Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 105 Filed 03/21/17 PageID.2354 Page 1 of 8
` Case No.: 3:17-cv-0183-CAB-(BGS)
`[Doc. No. 47]
`ESET, LLC, a California Limited Liability
`and ESET SPOL. S.R.O., a Slovak
`Republic Corporation,
`Before the Court is Defendant ESET LLC’s Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss Plaintiff
`Finjan, Inc.’s complaint for willful infringement of six patents. [Doc. No. 47.] This
`motion comes to the Court with an unusual procedural history.
`Finjan’s complaint was filed in the Northern District of California on July 1, 2016
`(“N.D. Case”). Earlier that same day, ESET filed a complaint in the Southern District of
`California, 16-cv-1704, for declaratory judgment of non-infringement of one the patents at
`issue in the Finjan complaint (“S.D. Case”). On July 26, 2016, Finjan moved to dismiss
`the S.D. Case in light of the N.D. Case. On July 27, 2016, ESET moved to dismiss the
`N.D. Case in light of the S.D. Case. On September 1, 2016, District Judge James Donato


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 105 Filed 03/21/17 PageID.2355 Page 2 of 8
`stayed the N.D. Case while this Court considered Finjan’s motion to dismiss the S.D. Case.
`On September 26, 2016, this Court granted Finjan’s motion to dismiss the S.D. Case.
`At a hearing on October 6, 2016, Judge Donato lifted the stay in the N.D. Case and
`discussed with the parties setting a case management conference and issuing a scheduling
`order. [Doc. No. 56-3, at 10-11.] Judge Donato instructed the parties to proceed with
`initial disclosures in accordance with the local patent rules and submit a proposed
`scheduling order. [Id.] The court also discussed the negotiation history between the parties
`and mediation potential.
`Although an answer had not yet been filed, there was no discussion regarding ESET
`filing a responsive pleading to the complaint. Defense counsel stated ESET would file a
`motion for change of venue, which was filed November 14, 2016 [Doc. No. 60], he never
`apprised the court however that ESET would also file a motion to dismiss pursuant to Rule
`12(b)(6) to challenge the adequacy of the pleadings under Rule 8. [Doc. No. 56-3 at 16.]
`On October 20, 2016, the parties filed a Joint Case Management Statement [Doc. No. 49]
`as directed by the court, and at the same time ESET filed this motion to dismiss for failure
`to state a claim, that is now before this Court.
`On November 14, 2016, despite the pending motion to dismiss the complaint, Judge
`Donato entered a Scheduling Order [Doc. No. 61] that among other things required: (1) the
`parties make initial disclosures by November 21, 2016; (2) Finjan provide infringement
`contentions by December 9, 2016 and make a Preliminary Election of Asserted Claims by
`January 11, 2017 [Doc. No. 72]; and (3) ESET provide invalidity contentions by January
`20, 2017 and make a Preliminary Election of Prior Art by January 25, 2017 [Doc. No. 74].
`On January 26, 2017, without ruling on the motion to dismiss, Judge Donato granted
`ESET’s motion for change of venue and ordered this case transferred to the Southern
`District of California [Doc. No. 75] and it was ultimately assigned to the undersigned by
`low number rule [Doc. No. 84] with the motion to dismiss still pending. On March 20,
`2017, the Court heard argument on the motion.


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`II. Discussion
`ESET challenges the sufficiency of the pleadings with regard to the allegations of
`direct infringement, inducing infringement and willful infringement of the six patents at
`issue. Although a motion to dismiss is based on the adequacy of the pleading itself, the
`Court does not believe in the context of this particular case that it would be a proper
`application of Rule 1, which directs the Court and the parties to construe and administer
`the rules of civil procedure to secure the just, speedy and inexpensive determination of
`every action and proceeding, for the Court to simply ignore all that has transpired since the
`complaint was filed. The Court will therefore consider ESET’s motion to dismiss in light
`of all the information that has been disclosed between the parties regarding the allegations
`of patent infringement in this case pursuant to the Scheduling Order entered by Judge
`1. Dismissal of all Patents Based on Unsupported Allegations All Claims Infringed.
`Defendant moved in part to dismiss the complaint as to all asserted patents because
`the complaint alleges infringement of every claim of each asserted patent without providing
`plausible allegations specific to each and every claim as to what accused product infringes
`each element of each claim and how. Plaintiff has however at this point, pursuant to the
`court’s scheduling order, narrowed the list to 25 total claims and provided claim charts for
`each of those asserted claims directed to an accused product. The Court therefore deems
`the matter of the sufficiency of the pleadings with regard to the now unasserted claims to
`be moot.1
`Based on Finjan’s Preliminary Election of Asserted Claims and Preliminary
`Infringement Contentions the following claims are presently at issue before the Court:
`1 This determination does not preclude Finjan from seeking to renew allegations of infringement as to the
`withdrawn claims of the patents at issue should Finjan contend it necessary to do so following claim
`construction or with leave of court upon a showing of good cause.


