Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 805 Filed 08/18/20 PageID.39228 Page 1 of 180
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` Plaintiff, ) CASE NO. 17CV183-CAB-BGS
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` Defendants. )
`Reporter's Transcript of Jury Trial Day 3, Volume 3
`Pages 388-567
`P r o c e e d i n g s r e p o r t e d b y s t e n o g r a p h y , t r a n s c r i p t p r o d u c e d b y
`c o m p u t e r a s s i s t e d s o f t w a r e
`M a u r a l e e R a m i r e z , R P R , C S R N o . 1 1 6 7 4
` F e d e r a l O f f i c i a l C o u r t R e p o r t e r
`o r d e r t r a n s c r i p t @ g m a i l . c o m
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`For The Plaintiff: Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP
` Paul Andre
` James Hannah
` Lisa Kobialka
` Kristopher Kaskins
` 990 Marsh Road
` Menlo Park, California 94025
` Cristina Lynn Martinez
` 1177 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036
`For the Defendants: Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP
` Nicola A. Pisano
` Scott A. Penner
` Regis Worley
` 12255 El Camino Real, Suite 100
` San Diego, California 92130.


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`San Diego, California; Thursday, March 12, 2020; 8:30 a.m.
`(Case called)
`(Appearances stated)
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, before we get started, I would
`like to do a housekeeping matter with claims we are going to be
`dismissing with prejudice, if it's okay to do it now.
`MR. ANDRE: So for the '844 patent, we will continue
`to assert claims, 7 and 15. We'll be dismissing claims 11 and
`16 with prejudice. For the '086 patent, we'll be asserting in
`this case, claims 24 and 42. We'll be dismissing with
`prejudice claims 1, 2, 9 and 10. For the '780 patent, we'll
`retain claims 9 and 13. We'll dismiss with prejudice claim 18.
`For the '621 patent, we want to assert in this case, claims 1,
`6, 7 and 10. We'll dismiss with prejudice claims 5, 11, 13 and
`14. And for the '755 patent, we'll be asserting in this trial,
`claims 3, 5 and 6. And we'll dismiss with prejudice, claims 7
`and 8. We're doing this in good faith to streamline the case
`in order to be able get within the time limits we've been
`placed with. And we appreciate the Court's indulgence.
`THE COURT: Thank you. Anything?
`MR. PISANO: Nothing, Your Honor. Thank you.
`THE COURT: All right. Then the Court will make that
`notation as set forth, the claims that you've indicated are
`dismissed with prejudice. In light of dismissal with prejudice


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`of claims in the patents that have expired, the defendants no
`longer have a reasonable apprehension of being sued on them
`again in the future since any products that you could have
`asserted against them are currently on the market and have been
`on the market now since the expiration. So your dec relief
`action for invalidity is now dismissed for lack of subject
`matter jurisdiction since there is no longer a case in
`controversy. So I expect that might result in you streamlining
`some of your invalidity case going forward. All right. Great.
`Now I've got your nightly filing, but I understand you
`may have resolved some of these issues.
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, the deposition designations
`will not be going forward until next week. I think we can
`probably work through most of them. We'll change the
`designations. And to the extent we can't, we'll bring the
`witnesses live next week. If we can't reach accommodations --
`it was one-or-two-minute clips of deposition. We tried for
`time expediency because it doesn't makes sense to bring a
`witness live for one-and-a-half minutes of deposition, but if
`that's what the defense wants, that's what they'll get.
`The only thing left on your schedule is the
`Mitzenmacher exhibits.
`THE COURT: Right. I have your representation that
`you understand that if he wants to use exhibits that are the
`result of testing on current products, you all need to lay a


