said you would talk to them about
`technology, the surgeon customer that you lost would
`already be aware of the technology that -- that NuVasive
`had, correct?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I'd be -- I'd be
`speculating on what they knew or didn't know. But
`complete understanding of our portfolio, oftentimes not.
` Q. During the arbitration that you testified at
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`recently for NuVasive, you testified that you had lost
`significant customers during the time you were an
`exclusive NuVasive distributor. Can you tell me what
`surgeon you had in mind when you provided that sworn
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I -- I don't remember.
` MR. FODEMAN: I'm going to ask, if you are
`going to ask him specific questions about testimony he
`gave, you give him a copy of the testimony so he can see
`it in context. That's all.
` Q. Do you recall this testimony that you provided?
` A. The testimony overall?
` Q. No, the testimony that you provided elicited by
`NuVasive that you had lost significant customers during
`your time as an exclusive distributor for NuVasive.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you recall which surgeon you had in mind for
`that when you provided that testimony?
` MR. FODEMAN: Can he have a copy of the
` MR. FODEMAN: Don't answer until you've had a
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`chance to take a look at it.
` Do you have a page in mind?
` THE REPORTER: Exhibit 1.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for identification.)
` Q. Sorry. I've marked as Exhibit 1 the Zoom
`arbitration trial testimony from September 28th, 2020,
`between NuVasive and Rival Medical.
` Do you have that in front of you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So I'd like to refer you to page 78 of the
`transcript. So the testimony I'm asking about is at page
`78 to 79 of the transcript where you testified that you
`had lost significant customers as an exclusive
`distributor of NuVasive.
` Please let me know when you're ready for my
` A. Okay. So I read part of page 78 and most of
`page 79.
` Q. And which surgeon customer did you have in mind
`when you testified that as an exclusive distributor of
`NuVasive, you had lost significant customers?
` A. I don't remember.
` Q. Did you lose many customers when you were an
`exclusive distributor of NuVasive?
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` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: As I said earlier, I'm sure we
`did. I know we lost partial, complete, so it's -- it's
`vague. I don't remember specific names that we lost.
` Q. Would you try to put lost or at risk surgeons
`on development agreements with the manufacturer you
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection to form. Are we
`talking about this? Are we talking about this time
`period or in general?
` Q. During this time period or in general.
` A. I -- I didn't put anyone -- it wasn't my
`responsibility to put people on the design project, so,
` Q. During your time as an exclusive distributor.
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did you help facilitate that for NuVasive when
`you were an exclusive distributor?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: If surgeons were interested in
`potentially working with NuVasive when I was at Coalition
`Spine, I would have those -- certainly have those
`conversations with other NuVasive employees.
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` Q. Did he -- did he have a lot of
` MR. FODEMAN: Form.
` THE WITNESS: I believe so, yes.
` Q. With what?
` A. So I want to be clear. I don't know the time
`period when his role changed from COO to vice-chairman.
`I -- I don't know how long that was, when it was, or
`necessarily what his responsibilities were.
` So to the best of my recollection, in the COO
`role, the chief operating officer role, his
`responsibilities were overseeing our product pipeline --
`our product portfolio and operations.
` Q. Did Patrick Miles have significant surgeon
`relationships during his time at NuVasive?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: "Significant" meaning?
` Q. High volume surgeons, did he have relationships
`with surgeons who purchased a large amount of product
`from NuVasive?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
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` Q. Did he have a lot of relationships -- or sorry.
` Did he have relationships with many surgeons
`who were high-volume customers of NuVasive?
` MR. FODEMAN: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Sorry. Did he have many?
` Q. No. Did he have relationships with many
`surgeons who had a high volume of sales -- of purchases
`from NuVasive?
` MR. FODEMAN: Form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know the -- the minute
`details of those relationships, but I would answer yes.
` Q. Was NuVasive concerned, when Mr. Miles resigned
`in October 2017, about the significant surgeon
`relationships he had?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Your question was -- I -- I can't
`speak to NuVasive's opinion. I -- I had concerns, yes.
` Q. I mean you were -- you said you were part of
`the leadership at NuVasive at the time?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. And was it a big deal to NuVasive's leadership
`that Patrick Miles resigned in October 2017?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm going to -- I'm going to
`assume we're matching on what "big deal" means, you and
`me, so I would say, yes. Like I said earlier, when an
`executive -- when an executive leaves, generally
`speaking, that's a big deal. Yes.
` Q. I mean would you consider it a big deal if
`NuVasive's CEO was sending emails at 6:00 a.m. about
`setting up a war room to crush Alphatec by 10:00 a.m. on
`the same day that Patrick Miles leaves?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form. Argumentative.