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 105 Filed 03/21/17 PageID.2357 Page 4 of 8
`Type of Infringement Alleged
`Independent Claim 1
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
` Dependent Claim 7
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
` Dependent Claim 11
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
`Independent Claim 15
`Direct 271(a)
` Dependent Claim 16
`Direct 271(a)
` Dependent Claim 21
`Direct 271(a)
`Independent Claim 9
`Direct 271(a)
` Dependent Claim 13
`Direct 271(a)
`Independent Claim 18
`Direct 271(a)
`Independent Claim 1
`Direct 271(a)
` Dependent Claim 2
`Direct 271(a)
` Dependent Claim 7
`Direct 271(a)
`Direct 271(a)
` Dependent Claim 11
`Independent Claim 1
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
` Dependent Claim 2
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
`Independent Claim 9
`Direct 271(a)
` Dependent Claim 10
`Direct 271(a)
`Independent Claim 24
`Direct 271(a)
`Independent Claim 1
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
` Dependent Claim 5
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
`Independent Claim 10
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
` Dependent Claim 13
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
` Dependent Claim 15
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
`Independent Claim 3
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)
` Dependent Claim 6
`Direct 271(a) and Inducing 271(b)


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 105 Filed 03/21/17 PageID.2358 Page 5 of 8
`2. Dismissal of Direct Infringement Claims of ‘621, ‘755 and ‘305 Patents.
`Defendant moved to dismiss the allegations of direct infringement of the ‘621 patent
`and ‘755 patent because they cover systems that include computer hardware elements such
`as a processor and memory, and the ‘305 patent because it covers a system that includes
`the element of a network interface housed within a computer. The accused products are
`security software products so Defendant asserts it does not make, use or sell a product that
`Finjan can plausibly allege meets all the limitations of these system claims. Finjan’s
`infringement contentions however include user guides for the accused software that
`describe hardware system components required to operate the software. To ascertain the
`required or recommended hardware components needed to utilize the software, it is
`plausible that ESET uses a system within the scope of the claims. Unauthorized use of the
`patented system, even for the purpose of developing, testing and improving the software
`products ESET sells can constitute infringement.2 Finjan’s infringement contentions
`provide a sufficient basis for a plausible claim of direct infringement, and the Court finds
`it unnecessary for Plaintiff to amend the complaint to incorporate the information set forth
`in the contentions to meet Rule 8 requirements.3 The motion to dismiss the claims of direct
`infringement of the ‘621, ‘755 and ‘305 patents is denied.
`3. Dismissal of the Indirect Infringement Claims.
`With regard to the allegations of inducing infringement which requires prior
`knowledge of the patents by the Defendant, based on the Plaintiff’s narrowed infringement
`contentions, there are presently four patents to which this allegation is asserted: Claims 1,
`2 ESET denied such use at the hearing, but for purposes of the motion to dismiss such use is a plausible
`3 This determination is limited to whether a sufficient pleading under Rule 8 was, or could be provided.
`It is not a determination in any way on the merits of Plaintiff’s direct infringement allegations. Nor does
`it preclude Finjan from establishing an alternative theory of direct infringement. In its opposition Finjan
`contended that ESET directly infringes the claimed systems by putting the invention into service, i.e.,
`controlling the system as a whole and obtaining benefit from it. Centillion Data Sys., LLC v. Quest
`Commc’ns Int’l, Inc., 631 F.3d 1279, 1284 (Fed. Cir. 2011).