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`foundation, not just to have him say oh, yeah I understand
`these things were at the infringement time, but actually how he
`knows that.
`MR. HANNAH: Absolutely.
`THE COURT: And I'll allow the testing.
`MR. HANNAH: Thank you.
`MR. PENNER: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Anything else?
`MR. PENNER: Actually, there was one issue with one of
`the slides to Dr. Mitzenmacher's presentations as well, Your
`Honor. Slides 56 and 57 related to hashing.
`THE COURT: So the purpose of this is what? I mean,
`it's a fact, I guess, yes, a hash can be built from multiple
`hashes. You can assemble a final hash. But in this case, that
`doesn't really comply with the Court's claim construction. So
`is it just explanatory?
`MR. HANNAH: It's explanatory explaining the hashes.
`This is actually relevant. Their products do do hashes of
`multiple hashes and then has a final hash. He's not talking
`about claim construction or anything like that. He's giving a
`background of how hashes are formed. We'll lay foundation for
`it. He's the expert in hashing and how these things work.
`It's just a demonstrative to demonstrate how hashing works and
`explain the concept to the jury.
`MR. PENNER: It seems -- I mean, building hash with


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`hash seems designed to prejudice the jury since the Court's
`claim construction expressly forbids that as being part of the
`methodology by which they can prove infringement. So it seems
`it's designed to confuse the jury and doesn't offer them any
`THE COURT: I'm not going to exclude it, but if it's
`contrary to the Court's claim construction, the Court will be
`inclined to get a request from counsel for some sort of
`instruction to the jury that they should disregard that for
`purposes of construing how the infringement operates in this
`MR. PENNER: And I may make that objection at the
`time, Your Honor?
`MR. PENNER: Thank you.
`THE COURT: All right. Anything else?
`MR. ANDRE: Nothing from the plaintiff, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Current events of last night and the
`closing of any travel from Europe to the United States for the
`next 30 days, does that affect any of your witnesses now?
`MR. PENNER: At this point in time, your Honor, in
`light of the dismissal of the declaratory judgment action, it
`does not.
`THE COURT: Okay. Good. Then let's get the jury in.
`They should all be here.


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`(Pause in the proceedings)
`THE COURT: Good morning, everyone. I trust you're
`all feeling well.
`Dr. Cole, you can have a seat. I remind you, sir, you
`are still under oath.
`We are going to continue this morning now with the
`cross-examination of Dr. Cole by ESET.
`Good morning, Dr. Cole. My name is Nic Pisano. So, Dr.
`Cole, have you ever --
`By the way, this is okay? You can hear me?
`MR. PISANO: Okay. Good.
`THE COURT: She'll let you know.
`Dr. Cole, have you ever coded anti-malware software?
`I'm sorry. I didn't hear the first part of that question.
`Sir, have you ever coded anti-malware software?
`I haven't directly coded it from scratch, but while I was
`CTO of McAfee, I was involved in reviewing the code, analyzing
`the code, and modifying portions of the code.
`When were you the CTO of McAfee?
`I believe that was 2009 to 2011.
`Thank you. Dr. Cole, the claims of the '844 patent use the


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`term "Downloadable," right?
`That is correct.
`And the Court has construed a Downloadable as -- let's see,
`perhaps -- Mr. Jay, can you bring up the demonstrative number
`1, slide 1.
`So this is claim 1, sir, correct? Claims 1 and 15 of the
`'844 patent?
`That looks to be correct.
`Okay. And for the definition in claim 1, you have linking
`by -- the claim requires linking by the inspector. The first
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, just an objection to this
`demonstrative. It's not set out properly. The three elements
`in claim 1 as written in the patent and 2 in claim 15, and he's
`kind of rewritten them to be 2 and 4.
`THE COURT: I'm sorry?
`MR. PISANO: Your Honor, let's skip that now.
`Let me just ask you, Dr. Cole, does the Court's instruction
`of the term "Downloadable" include the word "small".
`I believe that to be correct.
`Now you were deposed in this action, correct?
`That is correct.
`And in your deposition, you are unable to give an exact
`size of what -- exact size of a file that would constitute