` Q. Is that what you would consider to be a big
` A. Would I consider an email a big deal?
` Q. Would you consider it to be a big deal if
`NuVasive's CEO sent emails at 6:00 a.m., on the day that
`Patrick Miles resigns, for the purpose of setting up a
`war room to crush Alphatec the same day with NuVasive's
` MR. FODEMAN: Is there a document that you are
`referencing you want to show him?
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` Q. Mr. Lucier also mentions in this email about
`setting up a war room for crushing Alphatec that you need
`to focus on retention of surgeons. How do you retain
` A. Well, to the question earlier about, you know,
`how they get a customer back or what -- what those
`tactics are, I mean I think it's -- it's those things.
` Q. What are those things? Can you identify them
`for me in any more detail.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Please do.
` A. Communication. Given what we're allowed to
`share, awareness about company vision, strategy. And
`along with the communication I would say attention. So
` Q. And does interaction come in the form of
`development agreements with surgeons?
` A. Does interaction? No.
` Q. Does development -- does entering into
`development agreements with surgeons factor in at all to
`retaining surgeons as customers?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I think I'd have -- I think I'd
`have to speak to why the surgeon decided to continue on
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`or -- or work with the company. So I can't do that. So
`Page 82
`I -- sorry, can you repeat?
` Q. Are surgeons more likely to purchase products
`from NuVasive if they have a development agreement with
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, I'm just struggling with
`understanding why they decide to use our products or not.
`I can't speak to why a surgeon or surgeons would do that,
`what the specific reason is.
` Q. What was your title at this time in 2017? You
`were president of sales in 2017 for NuVasive?
` A. In part of '17, the last four months, five
` Q. And is it your testimony that as the president
`of sales for NuVasive, you did not know why a surgeon
`would purchase products from NuVasive?
` A. No, I --
` MR. FODEMAN: You are talking about a specific
`surgeon or are you talking about generally speaking?
` MS. WICKRAMASEKERA: I think that -- it is not
`time for you to testify.
` MR. FODEMAN: I'm not testifying. I'm trying
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`to --
` MR. FODEMAN: -- keep this moving so you can
`ask a question that someone could understand. That's
`all. If you don't want me to explain it, I won't.
` MS. WICKRAMASEKERA: With all due respect, I
`think you client -- I think your witness clearly
`understands my question.
` MR. FODEMAN: Exactly.
` MS. WICKRAMASEKERA: And is trying to avoid
`answering it. So let me get the testimony correct.
` Q. As president of sales for NuVasive in part of
`2017, did you know why surgeons would have a tendency to
`purchase NuVasive's products? Did you know the reasons
`that would influence a surgeon to purchase NuVasive's
` A. Yes.
` Q. And was entering into or having development
`agreements one of those reasons?
` A. So when I say "yes," I'm speaking in general
`terms. The question earlier was taking obviously a
`specific population that, you know, I think we're -- by
`definition we're speculating -- that would have a
`development -- development agreement -- excuse me --
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`development agreement with NuVasive, so that would be a
`specific surgeon or surgeons. I can't necessarily speak
`to why they would decide what products to use.
` Q. Okay. So as a general proposition, did
`surgeons who had development agreements with NuVasive,
`was that one of the factors that influenced their
`decision to purchase products from NuVasive?
` A. I'm sorry. You said as a general --
` Q. Yes.
` A. -- proposition?
` Q. Yes.
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm confused by "proposition."
`What does that mean?
` Q. Okay. Let me ask you a straight question and
`you tell me if you can't answer it. Okay?
` If a surgeon customer of NuVasive's has a
`development agreement with NuVasive, are they more likely
`to purchase product from NuVasive?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: There are surgeons that have
`development agreements with NuVasive that don't use our
`products, and there are surgeons that have development
`agreements with NuVasive that use our products.
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` Q. Okay.
` A. So unless it is someone specific and I would
`have intimate knowledge of the -- their opinion, I'm
` Q. Okay.
` A. I think by definition.
` Q. Were you president of sales at NuVasive at the
`time that this email was sent in October 2017?
` A. The Greg Lucier --
` Q. Yes.
` A. Exhibit 3?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes.
` Q. So as president of sales for NuVasive, in
`October 2017 when Exhibit 3 was sent, what did you
`understand was necessary to retain surgeons as Mr. Lucier
`is instructing here?
` A. We can't see who received the email. I was not
`copied, correct? We know that?
` Q. Yeah.
` A. Okay. I just don't -- I don't know. I can't
`tell from the email, and I can't remember.