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`7 and 11 of the ‘844 patent; Claims 1 and 2 of the ‘086 patent; Claims 1, 5, 10, 13, and 15
`of the ‘621 patent; and Claims 3 and 6 of the ‘755 patent.
`The complaint on its face alleges that Defendant was notified of the ‘844 patent in
`or about January 22, 2015. [Doc. No. 1 at ¶ 48.] There is no specific date alleged that
`Defendant became aware of the ‘086 patent [id. at ¶ 96], but at argument Plaintiff
`represented it could establish Defendant was notified of the ‘086 patent no later than
`February, 2015. The complaint alleges that the parties engaged in in-person and telephonic
`meetings from October 2015 through April 2016 at which Plaintiff offered element by
`element explanations of its infringement allegations and Defendant nevertheless continued
`to engage in the alleged infringing activities.4 The Court does not find it necessary at this
`juncture for Plaintiff to amend to add the February date of notice of the ‘086 patent to
`plausibly state an inducement claim.
`As for the ‘621 patent and the ‘755 patent, the complaint does not adequately allege
`that the Defendant had knowledge of these two patents prior to the filing of the lawsuit.
`There is a generic recitation that Defendant was aware of Plaintiff’s patent portfolio, but
`that is not sufficient to demonstrate that Defendant specifically knew of these two patents,
`that issued on November 17, 2015 and December 22, 2015, respectively, prior to the filing
`of the lawsuit. Plaintiff did not offer that it could establish a date Defendant knew of these
`two patents earlier than the filing of the lawsuit.
`Defendant therefore argued that the requisite knowledge for inducing infringement
`cannot be established by the filing of the complaint for subsequent acts, citing Mallinckrodt
`Inc. v. E-Z-EM Inc., 670 F.Supp.2d 349, 354 (D. Del. 2009). Plaintiff however countered
`that knowledge of the patents based on the filing of a complaint is sufficient to meet the
`knowledge requirement for an induced infringement claim. See Bascom Research LLC v.
`4 In light of Plaintiff’s reliance in the complaint and in opposition to this motion on the pre-lawsuit
`negotiations as evidence to support allegations of inducing infringement and willful infringement, the
`Court determines that Defendant may also rely upon and use in its defense evidence from those same


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 105 Filed 03/21/17 PageID.2360 Page 7 of 8
`Facebook, Inc., 2013 WL 968210, at *4 (N.D. Cal. Mar. 12, 2013). There is a split among
`District Courts, but the weight of authority in the Northern District of California, where
`this case was originally filed, is that knowledge of the patents can be established through
`the filing. Id. The claim for induced infringement is however, limited to the post-filing
`conduct, which this Court adopts for this case. Consequently, Plaintiff may proceed on the
`inducement claims for the ‘621 and the ‘755 patents for post-filing conduct.
`As with the allegations of direct infringement, the subsequently produced
`infringement contentions provide sufficient allegations that Defendant instructed
`customers in the use of the accused products in systems or methods that would infringe the
`asserted claims. The information is sufficient to put Defendant on notice of what is asserted
`and the Court does not find it necessary in the context of this particular case for the Plaintiff
`to amend to establish plausible claims of inducing infringement.
`The motion to dismiss the inducement claims as to the ‘844 and ‘086 patents is
`denied. The motion to dismiss the inducement claims as to the ‘621 and ‘755 patents is
`denied, but the allegation for these two patents is limited to post-filing conduct.
`4. Dismissal of the Willful Infringement Allegations.
` The complaint alleges that prior to the filing of the lawsuit Finjan put ESET on notice
`of its contentions ESET’s products infringe the patents at issue. Despite that notice and
`related meetings between the parties to address those contentions, the complaint asserts
`that ESET continues to sell products alleged to infringe.
`Willfulness is measured by reference to the knowledge of the accused infringer at
`the time of the challenged conduct. See Halo Electronics Inc. v. Pulse Electronics, Inc.,
`136 S. Ct. 1923, 1933 (2016). The complaint states sufficient facts to allege ESET’s
`continued sales are willful. ESET may introduce evidence of its response to Finjan’s notice
`of infringement and the steps it took to address those contentions. The motion to dismiss
`the willful infringement allegations is denied.


`Case 3:17-cv-00183-CAB-BGS Document 105 Filed 03/21/17 PageID.2361 Page 8 of 8
`III. Conclusion
`ESET is ordered to file an answer to the complaint no later than April 3, 2017 in
`accordance with this order. The parties are further ordered to file a joint proposed schedule
`for a tutorial and claim construction hearing no later than April 3, 2017. The parties are
`instructed to meet and confer to determine a maximum of 15 claim terms or phrases that
`require construction and are deemed the most significant to resolution of this matter.
`Additional terms or phrases may only be submitted for construction upon a showing of
`good cause. Finally, plaintiff is directed to lodge with the Court any claim construction
`orders issued by any other courts on these patents no later than April 3, 2017.
`Dated: March 21, 2017

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