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`small; isn't that correct, sir?
`I wasn't able to give an exact number because the
`definition of small is an executable that doesn't require
`installation when it runs on your system, and I believe I did
`give that during my deposition.
`Okay. So in your deposition, you were asked how small does
`it have to be before it reaches the level that is now within
`the ambit of the claim construction for the '844 patent, right,
`Can I get a copy of the deposition transcript if you're
`going to refer to that? I don't have that memorized.
`I'm going to show it to you in a minute, but I'm just
`asking you: Do you recall what you said -- what you just told
`the jury right now is what you recall having told your examiner
`during your deposition, that it depends because it's an
`executable file? There's no definition? Excuse me. What was
`your testimony just now?
`I believe there was about four or five pages of it. So I
`want to make sure we're not taking it out of content, but a
`small on Downloadable, someone skilled in the art is going to
`deem that as a Downloadable that doesn't require installation.
`So if you go to a website, it's going to run without
`installation. And this is in my depo where I compare it to
`something like Word that does require installation where you
`have to install it, go next, next, next. And Word would not be


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`a small executable. But something that doesn't require
`installation would be a small executable.
`So, Mr. Jay, could you bring up the -- his deposition
`testimony at 168, 17 to 25?
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, can I approach with a copy of
`his transcript so he can actually put it in context instead of
`taking the clips out of order.
`MR. PISANO: Your Honor, I'm going to present his
`testimony to him right now. It's on the monitor.
`THE COURT: It's fine. He can proceed this way.
`So on the monitor, could you take a look at your testimony
`here? Was this your testimony read at deposition?
`This is part of my testimony. And I believe the context of
`this is they were trying to ask me for an exact number or size
`of what a small executable is. And as I illustrated, the
`definition is based on whether it's installed or not, not an on
`an exact number.
`MR. PISANO: Your Honor, I would like to publish this
`for the jury, please.
`THE COURT: Go ahead.
`Dr. Cole, when you were asked that how small does an
`executable have to be before it reaches the level now within
`the ambit of the claim construction of the '844 patent, you


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`didn't say anything about installation, did you? In fact, you
`said: It's one of those things where you can tell something
`really large, you can tell something small, but it doesn't give
`you an exact number.
`And then you testified: You would have to look at the
`scenario to see if it fits under the context of the
`Downloadable. Do you see that?
`I do see this. But, once again, this is a small subset. if
`you look at entire section --
`MR. PISANO: Yeah. You will.
`THE WITNESS: And I do talk about what I just said.
`You have to be careful not taking things out of context.
`We're going to be very careful to do that, sir. I'm going
`to show you all your other definitions, and you point out to me
`where you talk about installations in there. So let's go to
`the clip at 169, 1115. Put that up for our purposes?
`THE COURT: You can put it up. It's his deposition.
`MR. PISANO: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Dr. Cole, you were asked in what context -- in the previous
`clip, you said you have to look at the scenario to see if it
`fits under the context of Downloadable.
`And then this question was: What context would I have to
`be looking at in order to know if it can be used?


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`And your answer, sir, was: Just on what you're downloading
`what is the size relative to other things that are being
`Right? That's what you said?
`In this one particular question, that is what I said. But,
`once again, I just want to caveat, it's part of four or five
`pages in which the context is really based on whether you
`install it or not is the criteria for small.
`I see. That is now your criteria for small, sitting here
`in this courtroom, is it depends on what you're installing; is
`that correct, sir?
`I do not believe that's what I said. If you have an
`executable that doesn't require installation -- so like if you
`go to a website and the executable runs on your web page,
`there's no installation, that would be considered small. If
`it's something that requires installation, like Word or a
`program we have to click next, next, next, that would not be
`considered small.
`So, Dr. Cole, when did you come to this realization that
`the size of the Downloadable, whether it's small or not depends
`on installation? Because as I said, we'll go through your
`clips and we'll see what you had to say in your deposition.
`Wasn't it true, sir, that you weren't able to provide any
`type of metric that would allow a person of skill in the art to
`know how small -- or compare the relative size of a file to