` So, sorry, the question is, what do we do to
`retain surgeons?
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` Q. Yes. So as president of sales for NuVasive, at
`this time when Greg Lucier is instructing certain members
`of his leadership team to focus on retention of surgeons,
`what do you understand that to require?
` A. My role was commercial sales, and as I
`referenced earlier, communication, plan. I don't know
`exactly what I did on October 2nd, 2017, but I -- I am
`sure it involved communicating with surgeons.
` Q. Did that involve communicating with surgeons
`about entering into development agreements?
` A. With me personally?
` Q. What do you mean with you personally?
` A. Did I have conversations about development
`agreements with surgeons?
` Q. No. Was your -- actually, let me take a step
` Was your knowledge at NuVasive at the time you
`were president of sales limited to what you yourself did,
`or were you responsible as a leader for what people below
`you were doing?
` A. I was responsible for my -- my direct reports
`and their teams, yes.
` Q. And you were part of the leadership team at
`NuVasive at this time, correct?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. So when discussions are occurring regarding,
`for example, an impact of Pat Miles' departure on sales,
`you would have been part of that discussion. Wouldn't
`you -- wouldn't you expect to be?
` A. I wouldn't expect to be a part of every
`discussion. I think it is fair to say some, yes.
` Q. Were you in the war room that day?
` A. I don't remember.
` And just one point of clarity on the -- my --
`my job responsibility was not to talk to -- to interact
`with surgeons around development agreements. I just
`didn't do that. So --
` Q. Did people working under you do that?
` A. No. It wasn't our responsibility. I certainly
`can't comment on what hundreds of people may have said.
` Q. So is it your testimony that as part of the
`president of sales, people would not have communicated
`with you -- actually, withdrawn.
` Is it your testimony that as president of sales
`for NuVasive at this time that Patrick Miles resigned,
`you did not have discussions with other NuVasive
`executive team members regarding development agreements
`with surgeons?
` A. I don't remember having conversations to that
`effect, and I know at the time that was not my job
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` MS. WICKRAMASEKERA: Okay. I'm handing you
`what has been marked as Exhibit 4, which is an email from
`Mr. Lucier sent on October 3rd, 2017, bearing Bates
`number NUVA-ATEC 317796.
` (Exhibit 4 was marked for identification.)
` Q. Let me know when you have that in front of you.
` A. I have it in front of me.
` Q. Do you need to -- do you need a minute to look
`over the email?
` A. Sure, if you want me to.
` Q. Yes, I'm going to ask you questions about it.
` A. Yeah, I'll read the whole thing, sure. It is
`one email, front and back?
` Q. It is the entirety of that exhibit.
` A. Thanks.
` MR. FODEMAN: While we're waiting, it is a good
`time to designate the transcript as "HIGHLY
` MS. WICKRAMASEKERA: Sure, although I think all
`of the documents we have used so far are public record.
`So that's fine.
` THE REPORTER: Did you say just "CONFIDENTIAL"?
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`relationships to -- it doesn't say drive business, but
`I'm going to assume he meant drive business and drive
`their stock price up.
` Q. And as a member of NuVasive's leadership team,
`were you concerned -- did you share the concern that
`NuVasive may lose sales to Alphatec because Pat Miles
`would take relationships to Alphatec, surgeon
`relationships to Alphatec?
` MR. FODEMAN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Did I share that concern?
` Q. Yes.
` A. I don't remember exactly. I was -- I would
`assume that I did.
` Q. Did you -- do you recall writing emails to that
` A. Sorry. To what effect?
` Q. That you had some concern about losing sales or
`losing surgeons because Patrick Miles would take his
`relationships to Alphatec?
` A. I do not recall.
` Q. In the next paragraph Mr. Lucier refers to --
`he says, "And so this is what everyone gets for not
`giving him," Patrick Miles --
` A. Sorry. What -- what paragraph?
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` Q. Alphatec is much smaller than NuVasive at this
`Page 103
`time; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you --
` A. I mean assuming -- sorry. Assuming you define
`smaller as revenue.
` Q. Yes. Do you have any idea why Alphatec is even
`viewed as a threat at this time, then?
` MR. FODEMAN: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: Viewed by Greg, who wrote the
`email, no.
` Q. Did you write an email back saying you agree
`with everything Greg said?
` A. To this email?
` Q. Yes.
` A. I don't know. I don't remember. Excuse me. I
`don't remember.
` Q. All right. The next section says "Surgeon
`Relationships." Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Why did you think surgeon relationships were
` A. Why did I?
` Q. Actually, let me ask the question mor

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