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`determine if it meets the definition of small?
`I do not agree with that.
`A lot of the focus of the deposition was trying to pinpoint
`an exact number, which as stated, isn't the right criteria
`that's used in determining small.
`Let's bring up deposition clip number 3 at 11 to 20. That
`can go right to the jury. So the question was: You had thrown
`out some ranges, right?
`And the question was: If it's -- between 40 megs and a
`couple of gigs is the range you've just given me; is that
`And your answer was: Well, like I said, it's relative.
`Give me some files and we can look at them to see small, but
`it's typically something that is not very large, that small
`megs. It's not going to be an exact number, as you said here
`today, but you can go one meg over and, boom, it's no longer
`small. It's just malware that's typically downloaded that's
`not super large like multiple gigs.
`And there, you didn't say anything about installation
`either, right?
`Once again, if you look the at the questioning, the
`questioning I'm having in the depo is stalking specific
`numbers. So this is the context during deposition, you need to
`make sure you always answer that question. I'm being asked a


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`specific number. But as you can see in my answer, it's
`consistent with what I said this morning. It's not going to be
`an exact. It's whether it requires installation or not, and
`typically small would run in realtime, like embedded in a
`So are you aware of any metrics provided in the claims of
`the '844 patent or the specification itself that would tell one
`of skill in the art how to apply your relative size analysis,
`or your installation analysis, if you'd like?
`In going through the patent and reading, we focused on the
`claims of the patent, but if you look at the patent, there's
`introductory, background, detail description. There's a lot of
`other information in there. If you read that, it's clear when
`they say "Downloadable," what they're referring to is content
`that's embedded in website and content that doesn't require
`So one of the things we use is the concept of a POSITA,
`Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art. So someone who is skilled
`in the art of cyber security reading the patent, they would
`understand that's what they're referring to as a Downloadable.
`So, Dr. Cole, you've just thrown out a whole lot of
`concepts that are legal concepts. You're not a patent lawyer,
`are you?
`I'm not a patent lawyer.
`But you do believe you understand the patent law with


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`respect to a person of skill in the art?
`I believe that I am a person skilled in the art. And I was
`informed by counsel that when I'm reading the patent, I should
`use it from a perspective of somebody skilled in the art, like
`So you also read the prosecution history for the patent,
`Yes, I did.
`As part of your review to understand what the patent
`describes, right?
`Good. We're going to get back to that. But, first, let's
`get back to small. So your idea of what is small today is that
`it depends on what you're installing. Now would that
`installation -- would that size change as a function of time,
`or would it be the same now in 2020 as it was when the patent
`was filed in 1997?
`Just one clarification. You keep saying that I'm saying it
`depends on what's being installed, but I don't believe that's
`what I said. I think that's mischaracterizing. What I'm
`saying is, small executable is something that doesn't require
`installation compared to large executables that do require
`installation. But in response to your question, I do not
`believe that would change. A small executable today, five
`years ago, ten years ago would be an executable that doesn't


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`require installation when it runs on your computer.
`Okay. So let's put up deposition clip 169, 16 to 24.
`There you were asked the question, would it -- would the size--
`would "small" change based on what was given -- the year it was
`given that this relative size of files -- excuse me.
`Would the change -- would that change be based on the year
`it was given, the relative size of the files have they changed
`over the course of 20 years of downloads? That was the
`question. Has the size changed as to what you would think is
`small; has it changed over 20 years of downloads?
`And what your testimony was: Once again, you would have to
`ask the Court. They came up with the claims construction. I'm
`just using their definition of small executable. So depending
`upon the speed of the computers, I guess small could
`potentially change.
`So did small change to your understanding with time, or has
`it been fixed?
`So my definition of small that I use both in the depo and
`now doesn't change, and that's a small executable that doesn't
`require installation.
`During the depo, the focus was a lot on this number. They
`wanted to pinpoint me, was it 20 meg? Was it 30 meg? They
`wanted a specific number. And they're focusing on a number,
`asking me could that number, the size of the file, whether it's
`20 or 30 meg, change. And that's what I'm referring to, but


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`the number isn't my definition. My definition is whether it
`requires installation.
`Okay. So if I'm the manufacturer of the product and I sell
`you a product, I don't know what you're going to download,
`right? Wouldn't that be true? If I say you can download an
`executable and you're saying you can download it and install
`something, are you saying that the -- whether the executable is
`small or not depends on what the customer downloads?
`No. It's based on the content. So if anyone is building a
`product today that's going to filter on web content, they would
`know that web content that's going to be embedded in a web page
`that you would download from the web, they're going to know
`that doesn't require installation, and they're going to know
`that that's a small executable versus whether you're going to
`go down and download a full application like Word or Excel,
`they would clearly know that that requires installation, and
`that would not be considered a small executable.
`So doesn't the size download that you're going to install,
`isn't that determined by the speed of your computer, sir, and
`how fast your internet connection is?
`If you're back to size, yes, the size depends on the
`computer download. But, once again, that's not the definition
`of small executable.
`So to you, size doesn't matter; is that right?
`With small executable, we're using whether it requires


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`installation or not, so the size or number, that doesn't matter
`in determining small.
`Hmm. Okay. So what effect does the speed of the computer
`have on the size of whether you considered a file as being
`small within the context of the '844 patent?
`I did not utilize the speed of the computer on determining
`whether something is small. Once again, my definition of small
`is an executable typically embedded in web content that doesn't
`require installation when it runs on the client computer.
`It doesn't require installation? Is that your testimony?
`Oh, okay. But you're pretty sure that the word "install"
`or "installation" is somewhere within the context of the '844
`patent; is that right?
`If you read the patent, it talks about Downloadables being
`executables that are embedded in web content, that are embedded
`in components. And, once again, as someone skilled in the art,
`you would recognize that those components that are referred in
`the '844 do not require installation in order to run on the
`But isn't this Downloadable supposed to be executable or
`That is correct.
`Hmm. Okay. So let's see. So you do not believe that
`small changes based upon the year in which the patent is being


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`asserted, right?
`That is correct.
`Let's bring up depo clip 176 to -70. There you, again,
`said: I didn't say that. You said: The construction will
`stay the same. That the construction -- a small executable,
`what is considered small might change, but that doesn't change
`the claimed construction.
`So do you have an opinion as to whether in the context of
`the Court's construction that word "small" changes with time?
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, could he see the question?
`THE WITNESS: I'm trying to read the question. An
`answer without a question is a little hard.
`I'm just focusing on your answer that said the
`THE COURT: All right. Counsel, why don't we -- it's
`on the screen. Let him read it.
`MR. PISANO: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE WITNESS: I believe you need to look at the
`question where it's asking: Is it your understanding that the
`construction of the term is allowed to change based upon the
`year. I respond: I didn't say that. The construction will
`stay the same.


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`Which is consistent with what we were talking about this
`That's the construction of small executable.
`But small might change. That's what you said, right?
`The reason I keep asking for the deposition transcript is
`because in context, this is the section where they're still
`talking about pinning me down to an exact number. So when I'm
`going in and saying that small might change and referring to
`that exact number, whether it's 20 meg or 30 meg, on what they
`keep trying to pin me down on.
`Dr. Cole, your definition of small executable, some things
`might be small -- some executables are covered and others
`aren't; is that right? Because you're not willing to give me a
`definition of small. So some are, some aren't? Are all
`executables that you download small?
`MR. ANDRE: Objection, Your Honor. Argumentative. He
`did give a definition of small.
`THE COURT: Sustained. It was compound.
`MR. PISANO: My apologies.
`Dr. Cole, under your definition of small, does any
`Downloadable constitute a small Downloadable?
`That's a circular question because you're saying is any
`small Downloadable, but the Court's construction of


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`Downloadable is small, so I'm --
`Right. But -- I'm sorry. Go ahead. I'm trying to find
`out how large is small. Can you give me a number for how large
`small is?
`As I said multiple times, the definition of small is not
`based on a number. It's based on whether it requires
`installation or not, not all executables are going to be
`Downloadables because there could be some large executables and
`those are going to be Downloadables. But based on the Court's
`claim construction, any executable that is small that doesn't
`require installation, which from an expert is a very clear,
`concise definition is going to fit the definition of
`So, Dr. Cole, for the Downloadables that are executable
`that can you download, how large can it be and still be small?
`Once again, you want to make the definition of small based
`on a number. And it's not based on a number. It's whether it
`requires installation. So we're not going to say if 30 meg is
`small, 50 is large. We're going look and say does it require
`installation, and if it requires installation, it's large and
`it's not a Downloadable like Word, which I do cover in my
`deposition; or if it doesn't requires installation, then it's
`small, but we're not using an exact number as a definition.
`Well, Dr. Cole, at your deposition, you did actually give a
`number for what you would not consider small, right? You said


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`40 megs?
`Once, again, can I see the context of the deposition
`Sure. Let's put up 173, 7 to 10. The question was: What
`is a reasonable size? And the answer was: It could be a few
`megs, it could be 20 megs, it could be 40 megs, like I said,
`something that's not multiple gigs or really large.
`So you, at least, agree that small is not more than 40
`I believe in looking at this, you're miscategorizing my
`testimony. I'm saying it could be. It could be a few megs, it
`could be 20 megs. It's applying -- once again, I'm at a little
`bit of a disadvantage because I don't have the full deposition
`transcript. If you read all the pages together, you would see
`that they're trying to pin down to a number when the definition
`isn't based on number. It's based on whether it requires
`Okay. Let's put up slide number 6 in the demonstratives.
`MR. PISANO: Any objections, Counsel?
`MR. ANDRE: I have no objection to slide number 6.
`MR. PISANO: Your Honor, I would like to publish that
`for the jury.
`THE COURT: Go ahead.
`I haven't heard you give me a number for how large is too


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`large to be small. But let's take a quick walk down memory
`lane here. Back in 1996, most computers would have been
`running Windows 95, right?
`If you represent -- I don't remember the exact year or so.
`There are different Windows operating systems. But that sounds
`about right and that does bring back good old memories of
`Okay. I'll represent to you that it was released in August
`1995. Do you recall what the average size of a hard drive of a
`new computer was back in 1996?
`I do not recall offhand.
`Does about 2 gigabytes sound right to you?
`That could be -- that could be relative. Once again, I
`have worked in the field for a long time, so remembering my
`hard drive back in '96, I couldn't recall for that, but if we
`want to say 2 gig, that seems okay.
`In the demonstrative, there is a picture of something
`called a floppy drive. You remember those, 3 and a half inch
`floppy drives?
`Yes, I do.
`Generally, those held about 1.44 megabytes, right?
`That I do know and do remember, yes.
`Being a expert in cyber security, as you are, you would
`recall back in 1996, the newest computer modems that were
`available to the public employed the V34 standard, which was


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`33.6 kilobits per second, right?
`Once again, if you represent. I don't remember the exact
`speed of the modems. I know they weren't super fast in '96,
`but I don't remember the exact speeds.
`Okay. Nowadays, you would agree that advertised download
`speeds for broadband modems are 200 megabits per second, right?
`That sounds about reasonable.
`So if you divide 200 megabits by 33.6 kilobits per second,
`download speeds today are about 6,000 times faster than they
`were back in 1996, right?
`I will trust your math. Just don't tell me kids I can't do
`math on the fly. I don't let them use calculators. So I would
`need paper and pencil. But I trust that math is correct.
`Okay. So, Dr. Cole, would you agree at least in the
`context of t

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